The Signal, 1926-9-23, Page 5• • • r-. sees..'*, .—...:: ,a 1•,,,,•Oarrr�r:KLAA FFP ,VCII• riNit�i k+ •, 4ki m_r. u.a..u.:.wi ,A•: "'moi 61 ,...ahtvrwa ..,w:,.Waa,•r.twer,..' ,1�'.",n 4:. Y THE FL/ES _ ._ WITH • •--,-- Flit, ly Tox, Fl yosgn, Black Flag and otheM A Mouth Sprayer free with each bottle Campbell's Drug Store Phone ®0 1 Caoderich i THE SIGNAL — GODERCH, ONT, l 4i 1 altisltlt• 0010n11111 stir Warn 111Pelk. ,('{,�' E n srAR'1C • ' i McC:'tar1os, Arthur Si:nysor, Alcx. Cau1etz, Frankix GUnwre, Eileen 7're- AJU s+urr I Ganlry lgnattus Marton. teat Oath Emily Brown. RURAL SCHOOL •Arthur Sim Alex. Gsutry, MANUAL .TRAINING FAQ Oliver McChar es, .David McKenzie. Any Model to Weod—liliehael Mar- g. Martin. Quart Barley-rVictor ttn,.\'ictor Martin, John O'Nei11, Ed - SEASON �i1R 1926 Martin, Donald McKay. Dune';tn win Myers: Ignatius Martin, V1'altes Simpaun. Sheaf Barley--Diuucail (Marr Pa ch on Grain Raq—Alvin Simpson, Walter Clare, Donald Mr- Robb, Moral Btl!)ards. Lloyd. Mac- -fiay, Victor Martin. Ray IltelienKie. Autry, Anus A. McCauley, David Targe Attendance and Interee i Field Corn—Clifford Blake, Beatrice Cowan, olio q Boyd. Kite—Robert Treleaven, Jna.ph O'Keefe. Field Feke. C,t1in crozier. Named Knots Oonteats at Course's Corners 1Lrn, • ,talks—Beatrice Treleaven.' —Mary MacKenzie, Mildred Posies, on Thursday Sweet forte—Winnifred Blake, t'hf' Arthur Simpson.' ford Crozier, Donald McGregor, Hilda ;T1 RF: STUDY Lane, Lloyd .McDonald, Angus 7c-' Noxious Weeds and Seeds=Mildred The rurul school fair reason -in tbtr 'Auley. Soy Beans, sheaf --Gurdon Felce, Mary McKenzie, Jean Grant. district warted off with the fate held ; Joheiston, Oliver McCharles. Betty 'RiC t'l Alice Robertson, Geo. be the schraI of .C•ttl8eld tewndiitl oa i ROOTS AND VEGETABLES . Bullen. Native Wiest. and i.eaves— rne,,..-sten e.r ._,..•. Clefferd Crozier, Arthur Simpson, Eileen Treleaven. Beneficial Insects —Eileen Trt•Ieae•en. In urious in- secte—Dorthy Robertson. Alice Rob- ertson, Mildred Fetes, Patricia Rob- ertson, Roderick Finlayson, Eileen Treleaven. DRAWING, ART and WRITING cQ Drawing of 4'e—roe--Patricia Rob- tl� was led mfr by ex -Reeve Johnston .Martin, Thelma Johnston, • erts•,n. Muriel Farrish, Betty Bissett, and Piper John Scott. St. Joseph's .Martin, Garnet Hamilton, ,Nortel George Sullen, Edna Cook, Aline colors— school,S.S.No 2,had on their ban Fairrish Muriel Thorburn. Macr.ilds Currar. Ruttrrtly in water —Thor. O'Keefe, Harold Webster. Jean Grant, Mety .MacKenzie, \\'inns- fred Blake, 1`r rothy l-urr•au, Duncan whlt� gaper cape wit border of . ardner. t r p Simpson, Emily' Brown. Drawing green dad the girls hada stripof the Alvin Robb. Beets—Alice Robert- Heath Poster—Nora {)'Loughlin, .nr• HAena Martin, Cecil Gardner. Winnie Lane, Billie ,'ampbeh, tiara same. dolor round their white skirts. Klee Dalton, Phyilis Felee, lee Jean MacCauley, Mildred Felee. Drawing No. 3, Waal!, had a banner deeurat- Camphill, Evelyn Reid. Carrots— Map of Ashfield—John Finlayson. ed vital maple leaves and tree scholars I Cecelia Hogan. Frances Mitten, Mar- Rov McKenzie. Muriel Farrish, (Tara held the red and yellow streamers at-' stinni_ { tach$ to it. Ma a leaves tpsd at' t Farrtsh' Betty Biesett��s. J14p zii-r. rk -awing--?.s leaof Colin ruz paper and beautifully colored admen -.I Re1ha ' Alice M.cElizab , Grace Crpn.ier. Drawing. Map of Harm ed the girls' waists and the red strips `McGregor. ParsnipsonElizabeth Mar- County—Beryl Gardner. Gordon hanging over their White skirts made 't -in.. Benson Shackleton, Alma Curran, B, ud, Billie Campbell, Rachel Mc - a pretty effect. Zion school had a, Lloyd McCauley, Lorne Hasty. On- Donaht. Norma Anderson, Roderick fine Nue banner with salves lettering 'ons a Margaret Simpson, Eugene Cr- Finlat n. Writing "Humpty Dump - and attempted something unique in Keefe, Wellington Harvey, Isabel ty"—itobt. Felce. Arthur Rarkwell: the way of costume, each. pair beingt McLean, Helen Zaleski, noon An- Marion McKenzie. Jean Culbert. •,• n, Mar. a' ✓ „n Cr: Cn , .. • • they carried. he pair with the . t - FLOWERS Writing "The winter, Wald kic- motto, "We like sports, for instance; ! —" - ode - ;Reda Hunter, Wm: Watt. Astee'� ord-' Crozier. .tertius Freda McQuaid. Donald, McKendrick carried a baseball bat and tennis rac-' Sim punt' •Ste Peas—Mary Hack - t ing "Woodland , quet; ,"We keep clean," a pair dres- l ett, Edwin Myers. Phlox—Margaret Alvin Robb. Ferrri.h. Betty Lieeett sed tp represent the Dutch Cleansers; ,Simpson, Oliver. McCharies. Zinnias (Tara McKendrick. Clifford Blake, "We list vegetables," carrying vetiA-� —Ewan McLean, Jean Culbert. Af-_Anna Treleaven. Geo. Bullen. Writ- tables;- "We eat - fruits," carrryying rican Mafigolda—Alex. Gauley, Fin- in "(Tossing the Bar"—Jean Grant fruits; "We laugh and grow •Lot," 1 , MacDonald. Coreonsis-"Colin Phyllis Felee, Wilbert Robb. Mar - dressed as clowns; "We ales tea ler, Mildred -Lillie. Calendula— hours,"mere! a- pair dressed in while read, Bie Campbell. Muriel Thorburn McKersie. reflection of Three Draw for bed presumably; "We drink mtTh" Betty Bissett, Edna Felce. French inee_Dernthv Robertson, Alma Hun- ' carrying milk bottler full of milk. Marigolds—Alice McDonald, Morval ter, Mary Foley. Clifford erneier. Al- • Lothian ''1b. T was a small seh0'ol.and Richards, Reggie Campbell, Jean An- den Hasty. Drawing "South Amer- ' on that a gent did not -up as most. attempt as desmon, Cecil Gardner. Verbena— elaborate ica"—Mary MacKenzie. Alice Robert. 110 were dressed as a band of Iltdiaas;� Benson Shackleton, James O'Keefe. ,�z Donald Mr sv, -leash. MacRae feathers and all, and in their stunt; F.mily Brown. Cowmn.—Duncan jean Grant. Wtnnifred Blake. I they encs through a dances __s f S'mpann, Phyllis Felce, •Duncan Thor- C..,..,r T...,,„” burn, Freda McQuaid. Pinks ---Alvin There was r eery large atteudance.' Irish Cobbler • Potatoes--Robt. The exhibits' w, n• numerous and of ; Faire, Olive Blake, Gordon 13;;;;:d splendid quality and the fair war a Jelin O'Neil, Norval Richards. .lean emcees hr every respect. Anderson, George McGregor. Green Front the spectacular point of view Mountain Potatoes --Frankie Gil - the school parade was moat attract- Sidnoy Gardner. George Bullen. Rich- * each school slaving something and Kilpatrick, Billie ('em •hell. distinctive and original in the way of Dooley potatoes—Jin, Curran. Marie Q" .Wmee or other feature.The par -Th H { ner the motto, "God Farms are Can- Rally Collinson, Jeannie MgAule .Jim Can- ada's 1Pride," and the children eons G . Mildred Felee. Turns s— REG. G. SOWERBY — FOR - Groceries of All Kinds Try our Special lend of Coffee. Also fresh Kitchener Meats of all kinds. We have Stillman', I Cream in any quantity. Also local and Parneliread of London. Fresh ev.vyAny • -- .A fresh rttuent of Fancy Cakes just in. Also hates, Peanut Butter, Sahnoli, 'Macaroni, Cheese, Oranges, Drops, Peels, Flour, Bran. Shorte. Candies of all kinds. New Honey just in. Try our Special Black Tea, b9c Ib. Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs and all Kinds of Produce Goods delivered by -general delivery to any part of the town Phone 1 to Cor. East Street and Square $HiON-CRAFT STYLES for ME movement& quite in keeping with Robb, Gordon Anderson, OlivaBlake. Hitch tog ' Competition—Sidney { their get a Paramount Ne. 14 had ��1tyyee1i��i�����ss1t��J� yi��gtyss����yiyt(ytysm��,, yyop��qq��eeyyuy��pp���� aaur-shaped ergo id. silver and the Gaillardia—Billie Johnston. Gardner. Tom Anderson, Rachel' Mae- fseer'tmFlti><ssf2afl•rsafl�rrlafldglitl(rlaf>fiflmflmftieFti1H ' scholars won red, white and blues POL'L'TRY CalfsDona—Ignatius Judging Lambs or Beef flambee over the shouler. Crewe , Cockerel—Ar.r.a Mae Farrish, S d-griatius Miartin, Michael y Martin. Point r„d-L-_Wi„nie - looked pretty with maple leaT hey Gardner, Winnie Lane, Beryl Lane. Mildred Felce, Norma Ander- An Opportunity of a Lifetime ji deeer3t o S. S I11cr g looked nee, Mary AleKensie —Harald jar . Mil red Fel `Nor a f and sld Dalton. R II Campbell, A h GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE of one, two, three, four and five- light fixtures Wall Lights, Bracket Lights and Drop Lights. Irons, Toasters, Grills, Toaster Stoves, Portable ps, Hot Plates, FIlights and all kinds of elec-i 1 appliances. These must be sold regardless of price ALE STARTS FRIDAY, OCTOBER at ROBT. Next Door ELECTRiC to Pgst Offic House Phone 2. IT West Street f c nn CS i neat in their uniform. of blue over-; Webster. Pullet—Sidney Gard Mouth Organ Jack Collinson, Ger ails for the boys, blue skirts a ' Anna Mae Farrish MaryMcKen ie, i ie rtu white blouse" with blue sailor collars ( Harold Webeter. Pen of three (cptl11- for the girls. All had the number 9 erel and two cutlets)—Sydney Gard- prominently ar - urominently displayed on their ner, Arthur Cimrson, 'Marc McKen- breasts. Lochalsh No. 4 had a unique zie, John O'Neill. Barred Plymouth style of banner. a well drawn map of 1 Rocks—Clifford Crozier. David Cow - Ontario, with Huron Bounty nromen-1 an, Harold Webster, Clifford Blake. etrtle marked and- tate • location - of ' Roderick Firlay on. Ke :^illi Roes-. T.ochalsl, desivnated. No. 12 used it • White Leohorne—Mildred Felce, An heart shaped banner with the word-na Mae Farrish. Wellir en, Haney. •alt. Have a he'trt for No. 12, and Lorne Wast.'. Aldon fiesee. Whit* Bich ',air, a bov and a girl. dressed Wyandntees--slilda Len-. Rny Mc- "- b-ide and vroom. the Fenner bear Kenzie Tn. C.amnbell. ft e -el• Lland r- in clerical - Each. And Hemlock Reds—Frankie GSmo'e, f ecil Gerd - City were attractive. ' • - ' new Puff f)-ninetnee—omnis Far - The prize winners were -as follows -WI, , Merger,- Fire' -h, Muriel Far Sheaf Spring Wheat==(:Tjre Cro °^ Mary McXprr;a. A iv Pe*— z:er. Qu ar Banner Oats—Oliver "ctnr Mir•°- Igeree", }I"'•'" L McKendri.k. the f.:urth we missed.1 1 I enmfRogan. Freda McQuoid • Char.'s. Jean CoTbert. Fifty yard dash, boys ' Andersen White F.gge—Rube RI 1 tr71 to resile years BrUCe MC1'10wr sh Martaret ir'itrT'fah' r pimpsnn. Duncan Simpson, Bruce NfecDoriald. Public Speaking—Leon Sullivan, Arthur Simpson. Sara Mac -1 Cauley. Aldon Hasty, Tom Andersons Margaret Simpson, Rov McKenzie. Pard, -.-No. 2 school tabloid- , 1st school, SPORTS The results of the "ports were as follows: Fifty yard dash. toys under ten yenr—}Wilfred Robb. Lloyd McCau- ley. Reg. Campbell. Jas. Drennan, Ronald Henderson, Angus McCauley. F ) 'fty yard dash. girl. u:tder ten years' Inde McCrae, Isabel McLean, C.1 • tl4tnlor( CRAFT ' � IX liflods! is • ,••••••••••-• :T pis -,f'ta "4 his $295—° See the Beautiful Line of Gifts for Brides male "by ntemhers of our .omen'rr Exchange 'tturiei Farri • • Rny McKenzie. Jim Gard"er. Tznstiu. pit' Donald 1, Geon Jack Collinson, F:ugene Keith, George McGregor, M. , Martin. Brown Etr s- Elleda Hun- Martin. Fifty ynrd dash, girls ten ter, Alvir Robb. Charlie Ardersnn. to recite—Racho•1 McDowall. ('athar- Rny McKenzie, Gordon Beard Andrew Inc Homan, Catharine Galt. Winnifred Rn-kwell. Bouquet fren Horne Gar- Brake. Mary Hackett, Eiht Hogan.; rh•n—Fri-Ay Brown. Oliver Mechrr- Fifty yard dash. h, _:s otter twelve Ie., FAwin Meyer.. Fearria Crnzier. year` -John McGregor. Edwin Myers )tor MacKenzie. Cather / e mere -,e,_ Gurdon .Boyd, Bruee McDowell, Ewan l :std. Boueuet from Schon, Garden•-. I McLean, Eugene O'Keefe. Fifty 1 Igeatiam Martin. - r yard dash, girls over twplce..genre— , LIVE STOCK Rachel McDowell. S. Hogan, father - • ('alt—Goldwin Marti eine MoDowelt, free." McKee Row' Store 82 M�aa S. Noble i Ale, k Farrish. Ma-kgt Lamb— Vic- three-Iegeed raee—Ham reinter and '" • tar Martin. John O'Neill. Jae.. O'Neill. ,Gordon Boyd. Mathew Foley ant British Excitant* Block, God.rid Leonard Sullivan. Miieheel Martin. Eugene O'Keefe, Pre e Mr Dowell ' slier Ferrjse: Dairy Calf --Mary and Wm. Campbell. Genrite M -Greg-, Ma•'Kensie. Rae•.# H�gs--C. ettimi nr and Jack ronin n. FiiT : Me:: Johnstone. Mare MacKenzie, Graydon Dowell rind Rod F'ial tNson. .Sti1b' ?� 1�h�� �p��!����yy�p Rite hie, Alex. Farrish, Oliver Mc- race --John al'Npiit llichaol men•tie, tlglil> ; lal� j Charles. Junior Beef Calf—G.rdon Ignatius Martin. Wheelbar-otv—race Johnstone. Matt. Johnetnne. Holter —W -m. 'Campbell and Rruco Mertow-. ' Rreken Colt—G, I twin Martin. Aleck, ell, Rod Finlayson and Finley Mfr. • Farrish. i Donald. G,,,,..„ \�[Gre.gnr and .lark the. Newest Here DOME5IC SCIENCE ,1'ollinsnn, Alfred Dalton and .Tack rXt 1 :-'X r F t n 1 t Salad--N-ea O'Loughlin. ; Collinson. Reg. ('amlehP?e nn,( ;;tart'' Beth McConnell Ede.. Felce. Alma ffetih, Tchers�', races eAt ass Hunter, Eileen Treleaven. Ceeeelat. 'TnA np�w is Myrtle Webster. Miss Cake—F r n area Prosier, Nora Milena Mc•De•nald. Run eating contest i O'Loughlin bledred Felce,Rita Dal—Drnald i,inrlsav Ewan Mcl can • Inter Clothing . i ;TIM rns Atma tipnter. Beth- M.Cunisatt Trustee? r,.ce—Edwari Martin. inc �fnilln7--•isnbe1 \i.•Lean, Ina C'smp-i !"Dona!d, Th rt Treleaven. bell, Msrcella O'Connor, Marie Fer- n er- In the 'evening a very interesting' Rusor., Anna Trrteeret1. Jean Ander- And Axcellent cnnrert was held in son. Ginger ` iieklee—'athcrin,i the halt consisting of selectinne by Ma,Donald. Emily grown, Francis the Dunteennnn 0rehestre. Miss Elta fl•nzier. Catherine Haven Mildred Hasty at the piano and Messrs. Fray. -1 Fehr, Mary menet!, Twee -mgt., vete Trelesre'n. Fronk Mellweine anif-- ---' New Sweate Ladies' and Misses' Hats A new shipment of ladies' and misses' Hats in felts and velvets. The very latest shapes and shades. • The prices will ap- peal to you. Women's' and Misses' Coats Everlthing that is new and up-to-date in Coats for women and misses for fall and winter wear. dresses trlik..the newton orgette, if 110ticdlCHte ,an t up,to-date M• balbriggan, i Mesa *se TWEED SUIT is such extraordinary qual- ity and ua1.ityand value that it wits ke;;p th-' tart warm :arm for the sure 1.11:,t sold it to youirt S;-..erle ant; double -b, acted MA. Leh;inaflock ofpatterns - worth flocking to see. ,r TAILORED BY Magal04-eRAFT• W. C. Pridham Son "The Store with the Stock"II Phone 57 - Goderich - r. a lis Pelee, /time Hunter. Seth McCon•. shepnsrd, a Mitred nnartette cnnsitt- "ell- Eileen Treteav•-" +i'- eV Flaekert, int of Mrs. Dnii 1,I Pewter. Miss. Celia Minnie Richards. Pie—MTnry Haek- 1 Pentland, Mr. Arthur Colbert and et'. Noce O'Loughlin. Afire /furore.. Mr. Frank Menwaine, readings by Minnie Riehard., ,Has -1 A•h'e,n. Arch Mrs. Fowler and Mr, Schnitz, of mMiccCPte+llli.. Feb -.f ands—FRr•isntrdes MDira• (h. nnn 1 ' tnovnedetcmFhennrn,." and n niny, "Brideett's chnrarters being Isabel McLean, nee, Tnt'nsteee The- Mrs. red Rn•s. !sirs Clue*. Alter. ma ,Tnhn.r,,n Rrea•t—Frn",';. Cr'- And Mr. R. ngv;dson, Mr.-ITavid•en zie•• N�sel Ant eons Rath Mr Connell i was the chairman: r'.lt. Art.,' Tret'n,-,.", Mn -y ffn,'bett FeAle e Lural'—T.a'=r McTe,tn .ten., .r.nn, Minnie Ricl'aryl•. �'l1Mn, GOIIERICH TOWNSHIP fl'Cnnnnd r, (sege MacGregor, Betty, Bissett. r e (lflDF'.RI(11 T(WNefill'. Sept. 22. 'SEWING "-►•Mr. 'k'rge Rnehanan. of. Tlnn- DnTI', 9hn- ,n,r e1HTreh..Is entre Ing sone. bollany. with p' Bar—Ln-, ri Nnq- hi. nnel'•s, •(1(•0, and Bohr. Mrllwaln nr. Mariraret G+►mor.. Parr rin Rnb- Mime 1 11 $wwr rb' was home front ei-tenn,' Attlee 'frel•nt•en. gflrebell. µ•Baa. neer the Werk -porn 4. son, p.t . flni,rp lt. Doll's kir. amt kir.. .to►:n Porter. jr.. ne MarQAMt f:ilmnro T�annre eomrnnlee Mr. end I1br.. 1,. Flick. of Mereulev. Lorene Petra,. Ril.en Tee. fltxl.rk•h, rn a Riot r trip to tripod„ at leaven. Pelee flullivsn. Phellie F.ie.-.. ('rniitnfed I,,".—CI.rn kfeDnns)d - nb,•tli last beech. They alms took 'can (Irani' . Theta'•' .Tet'rs'nr liUn' Iit tIsolon F.ritlhttlem. Q'ckett. para Mcf 'nlev. Feenki• Hr. \ethos Cnnmtn. 11mm� road. *exited friend. at •T,omkrn Net week Ari ace, tri: rearntly walked n o tightrope stretched high above Paris etrent.' Ninny fearless. ped nee did tire Joarncy across on gronnd.--Hemnrist, London. Weng I Primer says, 1Mt men' Ate drinking • hoe. but her women are drinking mora cern- i'flils is not gallantry on the part of'tl1• the men so much an it Is wisdom resulting r fn,nt king rxpprlceice. • 11 Gunner,. Pat..,. ,,., ern.ham ...Fran - 'Is Crnakr, Mary efaeKelizi. qa,. ar4 trok (n ih,• fxi1lhltI,,, It "'•Cau1•v, liter" H*ekes. M'IAr•ei flat.! ('Me rIi it mer—t'. Y. P..! Etre, Ann* 'rr.) gnrk fi •— h ld r w,.t.aftraulyd meptlnt lnmf Reel Mare Ma R'.••Ei., resits Ftnwr Mil. ' ny niglht. •Ree. A. .Tefferann ,k•all In sleet li',I... A•-•' Ma"f ^cess ,-.n, t•rp.ting,, with Yee new program far t-„•—M1I* .d F.Ic• ,,".ry e•.,i.v, :he nest tight menthe. it wile de/1Qec 'r'"n^• p" s' k' -'-k'" ^•time's..''• Aar* a detente at Iles nratt••mer(Iap. st,r„ Raek•'t. gee- Meertul-•• In- \, sr Purine. Rsll)• Ilse. wilt he utak an town—Prs.iri• enclose Mbaeteed wish a s 41 entice at 3 R'ile•n • Tral.ay.n, Raster' fr.lt.••awt nom. 1i0a4av Ml•sf ,weft's et' 2 p,s. Dust Cap—Mildred Fele', Sara Mae. IF .being withdrawn. Going Back to School 1 Your boys and girls will need good serviceable II " Footwear. Let us snow you the many good values we have suitable for school wear. TEACHERS and others goingway frons town, we have a big raa we of TRUNKS, CLUB -BAGS, SUITCASES, HAT BOXES, ETC., at very reasonable prices. k very handy Satchel for school books, 6oc Ooet! in and look at our goods first SHARMAN'S " THE LEADING SHOE STORE" '1W 04' r: /hose 168 W. RRG.. SHARMAN OODSRICH a