The Signal, 1926-11-4, Page 311191ft•' 4n,,,,4414,r17 14'frii."11411¢:r1147,' totts4etrase,14',7o1ri •41.‘11 - 1 4441,4* r lforforotylWt ••••••••••••-•• ill -till t "trij'r 4 Save Your Money Our clubbing rate for The Signal and The London Free Press $6.75 You save 25 cents and the cost of sending a money order. A linner saving on other publications. The Signal • z Ittit if. .,,,•••..; ,:liStseerFtt,S1-4.41110,xL Stolotitetts..F t wrtlowr, .trrtr,,wrrw,,, W.41**114.6.0 0s4,, 'If [4torz,h+ „.4et'Sh171i, ; 414, THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publisher& GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1926 A Gift that Increases ia Value W1HAT DID YOU GIVE LAST CHRISTMAS? Preammisa W Toys for the kiddies-moet of them broken by Covers are now. 'Something useful " for the grown -up -now provided kw worn out or iceritten. Cash to your employees -- Outset Qk Osaka appreciated but soon spent. Other presents -hurriedly • bought and perhaps admen. Are they remembered ',.kreirMSRX.S.41 21" 7 Suppose this year you give them each a Beak Book initial deposit. and urge them to.4d te Sagifai 101,A44,1144.44.44.1.o___ tit maw* could annum be more suitable? REV. JEFFERSON DISCUSSES NEW LIQUOR POLICY Sunday Evening Address by Pas - Church hours' illness. Mr. Seutchtner speut nearly all biotite in Stanley township. lie was buru In Suesex. England, but Victoria street church was well came out to his uncle In Canada when filled oa Bunchy evening last when tbe he was a lad of fourteen, On grow - pastor, Rev. Selby Jefferson, preached big to manhood he married Miss Ellen on Govenimeot control. ,,,Realislug the Wanton and they lived for many years danger, In dealing with a coutrover- on the Broneou line, until in 11)12 they sial subject, of luting „pre„1,,„ left their farm to tbeir son. W. J.. and stronger than be had Intended, be de- moved to Clinton. Mrs. Scotchmer Med. cont nary to his custom. to write died in 1913 and Mr. Scotchmer had and to read his sermon. The reading since lived with bis children. He was of the sermon did not, however, de- a member of tbe Anglican church at Bayfield. He leaves three daughters tract from its effectiveeess. snit five roma: Mrs. William Heard. The text was taken from Kelber 1:8 Mni. James Porter. God- -"The drinking was according to posed for Thitario-inider Government control. The drinking of today 1s contrary to law. and the argument ad- vanced is that it would be better in every way to legalise the traffic. "How we deal with the matter?" asked the preacher. Silence has been coun-pitalt , netted, erpecially on the part of loin - liters, who are urged to confine them- , selves to preaching the Gospel. But It 1, matter concerning re vitally the well - !being of thouaands comer4 close to the central verities of our faith. be said. Difference of opinion is natural, is proper.said the speaker. Wbat we must do la to seek to understand the problem; to understand the viewpoint of opponents; to glee our opponents, and particularly the Premier of this Provinee. credit for honesty of belief; to keep free from all bitter feeling; to study the facts and then. forgetting polities try to swine the eleetion that the results shall make for the up- buildiug of the Kingdom of G041. Three points the preacher piestented OBITUARY Seotekmer.-One of Stanley town- ship's oldest residents, in the person of Alfred Scotcbmer. passed away Oc- tober 17tb at the home of his sun at Kitchener, In his eighty-seventh year. He bad gone home with his son a *twit before for a short visit, and hie tor of Victoria Street death came unexpectedly after a few ditifill AM -Ansi &ma Pass lessee- or ease asa ssi..411 to ii,f4 6 i.5. t' "'"t .1,- • ,, , . ef Garisiwee Geo. FAL gi liei.eozeiteser,e0„me.1„2,ii..:,.." - '--• , - 70,;41.:,:d'ir:41,Sraii;liA''• '444i itiettePitiorSipartstiat 4prho, al Bank iiigififuliaix The 404,44 ems ,,Iliii:ir Acit,;010. of Canada ..„..,,...„,,....., fCgki Coded& Blinds - • F. Woolkombe. Manager ,,,t.• 3,S4 GOVERIGUINT CONTROL dIstricts into neighboring. dry terri- UNDER INVESTIGATION tio persistently have the wets the Unittol States put forward tbe rya - tem of liquor control in certain Pro - liner+ of Canada as a model that the! Christian Science Monitor, one of Owl Wailing newspapers In the United; Motets pent an expert to make an in-, I ti of the system, its opera- t tiny. It encoaragee bootlegging by sup - Piling the bootlegger with his stock and his market. It furnishes hard liquor in unlimit- ed quantities to anyone who will buy and carry It away. It big brought the liquor power back into politko by making the state the only customer for brewers and tt't,,,F1L $101fr ,"4 ''f4A Classified Ads. If you have lost anything, found any- thing, want a position, want help, have a house for sale or rent, have an article you wish to sell -use the classified ad. oolumns of THE SIGNAL SEVENTY•NINTit YEAR NO. 44 HOW HURON VOTED IN LAST PLEBISCITE Majority ef Nearly Twelve Thousand, against GOVeTtl.bellt, Control In the vote of t itoolwr 23. 1924. when the Fermisou Government took it plebiscite on the question of Govern- ment control as a substitute for the Ontario Teumersiese ACC. every muni7 riPalitS in this county pave a majority In favor of the continuance of the- 0.T.A., the total majority fur the couuty being 11.971). The municipali- ties now cowpristol In the tidbit( of North Huron gave a majority of 6.476. and the municipalities now included in South Huron gave a majority of 5,508. In both ridings the vote was more than three for the O.T.A. to one for Government cotdrui. • The vote toy municipalities was as follows: ' NORTH HURON O.T.A. G.C. Maj. Aehlield 7141 21$ 573 law? This is. be aid, the wall erich • Mre. 'Myron Butler, Goderieh Colborne 3:04 65 473 townehipi John, Robert and %intern. _meat _wasesa,sh 841.4 121 543 of -itianiey laimeliiti; Alfred': lif*Cra11 ESP( Waste nosh -SST Seek., and Fred of Kitchener. The Morris 7 eldest of the family. Mrs. A. Towns- Grey heed, died hest rear. The remains Turnberry were brought home for interment, the Haw" funeral taking place from the home of Goderieb W. J. Scutebnier, Bronson line, to Bay- Winghain field cemetery. Bev. F. H. Paull con- Itlyth 90D' 12S tS32 630 133 497 1136 184 942 1141) 886 263 .432 2trz 570 274 71° 2IXI ducted. tbe services at house anti Brunets ..... 3711 114 2611 oniveside and the pallbearers were wroz„.., 313- 33 138 four sous of the deceased, John, Ito- bert. Fred and Will. • $885 2409 6476 Heary.-The death occurred at her SOUTM HURON home on the sixth concession of Ash- O.T.A. G.C. field on Friday morning. October 15th. Goderich Township 645 126 of Lucinda Edge. beloved wife of •otantey 557 150 511 423 .105 335 „Ttsi N 797 145 SO8 153 497 255 713 '-eal 65.3 300 762 Del 330 SI) 1:12 58 - - S094 2591 Grow Henry. Deceased was born Har sixty-eight years ago ot Glenellr firer meows eounty. and was one of a family of six, 1- shortie three half-sisters still surviving. lens Tuekersmith It. Edwards. of Durham; Mrs. It. Hatiot I Tuft* and ilirs. Spencer. of Detroit. McKillop 1 The late Rev. Jos. Edge. who wan pow Clinton tor of North street Methodist church. Seaforth Goderich. over thirty years ago, was ,c4, osteter a brother. while the late Mrs. George Henson distillers. Henry was a 'deter. She was married Bayfield id ration: the first that the to her 110W bereft partner ta. it anti the conditions I • for cons e ki III% study was exhanselv, and it weal Preserve the Lead Mame use of •k•oholic Hquers for beverage years age She was a woman of quiet. tin. wets that government COOtrol ot ' that In eome town. of ey pairs industrial eniciency; lt is a idly- sterling character. Relatives. from the rt_:__Iitsiter would wire not hootleggint en- digging up and destroying the acrub MORE TREES GROWING • • six i Text ga 011 • le ' ed to teat out the argument's of 1 The New York Evening Post arS says purposes is all e420114411.1C eVII: It 110- unassuming manner. and pneettleted of sical evil, even its moderate use af- distance oho were p resuiflt for fecting the functions of the brain; it futie•rni. which was held on Sunday. ON WESTERN ,PRAIRIES 1 Is a racial ix4setat. doing untold injury ortolter 171h. were her oitrvivieg half- - \ to tarsal lite- sad in adults leading 0. sisters and Mrs.. (Rev.) Jos. Edge and Former Barren Arms Are Now Wen'. ti dulled conscience and a growing daughter. also Mr. Percy Edge. of Tor- Wooded . • I appetite. onto. Among the many beautiful IV 11111ipeg,. 414-1.. 13. -Mapping lite ; clauses. brewers. distillers aud drink- congregation of Crewe United eiturt•Ii. ves. with the object Of ast•ertninItig the spread of trees in the Prairie Provin- Tht• eecond point was that all floral tributes was a crescent from the CTI. as well as °there. profeesed them- interment took ,place in Dungannon : rate at whieli that. spread goes MI, is selves eager to do away with Millers cemetery. the eerviee being eemite•ted t I 4' (hi • latest activities 10 which Ills. Government control is no new. by the pastor, Rev. Mr. fi ey es. of Dun- Prof. V. W. Jaekson. of the Manitoba 1 discovery. Primitive people. Indeed, gatiti(iti and Crewe 1-nited churches. . kgrieultural I 'ollege. tied other 141) xIIIII. -Let It 14 144114. Iota cetillitions he- -- therities on erbericulture, are now 441 came se intolerable that an attempt GREAT YEARS IN THE NATION'S sliced. HISTORY was made to extract the retail/ 's The mapping is liellig done III COO- fangs by license. That proved itief- nestion with a ssstematte campaign to ; have more of the prairie Co V 1. r 14 I e ith testae and "high liCeIlse" WAX ado°. Interesting things hove happened in voted. so that only mim of wealth ad 11,20. Coninuoider Byrd in a Firkki•r trees tilfill IN St present the C/1144. ft 11 (1 atanding would ),e able to own PR- nirplone circled' the ort *1 Pole. Pho- yet in Ito Way, illioler, with astrletil- loons. Bright hopes were entertained tograph. taken in Euntlie were traits- • titre devi•lopment. •of the succese of this titan. but It was mitted-on radio waves to America. and With the exception of conitin ratty,. found that it was pessible for young publialied in newspapers 41 few hours narrow stripe. of land aleng•the banks men to learn to driuk 111 INilliti.1 I SR- later. -Gertrude Ederle. daughter of of !Ovens strenm. and lake.. loons, but to sink fri suet' a level that It New York !moiler. swam the Eng' , prairies were. treeless up to the last they were a discredit to the business. Ilsh Channel nue hour faster, than any eentury. accenting to Pref. Jackson. and thelrO hart to be eatooes of low, r flf r1"' five men who had swum It be* who (motes LaVerandrass the tbso (141,4), to take care of the pneinet of the , fore her. . white man to 1.%Piere ‘St.t.si ern riin- high-class bars. . Since high 'Menne 1s tt ItYthing Interesting going to low- ada. as being sitiatri•wd at the Is .Ii of ilid not work someone had It new. a Pen in 1927" tidiest. on the Wt•stern IIIIIitiX. NoW bright 1dea-take away all champ of For one thl'ng. the Youth's Com' this area is well treed. private profit from the businests. ntol motion on April 16 will celi•brate OS So far the spread of the poelar bas lct all CXeCSS Profit go Ili 1k community 1 4 UNI)11F:ierli MIMI'DAY' 1 hiring IM'ell the 11114.St retain rho ble to he noted, 1927. the Comennien will contain more pref. ,fnehtme !minis out. Al! throitzli work. sehools. eollt•m•s, ete. This plan WIIA tried in Norway and Sweden. but. interesting rending than ever !wren. -a 8 skatelo•wan -poplar islands" ere Miring its emstory 4.11' successful life. • • itirming and increasing- in 44(7.4'. 111(1 it alas, appetite and greed for money i (..'ensitter what you will get for *2.)0: ams•are that 1 111. poplar spreads. n11 the brought defeat, there. Then govern - .0 issue. containing' 9 book length more rapidly fix IleW NIA is itreioli 73sautsful Silverwan u a Modern Nice:sit, A. what better indication 01 taw and refinement thas a satire ot Wei:rata COMMUNITY PLATE Ti Takinsen Ds Lame ay mama of oar complete mocks Ma store is fast becoming !mows as headquarters for dtis ddighs• ful ware. E. C. ROBERTSON Goderich Phone 136 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Prosperous and progressive. The Sun Life of Canada offers safe investment and sure pro- tection. Insure to -day. H. R. LONG, Maj. 519 District Agent 88 Goderich Phone 115 4o7 mGe-1252) — - - - - *5,7: I, 3„1 1 J. W. Craigie Real Estate and lemma 433 ' 527441_1 ""- ' reduce Ocunkeuanss, aid bust- oak tree% that 'crow along the stret•ta. tt nese by producing a *low source of- They say frankly that oaks are not revenue for the governtuent. and pre- characterietie. that they do not sug- si; vent a return to the bar. Wbat goo- , gest the Far Routh as do palme. man - • eminent control has resulted in was goers the mimes and tbe orange tree. •••••, iminmartstet to an editorial as fol- This seems to ue a perfectly testa - sr! lows: mate bit of stage netting. ways The ri It has steadily inereseed the volume °Mita Packet. Palma are certainly of begitibutte sales of liquor since it more souisfilling than the familiar ess was enact ed. oak. .We wish. Indeed. that other It has glyen' the -Province of Quebec. communities would begin to reapply _with a mmukation scarcely one-third "local cider." Mr. Taft said. after one P"(bit f CW York. 1T40 drinking 'of hie swings around the circle, that plauvs operating twelve hours a day. all American townie looked surprising - It has greittly eneonraged the prac- ly and uninterestingly alike. Ne* Ir - Gee public drinking among women. leans, has lost much of Its individual!. It ha mit Ilitotlovernment into the t tr through the lack of preservation of saloon business and rustle the bar- Its old buildings. San Fraocisco sof- tender much ofn public function- ferisl a great low. of distinction , ary the postmatitetstw an army of. through its earthquake and fire. Town -boomers should go in With It has th•velopeti the "tavern." town -planners in intelligent effort not. lor. melds all j=leristics only (0 save but to restore the local I. Ho --strifrott -tise-barilhaver which is one of any elty's moet and brass rail. previous possessions. EVevii Theinuteas it defeats loenl option by pertoitting thefts motor camper likes to find (Inc legal exportation of liquor from wet platc different from another. 111114.4 1 OTDERUEOFTRTAHON When properly 'arranged these letters spell the t name of The Signal's new serial story soon to be com- menced. How long will it take you to arrange the letters in the right way? To the first person in town or on one of the Gocle- Ilft , rich mail routes sending in the correct arrangenrnt we will give i he Signal far six months free of charge. • To the -first pertion outside of town and not on one of the Goderich mail routes sending in the correct arrangement we will give The Signal for six months free of charge. CUT OUT ANI) MAII. OK BRING IN THIS COUPON. SS 741 >44 4414 THE SIGNAL, GODERICH The name of your new serial story is -- vita woli vtort.m...,' • • 114 ' er4fr jhll p47_15• Sa12-AVS' Ad . • . . • . • • • • :', • • • • • • 113("I'14040 d AIM ` * " • enY.Y.Adt 1 Answers will not be received by telephone .or by word of mouth. They must be in wnting. The Signal Printing Co., Limited GODERICH, ONTARIO O. F. Carey Limited. Insurance and Bond Brokers West Street. Goderich, Ontario. Phone 230. INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company of - Canada Established 1869. Fiend Office, Waterloo, Ontario D. D. MOONEY, Agent. East Street. Phone 250 Goderich, Ontario. - - sent control was advocated. It %ail serInIs. 260 short Atones by the most fer agricultnral purposee. It I. 4411Y I i•nnuitted Qinintltv rif - tried in Russia and in Month Carolina. popular anthore. mons than 100 special a matter of e few generatien. moil l Goon at_tamemaer the, emt8.,, emt_an kind, treys. called the "Y.C. Lab." a 41(41- less stretch of prairie a any great 4-N- MIXED n041 D FOB SAI.F. EgpeeIntly in South Carolina were iii. n Weekly P artc44141101? for higenittos there will be no such thing'as tr II es- ougli-OTeri- ilemittment, mut-52-pmesto ,,,,,r. T.,„t. Imm,"tates. at $3 per single cord, delivered. grit tehings. hoped from 111141mthod of good things were to flow from the . THE Gols7gC11,staisrFACTCION11 dished and the profits acre not profit- (Foot of Anglesea It. Phone 611 extensive survey of current events, the way it adapts itself to the condi- profits. But the high *20144-1were for children. Also in 411111an While the 'poplar Is easily first 111 making it 144. 4for yon to f ()Hw oth' e : ,OM.' Ilf the prairies. satisfactory re- side. affairs of this tomy world. stilts are also being olonined with oak What are we promised In the new Don't mime the greatest yea r of a nod A.IIII. Acorns W h HI linvi• been policy of the Government? A musette. great mao,azine. Subscribe now. mid sent to Red Deer, Alberta. 111 84' ger- Ann is to he appointed to issue yearly re,,,,„/„.: initiated and the sapling% give promise Theo. permit,. mas be suspended 9e .1... Tisoi•w1:0ilintilis92c.091814.4fiallion----7.2 Is" of developing into immix. trees. The 1 seed. here also been planted in Al - permits to persons over twenty-one. cancelled Fir iMiT-in ---r-fitrvim-0.• rttv• - 2. The remain nat-'"-1-1•3"-• o t. berta end likewlee ftttiTiTltts . The isensnries nre to be estwhilshed where Ail for onlv $2. preemie_ .1 these saplings is being Minor will he S0111 III ereillol paiWee. 3, Or inelitile aferall'e MOIVIZIOP. stopple watches. This IR all likt• South Carel II1/1, but it this mistittitc teithrity oti rah s- ' . . failed there to Curt) the evils of liquor. In. itoth pnbIleatIons, only ' I Slatieties are confusing, said the 12.:14t. Three Almele rules would do nwny preacher. One man's set of figures voi-nirs ctomt,AsioN with most et' th•• level crosaing nevi1 - contradicts those of another man. He S N Depart.. Itottt011. MRSIII. dente. They ere: (11 'Soot. 121 Look. (the speaker) preferred to accept the Subeeriptions reet•Ived at this Office (3) Lliden.-Peterlitiro' Examiner. findings of the social sersice depart- s ' ment Of the tinted filiateh as Hume Wanted- to Play Fide --- , who are not Peeking personni gain. In a !citron from a (Mi.. first form girl MOTHERS PRAISE compiled from reliable sources by• men alome of tis elder people might take Pritleh of prohibition, $990.000 was emelt in great can. named a few fine aster, far BABY'S OWN TABLETS Coinml•la. (living the last year in the public •hool who tkhad with nleoholic liquor. People were horrl- the echool fair only to liner. them ' __ fled at the failure a prohibition and somewhat Wetted a day or twe -be- inntlinted Government. "control, with fore the !Mow. 'Ourmising the keen Urfa L. M. Brown. Welton, N.S., the remit that last year British tileappointment to the little girl. her says: --"1 canner revommend Babys Columbia 'Tent $15,000.001) In liquor. auntie sugaested a few Were from Own Tabletstoo highly. I have found The third point he winittel to press her ovrn garden to brighten up the them involosble for the •Ilineflts of upon his hearers was that paeh should hollglict• "nut that wonldn't be Oar- little ones." Mrs. Brown's testlmotiF lip*, "What is to be. what should' be, Ing fair." responded the Mee tot. who IS the mime RP that of thousantis of my nttltude on tho questionF' The refused the 'kindly offer. And it le Other ffinthet-W WhO 1111Ve 111141 the 'rah - traffic is evil. no matter by wbom ad- nice to know 11151. though she did not lets. To use them OWe la a Imre guar - ministered : to seek centrol le only win it prbte. tithe was rewarded by one antee that they will alwaye be keel In to compromise with the evil. who had heard the story buying ber the home as long art there are imbles A fine picture was drawn of the llowers.-Glencort Trnnserlpt. or young children to be eared for. The Tablets ire n lexalive-mild but thor- allied armlet Reeking to etem the ad- vanee of enemy troops. Sometimes it REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS ongh in a etIon--which never full to ORR 1140 p011ftiblf to hall them ' back, for week ending October 29, 111241: regulate the ritemneh and bowel.: re - often .nat_rgetsillie to drive them hack. (10(1- Me- Ituron neve eonelipntion end Indigestion: but the boy% held on. and never was *Pict flew County tweak t111 COM% 0)1.4 simple fevers' and there a thought of compromise with Tspoit ealt hogsheenn the ononly. So. 4n this matter. it rib* smooth wont& seem that there ehould• be one Hea vies 26 164 1120 make the dreaded teething rewind 9 4a 521 rally. In feet you banieh all the min - aim only. to teach the utmost measure PtF. heavies 17 94 981 or Ms from which little ones suffer. 10 0 06 The Tablets are mild by medicine deal - nor give up the fight until the meet' ught, and teed1 • era or hy mail et 25 cents a het from obtainable now and never to give way sanp hogs '•'-. :4- 1:::T "4111. 14:1:•-amj. Medicine ('n.. - is conquered. 12 Rtmekville. Ont. I 'T 57j rill'"Ilgficrt1.415.1:1K4 4 ___,nmiwtimggtLrr , 41,1 ri01,:# „ Geo. Williams Dealer In DOME4i1.0N, PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL ANI) CORPO- RATION BONUS Fire, Life; Accident. Automo- bile, and General ineurance Agent IOtlice, North Street. Phone 53. Farms! Farms! 114 acres, greal brick home, good barn, one mile to store, school, church sad station. Price $5.000. 96 acres, an ideal farm, silts water bowls in stable and new barn, only one-quarter mile to echool, ehurch and store. Price 97.250. 100 acne, close in, good building, choice land. 100 acme, three nines to White- sttion.T.(tios.is OtIt' (41 tile ClIOS'S ..98 Several other good boys. 12 -acre thicken and truck farm right in a good village, a*, new brick boner, new barn grid large orchard, all for $6,01)0. A immixtr of good Houses for nate or rent. Also Assurance, Stocks and Beads ter sale W. J. Powell Auto, Life, Sick and Accident Insulance Phone 292 Nelson Street, East • CI ."1"St ' MAW 1. A1101410111141114,111....., • ....11VI121441 orrapariv..44.444rrorr :00,4,44-4141.47• wrier, ttilt84-414 • .„4.1•••• !•41! 14- 41.1191.14 ' • - .11.101111. y 1 r 4444,4 .441414141 ' • r • ••••.• rt•?.,!' . •4149% , '4101.7ekbria. ("VI, ,s-214.14144.1.14)"MOO rri4414" Vtfrit tIffAtillt 16"" *••„?. '1; • ',!'=.•;.';`.1",'.7'i!:;...,,r:,.1=,:i,'="''''!'14*,,=11KINtt44 „wow, lasmeam, „.• sissl.w.14;;k4,, 464%44 , r ; ,,i--- - s` .., 7-4.,.` ,.; -co :"-',' -v •-- • .: .,. ,0,,14,p,--,-0 ,KLI:tr ---- ' 4911071i.8!-' '1 ' •' '' ,....)#:?:' -••::11, ' i,,Cl• ' ..., '',V±Alif 2 4 . Sget,142"' t (714 4--',3,Acio 4•14.Totri ,, 1.,, Ami •2'210t#1. ' ,de, 1 i• • -. , •;. 4kill • , 410,%448ft.1-e47%lit tSs 14 • ••• rn`.44.44.74e.. -et,41 toovointrt 'Irr:rP' "rEt.1 The Armstrong Real Estate Tf„ and Insurance Agency lite (Sun Life), Accident and :.„,..;:,,,t.,;;r7 mobile buntranes Farms, Town Property and Business .ile; t`'`"*.`"'” ''''''`'-`' .1t1J '21r ii4r9rE` 1111.1.4`...•"'"' 1 ,.'141.; ..4,...lo.rop.o.o_ ye, Places For Sale Th ii„...jr4,,rnyw:...44.,. lodge of lie. agency toey COO be Itt'ught 041"`-'` '''1.-444""`"44 :1---- .%$,•onry will he the 1••eeta (11 the knee,: ::47,-:::::4:740:' . for, /40.4 nften en better terms than it wsowsoo,w4s ,- bought direct from the 'ostler. alrAtS4r'S'''':„Ot,,k •,' ,s. A lore,. windier •-1 houses and lids 1"r'•""'''''.'ossos,,,.......h,...,,,,i, m1,1,.41, Ih.14•ricti 31111 814110(7; many of laitteta.=.;rgtilrir-e0:. ' 1101tine n1 41 with modern improventente; leo _-• prices, and viol ternie for payment if "It; *14rSr11 •11 A ti.ssf„r sale 00 the monthly payment ;•i'".:::".,.411"....i.,..e.,..-"::,..„:::;,,,..,',..',,,!„,"1,7-T7: ' pion: about tie. same amounts RA V.4.11101 he (mid ill rent, hut im this plan pur- 1,3°44 ..,,-4-e ... , „ clinser would be paying for a home. A.k 't8 4't44) „"14j4i.,,,+,- , 1111"F:141:11,, for sole. About fifty listed 0' -J I. t - selet•t from. Many of these farms are 1, ' '.•,s,,,'''' nmong the bees Fine soil; g4•1141 build - hors; well improted; go.xl %tiller .444(94)', sits noire or 1c4-14 timber; eel. fenced. ,,,1„,,,,,o,.;e,;L,,,,:•,::-.:64,,i.,,,74?„,,riet. ,)inor.:ietiii.isnaitini ('1447 terms for payment if , . TAwftatrilsinact(k4::iittli shops fur sale. ._________ . - - ,.. 4•:•,'' 4600,41470111# taktoggy Teo, is.teht fur 'tele: vital i'rept•rthi; with farstwrs' slid travellers' trade- l'rivea - ststsostsseets,„, very low. 4,013.17'1"11rtr,47.!•r• 45(4,144-144 '404(44144).4" 14'01.1111 littrticolors see •,r %trite 1144 4,60kitt.is 1 J. W. ARMSTRONG. i'''''''4!';4'4" '''11:*.r Office: ()sonars, next d•sa• to Tire S. -, si f f, i 1 ,,'• limy Co. stens stpian. P. 0. liox 29tioderieb. Ont . 4'''!i ''' 1 , Financial Service or4ribikVi The standard of this office is Service, as com- plete in every detail as we can make it. Our office hai been equipped with this end in view and an inquiry directed to any member of the staff of five employed by us will receive instant and courteous attention. Huron Investments Limited Bond Dealers Stock Brokers General Insurance Royal Bask Bldg., Wend', Ost. Phones: 430 and 44S Private wire connections with all leading Stock and Grain Exchanges ,:t•z ilooss •* 4 ;' o • rItt.P1t4 4,0 ;11."11".t1.8r "t ,. -ss rItA' W115'4 • ,tnioNt•qq,' 'w"-•• • '1 • :'•4SfPfltIlllt;•101Tti'.. ^V••• • t, • 100,1111,0,