The Signal, 1926-11-18, Page 6CHINA We have just received a large shipment of English China of charming pat- terns and designs. All pieces moderately priced to suit any individual taste. Wall Paper Our new fall Wall Paper is now being shown, with wonderful designs and col- orings. Prices from I0c to $1.50 per roll. i'ou are invited to 'Salt our .tore at any time and look around al your leisure. Coles mak Store Porter's ' "' THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. lake ups'11 blw:etf the t•uwman,I nt "NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD FRIENDS" their forcer ag*tu.t the •.Midlauftes. An angel appeared to him when, he. was bucy threading corn and said to how; "T1µ' Lord .s with thee. thou mighty- luau ltidlalor: go In this thy might. and thou *butt nave Isreel from the baud of the Stldlauttes: have not l sent thee.:- lit today's ,.. d, Lea the Lying out o[ shut gree' oowmtssiou. We are told that the yiirlt of the lard came upon Gid- eon and he scut messengers through out the country and the people docked 10 his command. coming even from the more -distant tribes whose laud as yet hail not been deyaststel by the foe. until his army numbered thirty-two thousand. Now. bating sure of God's presence with him.- Gideon lost no time in setting his army in the best possible lwe:Ilion. fie hitched near a faunas well, that there ndght he no lack of water for his troops. awl up- on hk i ground overlooking the totem! In the valley. But before any attack was made he again heard th. voice of the lard gaying that the army was too strong even though small in eon parison to that of the enemy. titan would leave them no chance for hoes-- ing afterwards, no he reduced their numh'rx by two teats. Ile ordered Gideon to proclaim in the ears of the people saying. Whowa v.r la fearful and afraid let him return and deport from Mount Gilead. Tbis reduced the array to ten thousand. fie again said to Gideon. the people ere yet too any. bring them ,Iowa unto the water, and I will try Shat for thee there. It is still the custom In that land for tbe natives to use xi loth modes of drinking deecrltwd here. Sunday Afternoon By ISABELHAMILTON, (loderich, 1)nt. "But broken pitchers bearing light - Tet Gideo*'a boat triumphant bang: And through Ste stillness of the camp Their shout* of victory ung. Nome go down on their knees and. berettag forward, put their lips to the water; (Alters merely stoop and 'lap up a few handfuls. Those that did the n na *ray wereiitWThtat' wed and pod said unto Gideon. Ey the three hundred men that lapped wilt 1 sere you. and deliver the Midi- anites into thine band. All the rest went back unto their tents. Ile must IP Nreard and Stitt by' faith or not at m1. r in the night time the Lord again spike to Gideon. tNltog him to take enc man andgo down .into the eaanp• of the enemy and tepy nut the situa• tion. The sight was app,eiliug. for the' men lay along in tbe valley 1A. gess+• • .\ shipwreck, and but broken spars, ,h.ppers for multitude and the camels All tossed upon an angry =hi: were without number. It wee, how• Net one of them enabled Paul MelttaIt coast to gain. "A broken body on the cross, A wound whence blood and water flow; That every fettered child of sin Might full d.liverante know. And in that -feast of mesery The broken bread. the poured out • wine. lu wheat .manner speak to ns _1ls.ut the Tuve_ divine, "How dear to 1:..11 are broken things, %•i.* power In ills liana they gain; Ttiet 11n'u1t Him with your shattered I iesr implements In their hniols-trmil• I hopes. pets ,and pitchers with later: hnid,•. And Iselies racked. with pain." H•• then 141.truetel them to 11114 -Anna Temple. ever, not whet he snw but what he beard that heartened him. Ile over- heard two soldiers talking. Sine of them told 8 dream he hall. it seemed a very f.wtlieh dream. for in tr he saw n barley enke tumble Into the camp'uf the Midianite -s, knock down a tent and bury thdite in it. The other sol - .tier undertook -to interpret the dream saying. "hila is nothing else• care the sword of'Gldeon. for into his hands h'htb God delirererl Mi411811. 1141 all 1110 host." .\t .' ee 4:141'4111 r.--ntmito4l the 1 hand --14 tintl inttringhIw jtlm_-rir ris-t-H spot and he worshipped, and then set oft t4 Iii" own men and called diem 1,1- 10 netion. 111. (lade them take harm - PRAYER ••t► ter a faith that will not shrink. :though pressed by tunny a foe. a faith that shines more bright and clear when thin/w'sta rage without." Lord give its suck' n faith as this for the saki. 11.1 Jesus our Lord. Amen. S. ti. LESS41N POR NOrr'. 020th, 1925 Nash n[ lirbtnln((, and every man Leeson Title --lade n and the Three. Tried out with a Mighty ahotif, "16! Aundrevl. sword of the Lord. not ..f Gideon.- so Leeson Passage. --Judges 7:1-25. *added and In the 'had of nigh' was Golden Text-Eph. 1:10. 1'1110 atu,ek slut all the host ran. and In the prw•eding chapter w"• read thnt Israel dist evil in the right of the Lord awl 11' de11rery'4I them into the hand of )lidisn. they eitne upon them is wm•11 i ii itwre float sinful 1 h}- tI .,• soldier* that had been dia- Iarael Iut.I not spirit enough to runlet missed tvhe'tt 11a' Maroc hmalrrl were and took refuge in 41r184 anal caste. chowm as well ny the faint-hearted 14) as he did. That mighty host that had at different time* for seven years ' terrorlsel the Israelites was nosy to he rmtF4-antt mined by terror. call- nam divided his eompany into three seetienw and marched to the outside of the camp of the Mtdlnnites and they blew the trumpets. At the ,.ante 1141Pe 118011/41 their pitcher.. making 14110 great crashing . noise while. the light" Inside les& a glaring show like a cries end tied, while alt the time (114- an1'4 conn stood sent round 441 11 tk.• r. This This.greet victory was followed up r Foe years, your after year, did the Midianite.. an tendo of robbers, alukt' inroads u(wa the eountry, garry- ing off corn. *beep and oxen, until e1 last in 'JesLMyir of succor from Baal Israel cried unto the t,nrd. Then the limit sent a prophet who n•miu.4•d then, of the greet things boil had 1141414' fur them Io the peat and. told them thpsl• t.rwient eelardties had f/altew up- ir them bewails,• they had not obeyed (141d's voice. We are not told what effect the pro.ching of this prophet half--ti1, ,-th.o pcopl. but immetllntdy ane' we_tutte--the caping of tlidi'nt to wino went home. returning and great was the .slaughter. "Today IPtd is fighting against sin nun nrg-r 11is lar+.le and ' the church's ls•at wetett•.sn -art /-ruwla•IIt 1aa4 loons the proclaims! len 1.1 ('hrl-tis 118 me and work, and the light of godly 111144.4." \hxiuuler McLaren. Dill. Bet tile! woman who says age la vJl r Q • By Miss Peggy Harvey iAWFuL L SGOODNEgORD• f DO YOSTOPU AT WANT TO DRIVE 1 -IE To THE MOON AGAIN?. VOU LEAVE IWAT CAT ALONE, WHILt1(iS FIDDLING HE IS NOT DOING MAY ONER ANY 17 err. By THE TWITCHINli or MY TAIL 1 FEAR 1'M GETTING ANGRY. y' TEE -HE E -HE E , GE E' 11415 IS FUNNY' IF THAT'S THE BEST YOU CAN 00, PUSS,YOU MIGHT AS WELL DROWN YOURSLF AS STARVE Ts DEATH. IT Will BE Eur PAINETIL IF YOU NAVE Tb DROWN YOURSELF NAVE TIMES_ `. HeyDiddle, diddle' The cot and the fiddle, 4- The car and the violin: he played, for his dinner but grew thin- and ihinntr;'(+• ----Aiwa His playing was not worth o Pen.4W,iii.tSt' ITV J 0,4 t31t A MAD 4T i THAT'S WMAT I Am: v./HAT 15 TWE MATTER WIN MY PLAYING, ANY WAY? AND &RANDSIRE 4AVE HIS VERY LIFE FOR THE FIRST FIDDLE - STRING GOOD GRIEF' HERE is WHERE I Pull USP MY SOCKS! C4.2 -c"-1, 1 PooR Olt) Puss: I DON'T e1 t1EHIr1 FOR LOS NC? WS TEr1d'E R IT WAS MEAN To TEASE _ NIM -HE ISHUNGRY Too Hey: Diddle, diddle: The cat broke his fiddle, And vowed he Would play never more, Bii would hunt mous[ ondrot' like the commonest car 1 Thot ever crept -through arable door 1 lltl'""` \it /��'1/r''-Iv�r41 4:di0.11't- '- q c r1 � (t Hey Diddle, Diddle! Here's the same old Cat, the sante old Cow, and the ams old Fiddle. RADIO I am authorized agent for De Forest -Crossley New Radio Sets 1 Canadian set made for Canadian conditions. New model* in stock. (all or 'phone for a demonstration. F. R. MILLER Service Station Cor. Elgin Avenue and Victoria St. --! NEGLECTED ANAEMIA remained unchanged. MT teachers a at a me .\t Last one of :turned the cull a box of I)r. 1 of the Williams' l'ink Pills. and fail nd 1 had hardly to I'ink Pills Often Leads to a Decline -Enrich finished It when I timid feel an im- Ito myfriends and :41111111111128 41114 when _ the Blood byTakingD h rot'ement ,in my coiAithon. 1 - . tiunwl ' a tonin is needed." F• ._�-the nap of tha rdlts for _ w,m, m I You can get these pills from your Williams' Pink Pills longer. and I can hardly- tell all thedruggist. or by mail At !cit neat• a ti.ii[ hey did me. ' 1 gained to I from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., their strength &u -l- we . t and,TlteCalor re- 11roebl Itte: Ont. my cheeks. gr8 fins t w 1. I)r. 1tV i l l l a m s' and. At terns ed.m rntend In their t•arir teals it is quite con Ronal they mon Inc girls to .futgrnw strength. ' and mother* ahmll/f care- fully watch the health of their daugh- ters at this timefor it is when strength is sapped by rapid growth that anaemia develops. The first signs may •he,nottr'et by pa'rishnees. languor and Iteadaehet. The face grows pale. breathlr•snes* and pitlpitat0n follow. With low aptrtta. At the first symptom of anaemia mothers should act at once. Neglected anaemic often leads 10 Ileellno. but 1f you wee tllht your daughter's blood is enricher there need he no cause for anxiety. The titud.t bloom eirinlwr-.,- \' a' P eta' dial o1i f red is Hr, Williams' illi8tn !ink fills. The pure. rt -i b1,ww1 trea11l1 by thew pills Witt quiekly banish all signs of nunwnta. They win build up role• girl's health end t'nm,re -her a robnat girlhood. (live your daughter n stn :• or The mind would tell " dare alass-.l1-.Duan*'_PInk Pals do her •tu[ in a tomtit; (atN.r.-Slur• snow'. Stake her strong like thousands Tal.' Cettrier-rltpr,s- girl* tfhn hair w'Pr h' -nod frintt titre eltlichee nit ianal•mtn Tly Sir liattlh• Pink Plllx. flee. 1. a bit of iwoof 11 bei Mary Vend 1ttl ('aha 044000 06,00 0414 000V:40 A COMPLETE RANGE OF QUALITY 0,4 44 Personal 0 O Christmas Cards 0 REPRESENTING THE BEST VALUES IN CANADA 0 • ?\ ew Designs Correct Styles 4 Personal Greeting Cards Solve the Christmas Gift Problem SEE OUR SAMPLES NOW 1-- 44 44 The Signal Printing Co., Limited Telephone 35 0000000000% s �j,��lj j \r .[(M,� 0 FAVO ITE HYMNS D N IRv� ft8 "(hod Moven* in a Mysterious Way' work seems to have been 1114- better. The author of this hymn. William • for more of his hymns hart become Cowper. mus horn at Great Iterkkam• famofs that of these of Newton'. stt•twi. 1':ngla eb n1 1731. 111b• father was �rwi•tR iw,Iuiell Cowper to do same s - s- ter --- - r d the parish. _TTS irNi111 to for of I o Hr riMtwl the rick. when he was six. and that was Abe : prr11lY work. I first 1� * aeries of hitter sorrows. He ,'•in1Ma•twd week -day m1•otLtg.i and corn - was sent to We.tminster school when ` {"'seal many hymns 10 be s11011 atter he wax ter. and his extremely venal- the sermon. Rut .ore again the tiro dialuos tion mode lilt an 14bie•t of nw-24410 hokr Htd to.At possession of ridicule and persecution from rougher . ('11wper. it is gcto-rnfly *reed that lad.. hen: Inter he sttallwb PAW and ' the 1'ynvt '•4/.>tt. Rosea to a Mywtertoue was-adtntttrrtt-to.-.tts-tier in 1704. hot Wnv' was written -after• Cowper had -auvws tv ha• -r made aa.-aerlutweattempt cassis• All Mtemp t-- et afield*. The - tn prntttie. The. qualities of atone- hymn was written about the year 1773 aloe and quick decision. Po neceoanrr *1111 it "n. of hl w hestaknowu. Other found in Owen Sound Motor Coach Transit Company Owen Sound, Walkerton and Goderich TIME TABLE Effective Sept 14, 1926 A.M. P.M. Leave A.M. PJM - 7.30 4:00 4:admit% .....• 7.30 4.00 7.50 425 .... 5.15 610 La9'aI • •.• .. 7.53 4.0 5.20 M � •• ••• 23.10 4.36 -1_ --Bb _ �. 8.25 4.90 lit it _ Belgrare .. L.40 5.K �i f3i TV/pngtsas 5.55 5.20 0.110 6.10 Teenrater 9.00 5.45 ..Arr. 010 5.30 Greenock 9.46 6.10 Lee. 510 Walkerton Arr10.06 5.25 Leave Owen Sound Kilsyth Tara Invenosy Dobbingtoa Cheeky Elmwood Hanover Walkerton Greenock Teeswater W tnghain Belgra v e Blyth Auburn Loyal Dunlop Goderieh ..10.05 7.06 las. 6.46 10-35 7.30 Hanover 10.26 7.06 11.05 7123 Elmwood 10.45 7.25 1120 8.10 Cheeky 11.06 7.43 11.35 5.26 Dobbingt o 1120 5.06 11.50 5.40 invortway 1125 5.25 12.05 5.55 Tara 11.30 5.30 12.10 9.00 Kllaytb 11.66 5.55 1220 9.15 Owen Sound 1220 920 FARES Owen Sound to Godorieh ..33.73 Tet.water to Greenock ....300 Wingh t. Tea water ....30e Between other towns the Dunlop to Goderieh 15e STOP AT CROSS ROADS -stop ole at any cross road or (arm gate and i drop you anywhere on route SCHOOL of COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO Students May Enter at Any Time Why Not Attend the School that Has the Highly Qualified Staff ? The only School that teaches real Practical Busines Training from "tart to finish. Where High School Students and Teachers are taught apecialiu•tl expert t-raining_in Btlainess Administration and Secretarial Seienee and are sure of a good position, Lapid pro- nlntion and Lig income. COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teacher's -. - - Course and Special Courses Arranged For full information write to B. F. WARD, B.A., Phone 198 Principal hi auceq s in the legal profedealou. bye' , tnmmt, N.B. soya: -"Three year+ ego nearly 811 1104 s err: "There rA e while atteadlwere quite lacking in him. Byer *suer . flit a Come-on. 1 *wiled his twentieth year, Cowper hod shown Fountain Livid with Blood. "flume - witslaird to graduate. Th' ','snit sigiie of brain dixenw', and throtaheut tio'. a Livid surprise.," Yl, for a w"rix 1 1114.11n14. ♦u-ry uervou" and {pit PO 'in life was clouded with this afnie- Closer Walk With rind." "Hark. My thin and (ale 111y teachers thought tt,a. in, l became a vk•tim of moan. Poul. It 18 the Lord.- and "Jenne\ they would have to send me home„boil. I R'here'er Thy Teeple Meet.- ('nutter a atld Auffereuuutterabk an - my parents sent me. blit rayvenation tank different kinds of 11111.4114.11114 which lived to 1*- sixty-nine and while his guish. Ills condition became such lest days were clouded he did speed that Sheen wee nothing left hut to wend many years of (Inlet naefnlneAA in the him to au asylum. rhe sympathetic erening of /611/11fP. `treatment he renewed th, re enabled , h its to remover, at haat to viten an ex- tent that the delusions faded. and ! "Gad Moves in a Mysterious Way" after 8 'onvnlewenee of less than two God moves In a myst.•rionr way. yt'nrs he -left thnt Institution.Hla mantle a to perform; I' is nc•r was fortunate In big friend- He plants MA font-tepa in the sea. shlp>. itcv. Mr. )'nwto and his tam- 1 And rides upon the storm. 11y. w 1 1 had previously shown 11i111 much kindness. gladly received him ; Deep In unfathomable mines into their home and treated Idm with I Of never -failing skill, g reat tenderness. Soon afterwards he He treasure* up His bright deslgnP formed a friendship with Rev. John And works HIA Aoveretgn will. Newton. curate of a near -by pnrlilt. Itifferent as the two men were in many 1'e., f,tnrfnl saint*, fresh ronrnge take! dl reied+. they . hart yet mneh in cam- a •e•e elands ye so much dread mos 1111 their friendhlp was probably Are big w•bh merey. And "heli break the brightest s1"st In Cowper's and lite. 1 in blessings on your head. ' Ne1t111.1_ was himself a great. hymn - writer. He wrote each favorites as Judge n.t the Lord by feeble sense, "How /Sweet the Name of Jewiit 1 Rut trust Him for His grace: `bunds," '1ih ,1Oil" Things of 'rhe' 114.1111141 A frowning prnvhdk•nec- Are P(s.k,•n." and many Others. lIe 1 He I1i114s n smiling face. -•ass the neessity of key:tiag ('ow leer's mind occupied and It WA PI Is• who 0rtg- , Ills purposes will ripen fest Rested That the two should onmlwdse a t'nfor.Mng every hnnr: ,'teepee it hymns together. .\ s-,•ry The buil may have a hitter mete. famous rolle'tlon. widely known ns 'nut sweet will he the Sower. the '1'111'• . Hymns." yeas the result (11 the .'lltr•tloe of font hundred and blind unbelief is Hire to err fifteen hymns. Newton wrote three And wean Hir works In vein hnndret and forty -eine and Cowper God Iv IIIA own int.rpreter 14lxt>-Aix. lot the quality of con -pees ' And He will make 11 plain .sde--r photngratdl 1.1 N W )tsatty o•lslrman and preoldent of the (M! rotten Peeler Railway. Riker's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Extract --and--- Rikr s Bromide uinine Tai e Q Two well -proved remedies for coughs and colds. Sold in Godegieh by H. G. DUNLOP THE REXALL DRUG STORE The 'Fraetet' Taylor Disabled Sarnia, Nov. 11. -The steamer J. Frei ter Taylor, which yesterday was disabled at anchor In lake Hurn( with a broken rudder, was towed into the St . ('lair River this morning by the Ings Sarnia City and Smith, and is now moored here. Owing to the heavy Peng yesterday the tugs were unable to bring the teasel Into port, but no ddffleulti.s were encountered this horning. The steamer may bre towed to Detroit for repairs. • The F'rayter Taylor 1s owned by the Algoma Shipping Co., of Sault Ste. Marie. and baa about 3,000 tons of cool In her hold. At no time wax the vea04411 In dan- ger. ao-ger. ('apt. 11. B. Reid. o9 the Reid Tow- ing 81111 Wrw•klug Co., maid today. There are many ointments 'but ONLYI7NE° am-Buk ) HE GREAT HERBAL SK/Ar BALM