The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-02-13, Page 4f ' • ,spliced, Who rood ine the "wtho„ thing .014t of the PaPorti making, ge, marks him "The OW -filing sortio, Jet between., thsig, 1110/111$0140 pyraisiotl biainv d.,, 'tveorewr,(04',9MAn . a woman ; hot she WaSn't7a Whit 'Weller than •YOeoliv./14, .y),Clifontoily.41,41:elgfcity°i..lalifte4r1:W,the"fairr4 What brought Ail this wedding business to mind was reading the 1,91taWger i4na)''NX°0:41sicrodfunEtlitQaf htehtle) :74°'.44yr: lor, movie Star, and Michael Todd, spbrooduigrer,whoe rofuortiit,hes: tthltd utoirlyo_, Wood gossip columnist put , In some respects, though *their Marriage was More elaborate than ours, there were many Todd gave Taylor an 880,000 dia- mond bracelet and earring set. Asked What she gave him. Miss Taylor replied ',my eternal love.' . lWooeilt1,:h •„riblaY.01,v.tiof e bacn:34:vwxrii:te wateh And one gave rue a black die oillahseaferh, from the best" Man to ,pay t ,After the' Wedding, Todd, and Taylor nWhyeaevaaer:b.berpelignle4:111an.:ilnivn:gttkersira°d71.8r9pivr; for their guests. Lasted.' a Whole for late for their wedding', The :orga ist, a ffiend of mine Who play piano in a bar deWri town, oevel did 4-tow Iip.for ours, Maybe our wedding .did leek a certain colour, atinospliere,, elan. But -III bet --you "aritifut of naor:tnhgeer!s brA6nilser togarretIrst ttra4tndit- Will last a whole' lot longer .and finish :a Whole lot ,strOager than the Todd-Taylor e:,,W'aVeganZa, .Bot...e'f many, AO T Immediately Hanhsided„ the Peate that passeth all :.unclorstanding ereeping overi me i I. realised that *Nor Again Weald I have, to Make tifi my mind, about •-anythi.n.g, there'd' alWays 1.091.186400Y' .10-40 it for- thO. Pali 3, 17 edam> .Thomas Nic.01ynn :Bitiriect Today 1 In 154 Thonulli 14cOlYnii, a native of Turnberry Township, died at the Wirighani Oeneral Hospital on Sunday, February 10th. 110,0 WAS 78 and had fanned in Turriberry all A member of 'Sicced, Wart Church, he was rairried to the f9r7lacr Bridget (Magee Who pre" deeeikeed Survivois" inelucle one son, Thomas Parker of Fruitland; 04e brother, Harry, of Winnipeg one sister, Mrs. Rose Frage, Toronto, The body is at the ft, A. Outtie and SOrle funeral hollnel Wingham. A service Will be held today, Wed- attho Saered Heart CiAlreh at 9.30 a.m. Rev, Father R. Durand will officiate and burial - ill be in the Roman Catholic :CeinetarY. Another, had anoment was at the ! cod, I was in AM/That of a na*e, I whispering "I deg or "I will) whenever there' was expectant silence, lie finished the service, 'and with a big: smile askedd ,''Wotild you care to salute the , bride?" I didn't. know it was over, so promptly responded "I will' ,and stood there waiting for the' FAR') OF TOA,N1IS COMING EVEZM wenici bite thank nay frieriela BIRTHS IrDI4 SALE l and neighbors for visits,: cards and ..troats while I was a patient In Wingh4n3 General Hospital • an4„ Victoria Ifolvita, L9.4000., 1040 would like to thank all .those Who helped out at borne-4.010.Yd out- *ornery, 12* • rcvvg TRIED THE REST, now try the best for sparerihs and NICIIMS--In Elizabeth Steel Ma, gee HOn/Ital, Pittsburgh, to pt% and Mrs.' W. Ti„,. Nichols (nee Mar1911 ' on Saturclay, February $, 1957, a son-Robert - Irwin- AAT FOR SALE. Coed beef by .; the parte; Viled under license • from Vie Dept, of Health, Year- ling betters, trent quarters 31e arid hiOd, calartera .39e, Raynard • Aeltert, pligno 24140 Orb LAST OAT-it, for Rlisteraft tines Get. years today at MO- • Nibbons. 1313 500 STARTED Sussex x Red put- . Jets for aale„ Apply to Robt., ITaYes., Wregeter, phone 76, 9:134' TAV$ USED FURNITURE. Buy . and sell, Phone 185, 30.trb • 40-30 BOLT-ACTION repeater. Say- •.-age rifle, iri, excellent condition • • Of sale. Apply: to Alvin Wallace, •.• Blyth, phOne •• 131', larrIM remembrance will make a difference-WS Val tine's daY at MeltibbonS. PrTi,or ormr.c cokr ta6li by Mistake on Saturday night at the Royal T. Oar keys with name tag were in the Pocket, Person who left grey coat by nil:Stake please COntact Ernest Hanna, Teeswater, phone 172112 Tees- water, 13b Saar n e and SaturdaY evenings,, Coln- mercial Hotel, Forrhosa, Cc112/57 SATITI43 A, , February 16, 'for Fordwich Community Carnival. Girls Hockey Game, Hurtzville vs Forciwich, cos- tumes, races and relay races and door prize. Fordwich Community ..Association, CE13*, 1`7-1E WOMEN'S INSTIITUTE iS holding ,a pot hick supper in the council chamber at 6.30 o'clock on Thursday, :February 21, for members and their families. Good program after , the meet-. ' "big, •So plan to attend, CE13b ATTENTION , ALL F.A.RMERS-- We. have our spring grass seeds in stack. Order now and take delivery now and avoid higher prices, Our prices are right. Chambers' Hardware for all your , farm needs, pnohe WrOxeter, 62r5, 13:20b, Barely TeStralnIng his itnptit- lonee, he saki; no. The Ore- meny 'is over, Would you care to salute the bride-?:' Well, I'd never heard the expression before, I was still waiting for the WAY they wind It up in the mpvies. You know-- "I now pronounce yoii man and Wife, YOU may: hiss the bride," When he said "salute", X was baff- led, / .thought ;he was saying It becanse -he knew ra been in the Air Fare?, I Just stood there lOok; Mg stupid for a Minute, then col- lected myself, and was about to Whip up a snappy salute when the ,bride took things into bee: own ,bands including my head, and kissed. me ,roundly and soundly. You •know; that still Makes her lined, every time she thinks of it. ,It Makes me Mad,. too. Why could- n't that smart-alee minister have told me to kiss- :the bride, instead. of getting fandy about it? o .Every time the Old Girl reads about one of 'these elegant wed- -dings o she gets a little caustic &milt ours. For one thing, she had to go and buy her own wedding ring, I was too busy trying to' borrow , a car for the- honeymoon to get down to the jewellers With When Grace and the Prince were RILEY-In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, February 7th, 1057, to Mr, and Mrs. 9liver Riley, Erussels, a son. McCULLOUGH-In Clinton, Hos, pital, on Saturday, January go, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs, Bruce 'Mc- Cullough, a son, ,Geoffrey Wil- liam. WANMAN-In Wingham General Bospital on Thursday February 7th, 1057, to,Mr, and Mrs'. panniel Waxman, Brussels, Ontario, a Gino or TH*411cs., I express my appreciation and thanks to all who remelobered un In any way while t was in Walker- ton' Hospital,--Douglas Whitfield., 10' SALESMAN WANTED PERSONALS WANTED-3 men with cars for ftill or part-time sales work. Ap- ply stating age and full particu- lars to BOX 8, Advance-Times, 613b GRAVEL TENDERS Township of Turnberry Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned' until 2 p.m. on .Saturday, march 2nd, 1967 for the ;crushing' and hauling Of approxi- mately $000 yards of r.t4!' gravel, to be spread to the Satisfaction, of the road superintendent, not later ;than ,July 1st, 1057, contractor to ;strip and maintain pits. A Marked clieque for $300 to accompany ten- ders. Lovv'est or any tender not ;necessarily accepted. Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk. 13:20b Howard.Fullee is in Ashland, Ohio this Week attending a school on Myers Preasnre. Systems. • -Mr, Jas., Elliott, Ellievale, Mrp., Mary. McTavish and Mr, and Mrs:. Cam9ron •MeTtiviSh, were in Lon- 'den ;on Friday attending the fun- of their bouSin the late MiS, Annie„Abra.m. " ' A. Coutts is a:patient 'in Wingham General Hospital and We wish for him a speedy reeovery.. , 7-Mr. and Mrs, Hugh ,Sinnamon of Wingham spent' Monday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ern- est Beecroft. , . W, Sones and son, Mark of ,Harniltori • are Spending this week with '4er, parents, Mi. and ivr4; ;Water Charlton, ,WANTED-Rellable Man as Deal in Hawn County, Experience not necessary. A. fine opportunity te Stela Into old prefitable‘ business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years, Big profits. Products furnished on credit, UNIVERSAL Milking machine, 2 Write Rawleigh's Dept: B-443-163 single units for sale. Apply to Montreal, P.Q. Goo. Q. Martin, Brussels, phone 17115. 13* AGENT required to distribute MARSHALL "Spring-time" ameoth top mattresses, :reg. $47,50, Febru- ary offer, $39,50, two weeks only. R, Otirrie & Son; Farniture, 1/Vinghain, 13,20b lViUR1HY-4n Winghain General, Hospital, on ,Friday; Febrydry 1957, 'to Mr-. ancrlVf.rs, Clifford Murphy, R.R. 2, Kitchener, a son:. MORRISON--In Wing,htiin General. liohpital, on Fridai J.FebruarY 8, 1957,- to. Mr. -and Mrs. Morrison, R.R. 1, ,Lucknow, a son. REAL ESTATE Farxiilex products with advan- tages which can't be duplicated. Extra faster profits for you every day. Write for free information and catalogue to Familex Dept. 44, Station C, Montreal. 13b Television 7.-It'sa plaee where all little films go-,,when they're bad. 500 BALES of Mixed hay for sale. ' Harold Elliott, phone .706W4, Wiagharn. 13b CLAFtKE-In Winghatu General: HosPital, on Saturday, February' 9, 1957,. to Mr. and Mrs, Albert Clarke, 138 Siebert Avenue, Kit- chener, a daughter. McPHERSON7--In Wingham Gen- dial Hospital, on Saturday, Feb-, Tuary 9, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McPherson, •R.R. 2;' Wingham, a daughter. ROSS-In Wingham General .Hos- pital, on Tuesday, February 12, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs: John Reis, RR., 1, Forinosa, a daughter. , EDGAR--Ia. Clinton Hospital on Friday, February 1, 1957, to Mr; and Mrs. ,Maitland Edgae, a daughter,' Brenda Marie, a sister for Brian and Harry:. , FOR SALE , Partly finished on Water St., Wingham, nearby C, Lloyd Or Son Ltd., Berry 'Door and Weatern Foundry Company. 1. storey, frame, inselated. Contain- ing 2 bedrooms, living room'and kitchen. On lot 70 x 175. This dwelling can be finished reason- ably and is offered at a lovii price for quick sale. Garage in con- nection. H. C. MacLean, Realtor, Wingham, Ont. Phone 115 23,30b e Menvealoa COECMAT TENDERS WANTED Tenders for. the, contract of sup- plying, crushing and -delivering approximately 12,000 cubic yards of gravel ' on Morris Tewnship roads will be received by the un- dersigned up- until 12 o'clock noon, March 1, 1957. Crusher is to be equipped with a three quarger inch screen. . A certified cheque for $200 mast accompany each tender. 'Lowest or' any tender not aecesaarily accept- Geo, C. lVfartin, Clerk-: 13:20b HAY' for sale, Apply to Calvin , Robinson, 13elgrave, phone 400,74, 1,3* Unusual Opportunity Yes, and that's what We mean. I have a real opportunity for 'a man Who is from 30 to 50 years 'of age; a man who is now associated in the agricultural field; one who is am,. bitious; a self-starter and capable of selling, If you have these abili- ties, why stay in a rut? Our Company is expanding. At the present time, we have over 20 District Managers in Western Ont- tario. This position offers earnings' in the five-figure bracket, unlimit- Commissions and override are paid weekly. , Join the leader in its field and make some real money, Repeat business, year after year, ensures continued high earnings. Some of our newest District Managers have earned over $7,000.00 in their first six months with the Company. For' most of these men, this is their first ,experience in the selling field. Remember, applicants must have agricultural background or connec- tion, in this field. Applicant must be a married man, well established and highly regarded in his area. Must have a good car. Write us about yourself, or phone for an ,appointment to: E. Mc- Lachlan, Vice-President, "Na- Chars" Plant Food Coinpany, manfacturers of "Na-Chums"Liquid Fertilizer, 2 Langarth Street, West, London, Ont. 13b 111-Fl EQUIPMENT: 20 watt, Heathltit W4M amplifier . and .pre-amp, Eleetroberrie tuner; Garrard changer (diamond sty- • lus); all in cabinet; Separate dual - ;speaker corner cabinet. Phone 870 evenings. SUfiAR 'N SPICE By Bill Smiley A lot of'Irien, referring to the ancient custom ,of taking unto themselves a wife, are wont to wax hard-boiled and sYnical. "If I had. it to -do over again, you'd never.get me -walking up that aisle. Nosir, not me, boy! Once bitten, twice shy." And so on. This sort of thing is usually spoken in their wives' hearing, to the accompani- ment of vast winks and heavy nud- ges, by baldheaded old birds who have lost ,their teeth and couldn't get Grandma Moses to walk down the aisle with them. Anyway, I don't' feel that way at. all. Every ,so often, I wish I' Could get married • again,- Don't get me wrong now. I'd marry the same dame.. I couldn't stand an- other .ten years 'of, learning, that woomen Are about ' 120 per cent smarter than men. Not with 'a new one, anyway. ••But when the Old Trouble an • Strife starts reading aloud the ac- counts of, some big, posh wedding, I get this feeling' that I'd like to Italie another 'Whack at the whole business of getting spliced. Not that our 'wedding 'didn't have a certain simple dignity; with accent on the simple lint it all Went so: fast I didn't get a chance to enjoy it. , ',You know how you it in charch and wonder Whether you can af.; ford to put in an oil furnace, while the minister waxes eloquent on the sins of man? Well, I wasn't thinking about an 'Oil furnace, but I certain- ly wa.sift paying inuelic attention to the "love, ,honour and Cherish" business during our 'nuptial cere- mony.. . "HOly old jtimpia," I thought, 'ar,,rhat am I doing here with a strange woman? This is insane. I don't want to get married. I'm only a boy." 'Fighting th4 impulse Alt, flee, .sneaked a look at the bride. She wore' that holy look of vast assurance, and palm that de- scends on ,all brides the' minute they have-, you securely 'Onset/need in front of a preacher. She evidently noticed my panic for,she gave me a little belt with her elbow and a small frown, the Hullo Folks! How ra ,W in :a 'Practical 1.:3et Some years ago a truek broke down - 'apparently - in the middle-of the Place ,de l'Opera in Paris and the driver, as the old' song goes,. had to get out and get under. GARRY seed oats for sale; ApPly to Leslie Fdrtune, phone 'Wrox- _ eter 12R9. • 13* . For. Ihidf an hour his toes protruded from under tne"old hack as he worked away at the failure. Several policemen were called and feverismy,:directed traffic• around the stalled truck. Finally the driver emerged; thanked the. men, and drove off, with a quiet. smile on his face. That Same day he collected several thousand dollars from his friends. They had bet I '• that he couldn't go to the busiest intersection hi, Paris in the Middle of. the rush hour and lie on his hack for 30 minutes. ICS "name was Horace DeVere. Cole, now dead, who was, one of England's most famouS Prac- tical jokers. The story reminded Ole that it Wasn't SO long' .ago that the constant necessity "to get oat avid get under" was an accepted,part Of owning a, ear. LOKI4g•McDONALp These days cars are ' built -sturdily and tightly and they don't .suffer as often from> major mechanical breakdowns. . 'It still. pays to hire' an eXperienced serviceman though, like the; factory-trained experts at our place, to get under once in a While'for a thorough insPecticht PAIN OF RHEUMATISM, Sciatica, • Lumbago,. can be helped by tak • - ing., RUMACAPS, Recarnmencled • by thousands of thankful users. Ask yolir Druggist, 13b EXECUTOR!S SALE of ' REAL ESTATE The undersigned has received in- strtiction to sell bY Public Auction' at the residence of the late Rob- ert Ritchie, Lucknow; Ontario, Saturday, February 16th, 1957. "at the hour ,Of 3 o'clock in the after= noon, the following residential and farm property: The residence-The residence' of the late Robert Ritchie, situated on Lot No. 310, on the West Side 'of Stauffer Street; in the. Village. of Lucknow. There is a six room two storey frame house.,,,in. good condi= tion, situated on the said premises, with new Oil furrittee, kitchen cup- boards,. modern bathroom and good garage, two blocks from business Section. The farm-One hundred acres of good farm land and being the north half of lbt No. 4, Concession Eleven, Eastern Division, Ashfield Township. Approximately six acres in bush, remainder in hay, pasture and cultivation. Frame barn, 50'5 55', with steel, roof, cement stab- ling, artesian well, water. in stable. The above properties will be of- fered for sale subject' to • reserve bids and conditions of sale. Terms-Ten percent of purchase price on day of sale; balance within 30 days. J. G. Ritchie, Mitchell, Ontario, Andrew Ritchie, ,R. R.; 7, Lucknow, Onterib, Wm. Graydon Ritchie,. R. R„ 7, Lucknow, Ontario, Executors; Wellington Henderson, Auctioneer, 13b • TENDERS 'Township of Turnbi.rry Sealed tenders Will be received by theundersigned until 2`p.in; on.. Saturday, March 2nd., 1957 for -a proximately 600 lbs. of Warble Fly. Powder. Lowest or any tender mit necessarily accepted. Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk • 13:20b • SLIGHTLY :INSANE? Another blast from a, very well known Toronto columaist-"If you. werel selling a profitable conimod-; ity would you net thiak it para.' doxical; or even slightly insane, to warn customers against"' it?" . ' Thils he writes aboUt one aspect of the liquor policy of' the-Mani- toba- Government. It has set aside: $50;000 :lot' advertising that points out the danger of 4ncitil- Once. He quotes the head of the advertising committee' Of ,six ' ap- pointed by ,the GOverpmenk-"Our .aimls to reaeh the broadest pos- sible ;audience , with factual and unbiased material that will attract and held reader intereat.' "Slightly insane?" -Mist sensible, surely, on all counts. -"A profit- able commodity?" To ;the trade, assuredly: To the' Government? No! 'LI Ontario indulgence in li- quor posts the prevince two and a half times as much as the liquor tax received. This economic and 'social cost of indulgence, in terms of extra palice and court costs, and social services,' is staggering, to say nothing of the awful cost 'of human irnisery entailed . . . Well done, ManitOba! • GOOD USED B. T. and Pedlar steel stalls and stanchions, water howls, steel post, cow, calf and . pens, litter carriers at about • , half price. Apply te .L. H. Koenig & Co., Box 31, Mitch/lay, phone ; 56. • Concrete and steel stable . 13,20,27* QUANTITY of good mixed hay, scjaare bales for sale. Lance 13townridge, • Maxwell, phone .. Beaverton 26R11. 13b TENDERS Township. of • Turnber# Sealed tenders will be received by the Undersigned until 2 p.m. on ,Saturday, March and, for Warble Fly Spraying for the 1957 season. Lowest or any tender,not necessar- ily accepted. Geo. T. Thonison, Clerk 13:20b FRAME KITCHEN building at 39 , Sohn Street • for sale. To be .tken .alVay. Telephone 343. • 23,30;6b . . Mainteoance on a ear isn't- a' major' expense, hat it can save real Money -en the major costs of a. Cal', fuel and depreciation. The failure to -get :a simple tube job makes the. 'ciigine Work hardei,:-.using• ore fuel and. increasing :engine • Wear. And the 'shape,, your car is in. can affect its resale price la as • 11 as 20.percent. • • . . ,...Don't be fooled: by. foggy advertising that hides the real price of a car.That's our subject for our.,next colUran .-'along with seine thinks We've heard about fogs.theraseivea.; .I/EAVY DUTY 10 ft. hydraulically •• operated type Vrake suit • able for -heavy sheet metal work, ; will: bend up to 10 gauge; price • $295.00; heavy duty Robertson. • power hack saw, hydraulic lift, price $125.00, terms available Louis Blake, RR. 2, Brussels phone 42r6 Brussele. • 30:6e TENDERS' WANTED " Tenders-' tosupply a three quar- ter ton truck for the Township of Morris ' be received. 'by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon March 1 1957: Truck is to be equipped' with a apare:.tire, heater and directional lights. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Geo. Q. Martin, Clerk , . 13:20b 7 LOST 4.40146, f•••fu., kr& SAM'47Peo V*'408•V•Aerg POSSE 9 v, .01:00 :16: S 5/.ZE,.9 560//CE TOBOGGAN lost on the 10th con- Cession of East Wawanosh be- tween coraer and H. Coultes' gate. Finder please contact R, Coultea, phone 743W4. 13* How WANTED- • 'GENERAL MACHINIST- OR. MECHANIC Prefer qualified man who has • had trade training or- experience or • hoth, on lathe, Milling machine: and surface and cylindrical grinders and who • cars make parts from drawings using hand tools and the above maChines, ' Will ceinsider applicants without •experience oh all of the above machines but who have mechanical aptitude and have maehine shop or automotive experience, . Party hour week, all benefit plans, eight paid holidays, and two • weekS• vacation. Write or phone collect to:` '4 I. 0, MacArthur 2 NAT,IONAL CARBON compAlqy widherton, °al-trio, 6:13i) MISCELLANEOUS hoe .0, • • :TEE'S TAXI S YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? Per information phone 293, Stew- art A. ,Scott, Wingham. 2rrb ELLIOTT REAL 'ESTATE AGENCY Blytho. Ofitirio Phone:l.i14 GORDON ELLIOTT, BROKER Plerning Ballagh, Salesman, Victor Kennedy, Salesman, Res, Phone i 6861, Wingham, Res. Phone,' 78, Blyth 'Large Farm Listing, Dwellings SplhishieSS Property Listings and Inquiries, Invited. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING STIRVKIIT) ttttt tttt t tttt tt 1.4.. t ii iii i enemies ii tttttttttt istioileelkse ii ei i Illsel iiiii iseeilites lllll sesissoliie eu,IIOIflhIufflhsllIIluI, Day anct Night Service PHONE 185 au la an Ns TENDERS Township of Turnberry Sealed tenders Will he received by the undersigned until 2 pm.. on Saturday; March 2nd, 1957 for Warble Fly Inspepter for the 1957 season: Applicant to supply his crWn transportation, Lowest or any tendet ,,not necessarily accepted. Ged, T, Thomson, Clerk 1320b DON'T FORGET your Valentinel „Still a complete assortment to chooSe from at McKlbbons. 13b FOR RENT APARTMENT for rent on Joeph- ine Street, 5 rooms arid bath, hat and cold water, heavy duty wired, easily heated, Apply to R. J. Galbraith., 23trb STEWART A. SCOTT can new save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six montha policies are available. Special rates for fanners. For thrther Information phone 293, Wingliam, 29rrh HEATED APARTMENT fOr rent, " possession immediately, Apply to A. J. Leekridge, phone 205. • 23rrb BY $ANF2ARY SEWAGE disposal Septic tanks, eesspodls, cellars, , etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed, Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels, 1.15rrb WANTED PREPAYING tiRAVIia, TENDERS Township of lifowlek Tenders plainly marked- as to content will be received by the undersigned up to rp.rn, Fridan Marah. 1 for crushing and hauling' 10,-000 mi, yda, more or is of gravel to be V, inch seen and 4,000lll, ds. more or 'less to he I% hid.' screen, Gravel to be bred anywhere in the Township of floWiek under. direction Of the road superintendent. Pits, are to be Stripped and Maintained by the Crintilietor to satisfaction of road Siiperinterident. All toads are to be levelled at the Pit, the Work not tp be started earlier than July 1st, and completed by September 15th Por further particulars Contact the road superintendent. Anson Oa). braith, gOririe, Ontatlo, A certified cheque flit of the tender to ateritripany same, Lowest or any Lender. nOt need/On/lily aceepted, Harold Pelle*, Clerk; reetriship of Howlek, Gerrie, Ontario., 13 20h CRAVVFOlill HETHERINCTON • CLEAN 6-quart boakets wanted, To be brought in on Friday. Ap- ply to Carl Bondi. 13b BUSINESS and .:-PROFESSIONAL piREcroRy APARTMENT for rent. Phone 329, ' 13b 5 ROOM APARTMENT for relit. Reduced rent during winter months. Phone 207. 13;20b 6.'S Ode, • WI NG,HAM 00 PPoRargti 24•••14 PIOT MORTGAGE of $2,600 on a business property Veined at •$),44100, Per further information regarding this investment. propti.„ hition Write Bog 6, 'Advance- • TimeS. 23,30,6? 3 ATERLOO CA.a ILE Breeding Association "Where Better Wills Are Used", 'Tor artificial in.- Sernination" infer/nation or set'- 'Vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at Clinton, Hu 2-3441 Or Milditay 130112 be. tween tan and 9:3e toil. We have all breeds available top OtlelitY at low cost 25rrt, Barristers, solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 40 X, H. cRAVVIVRo, Q:C. n. S. AMBULANCE SERVICE CURRIE'S. AMBULAJ10E, Wing- ham, Safe, courteous Service. Phone Day 61, Night 716, or 636, 13trli A. H. IFTAVISH J. W. BUSHFIELD Town of Wingham 1957 Taxes Takpayers may tila,ke parrriellts on aecount HEADSTOCK' vvAiorign BARRISTER, SOLICITOR 'Ind NOTARY runtto TEESWATEU ONTARIO',, TelOphofle 211 WroSeiter-,--Eveiy,Wedrientlity htterrinon, 27-4 0.01,,. 'fir • by appointment. 15EADSTOCK. leineVed promptly ' for. sanitary dispoSal, FREE Pick upr on larger athssals, reasonable ,collection charge for' small .m11- .01109. Phoile Celleet Wingham ^10 478; Pailtrierston 123W br.. Dar- hani 396.. Cordon YoUng Limited. •• 6rib 'Barrister, Solicitor, llotlirY, Etc. MOney to 'Man Office-Meyer Iflock WitiNhksil ILENBEITS FOR GRAVEL YOUR WATCH CONDITIG1VED No parts missing or ()Winged CLINTON' WATCH SERVICE Clinton, Ontario rrb PO knot Vomit** TeWiatihip Tenders Will be received by the undersigned One O'clock 'Ttieeday„ .1Wartit. 5th, 1951 ftit hatdo ing and approgiMitteiy 1000 eit, yd, 'Of viva deliested eu township roads, .LOWent Or ntiy teti4 doe not necessarily accepted, to PAO through- %.Seretrii. * Mark ed cheque tor 060,00' to accompany each tondos. Stuart %tenancy, reed superintendent, ' Wiligharni Ontario, a 1957 taxes up to 80 per cetit. of 1956 taxes'. *IlitereSt. at the rate ,of ,Itour per tent, per ailliulli will be allowed on such prepayments, 01 eintesifehOiiiiiiiiiiNiteisii40,141'netelitini WELLINfiTON FIRE Frederick F. Homuth R.O. Carol E. Hornuthp R.O. Mr.. Viola a 110111116 R.O. orrostEttusts PHONE 1111 011441#40 V 0,,K Oldetre Name* Slot Given Out FINANCING A CAR? berate. you buy ask about ,our Lel* de/St Eirlaileing Se/1Oct with complete Insurance, Coverage, STEWA4T SCOTT Ph ft* • SW; Lioneittico tonpany Est, 1619 An all Canadian Coharittitt *MA , .taithtolly .served 10110 loilifor4 too two it !. '0000040e torente usotios Wittithini Prepayments of takes must be made at , the TOWT1 TrcaStirdr'S 01114, '.ton Our ruieri me 'Or RillilitaSS , tlikt an. "• te. thia, eitit,eh Of . at the larkli •Wherl aftrint of a righteoris eithec i teitigor :than All the limits of otter,:-- William W.A., GALBRAITH, Tresituret i ' 'Tow VV n of 'inghint * .... w..k.......,00........m..tonow.... •••••!...