The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-07-17, Page 2r Two mo Adeenceninmes, WeahleedaYi ;flan UM EMOTION VERSUS INFORMATION Human emotions are fine in their place hut a tiniQ'S they do very definitely get into action before mason has had a chance to operate. Last week a supreme court decision, which returned twin ehildren to the custody of their natural parents, aroused ire all over the province. The fact that the children had been in the care of a devoted couple for the past se ea years, who believed that they had legally adopted the youngsters, has shaken the faith of many couples in the dependability of adoption practices in Ontario, If those were •the only facts in the matter the public would be entirely justified in feeling that adop- tion leads only to heartbreak, However, there were circumstances in this case which entirely alter the picture, The most important of these circumstances is that the adoptive parents did not proceed through the recognized channels set up by the Department. of Wel- fare when they assumed the .custody of the twins. Because such heartbreaking episodes have occurred rnany tittles in the past, and to protect both natural and adoptive parents from tragedies of the kind re- cently enacted at Cooksyille, the Ontario government department has a well-nigh foolproof system of adoption. In the first place the natural parents are examin- ed on their willingness to part with a child. If there are temporary circumstances which appear to force the parents into giving up a youngster, every effort is ‘made to rectify the trouble and keep the child at home. If adoption appears to be the only course, the new parents are not granted final and legal riebts for a TeMN-TY-FIVE PEARS AGO T.1.11 10.10.1Z ' ' Reminiscing 17*,405, 440 At the mauler Meeting' of Pante Behoof Weird beld this a it was decided tgpurebase kenos roil ta platr tile cello Afta,ses Ella Beckwith and Jame, former wmghoro have recently taken out min cions in the Salvation Army, T onto, Irene been Stationed at D den. Recent Storms CAM More Water Hazards 'With these recent stelae -A iu Ontario, more than ever we mnst do everything we eon to promote the Water Safetyn said Claire /M- -pen director of the fted Croes aa Water Safety Service for Ontario. ot "Practically all over tbe province, rho the water level has risen any_where rho Froin 6 inches to -feet and ,stm- posedly safe swimming areas are rise or, Male hazercions." res - An enthusiastic meeting th general vest rn of St. Paul's Mare was held in the church on Monde evening. Mr. W. F, VanStone an Mr. Richard Vaastene were chose as Wnttt en for the ensuing sear. Of the slfteen zuceeesfai eandi dates at the pan ew exemination held in Tenswater on July nrd, th name of Miss Mary DW owse ting banal appears on the list taking her advanced preparatory with honors. The examiner was Me Peter Kennedy, the candidates being pupils ef Miss 5.!, Gordon, of Teeswatet Miss ?McLeod, of Lueknow, has accepted the position aa operator with W. J. Greer and Miss Mary Stuthers, of Lucknow, has taken a similar position with R. D. Cun- ningham. Ail that is necessary to mike the Orange Picnic at Wingharn an unequalled success is fine weather. People have sienified their inter- Legion Auxiliary Rivers and streams, once an en* sayable place for p• laying, are now treacherous Currents and under-- e v h tONs have inereased, calm and quiet waters are now dangerous. Miss McMullen went on tto say that more people than ever will e • wearing life -jackets. In two acci- dents reported within the past few days, those wearing jackets and in- volved in a boating accident were saved, those not wearing jackets -dorivned. Non swimmers, even weak swimmers, should wear life- jackets %sheet in a boat and when playing around the water. By Olin eerving this Simple rule many lives coati be saved: drown through not observing the siraple water safety rules. In aline alone there was an increase of 15 drownings over last year, During July end August these numbers will grow even more. • The greatest number of drown.- ings occur from non -swimmers not tion to spend the 12th in Wingham for this event. 0 - 0 - considerable period of time, during- which the depart- ment has an Opportunity to assure itself of the ability' of the adoptive parents to adequately rear the young- ster with affection and good judgment. Most important of all, the natural parents do not know where the child is placed, so that there is no opportunity for them to watch the Youngster develop At the Canadian Women's Tract and Field Chaamiouships and Oiy- mphies trials held at Hamilton last Saturday, Betty Taylor, a former local girl, came third in the et/ - metre hurdles -and will be one of the girls to represent Canada at the Olymphic Games to be held in California this year. and for the parents to- begin to regret their decision. ,fpueve.rbroof ..INB,Ingtirrustrez , g induct . Then' have already bad that chance during the more led Thursday evening of last' week than a year before adoption became final. at St, Ja.mes' United Church, Rem- ington Park, Windsor. These safeguards were not employed in the case At the regular meeting of the, which was decided by the supreme court, and when Wingham Lodge No. 286 A.P. & the matter' came to trial it was found that the adop- of_ktrisest wee:Lithe installation of tion was not complete in its legal aspects, as a result During the ceremony Rt. Won of which the adoptive parents, who, of course, bad be- Bro. J. A, Morton was presented come deeply attached to tbe twills, „were -left heart- with a long service rnedal recog- bnOkeg. ninon of 50 years as Past Master. • W. IL Pbair the LPM., was Pre - We 'understand that there has never teen one case seated with Past :Master's Jewel, in which adoption was handled through the aorencx by Rt. Hon_ Wor. Bra Gibson. 1.17r The District Convention of the set tip by the government, where the adoptive parents Horticultural Societies of Huron lost the child or children in their custody% • HERE'S A THOUGHT , 'One dtizen of this community, who has always been intensely interested in the Maitland% River and the natural assets of beauty which it affords the town, has suggested that when the Canadian Pacific Rail- way wrecks the trestle bridge ver the, river, the coun- cil shouldoask the railway company for the timber. Hit idea is that the materials could be used to make strong- gates for Howson's dkn, and that in this way the level of the upper reaches of the river could be raised to the point where First Bush and other points along the stream would be retuned to usefulness as „swimming and Naming places. The FCC has expressed the opinion that the con- crete Nalells of the darn, into which the plank gates were formerly fitted, are so damaged that it is now impossible to 'keep the gates in place. ..As a result, the re water level in the upper pond is very low and there is hardly sufficient water at First Bush to allow sv.-irti- le ming. With the /OW water stagnation takes place in ex the pond itself as weeds and other vegetation along the shore decompose. Over in the village of Mildmay the Rotary Club b has utilized the natural asset S of a stream as a public swimming spot bv constructing a floating sidewalk to ea define the outer edges of a safe swimming area. Above in the 'walk and below it to the bottom of the river is a b Brune and Gren, was held in Wing - hear Town Hall last Thursday. The hall was prettily decorated by Mrs. T. Xew. While tethering a calf, George Finlay, Jr, Lower Wingham, had the misfortune to be thrown to th ground with the result that bi collar -bone was broken. On Monday morning two young men were having a, wrestle outside Jack Hanna's store which took a serious turn when they backed against the window and broke the glass in the left front side of the store. The winder was so badly sbattered that it had to be replaced at once. Neither or the boys was injured. 0 - 0 - 0 Met Monday Night PORDWICII—The Ladies' Aux- iliary to. Hawick Legion met in the' Legion rooms on Monday night. nfrs. Blythe Clarke, president, was er the chair and Mrs, Mary Mc- neemn„ secretary, took care of the reports and correspondence. Mrs. Helen Clarke gave the financial statement. Money and names for an. auto- graph quilt were turned in. A do- nation was made to the Tubercul- er Veterans' Camp. The mystery prize was donated by Mrs. Jean Sothern and won by airs, W. Hors - burgh and a special was won by Mrs. Kay Thompson. It was do- nated by Mrs. W. Horsburgh.- :Meeting adjourned and social half-hour was spent. Hostesses were Mrs. W. Austin and Mrs..C. Olerafka, Hui:on President Raving Run! ,.., • 11' •en 1 BOX 473 The Winghare Advaileuirimes wingham, outarie Pear Sirs: We received otn. double issue of YOun Paper this tnerning, and thelight anni advised, knave been receiving two copies per week since our subscription etart, erl a month age. It nee been most -convenient for my husband and I having a copy each to need and enjoy, HQWever, think our letthscription entitles ye to jest one. We really enjoy your excellent eoverage of iocal events and tbe news. Sincerely, Now, E. W. Newton siollaiomicioaimmorttitolli . THURSDAY ' cluly*18) LUGKNOW LIONS :Street CARNIVAL en ears nave, essnecass,„n, • Typical of the many youngsters who enjoyed the Canadhur Legion picnic on Sunday is seven-year-old Nancy Casemore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casemore of Wingham. About 70 members of the' Wingharn branch. of the Canadian Legion and their famines spent the day at Harbour Park in Goderich.--,Advance-Times photo. Eye Bank in Canada Seeks Aid From Canadian Legion Members Speaks at W.M.S. Sohn Pattleon, president of the Wingharn branch. of the Canadian Legion told The Advance -Times FORDWICH—The W.M.S. held yesterday that representatives of their annual Associate Members' the Legion meeting in St. Catha.r- meeting in the Fordwich United Ines, on August 4th, are to be asked Church rvith the auxiliaries frorn essn to assist the Eye Bank of Canada Gorrie and Wroxeter ae According to Mr. Pattison the Mrs, Ines Grahern president, open- ed the meeting with a poem, one,' Cams/Ian _National Institute tor the lute to Evening", a hymn and pray- Blind has set up "an "eye t?eur, to er. :Mrs. Parker Eurig, secretary, distribute sight saving tissue used read the minutes of the last meet- in the surgical operation known as Mg. Airs. I. Hutchison is the slant- corneal transplant The eornea, the f lthe CNIS, will make eyes available for sight restoration immediately after death and it is expected that a large number of Legion members will sign pledge cards signifying their intention of devoting their eyes, at tTeath, to the eye bank. The twentieth biennial conven- tion of the Ontario Provincial Commarid will be held from Aug- nast -Mir in St. Catharines, e lanison and Mrs. rtOgers 4i:transparent exterior central part of WAX TAKES STARCH s visit her. s The supply committee the eye, sometimes becomes cloud - reported having a bale valued at ed through accident or disease. ihMi," 'YEARS AGO At a meeting of the Wingham Hospital Bodrd held on Friday evening, Mrs. Iris nforrey, of Lon- don, was. ello,sen as superintendent of the hospital, her duties to com- mence on the 15th of July. She wall place Miss W. Douglas who has been head of the Institution since ast Augaet and who recently re- igned. Mrs. Morrey has bad fine experience for this position. Mine Ruth Hamilton, daughter of tr. and Mrs. W. R. Hanulton, left ast week for Toronto where she as entered a course in mother - raft nursing. Plying Officer Peers spent a y in Wingbam last week recruit g for the 11.C.A.P. He had a very busy day and in conversation evith strong wire fence which prevents youngsters stray- ing off into deep water unnoticed. A similar type of arrangement could be used at First Bush if the water -so level could be zaised to a reasonable point. e writer stated that be wag sure at information leading to enlist- ent was given taseveal including mee gide and tvornen. Last week another piece 0! the ceen 6, SUMMER SLOWDOWN In case anyone around here is in real doubt about the value of the farmers' business to the community he should bend an ear to the complaints of the busi- nessmen. With every farming family thinking of nothing but harvesting things are more than a little qui iet n town. However, we would predict that with- out the current harvest activities the sobbing would increase in volume before the end of the year. ent floor hi the Corrie Bridge dropped out which makes the third 'tame thia. has happened within a short time and whiehiadieates the eereent niust be raters The animal niereorial and decor- atioa service et Brandon cemetery Was. held on Sunday last, "The ser- viee was conducted by Bev. G. IL Dunlop, or the 'United Church, Rea, Inemetra i'dnicLean, ot Wing - bane, mead the settpture, The Wingham AdvanteiTirties Pnbitaliedat 'Vitirigherti,„ Ontario Wet** tut thebt, Publiher** Barry Weager, Editor Merriber Andit Bitten Of' arritiletinsi • Anthorited Se Ond date 1a1 eet toffkai Dept. h itkillteriPtion Rate *.• Oho Year $3.06,‘ Walt litolttitt adran W01 per roetszt Rot sta pot Yeat Advert/eine Agee to *PIPileatigla BOX 473 1 South Paris, Maine Editor: The pictures cit Turinberry have been wonderful. The school plc - tures of today and the old delta -- they bring back Memories even X did tact The in Isernherry, it was Dad`s home :township. 1 hope everiene lied a *Wider* I tinea and haarpf mernoties tbaknindielone aineenehr, PIttlf Mirth, OUT OF SWIMMERS 5138.75. Reports from the version When this happens light cannot Band, Baby Bald and Vacation reach the sensitive interior of the School were heard. Mrs. Wray eye and the eye is blind, Cooper led in a missionary prayer. Science has found that clear After words of welcome to the cornea from one person's eye may guests by the president, Mrs. Clars be removed and transpianted to an ence Carswell took over the chair. eye that has an opaque cornea that She conducted a worship service, can 'easily be removed. The new using as the theme "'Gardens". She cornea grows in ana. the eye can was assisted by Mrs. Norman Doig, function again. The esss-s-B esti- Mrs. Earl Moore and Mrs, Hearn Mates that about 1,500 people in Howe. Mrs. Harold Pollock introduced the guest speaker,. arm Wm. Mee Vittle, of Blyth, who is president of the Huron Presbyterial. She used as the theme of her address Faith and Witness'''. She said ds a W.M.S. we must have great faith and having this faith we must be ready to witness for it. We are the only Bible maw read so our witness must be true. Not only that, in Canada _much has been given to us and much will be required at us. Ouri,-itness An address was read by Mrs. Stewardsbip must be true and gen- George Bolander and the young erous in both time and money. couple were presented with a kit - Mrs. Jack Wilson sang a solo, cher suite. The bride end groom and the meeting elated 'with a both made suitable eeplies. Dane - hymn and benediction. A social ing was enjoyed tu music supplied time was enjoyed in the beset -tent by ler*, Beaver of Clifford. Canada need this surgery. The Canadian Legion, in helping 7 t Newly Married Couple Presented — The Pordivieh hall was the scene of a large crowd on Friday night when a pre- sentation was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chimney (nee Phyllis Keith), newlyweds. 1161661.1.11,1illtht16,61111,06111161 .... V611,411411.31,P1111101{1114.11.110,1114111telkUIVMUAltS .. .. tustntimmuintmigustmansumnIsto Be- Bev. 40. IP. Parson, BA. He Bible Today Se Cpper Canada Bible Society Canadian people have made 11 Suggested Bible Reading: possible for hundreds or Sunday Wednesday, Genesis, 41-17; School eladrea in India and Cey- Thursday, Deuterontanan 4:24-40/ /ma to have Bibles of their owns neeniii, Deutercinomy, 22:1-17; Sat- urday, Joshua„ n36-11.4. Sunday, 1 Samuel, 2:1-91 nfonday, 2 Samuel, 22:1-33; Tueedan, 1 Chien/cies, Z:- 0-20, Last year the British and For- eign Bible Society in Canada Sent $1,000 to provide Bibles for this purpose. Over 54,000 young people wrote Scripture emanations in twelve language% and the Bibles were given as awards to those who bad bighest standing, raiz thanking the Canadian, brand' of tbe Bible Society for th is gift, the adndnistratire secretary of the India Sunday ,School thilon wrote in part: 'The Sunday School has today become the basic structure for the, Christian education of the young in this country. It is a matter of some significance to us, 1 think, that the Ciilladirin branch of Ow Bible Society and the people of Canada hare by their 'Present gen bite evinced a real concern for erlitentiOnal evangelism for millions Of the younger generation in India. itirkne eoUreit tile gat:Rode of the India Sunday School Union to your General totiAl anal to the people of Claude vrho are sappoilitit-y&u ta tied FORM Sunday visibers At the home of Mr„ and meta. Joe Hefter evere Mr. and Met, Sdccabe aad Mrs and Mrs, Joe llurns and family of Galt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ala -tender and baby of Virginia and Ilr„ and Airs. Roy Berludoili of Porest. Mr., Clayton Itrovrn er-iteatst and Mr. James Brown of Sault Ste. Marie arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. jack Brent' one lay last week and attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. 'William Jam- ieson. Messrs. Cis d IT d els reeeired "rd that their Allicte.s Waliterear, Sbe teceived }mama Wax in a swimmer's ears, par- ticularly in ofie ear, may lead to serious or even dangerous con- sequences, according to a report received by the Health League of Canada from the American Medi- cal Association. Dr. Albert P. Selzer, author of the report said that dizziness sometimes occurs when a neerson swims in cold water width enters his ears and causes abnormal an- tivity in the ears' labyrinths where the sense of equilibritun is con- trolled. The dizzm' e.es may lead to in- ability to tell the position of the body, panic, or even drowning, be said. Dizziness is especially likely to occur when only one ear is cloge ged. Cold water cannot reach that e.ar's labyrin* th, bat does reach that of the other =clogged ear. This sets up two different utbalanced reactions and -produces dizziness and inability to tell. body position. In a person with Wit in both ears, or In neither ear, the laby- rinths* reactions to cold water are the same and thire is no dizeinese. The dir/mss resulting from Wan in one ear is not confined to swim- mers, but it May also occur when cold air reaches the labyrinth of only one ear. • old Pollock. Master Xemieth Halknan return- ed borne tci Lis' towel after Oen& ing the paet week with his grand-. parents, Mt. and Mrs. E. Hargrave Mn and Mess ntan Forester vise Reel Sunday with Miee Et Porteous 40 ListoWel. Messra Brace Williamson and Gordon Speets of tendon visited over the week -end with the for - Drees rnother„ Mrs, Emma. Willianin soh. Congratulations tO Mr. Wflhians Carenvell, whn resides faith her ton, Chkeence, and celebrated het g4th birthday on Saturday, july 13th. he farelly held a birthday party tor her. lira Carswell, tonfire- e4 to bed most of the time, M!as 'Wilson of Fordwich, a pupS Mita Ern= Etkenswillet ot Clifford, hal been sucemsful40 passing her Grade theory, bet' Grade xv plan* or the Toronto ae ewer Croiserratory of Music, held at Oeorge II:trete tit VandatiVats In both exerns. Ulu &utile ingles bad »amed away .tibr Uth, ills' of Vordwith, a pupil of truce:Hahn Wife IS a sitter of gra G. Warren of Atittlatiti, pasitta 'her arode 0!Vitiboith and Mrs. .Poshe4. thew% of Nen-bridge; Mrs„ Harrell` 'Girth and Shirley, Master Bolt vouodk IWO 'Of tlittit'v41 14.81ted OtilltitY *Oh apending Week With bit Mr, arid Mr* Hargrate. The aunt and %axe*, lir ant liatu flitter itinninita le rs Or te * ENTERTAINAWNT 'enter, marry,00-11tund ItlDE$ Carnival aMe* BINGO - DANCING Teenage Jive Contest Beat Old Time Waltz LD A. Weekly Specidis BAND-AID Special 79c Two 450 packages Plastic Strips a - BATH EPSOM SALT For bathing hot tired feet . 33 nos C COitl Cream Soap • Bath size contains 24 r 23c12 $1. 29 for EPSOM SALT 19c Higb quality, or internal use - 16 oz., reg. 25C HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 15c 23c 39c 4, 8, 16 oz. - reg. 190;20c, 45c .......... 'Pal RAZOR BLADES -81. Auto Handbook - 40 Bhules'and free auto book acPC SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO 75c SAVE 30e! 75c size & two 15c Sachets for VAI4CE'S IDSA. DRUG STORE Agency for— . Dullarry, Hudnot, Ayer and Revlon Cosmetics PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Phone 18, • . • WINGHAM Complete Animal Health Department oniminin111111111111INIIIMIIIIIIIIIM1111111111111111111isinamnisinstmatuir.. BILLADOING41a00"7-'4 - - - HEED, MEN! HERE WHAT WE HAVE IN MIND A WORKSHOP AND. GARAGE COMBINED a • a WE WILL LEND YOU. FROM 51-1 $30.00 TO $3,000.00 ,WITH 36 • MONTHS TO PAY on THAT. BUILDING or • REPAIR - JOB Cottages, Garages, Houses, Barns, etc, Cotne in and talk over your require. tnents. with us. —Ca- - To.. = ammummoisimiammii, PC...VOCK, i.1•041, 40i .7-- Tkagindantimitsiiisitsuitignaliamilmoliminoitioundistniasinausa t.nut eburtb (ANGLICAN) Walinahalli -- Rev, C. V. Johnson) L.Th. - Rector W. AL Connell - Organist Fifth Sunday after Unity* 9.45 a.m.—Church School 11.00• a.m.---4lornitig Prayer • No Evening, Service during July and August Mr. AIan, aibsoa, CA., Owen Sound will be in charge of the servke. * * Rev. E. &Wks, Ream: of Blyth,Will b e itt charge of arty week -day ministrations from June 2.111i*to July 23rd