The Signal, 1926-11-25, Page 7Sunday A f ternoov By ISABELIL1J11LTON, (ioelerich• tint. l for that choicest blooming Of living in Thy love. And thus on earth poinereliug The peeve of heaven above: O for the bliss tltat by it The soul securely knows, The holy cal mend quiet Of faith's Serene repose: -J. S. B. •MuWtell. PRATER We thank Thee. Lora Jesus, for the knowledge we have that Thou wilt never leave nor forsake that. who put their trust In Thee. Delp us to cleave unto Thee with all our heart and soul and thus find rest. Amen. S. S. LESSON FOR DEC. 51h. 1926 Lennon Titles-Kuth and Naomi. Lesson 1' eutet--Kush I:11-22. Golden Text -Ruth 1:16. In the I • ol: of Ruth ae have a abort history of the douneetle 'affairs ,f the family of Klimek..It alt" liv.al lir the time of the Judge,. -1 famine fell upon tl a land of Canaan where Ellmelveh lived. The ctllldrrn of Is- rael had been, rotd to expee' to trod it a laud flowing with' milk and honey.. _-_ThC�-flld asat_tlad .. i1 a fruitful laud_ butit wax 1 ecause of their slim that the famine cause, as God hod threat- ened it would *tumid they (tweak.. 1111.t 1 1.,.v. 26:162(11. cad. -t•• •.► !uuerthey country. so lise with his wife and two -aims, 'went Into the hand of Mault on the east side of Jordan. ober.. there WW1 11'• xy-r••Itr L• h.." .... tn.• Jnn.I Of Israel ite.d1d not forsake the tial of tercel but he put temptation in the way of him some. Ile did nut Intend to :w settle in the land of Moab but to s,t- • "urn until the fn mine was over. but 1 the, meantime he died. ' its sone inatl'Cled heathen women and saran after they alio died. leaving three lonely women.. Naomi hearing that the days of the ✓ famine Io her own land were ended. • derided to return and lair daughter*. IMaw natomlaanied her. ns an act ..f Oriental courtesy. to the border,. of their own land. There she urged them to return but thea (wing truly attached to her were min;el to go farther. Naomi. though deeply touches by thio sign of affection. urge) them the more to return each to her mother'• hoose. Rhe thnnked thein, for their kltulnesa to her anti te tier sans and prayed that the heard would de ni graeiousty with them- This caused them te weep and to profess a (determination to go forward with her. L saying, "Surely we will return with thee unto thy Ieeple." Naomi thea pointed out to tbem how very little abe (•"gild offer them if they p.eradateel in their resolve. She did not wish them to take. under temporary ex- citement. a Step they might afterwards The Doctor I(no:Ars l4 t 1. . r, u reitrt.- r Iq ti ,ritr::..1Itd. 1- ringfnZaoellt- irg qual.tr.a. Ur. Jos. Aura. Simi,. of St. M. dore. Que.. writes: -- "I have frequently used Micard's Liniment and a:w Y.cset it. it fur my patients •Iwoys with the most 'ratifying results. and 1 consider it the hest •Ibround liniment". C. A. King, M.U. also recommends Minard'a In the following words: - '1 have used Minari's Liniment myself as well as prescribed It In my practice when a liniment was required. and have never failed to get the desired effect". 77 WSW QUICKLY BANISHED "I suffered years of agony through blind itching piles," says Mrs. W. Hughes, obi Hochelaga St., Montreal. "Pain, loss of strength, complete misery, was my daily Ict until I came across Zam-Buk. I know now that there is nothing on earth to equal this grand herbal healer. Since it lifted me from misery my earnest wish is to make Zam-Buk known to all sufferers." ear. nos. Mtivee Pain Like Magic)! THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. "NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD FRIENDS." regret. The arguments of Naomi pre- vailed with 'Orpah.. who returned to her tri iide and her gods. But Ruth elate unto her. After parting with ilrpir-rn ibe cualomary faaitlun of the Earl. Naomi Agnlu tried to prevail up- on ltuth to turn hack. urging her Ms- ter's example, but I gunn•ut by entreating her to (rats her urgitage. for she was rdived to go Gir- 1 SII, would trace with her; elle would dwell with he ; she , would Join interests with her: .ilo' would John In religion with her Alla nothlug but death would part them. She bark,.l tip this rr.olutioe with a sellout' oath which pact an end to the wool,,' strife for Naomi when tape sant Ruth was ateadfaetly minded to Ho with her. then elle left speaking itut, her. That now bring like-minded jour- neyed oa day after day until they reachedBethlehem. ,Their appear - a„••• in the city created considerable ex••itement. ARUetions bad made •1eh surprising (long,* in her In the time she was gone tint her friends could only ask "is thio Naomi''" 'She wax not distnrhhi by their words and. without any murmuring Agalnxt her IOL rhe fold them her afflictions were from Go41. The hand of fits Al- mighty writ, In it all. She had gone out full and she had returned empty but the iw.rd had not forsaken her soul. She could say. "Now no chastening for the present twentieth to be anyone. -hitt grtevons : nevertheless. • afterward It yieldeth the peaceable fruit of right- eousness onto -11 1-m WTairh are erer- ristrll therelil-." (itch. 122:111.' WORLD MISSIONS .1 Korean VIM of America Alice Kim. a Korean (`hrlutlan wo- mom. who recently visited the United. State.. gives her Impresslons of Atutriea as follows: 1. The plentlfulneoe: - Everyone looked well dressed and well fed. it seemed to me thnt every wand' place T sow waft a place to eat or a place to hug food- .- 2. The wastefttlne.s.-Ridtn( by Automobile through forests. i sow wood Tillie on The ground. I thought of my own Korean people (old and even freezing in winter for lack of fuel. The food tett on the plate In America would feed many thouteanl4 of hungry people in Korea. 3. 'rhe friendihtei.e.-Tile people are kind. especially to foreign ran - (lento. 1 often wondered why people were so kind to me. but I know it was because they love Christ. The home lite Its America Is a ntost potent in- fluence. especially in the West. 4. The hriutlan opmt in America otrntk me very Toreihty. Two years In . Amerces deepened my experience And my love for Korea and her wo- manhood. 1 got a new vision of wo- Aran'. work in the world, it is te- cnrtee of Chillies love that. woman- hood holds itis blab plass in (7hliadai Innis. -The Knrcrnp Weston Field. Indigestion aid Bilious Spells Mrs. Kempton Crocker, Hantaport BLhopville, Kings Co., N.S. writes:- "M husband suffer- ed from kidney and liver derangements and lame ban, for two years. Nothing seemed to help him. We read in Dr. Chase's Almxnne of Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver pills and he tried them. By the time he had taken two boxes he was quite well again. PERHAPS it has never occurred to you that your troubles from indigestion are really caused by torpid liver action and consequent constipation of the bowels. Stomach tablets and lotions sometimes afford temporary relief but they do not get at the cause. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills positively remove the cause of trouble by their direct and combined action on the liver, kidneys and bowels. A single box will convince you of their efficiency. Dr.Chase'sKidney-LiverPills 35 eta. a box, all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto 2, Canada By Miss Peggy Harvey SURE -I'LL GET some CREAM Fli'OM THE MILKWEED NOW, BILLY 8U6, 1 F YOU CAN FIND SOME CREAM SOMEWHERE WE SHALL. NAVE STRAWSEii,SIES AND CREAM FOR SUPPEf� 1 Little Tom Thvtwb,tho1 wet little mon,. d Once lived for tayear fin on empty con. , And little Tomllitanbhgd o r• • ,,ogh nide. The eon to o -d s tot I Laos tit KI -HI -KI -W !� KI -WI DEAR DEAR DEAR' THIS POOR PUP IS - ALMOST FRIGHTENED TO DEATH WHOEVER TIED MY LITTLE SHALK TO HIS TAIL HAS A MEAN DISPOSITION- f / Thursday. November 25, Hlekt.-T AIK CANADA WARNING TO USERS OF RADIO All Radio Receiving Sets MUST be Licensed Penalty on summary conviction It' n fine not exceeding Z$50.O1) License Fee $1.00 per annum I,icenwm, valid to 31st Match, 1927, may be obtained from : Staff Past ()Meets, Radio healers, Radio Inspectors, or from Radio Branch, Department of Marine anis Fisheries, Ottawa A. JOHNSTON, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries Watch for the Signal's New Serial Story - We Are Authorized Agents in this District for A. C. Dayton Radios A Set would make an ideal Christmas Gift for anyone of the family 111 \Ve will flenunastrate this Raclin Set at your home or at our store at any Dine The wee mon thought that a bad cyclone lads tossincThis horse and bruising his bone, Tossing up the dust- like a pairof whecfs. Then_he knew that tie pup Laos afraid for hig life So, be cut 1'f,e cruel string with his sharp little knife . Until he sow the puppy- dog's terrified heels Little Tom Thumb has a great big kind heart. VOTE ON QUESTION OF HOSPITAL BONDS Deputation .1sks Thal Bylaw Be Sub- mitted to the Ratepayer; At the met•ting of the town council on Friday- evening all the memhera were present except Councillor Turner. A deputation from the Uoeitvich hos- pital hoard. cunalstipg of Menses. It. J. Megaw, E. V. Lesslle and 4;eu. Wil- Ilatus, was heard in support of a re, quest that the tr/tlneil submit a4 bylaw to the electors to provide for the raising of funds to retire the out- standing bonds of the hospital, aniountin(s to $8.000. � On mutton of Councillors Cr*pgle and Iwo the request was referred] to the finance committee. Eingiiries made to the Mnyor by 11. W'. I'etrle k Co. and, Thus. Sandy fur prices ora some of the machinery at the -National" plant were referred to committee with power to act. Applications for building permits, ns follows, were referred to the fire committee: Geo. Bowra, porch on dwelling, Cameron street; L. L. Knox, roofing dwelling, East street. An application from Tbonlne J. Anderson for permission to tnstail a second gasoline pump and tank at the corner at ('amhrla road and Eight are- mne, and an application from R..1. iInward. far permits/don to install tt stabil l,tnttip.and tank ha front of his. -.neer. OIL Khagatof 'dead. were refer- red to the •,title works committee. . A" arid/eatIne for peraileaten - to erect nn electric., sign over the alde- anik at the corner of East street and the Square. where a hafe Is being opened, was sent on to the public works committee. The public worn committee recom- mended' that the petition for a cement midewalk on the north side of Nelson street. from Victoria street to Albert, 1e laid over until next year. The com- mittee reported that repairs had been made to the dwelling adjoining the town hall and It had %w..n rented to George Beacom at $15 a month from December let. Tle sneclal cnmmltt(e reported that the, police had toren tnstnteted te en- -.wee 11e hill posters bylaw and made reonuaendatiunm ns follows: That 4 he water and light •nmmtsslnn he re- quested to ennneet Up wiring of the pollee Hoek width has he'ome 11191 - connected ; naconnected: that tone copy of the pro- ceedings of the 1026 Canadian Tax and Civil Service J1cwwreh Conference be purchased nt a price of 12: that the solicitor be irtetrut'ted to prepare the necessary bylaw making Ametntments- tn'the rentanrant bylaw. as passed by the eounoll October Bat. The finance committer' recom- mended that $5410. balance of the 1026 grant. he poli to the puddle library hoard, and that. the fax enilector he credited with =.'t1.71. amount of road - nil charger againat town lot IMM, Victoria Park. nod into 040 and 900. The Bre committee reported ars prornl of the appointment of Louis Gorier no n member of the fire bri- gade and yeenromended that a rubber. coat he purchased as ret uitalel by lire brigade. The application of Ilern for n permit to Imilel a garage at the rear of his store was lain over pendent receipt of further detail. These reports were all adopted. The matter of prepnring local im- provement sewer debenture bylaws, the printing of debentures and use of bomb, was referred to the Matinee committee, On motion of the Deputy Reeve and the Reeve the special committee was asked to bring In n report on the - icing and re -weighing o -Toads f coal by the pollee. The tire committee was instrieteil to have the fire alarm moved from the hall in the town all to 4114.dwcllittg ndJohtlt ir the town hall and to report on the matter of providing a room for the fin•men. 7'he public works committee was rem questeel to, report on (he matter of 1V• ronti-Sulking epttipment and for rood c fumla-for the purt'hase of a eunstruction. The mintier of providing funds to pony the town's share of the cora of the con- erett• road prn•emen1 constructed by the 1'ruvinee was referral to the fin- eme committee. ilfeetars. Wm. Wallace rind G. i.. i'Arsous appeared before the council inbehalf of the curling club and ae1k1vI for the use of the building on Newgnte street for the winter as In mist .moony-_Thg matter was referred ta. public works committee fur a report. The Mayor and Reeve gave oral re• ports of the meeting of the Great LakesHarbors .leen(-kation nt Buffalo Inst w/tk, Alta{ (' tune or Lee' submit- ted a report of the annual meeting of ' 1114.Blue Wnler Highway Assoeiatien at Until Sound on November 15th. :lfter hearing these reports the coutmH mowed a rote of thinks to the delegates, aril then adjourned. [HE STORY OF JOSEPH MARTIN FEELS LIKE A NEW MAN SINCE TAKING "FRUIT-A-TIYES" Ma. JOSEPH MARTIN The story of Mr. Joseph Martin of St. Urea',... C. re::da like a modern miracle. His was an an- nually bad cane of indigcntion. Ia him own word,. he write,.. "Fol about top year!' 1 could not digest My food. Fora year i t!ouid not week, i had no strength and I could hardly eat. 1 was like dead. Now f work and eat as much ax I like and feel like a new man. Your "Frnita-tives have relieved me ,itemelttely, and i would have died without your remedy. I am thankful to you, as you have saved a martyr of dyspepsia," (Signed) Joseph Martin. "Putt -a -Oyes" are different from any other medlelne,, being made of the Intensified juices of fresh ap- ples. oranges, figs and prunes eembined with Males. They will e you prompt relief. 26. and a box- at all dealers. a, . • • Senator Tom's ('areer Exeter Times -Atli -ma t : Another of the Exeter Old boy, is carving out a political career in --Ela-lend wt the- Stare heStars and `tripes. Frank W. K. Tom bar just been elected -hi the Senate or Ohio. representing the city of Toledo and Lucas county, defeating his Dettto- crafie opponent nearly two to one, Senator Tom has been ti member of the House of Representatives of Rhin and at the ricent election was the Rem 11111111( Ali si:a ih11)ar,1-tut:, rer far Ilse• Upper Donee. Senator Tom is the 1inw 'Mary 8A. Tom and a brother of J. E. Tom, 1.I'.S., of (lodcrich and (Dr. r Sweet, Mimes Nancy and Mary Tom. of Lown. it WAS in the old log house` on the Tout farm. twit Sud a half miles mist of l;xeter, he first SAW the light nt day, where he spew, his boy- bond_ilayr_ and attended School at old No. 5. nod at the age of sixteen movetl to lean and entered the establlebtu tet 01 the late Janes Plcknrti. ieaving Exeter in 1•m147 he mond the next thir- teen years tit Itrockville alai mown. genic to Toledo in 11e year 1900. The Settntor hnu worked himself up in eonanerr11,1 life to retire from Nisi - Stress in 1922. 11e married Misr Mary lie::xln•.ur, or S rand Itnpi i . flak,. and they hate thrive daughters and one pa. Like meet of :he old boys from iluro). he has not forgotten his home- land nnet 11,unlly spends a part of each aummt•r At Gendcr'ich and Exeter. REPORT Or 1106 SHIPMENTS for weekendingNnt-embe(t ls, 11120: Goat- Me- An- ilurnn r1'kh Ginty horn Comity Teta' hogs -. 27 57 sit 1672 Spiel Aaron . 7 10 25 rni Tlul k smooth 111 39 31 045 lleat•ies 2 Et f res 1Sidf �' Dt Shop home .. 4 Eights and frv•ders • HILL'S HARDWARE, AUBURN Phone 5 3, Dungannon Central A General Line of Hardware - The Service Stere Owen Sound Motor Coach Transit Company Owen Sound, Walkerton and Goderich TIME TABLE Effective .:cpd it. 1:I2h Leave A.M. P.M. Owen Sound 7.30 4:00 hilsyth 750 4.25 Tara 8.15 4.50 I nvermay 8.20 4.55 lobhinglon .-.- 8.35 5.15 ('Iwsley 8.55 5.35 Elmwood 9,10 5.55 Hanover 9.30 6.10 Walkerton ..Arr. 9.50 6.30 Lve. 6 50 Leave A.M. Goderkh 7.30 Dunlop 7.40 Loyal 7.55 luhurn 8.10 Blyth .... 8.25 Belgrade ........ 8.40 11ingharn 8.55 Teemeater - 9.20 Greenock 9.45 11alkertoo Arr. 10.05 Gre'tradt 1(1.03 7.03 Lve. Teewaater 10.35 7.30 Hanover 10.23 1lingham 11.03 7.51 Elmwood 10.45 Itelgrxre 11.20 8.10 Chester 11.06 I(IyUt 11.3i 8.23 INihbington 11.20 luburn 11.50 8.40 Invertnay 11:3 1,..) al 12.03 8b6 Tara 11.30 Dunlop 12.10 IGH Kilsyth 11.55 Goderirh 11.20 1.15 (teem Sound 12 20 FARES Owego Sound to I:oderirl ..$3.75-Tywwater to Greenock ..30e Wingham to Teemwalsr . 30e Itetwe•en other towns Dunlop to Gtrlerieh 1 uc STOP AT CROSS ROADS -stop tae at any cross road or farm (.alt• and 1 drop you anywhere on route P.M. 4.00 4.05 4.20 4.35 4:50 5.06 5.20 5. 6.10 6.25 6.43 7.05 7.25 7.13 8.08 8.25 8.30 8.55 9.20 YYr00440 0000 0440 04000 70 A COMPLETE RANGE OF QUALITY Personal Christmas Cards The Signal Printing Co., Limited 0.4 T1YT1y 4 04k4240 4f0000€9f0 REPRESENTING Ti IL FEST VALUES IN CANADA New Designs Correct Styles 71 0, iYt In olden times when the barber A ,totaling the hxlrent, he enquired. �jiY� "wet or drt'1" Now- he open. the cnn- t•ersntlon that way. -St. (tntberinee Standard. 4,4 Personal Greeting Cards Solve the Christmas Gift Problem SEE OUR SAMPLES NOW ri[ Telephone .35 • 1