The Signal, 1926-11-11, Page 8F Tor*lay, Revenuer 11 1938.
• To the Electors sof North Huron
On the lot of December you will be asked to elect a
representative to tbe Provincial Legislators, and as 1 a. a
\I candidate }- gat Have a right to know nij Bosltlon and Nowa.
I There are many contentious subjects to be settled--41or-
ternment Control vs. 0.T. A., the educational adm(ntatra-
Ltlee of the Province, Hydro -Electric affairs, and Highway
'matter, Rut Mr. Ferguson says that tbe liquor question
Is the main issue. Tbat being the case, I wish to state that
1 am opposed to Government Control as outlined by Mr.
'Ferguson. Government Control should mean a restriction
is the output of liquor Instead of an increase. Government
(barrel, to he effective, should be in the hands of tbose in
sympathy oith temperance legislation and not of those eon -
trolled by the liquor interests. Government Control mar
mean rrvt•oue. but It Is at the expense of the general pros-
perity •f the Proviate. I believe the O.T. A., as endorsed
by the people on different occasions and by large majori-
ties is North Huron, should be adhered to and strictly en
for•eed. i believe men ah•uid he elected who are in ey'm-
pathy with temperance legislation.
41ydroele•tric eaergy .lout(' be distributed on a more
equitable balite tbrougbewt-tbe Province. Revenue derived
from liquor a oi1 joie applied to highway expenditure.
Premier Fergttsoe's township school board bill is not work-
able and should be wit drawn. Supplementary gnats to
triteness' salaries should be baaed'oo 1en1111- a Service. •f-
8eieacy and quati6ratiea. Iie'ctlans should be held. at
,raioaable- times when the views of the people can be ex-
pressed and once expressed, as they have been on several
.•.ei,tie•s,'buuld be respected. •
Address by Radio
On Friday, November 12th, the address of the
Prime Minister, the Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, will be
broadcast from CJGC, London Free Press, at 8.15 p.m
John Joynt,
Conservative Candidate, North Huron
n "e- TE SIGNAL -- -
:cost of the louvre to pavemeut fro*►
Walnut street to the Square, was re-
ferred to the finance tommlttec.
l'ommittee Reports
The Mauve committee reported
Gist a $I000 11121 Lund from the God.
erh la Manufacturing Co. fuud had
been sold for $1(0O.78, which amount
Mid been trunsferrd 11, this fuud. The
sow .tf $12•s.5.00 had been received
from the• Toronto General Trusts Cor-
poration as the luwa'r share' of inter-
--rate Mil bootie t4 -4441,W.$. Mailway
fund. Vktor' bawd. interest hid been
received and deposited to several
funds as follows: )'bas. Blake fund.
$27.10; cemetery perpetuity fund,
$27.50; O.W.S.R. fund, $5=50.
The public works committee recon -
mended it follows: That no action be
taken us) the claim of Mr. It. C. Hays
for (este of cleaning and extending the
sewer from his residence; that trees
in front of the prgpertlee of Mrs. Em-
ma MacKenzie. •Musa Gordon. Mn.
Jus. ('lark and Alex. Colborne be. either
trimmed or cot down under the su-
perviaium ut this committee; that the
chairman of this committer be ear
powered to rent the garage dwelling
at $15 per month. Mr. Beacons to have
preference; that no action be taken
this tall us) petition for sidewalk on
Cambria road from East street to St.
liar isle street.
The special committee recommeeded
that the police be instructed to cufore
the bill -posters -bylaw.
The pre eommltit tenanted lhat_al
applications fur building permits re -
ferrel to the committee at the last
meeting had been passed.
t Torero tepees* -were nil adopted.' -
Councillor Lee presented a report in
connection with the matter of the
C.N.R. tracks on the river breakwater,
and In order to place the matter on
record a motion was adopted to re-
ctire Mr. Lech report. and the copy of
the enter of the hallway Board. 'IA
further account 1» given on page 3 of
-thin paper.,
Te Wreck Market Building
Councillor leLcau again brought up
the miter of the wrecking of the mar-
ket building and the removal of the
weigh -scales. Although a committee
report recommending this action bad
been adopted at a previous meeting.
no specific authorization had hero
given for the carry lug trot of the work.
Objection W heaving the weigh -
scales without a protecting covering
was renewed by the Reeve and Coun-
cillor Ler, but a mutton giving the
market ewmmiUee power to go-the•acl
with the wrecking of the presentmar-
ket building and to move the scak.i to
the rear of the town hall was carried
by a vote of 5 to 3. Yea -Deputy
Reeve Mosler and Councillors McLean.
BaBle, Cralgle ■ud Turner. Nay -
nerve Muuuiugs Councillors I d
A New Bnb'diNaioa
- I N' 1_
-rose Gaon, Goderich Tawltniip
- o\ -
Frieilty, November 191h
Supper served from ti to A o'clock
l'ntertainmentgive•n by tOte Young
1.,.„1,le'/ Society of Cnion Church
Admiuien SOc and 25c
The West Street
Electrical Shop
(Continued from Page 1)
Yrs. Jno. and Mies Beesle O'Donnell,
of bunion, motored up to P. M. Nullt-
vau's for Thank:41010 . ' -- -
Mr. ileo. Brophy apeut the holiday
with hie daughters lu bondou.
Mise ,Very Garvey and Mr. Thos.
Garvey. Jr., motored' to Detroit on
Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. O'Reilly are
Milting friends in Ooderich.
The ladies ut the League of St. Jo--
seph'a garish are thankful her assist-
ance and t» -operation raetred in
making Thanksgiving night such a
wonderful prise yes, and are grateful to
the large genial crowd who were
present. After the bounteous supper,
muds was provided by the Hogan or-
chestra and a very pleasant evening
was sprat by all. The beautiful quilt
donated hr Mrs. Win. Me('nrthy rea-
lized nearly *alt. the lucky ticket bring
held by Mrs. C. H. Robertson. It. R. 5.
Goderich. The proit'eds of the even-
int: were 1221.
AI'BC'RN. Nov. Ks --Mr. and Mrs.
Elwin Ralthby. of O.A.C., Guelph,
were week -end visitors at the home of
his father. Mr. Cleo. Ralthby.
Mr. and Mrs. Sims. web hate been
visiting *1 the home of her mother.
Mrs. W. Doerr. refill -fled. home Mon-
Among the visitors for the Thanks-
giving season were: Mr. Pilgrim of
itaeratost, -1ft Yr: Rendre a ;; ?moi;
Walker. at Me, Taylor's; Mr. and Mrs.
Kase, at Mr. E. •Irwson'e; Mr. and
Mrs,- K-Tyrrow.-et-Mr. J. Jotenaton'a:
Mise Elide Lawlor. of tontine Normal
School, at her hone; Mr. Robert Mc-
Leod. of Stratford. at hi. parents'
Mr. end Mrs. .t. M. Rice spent the
holiday with Stretford friends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Rollinson were God-
erich visitors On Monday.
ill• a^d-M--t, 0. Clark and-
.Anderson. of Goderieh. called
friends here on Monday.
trimmed eUk velour coat. On tbeir
return they will take up residence at
Hensel!, Oa(.
GrIga -Geed.-A pretty autumn
wedding took place on, November 3rd
at 11 .rat., at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs.
.tlb•rt Good, Maltlaud concession,
Colborne, when bit eldest daughter,
Mary. was united in marriage to Mr.
Gladstone Grigg. of Ooderlch. second
eldest son of dlr. and Mrs. Reuben
Grigg of Ctluton. The ceremony was
performed by flet. 1'. )butter, of lien-
arm of bride entered the
t the strains
of the lohengrin wedding march
played by Mrs. Harold Good, ouster-lu-
law of the bride. and took her )dace
under a whine bell hanging from an
arch of evergreens decorated with
'mums. She looked lovely in her dress
of Ivory silk crepe de chine with trim-
mings of silver lace and rhinestones
and carried a beautiful bouquet of
roses and ferns. During the signing
of the regieter Miss Minnie (lots!. sis-
ter. of the bride, sang very sweetly
"Because I Lose You." After ton-
gratulatlons dinner was served in the
dining -room and the evening wax
spent in games and music. Later the
bride and groom left for their hone in
Goderich amid showers of confetti and
good wishes. The bride was the re-
cipient of many handsome and useful
gifts and she also reeivel a miscel-
laneous and kitchen shower from her
110h18. -At I'eterboreagh o�"Yoiday.
November 1d, to fir. and Yrs. Thos.
E. Ross. a slaughter (Jean Elisa-
BLOOMF'IELD.-At London. os) Fri
day. Novembe - mpeld
TAYLQR. -ln Goderich. on Thursday,
November 11, B. H. Taylor.
The funeral will take place from his
ate reslefence, corner of Lighthouse
and Waterloo streets. on Saturday.
November 13th. at 2 o'clock. to Mait•
land cemetery. service At the bottle
at 1.3(1 o'clock.
NILE, Nov. 9. --On Wednees ey after-
noon last Pile SVomen'w Missionary So-
ciety of Nile i'ui(M chins* enter-
tained the ladies of the Dungannon
[rtes. L. C. White bad charge
of a very Interesting ionogram. the
principal speaker for the day toeing
Mrs. Pentland of Grimsby. Ont., who
gave s most helpful and interesting
talk on "Stewardship." ,About forty
women were present and atter the dist- 1
tiring lunch wits served by the ladles 1
of Nile church. PURLIS NOT'ICR
Musa Atlee RhepTaerd. of St. ('alb -
al of the meeting a moot apps-'
a Japanese brocaded kimono.
Lost on the street or left in a store.
Reward on heaving at BEDFORD
urs to and mother. Mr. FARRr I Y LIST NOTICE
Sproul• Shepperd. spent the holiday with their 1
mother. Mrs. Alex. Steepperd. of Nile. VOTERS' LIST, 1926, M1'NICI-
urines. and her h ( OTElt8'
On motion of Councillors Bailie and The ninny friend's of Mr. Ed. LITT OF g' THII TOWN OGOD-
to gar Shen1'.a .RUN. 1 bhudler; 1
wbdtvh.1un, being poser of block F' In I has .ernred a londhl Notice 1s hereby smarm1 seed drrl; 1 net '
i 1.,.itlr.n as y given that 1 bare of disc barrows; 1 set of drag har-
i the town of Golerlch, as per plats draftsman with the Weoin[honse complied with section 9 of the Voters; rows; 1 walking plow; 1 scalfleK; 1
made by S. w. Archibalek 11.L:8., and F,lectrlcel Company of Hamilton. clot 1 List Act and that 1 have plated up at sot of light .iedgbs; 1 buggy; 1 w
-rubmit[ed lu rile eouoeil by J. N. W presence from the Town Hall fwd Ich
on; 1 hay fork. rope and pullers; 16
tons othay ; 1 cutter; 1 wheelbarrow;
1 Canute. .111 ; 2 300- hick brooders
Turner, the plan of Maitland Heigh
I.'nl trill he 1 ER -VH
p eased to know that h , ('UUNTY UF' 1i1
Nedra la hereby given W all per
runs Raring claim. agata•t the estates
At Mrs.'Lauder's apartments (Col-
borne .tpartment,.Hamliton street), on
8A'CI'RDAY �\OVE11.11ER 13th
sale to commence at 1.30 p.m.:
one cabinet Grand plauu aud stool;
1 graphauolu in wicker ease. with re -
curds anti record holder; 13 pieces of
rattan. including 2 chairs. 1 settee. 1
large tern stand, 1 pians) lamp, 1 pa-
per holder. 2 Jartlinler baskets, 1
dower basket, 2 candle holders, 1 liv-
ing -room table. all in splendid coudl•
tion; A cushions; 1 rocking chair; 2
hanging baskets and other plants; 2
tewpie dolls; hooks. Including 1. lea-
ther-bound dictionary; a sltlend•Id lot
ut china and cutlery; 1 Holland beer
*tells; 1 handmade silk shade; 1
couch cover; 8 pairs et curtains, rods
and over curtains; 1 exceptionally
choice white enimel bedroom suite, in-
cluding bedstead. mattress. risings,
dresser, -lady's dressing table, bench
and wicker rocker (this Is a lovely
suite); 3 Jap shades; 2 Wilton mega.
small; 1 new Simons bed, mattress
and spring; 1 dresser; 1 table; 1
chair; 1 basket; 1 *Angie iron bed,
mattress and springs; 1 dresser; 1
table; 1 chair; inlaid linoleum, 2% x
314 ; 1 hall runner. about 12 yards; 2
linen cupboards; 8 testier pillows; 3
targe comforters; ' pales flannelette
blankets; 4 bed spreads; 1 bed set con-
sisting Of embroidered �1L 4re t
'.ung table wise. dreamer Cover and over
curtains; 12 abeete; 12 pairs pillow
cases; towels; oilcloth mats; Chinese
mats; bath mats; rag mat*; 1 F�laselt
carpet sweeper, new; 1 ironing board;
1 linen hamper; 1 wash tub and board ;
1 mirror and shelf; 4 towel nets; 1
telephone pedestal; 1 hall rack; 1
(Moshee range. new; 1 2 -burner o11
*tnvr' an4 syp - eto'Trtc- taTes ; 'kit-
chen urensila; graniteware; coal box:
1 new refrigerator: 1 mend table, and
numerous other articles.
Everything must be disposed of. as
Mrs. dander 14 leaving for California.
TFIILM S. -Cash.
T. GL''NDRi' & l*iX.
1tATUItB_ PROF'. W. H. JAOSSON. Instrtectiosi
l given In Voles Culture, Organ, Mao.
MR. t}EU. JOH.\STC/N Violin. Guitar, Theory, etc. Studio au*
will sell by pnblk auction at cls farm, residence, lit North street. Phone ZK
two Lulls% south • of Oodeckh. on the
Itry Held road on
of Samuel E. 8andereou, late of the
village of Dungannon, in the county at
Huron, deceased, to send the same
duly verified to the undersigned on or
before the 13th day of November,
1020, after whkb date the executors
will proceed to distribute the said et -
tate among persons entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of
which they then shall have had notice.
and that they will not be liable for the
proceeds of the estate so distributed te-
eny person of whose claims notice
shall not have been received.
Dated at Goderich this 23rd day or
October, 1926.
Hamilton street, Goderich, Ont.
Solicitors for the executors of the
8amvel E. Sanderson relate, Adraa
Y. Ditcher and Thos. Ktothera, Due-
ganauo, Oct. >ft
Accountant. 102 Ontario adman,
Stratford. Phone 1660. Res. MM.
&Is, attended to a Ne. re
aywheee and svafR
effort made to give satisfaction.
Farmers' sale notes dMeeaotet
The Auctioneer,
will conduct and arrange nay sale sae
the latakt methods to gat the best re-
sults. See him or drep a card and is►
will give It immediate attention.
Farm sales a specialty. Eldon It.
• for bousehold effects, farm stool,
etc., for the Comity of Hamar
Address all communication to J. IL
STALJEER, Anbut t P. 0.
Tilt ItsiDAY NOV i tt lith, 18101 DRUQL1gS8 PfjAQi'!1'1 oNEa
commencing at 1 oeloek. sharp: DR. A. N. ATKINSON
Two useful farm borass-;-_4 awl
young Mich cows; 2 yearliug steers; CHIROPRACTOR AND DRII6-
2 yearling heifer*; 3 calves; 1 6toltae LESS THERAPIST
tractor and plow. In perfect condition;
The total equn v maul levy. 1918 t ralglu
to 11423 i nclu-Ire, was *1ft3Li.70. ''-and the Mayor and clerk were author -
[hiring 11x20 there has been ex- iced to sign meld plan.
tended $11s44.1t( on the connecting link, . This sub-tlivl.Iun fronts
and gWM1.1N1 on S*ltford hill. which In-
cluded the work dyne last fall which
wax not laid for 1111 1926.
The. Mayor considensl the statement
"not very s.tlafaetory.' He thought
11.e $1411) for Saltford hill should sot
orae- 1nehtdrri;_ .rr .pintntr-irr whieb
Reeve 11iinning. concurred. The
Reeve. held that the Saltford hill road
ens port of the runty rand system.
not Of a "connecting link,"
Councillor Bailie and Delany Ree
Misr also exprete,e•d dis.
with the statement, and, it was refer
.•11 10 the ptlb1ie works +•.r
e will ml.* his cheers ' my (tike at h er
Nth•: huff wish -amt every Alteee** 1n ion the twenty-nlnth day ut October.
his new wart. 1W46 the Ilat of all persona entitled to
)ors. Mt•Kinl.'r evangelist from Tor- tote In the wild municipality at both
•tom- onto, neenidel the Nile pulpit Sunday elections Mor members of the Legis
ce'ster retrace. from Victoria street to evening last and Rave a moat inspiring latkt•e Assembly and mtlniolpal elec-
C'ambrie road. nddre.s. Niro. McKinley Is travelling [Ions in the amid municllrlity and the
Why }toad Work Not Demo throngitottt ('andn its the tnteresto-t►Y list of all penmen's tentitterl to cote at
1s) reply to an eu.tniry as to Why' the ehnrch pater "The New outlook." 1 municipal elections only in the said
work had out been proceeded with on noel her ninny frietul. et Nfle were I municipality. And that such UM rt-
tVrllin�pttun street, in aeeoraianee with 1'k.nse) ' 1( ata anti hear her *Raft -i tennis- there for inspection.
a motion- dr -the commit. the Deputy i Shp 1s the Rues( rat Mrs: Andrew 'MII- i .And i hereby call upon ad voters
!terve stated that he had. be. u bl
_- 4 na a Ilan while herr. I take immediate proceedingsfru sister le giving
to get a tractor to do the scarlfylug• alis. Mildred ('o,.1, (f Toronto. wan ` 1 1 g It ftp farming, • 1 Late House Surgeon New York opb-
any serosa or omtawiouw corrected ac•• � TERMS --.111 sums of *10 and un the) 1 d
rand the woo could mot cutch up With the [net f h I c r li►L
over that autumn 7 month stand
T T Mier.. being , d November. ItrJtF. credit will to Iva u e Tr Hospital and
e se would like to take eve his Joh, he
the ueces..*ry patchiest. If au b„ , s n her aura[. )its. lien. Mc- '! ng to w, the last dry for appeal deet cash r m c an Aunt Hospital. asst
over the holiday.„ ug the 1 tot lar of \ s' at Moorefield
Equipped with electro-rnamsatie
baths. Ylectronlc electric treatments
and chlropraetic. Chronic organic and
aervotn diseases. Lady In attendance.
Once hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m,
excepting Monday and Thursday at.
ternoone and evenings, and by alA
lcoaU ; Incubators. 1:0 and 2110 pointment.
egg : chick,v1 crates.; egg orates • 109 1 Reeldence and once -()erose et
whit.. Leghorn bens, 1 year old; 200 South street and Britannia road,
white Leghorn pullets ;, t4 cockerels, all •
rrom a good Toying *train; 1 hive of
beets; 1 cream separator; 1 churn; 1 ` MEDICAL
Collie dog, well broken, and other ar-
tick s. ono numerous to Mention.
DR. F. J. U. •'ORSTE$
s to ;te rything must be dda storad of, as BYE, EAR, N08E, THROAT
to hive
rat • Reeve It given u furnishing alt- Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon-
would he lad to l we sec eery shut n pore la oar L. L. KN(1\. proved joint sorsa. A dirconnt at the ,k,n, F:n
g glee it up. He end midst oiler more Int. and Mr. Thom y Clerk of Towe trf. (%1!lrrieh._�ratr of 111.' re,'e4 l's'r wnavm allowed) g
bunt worst ii ors rand d;ntehter Rath. Tla+•,
for e,ah on credit amounts.
a3 Waterloo 8t. $., Stratford. Tel-
mmlttet ho Mr, Jlunuhigs e.+tcially. ephone 207.
were visiting relatives in the Wes: TO RENT GEO. JOHNSTON.
I The lterrr raid it was us) _
nJ each time Mir tern rn .►t Hotel B
'snob Gavle road with louse
- ciEN pY H f e ter i
I have taken over the
business of Mr. Robert
Tait in Electrical Appli-
ances, Fixtures. Wiring.
etc., and will continue it at
the same stand cul_ West
street. I have had several
years' experience in this
business and will aim to
give satisfactory service to
all who entrust their orders
to me.
Estiiftitrel -fes r wiring,
etc.. given on application.
Please call or telephone
when wanting anything in
my line.
Frank McArthur _
11 Telephone 82 West Street
In lookwt Into. oar to
Tklkilsg of road., i. usually the sig-
nal fur A jangle b,•tw•eWt the Reeve dile• would soon have 1t
met the 1),•pn1y Reeve. and this time out again. lie again advocated putting 1
the nsael thing ocnvrrtsl. with aoaar__aue or two streets in good conditign at -- yl
nhat more hent thin ordinarily I, a time. •
display'.). lir. Bailie ale, took a The Mayor_ luten•ite,l by remarking
hnnd is) the ,aseus*1un, which ended -burr Shay we4uJliiare to i et ntmtg a%-
withoet( any easna11it'.. well as they_could m th.•.wnl of tier 1 visit The account cif - the Pr►rlmiat Detre as tTti 71Ld not sant to spend A.hflpll
Highway. Ioortmen t, amounting to too nosh money,
tt4401.77. covering fifty per event. of the ('out of cement ,yidew'alka
ltepl;t9ug to an enquiry- as to the tet spending .est ut the cement sidewalks lai.i this
year. the clerk sold the _engineer bad
Ih*til tt nut at het besot tonne,it ntid
In t..11 ce•III, a agtmre foot, '
r'ouu.ilir Turner expressed gut -
prise - ,aft T
Iris.• at this. At Stratford. where
gravel cn't $$ a yard the cues was
ly tdet•Ph ctehL". Whi•re w:u rite
. Iiere•lire? hi• asked, hitt there was an
r. ply.
Ityfuw. No. 44, for dwelling of East
-street--f,ont .tel r 7
r••nd i No. K.: ,.ppso.thra A. J. stAchay ter rand
to the peddle library board. acid \u.
• Int. orou viing for the elle of n Intrad
[rum the Keusington Furniture -co..
akin[ fund. err.• putt through 'heir
..'•cern) 1rnges and adopted.
The- tttgtir•T-';Y , i,Ib. 4114 [lir 6s;.race
doe nn the iKe•nsli,gt ,o Furniture Co.
nuirtgag,• was referred to the lintince
connttittee• to inrere-Mt the neurites;
At the )1.'tl:n.��- Parra• Iwo mikes from Golfe -rich, ..n • �h,m•
nn. d, lbltn.rn• oe
`ale begins at 1 o'clock Sharp
There are user 4.7 head of Dairy (lows and Heifer,. In, lading 11
head of ynreebred Holsteins. A three-year-old Bull, whose dam th
tents 4.:ti, is in e lot and 5 good'I►urham (lows, fresh at time of
sale. :!4 good young breedingMwee and Ewe iambs and 1 1e'ice.ter
!trim. Farm lIor.e•, nod 1►rlre•r.', Poultry and • flit, lino of FarmImplement.owed os) a 26S.scre farm A complete Hal of the •fferine
will Ire published on the sale bilis, and everything will be meld, it, the
farm* are rentet.
TiAII soma of 810A0dad under ail; over that amount
ten months' reedit wilt be Rlvtew oa fnrnlxhiag •ppreved Joist notes
tA dtsronnwM
t of 5 per rent straight allntor casts ons credit amounts
Need for sale list to
JAMAS D. McMANt s, or no T. GUNDR» a SON,
they ' a I i I 1 ale our It It./'udeM h I Bedford, (' 1 1 h o
the nutume ,' •s I weather is To RENT.
nd report n tory e n
have . ec . rd Ontario . _. c ' t ng of third Monday of on
U U M E n H118. (.1'NDltl t 1C►N,
not worse than thin in .Dote other . house on St. (ie,ree'. (tr '.'nt. Lk Auctioneers. month 1111 the following
p arra. Suitable for small tamely. App) say. Tuesday'.
u[ 1 p,m,
free ln• stn i11 , .. n ►. OF.
r¢hter. Tt� veriv of O.hatu- FAIL M
Mr. mut, Mr.. slim Thnmpann and 'Irl►\ iN HVTMFl\T8 LTD.y F'\Irl\1: Aii *i \ tiA,Tyr
rne• wie pik rt
ii; hs nvr be)O pe, ttae! nhafed « Ran te Twr o4-
ihamros tt1-btt•-ad fnsedn ioy eae
o•.tisnhtp Sar. Al mdrovn-
ne. I'netni 1 5erl Irlurar t oad otoa. Apy t
afed Raoeihn.
fnrne.rte of �t1. t 8'Lttx'K.--vAfidl(1 P(►RD
are maktnlf'u Px= 'QRf['1f iffC►1'SI: Tfl TJfT. �Eri4.' 1; r><'fil'It\\Y: ('AR. 19211.
[pods, sit n. guest. of Mr and .Mr.. BRICK
ev.•ry eon Yen iroit r: nesse' --
erlert Penton,,, Quid .0-riTTyj:'dmnrat(it Tmtuedinte pees .ution. 1t. ]Ile. DANIEL 1'ITItL.A1e1 PUNIEST It, LEE,
' 1 J \(u t.a.,►X 3t Barri
We ern glad to know that Mrs. `Von.
Graham line returned to her home *1-'
Ing most of the slimmer reit,'
stet and
will self Ly imbue am.tyma at bit 12, 10 Ging street east, Toronto 2. Tye„
concession 3, Colborne. ED. on phones loan 7798-779 •
Fit 114.11.Y. NoVEM1tEIt 1016, 19th
pr stmt T,nryu• and femllt' In lin' West. esoniunmet ug at 1 p.m. sharp: 1 DLEY 8. HOLMEB
Mea. Tiffin and dnnu►hter Vert were F(►1( StLH.-F}I,RVt4'f YtiRK PN1Y He �Ine black mare. 12 year. Itsrrister, Etc.
Old. stye'' t to be atoll foal: 1 ba) Once-[lamlltoa street. AOIer1ek.
vi.noc. in the community 'user the sea one Now due list of Nevem more. 111 ypnrs old: 1 bac mitre in
holiday. { M•r. ISI►. ]Nlhl.11►N, H. R. 4. 11011-
;OdI• 1'b•'•'- wr
s. ,Illlan 5i'atann ha. .reset a Telephone. Carlow MO. It
years old, with fo►^' --- •..
posed to Ins• will
Is>.attlon at I*.ntlac. Mleh.. end ft 11014. 1►lt S.11,E.-t'A'NtiOILA RANGE.
expected will spend the wittier there 7i
hot water front, in good
condition. MRI. J. W. TAYL(I1R, FJ-
ser reef ho Maitland CU1 i1t)1I'NE TOWNSHIP. Nor. 10,
Mr.. Kenneth ABM. of De-
trrfit. spent Thanksgiving e► the hour
of Mr. and Mrs. Alden ,ltlin.
Miso Annie !tatter. of Ete•ter. spent
Tlrnnksgh•Ine under the paternal runt.
.Mitts Alice Couch has returned to
Ttq' home at. Putnam after it itle•nytnt
two week: visit with her frtero1 N(lt.
'Bettye Treble.
'Mr. and 'Mrw Will ('lay -tun of Put-
nam. ;pent Thenkairlring with the Int -
ter'. parent*. Mr. none Mrs. J. H.
The stork has visited McGraw and
teft n NOT soy with Mr. and Mrs. Al-
den Albin rand a little girl at the home
..f Mr and Mrs. Jo. 1,n Ronnie.,
Messrs. Rny areWhluney. ('11ve AI -
len. Frei Clarke rind Charlie ,tn.tey
rettirn,d from the West on Mondnt.
('orogrehrtnttono are extended to
r»--avo.i h.: f:hrd.tnnp 171lga t e
!suer formerly Miss Marc Goode who
w•'".• married lett week.
Pole*-Darwt.•-Tile home of Rev,
anti Mrs. 0. L. Grows, West Wawa-
nnsh, was the scene of n ortttv wed-
ding at 3 o'clock nn Sntar,li Norern-
'her nth. when Edith Amelia. daugh-
ter of IMr.. Thirst and the irate W. C.
Dune of Colborne township, became
the hrld.• of Mr. Willem Henry T'flle.
or Hensel. Rev. G. L. Oman racist -
Ing The (trld.' wore a hemming
gown of blue *Ilk canton crepe whn.r
heenty wail enhanced by . terrace of
Illy of -the -valley. At the ennelndne
of the ceremony the happy comps.'
on a motor trip to Kitchener, 'Niagara
Mills and Toronto. the pride travel.
Fine in a rntN'nlnred crepe rnmelne
fried with ha to snares and our-
"t -waft T's wiry 1ikr a n.,vyo,nry
. The tnatr.-r of .eking it portion .of
the town gravel pit on; Melth+ni `r,oarl
'was referred t.. thepttbttr work+ coon:
The pound! then adjourned
1 EivoslooDor.-Nov. In -.)pt
i Ilenrice 1tillon. Mrs. Bert the -Inert
and son Joe. of Stratford. *pont Von•
dn} with bur. and Mrs. M. J. (►'Con -
pr. Will Dalton. rat Indrolt. spent
the set -kande herr. end wan lissom -
panted home -by his wife and family,
aim have been vIdting Mr., Dalton',
Mists Katie McCarthy, after a taw
week.' visit with her .later, Ars. f
1► ,.
nlrun, be. returned 10 Detroit.
MIew Elite Dreamed. of Stratford,
mai Dome for Thanksgiving.
Mr.. Minion Styles. of Detrrft is
tidting her niers, ,Mrs. Jai. O'Lengh-
Mr. slid Mrs. A. Klnahen. 811110 and
Mary Agatha, of W. Augu*tlae, spout
Sunday a M. J. O'Connor a
Meows. Jas. and .Ino O'Iaoanell,
Gorl: 1 block Sri rint
hors+ 1t 7ears old ; 1 Wag horse. pi
yen riaMd.
lilea/r-Kix sheep.
pigs iditol 7n 16s.;
1111)1.111 FOR SALE -APPLY TO J. '
an 1. 1.wD?ullEIY, Contours street.
(sierlch. tt : FOR 8.1LE-COMPLETE,
12 x 17 feet. delivered. W. A.
and winter apples for wale. Write
"droneor "drone CHAS. Me1'HF1E, R. R. No.
t. Auburn. l'hone 1813 Colborne Mu-
nicipal. 21
10 pigs about 100 lbs.; 7 pigs, 5 w
old: 6 e pins.
PsvMN'.�►►e hundred pullets"
SOLICITOR, Notary Public aid M
i Conveyancer. ince-_Court HOmUS,
r_ s l,s
uceetur--to J. L. N1110Ra.
yotng geese; 15 docks; 2 turkey hens:
1 good ynnrtg gobbler.
One collie imp. 1) Ho:: 4 little
Cattle. brindle cow, 10 years
.1(1. .npl,sr•d M freshen In May; 1 rel
ow. •1}story uhf, fresh about :I months;
1 sal, heifer, i y*•ars old. fresh about
1 month*; 1 rel heifer, 3 years old
supposed err freshen in April; 2 red
leKrrw. 3 veers old, mllking: 1 roan
cow, T years old. fresh About 3 months;
1 rel cow. 9 years old. fresh about 2
month.; 1 red cow. tl ,rears old. ani►
Ansel to freshen In )larch; 1 black
VOW. 14 yetaM old,. iuppstueel to freshen
In Apr11: -14 yearling steert and hel-
ms; 4 spring entre.; 1 reglpterel ilur-
nm hull.
Everything advertised mast hp sold
a proprietor is orereto.ked.
TRitMS---All sods of *10 and under.
cosh: larger atnotmts. 12 month.'
credit w1II be given nn furn(.hing ap-
proved Joint , note*. A diwdount of 5
leer cerin. angle ed for ee.h on credit
DANIEi, PITitl,4.1N)
Proprietor. R. It. No. 4. Onderleh.
machine; Hied very 11111e. Per-
fect condition. guaranteed. For sale
rat a bnrg:tin. Apply SIGNAL OF-
FICE. 3t
on corner lot. Southwest corner
Nelson .street and Cambria road. At
rettsonsbie prier. 1'artieuIra from
F'. 11 DARiLOW. (loderk•h. Ont. t.4.
BALE. -Corner North and Nelson
*reefs. Apply to W. H. JACKSON.
and lots Nos. 24 24 29 and 30,
Relive Survey, In the tone of Gode-
rich. Apply to R. C. MUNNRiOS,
Gnderich, or JOHN TORRANCE.
dwellings In gond mention, In
Goderich. Also forty scree .1 good
Pastore land with an ahnndsnre of
water. Orme lo town. Terme to snit
perehaserw T. OUNDIT.
-- �- Au►ctlnnew..
1 tire and rim nn T,bn Shote Road
between (ks4•rleh and Shrpp•rdfnn.
Owner may hare Name by proving
prnperty and paying for this .fiver
flaetnpnt. MISS J(t14EP►11\F: ('11114
HOLM, R R 3 (ialrrlch.
Phone 97.
(lance -The 8vaare. Godericbs
Haps a Haps
BARR:m m, Err.
t R.O.HAVS-RC.HAYS te.. B.A.
Hamilton St., Godertcn
BURANCE CO. -Farm and iso-
lated town property insured.
O>Dcers--Jan. Connolly, Pres„ 0ob-
erich P. 0.; Jam. Evans, Vice -Pres.,
Beechwood P. O.: D. F. McGregor.
See -Treas., Seaforth P. 0.
Dtrcctora-A. Rroadfoot, R. IL
No. 3, Beatorth ; John O. Grieve, No.
4, Walton; William Rine. R. R. Na
2, Restart)); Jobe B.nnewiels, Brod-
hagen; (eco. McCartney, R. R. Ne, i.
Seaforth; Robert Terris, Harloek:
Murray Gibson, Bruceseld; lanes
Evan.. Beechwood; James Cenaotly,
Agents -J. W. Ye», Onderleb
Ales. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, abates;
John Mnrrsy, Seatortb; I. Rtneblay.
Seetoith. Polley -holden tan make all
payments sad get tbelr cards nests-
est -M at R. J. 11•rrfsh's Clothing Stere
Minton; R. IT. Outt'a Oree vy, tar
sten moon. (taderleh. or J. H. lsetda
Reseral atom, Mullett