The Signal, 1926-9-16, Page 8-
R- -Thurelay September 16. 1926.
To the Electors
I take this the first opportunity to thani
the electors of North Huron for the splendid
vote they gave me on Tuesday, electing me
again as the representative of the riding in the
House of Commons of Canada. My thanks are
due particularly to the people of Goderich who
voted and worked for me, making a fine total
of 760 votes from the town. I appreciate the
efforts made throughout the riding .lo secure
my re-election.
As in the previous sessions in which I was
your representative. I will endeavor to treat all
parties fairly and justly and to advance the in-
terests of my constituency in every way possible.
Fine Weather on Friday tiring. tint a PANSY COMPETITION
Lorre l'rowd . --- 1
terfereol with the aueenta of tha.Glixi. Mkt. Ittddlol LE
1141.; rein lied pelitleal native lit- .. _ at .Itelleville and Turinal4.
day. condltimie on Friday were Innen eompetit ioti for peleee effered • In. Meese -ma book lu the ExhIbitiOn wilt nen by nublic swoop „i hi, tam,
at ;Toronto last Saturday . lads 2, 3, tool. Con. 5, W. D., Outbursts
erich InduatrIal Exhibition on Thurs. The .1111.1r,s,'.• annual pansy
leiter. 'Fhe weether was Ideal, and i.y The sio,ao al. will be held on Mrs. I'. E. Bell. of Wiggliest. Is visit- Towintbilk, IS Ione Melt Of Nirtuw Sta-
tion, a0,
there wasit-Terigsaftenitatee than Is mitturdur--metotenstafe-• lug frit111114 81411 relative.' hi tuwu.
10.11111 ou the closing day. - Revell, of Woedstuek, was
isesnitimiotas; at 1 p.m. ',teary :
The exhibits 011 the whole tallith- the Maelienahl restattraut. on a week -end 1, 111101. lu t�tli: - -
tented a (air average. Alwing to the the swi,,n, The 4.0311•141t1011 Mrs. Rod. Johmeton has returned fr44:::.17.71:,:z„.•,, ilid.Zyrsipitilrolileaolliw, :It
IN1P10.1,1, Of the •:1•11,4011 there was not win be "pet to all owle...1 child- hvni u evil's, visit at Galt. In. li years olds due is danuaryst 1 Rol -
the u,•tial die:idol' of fruit• Some of rem ntric. may be made up t inlititr.. :eurdoo vailletwIto• ra"aV6t..G4,14:tietr4:hutief lir)(.- tivienclistil "'wary?. :I 11-110•41siat:aild'evriv,ikeiugye'artenniIn.
the live ohm* closers also were not nil Mb.. Ireiie Abel left bee 'week for froth; 1 fluistein cow, 7 yew' old, milk-
ticulath metd. The &wet !Bewley in Washten, 1).C., where she a di at. Ins 9 weeks; i iloWtein cow. 6 years old,
to the murk. nIthough otters were par- to 12 o lock noon on Saturday,
the oentrs of the main hall was beau-
tiful. The stitool
1u whieh there were over two hundred , 3rol, 50e; tzli. '2.
entries. attrarted much attention. . '
Th.. inereairtile .iiseplays were not .4,1 .
ebiltIren's exhibit. SA f01141O%••: l'i $1.00: ..X1.1. MCI
______A......._Llle 2:1111. f'...r 111:Lich lite judg-
ing will t 'place. l'rise. are,
vie' u ut the hone, of Mr. 4l. M. FA- lac'
!tooled frou a ten, days' trip to Tor- Mg. suppoved to tie in calf, has given
liultltr'..111:64tridwMPtr4s.. W. J. Powell have re- emit; t Holstein cow, it years obi. milk -
11 I la Elliott, a London, "mg a 011:;.,TTiAns.
intik 8 week.; 1 ilobitein cow, 7 years
8 yeatirsuaallelirnPi.ti:lalutittlYWiptellee".rtion::7,;
6II.ION/ 11 ears old, milIC
i iposial to ii.. la calf;
but they aere interesting and well ar- __., unit, and other .points. 74 pounde a day in 2 millings; 1 Hol -
ranged. F. E. Plibbert. tbe drygotals Mr. and Mr.. Matt. Ainslie and little stein cow 8 )cars old. due to freshen
nianoruits as III Nome precious years,
man. had a very attraetive exhibit of : THE TRUTH ABOUT sun, sh,„ Nturt, otta,,ith,. nett, in te,_ uncut tectober 101.1e: 1 Ilidateen cow.
tine fabries. W. McDonald showed THE VAUGHAN MATTER
_ __ _ . Dolt -over the week -end.
Miss Joint Mel Awn has returned 11:21(;r1s11‘)Itoltillitell!ittefrr,rfte»Itli,n3bytuulit. Oct.i..
, Holstein heifer, 2 years okl supposed
many line,' .4 eleetrIcal goods. The . sesteaseass wok at Coaservative base after a visit of several weeks to tic in calf: 1 Polled-Angua Jteifer.
an exhibit of its varied tine of pre- \ with relatives at Detroit. 2 years obi, with cef at foot; 1 Polled -
duets. Therc was an exhibit of Sing- In conuection, tl... charge wade
Meeting I outradieted
n Cu. v Wiled Miss Ivy Elliott for a
Mr. and Mi.. V. W. l'elton, of Tor- .‘nitna heifer. 2 >cars Oki: 5 Holstein
heifer*. yearlings; 3 Hoagie's winter
Western 0111811a Flour Mills Co. had
ainst Hon II. II SIVfeild, of Vaa- w days tearing the week. ealvete: 1 Holtd; in heifer calf, 9 weeks
Mr. chari,,a Humber alai wan with old: I Holston' to.ifer calf, J %see a ,
Humber hove retursied home after a I 14hweirelly_brTy.ed 011,-)oltetirtelthnrodbeilLli,„!..miyearrtieworlds..
Mr. 1 M Shephard ewinned frees 3,100 founds; i bay gilding." years okk
illarsee.-1 grey tra111 geldlitors. eveirht
week's Taeatiou at Turouto.
Toruate, on Monday atter a visit at weoeit, 1,300, pounds; 1 blaetek Totem.
sott wreetra is ith friends there. - yeart-4144,_..o.PereittruIG. we 1
troMitrs, .w(Pleereeigthr7;useotrwisP.o'iril.MRr. 'laud' of1;m75-. u""Blosnail.nditibsoy).P4:illiblanerekiNt..1krhil;i11"1‘buldrririe.t°1 YPie'aterir
Matt Ainslie One day last week. lasplesseats -.1 lereet A Wood binder.
hottoss alrtekdrigispeo natuinicteh ahawseekretuwmedftb 60f,ty..eliteitrrirso gft.i„ti.1 drill. (3
order; 1 Mal -
friends and relative). at Toronto. 13 Men: 1 Me-
ade turd Mrs. Frauk Shiekts and lit.- ...Comtick mower, 5 ft. cut, tww, only eel
I I' DI of Iietrok were visit- alvrtaelhillinluei'd ;°11rsoettu-ethurtillosevr.• etwier4,11(12ble!":
IQ acres: 1 NteCor:iurk rake. 1M'W :
ors iit Gotlertch over the week -end. in -throw ditie„, '.12); t :3 -ton Adams
Mime* Velma •nti Bessielitiddon waxen. 1 11...eb--•evageal 1501 2=0 -11b11-
bongs).* with their sisters at Itetrolt. os...ILs; 1 &tanning taill: t itwoo fforrow
have returned home a liter «pending their
turned from a suotor trip taking 10 N‘rIlig1-10(1110V7.W 41Crrinr7;" 'I foort• sLur.eitTov'n.
harem\ : 1 steel ratter; I hav rack: 1
Mr. anti Mtn. G. M. Elliott have re -
Port Iliturton. Loudon, flanillum and lbeuyeindah:oirac!el;,.. env:4 Ifyt: ntli!iwy:r'31::ts".;',ut iv:o"rdk-
Brantford. harneee: 2 n-i•ts of wiligle harness; 1 steel
Miss Merle Meint6011 MN 'resigned ilfed hp buggy: 1 Ford rout*. tgat.
near Chatham. wet light sleighs: 1 Net Movie sleigh*
nsodel. new balloon tires: 1 cutter: t
with bunko: and taut rack; forks,: ahoy'
!we vegeta as ',wooers pher at the
Revue Bank, aud has talteu a rehool
Mr. and Mrs. William MeIntoith nrilstinticibileilinnei.o.• articles tvio
baweveek reattuTrnetioreol4toomewabfteene athaf:nr,tlintgheys Illay. Grain. Ete.-41 1111/1/ of alfalfa
took In the Exhibition. . her: 44 acre. .1f 1..1111, St:111411NC 15 ar,res
of goi.1 hijekw hest ; a quantity of oats,
latest •and tiarl.,>.
41 AUcTION RALE . • ,1
.Mr. Chao.
of Nets' York City, IOLKAIUNG AUUTION SALE of FARM '10
STOCK anti tatme..morrs. ottarisjp.
'tuns write&
ir ledidayiug la town,
Mts. Leon. Price is visiting friends IlAY AND WON.
es sewing untchines. and Fred Hunt !:04 , ' • •
showed rang*, -ouver. of usu.,: lobo position as a
Book Store lead se fine wall peepers
.• ilkin:el beaters. l'01e's ' member of Parlianned to:further the
on dieplay. and some reed furniture ' totle of United st.itee cell isimpanY
from the Art -craft Furniture Cu. wa'' • :nt.te"erk.'a 1.1"194111f 1.1.1:1:•1:rilld4/41".C/114 in,1111:1Lne Tcoonr--
Ilk '46"6"- 'Tim' 4ulialltill1k. men- were !--si. ---lisKili the -oleo of tfltDaae-
much In ev Wen... Huron Motor Moho , tion, in -illicit ,i,„ \limo.. Vallgl11111, of
lands. and Mai.F.ean & Trident Fordo. I Cerieh. invest.,1 a total of 34.400 to
$110W041 Chevrolet. Oldsmobile and Mc.
50C2C)C3C2C5CDCDC Inughliu core Geo- Johng1°13 tleer- a.tich meek. It 14:1, stated that Home
i, of Cutaneous secionery was used In
MeYerhoff•ll Mi.lwaY failed f° 8P' sending out circular* of the Oil 4.01:11.
rear. lint there were quite a neruber pithy, of whiell Mr. Sievebk• Nii•• a
cotritaL ot Individual Midway features. The
pm hefore the grandstand In- direetor. and that these circulars
ed a pair of lady dancers. and a A•
fratiked- bv Mr. Stevene, the cow-
(end„mot. Ar remedy to,robais. The 4.,;..i. i itleitr:Yhimithitii: awvtovieding the •cost of portage.
erich baud furnishisi excellent misdeal !nt nest at Info ralt7ito!fbtYiti
wtivre r111Pr48-einit.
Great interest was taken in the iirrolainhenu:ti.seibithes
lit e payments after
pregrams. : 1
teeing program. eliich Included two
event. on Thursday and two on Fri- Realising that these revelations
atty. The results were as follows: ptIlltiortly,11 :Ito* tihot.trellliertit:11I
21.noine ebelltirlar„, oveittglIv:
2.20 dam party arranged a -eome-back" which
Pearl 1/, -W. 11. Attrtia., - was staged at the publie meeting held
- Palmerston . at the opera Howie In support of Mr.
Hal Medium. Jas. Me -1 1 1 1 Mat on Mooday evening. when
affidavits of the Mine* Vaughan were,
Electors of South Huron
Quite regardless of party
political lerttaing, 1 thank you
for the epleneliti victory given
me at the polls on Tuesday
last. The N.ietory is your. nOt
74 Iifll'.
I take it as a striking vinoli-
tation of my record a, your
recreant in the Path:intent of
Canada, and a fitting rebuke
to thOet. 'who sought to cover
my name with obloquy at a
time when 1 was humbly en-
deavoring -TS do my duty and
had to meet and experience
the greatest material loss in
human life.
May 1 say again that words
Mil to vonyey in any adequate
terms a jurit appreciation of
the line tribute you have ac-
corded. It shall be to ni0 an
additional inspiration to ren-
der to you Anil to eountry
.the twat anti noblest servito•
my hfr.
Your- ,411114.1-0b ,
Thos. McMillan
R.. R.I.% Seaton to. Ont .
T. Bs TialiailifedWifigbways Depasi.
meat for Approval
The town council held its first meet-
ing of the month on Friday evening,
nit the members being preeent except
the Mayer. Reeve Winnings lids ap-
pointed to She chair.
The public works, committee re-
perteil that tendert* for the construe -
4i141 Of cement sidewalks had bees re-
ceived as follows: Boss & Brasier. 18C
1.-r square foot; W. J. Elliott. Clinton.
Mann.. Goelerich ..1 It. 2 2 produced stating that they bad never
:Me:. Bell Broil.. lialic: 11. Doak. 16e. I .,
The committee recommended that the I ''181 Hal.: Roy Collin. Tee*, ,
day tabot.1...„_.. w!ter . * _ . 2 4 4 4 goet.rii..41 iii.eregitjes. The-. Toronto
complained of their investments and
N111k. he eonstructed by
• 1 d au rvision
I. nl'esitacj'el. r Oar' riloYin,arr;x. LittPuir tu.. • 3 3 3 3 Stare* nore. It Irtl• /r11-11-ki lbai Mr.
of !be public week* committee. Other 1
Blyth B. H. MeCreatth of Toronlo,-bad. in -
4 8 5 dr. troduees1 Mr. Armstrong, of The Star. of °worse, Mleh.. gient a few days She
esseettnereintions were: That the Hn-!,
Time -2.24,-.. 2.224. 2.210-4. 2.21. to the 31i..... Ilughati att,1 that he
11011 Canning & Beaporator (lo., Ltd.. I, 2.54 elass past week with tbe former's, mother,
Mrs. Slither, Victorlr street.
1.1rutteretige hati represent, .1 himself
let ellen ed to erect a temporary
' • ' Messrs. .1. Coombe,. and W.
lir. A. M. Switeer and Mrs. Switscr. Hewn -Et hens, bred to law Roche:
40 rpr:nechiekemt
Tdlith4.-Hay. grids and morn. and all
MAMA 1/1 t10 and tinder, cairn; over that
moment 12 mouths' credit will be Riven
Lv..0.1e1. platform 52 feet long and not P • .• •1 • t- OD approved joInt•netm or a discount
,.s--,, 1n44 ten feet In width, on Brnee I 1 1 I reporter. . rent. straight off for cash. DRUOIRD8 PRACTITIONIR
chell NS a laeYer and attar a newsliaPer Hewlett, of North Hay, visited at the 5,
Stratford. ?hour 15-s,th
Ne. 119
Sake strewed lo anywhere NMI IONS
etter made W glira nnumutioft
Farmers' 0. nate. dircopmet
The Auctiemeer7
w41eunduet itberrange•ou, sCo
the latest me t• set tbe beet POP
reps. Ste him or drop a card and bo
will It Imardiate attetitimi.
Farm a specialty. Eldon Et...
toe household effects, farm atoll.
ete., fur the Conan, of 207011 -
address all coMmanicationa to J. NI.
STAAfERIK Asians P. 0.
L. COLE. R. 0..
West Street. Goderiab.
Honor Oradeate a taw Canadian.
Ophtheinvie College of Toronto.
ItyPe ex mined by Um latest meth•
oda, and preper fitting of gismo
at moderate peters. Ontario Boma
I of Examiners Certificate No. 875.
PROF. W. IL JACKSON. Instruction
a given VoleaCulutre. Organ, Pim*.
Violin, Guitar, Theory, etc. Studio aall
Iwaidenee, 117 North erect Phone NW
1,„ Emily Dawdy R•lee coatinuee kir
clausal, at studio. Sepralober 7. 198111.
1 8tandard Rank Bonding sAntligro.
Oat. 14.
044(147 Isalwarer. 3Loore
etr.•et in front of their factory. to re-;
Palmeraton-- • !"- The..., affidavits were °deemed from
,,.i,,,,i file street at the pleasure of worth, F.4._ naekett.3 2 2 tie- Miesees Vatighaa-ot.-the day before
home of thee former', unele. Mr. Fred F,vervtroet entext he Kidd; as the pro-
Mre.--FL-0.-. Sturdy and Masa' Al PrIrkieRt'afir-nhall- ("171.11.4;UXDRY
Mugford, Colhorne township.
rent'l (14 the elertion. by mean* which have iyrivol. npent fast week seating r TREK^
4lie only. and the Company ',el
P rietor kuctIoneer
• 2 7 4 sine.. heel! 1111111•01'eTed. 'Ile Matter. of . friend. at Teton -tee and Oakville. They •••-- -
girt. the town a bond of Indatonity to t
he approved by the town solkitor: • ,n
4 8 5 thee. The original story as it olD-. Mr W. V. rifle:Hog. of Hanna. AI. ---- -
i etourse, Is not being allow:AI to rent 1 astended the. Exhibition at Toronto.
Chestnut. W. •11. Burns. Palate
de. tes-esenry bylaw be immured Isahearer. H. Kaittlog. fhx1-
._-----5 11- Al_wheaseLeharseteett are abo th. -- Mop. --ttn.iiNelttaa-ftrady. of Bay- ; NAL OFFICK.
3111)trveNtT.n-eal7AILIIARallE ON NELSoN
that a cement sidewalk on Main ave .,;J.)ha..ton. A. ...,
Stratford . .11111g/1111,113, - r pecftel in The Taretifo stir was cor- .
nue. from Wellington to Wellesley ""'
6 4 3 reet. hut thp Iliesee Vaug bo we ()well :totted. •Isiied Miss Stirling IT°
berta. end Illiet Mem. Stirling. of ,
ern+ ' were 'uquowl,ar illoturbed and afmojed fleich Les returned from a' visit to 1111i:40d 013 Weini*t11. AWIY
*Imre. No gasoline
•t. 816 -
street. he bole under the lewal 1m. -
Margaret Smith. F. Taylor. , well-I:nowt' residents oof 41
proventeat Ac1 by *lay labor. and that •nd-.1 last week.
lui....1: that the R11.01f• Mil Deputy
7 8 7 by the notoriety which their affairs England arid Irelaud. where a e Tt t ILENT.
Reeve request the Provin,inol engineer Tita.„.2.......s
2.29SS. . had reeeiveth Mr. Armetroag it ap- it ,,ho. Firld ilIZURNISIIED HOU
' Centrally located on Weld street.
wad stootololers as u ProvIn. lal high- 'pear.. iv nett:ally a Artryer. and prat.- /Mgr
South street and srttaaala eve&
T41.1"uti w4inhettt7ereripo'urti. eernon Aeo.ns. and miss (ientodet 41%n-14)t.olnIstt: or at MU. 11. R. LONG 8 10-
,15 bum
Mr. Rees Prielk
• FRIDAY Milli M. A. YATES un the Reaklesee and • ofIles.:41allaar rit
tiros{ fin n number of year: in Nurth-
GODER10/1 • 4
Equipped with •IlestruHasvisali
bunt- Llactroole sitande,'..trastammil•
and calroperettr. Obinalemirgianie Old
nervous tikmaaso.
Ofliee boars 2 to b.
excepting Monday Mod
ten:loons and evecriast. kr RD
pen Docile
seta. lath, era;
wav and ate 'wt. speellteattone
' • 1•. 1.itt. 11- , ern outline. and is 11011' engaged with of *mot rite. male, agyea!auralax °Ince.
.itel I 1 1 1 The Torohto Star as a epecial inveeti- ! etieste tho. tenet wei-k of Mr. and Mr16
epplioatIona for building pOrallti. re- Gal Medium. Ja.. Nfellami1 gat.IT. Afildavits bare now be. n made mt. izeurge. pollee,
. These repotrta were allopto-ol . - 3 3 2 it a ill le, 1111ffiel011.1.t0 give lopro. one of Will Peale, of Kalumanni. Mieb.. end COlt SALE..-11711INTSAIZERBI.-111Y ItEl•LS
rferred te the tremmittee--4-et the hos o 3 by the Mlei,;_n_ Tiinglian estabilehing Mr. and Mr.. John Walton sad Mr, .
Pearl' 4:;,".111r1'1:1111. Iturns. Paint -2 -..-
11... troth oof Tie Toronto etar'etretiort.
. Mrs. Freese. rennliell, if Month Bend. S and double hollyhock plant*,
' I ra Mc. Wile , aunt ttp f.a. .S.t:nritIon 1 IIIIIII
31,4 11 IflOtIoll Illf1101 1111.111141 that It 1.4..
Bylaw No. 22. to rec-uta t e street t "'at"' Par^210:3•1einasiV- ..1141Mait.4 4 __4, :4,'-'1t,hhe.t.,444tarat :51;7_1:4 atuacf_eil.l::7..,71.:hin .1.. 8. ialt,t,mavizem..xneettio,o.litepriPaate„. weea of lir-, 20 eent s • donee. JOHN FELL.
1te•e-fime--2-.161-;-, . , oil eta Itethiltor Company. 1,41.1 the 1,14,., M. miditieiogi has returned.' to the Orovinelal Depart.; . • o Lew i. (HI Cerporation. from Torontn. where she studied the! cornroade.r Trafalgar street and Cankr2tiu
g.w.sen__.1,044thart 1111(1 been ilgl,/,e74.
(hi Weoltoo-oloty Semetrober 1st, at
101 Welts*. at the home of th$ bride's
parent& a pretty wedding took place.
w hen 0(11110' I.. only daughter of 51r.
and Mrs. J. S. leekhart. Pantini sta-
tion. was united in marriage tii-Robert
F.. Rowden. tem of Mr. and lira. W..1.
Bowden of teelerielt township. Rev.
F. IV .1tailden: of 'looney wood. officiated
The bride. W1141 W/1X Orin) away 11y 'her
father. barked eharmtng in a drees of
peach georgette. French hanot-em
brolderell awl earried a bouquet of
°lobelia roses anti lilies -of -the vancY•
The wedding tnareli was played to
Miss Eva W11114111ifie, The eroota's
gift to the bride. was a olittmond bar-
on. and te the piankt a white gold
o Hilly !trine
Inl•lo ,,r ittaawaya tar !unworn!.
o to square and Victoria street
NUM . /1 MPT- •
-",,.-ii.:3"--$: .1-. 2 2 I. Margaret Womfbao. of the to,‘ n newest methods used in the Toronto
; hereby Ileelnre:
i of Gisleriiii. in the vematy of 14uroa. coneervaniry a =tieing music easy
. and at t riot lye for beginner,.
Th„ bylaw ax it now stamis unik...., Lad,r Isehearer.
1 1 3 3 3 . 1. Th*. !nterview with me appear- Mr. and ilirs. IV. I'. (Haddon, Mimes
-1 11 rough streets.," before entering' 1 i
,‘ atl iLars or vehicles mane come I i 11- 11- • A -
ii t Wort v F , Ina .1. Ille frotot page or lihe Toronto Vetena and Iteanie and Mr. and 3tirs. C.
, Fogg. 0 1. Stevenson
Ilnekett. Myth 2 2 2 2 1 Seffellsieriley, Yi.pternts r 10, is COT- %V. POIlti ppent Labor Ihiy with
te a stop. 'Another iirolislon 1. that ;''
eti the Square and on tell tercets enter- ; ,._.; , , • d! rout ,C,. very partieular. antl truly Li, friPmla in Vinomount and Stoney
log the square for n distance el' one
bo4 . .,..3
r ipreseW4foi.141 Mid IcIllefltl11110t41crek. also
aking in the Torenno Ex•
' lck froui he iteitierall veldeleItrttatmltrpanr .., 5 de ' and 1•11Ti141'441. Mlitia. .
-hall park tit All angle of 43 &greet, ---"
Iles, limr.-.ftt•l. f 2. Our sole objecn tioto the putall- Mr. and Mrs. I'. W. Currie an-
. from' thc
e curb.14111 . ol so Rh the right ' )1r. Walter Ittirtosiole, .1 Kineardine, 'cation ofethe said Interview •nd aril- eyeline0 the engagement of their Young-
! frent wheel against the clues or /114111 WI" the 'tarter; L , toe 1. Orat we did liot nvderstand that egt daughter. er.•1, II Frances, to Jotin
The pria1. Ii•t ii imbli.hro elsewhere iiitr name* would be pnblialied aiong Elmer iteuttit. ...on o f Mr and 14
n1,11.1.4,41 lino. as noir be there. The .
ba yin, Followina the hincheon the Assoalty for violation ,i4 not more than ! 4" 115 °elm;
'balmy Mende left by Tottor for a trip , 91.1 for the first litt'enee and tort morel,
an Tafartto. Niagara and th.tredt. The, -titan fe21 for every enbeequent eiffenee.!,
bride (tinned for trevelling a rosewood
French -en, velvet drew* with coat fend
bat to match. (In their return ther;
'will reside in Goolerltoh tawn•hip and
will he et 1101110 to their frietool. ti(ter
'Oelober lst.
" liERTY. big oven with glass
door. usarbinittion 1 or NO011, POW
Plele Willi 11111r1 AtCl 11 fitting
ovens. Spleskli -a for farm
Il1011140. WINO 111212 1164
electric. A.
hn. F. J. R. FoltJaEll
Late Haile Surgeon New Tont 011b'
Malone and Aural Hospital. aingillata4
at Moorefield Eye Limplaal mai
Goble.° lIquare Throat Hooldtal, as I
don, Eng.
43 Waterloo St. 8., StratfotIL Tu. •
.411 hlondor. September
Hotel Medford, Dederick
Tgeadatir. SaPtember 21.
RAM' 111:43G 111711 SALE. -000D
a, aa new. Apply at THEitiGNAL., rocet...1 whit my purchase of o11 atork 4,, tike place fart) in (letoher. tcha)RirafailSroli•leakEefia.-tilrAllabini:pe,8' clIPI:e.(1.7)14iMer:d:-.)1;15.P.::::;.
h the recital of to incident', eon- Tiede It. nttie. Steatoorth. the marriage
The special countnittee vies tn• i I matt:J.1 ta:dhad topotones.biturh-iiptieth. we ware Saila-
tlia"VTILeii ILO. 11'; aanfdierMres.v•rjlacinkItIt.tmhater nevrP- "4 ' c°1A)"1"ijie. chair. hooka.
Ft Mc:
s4rinotts1 to bare the pennants and 1 Dr. e. N. Atkinson. chiropractor,3. 1 *01perfect!, aallafled that Olt! weeks s4•4-li4 at Toronto and Mao- r ABM FOR SALE -97 ACRES;
%III be elm of town trout geptenther 1 there was no effort on the port of The koka. Mr. Elliott is now .enjoying • 11- neat-eiaa, Iliad; all necessary
Other deeowatioons used .Inly ist
12 to I 11 Inelttelve - 2t ', Star or of its re reeent dee lir I
rine-keit ever. packed mid retnrned to . . • P .1 . etter health and will have charge of
the Hydro store. • Atom tifty young pigeons were 1.Arinitreng. who se. nreol the Interview. Illf, :wry'. ea In the Baptist church next
taken to Georgo.tomn on Wednesday Ito get and p4111 J. the inforratIon $111111fly
anti relen.ssi. 4 Owing to the unfavor- I wit leen fell ilkelonire Mr the fel that
The eiaineit then 4141,Iourrwol
. rimeOwes_Sound _Motor Coach Traosittornpany
Owen Sound, Walkerton
and Goderich
Effective Sept,. 14, 1.126
bulkiltiss. Fere miles north of 0011 -
pried on Blue Water }Heim -ay; close
to school and church. Easy terms le
reimonelble person. ALEX. HOItToN,
elite N•41111.." Hone of thew 4•1194 T. l Mr. .41retteirottg reprepentel The Star.
DORN R. R. 3. (loderich; Colborne municipal
41.141t..) OM NIVI1Iff Ilrrive.1 Into* in God- land that the Information ;wee for pub -
telephone 143. 44
-4-•4444-1-114111- 4T-Itttr$11111-1--112trrntrir----1-14411/44.4•7-4•10-4-4111-Trelr trattPretamd that -4-- -
Goderieli. on Ifiele .
The arirrual roulterenee of the !furore . mY LINO. *A* (0 he Plitliblhett Wit4I nil ‘TIVIllti)' -In
1 ember fl. to Mr. and Ara Bert t At HALE. - COM rOltTlinge
Pr...hill-1st 1‘..34 S will to. loidd tvt_. the loo.i.orview.
' Itraolford a moo (Thomas George) frame irouse--19---itooti- Vera
AI Toteaday, septered,r 2let. at 2 p.m. itepten b. r 13 thltyt onammrecey janytinstiitemitement 11.1;:ilitaK11,11r:Nititi:viti.,.‘ottotolit..tali,..kinnoenot(plre. otw,sositza‘ntemnirititarthefienhinsuassvs.rlonnnsimir.,1
First Presbyterian church. seafortii. 4. Ttoo. statement If My allidavit a • • - -. Three-pticp bath and electcic ligt.
met ..vealna lit 7.741 Weltilli. Excel- Pee coot. rinnua
_itotv,ot nitetrinoogrx aii,111mwS hatiVrnsTI. 1114:inireartr:Tatibglegilt.ion Ft_.40,v, m.yrr a modem; fn,
lin the tewia oft Company le-tortroe. "I" el; 11 rs. Mork! i niter 4. Wallen- location. corner of Brock ethet a
.04 in. °tor. on September 1441e to
Iwo WM/11111118y f•venIng six well- laIr *tut* In the Lewin Oil ealliPanY. Mr. and Mr4. 1.41%. Merklinger, of 000" el/nliirtlaatrnA81.fdiecIATIVellThattit''S,j°}LNItitfalM
kleian Giaterieti hop. had a very re_ ,T .111 niy ptoek of the fortner Can. oriel, to soon.
Into the ditch andlin n Hydro IMP this Year 1926. ; . f . • since the - IVitiaike..__int neptenteee 1, 14+24k en ‘2 ----"set-•-• ,._ _,___ --
Mr.- Joel Mrs. Albert N. Munn,
tua.r.kathle.aneepeAveitu_iliele ear ran PAUL i• M._011_13anapany
sieb. ef Seafortle. They eiwaped ini- 3. I never at any time made the Katt coninewolid avenue, Detroit, a nizsIRABLIII PROl'ERT
D10414141"11 SALE. -Corner North a
tifirt „Atli th„, t,a,.,.10,,„ nf a fro flt/It1,111,'Ill.littritintell to itie hi Abe ROW (L11101111' (Vert 0•1111./,
affidevit, pnbIlshed in The Mall and . streets. Apply to W. 11. J•
Empire of September 14. that ''l wish'
CHIRCH NOTES I had Thorn gold notes in the teald ---- -
., .
; 4
Leave A.M. PA. leave A.m. P.m. "
Owen Sountl 7.30 4.00 eloderie,h 7:10
kileyth 752 4.241 Ihstilop 7.10
lora 3 15 4.211 1a7141 7.55
Ivireansay 111;?8 1.1:4 .liftettrie 6.10
Inekleington 11.35 5.11 Illyth 6.25
1.55 5.35 Beigrav r
leinitillfbd 9.10 5.65 Nineteen
Hanover 930 630 Towevrater
Nelkereen Arr9.541 6.3* t.reennek
IND6.50 M'allkerton
4 Winner* 16.05 7.0ii
T. -cement, 10.35 7.30
Nineuum 11.01 7.55
B eigrave 11.20 file
Myth 11.31 6.21
6.10 1.05
6.55 5.24
9.20 5.45
9.15 6.10
Arr. 10.05 625.
Hanover Lye.
10.25 7.05
Ffint000d 10.45 7.25
11.01 7.45
Ihilthingtou 11.Z0 /IN
A esteem ....saw.. 11.50 6.44 I n a -enemy 14121 LIE
lay al . 12.05 6.55 Tara 11.30 &IP
Dunlap .12.10 9.00 Kileylit 11.55 8.51.
teseelperb ..... ..12.211 9.11 nem Mound 12.20 9.141
• *mina 1 Otoderieh ..33.75 Dunlap fa Goderletle tie
Wiregkaan is Totirwster ....Ur Between other lowest 25e
Troorwookor to (ironwork NOr
srarii,tatoss ROADS- Ftop me at any envoi road or fano%
tate and I drop you anywhere on mute
tionorroa"11;42. Ta410.
11. riLAIBIS
Bit tee. Etc.
milt street. Goderielk
Mary Pattie and
ee - Con r Boom
- -
mutrivr RARRIWMIR. 130
.r •" 1
1 • Atmore, Alistietiall•
lad lots Nos. 28, 28, 29
Redly Survey, in the'towo
rich. Apply to 11. C. NUN.
Goderich, or JOIIN TolitRA
romploty.. .
• ' -
• 111.011.\NAN.--In liollerk IL on Fri -
tier. tee '*111 1,,' eonoltieted at Zion OD
creatil toe nriny yearn and bold him chahao. in her 76th year.
01. 1 111111" known Mr. 14- 11 ,114.- day. $.1,f pi.,1,14. 10. peetabete Bn.
I» thi. highest merest: atome months
DEEI•El. -Art Whothaan on Tuesday.
it" Le '''''''111""t for me the M1 tiewenther 14, 1.111intotth Smith, wi-
eitniennteptaivove referred to and eel- ;dm, ,,f ,the tate sillept,„ Dee,08.
eistel me with regard to them and I
refleeting in any wily upon 11161. INKSTISt.-- -At 1,11,1,7 Lake, Rook., on
Monday, September Uttla, 1926,
had no thotoriat to tile mild nflisjaelt of
."1. (Mimed) Matgaret ratIgh*111. Of (Nita. • end Mrs Jalinga Tnkater,
(Marie* 1.1.,n1 ink1111-r, soma .on
Dated at Cederielf 0101-1501 tloy of
Seufealter. 1928, ; - e
Witness: Ceitharine'Taaglian. • otiderieti, aged 31 years.
Th.; fnai.riti will take Mee44 from the
Thwehole arTtor of Gus Steve
tlo11-11.'' nparnts, Ilig
traniaellon. 14111 no doht receive fete;„4...„,o1,.-'.mese1 h-.
thcr attnton la the publie Press, 1,,,) on. t.11ai8;M eter; rlrtii
the atsove .tatement will inner 1.1'ne, toalfite
at 1.30 •
cheer the atraospitere .4 the mesa
tainty et -Pabst by the grandstand PisrY
at the ("Opera 1Ionae on Monday night
441-1111141 fl 01110011. od .10 beck. by .Rev.
F. 0'. Elliott. Next Weetneaday night
F:Itloitt Will begin a rtf,kty. Bible
nutty. taking up the Bonk .4 tleaerils.
lit Knox chtirch the services r.ext'
ssiihaiii win tritvontitteted by the min -
Subjects of sermons: 11 a.m..
-Patienee that lespevercle." 7
-Gas Ili Tank.- ettelibath ectsool
al 140 ol'elock.
Tlw r,•gulnr Meeting, of the Arthur
cinlit will be held' It 464 leetetre
room .4 Knox ehttreli Mends,.
Septeather Ant. at b p.m., Mrs. Dun-
lep will liar,. eltarge •If the meeting.
.111 wein...•r. are urged to he present
III tusk.. arrougatments for the hagoar.
The ...11 kV.* •11 North street t'nited
11 nest 4411.44174411.44171%111 by a• tot -
loos: n111.. MI01111011 Rand. M.
(lull, and citristian fellowithip cittowa.
'lowItoo II.iii.l Ileppy Orme.- he the
meshes se he illecoasist in the Men's
(lob and to he introthwed by Mr. C.
M. Itulierlown. Public worttbip at 11
a.m. mid 7 via etradaeted by (be pas-
tor, Iter. le. nitrite
11)1. .t. waa eaTINI away
oft Sunday by the Ihneas nf hip done
ter. Mien Jean Hnnter, In New York
An operation for appendicitis ET. I '4)RA DO 110114E. WEST
lens performed and Mips Hinder is street, (lociPf nnafrlors want -
now reported to he tanking excellent ed. Good qul.l halueo roareafeat lo-
proffreint. cation.
4e1tRREIS Private home Every
"lflflIPfl(4-. 44..r lake. Apply at
THE 14IONAI, 04'1.10111. 34
trio, Fae.
0.11 AYR
St.. liederktY
F dweitinga In good lot -swam
Godprieti. Ala° forty acres of g
pasture hoot with an abundanee
water. elope te Sown. Terms to
pnrehssere. T. 171-INITRY. •
lek reseldince on Mpg, ist.
Hng, two toilets and bath,
tithe *replace, electric 14 4,
finertl, fine teritOon on IS
70141111re at J
RALF -STEEL Butt,ntrt
12, pnitsste air 'Mg, or
ailmIted Quantity (4
do0o cord,
ikeure• St.
wn property 11110
in . va iisla'tsimEn ov 14%1 ly,
D. E.
liklaferal P. or
re -...A. Br, •••, • t,
04.414 John4141402
ferti; \John
Geo. Ileetkrtn
; Robert .1'
Gibson. Rtmeelkot
entwood; 38=0
. W. 70.0.
n, R. R. No. I, Otto
lloo\fli:: Hinch
ean snake
oet their rants
'Tides Clothing
tee: 11- 1. Ctitra tkosor",
tercet. 'rich, or I. R.
enaI Store. Dayfloill.
•• 4 .;L •
.4 e4.',