The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-02-27, Page 1The reguinr .meeting, of the .
'Wingham :Club held Sri
the 13rtinswiel - On Fri(i0
evening. Tlin ,taiitwioter was TolOn
Lee Vance and 1.01911 Vanier „FAA:
Conron led the Iiinging, Lion Tsar
old Vietnr Pyxn, WaS• ithe piano
Lion am 3vfnenne introduced
the speaker of ;the evening, Rev,
Cf, A, Krug', minister .of the Bel-
graVe United, Phnreh, The OCca-
sion 'being Brotherhood, Week,
Rev, Krug gave a thought,provok-
leg address on the subject. Ho Was
thanked on behalf of the club by
Lion Don Goodridge.
It waif announced that *17'8 was
realized 'from ',the Lions peanut
drive and the money will be donat-
ed to the ,building fund of the new
'crippled •children's: treatment Li
ons tre at tendon The district Lions
eoriVenticoll will he held the first
four days of June in Peterborough.
The meeting clOsed with the us-
ual Voris song and, roar.
Wirighaeri Kinsmen Bantams open
thole" final Viand With the St
Maeye, lads in the: Wiligharri arena'
tonight, (Wedneedey), to determine
the WOAA. Bantam eharopierrieeip,
The game starts .at 8.15 arid the
boys are hepilag see lets cif ',the
fake but to cheer there 'along.
9 - 4 - 0
THE WINNER! --- Qua Weigher •
was the winner of. the, $00.00 door
rite .at the, arena on Wednesday.
ht. There Was no ,question, this
e,. about whether or not the
.winner was on hand to collect the
complete award. He was the re-
feree at the game, '
- 0 - - 0
CURLERS WIN-"-Mr, and Mrs.
• J. H. Crawford- and Mr. and Mre-
R., H. Hetheriegton were Winrigre
at the first Ontario mixed bonspiel
fer married eonnles. held et SA
Themes last week-end; •
-- 0 0 0
Stewart Beattie's
Parents Celebrate
Golden Wedding
RPTARAVO---alim annual meet"
14' of the Morris Federation Of
•AgriehltUre was boa Thursday,
FOONary 21, ^ ft COnalneneell at
let: t
th tlAnihitoeg
Bacon expressed a vote .of thanJoi
• The meeting was held in :the
cotp ut tees.14clies the Wollsalen
amOcrsia. txiloanrotiodr ptiri9ectdpirplAreerpfliteoct which,
The posident, ,Howard Wilkinson,
presided and opened the meeting
with thea t otahteiovniaalnoan4h einytir, crnn,
FOreaters' starting at 2• p.m,
The president Outlined tit'work
Of the Federation in the township
for 1003. Albent Bacon, director
for the hog producers spoke of the
activities of the Huron County
Heogitoldab Producers't ,Association.
th?;county Ja beef '
producers' activities, Of Which be
is director: George Ffethering-
top, director for Cream Producers,
gthacvevaousibtroyrt ptaroolllkacnedrs.Robert Wal-
lace spoke as ,county director for.
Carl. Hemingway, new:county
SING/NQ ;"'"1"1-1,E
bees of the Wingham Public School
board go erourid singing the blues
these, days beceuse of .the new
four-rorn additiok Their song has
nothing. to, do with the progress of
the work on the building; but since
they saw a special color fern pee-
decee be. e,palet firm, they've ail
gone paler-hart/many conscious It
would seem that the '.neyv addition,
when, it' is completed, really
be a,. colorful WOO to see.
• °
That berrel wilier' the Fire Depart-
meet: boys placed on, the ice at
Howson'e Darn could start "to roll
any day now and 1041 ',betting
men several' hundred of them
around town, by ',the way; accord-
ing 'to the :number of tickets sold
—are ..ivatehing and waiting.. The
big prize goes to the person whose
guess comes - eloseet to •the ,minute
the barrel gees. over the dam.
Work started on an $80,000 four-eoom addition to the Wingham Pee_
lie. School in October. This week the anterior' of the building was
almost completed and this photegraph gives some idea of the modern
linee of the structure. it is expected that- the,new section will be
A:nnetincement was made last
week that Douglas H, Miles, will
succeed, G. W. Montgornery as
agricultural representative 'for
Huron County,"and will take over
his new duties at Clinton .on
April 1.
Born in Milliken, Ont., Mr. Miles
graduated from, OAC with a 3$.4s,
degree in 1942.1 He went to Ring-
ston fIrSt in 194? where he served
in. Fronteriac County for ,3fi years
with , headquarters, in Kingston.
Still Vacancies
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Beattie, of
Winthrop,. MeHillap Township, the
parents of Stewart Beattie, :princi-
pal of the Wingham Public School,
celebrated their golden wedding
last week,
They were married .on February
• nth, 1907, at the MeKillop manse
by the Rev. David Carswell. ' Af-
ter their marriage they, resided in
Hallett Township for 40 years;
When Mr. Beattie retired they took
opened towards the end ••ofJIMOMembees of the Public 'School Board ;up residence in Winthrop.
On the clay of their anniversary inspected thy work on the building recently and the chairman, Scott telegrams of congratulations were. Reid, reported 'that the hoard; Members. were "very pleased” with the received. from Sohn W. Mena, progress made to 'dal.c:.—Advance-Times photo., • Thomas. Pryde and many other
friends throughout the district.
FloVvers were sent from the Wing-
ham Public School staff and mem-
bers of the ,board. •
'The celebrants have two ,sons,
Stewart of Wingham and Leslie,
of Toronto, and one daughter, Mrs..
George Michie of, Brussels.
In Nursing Course
- The senior grOtiri of nursing stu-
dents; at -the. Wingham General
Hospital will soon be completing
their tour es as nursing assistants
and a new class will commence LONDON RINK WINS
POO Pink 41)01m ot eiii4riNge
in ibis n w.Work.• • I
County Federation, told cr,f ii 4.
work .acrd garom,tic% continuoilly vioOK
on now projects for the benefit O.
the :Pannier.
''he. secretary, Earl AM:4691c read the' minutes of the last meet,-
ig/vgoncary :opthicerlaguer:mityloor 0iiiker.teipOrt. wigs
Douglas 'McNeil took the chair
for the election of officers,' which
resulted as follows; Past pies;.;
James Mair; pres.,.Howard Wil-
kinson; vice-pres., Ross Smith; dir-
ectors from school sections;• No; 1.
Mr.r andand
Mrs ia ..4camerr .James yilsonti iiiriN.
4, Mn, and .Mrs. -Ross Nichbl; No. 9,
Mr, and Mrs. Garner,, Nicholson; ,
No, 6, Mr,' and Mr$. Joe Black; '
No. 7, Mr, and Mrs. Herman Neth-
Cry; No.. 8, Mr. and Mrs. • Mel
Craig; No. 9, Mr. and Mrs. ROSS.
MceS11; NO. Mr. and Mil.
Fleming Johnston; 11.5.5. 3, .
and Mrs. Bert Fear; U.S.S. No. le,
Mr. and 'MrS, George , Fischer;
13.$,S. 8, Russel Henderson; U.S.S. i.
11, Mr. and Mrs. K .McDonald;
U.S.S. 12, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin.
Richmond; U.S,S, 17, Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Bolt,
County directors' are; Hog - rn•J
ducers; Bacon and R. Ii, Coul-
.tes;.Cream Producers, George
:Hetherington and: Dennis Lang,
ridge; Poultry Producers, Hobert
Wallace; Beef Producers, •Jarries
Mair; County director, Howard Wil-
kinson; lady director, MrS. }IOW-
ard Wilkinson; TB director, ,Earl
Anderson;, auditor, George Martin,
Douglas McNeil introduced the
guest •speaker, James Jacklin, Fed- ,
eration fieldnatin for the 'Ontario
Federation; He spoke on the or,
ganization of the Federation, Do-
minion, proyincial, county and,
township. .A.11. these branches;are,
ready to Oct for the farmer when
the farther realizes what he wants
and asks for it. He also•pOinted' •
'gut some of the achievements, of_
th• se organizations- in the past.
James Mair thanked the speaker
and the meeting, closed with the
singing of "0 Canada":
training on. March 20th,
' Atirninisteatriel. the hospital,
B. ,Mber,ey, ,aeireeneed :this
eieek that there are a'few vaeari-
dies. in the • new plass and that any-
one wishing to take the eourse,
should apply at the Wingham. Gen-
eral HoSpital as soon as possible,
The Crawford Trophy event,
which was held at the Wingham
curling rink on Wechieede,y, even-
ing, Was won by ..a London rink
skipped by karry Sifton. Teams
from Lander; Palmerston, Wrox-
eter, 'Listowel, Belgrave, Seaforth,
.Kincardirie, Brussels, Teepwater
and Wingham took part in the
annual event.
The results were as follows;
Nine o'Cloelt draw, 1st. Hairy"
Sifted, of London, 3 wins plus 17;
second, Jim Coultes, Belgrave, 2
wins plus 10-Eleven o'clock draw,
1st, Omar Haselgeove (skip) Wally
Haselgrove, John McKibben and
Jack, Tervit, 2nd. J. H. Crawford
(skip) .R. S. Hetherington, Alan
McKay and Andy Slosser. • •
Tonight (Wednesdey) will be fa-
ther and, son night .at the Wing-
ham High School auditorium.
Scouts and Cubs and their fathers .
will be -attending• „the annual ev-
e,nt• to hear• the speakers, District
Commissioner. Archie ,Gowanlock
and Field Cornriliesioner R, Taylor,
redline scouting' and cut), activities
forethe,,Saugeeris district. „ .
Special guests at the banquet
will be ministers from the church
es' in town, and Mayor R. Mc
Kinney: Abdert 180. father's and
sons are being catered to by .the
ladies of the Scouts' auxiliary.
Chairman for ,the banquet will be
DeWitt Miller, . ,
„A special Alm • on last
jamboree, held' at -Niagara, will be
One 'of• the highlights of the evee
Family, gathering
For9,1st 'Birthday-
Meeting in Toronto on Friday
and Saturday the Ontario Weekly
Newspapers "Association named,
G. -C. Craven, of •the Ridge:toed),
Dothinion, president :of .that ,bode
for t h e coming year. Ue :sueeeede
William James, of the. iernernanyille
Canadians Stateemare The .assoc-
iation is made up of approxiinate-
ly 200 weekly ' newspapers` across'
the • peovinee.
Other officers elected were: Firet
viee-president and chairman of the
better newspapers -committee, Bar-
ry• Wenger, , Weighs= Advance-
Times; second vice-president, Col..
F. J. Picking, Aurora, Banner; eec-
retery-manager, Wender', Leavens,.
Bolton Enterprise, The directors
are Charles Davis, 'Elmira Signet;
George' cadogan, Durham. Chron-
icle; Lyn Lashbrook, Rodney Mer-
cury; Eugene. Maddonald, Alexan-
dria News; George, Ellis; Goderich
Signal-Star; H. C. Campbell, end:.
ton., Adiranee; Carl Manore, Mea-
ford Express; Jan, Morris, Pies-
Gott'Journal and David cAe-
ton'Free Press. '
2,00-5.00-.-Public Skating.
8.30- —Bantarri Hockey
;JP:AMAX, MARCHel,...... •
2.00-5.00—Public Skating
SATURDAY) 111,Affelft 2nd--.
9.00-. Skating
8.30 -. liee*oe", "'us- ley vs. 'VI/higher-1i
3..30 • 5.$0:,—l'uhliO Skating
4.30 - 10.30--Figure Skating
2.00 - 5,00--Publie .Sitating
Come and buy a ceke at the
"Cake Sele", sponsored by , the
Ladies'. Auxiliary to Wingham
General Hospital, ire the Council
Chamber on Saterclay, afternoon,
March 2nd., at three o'clock.
Wingham District School
,pupits are all set to raise the env-
taro on their annual variety can-
eert which, will Play far two nightk
Thursday. and Friday, ..of thins week.,
The eopeert, held under the:epete,
eorshig, of the, LLiterary Sodietee
will include 51 One-Etee 'iTabl-4"
d'Plotes a la Cartes"', produced -by .
arrangement with Samuel Fiench
(Canada)-Ltd, •
Theeeaet Of the, play includes
Margaret, King', Beverley Nethery,
Mary Lou Dunlop,- Stevvart Mc-
Gill, Beyerley Stewart acrd Tort
Brydges, Sets by Barbara Coultes,
Ruth Ann Hendersori, Ronald .Jone
es and the boys of the-shop work
George Webster; president of, the
Literary Society, open the pre-
gram with a brief address of wel-
come. Selections by the „school
htigle band will be • followed by a
demonstration of physical train-
ing which will, Include wrestling.
Other Herne on, the varied pro-
gram are vocal solos by Margaret.
Terri°, anoargan solo by Bruce Mc-
Tavish and a musical selection by
Licere Stobo and
Veea Sharpe, The High School
Glee. Club will present a medley of
songs and: .dances. On, both eve-
nings the 'contort will begin at
armor. $1,4gn London
',atria& Doris • Rider, daughter
ut Mr. and Mrs,. Robert Hider, forL
rikerly of Wingham and 'now, reSid-
ing in London, was married to
Jean Edward Chorozy, son of Mis.
Caroline Sehumanski and the late
Anthony Citiorozy; •• of ,St. Cathar-
inea, in.. St. MarY'S • fatten Cath-
olic Church,. Louden, 'on Saturday,
February 16th• The ceremony was
performed by. Rev. 'Fr. Costello.
The Witte, who Was given away
by her father, wore a white nylon
ballerina-length' dress, with three-
quarter 'length sleeveS, cist, on prin.
cess lines. She carried :a prayer
book with a cascade of pink car-
nations. ' , • •
The'bridesiriaid Was a siSter•• of
the greom, Miss Lily ChorotY, vrhq,
wore a dress of ivory brdcade and
carried a koasegay -of white carna-
tions. Walter Schurnanalci, a bro-
ther of ' the groom, was the 'best .
man, -
The wedding reception was held -
at the laride'e home, — •
The youeg couple will 'reside in.
London peril! the groom graduates
:from the ;University of Western
Ontario. After graduation they
will liere in England while he .corn- •
pletes pestegraduate 'courses 'in
business adrhitistration et -an. Eng-
lish upiversity.
Since them he has been acting rep-
resentative in Prince Edward
County for three months, and serv-
ed' in Londen for two months, In
June 1948 he was in charge of
the international plowing match
at Lindsay, ,
Tn Kingston he has given regular•
radio broadcasts and recently has
bad a TV prograth, "Quintet
Mr. Miles supervised a 44.1. •club
program in Prontenat County with
ten clubs and 250 merrilaers, That'
County has a' considerably lower
farm population than. Huron, hav-
ing only 2,262 farms in comparison
to 'Huron's 5,772. Huron also has 32
4-II Clubs with over 500 members.
Canon Schaffter
Has Retired
Rev. Canon F. W. Sehaffter, rec-
tor of St, Judas Anglican Church,
Brantford, for the past 25 years'
resigned because of ill health this
The 72-year-old Canon, who was
born In England, served in Mont-
real and, Wingham before going
to Brantford, He was made Canon
sin years -ago in recognition of out-
standing Work in the Huron Dio-
Three pereens were injured in
falls this week and were treated
for fractukes 'at the Wingham Gep-
eral Hospital.
On Saturday• James Wilson, of
.Wingham, suffered a fractured
left wrist which caused consider-
able, pain. A east was applied at
the hospital and later he was al-
lowed home.
John Pipe, the 14-year-old son
of Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn' Pipe, of.
R.R. 4, Brussels, fell while skating
last Sunday and ' fractured his
right knee. Mlle boy is still in the
hospital. A east has been ap-
plied and John's condition is said
to' be satisfactory.
-Donald MeKinrehi of Brussels,
was admitted to the hospital on
Monday with a' fractured right col-
lar bone, an injury Suet:allied in a
fall, A splint'was applied and Mr.
Mckinnon was allowed to return
to his home.
The Wroxeter Worneri's Institute
will hold ,a progreseive euchre .bn
Thursday, Feb. 28 ate8.1.15 o'clock hi
the community hail; Novelty prizes.
AdinisSion 2 cents. Ladies pleiise
bring lunch. Conic and bring your
friends, F27*
WROXETERe-Mrs, Robert Mc-
Michael ,was "gueet of honor at the
honie of Mr: -and MO, Morley Mc-
Michael, Wroxeter •South, on Sun-
day, when she, celebrated her elst
Mrs. •IVIckiebriel, the former Ah-
ale Strong, was a as of How-
ick Township. -Shels hi very !geed
health and interested in local and
world, events.
A eurkey dinner was served and
the table was eentrert with a lovely
birthday cake. PloWeis, gifts and r
DERV( SECTION cards of congratulations added to ruRN
the happiness of the occaelon.
e The 23 in attendance included '
the, three sons end (their fernlike; N
Mr; and Mrs. Merley Mee/helmet, AMES mMITTEES Mr. ari d . Mee.. Bob' Bremner and
family, Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Hat- A tneetieg of the residents of
vey, McMichael arid' family and U Mr. , ,S.S. Ne. 8- Turnberry. anti Morris,
and Mrs' Lloyd 1VI°M°1•1461, Pat- Junction, School was held in the
rich; and Lynda, of Toronto and Bliievale School on Monday even-me and Mrs. J, Strong, Pordwieh, Inge Cedric Moffat was elialeman, Mn,.; McMichael's .many friends Mrs. Win. McKenzie was appoint-
er) this -community join With her eci sec.-treas. It was decided to family hi: ,congratullatioris and good have the Saturday celebration held
wishes for good health and many
happy anniversaries, at the Junction ,School in
nsuvi wittilcoim the uberry Centennial I e . ,
The regular 'meeting of 'the 'La-
dies' Auxiliary to Wingham Gener
al PlOspitel will be held in the couh-
ell chamber on Friday' afternoon,:
March 1st at ;r p,m, • F27b
Don Robertson and The Ranch,-
Y$ will he playieg for a (Immo in
0 Bitieetele Hall 'on WedneeclaY,
arch 6th. There will be a
booth in the hall, Everyone
welcome, Proceeds efot the Turn
berry Centennial, P''27;6b LEGION PIPE TAM are
ss follows: Registration, Mrs.
Patties Held for
GuideS Bro\iinies
'The three Wingham Brownie
Packs that on Wednesday last but
instead of the usual meeting they
were pleasantly surprised, with a
specialbirthday party held to •ce,
lebrate. the joint birthdays of Lord
and Lady Baden-Powell, which fell
on. 9'cl-eel-levy 22nd,
The money Collected at the meet-
ing went to, the -World Friend-
ship Fiend to help Brownies in-oth-
er• parts of the world,
'Refreshments served' were do-
nated by the Brownie's sponsors,
the dinette Club, Mi.e, Michael
McPhail and Mrs, Merry Spry were'
10 charge of the party activities,
The Girl Guides met on Friday
evening in the 'Angliean Church
Pa.ribre and they, too, enjoyed
party in .honor of Lord and Lady
• OollOWing the gardes • refresh:-
rnente of cileie cups and cup
cakes °donated by the mothers were
enjoyed.. After forrning the Horse
Shoe •and singing the closing song
the guides :were dismissed: '
Pletiee take note that all giils
Who are- eight by the 31st of March
will be weleerned into the Brownie
Peaks on Pebrtia.ry 37th, The First
Corripaty of ' the Girl Guides of,
Wingham Will be overt to girls
from 11 years old tip and who are
interested in being a Girl Guide,
on, March 8th at 7 Pet. In the
• Mr,• and Mrs. Gee, •Sieling of
Wingham WIWI to announce the
engagement of their daughter,
gedora jeait Willoughby to Keith
Vernon Tray°, son of Mr; and Mrs,
Evearcl 'rove of Cardinal;. Ont, The
marriage to 4110 phiee' .iii; March,
.The Cathdlie Women's League
is holding a euchre in the Parish
Monday, March 4th, at 8
b'elocic, Also draw for, home-made
quilt. Everyone welcome, Fell)
Hospital l's Scene
Of Birthday Party
John T, SOU, 'of, East Wawa-
rieele celebrated his. 89th birthday
on Friday in "Wingham Cohere'
Two Of' Mt. Seat's nieces pre=
senteti hire With a birthday eake
On which 'Wore inscribed, the words,
"Happy 89th 8ittliclay!',.
1111#) hittlida.y party Was held- In
one of the lieSpital wards where
Mr. Scott was jollied by his MOM.
Mates and Other friends,
Whitechttrai :United Church Players, lit at ecerie from the play, "In Priday.ellreriftig; tett fig4t are titan 4aidia*, ;Marjorie' COillteet;. lank
Eitnibt About Daisy", whioh they presented' toe large itedierieO Of Cotiltesi Kateri.Creakettli„ Xeh vidhioltt ,
members hi the Whiteehurch community hail on
Ed, Marsh, Mre, Torn Heneerson,
IVErs, Geo. Vowler,' 'Mrs, Coo, C.
Torvit, Mrs, Joe Walker arid Mrs,
Wm, McKenzie; welcoming, Mrs.
Ed, Jenkins, Mrs. W, Hender-
son, Mrs. Miller Procter, Mrs, 3..T.
Moffat, Mrs, 3. Schneider, Geo,
Fowler and See Walker; program,
Mr. and Mi.e. Wilbur Ilogg,
and Mrs. Harold Moffat and Mr.
and Mrs, Don Montgomery; fie-
Mice, Alvin Procter, R. Henderson,
oe Walker and, itobt, ,Hogg;
Tient, Mr, and Mrs. Murray In-
king, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Marsh,
Mrs, Wilbur Hen', Cletus R,ettin-
ger, •Mr. and Wt. Gee, Darling;
booth; Mn, sand Mrs, Ken Staple'
ton, Joe Schrieldee and G. C. Ter-
vit; lunch,' Robt, Hogg, Mrs,
C., Hettinger, Mrs, Gerald' 'Timm,
Mrs.. C. Moffat, Mre. Male,
114M, A, Procter, Mrs, J. Mohtopi.,
cry,:Mrs, G.m. Torvit,•Mrs. G.
Darling ,and Mrs. Marjorie Kay;
historical, rt, RenderSon,, W, J.
Henderson, Miller Procter, Win,
McKenzie and P.obt, Hogg;
grounds, Ceo, Darling and. Joe
Montgomery; 'invitations, ' 3oc
Walker, POOL, Hogg, Teta 1 HMI-
aersoin, H. Henderson, Mrs1 Ed.
Iehkins,Mrs, Harold Moffat,
A Fowl Bingo will be bald -in the
Legion, Hall, John St,, 'F'riday,
lVfarch' 15th, at 849 pen, Proeeede
for Legion Pipe Band, Anyone
wanting tranSportatiOn .,lba,11 869W,
after P27:6b
W L , • -
The W. I. are' holding a euchre
in the' council chamber on W
day !ft moon, Meech 6th, at 2,30
pan. .Everyone Welcome. Admission:.
cents, Lunch served,
Branch 180 of the Cariadian Leg-
kin held their xi-tenthly meeting
last night (Tuesday) :in the Leg-
ion Home, Whieheen, With Presi-
dent John Pattison in the ,chair,
Special guest at tine-meeting was
John Anderson, of the Loederi 11.0d
Cross Society, who' leaver at in-
teresting and infofinative talk on
the Work of the Red„;cross in war
and • peace,
Ari announcement of a Legion
bonspiel to be held in Wieghare
On March 23rd, wee inedee and it
is expeeted that the match Will at!'
tract a large neMber Of curlers,
The rieWly4eiened .Legion
under the'direction of Lev.
'Balser is at'.)3rOSent•shard at pram.
tied and according to, a report
submitted by Coin tade Balser, the
members should be sufficiently "in
tunes ' to permit e public. appear-
ance the band, at are early date,
twAlt PitAybit •
World Day of ffiraYer Services.
Will be held' in Wingham United
Church on Vriciekt Muth