The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-06, Page 12• TWO'shows each algid
Thus, IMIFOlk 7-040
*area North Oorilop, imienofe
Dan. Plt)leY
"The Zest Things in
Life Are Free"
A first rate' niP0194.! that naives
along at a lively.pao.
Mon., Tticslt Wed., Mar, •114243
'heatre Closed,
TiturS., Fria Sat., Afar, 105-16
Tab Winer Natatie Woods
"The Burrikng
A Ihrilling , story of the .1home-
Thurs.,' Fri., 'Sat.., Mar. 21.42.323
Fratik Sinatra Remota Wynn
"JOHNNY CONCHO" • gAWAralY young 'man whe
tries to capitaiizu on his bandit
brother's reputati Q.
MOM, Wed„ Mar. 25-2617
'theatre Closed
Thurs., Fri., Sat.; Mar, 28-10,11i
Spencer Tracy Robert Wagner
A tantand suspenseful story of
mountain climbing-
Mon., Tues., Wed., Apr. 1-2-3
Theatre Closed
Thurs.,--Fri., Sat., •Apr.
Dean Martin Jerry Lewis
in ,.•
"Hollywood Or Bust"
The wacky adveatures of Holly7
Wood's foremost comedy .team.
Mon, Tues., Wed.,' Apr. 8-940 • Theatre Closed
Thurs.? Fri., Sat., Apr. 11-12-13
Double Bill
(Adult iititertainment)
Mon, Ttie4,3Ved.,„. A01..1546-17
' Theatre Closed
Thurs., Fri., Sat.; Apr. •18-19-;2a
John Gregson Peter Finch
"The Battle Of The
River Plate"
The treinendotts sea, 'story of :the
defeat of the Graf Spec.
Mon., Tiles.,,,Wed., Apr, 23-23-24
Theatre (Used
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Apr: 25-26-7
Italey & C'o'vets
Bill Haley and la )14toeh &
Sunday 'Services,
School 10,30. 4411.
mbering the,
Sleeking at 7.49
Uiti4V: evening at 8r
Meeting; and Bible Study
tnisS this
unbelievable value
,and •
The exterior
,range is in
fitieed aeid,resisting
wi :clean. in a
A.UKTRX.--The home of Mr, sxad
Mrs, Clifford McPhee,. West .V.Yed.
will:Kish,. was the scene last 1+11.4clal
of a very happy birthday c'elebra,
tien for his Mother, Mrs, John
McPhee and her twin sister, ..Miss
Martha Wattle)... XclIWAint who
observed their 94th birthdays. They'
have .always celebrated this annual
event together and .despite their
years are very active ajsd enjoying.
.good health,. These dies are,
daughters of the late AO, and Mrs,
David Malwain, pioneer West
Wawanosh fanners 40.00 lived in
the ;Auburn area, all .their
Mrs. McPhee, ' whose 'maiden
name was-Eillen married
the "late John. 'Melliee. sixty-two
YearS eg6, but since his death hi.
1935 :has resided with her seal,
Clifford. Resides tbella twin 14dieli,
artetlier sister, 1VirS, John Tiffin of
qoderleh, are the .only allriVotti .of
a Tanally of 13, .of which there were
two other sets of psetm Miss '
Mattie Makes her ?house
noW goderich with, hoe sister,
Mrs. Tiffin, who was also present
for the occasion, , .
Mrs, McPhee has 94 family of
fear •Po116 444 one 40,Ughter; David
of Vermilion, Aibert41 Th0111" Of
West WaWallealti Mra, .John
E, Jackson, ,Orillia; Cliffnid .on the
homestead, and Ralph, of .Leacloa,
Tbete are 12 grandchildren and
28. great grandchildren. Another
daughtdr, Myrtle, Mrs.
passed away' 20 years ago'
AKallY cards and gifts were re,
calved 'by the celebrants. They alsO
received a big bontitiet of red'
roses from, grandchildren, yang
epuver, large baskets of froit and
several dutch gardeOs in full
. For the occasion the ladles wore
identical gowns of figured navy
taffeta trimmed with rhinestone
buttonsk • A beautifully decorated
birthday cake was the centre of
attraction for the buffet luncheon
which was served under the • conk
venorship of the. 'hostess, Mrs,
,Clifford, McPhee. She was assisted
by "Mrs, Ross, McPhee, Mrs. 0.117,
rner Straughan and Xis's Vera Tif•
fin, both of Goclerich, Mrs., *Atari:
Taylor, Nile; Mrs. Harry. Watson, ,
Mrs. Ernest Bogie and great'
granddaughters, Barbara, and.
Nancy Taylor. ,
Many, relatives, and "friends called'
on these, honoured ladies during .
the afternoon and evening to ex-
tend congratalatitnis. Among the'
guests were., a gritacison„ Mr. Clif-
ford Cassidy and i f rs y, Cassidy of
Camrose, Alberta.
The best wishes of this contraim-
ity goes to these ladies on this
happy event. ' ' '
Wife, next, morning: heard
the, clock strike., three. is' you
got home, litha.....1-1ithhie( raft ,was
beginning to "strike" cliven, "dear,
and I stopped so, that it Wouldn't .
disturb Yoti."
An excellent method. •of 'having
an adequate insurance' estate
fora the man :with a 'young'
. family;
Canada Li g;
PQ§Pitg a Poor crop 'year in ON,
the general 1)f• enhihlta nt
file 19th anntial, littr911, County
Wed FOY was titter than in prey,
ions Years. The lair, which was
held in Clinton District Collegiate
Iastittite last week, attraete4 140.
cshinitera, which included five
district high schools in the county,
more than is) partieipated in the.
Junior Farmer seed judging
Nigh.' man in the senior section
of the seed ltidging competition
and •winner Of' the IfUrfin Coullty
Sall and Crop InthreVernent Trophy .
W44 Murray cep*, of 1.1.R.
Luchnow, with 891 points,: Frank
Alton, of R.R. 7, LuchnoW, was in
third place 'with $44 polpts,
David Kirkland, of RA. a, Luck-
neap took, the second pri;e 'in the
intermediate section' of the 'judging.
coinpetttion. - Crawford McNeil,'
OB. 3, Lneltnow, was third and.
Ken ARCO, Oa, 7, Ltleithew, was
sixth in the same :class.
High man the junior section ,
Was Laurence Taylor; R.11... 1,1,cita-
desboro, followed by Jint Blake of
Althorn, speond; Cotrites,
RR. 5, Wingham, third; Peter
Hemingway, •R.11,'3, Brussels, sixth;
Korman 'Cartwright, • RA, 1, :Lon.,
desboto, seventh and Tem, Can-,
ninghanrtR,R. 1, Auburn, in eighth;
Ken Coultes, R,R. 5, ,,Wingtno,...
Was in .seeond•place in the novice;
:elesa 'Of the judging 'competition.
The ., Wingbam • Ditriet High;
*hoe) team' placed second in the
,special award, for high schools,
being- headed .fOr first place by the
SeafOrth , school "team. Members
of 'the yVinghani 'team were Peter
HemiirgWay -,with 691: points; Glenn
Cooltes 7613 'and Ken c,cniultes 794
for a total of 2,253 points.
.Among the .Prize wihner4in the
seed and crop exhibits were Alva
MeDoWell; .1361grave who took a
drat. red, clover graded Oats
(ten bushel .10t) George • Under,.
*hod,- Wrox-eter;s add Richard
Procter, RJt.' 5, 'Rrassels; first gut.
hay, Robert Procter, R.R. 6, Brus-
sels. '
Religious broadcasting: ln tifg
Wingham-loOndon area reoelved
real shot in the arm through; the
:United ghtirell ROW arid Tolcvls-,
"ion Workshop ill London last Week,
The thirty-five religious bread-,
Casters attending included eight
from the Wingham area who arc
now lined 'up to offer viewers ,and
listeners more variety, la this dir-
eeti4n, ?programmes produced ill
the •CrI)L-TV studio doting JAC'
week included cartoons, puppets;"
one-minute Stunt presentations,
programa a,n4 religious
drama.' Much of it was of 'high
quality according to viewers who
saw three of the short. programs
on the 'air over 'Spotlight' on
Thursday night', 4
This Week's Workshop is th.0
first its kind in Canada and is
the chtiren'S, best ansWer, Yet' to
the continual question, of why We
don't have better religious TV, The
present reason for this is that we
do not have money to play with
The United Chtlich for instance,
is able to' spend for its •• whole
radio and TV budget for gee year
only as.,moch as the U.S.A. Loth,
eran Church spends on` one pre-
sentation of, the Lutheran Hoar.
Viewers can .only get' what they
will,pay,for unless some other Way ,
,can •be found. We, who attended
this first of many such work
shops, in coming Years •tope -that
we shall be able to find that other
way 'of helping to p,rovide quality
progiamrnes as a public -service
in religious radio and TV without
becoming professionals, '-
Those present'. fiairn "the Wing-
ham 'area included the, Rev..1-1..,,L.
Farker,. Anglican gueet of Wing-
ham; Rev. Grant Meiklejohn,
LucknOw; Rev. George Seat, -Ber-
vie; 'Rev. Robert •Kaill, SoitthamP-,
ton; Rev.. Maurice Whidden, Ches-
ley; .Rev, Art Watson; Blyth; Rev.
George Watt, 'Duagannon;
Robt. Watt, Mitchell together; with.
the Rex',, W, R...Lake'fiom Kinear
dine.. The Rev. W. R,V Lake• is now,
in charge of the Sunday afternoon
at 2,45 program over CKNX radio,
Son—"Pop, what makeS
Pop"Don't know, son."
Son—"What makes thunder and
lightning?" '
Pop—"Couldn't, prove sit by 'me."
Son—"What makes -- .0h,:,never
mind."' '
Pop--"That's all tight,' boy, you
go tight ahead and ask MiestionS'.
That's the only way you'll learn."
Backache is often, caused by laiy kidney.
action. When kidneys get out of order,
excess acids and wastei remain in the
system: Then backache, disturbed rest
,or that tired-out and heavy-headedleeling
may soon follow. That's-the time to take
Dodd'i Kidney Pills:, Dodd's stimulate
the' kidneys to normal action.,, Then you
feel. better-sleep'better=work better:
Get Dad& Kidney Pils now.
Slealers Prepatie for Ice Revue •
Manufactuker's Suggested
Retail Price $199.50
e .are pleased •to announce that.from to-day we :.have a
Complete stock of stringed musical inirument accessories.
ITAR Strings, Picks, Nuts, Bars and Pins, IlaWaiian and Spanish'
Cn Thersday, Feh'ruary 28th, 'Mr.,
Herbert Wilking; of RR. 7, Ltick-
now, caught hiS right foot in the
blade 'of a cilltivator, fracturing a
berth and badly, cutting his' toe.
,'He was treated' 'at the Wingham
General HOsintal and allOWed to.go
Mr: Howard • Haldenby, of,
Helytoad, was injured. on Thurs'
day when' he felt Ctil • calls=.7
:injuiies .:tO,`ahis right'
ihnee., He, was "kept under 011set
anon ' at the Wingharn. General
:HOsPital- :and daring that time a
cast 'was 'applied,- 'At 'the Fend of
thc three day period he was ,allow-
ed' '
'Mrs, Annie, Igwin,, . of R.R. 1,
-Lueknow., ',with Was just-recovering
Irom - a fail in which she was in,
lured. a few weeks, agog fell again
on Friday 'lnjtiriag .11er. left arm.
She was `allowed ,to. go :borne. after
the*arni--had`..beeh X-rayed at the
Winghani eneraPHohatal. •
A Wroxoterwoman, Mrs: Helen
was struck by O. car *Mph"
had gore put..of: COnttol,', 'and pain-
fully ',Sunday. Mrs,
-Clarke; ',n0"! Was , on,...herway to
church when , she." was hit
was hrought the Wingham
General .HoSpital by ambulance.'
),Crays at the hospital sithwed that
she had,suffered. a fracture of her,
lower Spine and pelvis. She is still
in' hosPital hut hospital officiali
'state that" although ,her injurieS
are painful they are hot consider,;
ed serious. .It is expected that.
Mrs. Clarke Will, be in hospital for
some tithe to come, however.
w. & ' Savo. Week
11E.W ....1111.1.81T.1110- 'FABRICS
The way of the world la to. mail, •
laws, but 'follow ctiatoms, Mon,
Chromatics from .to 08.00
000 o oo 00000 W06110.0
These little skaters, thenthera of the Wingham Figure Skating Club
Were pietured this week as they Went into ,rehearsal for the annhal ice,,
carnival, . called' this year, "The Danish: Revue s', to take place at
the., arena on Saturday ,evening,' March 16th. °Thel:,011ildien are, top
picture; 'Debbie ,'Grose, • Linda LOWC„ Judy Reid, .Iettn,'Wel,WOOd; back
tow, Mary, showers,. Yeah .Gittney and Joan ,Remington,'''TheAtiO are
Mattrtia, LYane 'Tuithey, Nancy Elliott and Linda The Childten
in the' third picture are Biliji-,41teptitaeY,
Lynne Tenney and Ruth Ann „Hamilton,
,in y.
Beautiful patterns and no $1),rring shiales hi polished acid pia
cottons will make your Spring sewing An IlleasUre. IliCed from 0000 Ovt.. tio
be pleased to furnish prices on all instruments' ,wind
rind string as manufactured or imported by the 147 haleY.
Mo lice instrument CO. of Toronto.
BLGRAVE—l3odinin - • patio
Forum met the home of Mr,„
and Mrs, 'Albert Bacon on 'Monday
evening with en atteadarthe of 23.
adults and eight Chlidten; After
listening to the btoaddaSt,, dis-
etissien'Was,hel4 on the topic, "The
'Gordon dthathisSion"; which fOrt4,
Oats progreitive industrittlita7;
tion of agrictilture, larger
fewer farther§ and greater.. meal=
anization. • •
This group agreed that, the most
important prOblem faced In trilt-
•Ing these ehanges..ate AAA ,fin-,
mice, the Main problem, and they
felt Mere . government proteetion,
would ease the problem. The group;
thought theft .problems .idthtliti be:
met by pittini in a new gOVeter;:
rhea at th0 election this year,
not tooting as Many immigrants'
.and if they could puteheateWeatetli
grain cheaper it:`Wottiul help with
the 'feeding loroblent and, ease the,
overflow iii the Writ , •
,,euchre was played'
:with high prizes being' WOO ,by'
„Lorna 'Solt and ,itobert
solatinti lititet Wont to Mrs, John,
takit thick Preetet. turith
Mr. and *Mrs. Albert COOltes and
Manna visited on Sanday 'at "the
home of Mr, • and. Mrs, ektrearte.
Hadley 4:delioot Twp.; 'near
Mrs, Coultie .aunt„ the late Mrs,
itiackhorse, Where the funeral of
ttobert ()shone of Pirierton,./atas'
11.6h.fidrs6;iBAIrtionet"Iyr'eland' and 'Mr, and
gra. Urne Scott atAchici. the
funeral of the late 'Mt Alfred
jetitt,,, at Elora on. Monday,
Mr, arid Mrs. 'Stanley tiliott of
tatharines visited 'on Thursday
'at the borne of his brother,
tillat and his sister lqrs.
'Montgomery, ; •
„ MOdrifej, and Mt.
:and Met, ''toss! Saliti4 of Leaden,
lifetltirneY and
rciativeS Sunday,
Mr, Waltek . Scott, Who left on
Sattirday With the putillk, tout to
St. Louis;' collapsed iii the 'station
Nit 1;onclow Atilt' hat' singe ' ,been 4 tt,
.patient in St. Joseph's, Hospital.
Last TitUtsclay after the lee. ,had
gone front fiti. rivet, Mt( and Mrs.,
Geo, ;McGee' were aurptised to see
two 'too, and '„one ,'Whitergoose'.••
Malting' themselves at Mine on
their-104i around the hOtioe.- When
the dog,senntiori the alarm, they
made their Vytty 'back to the elver.
Did anyone lose their geet#e?
AinjOat .:1400(1
Wonion and housewives 'wear the
familiar thnitirin of the Canadian
ttett ttrOtiii t is
Always goad seleet1tue-01 l'rintS, 80 Suitable lei Qa ,„
women's & children's dresses, aprons; guilt,* etc., up to trUXyd.
Those delicate material* for smart • $119 & $1 39 dretiiies, AnOtifi.V P11:40i SilkideS. 'Price •
Made of.finermillitY cotton' and in ii good assortment of eeleuts
reconirOndnd.for.011046 and, sPortawear oil'lila,. Very Suitable for drapery. 'Vito „LP yd.
An assortment Of better 'weight BARK CLOTJ$ Si 98 suatithlo for skirts juimpets etc., in good ahadett at 6 Yti, ,
vetY outitanding stetted* Of Woldleita In itt" 'Width licsliades
Of .0r0Yo rink Turquoise, -""' $3 98 $4•50 and darker tents. Price. 000 oo oo & • 'Pt
10LIN Bows and Tuners, Gut, Steel and Gut wound Strings, Mutes,
,Heads, Tuners, Bow Horse Hair, Violin Resin.
lllll 1111114M.milMoiWilmtomOdotOWififimilMftiliimitipffluimi lllllllllll . lll 000000000000 u. oo 000
HARMONICAS by Hohner — single and double reed or