The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-02-06, Page 9Members of the.Yonth For ChriSt movement in Winghale, are PictUred chatting with Eddie Caller, 1g;uh-e'
Of a gospel team, ThOse in the pictute are Doreen Borden,, Doris Pickell, Velma Stapleton and Joe Baker.
The autataiiding guest was in Winghain for a gathering at`the town hall. - • •
.4011,11Reports on
(Intended for last week) about.. Ic ;t?ino.,01M1 Is paid out. ;by the
VIrftONTOTPrt — Farmers' and government for support prices per
Year, While unemployment insur-
ance, which is pot•avaitkhle to.
40008, 40ata the , government
about saimo,000 per ycalr,
'Carl liemingway, ncw1Y-appoltit.,'
ed fieldnano far- Huron said, 'There .
Is It lot of work 09 in KIIITon
county The reftrniten is willing,
to tioip wherever it on," lie also,
,r4Ratito4; "You don't get big Pay .
In farming but a lot of satisfaetion
put of the )ob,"
Warden 4 gowdY spoke,
He felt be, was indebted to the
voop)4 of „WWI* ,for the honor ,
Conferred upon hlrn, Huron County':
ls''PeilnkY of fine :titnes, a geed',
county whlich he is proud to.
Jerry montgomorY summarised ,
some of the accomplisinents, in
the county ,including seed, OW
survey, DalrY Herd improvement
Association and Sop, testing, •
WarrerrZurbriggireported ,on,4,11
Club Work. There are h2 .girls in
homeMaking clubS and 36 girlsand
boye.,ih calf and grain clubs, •
John Douglas was,township dole-
on progress of the open market
campaign, which is being carried
out at the present time,
Campbell, township direeekr
reported and also gave a few high.,
lights of Thursday's beef tour,
through Western Onto:rib.
All officers were re-elected for
Miss Marguerite Ford, Stouff-
vine, spent: the week-end, with Mr,
and Mrs. Glenn McMichael.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham, • St.
Marys, were week-end, guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Higgins and
,,...„....... • •
the things the Federation ig doing
of nagt taandthe gparvoevi provincial iadle taanireudalrinepeocrtt-.
'Elmer Harding, Howlek Twp, Hog
Doug MacNeil told of, some
u bcloi suhnetdy tlhteb4ptc,lier:s. noStoamlweayosf Producers' representative" reported in
these were The Huron County
Dairy Co-ordinating Board and
Political Action .Corrirnittee, meet-
ing Provincial and dominion mem-
bers of parliament to discuss the
dairy ,industry, which needs* con-
sideration. under ,piisting circum-
attended funeral services for the,
late Edward Jacklin.
Mr, and Mrs. Campbell Brown,
Markdale, visited during the• week-
end with Allen and Mrs. Munro.
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and
John were Fordwich, Visitors on
Mr. George Bradley, Toronto,
was a week-end visitor with J. H.
and Mrs, Wylie. Mrs. Bradley and
daughter, Mary Ann, who had
visited here for the past week,, re-
turned to Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. John Howes and
Jeannie, St, Thomas, spent the
Week-end with Gilbert and Mrs.'
Mr, Harold Townsend IS a pat-
ient hi Victora Hospital, London,
His many friends hope for a speedy
recovery, ,
The Woman's Missionary Society
of Wroxeter United Church, will
hold .the February meeting, on
Friday, February 8th; at 2.30 p.m,
in the church hall., Mrs., Jim. Doig
is in charge of the programme.
'Congratulations to Murray Mc-
Lean, 13, sorp of Mr. and Mrs, Ira
McLean of Wroxeter, who won
(Intended fot last week) second place in, North Huron spell-
WROXETER — The Buds of ing competitions held • in Winghain
Promise Mission. Band, United last Wednesday. Thomas Mitchell
Church, held the January meeting of Ivfolesworth, was top speller in
on Tuesday afternoon. Helen Ma- the boys' group.
gee presided and opened with the
hymn "Tell Me the Stories of
Leader Mrs. Mervyn Grainger
inatalled the new officers which
are as follows: President, Lynn
Earls; vice 'pros., Brian Sanderson;
sec., Carol Loutitt; treas., David
'Grainger; pianists, Carol Loutitt,
Lynne. Earls and Elaine Sanderson.
' Sharon Elliott chose for the
Scripture reading, Matthew 6;9-13.
Brain Sanderson led in prayer and
'Dale MacLean received the Offer- . • ing,
''Mts. Grainger reviewed 'a chap-
ter from the new study hook,
:"Bright Pathways", (Fiesta Day)
by Esma Booth, The meeting clos-
ed with the hymn "Near the Crosi"
and the Mizpah benediction.
10r. Iasi, week)
The Young Peeple's' Union,
Wroxeter United chtireh, held a
congregational skating party on
WednesdaY night. AlthOUgh the at-
tendanee Was disappointing, a good
time is, reported, After two . hours'
skating on excellent 10e the party
returned to the chureh for refresh-
meets. Baked ,beans; bread and,
butter, doughnuts and coffee were'
Wroxeter. Women's Institute
.sponsored a sudeessful drince on
Friday night. Sangiter's orchestra
. provided 'music: The W.I. supplied
refreshments for •the booth and
proceeds will be given to unprOve-
. ... : ..
• ?
.U. EM11
WA 0 .?'t V./ 17i, -aka Young
People's ,Union,„ United Chureh,, ,met
on Sunday ,OVOill ig Wrrnteter
Seheoir00.M. Elaine stall'.
and Valli Higg ns arranged the
'PregraMine,. Palsy Ciboria led la
PfeYer and Lierniee Clrainger: read
the ,Scripture lessen, ,
'Rev, W. J., V. 1.3uebanari told the
• story of I?r, Peter Xelley, .ca stain.
of the Thornes :Croshie Miss oat
At the west Coast. '110aching Ma-
turity"" was the thlp Of a slit Pre,
Pared by EliUne $atia, assisted by
.41 tlith Walker, James and David
'$underson, • '
lain 1-loWesv president, `'eoridilcteca
the .business. A skating party was
arranged to be held In the Gerrie
rink on the ,evening of February
8th, John 4WeGee was; id ,ebarg'e of a
contest. ,rtho„liieeting ,eloseti, with,
Taps, , n.
Edward J-acklin
Passes in. Brussels
wRoxrap3.—xli prwsols, ,at
the heme of hiS 'sister, Mrs Pearl
i<offer, on Friday, there entered
into rest, a wcii;know,n, and highly
eSpected citizen of 'Wroxeter
the person of plciWard Jacklin, in
his 78th year,t
Mr, Jacklin had been in ,poor Over a period of years and
'three weeks ago suffered a stroke,
He farrne,d for'many years on the,
Second line of Grey Township, Mr::
Jacklin was twice married. His
first wife, the former , IVfarAta
Johnston died 1040. In l941 he
;married, Rosetta Finlay. Higgins,
who predeceaSed him in, 1,949.,
Mr, Jacklih is survived by his
sister, Mrs,' rear]. Xeffer, of Erns-
sels and two brothers, Joseph, of
'Trowbridge and Andrew of Brus-
.Funeral sei-viccS were held from
the D.A. Rann funefal home on
Monday. Rev'.' Andrew Litrie of
Brussels United. Church was . in
charge. Interment was made in
Brussels Cernetery,
011! wives, numbering 100, at-
tended tint annual mottos; of, Ho,
Lvick Federation Of Agrieulturo
YridaY night in Wronter Com,
arunity .Hall, "
A turkey dinner was '14 crvoa by the. Woman's Assolation, Wrox-
eter 'United Churbh, $pated at the
head table were 'President PAert
Connell and Mrs, COMM, '0, W.
IVIontgomorY, Huron County repre-
sentative, Douglas MaeNell,
dent of Huron County Federation
and, and, Mrs;lVf aeNell, Colborne Twp„
Jim Jaekile, Ontario ' Federation
fielanlen and Mrs. Jacklin of Nina-
wood, Huron. County Federation
secretary-treasurer and fieldinan
Carl Hemingway and Mrs. Heming-
way of Brussels, 'Warden Harry
Dowdy and Mrs. Gawdy; secretary
treasurer Warren Zuriiirigg and.
Mrs, Zurbrigg.
Musical entertainment was pro-
vided by Andy and Art.Gibson.
President Hebert Connell chaired
thb meeting. In his welcoming ad-
dress he said, "The Federation
needs us. and we need the Federa-
weiVe Rink,
WroNkter Bonspilei
witowpgiv-A poodo,.. 44 Karr:led 9tf ,top bcprinsfo at Litho AP- nun! bonaPiel 1144 %y11,92444"
Arena on geridaYTuwt,..12Welge
sinks Catered eOining tronl Hoover
Drayton, LiatOW01,, Wee-
water, •Cliffor,d, 110g:rave, 13eln:koro,,,
Gerrie and Turnberry.
Winners were as follows: rfjPgr
Brussels Jaoh Powmo,n, :11m,
Adams, Ralph ,§haw., Sam Sweeny;;
second, Wrexeter„ Wes
Eldred Cathers„Jaolt
burn, Hush Harris.— •
A Gerrit rink was third with
Toni Hitellio, Mt Austin,
Harold King, Nen Hestia and the
Wroxeter rink Alien Adams, skip,.
,J. W. 'Mitt; Oscar •,Kieffer and
George Galloway won the: consola-
tion prize,
Members of 'the Tdesday star-
light Group nerved meals at the
00Min4urity ball,
T A, '
land. • '
'The Agioie.
ing at. Whitt,"
inte , •
Marshall, ilk
two ehtitiren,
4,14' doetot
Starlkhl Group.
Centennial Pict*.
WROl ETER—Mrs. utip,o
open5d her home for the 4e.
meeting of the Tuesday
light Group of the United Chrir
Twenty-ono members answered th
roll call,.
Mr. Harold Townsend returned.
froin, Wingham hospital on Sun
day, where 'he spent .the Past two
weeks His' many friende wiSh'for
him a speedy' recovery:
Mr, Edward Ferguson, who came
from his home in the West to at-
his father'S ,funeral, visited
old neighbours„ Thomas ,and Bea-
trice Shearer and. Mr. and Mrs.
George Galbraith last week.
Mrs. „Rhoda Ford; ,Wingham, is a,
visitor at the home of Glenn, and.
Ur& McMichael. ; '
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Darroch,
Clifford, and Mr. and JrS, H.
Gowdy, were Friday visiters with.
:Ilia'and Mrs. Doig.
The Wroxeter Group of Canadian •
pt4.1s in Training met on Wednes-
day evening at the home of Iyfiss
Berva Gallaher with ten present,
It was a work meeting 'and the
girls worked on a layette, which
When eorripleted, will be sent, to
Hazelion,' RC., for br. Palmer's
work. The girls will be grateful for
any denationa ariade.
The visiting preaeher had just
finished a fine chicken dinner.
While lie was looking out the win-
dow he saw a rooster strutting
about the yard.
"That's a mighty proud looking
rocister,:' he commeated.
"Yep," said the host, "One of. his
sons just entered the'ministry."
outside and inside! Bigger ell over!
Bigger all through!
Mr, MacNeil introduced the guest
Speaker, James Jacklin, provincial
fioldman who gave a splendid 'ad-
dress on some of the aceompliA-
merits of the Federation, .which:
consists of 40 county organizations
and 40 producer ,eroups, It is the
duty of the Federation 'to co-
ordinate all of these groups for
the good of farmers as a, whole.
Through the efforts of the Fed-
eration marketing legislation , has
been procured and amended from
time to time to make.necessary lin-
provernents .for an advancing
civilization, Since hospitalization, at
sufficiently reasonable rates was
not available' to the average farm,
or, the Federation ' was instru-
mental in erganizing Co-Op Medi-
cal, which in turn may bring
about hospitalization On a, national
scale. Cheaper autp and liability in-
surance IS another tiecomplishment
of the Federation,
In closing he =alerted the Ira,
portance of the support price on
farm prOducts Which has helped
ifarmers to retain their farms just
as unemployment insurance' has
enabled factory workers to pay the
rent or meet the payments on their
honieS. The Only dikerence is that
TO: ittox 389 WINcIHAM, ONT,
I Please IN one more about Prudential's Family Polio.
Now y611r whole family can he covered by
one life insurance policy with one lOw
monthly premium. j
• , • •
every new arrival is outornatically included:
after. age 15 d ys -- at nn, increase in premium..
George R. Scott
Phone 118 —Vingham
The. Prudential Insurance .tompany of Ainiika
muluiff Iii. inwranee cemPoRY
Wingham, Ontario
• ' rresident ,Mrs. Crawford qt,.03
presided and opened the me.sitili
with the New Year's hymp,
ing at the Portal", A. ,New Y.efilts
Last, week the Wingharrk Teen thought was expressed •in' a 0,:.
Town elected Robert *ihtoul as by Edgar Guest, Mrs. Ruth • . 4191.
mayor for 1957, Donald chow for the Serf'"'
Other Other officials elected' were: • lesson, Mark, Chapter 2.
Reeve, Merle Gowdy; council mem- Members enjoyed Howlek •gea-y.„:
hers, Penny Oerrie, Nancy Fowler, terniial pictures Shown by Mrs. VW., Elaine 'Wood, Rae Hetherington, V. Pue was lanned Raymond Mutter, Peter Nasrnithl banan. Xt' " p ScerethrY4reasnrer, aVieponi. hold "a family night .on Fehruari
aid. • • 26th, with a pot-luck supppr.
NEW, LONGER 1:22" *1•1EE1t44SE POW
v..E) POWER WITH FI:141-AC-ricoN
o it1.114
on iofr:eick invite8 yoii to SEE ir Si
111ofi'areli'S new ,,7•position 1<eyboard Control sorts the
enginOi releases the brake selectS dri -O„low, flout:rid, park '
and reverse:for the Citil,0111aliC driving yet,
the longest; widest Monarch Of all tinie-'.41lb. ernnIllek:ly
new body. And blitripei' biihrri road to rOof qvred with
the spirit of ate fitture/Ccoe-t,soc for yourself?
tesnoisfroyfres inifiifdterd'af otbitisitecoal,5tetirrtaiir
vont -..fitrgtobt . ontYmtat it arra .:Olt Othce0
1), B. 01011,
is a grathiitte of the O.A.C. at
Guciph, majoring iri animal hus-
bandry. In 1951 he graduated from
iinimattuel College, Toronto,, and
Was ordained to the ministry of the
United Church of Canada,
Ile went to Japan AS an evarigel.
iStib' missionary fn 1051. hail
lust finished a year of farther
study at dernelf University and is
lecturing in this area, before re.
turning tr, his duties in Japan in
late Surritimr,
On Wednesday, Feb. '6, he will
speak" ht tginondVille at .8 p.m„;
Thursday, Feb, 7, at 2.3O p,in, At
Walton and et 8 pit, Bruskelto,
Oriday itt ,Cloderich Vietoria
atreet Church: 8unday, rah,
Duff's, 'and pArt,
tthite J 3iri eS Street. On Priday,lieh
Ortli will speak 'at Dtli•e+
Safety in the automobile is optional al, no extra ,cost. I o mecharii
safety 'device can replace the protection of careful driving.
Last year, traffic accidents claimed the lives of more Canadians
than ever before, Sonieone was injured every 8 minutes. A car was
damaged every 98 seconds, Automobile insurance claims rose to more
than on hundred million dollars.
One result of thiS' is higher autorno&o insurance rates —because
what is'paid out in claims must be brought in by premiums. But even more
important, is the fact that you hold your life, and the lives of others, in
your hands when you get behind the wheel of a car,
Safety pay's dividends, saves liveS, helps to lower your i trance
costs. Be careful.,
r I I s t le year o- conip.cte caang,e, in INIonarelll I,00k at,'.
the distinctive, Iltitcd' rear. fenders—lhe V.anAle
Thig ig design for' fornorroW, blazing a now trail
for Oilier Lite ears to follow.
6ohartof,0,06 il,M 500 otimpoilot *Wing
tifo, Aria CoikuNitY htittrott**