The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-06-19, Page 4FOR RElkIT • THREE ROOM upper apartment with , bath for rent, Separate entrance, Possession irnmediate- Pheoe 229, lob COTTAGE for rent at Poplar Beach first two weeks of July, All •conveniences, Phope 101. • 1.9b ,• SALESMAN WANTED WANTED; Reliable man as Dealer in Huron County. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into' old, profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits, Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. F-453-163, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal, vue, 19b EMPLOYMENT WAN'TED • HOUSE wanted to paint during the Month of July. Apply to P.O. box 323, Wirigham. 194' EMPLOYMENT desired by young married man. Due to recent in- jury has been forced to change employment, Has selling ex- perience and can do light work, Apply to Scott Payne, Wingham. 19a CATHOLIC WOMAN wants steady work looking after an elderly couple, Apply to Box 48, Advance- Times. lob HELP WANTED ADULT BERRY PICKERS want- ed. Phone 289J. 19* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COMING EVENTS YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, now try the best for epareribs and aanerltrattt On Wednesday, Fri- day and Saturday evenings, Corn- menial Hotel, Formosa, cd12/51 LEGION BINGOS will be held in the: Legion Home on the first floor every Friday night. Spon- sored by the Canadian Legion. CElab TENDERS WANTED TENDERS for hot water heating system for Ripley Public School Will be accepted by the Secre- tary to Jone/25, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further particulars laeY he ob- tained from William MeCreatii. Ripley-Huron Township School Area, Mrs. John C. MacDonald, Ripley, Ontario, Secretary. 191) WANTED HIGHEST CASH prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows and horses Picked up or removed promptly, Also wanted to buy—Boar Hogs. Call collect Bruce Marlatt, At- wood, phone 8 or 153, rrb "A Foreign, educated gentleman, is desirous of spending the sum- mer months with a 'refined and educated • English family with the aim to broaden his know- ledge of, the English language, Please reply stating all particu- lars in connection with your family, prices, etc./ to Box 47 Advance-Times. 19* ' WANTED TO RENT GARAGE wanted to rent to •hold 17 ft. boat. 'Phone 79, 19* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE yorm CHUN'it8 and range sbel- tare for sale, Contact T, E. Powell, R.R. 1, Winghem, 19* REAL ESTATE COMBINED Village grocery, lunch and pool business for sale cheap, with reasonable terms due to ill health. Apply to. Box 50, Ad- Vance-Times. 19b INSTIL BRICK covered house for * dale in Correa, Three bedroolicia, dinitigtoone liVingroom, kitchen, 11/2 acre of IOW, Priced for cash sale, Contact Mrs. Charles • LaWnence, Goatie, phone 23r18-. 19b FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about tint 1.:00 COO finariting Service With Instliathee Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT *Bond **3 Whilghanii 25rrb VISIT THE FLOOR covering de- pertinent at The Wallpaper Shop, New striking patteros in conga- alum, inlaid and felt base. Ayail- able in 6', 9' and 12' widths. The Wallpaper Shop. a, • lab YOU'VE WAITED FOR. THIS1— Stainton's Hardware has the answer to dripping toilet' tanks. New "Dripster" fits any type tanicaRemovable drip tray catch ing moisture caude'd by summer sweating. See them at Stainton's , today. 12,19,26b BASKET PLANTS to clear out -our greenhouse this season, We offer the following varieties at the special price of 35c a ;basket or 3 for $1.00. A good selection of petunias, sweet alyssium and snapdragons. Also good cauli- flower and late• cabbage plants. Remember 35e a basket or 3 for $1.00, phone 483J, Biggs' Green House, Lower Wingham.- Above plants are also availble at MuOdys' Grocery Store, Wing- barn at these prices, lab DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for' sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited, , 6rrb MISCELLANEOUS LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired. For everything in lawn mowers see Borden Jenkins: Phone 694W, 22rrb CAMERON'S BILLIARDS will be open every Saturday night ti11,12 p.m. for the convenience of rural customers, Complete line of men's and boys' jeans, shirts, and over- alls', socks extra. Guns bought, sold and, repaired. Ammunition of all types. Electric shavers, lighten - and watches repaired. Open every Saturday night till 12 Pan: 17rrb aitiee srtveald COZCIVAT Hullo FolkS! Haije You Tried This Season's Gas? "Fill 'er up' please" has become one of the most common, era-, Pressions in our 'language. It's probably .said as often every day as "no Cream, please" Or "extra cream" by people ordering coffee. When You put sugar 'or cream in your coffee, you know exactly what you're getting, you know whether you like the sweetness of two lunips or three or none at all, ,But when yea say "fill ,'er up" you lareant getting the same gasoline :an the time. No, people aren't eheatina on you, it'e one. of the utmost, unknown ways in which the petroleum people look atter, you;; In ;the summer, gasoline gets heavier•and this helps stop too rrareh of it from -evaporating which cute down on stalling from vapor lock. a This is trite, by the, way, of both premium and • regular gasoline& So you, never have t0 worry about what weight of gas you should' use as. the seasons change.. But your kind of driving changes as the LORkalcDONALD seasons change .and so ,does the load on your car., And no one will take care of this for you auto- ' matically. . • It's almost' automatic, though, if you'll bring your cat in to our Mechanies for that important twice-a-year check-an, Those Words '`factory-tralbed" are more than just a phrase' -a they mean 'that sour, mechanics aren't just handymen with a'knack 'for motors; they'Ve had both book Meriting and practieal experience with,ear& This gives them two important advantagesj they can do what needs to be done (middy and they won't load you with the expellee of doing what doesn't need to he done. In the winter time, gasoline contains a larger • pereentagn of lightet gas. It's, more volatile ea'', that is it °venerates easier and therefore Seating is made easier. • eepleft cs,ter 1956 ..absserT. Marp*S 00. 4011WISEii .41#19 010 5/91E6' — ,5FRVICE aa. ea /in BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY CRAWFORD & HETHERINVON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Phone 48 X. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. It. S. Hli,THERINGTON, Q.C. Frederick Hontuth R.O. Carol 'E. Ilomuth, R.O. Mrs 'Viola Ilonuttlt, or:roittchusTs P1ON1D 1.18 1-larriston, Ontario WELL INfiTON FIRE Insurance, upany Est. 1840 An all Canadian Cohipany which has faithfully ser4ed its policy holders for Over a century: Head Offiee Toronto C. illiteLe OAT Insurance Agency ' Wingham 30 3 gust U ,•y. r,,rurz, 4 iP4go, Woo 'The Winghain AdvalatteaTlinefa WedataadaY. lane 19 SAT.,E . _ IISED FURNITURE Bay phd Sell.. Phone 185, errb TABLE POTATOES for sale. Ap ply R. Coultes, 743W4. 19b 21-INCH DUMONT television, for, sale. Three- years old. Excel- lent condition. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Currie. box 180 Lucknow, phone 120w Lucknow, 19,26" M• ILK FILTERS for sale—"Rapid Flo", - 6-inch, 79c.; 61/2 -inch, 85c Alexander's Hardware. lrrb WINE STUDIO eouch• with three cushions for sale. Velour. Good ,as new. Reasonable. Contact Mrs. 0. Kieffer, phone 12r8, Wroxeter. 19" IS YOUR TELEVISION Properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293,. Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car Or truck insurance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers, For further *inforination phone 293, Winglnn, 29rtb SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service. An Work gtiaraliteed, Apply Louis Blake, 'Marie 42t6, Brussels: 15/ali WATERLOO OATTLE Breeding Ailsociation "Where Better 130116 Are Used'', "For artificial hi- eeMirlation Information 'or seta Wee from all breeds of cattle', phone Waterloo Cattle Breeding AssociatiOn att Clinton 24441 or lVfildrecty 130t12 be- tween 7,39 and 9.80 alt. We 'valid all breeds available—Top quality at IOW east," 25rth AMBULANCE 'SERVICE L'UKRIE'S AMBULANCE, - Wing- ham, Safe, courteous Service. Phone Day; 51; Night, 716. or 636. 13rxb NOTrOE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN (THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF ELEANOR MARY THORNTON, late of the Village of Bluevale, Widow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the ,Trustee Act, that all creditors an others having claims against the Estate of the late Eleanor Mary Thornton, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly --verified to J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C., Solicitor for the 'Executors of the said Estate, on or before the 6tb, day of July A.D., 1957, and that after such date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 15th, day of June, A.D,, 1957. Solicitor for the Executors J. W. BUSHFIELD, WINGHAlVf, Ontario, 19,26,3b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY JANE REID ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Wingliana County of Huron, Wid- ow, who died on the 29th day of May 1957, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 6th day of July, 1957. After that date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate having -regard only to the claims of which they they shall then have had' notice. DATED at Wingharn this 13th day of June, A.D. 1957, ChAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors 19;26 :3b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES BROWN MORRISON. ALL PERSONS haViag deflate against the' estate of Ithe above mentioned, late of the City of Brantford'in the County Of Eratit; (formerly of, the Village of White- chinch, the County of bruee): Gentleman ' who died on or about the Nineteenth day of April, 1957, are requited to file proof of same With the titicletsigaed on or before the 29th day of Jaae, 1957. After that date the Exectitrik Will pro- ceed to distribute the estate hay-' ing regard Only to the- claims of Which she shall then have had 'notice, DATED at Wingliam this 4th day Of June, AD. 1957, Crawford at Hetherington, Wirighani, Ontario Solicitors' for the Executrix, 12,19,26b CARD OP 91`114NRS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who brottglit gifts and visited us during our con- finement in Winghain General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr.' W. A. Crawford, Dr. A. 0, lVteMur- chy, W, T. Cruickshank, Mrs. 1, Morrey and nursing staff for the care and treatment received,.--Dora, alga and Roy Bridge, 19* CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere, thanks and appreciation to all those who sent cards, flowers or those who visited me while I was a patient in Wingham General Hospital, Special thanks to Jetts • I Morrey and the nurses, Dr. 13', N. Corrin and Dr. C. W. HiltzaaLene 19* CARD OF THANKS I wish to express.. my sinceae- thanks and appreciation to all my friends' and ,neighbOurs . for ;theta thoughtfulness at the, time of my recent bereavement. Special thanks to the Legion for their assistance and my 'brother Chester 'Thankina— Mrs. Fred Johnsen, • - • 19k CART) OF THANKS • The fanilly ,of the late" Mrs. James Jamieson wish to thank the doctor, nursing staff, Of Wingham,' Hospital, the minister and all the friends and neighbors for their kindness to our mother. Also for the many deeds of kindness thin messages of sympathy sent to us. in our bereavement, 10* ,CARD.OF THANKS Mr.. and Mre. Alex Marshall, Stratford, wish to express 'their thanks and appreciation to fornier neighbours, friends and to the Wo- man's Auxiliary of St, Stephen's Church, Gorrie for kindnesies shinvo in their recent bereavement, in the death of their mother. 195 IN. MEMORIAM GREEN-1n memory of Frank Green, dear father of Allister . and. Gladys and. graadfatheraof Lynda and Janis, who . passed away three years ago. • You're not forgotten, father, dear, Nor ever shall you be; As long as life and memory last We shall' remember thee,--Ever remembered by Allister and Gladys and ,family. 19* IN MEMORIAM YEO—In loving memory of George Yeo who passed away June 18th, 1947. • Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond' memories linger every day, Remembrances keeps him near. —Ever remembered by his wife. 19" DIED BOLES—William. R.—At StaaCatla:, arines Genetal Hospital, Fri- day, June 7th, 1957, William H' Boles, 118 Pleasant Av'enue, be- loved husband of Caroline Hum: phries and dear father of Miss Della R. Enboles, at home; Mrs George L. (Maretta) Price of Falls Church, Virginia, and Mts. Ernest 'C. (Myra) Rymer of St. Catharines,. in his 77th Year. The remains rested at the Butler funeral home, St. Catharines,. where the funeral, was held on Monday afternoon, June 10, at 2 'o'clock. Interment took place in Victoria Lawn Cemetery, St,' Catharines, JAMES IL DUNKIN , 11A0 MILITARY MEDAL Six members of the Wingham. Branch of the Canadian Legion, aao, 180, Frank Hopper, George Brooks, R, Buil:triage, Hugh $inna,- Trion, Robert Scott and A, D. Smith, acted as pallbearers on Saturday for the funeral of James R. Dun- kin, MM. Robert. .Cathers and El- -don Lincoln carried the Royal tri- butes, The service- was 'held at R. A, Currie aa Sons funeral home with Interment in ,the" Wingham Cemetery, with Rev. D. J, MacRae officiating,' , Mr. Dunkin, who was, in his 74th year passed' away in the' Wiagliam General Hoppital on Friday, June 14, following a short illness. Born in West Wawanosh town- ship he was a son,of the late David Dunkin, and Martha Munroe. Later moving to plenarinan *with his parents, he was educated-at Glen- Taman School. While a young man he went to Walpcile, Sask.; where he made fertning his occupation until his retirement in Wingham in 1947, " During Werld War 1, Mr. Dunkin served overseas ,With the 48th Canadian Infaratey, where, he earn- ed distinction by receiving the Military Medal for' bravery while. in action. He ,•has since been a member of the .Walpole Saskat- chewan Legion, No. 154, serving,as president in 194+ to 1942, He has also been a member of the local branch since coming to Wingham. Mr. Dunkin, who was never married is suralaed by two bro- thers, Chester of dlenatinan and Walter, of Virdin, ,Man., and one sister, Mrs, Fred Johnson (Mary A.), Wingham. He wa's predeceaied . by a brother, and five sisters, Mrs: ,Arthur Lincoln (Ellen)* of Turnberty, Mrs. Joe,,, Main (Alice) of Toronto, Mrs,, Dayid Metcalfe (Rachel) • of . Walpole, Sask. The other two sisters ,died latency, a A I. WI MO- IIII UM I. 6 LEES .TAXI, 24-HOUR SERVICE vi aplIONE. .18.5 Mrs.-Harold Pollpck Speaker at W.M,-S. WHITEOHURCIII—About seven- ty ladles attended the W1VIS meet- ing at Brick United . Church on Monday evening, with guests from Belgrave, , Westfield, Donnybrook, and Wniteetalreli soeleties preSent. The president, /Ws, Norman Coul- tes, presided, Mrs. Gordon McEurri,. ey read the Scripture „lesson from Acts 2. Mra. Clarence Chamney had charge of the meditation period, apt:eking on "Pentecost, What Shall We do?" Mrs. Chas. Shiell led in prayer, Miss Louise Jefferspn, of Donnybrook, sang, "Softly, Thou the Light of Day". Mrs. Dan Tiffin, of Whitechurch, sang, "Out of the Ivory Palaces". Mrs. Howard Camp- bell, of Westfield, told of the ex- periences of Rev. aild Mrs. Longley, misaloriaries in China, in the time of cholera, Mra,-Gilbert Beecreft introduced the special speaker, Mrs. Harold. Pollock of Fordwich, who gave . a splendid talk on "Christian Citizen- ship", telling of the duties • of citizenship, and how they coincide with Christian ,and, She illustrat- ed the different parts of citizenship by flannelgraph and showed how the interests of ,the home com- munities spread out to United Na- tions and World Peace. Mrs; Wal- ter 'Scott,- of Belgrave, ,gave an 14- tereeting Ternperance- reading, "How the . Train Brought. Lily". Coultes closed the meeting with prayer.' All enjoyed the social hour that followed. Hugh Louttit Buried Tuesday The death of Hugh Louttit, who resided. in Ctiltass Township until a. year ago, took place at the Bruce County Hospital, Walkerton, ' on Saturday, 'June 8. He 'was ,in his. 76th year. The funeral was held on Tues- day of last week at' the Church funeral home in Teeswater, with interment, in Wingham' cemetery. LADIES: READ TilitS: Unwanted :hair removed perma- nently from faee, arms, legs, a 'with SA.NTE'X. Harmless --ileaves skin-eat andasinentha •SANIEX-is Safe, Simple, and Saientificf Sold on a money-batek ,guarantee. Price $3.00 or two` supplies for $5.00 post- paid, '(C.O.D. --, postage extra.) Mrs. DOREIEN HOPE & CO., Dept: 024 Park Ave., MONTREAL, Que. Golf piridk A Deseett Bridge was held last Thuraclay etternoata -at- the golf' course for the members and newt:late membera• of .the Wing- barn Golf Club With. nine tables in play, Prize • winners were' Mrs., 11. O. MabLearl, Mrs, F,. Stordy and Mrs, C, B, Armitage, The travelling plaiae• was. won by Mrs, D, Porter; The lunch was serv. ed by the executive of• the ladies' golf club, as• BIRTIIS CAMPBELL—In Winglierm Gener- al • Hospital, on. Thursday, June 1-3,1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carniabell, Belgrave; a son. NICHOLSON—To 'Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, June 14, 1957, to Ma. and" Mra. Kenneth Nicholeon, RA. "3, Lucknow, a son, • GERRIE-aa'n Wingham General Hospital, on Siinday, Jane - 16, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Gerrie, 368 Savey St., Sarnia, a son, BRIER-aIn Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, Julie let 1957, to ma and ;Mrs. Elvin Bakl- er, Lucknow, a son., '• • 7VfAI-100D—In Wingham General' ' Hospital,' on Monday, June '17, 1057, 'to Mr, and Mrs. 1111ton Ma- hood, Wingham, a daughter. J.. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to ,Loan Office--Meyer Block, Wingham }HEAVY DUTY electric stove for tale, Phone 329. 19b ORDER YOUR strawberries now, Phone OW. 19b GIRL'S BICYCLE for sale. Good nondition, Phone 276R. 191a tefpAat FOR SALE--.Goad beef by the onerter. Killed under license from Dept. of Health, Yearling heifers. Top quality, Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30. 17rth • GIFTS in crystal, bone china and hammered alaminum for any oc- casion: Choose your gift at .The • Wallpaper Shop. - 19b ' BOY'S BICYCLE for sale. Balloon tires. Good condition, Apply to Box '49, Advance-Times. 19b 2 CUSTOM car radios for sale. One to fit a 1951 and 1952 Chev- aolet another to fit a 1952 and 1553 Meteor, Phone 119 or 322. 19b tall) PROPANE gas range for sale. Excellent condition. Plug- • in type rangette. Apply to Ross Anderson Hardware, Belgrave. • 19b LqW PRICED Plantation Paint for sale. Flat and Outside White. Price per gallon, $3,49; per quart, .98c. —The Wallpaper Shop. 19b WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator for sale., In real good condition, Priced for quick sale, Apply to Wilbert. Hodgicinson„ 19b BEACH STOVE for sale. In, good condition. Reasonable. Phone j4,0aa 19* STRAWBERRIES for sale. Fresh right off the pates. Wholesale or retail,. Will' deliver 'in Wing- ham- fiVe cases or over, F. W. Aildrews, Clinton, Phone HUnter 2a3462t 19,26b ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. Call Jed Reynolds, Wingham phone 640J1. 15rrb TO YOU, presently reading this insertion, a chance for bigger profits and netter income is of- ing and more than ever our pro- ducts are in demand, being of fered. Our 'Company is( progress= the first quality, needed every- where and fast gales obtained. With our interesting .conditions, soda you 'will be the boss of .a good and dependable business. Want to know more about it? Write for details, If we are rep- resented in yOur locality, we will .have another interesting sag- - gestion for you, This is the year where ambitious persons have a chance to do something and Improve their situation. Free in- formations at 1600 Delorimier, Dept.65„ Station C, ,Montreal. 5:12 :19:26b DIED FORTUNE--'David Grant MacKay Fortune, in his 78th year, in Turnberry Township, on Monday, June 17, 1957. Funeral service will` be held front the late resi- dence, Lot 4, Con. 0, Turnberry TOwnship, on Thursday, June 20, 'at 3.30 pan, Masonic service under auspices of rn aWingha Masonic Lodge No 286, AM., will be held at his late residence Wednesday at 9 pan. Interment will be in Winghara cereetery.. O OOOOOO 111110 OOO O OOOO ll ib 13otc Holders' Names Not Given Out It is ataidtla against Our rides to divulge the Mime or address of any advertiser Using an AdvanceaThries 110X Nuither. Please do mit ask us tot this ' information. alleoloithe O I OOOO eneeeeeteleniaeo,;:oeoeueeta AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE LET •US QUOTE YOU ON -OUR DIVIDEND43AYING POLICIES TERMS — 6 MONTHS or 12 MONTHS Special Low Rates for Farmers' Cars & Trucks C. MacLean PhOhet•11 . Wingham rrb Save •.fioon -ey. BY PREPAYING .(OWN 0,6 Nit‘ WINGHAM VIOL14741:):1 INCORPORATED • .1879 _00 .......... Tourn ot Wingham 1 g5 7 Taxes Taxpayers may make' pa,ylnerits on account of 1957 taxes up to 80 per cent of 1956 taxes. Interest at the• rate of 1-'our pdr ant; per annum. will be allowed on such prepayments, Prepaynients of taxes must be made, at the 'royal' Treasurer's Office, Town flair W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, , Town of Wingham A. H. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR wad NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 25 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 Nita or 'by appointment. Anglican Guild Met Thursday BELGR AVE—The regular Meeting of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity Anglican -Church was held• alaireclav atterepon at the home of Mrs. David Armstrong, opening with prayer by the president, larva Alex Nethery„ followed by the • Lord's prayer in unison. Twelve members and one visitor answered the roll Pail by naming a* diocese in western Canada, Mrs, 'Coalasa Nethery read the Scripture lesson. 'visiting committee was appointed by Mrs. Win. Brydges and Mrs, Cora' McGill, Plans were discussed to invite the Aubu Guild xnemebrs to the Octob meeting, /qrs. Brydges conducted a' quiz on Huron Church News, Rev. B, cleVries closed the meeting with prayer, Nine dollars was realiked from an auction sale of miscellane- Mas articles. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Wm. Brydges and Mrs. Corn McGill, . Personate Visitors Over the week-end With Mrs, Cora McGill were Mr.,and Mrs. Alex Styles, Billie and atsy of Mimic() and. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Stracban of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kelly and family ,of Cookeville spent -the week-end with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. Win. Kelly.