The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-02-27, Page 5EtiF stocks of PlywoiiKla; Flooring,
Counter topping to help you Modernize your
Install a 40M-in Ironing f.4ard too.
fk. "no_ a position to' de " yont • • Own' Work, See tie and t
'make arrhageirients for-us to'llo it .for yog.
r Prices ayg, $E,T SAVE you ,'money
nIlleallglanglamperaparrelevresmorowole.,4.444 —
This mattress advertised' in
4he Animal of
the Ameritan Medical. Association
Easy Tenn!
Choose any *ay fa pay..:pontilat pat diiyi
Walker Home Furnishi
11011C 106
upt.onAvv—alle )30100,4 For-
eaters' Hell Was filled to capacity
on Friday evening for the benefit
dance for Bruoo Canifsbell,
Bruce had the ,rnisfortune to lose
three fingers of his left hand in a
farm accident several Weeks ago,
It was feared that the fourth fin,
ger would have to ho..,
if but it is healing nicey and f it contnitlea to: do Se arm:siltation will
not We necessary,
About" $10000 was presented to
Bruce at the dance'.
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Kelly and
family of /00olgsville visited ever
the Week-end with: Mr. and Mrs,
William, Kelly.
Mr, Gordon Walsh is under the
doctor's care at present, after suf-
fering a heart attack last week,
Mr. and. Mrs, Ernest Crawford
and family, Goderich, Visited with
relatives in the, village on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, :ernes Walsh and
family visited on Sunday With Mr,
and Mrs. Cecil Black and Charlie
at Britton.
Mr. and MM. 0. M. Barr of
Stratford visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, Howard Wilkinson
and Miss Annie Baker,
for 4
4-16* years old
There' are many children from 4 to 16 years
of age, who are ready to be adopted. RomeS
are needed for these children now, Because
of their age, religion, racial origin, or a
physical handicap, homes are not easy to
find. Security for...these children will come
from a permanent home. This program
does not apply to infants, since the demand
for them far exceeds the number of infants
available fox adoption,
If you are a married couple, interested in
applying for the adoption of an older or
handicapped child, yoti shoUld be under 45
years of age. You must be in good health
and. financially capable of oaring for the
child's future, Your personal characMr,
homemaking ability and capacity to meet
the heeds of a childrequiring speCial dare
are lrOpottant factors in the placement 'of
these children
• Applicationsi for adoption of the folio*.
Dig children—and other older or handicapped Children-should be directed
to the Minister of Public Welfare,
Parliament Buildings, Toronto, 'Ontario,
Typical of the children seeking permanent
adoption homes:
• A pretty little blonde Protestant girl who is
4 years old, She needs a good home and
patient, understanding parents . . because
she is a spastic and must wear a brace on One
Fortunately, her chances of someday
walking without a brad are promiSing, 13ut
she has to attend a therapy class every week; so
she must be in a home- near a clink. This
little girl's greatest need, now is for love and
affection As part of a permanent family.
• Two good-looking brothers who are 8 and
9 years old. They are Roman Oatholle, able to.
speak both triglish and French. Roth boy*
have brown hair and eyes . 'with 'bright
personalities to Match their healthy physiques.
They need a good, pernninent home where they
can be accepted'together ad' part of the &mil* „ •
Youi, Local Obileiteill § Airt.Soeielyttiliyoteit
•ita tittle and 'eoergyr to serving the inter, • •
tam of children and your tothmtinity, .•
.1‘witti is.
If. Ite,n
keen.- 9
e tli11
41:4'41, R.7!°,AlS1411:1.
•Phiftert. • •
Due to illness Mr. S, Linder,
Foot Specialist from Kitchener
Watch this paper for the announcement
cithis arrival in March.
FRIDAY, MARCH 1st, at 8.15
'an the
Hon. Walter Harris
Minister of Finance
Everybody Welcome
;WO ROLL0;#4
Ames /N ONE, owe
4n invitation to You
HER KircHedv NOW
.11""" *.District.fonulls.
iscliss. •Couopetati.0...Activillei
13 10 LO. RA V E-440dMin Var.M stint, •ACOPrtileit Medley by Mra.
oretAlit a•lid Several other IONMO Niatola and ntinlhera two
in the district met together in 00 ntembeq of the portiose `Pipe
Foresters fialit Belgrave, on Wirt- Band,
day, evening es guests of the local The federation field man,. Carl
Co*operative Association, , very fiemingway, „WAN 'preSeilt.And aye
goo crowd was in attendance for *few remarks,
this Meeting, „,..r•uneh was Served and euchre
Simon I-1400m WAS chairman followed with high prizes going* :to
and 'introduced the gtiest speaker, Mrs, Chas, Mathers and J.i'm F41-
Ciorclont Mathers, area annervisor toner;: consolation prizes to Um,
of the •Co,operative,\ who sneke ,on Ted Fear and Alen 'Breckehridge,
"Why the' Cori1PeratiVeS Are Pet,- POdMin Farm Feri011 will MOO ten, 0, R. gel-1.4es Was present' and next week at the home of Mr, and
fig spoke on Sinariees and ,ownership. Mrs, Albert Baceli,
• James Miellic spoke on Op-op
:credit policy,
After these speakers, the audience. Weekly Euchre ,
was 'farmed into ten groups to die:-
euss and answer the tonic "What's
Next in Co-operative?" This 'groan
felt _that .,the Co-operative in this
es eonmennity could . undertake the
distrihnting of gas, fnel oil and
ro, coal or install a locker Service or
a feed pleaning plant, Generally'
speaking, in the larger view, this
group thought the following field
would appear most fruitful for Co-
operative expansion: feeding con-
tracts and installing a processing
plant, They thought the • finenciai plan presented by the' director was
satisfactory to this group• 04
thought there should. be more pub-
lic relations and also felt that it flayriCle to Brussels
would be a good ided for about
three co-operatives to go together
and hire a field man.
During the, diseusaion i period Mr,
Mathers conducted a goeation and
answer .period:• Tina was followed
by several songs by Clark John-
; •
of the LaLoLi group of the Can-
adian Girls in Training met at the
home .ef • their leader, MrS. Ted
Fear; on Friday evening. From
there 'Mr, Pear took them on a hay
ride' to Brussels and back, In, out-
ing which was, enjoyed by all.
On their return lunch 'of dough-
nuts and hot chocolate was served. lunch was served..
Club 20 Meets
J3EtGRAVE—Club 20 met at the home of Mr, and Mrs,,George Mar-
tin on Thursday evening, when an
enjoyable time ;was spent playing
progressive 'euchre,
High ,prizes were won by Mrs,
Lewis Stoneheuse and Kenneth
Wheeler. Consolation prizes went
to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gresby, A
Ts,ocated .orilLintorlAye.,
from the 'Wlyyte'.!' ,
'411.°P4 Avt
wiirre.. cp.
Mrs. Walter Scott spoke on "What
Is Muscular Dystrophy?"
,. Corsages Presented
Mrs, Scott 'Called the former pre-
sidents and secretaries to the front.
There were ten presidents, six see-
tetaries and one treasurer present,
as well as a number of former
Mrs. James 'Vitale, Mrs, Herb
Wheeler and 'Miss Edith Procter
were presented with violet corsages
in honor of their membership in
the first years of the Institute.
Mrs. Scott spoke about the his-
tory of the Women's Institute. A
lovely, anniversary cake with 60
candles on it termed part of the
lunch served by Mrs. Lyle Hopper,
Mrs, Kenneth Wheeler and Mrs,
C. R. Coultes.
Organized in 1911 '
The Belgrave Women's Iristitute
was organized and held the first
Meeting on February 16, 1911, in
the Belgrave Orange Hall,
Mrs. Parsons, of the 'Mount For-
eat branch, addressed the ladies at
this meeting. The following Is the
list of officers whe Were appointed
at that time: Pres, Mrs, James'.
Anderson; vice-'press, Mrs, Sohn
Clegg; see,-treas„. Mrs. W. it Per-
kinson; asst, organist, Miss Jean
Cgtiolaeo.n; Organist, Mrs, C. B. Wil-
n was decided to hold regular
meetings oh the third Tuesday Of
each Month.
In the nag, 4(3 years the Bel-
grave Women's Thstittte has done
a great deal tot the carinnuttity.
One of the 'larger nrOjedta was the
installation Of street lights in the
Village. The group organized the
memorial SerVide held in Brandon
Cemetery • Zech year on the first
Sunday July, Those women
started and care ter the flower
beds in• the cemetery. The disking
and installation of a new curtain In
the r otesters hall is also the '%work
of the Women's InStitute,
Compare! .
1. • •
Extra Strung lesero.5prIns Conitruo- Alen, Fully, insulated •
• •
Exclusive EXtrcr Leveliziog Cam far Spine4evol Support
' 3. ,
'Upholstered 10 Perfection with na,Seg,
rico4sulgo Construction
•'111•Crittifut, Lend-Wearing, 'High QUel,
Ify•Csiveririgs, Mad Right
truill•PrOOt Fel hip 'reining•0 IV einillatort ii„d.;„„1,
13ELGRAVE—The 'annual Meet-
ing of the Belgrave District. Credit
Union Limited was held in the of-
fice when the folloWing officers
were appointed: President, Henry
Pattison; sec.; Kenneth Wheeler;
directors, A. E. Coultes, Charles
Smith, L,eslie Bolt, Ted, Fear, Her-
Man Nethery; credit committee;
C. R. Coultes, Mason Robinson,
Martin. Grasby; supervisory comic .,
C. H. Watfe, Ross Robinson and
Stewart. Procter; treasurer-mana-
ger, George Michie.
The following report was read
by the treasurer-manager:
weeklyeuchre( retaryigiven
'The Belgrave Distriet Credit
'Onion has just finished a:very sne-
cessful year. We, managed.:,to
double• our share account as we
hoped ,to do and_ closed the year
with a share account of $12,534.28.
"Our membership has risen from
68 to 84, Last year we had 17 mem-
bers with less than $5.00 in their
account; this year there are nine,
We .have now five meMbers with
$1,000.00 bringing the average sav-
ings to the 84-members to $149.21.
"Our loan' demand has always
exceeded oar, available money and
we have borrowed from Co-opera-
tive 'Credit Society twice during
Street L' ights Were
Installed by W.I.
RELGRAVEL.The regular meet-
ing of the Belgrave Women's In-
stitute was held in thd community
centre here oil Tuesday of last
Week, end the 60th anniversary of
the Women's Institute was observ-
ed at this:meeting., Twenty-eight,
members and 10' visitors were pre-
sent, — Tlui president, Mrs. Walter Scott,
was h charge. Routine reports
were given by the secretary-trea-
,surer, Mrs: Clifford Logan. Cor-
respondence included letters about
the officers' Conference, Salada tea
project, survey Of radio and TV
and the short eourse,to be held on
March 28. A card was -received
from Mr, and Mrs, Robert Stone-
house and family. Mrs. Harold
Procter and Mrs, ,Gordon Higgins
were appointed to look after the
short course.
It was moved and seconded by
MrS. C. MOM. and. Mrs. J. Michie
that the group contribute $2,00 to
a gift fOr G. Montgomery, retiring
agricultural representative for Hu-
The group decided to send the
pennies-Collected for Mental health
and it was antwed and seconded by
Mrs. 5, Cook and Mrs, Albert
Coultas, to continue colletting pen-
nies at each meeting',
It Was decided to cater to the
Anderson reunion next summer,
IVIOVed and seconded by Mrs, Earl
Anderson and Mrs, C. A.."Krug that
the group sponsor another con-
triunity dance with the Foresters
sharing expenses and receints, The
date wag set for later in Match.
The 'grotto deeided' to Send Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Beattie of Wal-
ton a Card on the occasion of their
50th Wedding anniversary and a
card and some money to Bruce
Canipbeli. — •
Mrs, 'Kenneth' Wheeler gave the
following report on school fair
prizev Senior girls, 4 hand-made
pikee cards suitable for a Wedding,
birthday, Christmas and Valen-
tine's DAY, junior girls, ;cloth soya
erect coat hanger, Senior ,boys,
map, showing the sebool fair area,
Ander boys, booklet, on birds, A
special prize Is to be given for A
bouquet of miniature floWera.
Mrs. cordon Biggins Was On-
voter of the ptogritra,. The roll call
Was ansdrered with "HOW, you
help yentlielf to health Mid bean,
Miss 1', kalconer from the Mr,.
on County Health Unit gave an WI*" oh ",Our Olclor abseil!.
Plan ti Form
Baby Band'
UNIANS--/Kra, T, Todd
WAS hostess for the annual meet,
int of the W.1 ifi. held an Wednee+,,
day afternoon 'with thirteen ladies
'present, Mrs, W, X, Miller presided
and the thalpe at the worship ser-
vice Was "Ho Is Oar Peace". Pray-
ers were offered by MO, W. A.
Miller And Mrs, J. Cameronr and
Ws. P, 011ib read the Scripture
The formation of a Baby Band
was considered and it was Agreed
to havonne with Mrs. B. P., Green
and Mrs. Chas. Mermnald in
charge, Mrs, Greer made the ,chap-
teofotniin.iftg..:Mal an (It thheatfitshowed,41 tb many
,pictures, e t u r eo sf
treasurer, who stated that $184.50
had been sent to the Presbyterial
treasurer, $24,00 above the ,anoen,
sented • the aecretary and the
gticouraging reports Were
Purina", on most Intere
rtteT104e4a044,43,7 etshein w.the4.0,htehier
theme Hof which Was "Ye Shall Be
MY Witnessee, , Mrs. McDonald
read the Scripture. lesson and Mrs..
the' t h lessone
'thoa.Votas; oor Trlie,
Mrs. G. MacPherson, showed much
work done in improving the manse'
and 063,05 on hand. It was agreed
to hold a work ,nieeting in March
as there• will 'be no regular meet-
ing because of the Day of Prayer,
Mar the conclusion Atconclusion a pleasant
social hour was spent when liinch
was served by the hostesses„ Mrs.
W, I. Miller and Mrs, T. J. Todd.
ST. HELENS — The community
was saddened by the death of,
Hugh Rutherford which occurred
at the Baker' Nursing. Home, Luck
now, after a lengthy illness. The,
sympathy of many friends goes to
his sisters, Mrs. W, I. Miller and
Miss W. P, •Rutherford. .
•Barty McOuillin was a weekend
visitor in WindSor with Mr. and
Mrs, Irvin McCabe.
Miss Margaret. Miller of Strat-
ford anti Miss Isabelle
Miss and her, friend, Miss Marilyn
Burke, of -1.enden; were home dur-
ing the Week-end. „ •
Miss Eileen ,Sparked, of the' staff
of the Whighan"General Hospital,
was the week=end guest of ber
aunt,. Mrs. 'Fred- McQuillln and
Mr. McQuillin., '
Mr. Ronald Perrott hap returned
after a two' week visit with his
parents, ,at Cork, Ireland. ,
The annual meeting' of the Wo-
men's Institute will' be held, in the
community hall on ',Thursday,
March 7th, at 2 • o'clock. Roil Call,
a community project for the com-
ing year. Motto, If you have know-
ledge let -others light their candles
from it, by Mrs. T.:J. Todd. Topic
by Mrs, Ross gam:rale. Hostesses
Mrs. Win. RUtherford, Mis. W. G,
Humphrey. ,
Best wishes- for .many'; more
happy birthdays to Mrs. W. J.
Humphrey`, who, on. Saturday cele-
brated her 89th birthday. • „
Miss NV, D. Rutherford and. Mr.
and Mrs. T.• J. Silkeld left on
Sunday for a month's holiday in
Florida. Miss- Rutherford. will be
joined there ,by. Miss , Florena
Stewart of Evanatim; Ill. • •
Miss Allison Webb has :been ill
with pneumonia. We hope for' a
speedy, recovery.:'
Ambrose Gibbons
Dies in Toronto
DONNYBROOK—This commu-
nity was• sorry to learn of the pass-
ing , in Toronto of Ambrose Gib-
bons, a formerSt. Augustine boy.
Mr. Gibbons spent his early life
on the 9th concession of West Wa-
wanosh, where his brothers, James
and Clarence, still reside.. Another
brother, Myles, lives in Western
- Clarence Gibbons attended the
funeral, of his, twin brother.
PONINTYSIOP-4lin li'abn*ny
meetiet of tile W.M0 and 137,4k. was held on Tuesday aftennoon at
the home of Mrs, Sam. ThOMP8014 with fourteen ;Oleg present. The
W.M.S. meeting was presided over
epened by singing, "Rise Up 0 Men
by ,,Miss 'Orel ,Staroper and was
o reofaGodfr"o.
m the
TlieSel uloptrb er Scripture .chapter nwasof
fphesia es
report on
_Ss nVaePrt
Chri stian
e lh7-ai2n4nsetye w ar rec i pa
oVa s
ther e d
min utes
h Mot; rr st h!neT Tom tortiumdsYs Armstrong,
ing were approved as read and the
offering was received by Linda
mS iw:aegns .idne c
ided t oa ha
ve aan ss p we eelraol
made for same, Mr. ffiltz closed
the meeting after the byrrin,,
Miss Looise Jefferson 9ppllt `l'
week praetice teaching in An+Qvyes,
„Sound school" and was. a flaefitli
the home of her 'urine, Mr. Ofirdtp.i.
:Mr, Mnand Mrs John Noble, an
children, 13oAer 'and Sherry, wer,
'recent visitors' with relatives
the Dorchester district,
~elgraver District Credit Union.
Doubles Share Balance in 1956
the year in order toe meet this de-
"When the, government inspector
visited us last fall he said we
would not be allowed to figure ac-
crued interest not yet received as
an a.sset.. Therefore you Will notice
that we deducted accrued interest
for 1955 of $78,66, but there is no
corresponding amount added for
1956,' This made a serious reduc-
tion in our profits but it will only
occur one year and we will now
be off on the right, foot.
"There are in Canada over 4,073
Credit Unions. One out of every
ten Canadians is a member of a
Credit Union and their 'savings at
the. end of, 1955 totalled over 56
"Above all, .the Credit 'Unions
have shown that people can help
each other with financial problems
in a spirit of neighborliness.
"I would like to take this oppor-
tunity of thanking all who have
contributed to the success.of 1956."
The president stated there had
been eleven meetings held during
the past year with an average at-
tendance of five and each month
at least two members has attended
the chapter meeting held in Clin-
He 'also stated that the share
balance has doubled and that' they
feel there are several members
who could better their 'credit rat-
ing by making regular deposits in
their accounts. A member's sav-
ings are matched dollar for dollar
up to $1,000 in savings with free
life insurance if he is not over 55
years of`age when he deposits the
savings. This insurance continues
till death or until the money is
Withdrawn. The insurance cover-
age decreases according to age on
monies deposited after the 55th
birthday. It is often good business
to borrow money to get this free
Distributers o:f:`:
H14.114 ...'HirBRID. CHICKS'
"Perfect Sleeper"'
co-oa frAirrocroo
BELGRAVE—The regular week-
ly euchre party was held in the
community 'hall, on WednesdaY
levening. There were nine tables in
High prizes went to Mrs. Lain's,
Johnston and Lloyd Montgomery,
gonsOlatien prizes Were won by
Mrs, ,Jack McCallum and Carl
Procter., The novelty prize, was
won by' Lewis Storehouse,
LaLoLi Group Enjoys
l3ELGRAVE— About 21 inemberS