The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-07-10, Page 4frOn. of London spent the week-end With her sister; Miss Aldyth Gra- ham. —Dr. and Mrs, Bill # Burgman. and daughter Janie of leirlilend Lake spent 'the week-end with their parents, Mr, and. Mrs, W, P. Elitrgman. —Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Wightman of Listowel visited ,en Saturday with Mrs. Herb Campbell, and with' Mr. Campbell, who has been a patient in 'Wingham Hospital for theeneet ' .:etHligh':Sinnamon, who is taking the. course at Western University, ePent :the week-end 'at hkenonie on: Minnie St, • • BIRTHS MacDOINTApD:,-LIn Wingham Oen- ,' dral l HoSpital;;"on 4. Friday, July 5, 1957, .0 ,Nr:'iind Mrs, John A. •-11IdepenAld, Teeswater, a son. Wingham General HOspitel, on Sunday, July 7, 1.997t° to Mi. and Mrs. Harold • , .Finlay, RR, 1, 4 Wroxeter,' a daughter. Wingham General Hospital, •on Monday, July 8, ;- to:;-*. and Mrs. Wilfred •,•Joltaiin;°'-It.R- 1, Wroxeter, a son. CAMPBELL-In Witigha'in Gen9r- 4 al 'Hospital, on Monday, July 8, 1957, to Mr. • and Mrs. Hugh piqnpbell, Bluevale, a son. MeMICHAEL7-In Victo;:la Hospi- tal,On Friday, June 28, 107,441-Mi. and Mrs. Glen Mc- Miehael,';' R.R. 1, Bluevale, a- datighter, Susan Marie, LOUGHEED—In Midland • General H,oapital, on Monday,„ !Tilly 1, 1957,- to ,Mr, and Mrs, Arnold •Longheed of Midland thee Vivian Fisher) a daughter, LOrl Jane, sister for Cheryl Anne. • ,i11111 ISM INS HMI 1114 •14 ► LEE'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE We never stop, including Sundays and Holidays.' PHONE 185 V. NS NM JAI NI NI INN 1111k • Sturdily constructed of tubular steel. Easily .,iitiattached to any spring. Walker Home .Furnishings PHONE 106 WINGHAM "Dr POSSE.. 0 OA" 5Yei/./CE 44 F.Hot...w_ 5 9 nun • iffeL&. L. 111$INESS '.'PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solieitors, Etc. Wingham, . Pitting+ 49 J. IL CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. J. W. BUSHF1ELD barrister; Soheitor,,INTotoryi; Etc, Money to Lean Office--Meyer :Block, Wingham Taxpayers owing arrears of taxes to the CorPoration of Wingham are hereby notified that the -Town Council has authorized the •Mayor to issue a warrant for a sale of properties three years in arrears of taxes. Such warrant is to' be issued within thirty days from this date. Dated at WinghaT,. Ontarit;, this 10th day of July, 1957. ' VV. Ai GALBRAITH, ClerkiTreaitirer. A. N. licTAV.1311 sottorfoni and NOTARY PUBLIC ' EESWATIEll, ONTARIO Tailephone Teeswater., Wrokoter.z-Every 'Wednesday '/ afternoon, 2-4 Parr, Or by' appointment, Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B,, R.o. carol E. Homuth, Mrs. Viola H. iismuth,'It.O. orrostimusts PHONE its Harristnaii Ontario WELLINGTON FIRE /risur knee ,Company Eat. 1840 An ill Canadian CbtripanY which has faithfully served Its IndieS holders for over a eenturyd lienia Office :4-4 Temente liib C MiteLeitit insurance Atetket Witigharn * 4e' n".17.T..Flirg,WS./...n.ff•TRY. la,RN4 !• 4 8 /Mk •Wins err dvallee-?Thneli, WOoltsdaY, FOR SALE LEE'S USED FURNITURE]. Buy 0 and Sell, Special this week — Picture frames, Phone 185,, 6rrb *PAT FOR SALE—Good beef by the quarter', Killed under license from Dept. :ef Health. Yearling heifers. Top quality. Lowest peicee, Raynard Ackert, Ripley. '.phone 24r30, 17r'b • ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, Call Jed Reynolds, Wingham phone 64031. 15rrb ,MILK. PIL'ltRS. for sale."Rapid Flo", 6.-inch, 79e; 6,,(2-inch, 85e. Alexander's Hardware, • lreb 25. ACRES ALFALFA TIMOTHY '• hay for sale. Standing. Apply to Sandy Nixon, Auburn, R. R. 2. 3,10* YOU'VE WAITED FOR THIS! Stainton's Hardware has the answer to dripping toilet tanks. New "Dripster" fits any type tank. Removable drip tray catch- ing Moisture caused by stuniner sweating. See them at Stainton's r today, arrb THOR WASHING MACHINE for sale, Two years new, Reasonable. Phone 340W. 10b SIXTEEN-FOOT canoe for sale. In 'good• condition, Two years old. Phone 396, Wilf. Seddon. lob SPRING-FILLED crib mattress 24"x4E0 with plastic cover for sale, Also, double bed spring (slat tyle), Phone 456, 10b GRAY BABY CARRIAGE and &ill buggy for sale. Good' condition. Apply to John Schipper, Minnie Street, 10* NEW POTATOES for sale. 55c 6-qt.; 'basket,' Geo. Baird, phone 458j. 10,17* STEEL BOX from hydro service ton truck, for sale, Equipped with' ladder racks. Suitable for plumb- er or electrician. Good. condition. Also'model A Ford coupe in good ' condition. Apply. to Walter ,VVOods, R. R. a, Wingham, phone 12re Wroxeter, 10* REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE. in -Wingharri. Good buy. Cash. Reasonable. Ap: ply to Box 51, Advance-Times. 10b NEW HOUSE in village of Bel- more for sale. About Y2 acre lot. Three rooms and.bath, Full base- ment. Must be sold to settle estate, Apply to J. C, McNeil, Brussels, phone Bruesels 76. 10,17b TWO-,STOREY eight room frame 'house for sale. In village of Bel- 1 graVe: Bathroom; drilled • welt.. Two lets, barn oil 'property. Apt:- ply to; Mrs. Clarence Wade even- ings or Wednesday afternoon, 10:17* NEW fully modern brick house for sale, on Frances Street. Oil heat- ed, duo-windows, three-piece bath ° and shower. •built-in garage, with cement drive-way. • Terms. Con- 'tact Sohn Falconer, 913 Union Street, Kitchener, or Harold Po- Cock, phone 576, 3,10,17,24b WANTED. HIGHEST CASH prices paid ,for sick, down or disabled cows and &ONO, Dead cows and horses picked tip or removed promptly, Also wanted to buy—Boar Hogs. Cell collect~ Bruce Marlatt, At- Weed, phone 8 Or 153. rib :FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about our LoW Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance •Coverage. — STEWART A: SCOTT Phone 291 Wingham 25erb BOX Holders' Names-. !Mali iii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii mUd Not Given Out I It IR atrial)* against onr x111611 141 4itvulget the mime or eildrefoi advertiser liar* art t ATIMel Box Ntinibtr, do not Sok no for this istoonssuo. FOR RENT UNIVERSITY STUDENTS—Rooms within walking distance of Lone don's University, in a new mod- el. home,, Christian, Contact Mrs, Melvin Des Jardine, R. H. 1, Grand Bend, Ontario 10,17E THREE BEDROOM COTTAGE for tent, with full basement. Modern throughout, Available August 1st, 1957, Monthly rent $39.50, Veterans -only, Apply Cen- tral Mortgage and Housing Cor- poration, 251 King Street West, Kitchener, Ontario. 10b WANTED 'TO. BUY SOW wonted. Will pay up to $100 for young .Sow due to .farrow within a month, Also want wean- , er pigs, Stan Kay, R, R. 1, Wing- ham, phone Wroxeter 18r1, 1.0 WANTED TO RENT ENGLISH family require a house. Will keep in good condition. Phone 578, 10,17* 'TEACHER WANTED' The West Wawanosh Township School Area requires for Septem- ber 3rd, 1957, a Protestant quali- fied teacher for S. S, No, 4, "St, Helens School," Apply stating ex- perience, qualifications and salary expected, not later than July 15th, to W. A. Stewart, Secretary, Dun- gannon, Ont. 3,10b WORK WANTED YOUNG English veteran requires work. Consider anything. Phone 578. 10,17* YOUNG English woman requires position as' waitress or house- work. Phone 578. 10,17* WANTED FIELD of elean hay wanted near Gerrie or Wroxeter. Cecil Grain- ger, phone 11r14,'; Wroxeter, 10* OLD AGE pension boarders wait- ed. Male preferred, Radio and TV entertainment • provided. Write Mrs, E, Somers, Gerrie, or phone Wroxeter 247. 10b • TENDERS WANTED PAINTING TENDERS Tenders will be received 'by the undersigned until July 17, -noon, 1957., for the painting of No. 11 Lower Town S' hoot inside and outside, Desks are'to be varnished and all storm windows and screens painted. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For fur- ther _information contact Mr_ Bert Holmes,-' Chairman,. R.R..2, Wing- ham. • • • 10b STRAYED 40ePOUND 'STEER CALF Strayed to my farm about.June 1st: Own- er may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Cecil Grainger, Gorrie, 10:17:24* AMBULANCE SERVICE CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing- ham. Safe, courteous Service. Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or 936. 13rrb DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small Sall- naalS. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited. tirrb MISCELLANEOUS . . " IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured 'for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A, Scott, Wirigharn, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car, or truck Insurance. Yearly or six trienths policies are available, Special rates for farmers, For further information phone ,293, Winghern, 29rrb SANITARY' SEWAGE DISPOSAL septic Aanks, cesspools, cellars, etc,, pumped and cleaned, quick service. All work guaranteed, Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, 'Brussels: 15rrb • : WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are User. "For artificial in aditinatien infOrMatioll or Ser- vice from all breeds_ Of battle, Phone 'The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Ainieciatieei at' Clinton WI 2-3441 Or Mildiriay1.30r11 be. tweeri 7.30 and 9.30 n e haVe° all. breeds *Vallabil-4-Tati 4innitY at ioit Odle Orrh COMING EVENTS YOU'VE'TRIED THE REST, now 'try the best for spareribs and sauerkraut on, Wednesday, Fri- day and. Saturday evenings, Com- mercial Hotel, Formosa, • ec112/57 LEGION BINGOS will he held in the Legion Home on the first floor every Friday night, Spon- sored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion. CErrh NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL JAMIESON, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late 'of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 7th day of June, 1957, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of July, 1957. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of Which they shall thenn -have had notice. DATED 'd Wingham this 27th day of June, 1957. Crawford .& Hetherington, WinghaM, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 3,10,17b IN MEMORIAM EDGAR—In loving memory of Fred Edgar who departed this life July 21, 1951. ' Six years are passed and gone Since you were called away , How well do I remember The sad and lonely day. ° When twilight hour draws n ear: And sunset flames the sky,' ' I think, of you dear brother And the happy days gone by. Thoughts of, yeti come drifting back Within my dreams to stay, To know• that you are resting When the twilight ends the day. Not dead to those who loved, hlm, Not lost, but' gohe before, He lives with us 'in memory And veill'for evermore. —Ever remembered by sister, 10b IN MEMORIAM MORRISON—In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Jas. B. Mor- rison, who passed away July 11, 1954. Ever is our thoughts. -• —Lovingly remembered by daugh- ters, Eva,- Norma and, Edna and son-in-law, Victor. 10b IN MEMORIAM THOMPSON—In loping memory 'of a dear mother and grandrxiother, Mrs. Peak Thompson, who' pass- away one ,year ago, Thly 10th. Dear mother, you are riot forgotten, Though on earth you are no More, .Stiii,,:in,Ahemoreeycou. are .With us ., As you alWays —Every remembered by Alma and ken Baker and family, Louise and Don MeKenzie, 10b S. A. SCHATTE WAS LIFELONG MUSICIAN. Following a long illneas Gustav Adolf Schatte passed away: at iiis home on Albert Street on Sunday, JUly 7. Mr: Schatte was born in Bruns- wick, Germany,: on October' 31, 1888, He received his primary education there and theft entered the University Of Brunswick, In 1913 he cattle to Canada, eat- ling at Kitcherier where he was married in 1918 to Harriet Sethi- dens Bailey, He moved to Wing- ham ln 1929. Mr. Schatte was best known in this community because of his 'deep interest in music, Pot some time he *as leader of the local band aid more ,recently he had been engaged experiments to improve the tone of Conventional type violins, Wes a member of St.. And- rew's ,Presbyterian Church, the Masonic Lodge arid'the American Federation of Musicians. He is survived ,by his wife, One daughter, Mrs. .Ciettetide lielloWay, Branapten, two' sons, Erie, With the Of GreenWood, N.S,, and Doritt14 Sinaboe, ("let, trio funeral service Was held at the A. A, Currie and pone funeral finite at 2361 Pan, TtleadaY tvitti ReV".„ b.. Y., Webs* ottlefating.• to, tennetit wits' in 'tilt; • Winithoin Coitiltee$ -.Mr, and Mrs. Donald Hoyt and daughters, Patricia and Maureen, of Wichita, Kansas, are spending their vacation with Mrs. Hoyt'e parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Charlton. —Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. Bruce Anger • and baby and Mrs, Geo, Anger Visited in. Port Colborne for, the week-'end. • • - Nettie Haines` of Guelph and Mrs. • John Casemore,• of Roc- anville, Sask., who attended the Turnberry Centennial, have 'been: visiting since that time, with Mr. George • Casemore of the Holmes' School Section. ' —Miss Miriam Martin, Detroit, Mich., spent Friday with her sister,' Mrs, Robe Wenger, Mrs. Wenger accompanied Miss Martin to L?n, don on Saturday and is visiting with Miss Holly Martin in, that city. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank McConnell and family, Mr, and Mrs. Ted Winegarden and family'.of London returned home on Siinday after spending -a week at ,the home of leir. and Mrs.' George Currie. Mr, Bert Currie' and Miss Alma Play- ton of 'London and Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Currie' and family of Cliff- ton visited at the same home 'on Sunday. WANTED Bush lots with soft maple and elm. Will purchase bush properties or farms. Please phone' c:- write: The Andrew Malcolm Furniture Co. Ltd., Listowel, Ontario, Notice- to. WATER 'CONSUMERS The ~ hours for 'watering lawns,, and gardens are from :6 a.m. to A.in;, and front 6 p.m. ,to 9 p.m. This will • be strictly enforced.. -An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt payment discount 'of 10 per cent, is made for the use tif a hose or. outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens,',who has •not paid for this seriice will be billed accordingly. CART) OP` THANKS To all community members Of Douglas'School, Ne, 1, Tura.- berry, who helped to make Satur- day's picnic such a success, I wish to express my deepest ePPreelation and thanks for a very pleasant and ?nrreh enjoyed afternoon,. — Mrs. Marie Morris (Marie Lovell),, former teacher. , • 10* CARD OF THANKS ;Sincere thanks and appreeiatior: for all kindness during our recent bereavement, Special thanke te Dr, McKibben, Mrs. „IVforrey : and staff of nurses, Rev. R., A. Brook and , the Walker Funeral Home,' also for calls, cards and treats to Adeline, during her long illness.— Henry 3/fathers and sisters. 10b CARD OF THANKS I would like• to express my sin- cem thanks and appreciation to all my many friends and neighbours for all the flowers, boxes, letters, cards and visits you made. .Also special thanks to the W.M.S.' of Brick United`Churth for the grand boxes and flowers sent 'to me while' a patient in Beck Memorial Sena= torium, It is all this and good• care• from doctors and nurses' • that helps to speed' up recovery. These many kindnesses will long 113e re., membered.—Frank Thompson. 10* !PERSON LS 1 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE • 32' PIGS for sale. Just weaned, Ap- ply to Robt, Kreller, phone. Wrox- eter 19r16. 10* PIGS for sale, Ready to wean. Apply to Chas, ,Bosnian, phone 510w3. 10* • 39 SUCKERS 7-weeks old for sale, . Apply to J. E. Coultes, phone 143w2. 10b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF RUSSELL ERNEST HENDERSON. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron; Farmer, who died on the 31st day of May, 1957, are required, to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 20th day of July, 1957. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the 'clairiis of which he shall then have had notice,. DATED at Wingham this twenty- eighth day of June, 1957. Crawford & Hetherington,. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors. for the Executor. 3,10,17b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATES OF ElVIMA JANE HOWE and BEATRICE HELEN HOWE. 4 ALL PERSONS • having claims against the estates of the above mentioned"' late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron,. Spinsters; who died on the 15th day of August; 1933, and the 18th day of June; 1957, reepeCiively, are. re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or 'before the 20th day of,, After that date the,Adminietratlii. will proceed to distribute 'the estate haying regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had• notice. DATED 'at 'Whigharn this 27th day of June, A.D. 1957. Craevford & Hetherington, Winghani, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator, 3,10,17b ,MORTGAGE SALE UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained , in a. certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 27th day of July, 1057, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at the Andrews• Grist gill in the Village of Auburn, m the County,of Huron, by, Harold Jackeon, Esq., AUctioneer, the fol. lowing property, namely: ALL the Mill property; buildings, described in Instrument Number 8867 for the Township of Colborne; No. 12780 for .the Township of Rullett; arid No. 16532 for 'the Townahip:of Wa- d Wanosh, The property correlate oflla Geist Mill residence, Storage bUildings and surrounding property, ,TERIVf8. Teri (10%) pet 'emit of *the ptirclutee price to be paid down at the time of sale, balance to be paid within thirty (30) days there- after, Vor further, partietilars and con- ditions, of salt, aPPIY to Meeirre, Hays and Prest, Barristers, SOlieitera; 33 lYlentreal Street; Oodericii, Ontario. :lob, t County of IthrOri, this DATEteit the /Wit of Ceder. .04th, 'deb' of, look, Altile, Never Say 'Ever' tWe'r',q^ seen some :fabulous automobile advertising in our day. So' nave you,Pro,bably. you don't remember, ,however, • the. ad .that is by far the: most ..famous among automobile people, ,(I don't re/lc:ember it either,' it ran in 1912, but I've seen copies of it) With great htaring of advertising trumpets, and much malarky, tinegeoMotor Car Co. announced in 1912 that its "Reo the Fifth" wasrthe 'best' car that men could ever make. , "The'Car that Marks my Limit'' a big headline on the ad saict.:"Reo the Fifth marks my limit . . . I call it -my Farewell Car:" „the, ad said :in a message supposedly written by the car's designer.: "It comes," said the ad, "pretty close to final- ity." • The line ' of good-looking care- on our lot . , .doesn't come "prettY :elose to finality." They're no more than the piek.of. the .used, cars for 'counties? around, the nnitit carefully inspeeted, pars, on lite'• lot,: and the ,hest dollar-for- can' find 'in a used car: • There are a couple that have come in recently that really demonstrate our policy of, sound and honest value., . It must have been a pretty wonderful oar and, I suppose, it was: It hail a 35 'horsepower engine and tetopspeed h of 45 miles an our. Although this car "came Pretty close ;to finality," ynu still had to pay extra (more than 10 per cent extra) to :get a wind- shield, ,Bell-starter, • gas 'tank, side curtains or speedometer, But such is life. We!ve learned to inake*dure that what' we have is good, but to' recognize that „„i„." „,,ionabeernething .better is possible, mc I. Ars• pwarelps 4.10. 11-v--44 —Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Muir and Jim of Montreal visited last week, with her sister, Mrs, Fred Crmiap, --Mrs, Don Adams spent the week-end with Mr, ana Mrs. 110W7 and Braden, and baby of Toronto', 'Mrs. Miller Davis! visited with her sister, Mts.' Ed Ryan, and-Mr. Ryan of Toronto.. Mes, RYare Catharine and Gregoiy returned, to Wingharn with her "to :spend and weeks with her. parents, Mr, Mrs. A, M. Elliott. : 7 --Mr. and Mrs. Geo, •johnsoll, and children, Holly Jane and: Robin Anne, of Toronto, Mr. Mrs. Ken Johnson and Terry,,pf Birmingham, Mich,, and Mrs: Murray Johnson are holidaying.. at' Sauble Beach for a month, --Miss Verna McLaughlin sailed last .Friday from' Montreal ten a trip which will take her to' Europe for two months, Mies Beatrice Joynt of Listowel accompanied h'er. —Mr. 'and Mrs. Jim Plourde of Sarnia and Mr. and • Mrs. Jim Lockridge ofBarrie ' spent tbe week-end with Mr, and Mrs..' Walter Lockridge. ;,••• . —Misses Cathie „and , Marjorie Lockridge of 'Sarnia are' 'visiting. With their grandparents, Mr, end. Mrs. Walter Lockridge. —Mt, and Mts. Gordon Kelly and' C. E. Shera, 'Superintendent e