The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-20, Page 2..1304.4kRD TAKES REALISM APPROACH
Lsi week this newspaper carried
a u11 report of the deliberations of
ublic School Board and its dis-
&faction with the practical as-
ecis of the plans submitted by the
rbhitects of the latest addition to
the school. We cart offer no opinion
Whatsoever about 4the justification
or the criticisms. We are simply
riot close enough to the facts to do
We do, however, commend the
board on its attitude about a public
• report of their meeting., for in this
way the people who must of r,!eces-
sity pay the price of public expendi-
ture, deserve to be informed when
such lwoblems arise — impleasant
though the information ulay be.
Because the board bas made no
attempt whatever to delude the pub-
lic there wilt be a great measure of
confidence in whatever decisions are
made in the future.
Since public funds have become
ailttble in -ever-increasing quantity
during the past ten years there has
been a tendency to assume that the
• taxpayers can safely he kept in the
dark about how the money is spent.
'These•sante taxpayers have, of
Last week two Toronto archi-
tects decided to appeal a conviction
tinder which they had been find
.$25.00 for using a room in a city
liouse as; an office. The house hap-
pened to lie'within a zone which had
iee* set aside for the location of de -
ached private residences, as the
o men were deemed to have brok-
enothe law when they started to use
a room in one of the detached resi-
dences as a place in which to draw
ylans and tote up figures.
Surely our lawmakers must at
some time have' come across the
.word "freehold'', an ancient term
used to describe a property which a
'titan could occupy for his own use
without bending the knee to pay
homage and fealty- to a master.
• The oldest of Our Ontario fam-
ilies have lived in this part of the
world for almost 150 -years.. great
number of our original settlers came.
her to escape the tyrants and Tee: -
mentation of the old world, to slip
the intolerable bonds of slavery in
one form or another. So . -soon have
we forgotten why we came and for
what our people struggled and ,died.
As Canadiansour strongest heritage
4 the aversion to bLta- pushed
around. •
• Some limitations have become
necessary as our country has grown.
The basic idea behind, a zoning.hy-
law is sound enough, in that it is
designed to prevent the values of
residential properties being ruined
by the sudden construction Of a
smoky industrial enterprise next
door, or any similar circumstances.
Be that as it may,, when a man buys
a property he should rightly be able
to feel that his home is tiny his
castle and that as long as his avtivi-
ties do not provide a real nuisance
to his neighbors, what he does on
that property is his own business.
Just let us build up enough of
these pinching little laws and, soon
we will have the whole fabric Of a
web which will ensnare us More
tompletely than the forces of a for-
eign dictator. How pathetic it will
to realize, too late that we asked
for ' this.
Winghant Ad*sinceirime*
putinisoid tt Ortterkli
*int 04*' BrOtherik, ;001illatietre
W. Batty 'Weilittett, •
Me*Seit,Andlt ',*a*tkat dtentstisoili
1* .Me (Iii W* root orso
Rot 000 V*40* *** Mot
• ,44100,7stat—
kentit4.11 SAS C eittiltStelitn
course,' invited such treatment by
their indifference to matters of com-
munity concern,
The Public School Board has
provided an example of the only pro-
per way to handle the less pleasant
side of responsible stewardship.
Vinance Minister Walter Har-
ris's budget is a rather enlightening
document, presented as it was, only
a few mouthbefore a federal elec-
tion. The fact that it made no offer
to cut income tax, or to apply any
sizeable portion of a record surplus
to the cause of pleasing the tax-
• payer, would indicate that neither
Mr, Harris nor his colleagues at
Ottawa are seriously concern&
about losing the coming battle of the
• The budget itself does not appear
iniquitous in any way. .1n ,fact it
makes pretty good Sense from the
business standpoint, with its prb-
vision for reduction of oUtstanding
debts and its general:theme of main-
taining high a time when
inflation is threatened by surplus
spending money in your pOcket and
It would seem, however, that the
voter himself is not considered to be
much of. a factor in the future of the
country. For the first time in man-
years there is very little indicatiOn
of anything in the way of stances -
slims to the mass of people who
apparently afe expected to Vote the
return of the Liberal administration
without serious argument
On Tuesday of last week the
matter of Canada and its railways
was raised in the House ,of Com-
mons, providing an opportunity for
three Western Ontario members,
Marvin Howe, Welliugt(m-Httron,
A. E: Robinson, -Bruce, and Elston
Cardiff, Huron, to voice the serious
concern of residents in this area over
the possibility of further curtailment
the service provided by Canadian
National Railways: The lines under
discussion by ‘the three members
were those to Kincardine, -South-
ampton and Wiarton.
In turn the three men carefully
iliac& their arguments before the
House,pointing out the need for re-
search and planning on the part of
the railway to meet modern compe,--
tition. They expressed the fear that
all hope of securing industry in this
region might be dangerously affect- .
ed if rail service is curtailed.
Concluding his remarks Elston
Cardiff said., "If you do not keep the
feeder lines to feed the main lines,
it will not be long until the main
lines are gone too, and what are von
going to do then?'
The following witty remarks were
heard as the member for Huron took
MS. seat ;
fiardie 'Travel by air
An hon., Member: "By dog sled,,si
Hardie: "There are lots a
nd car&
Charltorkt tots Of dogs
AR hon. Member:"Lots o
Believe it or Irtott friends, they
t paid for this kind of thing.
kt. EP•ORT from
By Vit, mamtewe,
metered preViOne to 1984 and nO
longer pay any intereet,
the privilege of hearing 0.4Y Mol -
let, Prime Minister or Franeek as
Mat rrenehteen threugh the
Parliament in Ottawa. Seine ef
you, no cloWxt. AMY and heerd thia
we Meat renneeher that Ntr, Monet
te.oriete ittiettter et one of 'the
Mother ComitrieS Of Canada,. Ite
it Was wile joined Witlt Antlarey
Eden derieg the early days cif the
Suet crisis in EeYpt. He did not
In any wayretroaet from. the Po*.
tion be and his country had taken
in, this situation. Let us hope that
his Vialt to the United $tatea arid
Canada, Will be productive of g
plan which will brim about a :sole -
tion to the problems which have
had the attention and werry
the entire world., for the tist feVe
Be apoke very frankly on the:
,pbeanrteiefel4tiootr4theorkg4tItantteille aplIriesglioentr
armed forces from Canada.. end
Great Britain in the gerepean
He indicated theInk,
porttince of this altuatioe and exe
,tended lds thenks and apPrecia-
• tion, He wept en te say that if in
'.1914 and agate in 1938. there, had
beensone thIcalerands of Britiah,
'American and Cenedian soldier e in, -
Europe the Keiser- or Hitler weuld
have thought twice liefere starting.
11. world war, They- • would have.
-Shown that from the first roomeeb
.a great -coalition, would be raised
ArrVellt of ne.tieerel
st, and particularly of intereat tp
!sin Canada; as a Member. cif' the
Commoowealth, was the union of.A.
new Daininicin, the State of Ghana
to the -Ccenmonwealth. Ghana is a.
small country one sixth 'the size of
Quebec With a population of leas"
than 5 million. Ghana is the first
Negro State to emerge from e
colonial status • within the Coni-
mon:Wealth. This is important 'be-
cause Ghana again demonstrated
to the world that non-white people
can 'achieve freedom aPd equality
within the Commonwealth and
Without assistance from the Soviet
Union. The daggers both, from.
within and without of both Pg-
litidal Ad economic presetireawill
be :great for this new nation, but.
we sincerely hope that their' pro-
.rese and success will come with
lindim.inish0„ force at a' now
Member of the Corninotatealth, ,
The Wirigham-.Advance-Times of
Wednesday, March 6th, had two
.4irticies on its edithrial page. that
I think ere well worth mentioning.
The first ealling to the attention
of the- citizens of the district that
Jest week was education Week in
• Canada:. gdueation I feel is a tines.
tion *Web, we in Canada inuaeatilre
More interest in. Mist iirobably
individually, we realize • that the
costs have risen to sach tremen-
dous amounts aedare requiring
so much of mul. national income. I
believe that every cent we *pend
on education is justifiable because
if Canada is &leg to attain to her
1 rightful Place in international af-
fairs in trade add .conimerce and
• in finance, engineering and in any
field that we may think of, we.
cannot let the education of our
childrenlag behind that- of ether.
countries. And my second reason
for feeling that, education is im-
portant is probably incorpotated in
the preceding words, as I do feel
that whether we teethe it in not,
• as timegees on,, we are going to.
be subjected to the most aggressive
tYPe.'.of competition not only for
world- markets but also: for our
own home markets., We haVe been
Soviet :Union. we think we have
told time- and time again what
:great numbers - efeneineers and:
fSS:kntietild are'.blining'irtnkiadhr ever)
rnecrout in, the
• seen many technological changes
In the past few years but under
• the 'impetus and release of atomic
Allergy the changes in every phase
-of oiir economy and way of life are
going to be phenominal. If we are
going to keep our place in world
affairs we must 'have the scientific
knowledge to discover and put into
practice enumerable ideas as yet
The other item on the editorial
'page ort, which I wolnd like, to
tonuneut is the item on Seed Fairs.
I da :commend the soil and crop
imprOVement associations of our
414114 for the fine educational
programme theY are carrying out
through the medieni of their seed
lairs 'that the farmers may be lir.
;Veined of neve varieties of seed '
'aVailable and the advantages to
be gained by the use of these
• An item of -particular interest
that I ran across the other day
• iwreaa cithuitss.taAsndiooft oetrdueurYe s at t hs vr
•:in*: tertificates amounting to 6814,z-
412 in miriaber and hamlet a ;value
ooff ifnr 0o36tPe who igthbet rieVrilartYlia°01
:thee* certificates please note they
The eomination and anneal con-
vention of the Progressive Con,
servative Association VMS held in
fferriaten town hall on FridaY
'eVerlini March Sth, 1 de aPPreel,
ate the hOleour that was conferred
on Me that evening by a represen-
tetiVe gethering f reM all AVer the
;riding When 4 Wee nominated as
the offiCial candidate for ear Party
:10 the fertheorning election, One
loolis at the caleadar and realiges.
that the possible date is elllY three
months ;Woe. This is an indieatiou
Of juat how Muck work must be
accomplished to that time I wel-
come the oppertunity that it will
give me to meet So meny et: MY
constituents personally to discuss
your individual Preblerea and ele-
bomte On, the Piatferrn that we Wilt
present to the people of Canada
for their aPProval.
• As I have intinfated en Previous
occasions from the present ageia-
de, of the Hchee of- Conunons you
would think that 'there was very
little nation's :besigess to transact.
It refers to the. Cahada Council,
proposes a few amendments to ea-
isting legislation, and utters a
prayer for peace. This. Sessiere
Parliament has been served a diet
of thin gruel, • sweetened with a
little honey. There is a reason whY
the speech is as doll and as drab
as black galico. In the two pro -
ceding sessions, the Opposition -ran
away with the sbew,: first an the
Defence Frednetion Bill and later
on the debate oix the Pipe Line,
which involved the supremacy, the.
very existence of- Parliarnent itself,
Now, this is ,a pre-election session,
and the Government is determined
to give the Opposition nix issue on
which it could capitalize. There-
fore, the business of the nation has
been put in gold storage until after
• the election.
You may say,' "Of what is the
Government. worried? It has a
fremendous majerity." Snperfically
that is true. Yet if you examine
the record carefully; you Will be
surprised to learn that if the Gev-
ernfent Party should lose 39 mem-
bers in the next election, .it would
no longer have a majority in the
House of Commons. Sileb a loss is
not only possible. It is very pro-
bable. The greet majority of the
Canadian people feel. that • this
.Government has been in power too
long They- are concerned about the
'continuance of our deanicratic
system, and .realize that this sys-
tem cannot survive if Canada de-
velops into g one-party state.
'Certainly if you continue to return
the same party to power, ,y,ear
after year, the one-party'state, in
i'i•aetice, if not in theory, will
lave been created. We have almost
"reached that stage now, . and that
is avhi this next election isofsuch
yital • importance There • will be
various issees placed before you,
put surely one of the most impor-
tant:1st "Are you interested in
Maintaining our Democratic. sys-
teller If so, your vote should be
aginst the Government, and if you
Want that vote to be effective, it
Should be for the Progressive cen-
didate. For that Party is the only
alternative to the present Govern. -
Merit, either now or at any time in
the foreseeable future.
This week I received three tele-
grams, One from T. C. Thomson of
the Harriston Rranch Concentrat-
ed Milk Producers Association, one
from W. R. Bettie Vice president,
Dairy Fanners o.f Canada and one
from Robert Gibson • secretary-
treitstirei or the Fordnich Concen-
trated Milk Producers. All of these
telegrams were ;miring for support
fors the-C..tuiridirq.4.,,,F,:ederatige
""i'apea' to
tariff of 4 cents on skim milk
powder imixirts end 6 cents on
cheese. This question was asked of
the Government by Mr. Cardiff,
the member from Huron, and it
reads like thia.--
• "
"I Should like to direct a ques-
tion to the Minister of Finance,
owing to the fact that the Govern -
Mint has been in negotiation with
the Federation of Agriculture witla
regard to the placing Of 4 cents
tariff on skim milk and a 6 cent
tariff en cheese coming into Cana-
da, has the Government reached
way decision?"' The reply as given
• by the Minister ot Finance was
Vederatitaxof eXgricul-
tiara and. the Farmers, Unicin here
made representaVons along the
linee ,referred to by my Hon.
Friend and those representations
are receiving emssideration."
This has become the attitude of
all the Ministers Of the Govern -
Meat and particularly the Minister
of Agriculture in respect to Farm-
ers" problem.
A few Weelts ago the question
was asked as to whether the Gov-
ernment would raise the floor price
•on butter and eggs. The same re -
The Bible Tedag
„ Report:I. 70 the Nee Teetairient
having been Written ten tithes on
old pii4er temerit begs in * POW
:.triatip in Reasia have reached Ger-
'many through a, latently replete..
,ed petitioner. The crifitee Were die-
•.titthattell *Meng the innietee The.4e,
• ere clepied from it New tetta.
wient sen. to hint Item telatieed: in
oetittoty tOgether With other reut,
loon *stint& Only the New 'Tette-,;
*tent get through to the. atkittiO. ,
The tenletit trat BihtOe Were Wet
IttlfOstititt by the lareette their'
..,' llittrithili nervtes. 'Thit *eliettletec
. tiMuight, book ti.n. bilging' tOpy on
1• .litkirig reletMod frOtek the, Priaah
0411 04114 ji.k*
*of Willer NO* Seeheta
, The 'Union et 1.C*Cente1lei1 Bible
:Societies in Geen111XY Is eueeklog
special project te supplY Scrip-
tures tO iigch repatriated pee/ahem
Funds ere being collected in Ger-
marklr 104 reeneY *being forward-
ed bY .the British and Foreign
Bible Society and the Ameritan
.Hibit Beeler to thett Otraan
*Itegetlieill UMW *QM*
WedneedaY 3tottliert 28:81.46;
Thntarlo3r* 141ke 0444 FrideYo
Lobe 14k1-81;; Retards* Lake Alt -
I1 -11; Seedarl lalke la:1,4); moo.
ask taus 143t41; Tunday, Luke
A silver Medal Contest Under the
auSPICOS of. the w,etr.o, will be
held in the town hall on Friday
evening, Fourteen young people of
Wingham wilt compete for two
alliter medals, one en singing, the
ether for elocutien,
The girls knotting club ot Wing,
ham gge conducting arnPaten
to raise twos or the..bliying of
comforts ter the Winoiem deteoh,
meet of the 18401 Battallen.
i'he Patriatie. *KA)! Wilbes tO
eXtend tbenite to the follewing
A,Y.PA, of the analteee Church,
$15,00 and the proceeds Of a Pat-
riotic tea given bY Mrs. hicHin,
bon, Itra Steward, Afts4 Boles,
Mrs, T. Field,Mrs, W. Millet and:
Um. Phalan,
Mr, P, P. lieneuth of the Rex,
oil Store bas just cOMpleted a
0:lupe 1,4 advanced optics from one
,of the hest American Colleges and
has been ,awarded the degree of
Doctor of Optdmetry.
A load of young ladies drove
over twin "Perri* on Monday night"
•to attend.. the hockeY match and.
cheer Or their playera but were
'very much disappoleted to see the
Meal theta. Win the gatne
The 'Irish &Witt]given in St.
Andrew's Church on Friday was.
Well attended. Rev. J. A. Graben;
Whitechurch was the speaker,
0 - -.0
The Wingham town. hall Will be
the scene of a mid -Winter musical
festival to be staged be' the local
band on March 23rd.
Plans for the festival have been
under way for. many months and
G. A. Schattee, bandinaster, and
his band, have been at praetice'
learning new pieces and develop-
ing .new talent for the event.
Rev. C. E. Cragg, former mini-
ster of the United: Church', Wing;
ham and for the past four years
minister of the King Street 'United
Church in Oslaawa, has accepted &-
call to Wesley United Church,
Easter. examinatiOns are in full
swing in the local schools and will
continue until the Easter, holidays
Reports will not be available until
after the vacation, the holiday this
year will commence on **rob 24
and 'will continue until Monday,
April 4th. •
The postponed meeting of the
W.C.T.U. was held at the home of
Mrs. Thomas Kew 'on. Thursday
afternoon. The president led in a-
-discussion of the great harm done
by the home brew permits and the
desirability of .petitioning. the
Government to .take action. The
matter wa,s left in the hands- of
the County President, Mrs. A, R.
0 - 0 "-
The: regelar , barel pracitce held
last Saturday featured the elec-
tion of officers. The new officers
are: President, Cecil Cook; vice-
president, Clarence Haaxilton;
see-treas., Leslie Ruckman; band-
master, George J. Wright.
The Salvation Army "Red Shield
held a- meeting at the home of
Mrs. A. Finley last week at which
articles of a layette to Send over -
seep. ,-!.ecre. handed in.
Motorists are reminded: that
after April 1st, 'they will not be
able to drive their cars uniess.they
are in possession of their gas rat-
ioning hook, Approximately ,20 per
cent of, the motorists 61 Ontario
have as yet received ration hooka'.
"Pte. Harold Ross, Tank Corpg,
has been transferred to .Alberta.
three of the RQSS family ars in
the army. The father, Gunner
Henry Ross arid Gunner Harry
Ross, another son is with the Ar-
tillery in England.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Browne
have received word that their
so; Harry has reached England.
They now have two sons overseas,
the other is Barney. ,.
Mrs. (Dr.) Crawford held the
lucky ticket, on the permanent
wave which was donated by Mrs.
Adams to the Eastern Star.
ply table back --The Government
Ls considering it
As 1 ndiCated before, X made
this speech in. ottawatoo WedneS-
day of this past week. Olt ThlitS.
day the budget was brought down
I sincerely hope that in that bud-
get the GOitrmatent has ended its
procrastination and Is ready to
take some definite action on behalf'
of the farmers *he are iina, Stich
straightened eireumstances,
de/niche"; how long the people
Of Canada are going to put tip with
GOvernMent that every tont
Years, through the ineditirti of the
money they have ,eetriketeil front
the people unnectsisatily, are going
• to"keep buying' their good will,
Unless there is Very comprehensive
tasistatiCe to agriculture, to the
Old age pensioner* the War Veter-
an* and the blind Pensitaiers, thia
budget Will go dawn In history- as
haft so many Other Of the 'budget§
ef thie Liberal GoVerriMent, and
Will be mold, aptly deecribed in the
etslitshee and help to the Cana-
airto PeePIS holitg, Ion. little 444
tee late,
Our stocks are heavy and we
can give you immediate service
on short notice.
•We are as near as yonr tele-
phone day or night,
Dena allow neglea or delay' In
treatment to ea0A0 eXpenelie
in production ot animal Ate,
BAYEIR. ASPIRIN - Special - 79c.
Regular Aspirin, Ilia's & Childrews Ws for • ,
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Revialr Goe tube Comb Both for .
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Complete '
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Don't miss this
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The entire miterior
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wipes clean in a _
jiffy. manufacturer's Suggested
• Retail Price $199.50
lectrio Ran
Radio and 'Electric
aufo (CIjurtIj
The Third Sunday in, Lent
8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11,00 aon,---Morning Prayer & Se mon
230 P.m.—Church School
ZOO p.m.—Evening Prayer &Ser non
* * *
Wednesday, .3() pan.—Midweek Lenten Service
Wed, Mar, 20,4.30 p.m. --..-Board of Vailage-
molt Meeting