The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-08-28, Page 441110 Box , Holders' Names :-NOt Given Out': It is' strictly`,againstour ruleS to,divulge the name •or addiess of any, advertiser using; an Advanee-Times Box Number. Please do not ask Vs for this, information. EDDIDO • e • ASK FOR 4Wee. aillA • • Mount Forest, 'Ont. HOUSE, Modern, all one floor, Wingham, Ont. $8,500,00, $4,00.00 ' down. APARTMENT HOUSE, Wingham, • Ont., Good Revenue, $10,600.00,10,000.00 down. FARM, 5 miles from Wingham, Ont,, 65 acres, 0 workable, 9 room Brick House, Largo Barn, Hydro, Maitland River, $8,500.00 Total asking Price. GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION, Wingham, Ont., Terrific - ',Location, open to your inspection and to your Offers, Established for l years. HQUSE, Lucknow, Ont.,' 'A titre, 5 room Cement Stucco'Home, Toyvn Water, Hydro, Wonderful Location, Beautiful view on Hill, only K200.00'Priee. , We need your Home, Farm, Business, and Small Holdings. COntact us for Results. Agents covering Western Ontario, Local ' Representative Mr. 'John. Finnigan, Diagonal Road, Phone 660 Wingham, Oat. .4.•••••••••111-1341•11.04111.0111•11.04111111..M1111,111.114111111.411.0•11.1id' RIWEN1f1111104101MIlip.100.411111.411M011111111)0111114101•••••• NEW and USED MASSEY-HARRIS tARM EQUIPMENT PLOUGHS, • ONE=WAY DISCS TRACTORS and OTHER SEASONABLE FARM EQUIPMENT CHARLES HQDGIN-S WINGHAM 40111.0”0•1111•00111.1.11110.11...1.111.6,••••0•=•••••••.•iM Notice to WATER CONSUMERS The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.mi. This will be strictly enforced. . An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 'gross, less prompt aymenC,discount 10 per''cent,,is made for , e use of a hose' or outside tap for the 'above •noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, Who has not paid for this ,service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. Shera, Superintendent WARREN L. STEVENSON Real Estate Phone 325 AOIan* Ad), ugust -44 '44 12 S 0 N 11J FOR SALE MEAT FOR ,SALE—Good beef by the quarter, Killed under license frxom Dept. of Health. Yearling Inifera.. Top quality. Lowest ,prices, Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 2400, 17rrb ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. Call Jed Reynolds, Wingham Phone 64031, 15rrb - CLEARING RING EINPERS! All, large ring binders, 20% off, Small Ring Binders, % price, McKib- bans Drug Store, 28b MILK FILTERS for sale—"Rapid Flo'', 6-inch, 79c; 6%-inch, 85c. Alexander's Hardware,' lrrb POTATOES for sale by the bag. Cheap, Phone 546R„ 28b GENESEE SEED WHEAT,. grown from, registered seed. Treated $1.80. Apply to James R Currie, phone 719W3. 28,4* CUCUMBERS for gale. Various pickling sizes.Dill etc. Phone 407.' 28b PURDON'S r SUMMER SALE— Ladies' summer dresses, values up to $7.95 to clear at $2.95. 28b ROUND DINING ROOM OAK — table for sale, Reasonable. Phone 5. 28b COMPLETE RANGE of Ball Point cartridge fill and Fountain Pens. Choose your new school pen early at'McKibbons Drug Store. 28b GET YOUR cowboy Western Hat and Western Jeans and cowboy Boots at Cameron's Trading Post, Tombstone. 28b RED HAVEN peaches ready next week, Jubilee following week. • Bring containers, Govenlock . Orchards, Forest. 21,28* GARDEN CORN suitable for can- ing for sale. Contact Ken Dick- son, phone Be!more 20r3. '28:4* GRAY Convertible baby carriage hr • sale: Good as new. Phone Wroxeter 105. ' 2.8* BACK TO SCHOOL - Right at the start assure • your boy or,girl -a, cOldleSs !season — ,give "them Super Plenamin Juniors from McKibbons. 28b 1952 AUSTIN for sale, 18,000 miles. Good shape. Apply to George Col- dough, •RR.. 1, Clinton, phone evenings 3203 Clinton. 28* 55 GILSON 7 cu. ft. refrigerator, Sunshine 2-burner rangette, both in A-1 condition, for quick sale. Phone• nights Listowel 1092w. 28*' OLDSIVIOBILE with automatic drive for sale. Oshawa blue color, fog lights,; automatic radio. Two. stinVisors, orie• rear mirror, spare tire, jack and slip covers. Looks like new, wonderful hay. Con- tabt Alex Crawford, phone 144. 28b SUFFERING from F.B,? F.B. &arida for frayed belts—we can supply a wide range of belts and pulleys made to put drive into Your business. We have a full stock of A and B Width belts and pulleys, also flat rubber drive belting. Stainton's Hardware, Wingham, 28rrb FOR OIL' TANK TRUCKS or USED' CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY Contact— 'Gifferi Truck EquiPment Limited 6461 Xonge Street, Willowdale, Ont, a7,28;s11,25;o9,23b 5 AUGUST' SALE OF DRAPERY Special Puirchase! 2,000Yards .of Drapery keg. $3.95 for $2.95 bRAPES .1VIADE-UP FREE OF CHARGE. I A large variety of colors and pat- ' • terns all screen prints. On Sale .While quantities last. Sale, price $2.95 Srnitty's Shopping Centre Ltd. 709 - 7 Ave. Haribrer, Ont. 22:29b '441.4ciiiilariosicomi•v4.••••• BONDS ,32nd Anniversary Sale starts at ARMITAGE'S itiri Sept, 1st during this sale . With' every Inade-to-measure * Suit *oil are given extra pants for only 32 Cider Yhtir net fell shit no* take deliVery later dn. USED HOT :WATER SECTIONAL BOILER with oil burner, fuel tank, circu- lating pump and controls, Apply SOX 57 ADVANCE-TIMES REAL ESTATE FRAME HOUSE for sale, - Two separate bathrooms. Modern con- veniences. Nice, grounds. Apply to Box 59 Advance-Times. ' 28b SOLID DOUBLE 'brick two-dwel- ling home in good location for sale, Built on three lots. Each dwelling with separate hot water heating, built-in °cupboards and 3-piece bathrooms. One with 3 bedrooms, other with two. For further information contact F. T. Field, Teeswater, phone 92, 21,28b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 18 PIGS eight weeks old' for sale. Contact Cameron Walsh, phone 15r28, Brussels, 28b ' • THREE HOLSTEIN heifers for sale, ,due to freshen, vaccinated. Apply. to Harry Bateman, 28 4 BLACK HEREFORD cow for sale, due to freshen the first week of Sept. Apply to Oliver Dustow, phone 3r112 Belmore, 28b 43 PIGS for sale, J Well started, seven weeks old. Apply •to Wal- lace Moreland, R.R. 1, VV-roxeter, phone 19r21. 28b POULTRY FOR SALE POULTRY-150 Sussex 'Red Pul- /lets. 4%, months old; dewormed Robert Kreller, phone Wroxeter 19r16. • 28* FOR RENT • HOUSE FOR RENT, "Phone 329. , 28b LARGE DUPLEX APARTMENT. Built in cupboards, 'three bed- rooms, 3-piece bath. Available about sO.ctober. 1.st.,Apply, to.-Box 58, Advance-Times: 28* FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMAN WANTED for light household duties. All modern conveniences, No heavy work. Apply to W. T. Cruickshank. 28b TWO TRAINED Aides wanted for tiew addition to hospital opening in September. Apply, Saugeen Memorial Hospital, Southampton, Ont, 21,28,4b AMBUIANCE SERVICE " OURBIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing- ham. Safe, courteous Service Phone. Day, 51; Night, 716 or 636: • 13rrb WANTED HIGHEST CASH prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses: Dead cows and horses picked up or removed promptly. Also wanted to buy—Boar Hogs. Call collect Bruce Marlatt, At- wood, phone 8 or 153. rrb DEADSTOCK,WANTED DEADQTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young Limited. 6rrb MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM BULLDOZING, remov- ing stones and landscaping, etc. New land cleaned and worked, Chisel-ploughing any land. With- in 50 miles, Contact Ross Hast- ings, Wingham, phone 740, 24rr213* IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk covorage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck , insurance. Yearly or six Months Policies are available. Special rates for farmers, For further information phone 293, Wingham, • 29rrb SAMTARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL septic tanka, OeSspoels, cetera, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service, All Work guaranteed, Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels, 16rrh WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding AsSoelation "Where Better Build Are Used". "For artificial in- semination information or Ser. vice from all breeds Of cattle, phone The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association ati Clinton HU 1,8441 or IVIiidnuty 130r12 be- tWeen 7.30 and 9.80 am, We have all breed, *Minable— Top quality at law dost." 214erb SALESMEN wmiTgn. PART 1.111111:i NEI-4) $3(0. IN TM N1XT *60 DAYS? •, If you have 2 to 3. hours daily spare time and a car — you can start at' once making Extra Money Enrolling Motor Club Member- ships in this locality (city or rur- al). No, experience training aids provided. Enquiries from women welcomed. VULT,, Have you experience' in direct selling such as• Cookware, Flat- ware, Magazines, Books, Applianc- es, Insurance etc.? We need ex- perienced men for lucrative sales. positions. . Opportunity to qualify as District Manager in this area. Reply by letter at once stating Part or Full Time to; Mr. Risdill, Box 817, London, Ont. , 21,28b • WANTED 2 OLD-AGE pensioners wanted. Apply to Box 60 Advance-Times. VACANCIES now available at McKay's Rest Home. Pensioners welcome. Phone 103, Wingham. 28:4* TRANSPORTATION C'ONTRACTS WANTED The West Wawanosh Township School Area Board wants tenders to transport five pupils 2% miles from S.S. No. 14 to S.S. No. 12. Tenders to be in hands of secretary not later than Monday, September 2nd., 1957. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. W. A. Stewart, Sec., Dungannon, Ont. 28b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the contract of dig- ging, laying tile and pipe and backfilling the Wheeler Municipal Drain in the Township .of Morris will be received by the undersigned until 11 a.m. September 3, 1957. A certified cheque for ten per ,cent of the .contract price must accom- pany each tender. Engineer's plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk, 21,28b FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders will be received up to September 5,• 1957 for a 110 acre farm, consisting of lots No. 7, 8, 9, concession 9 Carrick Town- ship, Bruce County. Located on surfaced county road one and a half mile from school and village. 85 acres under cultivation. House covered with instil brick• siding. Large bank barn. Hydro in house, barn, and, double garage. Drilled well and cement stabling, Posses-. mon March • 1, 1958. Access for fall cultivation. Terms 10% a ef purchase price to .be paid when tender accepted, the balance in six months with 6% interest. Highest or any tender not necessarily. ac- cepted. Tenders to be ' marked with the word tender on envelope and sent to Bill Bross, Mildmay, Ontario or .• Walter Mullen, Walkerton, Ontario Executors, 21,28,4b SALE BY TENDER TAKE NOTICE that the under- signed, Executor of the Estate of Milton Mastic, Will offer for sale by sealed tenders, the following- lands and premises: Lot No. 3 and the Northerly 80 acres of Lot No. 4 in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Howick, less parts sold for High- way and Railway purposes and containing 176 acres more or lesS, On the premises are situate a brick house; bank barn 55x70 with cement `stable; also a further frame house; another bank barn With cement stable and steel robf, 52x56; drilled well, good 'repair; pig pen 28x50, cement with steel roof; drive house, 30x60, Steel roof and Separator room; cement silo 14x36; about 5 to 6 acres of bush. Land in good state of cultivation with all tile on natural drainage, LOcated on Highway 87, adjacent to 'Village of cOrrie. Some terms may be arranged, Tenders Will be received by the undersigned up to September 1st, 1057, Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Possession, if sold, May be had by Dec. 1, 1951, Deposit by marked dhow for 10% of purchase price to accompany the tender,' DATED at *'Wingham this 26th day of 1957. Cordon Hastie, EkOctitor, Ontitr10, allti21.28h COMING EVENTS YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, now try the best, for spareribs and sauerkraut on 'Wednesday,, Fri- day and Saturday evenings, Com- mercial Hotel, Formosa. cd12 /67 LEGION BINGOS will be held in the Council Chambers every Fri- day night. Sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion, Good prizes includ- ing fowl, Turkeys for specials, Olihrb CARD OF THANKS I would, like to express my sin; sere thanks and appreciation to all my many friends for all the flow- ers, boxes, letters, cards and visits I received while a patient in Wing-. ham General Hospital, These many kindnesses will always be remeen; bered, —Mrs, Frances Strong. 28* CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends, neighbors and relatives who remembered me with gifts, flowers, treats and cards while I was a patient in Wingharn General Hospital,— Miss Hazel Sperling. 28* CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who helped in any way with our reception. at BlueVale. —Marilyn and Jim Lockridge. . 28* NOTICE Anyone giving my•wife credit as from this date, August 24th, does so at their own risk—Harold Whitehead, 28:4:11* • COURT OF REVISION MORRIS TOWNSHIP The Court of Revision on the 1958 Assessment Roll will be held in the Township Hall on Sentare- ' tier 3, 1957 at 10 dm. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. • 21,28b NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONSIDER BY-LAW Take notice that a By-law for raising $200,000.00 under the pro- visions of The Tile Drainage Act, will be taken into consideration by the Council of the Township of , Howick at the Municipal Office in Gorrie, on the 5th day of Septem- ber, 1957, at"the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, ' • J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, Township of Howick. 7,21,28b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF SARAH FIELD ALL PERSONS , having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 8th day of August; 1957, are• required to file proof of same with the under Signed 'mi . or before the 1:4th'.-dttY, of September A.D. 1957. After that date the Executor will pro- ceed to distribute the estate hav- ing regard , only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 26th day of August, A.D. 1957, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor 28,4,11b UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Execution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, in which Andrew Vrieburger, Ther- esa Eby, William L Eby and William Eby Junior, an infant under the age of twenty-one years, by William Eby his next 'friend, are Plaintiffs and Annie McGlynn and Patrick McGlynn are Defend- ants and to me directed against the goods m)d chattels, lands and tenements of the said ANNIE McGLYNN, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption. of ANNIE MCGLYNN, in and to: AN INTEREST in the east half of Lot 16, Concession 12 of the Township of Turriberry in the County of Introit On the farm there is located a frame house and a frame barn, ALL of which said right, title, interest and equity of redeniption of the said Annie McGlynn in the said lands and tenements I shall offer for Sale by Public Auction at the Saki Preinlaes on Monday, September nth, 1967, at '8:00 p.m, to.8,rt NELgON BILL; Sheriff, County of Iluron. 11,2,k4,11 TOO LA'140 TO CLASSIFY ;STUDIO COUCH, 2 ,con_goleum rugs, fire extinguisher, colony ionise, cedar rails fqr „sale, Mrs, D, S, MacNaughton, R.R, 1, Bluevale, „ phone Wroxeter 41'8. 29* BIRTHS CURRIE-7ln Wingham General Hospital, .on Friday, August 23, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, John A. Currie, R.R. 3, Wingham, a daughter. BURKE—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, August 25, 1957, to Mr, and • Mrs. Calvin Burke, Winghain, a daughter. McINNES—In Wingham General Hospital, on 'Wednesday, August 21, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Dan. McInnes, RR. 1, Holyrood, a son. • RITCHIE—In Wingharn General Hospital, on Thursday, August 22, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Ritchie, RR, 3, Lucknow, a son. Culross Resident Buried Tuesday The death of a well-known Cul- ross Township resident, Lawrence. Thomas Kelly, took, place .in the Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday after a brief illness. Mr. Kelly was born at the family home, Concession 2, Culross, 71 years ago, the son of the late WU-, liam Kelly and Margaret Galla- gher. He received his education in Culross Township and at De La- Salle College in Toronto, On June 25, 1919, he was married at Sacred Heart Church, Teeswater, to the former Anna Mae Doyle of Wawa- nosh and.they spent their married life farming in Culross, Mr. Kelly was. a member of Sacred. Heart Church, at Teeswater and of the Holy Name Society. In addition to his wife, he is sur- vived by a daughter Mrs, Bob (Evelyn) Sewers, Wingham, and fOur sons, Francis, Elliott Lake, Ont.; Jack, Kitchener; Blair, Sagi- naw; Mich,, one brother and one sister% John F, Kelly, High' River, Alta., and Mrs. Edward (Kate) King, Culross Township. Requiem High Mass was sung in Sacred Heart Church, Teeswater, on Tuesday at 10 a.m., by Dr. Mc- Kenna, parish priest, and inter- ment was in the Teeswater Roman Catholic Cemetery. The pallbearers Were. Vona Kelly,' Joseph O'Malley, Joseph Kieffer, Perry Pennington, Carl Pennington and David • Rit- chie. The floral tributes were car- tied by- RoY Jack ,CelVin,- Charleg and JOY.' • . FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverages STEWART A. SCOTT Eton sow wiashain 25rril —Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Eiseler of Brandon, Man,, are visiting with her parents, Mr; and Mrs. L, man of Blyth, before returning to Guelph, where Stan iii attending the O.A.C. —Mrs, Janet Buchanan spent , two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Jack McLeod and Mr. McLeod at Scarboro, —Mr, and Mrs. garry Bates of Detroit spent the week-end with the latter's motber, Mrs, Ella An , 7 . gus of Pleasant Valley. —Mr. and. Mrs, Bill Grover, and sons of Winnipeg are visiting with the latter's family at Listowel and called on. friends in Wingham one day last week. —Mr. and Mrs, Dave Murray and two children and Miss Manning of Winnipeg spent „the .past week and a half with 'his mother, Mrs. S. A. Murray and other relatives, ,-.Visitors at the home.of Mrs. S. A, Murray over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Ford Murray and family, of Brampton; who haie been holidaying at Port Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Childs and son George of Woodstock, Mr, and Mrs. Rowen of Teeswater and Mr. Hugh Shan7 non of Drew, —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hupfer. of Detroit are holidaying this week with Mr. Vernon Hupfer,' —Week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Barry. Wenger were Mr. and Mrs. William' Beckett and two children, Sarnia, • and Mr: and Mrs. E, 3, Litt and daughter Sharon of London. s—Mr. and Mrs., James Coulter, Robert and Ann of Stratford, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, George Coulter. —Lt. and Mrs. L, R: Eldridge of Barrie spent the past week with the latter's mother, Mrs. Blatch- ford. —Visitors. with Mrs. Donald Rae, on Thursday were Mrs. Ruby Bain, Mrs. B. Williamson, her sister, Miller -and Mr. and Mrs. William. Wiley, all' of Stratford and Mrs. R. Clark, of Mitchell. —Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elliott and daughter Linda spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCormick of Brantford. —kr. and Mrs, Art Henderson and. family .of Bruce Mines visited last week with relatives'here. .7.--Mrs. Norman Elliott, Douglas and Karen spent last week with her A MI MI lel NE EN Ng SE iVSeunilidyesr :nt di), 'Hionlielduadyisn. including PHONE 185 ' 1 LEE'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE II um um so so MC Ell IN ei • • Mother, Mrs, Ada D'eLong of South- ampton. Karen is remaining until Thursday to try her swimming ,Ntee—sw". MLri and' slcear d, Mrs, Mr. Taoidr4 MGrisl.bri°etio'yf Heeriey; of Scarborough, Mr, and Mrs. George Munson and Miss Joyce Alfurison of Guelph were visitors during the past week at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. W. E. Fielding, ...Victoria Street, BUSINESS and 1 /4 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A. 11. McTAVISH ,BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER •ONTARIO TeleptiOne 23 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wedneiday afternoon, 27-4 p.m.; or by appointment, Frederick 'F. Homuth Phm.B., R.0: Carol E. Homuth, R.0, Mrs. Viola, H. Homutho orTovittiusts PHONE 113 Harristono ;Ontario NEW HEALTH UNIT INSTALLED DU VAL Chiropractic office this week had a new ultrasonic electro therapy unit installed, Unlike other eleetro therapies this treats 41'. by sound wave and lies been prov- en to relieve colds, migraine, Soinnia, sinus, neuralgic, and ar- thritic 'conditions. The Vibrator penetrates deeper than any other Massage and in le"•ge centres physic, therapist's taking care of professional athletic teams are using it to treat bruises and sprains, to relax tension arid to,. relieve fatigtie. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingliam, Phone 48 J. II, CRAWFORD, Q.C, S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, VI/Ingham .f WELLINOTON FIRE Insurance Company _Est. Igo Au All Canadian Conipany which has Faithfully served its policy holders for Over a century. Blend Office Toronto MacLean Insurance Atone/ Witiglutin Ed(Martin Dies Of Heart Seizure -Edward Joseph Martin, an em- ployee at Fry & Blackhall Ltd,, died suddenly at work on Thurs- day of last Week as the result of a heart attack. He was in his 41st year, Born at Dorking; Ont., he was a son of Albert Martin and the late Mrs. Martin. He received his e` ucation at Stratford and served fife years overseas during World War II, coming to Wingharn after- his discharge. Mr. Martin • was a member of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church. Besides his father, he is survived by six sisters, Mrs. H. (Eileen) Morton, Indiana; Mrs. Loretta Stritzinger, Detroit; Mrs, D. (Es- telle) Mersdorf, Dearborn, Mich; Mrs. George (Bertha) Duddin, Mrs. Fred ,(Evelyn) Hashri and Mrs, Sid (Anne) Bowser, the latter three of Toronto; and four brothers, Wil- fred, Stratford; Harold, 'St. Oath- arises; Bill, Kitchener and Howard, RR, 2, Lucknew. Rev, R. Durand officiated for the requiem mass at Sacred Heart Church Whigham, at 9,30 st.rri, on' Monday, after Which interment was made in the Roman Catholic cemetery, Wingham, The pall- bearers were itoSs Johnston, Wal- ter VanWyclt, Ted Martin and three brothers-in-law Of the de- ceased, INVITATIbNS t) ANNOUNCEMENTS„„ 0 ACCESSORIES COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER ' Advance -Times Wingham, Ph. 34 • ,w.