The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-29, Page 11--r • ...4A/".A0M;k4#11 #.11.!0!410 4 441041.4.4149441.44!iiiii44,40.414,.4AH l .. 4 ........ .. . M!! . ,Mo4144441 • 114ILDM4Y ROTARY CLUB: • sH Midrny Community Centre 4 PHONE. 12 White or Panama $2.98 to $5.95 Flat- Wedge or Medium Wedge YOUR FAMILY 'SHOE STORE- W.I. Members at District Meeting, HLHEVAIX—Member§ of Blue- Yale Wontin's Tristitute attended the East 111.404 Pipti, jot annual meeting at Wordwich, on MaY 23rd, They ware; Miss Ruby Duff, Mrs, Stanley Darling, Mrs. W, Pea, cock, Miss Margaret Curtis, Mr§ Carl Johnston, Mrs, R. A, Brook, Mrs, William Nicholson, Mrs, l'Vf. L, Aitken: The meeting was well `attended,. with '313 members from the eleven branches of the di§- trict. MINISTER ATTENDS VANCOUVER ASSEMBLY BLUEVALE—Rev.' Maurice Mc- Nabb of Knox Presbyterian Church, is attending the meeting of the General Assernbly in Van- couver, He will be, absent from his congregation for three SundayS. On June 16th,' he will• preach. in St.. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Moose !Jaw. Mr. J; J. Perrie of Brussels; .ocetipied the pulpit in Bluevale Church on Sunday and Will supply for the next' two Sufi- days. 9 9 9 IF you feel These days fnost people work under. pressure, wiirry more, sleep Jess. This, strain on body and brain makes physical fitness, easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense firing, lowered resistance, overwork worry—any of these may Asa normal kidney action. When kidneys get out. of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, tint "tired-one heavy- headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's 'Kidney Pills.teild's stimulate the kidneys to normal Action. , Then you feel better—ileep better—work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 3$ l'77:11416.14rTM1'.7.,"'"••• , ".Trellirt • 111.0 Willlghant l l YliMtCe,iitilti*, the, sire S.:711,11,11AFIf . !! . 411,11,41,414141104 ,i1M44.4441 tttttt 4 ttttt 111111 $500 Special Must Go TWO $100 SPECIALS 12 REGULAR '6AMESI,,foi $40 EACH ONE "SHARE THE WEALTH" oors Open 8 p.m. Bingo. Starts 9 p. ADMISSION $1.00 ed., RCAF'.1.67 TRAMeR .PRtyg A CARELESS :.MOMENT CO. COST A .LIFE Bt's POLITICS The men comprising the Cabinet that has carried Canada to its present enviable. position "in World Affairs have been chosen from mem- bers of a truly National Party, having repre- sentation from every province of Canada. The Liberals — Leader Rt. Hon.. Louis St. Laurent Quebec Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe Ontario . Rt. Hon. James Gardiner Saskatchewan Hon. Lester Pearson, - Ontario Hon. Walter Harris Ontario Hon. Paul Martin Ontario Ontario Hon. Milton Gregg. New Brunswick Hon. Stuart Carson ' Manitoba Hon Robt. Winters Nova Scotia Hon. Hughes Lapointe Quebec Hon. James Sinclair British Columbia HOn. Ralph Campney f British• Columbia Hon. George' Pridham Alberta ' Hon. John Pickersgill Newfoundland Hon. Jean Lesage . Quebec' Hon. George Mailer Quebec Hoi:'1. Paul Heyler Ontario .00 ww - HEM' Surviving are one son; Wilson on the family, homestead, Morris bounda'ry, and five daughters, Mrs. John Wickstead (Beatrice) of Mar- ris; Mrs. Neil MacLean, (Muriel). of Toronto;, Mrs, A. D, Smith, '(Elsie,) of Bluevale; Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, (Alice) Of Donnybrook; and Mrs. Joseph Marshall (Eunice) of Listowel; also 'fourteen grand- children. The funeral service will be held' in Bluevale United Church on Wednesday, May 29th, at one o'clock, Rev. R, A, Brook officiat- ing. Rural Life Sunday Observed at Church BLUEITAtE—Riiral Life Sunday was 'observed in the United Church on May 26th. Rev. R. A, Brook spoke from the text, "We are workers together with God", and shelved the value of agriculture in the national life, He suggested the idea of urban and rural ministers exchanging pulpits that they might 'get each Others' view points, CEMETERY RENOVATED BY MP, COUNCIL BLUEVALE—Though Oenieteries, in the country have sometimes Stiffered from neglect, some in' this area are beautifully itefity S11011 as Wingham and WroXeter demo-. toles, They area Source of Pride to those who have clipi,rge of their,, The Morris cemetery; on the Sixth concession of Turtiberry, recently been levelled and the monuments, dating baCk to pioneer tinges are placed on a permanent baSei `ii .cairn, With an,inseriptibtr,. marking the snot This is the work of the TUrriberry ThoSe returning to the Turn- berry Cehtetliiittl Will have .an terest in, the cemeteries and, will be plowd. With. What- his been ST. HELENS Mrs, Keith Black returned home from the Wingham General 'Hos- pital on Friday after being a pat- ient for several weeks. Mrs. A. Gaunt, Mrs, R. Garnmie, Mrs, E. Gaunt, Mrs. E. Barbour, Mrs, Ffank NreQuillin; Mrs;C. Mc- Donald, Mrs. L. McNeill, Mrs. E. W, Rice and Mrs. W. A. Miller at- tended the West Huron Women's Institute district annual meeting at I3enmiller on Wednesday, Mrs, R. L, White, her daughter, Mrs. George Stevenson and her little daughter, Laurie of Chicago, Mrs. Frank Hamilton and Miss Catharine MacGregor of Lucknow were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Stuart. The June meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held in the 'community hall on Thursday after- noon, June 6th at 2:30. This will be Grandmothers' Day. Roll call, "Bring a Grandmother to the meeting and introduce your guest" Motto, "Old age is. just a' new page upon which you can write life's noblest chapter" by Miss Mary Murray. Topic by Miss W. D. Rutherford". Hostesses, Mrs. E. W, Rice, Mrs. R. Errington, Mrs. R. Gammie, Pupils Account For 401 Starlings ST. HELENS—The fierce war that has 'been raging on starlings in S.S. No. 3 during the past weeks ended on Friday with the starlings as losers, In the contest sponsored by the teacher, Ross Errington, 1 plaint was given for an egg, 2 points for the right leg of an adult -bird, 1 point for the leg on a young bird, Cecil Cranston was the win- ner With 117 points; May B ,and Barbara Pardon tied with Terry Wilson With 89 points for second place. In all there are 401 less starlings or would-be starlings in the cern, munity. 'The Pardon girls won 1st prize for the best display of eggs and legs with Kathleen Smith sec- ond, JUDIE Jock Miller had the Misfortune to ant hiS hand badly in. a power Mower. Cordon Mundell and Mac Scott were in Clinton on Sunday, aift and Mrs: Floyd Moffatt, of SoutharriPton, Visited Mr. and Mrs. 'urns Moffatt at the week-end, Mel inney 'of Wing- ham and Mr. Cordon, Messer, of thieVale, spent the Week-end With relatives at Leamington and NorthVille, Mich, Itti'yinend Elliott Spent the Week- end at a, datharines end attended the' 46th, wedding anniversary celebration of his brother;. 8tarnieY 'Elliott and Mrs, Y.P.U.'s Present Religious Dramas At Clinton Festival Huron Presbytery Young People's Union held their :second, religions drania festival in Ontario Street United on' Church, Clinton, Wed- nesday . evening of last week. ' Religious drama can and should play yery important part in re- ligious education, and all 'churches would do well to give strong sup port to their young people in their efforts of this kind it was emphas- ized at the gathering. Constance' Y..P.U. played a mod- ern story -of "The Prodigal Son", while- Egmendyille 'presented the Biblical version. • Brucefield show- ed a modern play on stewardship and Brussels Y.P.U. depicted the visit of the Great Guest. - : The winning play, .put on by the Brussels Y.P.T.T:, under-. the ..direc- tion of Mrs. -Roy HennecCY, outstanding .in-the convincing sin- cerity of the performers. The, cast consisted of Maxine Meehan,. Aud- rey, Wheeler, Keith Turnbull, Ken Budnark; Ralph Watson. and. Don Hemingway, , All the groups were compliment- ed on their performance by adjudi- cators Mrs," Glen Eagle and H. G. Manning. REV. G. L. DOUGLAS IS RALLY SPEAKER A well attended and successful Stewardship Rally in St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church,. Wingham, on Wednesday evening heard the Rev, 0, L. Douglas, H.A,, S,T.M., of Woodstock, declare that '"Chris- tian stewardship is the total com- mitment of our time, talents and resources to the service of Jesus Christ," He was gtiest ,preacher for pr rally, Of which the theme was--"The SteWardship of the. Go8- pel". Following the theme address three discusaion 'groups were form- ed to further think on the theme. These were led by Mrs. Leslie Fortune, Wingham, for the ladies organWitiops, Harold. Ounni an elder in Knox Church, Woodstock, for the elders and inanagers arid Thomas L. DickSon, an elder and church school superintendent in Knox Presbyterian'Church', Lis.. towel, for the church school teach- ers and young people. The ladies 'of 'St: Andrew's serv- ea lunch to the delegate§ during the time of fellowship which fol- loWed. ( The rally Was one of three, being held in the Synod of Hamilton and London and was Spensored by the Stewardship and Budget Commit- tees of the Presbyteries of Y4rilec and Huron-Maitland of the—trat', byterihn Cliitedi. hi Ct(iiii'dit, TO NO, It 7 el 41, • VIVE '; TED PiiOn On' fe 3rd. ntil ite are • I „I' • inr"0.1•004.114.41 .114 .44)..74.4..... 1.1•9101.0110•011111.1.4111114.4111•140411.11.0111•444•Mu011114.0=Nmillkom=.0111 Photo by Bellair The Conservatives —, Leader Mr. John Diefenbaker Saskatchewan Arnold Darroch on OKNX Radio Sat,June 1st, 8•25-1,30 pit Before you vote on June 10th, consider whether you r*vant. a Government by one National Party or a Government comprised of men from two or More parties, none of which have National' Representation. VOTE DARROCH ON JUNE 10 ktititiblifig Et liftialitatoN-41.11,0t AiliOtriA11014 Mrs. Geo. Thornton. Died on Sunday BLUEVALE Mary Reacock, wife 'of the late George Thornton, died •in Wingham General Hospital on May 25th, after a long period of ill' health, 4 Thornton Was the' Youngest and last surviving member of a family of seven, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Peacock, pioneers of Morris Township, After her marriage in.1907 she lived on the. Morris-Turnberry boundary. In 1944 Mr, and Mrs. Thornton retired to Bluevale where Mr. Thornton died three years ago. Mrs. Thornton was a member of Bluevale United Chur0 and active- in its organizations. Her home was always one of neighborliness and hospitality and she will he much missed in the community. OELORAYE Mr. And,Mrs . Alton PaYnea artd family, .of Peiten, visited 013 •St4 .day with her mother, a.n4i .aunty x IVIF„4, Richard Gbanmey and MR.; Elizabeth 'Campbell, Mr. end Mrs. Glen VancitinR, Arid Miss Nora VanCamp 'visited' on' .S431.tleY With Mrs. Wm, Van, camp, who is a patient in victoria: Hospital, London. Mr. and, Mrs, James Lamont and Dale Were in London on Sunday. CElantlin and Kim, of London are spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Anderson. Mr. •and Mrs, :fa* F. McCallum. and Mr.,. Jim. Mc.Cnllum were in Bervie on Sunday and 'enjoyed looking over the animals at the McLelland farm, • The 'RCAF's T-33 Silver Star jet trainer, shown here in a prairie Canada on June 8, Nicknamed the"Tee-Bire byi Air Force person- setting, will play a large part in the aerial, and ground displays as nel, the trainer is a familiar sight at most flying stations abross the the RCAF marks its 11th annual Air Force Day at 21 stations across Dominion.—National Defence photo, Group B May 29—Drayton at Newry .JUne 4—Donegal at Drayton June 7—Newry at Donegal June '11—Nevvry, at Drayton June la—Drayion at Donegal June 17—Donegal at Newry New Brunswick's . hunting areas are eaSily reached and can offer a wide variety ,of game. including .deer, bear, rabbits and game birds such as grouse, partridge, pheas- ant and woodcock. Tri=County League Though schedules were published last week `to; the various groups which are to play ball in the Tri- County League, several changes have been made during the past bweeleokw.:T;he revised schedules appear Midget Schedule — Group A May 30-'Kurtzville at Wroxeter May 31—Fordwich at Ethel June 3—Fordwich at WroXeter June 3—Ethel at Kurtzville June 6—Fordwich at Kurtzville June 6—Wroxeter at Ethel, June 10—Ethel -at Fordwich June 10—Wroxeter at Kurtzville June 14--LWroxeter at Fordwich June. 14—KurtZville at Ethel June 177-Kurtzville at Fordwich June 17—Ethel at Wroxeter Revisions Made in • :.F.1.1 Z. .0 There•it a CANADIAN ',.RECRUITINO TEAM.. cam!? to 'WINRIAM ARMOURY EVERY THURSDAY 12 noon to 6 Nil. I kept running out of gas until I got the new custom model ... This is one way ,to avoid ruuning out of ga.s. Another way (much more practical) is to stop here, say afilrer up," before your supply gets dangerously low. You're sure to like our friend, ly service! WINGINAM MOTORS Phone 139 Winigham