The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-02-06, Page 7OPPICti* „ t,44reee ki.teP 0 elk Ant to be fed Brook noton ttary lrleter citre* easful )Y, the =on-. ng, It More ;the In Score, leor WE Ung Mrs, • • • BELORAYE (Intended for tali' weak) .1. Mr. and Mrs, C. D. PDX ef Rank called on Mr. and Mte Adger Wiglihman.and family One ditY last Week, x , James CoulteM waS .Pnelph task week-attending.,„,the annual meet - tog. of the 'Ontario 'Perigord Breeder'• ASSociatiort. • Mr, ltufl Mts., .Clarence Ytiill And got, .14e811e Bolt violted. on 'Sunday with the latter's father, Mr. AMPS 'Stokes in Wroxeter . • • •14.1f0 ;loan .BrYilgetr visited with .M100, MildredlThorntOn at London JaSt 'Wednesday. • Mr, iintu Mrs. itosoeiv Kelly and• fallnilY Of Cookeville__viiteil .0Yer .the Week -end :With Mr,and Mr. whiten) Kelly, • . Mr, and' Mre, JaneWaist)and, family visited. • on Sunday With Mr, and Mra•Cherlie Withers and 10104, at.Ithievalc. • . • , - 4loyd Campbell is, 0PeridIng a le of months working in :the neat • ••• • , r. and , mrs, clitro VonCanm, .• And, farbily ,visited on Stinday, with Mr; and, Mrs. Irs.,..Genapbell at Ialcknow,.. .• ' 'Miss D. S. Otago et Guelph and tirecries. Anderson, Toronto, . visited overthevveek7'oed:, with Mr, and Mrs. 'Varl 'Anderson. • • • • ..VieitOre .at .the,•nOme et Mr ,and Mee; David ..Arrikstreng•• over the Week -end and on Sunday Were me. ' and Mrs, Jack Arrinstreng;TOtento, Me. and Mrs. 'Gibson .-Artristreng, dell and .David, Of London, Mr. and. •Mre, •Coail. ',ArrristrOng;, ,Reta. and •gennoth.00.Ttiorticlele litra," Hilda ' 449bOrtai Mr; and Mrs. .Harold. 110erts and 'mr„. and Mrs, ,Norma4 OiliSOn of . Listowel; and gr. and Mrs. Robert Grnsby :A/ery and 11/Onna• 1,3ruesels. • • • . Mrs. Wm.' MeGregor,.. 'Brusaels, ft,.g.t.. 4, *Mod on IV,Tolt,cley' With. g4,..thaireth canni)heii: LOSES FINGERS N HAMMER MILL '.BELGRAVF,74A..,Serioas accident oepqrred on the fatale of CI VanCernp on Saturday, February . 2, when DrUeo.;Parripbell,.15, broth- er-iii-laW,Of Mr. VanCamp,,_gckt" his hand ".caUght in the hammer mill .which he 'Was' oneratin at th • Was et:Mired, Lo the WI •gh perieta1.1}1oapitall:'whtre it was kend tbrae" fingers •hatt•been tak- en off nnd:the is se wiltikeanipn t a t,ed,": byts l',6).-oreako,„#,?' • Aruco'Its-:-the, seri'. of ;Mr. ,nott,'Mta. is considered' Seri(311C' . „ Forum Addressed by , PRO; for -Postai ,Dept. tigt.oftAygg od m 1 i.. 'Fenn .Forum mci. at tc•,..poresteir4‘ on Monday evening and had as. their' -ovests the' Weatfield and .Eaat Wawanosh toroth's: There., were about 50 present. The 'group listeuierl to 0;0 .broadcast; but, there Wes: no .disetrasionperied. as this Was fourth •• John Nixon wee ePPiainted .6iiitirintin•foi • Peirrnaty. • . .r• , •:Biek, Proctor •eheirtnen, N,eelcotn., ..od the visitor, , and 'Clareiree Hanna introduced the guest 'epee:14r, . Mt; M. V. Bonne -en 'nubile , relations officer' of the, "Pciatel ,••department. .::4'.Winibor. Hc spolie Of the aetivi. :two orthe post' office .and•stiekined the importance . Of ':eatioetly •ad, dressing melt .on1. patting the ..te-. Bien address, -on all .inalt He rtiap, ..pointed out Lhc imptirterite Of put- ting the sender'sadrIteris.' inside the package as Weil, itts''Ort-,the out, side. • ' .Mr. Duncan ShoWed "Stage to. the Statsi.tclliuug "of ..the 106 yearie .peogrees, of mail sertrice, ''Majbeity. •Votesll'• and the .third one, A '1'CA .uNta. Bee- riers,"•, • ' " ' ; 'BUtierin . Cendueted11, (11-ii!e" t end answer 'peeled. The ,Speak, et ...Wes thanked' hy Tett'. Veer, • Rot:emotion was in the .fiirrn Of • Progressive :etlehro. • = '.1 The /next Meeting Will • * at the • hcinle 'of Mr. Mid Mrs. Leslie .Bolt. BELORAVE Karla, Krug, ' Who :is attending, 'Teachers' College,.at 'Stratford, spent the Week -end -With her Jeer - MOS, Rev. and AO'S. C. A, 10(ig, Mr, and Mts. Rosa 'Procter, Bur- Ilngton, George Procter,,. ,O.A,C., doeiph. and. Mitre Ruth Procter,. Terteliersf college,'StratfOri, apent the 'Week -Mid With'their parents, Me, and Atte', Stewart "rifirebter, .Mr. Archie Mentieb(110" lea pat - lent in the Toronto Perietei }16001- Atr, and Mrs: rtersimit 'Walker Of Ooderich spent the week -end with Mr. and Mtri, Hebert Stonehouse " and Me: SOO Mrs, Lewis, $torie, house, , Uric Josie Caineron I a patient In the Wifighant denerallttispital„ . „ Euchre Party (fntended fon'tast Week) , Hgt4RAV.re--The regular pro- gressive euchre ohrtY • was held WadlleadaY eVening In the coM. VIOnAY COrltre, •with seven, tablet; In play. ' High Prizes Were Won•bY Mr. 0. R. Petilten and We. Stanley GO**. Consolation Prkzeii wont to Mrs.: Herb 'Wheeler and Chris Nethery, The novelty Priie was won hY Mrs, Stanley Cook, Club 20 Meets (Intended for last week) PMGRA,V0,-- Cleh 20 met at the belne Of Mr. and Mrs,' Albert Die- men 1114 week when 44 'clijOY.4ble time was spent pleying progressive 'euchre, •, High' prises were wen by Mrs, broil welsh and 'George John- ston. consolation prizes went to 'mit, Robert Grasby and Clifton 'We1$11, A lunch waS seeired. • „ Officials Ordained At UnLud Church TiELdR,Avv---tigy. C. A, Krug was tn cherge of the service at Knox United Church on Sunday, when the new elders Albert Bio- me*. and Chris Netkery, and the new steward.s, Borden 'Scott,. Jack Taylor, Harold Vincent. and Albert -office. Goultes were ordained._ ANNUAL MUM 'AT BELORAVE 'UNITED „ (b#0110e0 for 141,4 week) PPlogHAV---A dinner was hell hui connection with the 'annual ;fleeting of Hit04, Uhited Church on Friday, jaillrerY. 25, - Hoy, 0, A. Krug was chairman of the business period after the dinner was enjoyed by all. present. The following,toperts were read: General Ned, and Maintenance fund, by Mrs, join Anderson;' VVoman'eASSOelation, by M. .COultee: Evening Aux- iliary gift, fund, by Mrs, John An- derson; Afternoon •Allkiiiary, Mrs, George Martin; Afternoon .Auxiii, !try gift fund, mrs, Jesse Wheeler; Mission J3anil. Mrs, Gordon -Hos? man; 'F3ikby Band, young People's Union and SUndaY S.Fheol by Mrs. It, 11. Coultes,.9. ' '• It was decided to send a letter of congratulations and flower s to mr, and Mrs. Robert ,StOnelliouseon the occasion of their bOth wedding en-, niversary. IVOITECOUL (..(1:ithPiiA4d9TI:rf,c1 ;*14sttior Mr, 4 ViiL, of, ' podoripu v.il!tvo 00 Siblday. iapt With Mt, and Mra, ,q0040 Via4eke ,Mrs. John Craig spoilt the.'Wee4,' ' end iui Winglian't at the home: ,o( Mr; and Mr. Robert Hall, i'f',40 ;spent ..the: weekl-end at At:ten,: 'where his mother, Mrs 4Willinni, hall was celebrating her, seven,•', tioth. birthday, with a gathering ,of feeadY and Other relatiV00,' • • Tha new inetabers appointed ; the official board are: To the Ses- sion - Albert Biernan and Chria Nether, stewerds, Jack Taylor, Borden Scott aid • Harold Viincent: Other committees were "retirrned to 14.400.110........aobeit..Sto.shollso .60W,Visioi'st:Anoiltersary.- • .BEE LGRAV-• Telegrams Of eon- gratulations froor the Honourable Leslie M. Frost,. Prime Minister of the:Ontario Govetntnent, from top officials. of •the C.N.R. and from John lIonna,(M,L.A., .were,reeeived qn Tuesda,y, January ?9th, by Mr. and Mrs, Robert •Stonehouse, . of. Belgracie, on their 00th wedding anniversaty, • : •-••• • 'Mr. and Mrs, Stonehouse were aiterounded, by a Mist of relatives and friancl et their 'home in the 'yklage where they }eve lived all .their ;Marled life. The house was. decorated Ayala 'White. hells, stream- eis , and 'the figure "60". •A • three - 'tiered wedding cake centred the. 'buffet in the dining tem* and tea was served by Miss Sonja Stone-. heirs°, Arl'S. Sant Pleteh Mrs All McKay and Mrs.. Jack Walker and; 'MiOs -Dawna. Vitraliter, Igrand- daughters . of •tlie.tekuPle,.rfliO beide and,grobrn of 66 teatit t.'th old. S,0 house Was'. the fornier".Aglies•JaMie, soiv :daughter of. the late Mr, and Mrs. • Th Mas .Jainiescier. ,S1.10 -•‘Was horn in E: Wawkinesh:TOWeiship.• Robert Stonehouse, who is .89 years of age, was also born in E. ,VVe.- wanosh*TOwnship :end is the' son of the late :lAtr.• and 4Mrs. Richard Stonehouse, , • They were .married at the:Meth- odist t.pamonage in ,I•ucknovv,. by the Rev. J. B. WallWin„, 'Both are enjoying • gOod health and take, a keen, interest in .corti, niunity arid , World •affairs, Mrs. Stenehouse is ,still a very', /active woman, and does sewing,. knitting and reading. ,• •Lewis, o(• 13elgrea;0;• Br, Gordon. of Phoenix, .'Arizonat •, fourth son, SteWart, Oleo 'ati qi.',01100;•. ." three daughters; Mrs.- , (Carrie) of .13elgrave; t, Mrs.11. ,Welker '(Agliesi‘godericir; Mre. R. ootutes: ..(giten),„! grussers. ,.There aro twelve :grendefiildren. arid. eigh- teen , great grandchildren+ • .Many gifts wore' presented to the. happy ,PPY couple Alriongthese W14 3111• orchid corsage for Mrs; Stonehouse, •"end carnation honfonniere for. StonehouSe, Preeprited to them by their grroadchildren. Many verde and •messages of • ,. congratulations were received; and they hed tele- -Phone 'teen), •Mr. 'end :;.11tra". Frank .'Feeguseni,'",fOrmerly Lois Birney, • of, Winnipeg, '• Malt to the celcbration were Bill Blrn- ' Pae(it(1°:00aiiag';'':frajlt'. a distanceey,!. ;.,leepheSy,' tht.ihridegrotini: grorii''T4ionto and •Mei ' • • don, and Miss DaWna Waiker of. London. and frknds were present torn'. • Loth - 10V: Londesboro, Auburn. God- BlYth;=,„ Brussels, 13 ..elgetive and • surrounding district. A/ retired railroad man, , Mr. Stonehouse was a section eareman on the CNR, and was employed by that company for 36 years before retieement. They are members .of the 1301- grave United Church and ' it is only recently that they have been unable to attend services regularly. Mr. and Mrs. Stonehouse have three sons, Norman, of London; IY.J; SPONSORS V411.1ETY CONCEIIT ,Oritende'cl* for laSt BELGitAVE,--:A. large crOWd was in"attendariee at the Brit' perform, • ithee nf it tWO.-night :variety con-. cert .held in the Foresters' on Wednesday evening, .sponsored by tho,-13elgetive. Wornen's ROVi C. A. Krug was 'ehttirrnan for the ' following intogtanar. Open- ing numbers by the .BelgraVo .Pipe Band, followed by' everyonasitiging- 10 Canada", .apeOrnprinied by Mrs, J. M, Coultes: inenabers,Of ,the Ii- Stitute put' on fl short play telling! of the•..fokinding Of.' -the ItStitute' and Of its contribution to thIS .COMMOriity:' niouth Organ :numbers by the .cttlartet comprised of ROSS Anderson, ROSS FlerbinSoil, • Albeit, .Blenriall: and 'oeeil 'Ofianriney, itr- •onlpnnhe(l -by ‘Mth,. 'George . Joh* AIM;voond by Mrs,. W'in, titYdgoa,. iveCOmparded by Mrs, LaWretie0 Vantian; niinibers by the drehestra., ' , A skit, "The Lighthouse: ' Dauigh- ter's' Keeper" • `Va.§ Presented ;by: 'Tem and }tarry grydges, Olen and Bill Nukes; Mary Isobel Nettie*. and Evelyn several Whis- tling numbers by Mrs. Harold aCedintaftled by Mrs, Nor- man COUltee; accordion kilo by, fitta„ ElaIne Nixon:play "Be HOMO by Midnight," by trierisberS' Of the '6th line • East' Wawatirish part. et .PertiM... closing numbers., were ."Melodimit MCIodiee.' by the'Bel!, ,„ owe sereiradero, grit; Waiter Stott, president of the 'WOrilea's Itiatitute, encresiied her thanks to all who had made the Contort A, •--SiledoSS,' the 'pro- gram .C108ect With, the national anther*, A repeat performance was held Friday evoing,..rehfuoy 1. flarry Tiehbeurne of Gude- rich spent the week -end al, the home el her Mother, Mrs. David Kennedy; Mr., Waiter •,./aineS of Woodstoek. was in the village on, SaturdaY, arlAt tacked a !"for sale" sign 00 kis healso, and 'Mrs; gihsen Ifainilten of 1.uekiww 'visited on Wed4040,4:'•• With hor Pa.:0;1143i and. Afra 9k•, E. Bucketful, • „ MiSs Marjoele Coultea of Gliel.Plfi Spent' the week-orid With iler 114t ents;• Mr: and Mrs, Albert CoUltea,, Mi. and gr,s, paw,op Craig 'ikto fEoniJy visited.' on. Sunday at t.,e borne, of her mister, Mrs. Wm, .r,'ea,•• cock ./it BlueVitle, ' , '„•". Brick Ceboreh congregation, held. their; annual. ,busincas Meeting in the chttreh,•on' Monday,. aftpinoen : and Mrs. 'Herold Mason, Kineariline, mraro mrs, rarker and sons, and gr, arid mrs.. Alfred Mason, of .Winglrem, Mt: end Mrs! Fleming Johnston anti bebY KatfiY. of Bluevale, Mr, and Airs,• -Kenneth IVinsen iand terrillyi of .East Wawa - nes!), • Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Mason, iorean,. Mr, and Mrs. John Makin' and her sister, Mrs.: Myrtle Kilit patrick, of London, Were at Hen- sel! on Sunday .Their -.uncle; the' late. Artlaur 'Anderson was killed. last; 'week in ,a eat accident,' private iiitideal was held on UM* day from .the • Bontliton . funeral horde* to Blair's',Ceineteri, Bruce-, field, Mrs, Arlerson, who survivea, is a. sister Of Mrs. Mason and Atka' Kilpetriok, and all gathered at: the home of their brother,: Mr, Alfred Clarke, Of Hensall. •-Mr. and Mrs. 'Mac Cardiff. of Brussels Visited. on Sunday ..at the 1.1orne ckf het• Sister,. MrsRiri-. .„ . .,....,:, ' ...... -, .," .. .Atinnie strate4Y Was introduced into militia thinking during exercise , Little Martell° in Galt' during the week -end of jartuary 26: Same 70 officers of, Militia units frem Walkbrton to „Brantford took part, Here representative ,offieers study etemic targets on the cloth giodel , motared to London on Sunday. Their mother, Mrs. 'John Carruth- ers, who had been 4 Patient in Vic- toria Hospital, was able' to return Lo her home at LucknoW. Herdaughter, Mrs, .Lowry, of L,urgan is visiting with her in Lucknow. • Gordon Fisher left this week at thoCNS, station, at St, Marys, and Kathleen Fisher has been Working in the, Bank , of Commerce, ,in Wingham fat the 'peat two weeks. Mr. and Mr,S. Frank 1VIeConnell, and fatally ancl•Mr, and Mrs. Gerry St. /vferie• of Londpn spent: the Week -end their .paretits, Mr. and Mrs. George, 'Currie, .who this tont. "Wednesday celebrate the thitty4. • Allan Rieman, 8 -year-old apcond anniversary of their mar- , • son, "of, Mi. and Mrs, 'Levi Diemen, who intd , hi a appendix removed, • in Mr, and Atra Mervin Prtehle of ,Wingltana .1-1oppite1 last' Itoncky,, Clintorr:visited•On Sunday with her was able. to ,retuen home on &aim: parents,, Mr. and gro, Philip Dew- • , ; eee.,' • • ; ". • ,and.,,Mrs;,,Eirner..,Pleiglithe-h* • ;•"en'el".Wr$•••.-Wesiii•Y''.*:Titaft.,4v,iS4U • arid-fattilir ,Sunday at' 'en On: Sunday with. 'tire forMerls the, home of his brother, Mr..,„ Nel- neighhonrs,...Mr, and Mrs, Elmer, :Boni Sleightholm of ,Brussels, ' .Huffman of Liu:know. . Mr. and and Mrs. Ronald Porster'of . arid Mis. „Ita'sa'n Gaaikt, jan,et tuid Beheld Visited: on Satur- day at the, kerne of Mr, and Mrs. 'Ltreknow, and 1,sitts,. George pisher, Arrange For Permanent Building For -Sc ooi Swine' and Calf Exhibits • BELPRAVEL---ThC,".chicual meet Far Henry Pattison and Sam ink of tbe BelgreYe .S41/00i,- Fair Was held on, Wedneaday,,afternoon ,firi• the 'conamunit '3‘," centre. The,new officees, for the year ar are as • fol- lows: " , • • • Past president,:.1cloWard 'Camp; bell; president,.4 tOOtge Michie; first vim: 'president, N. 14 Coultes; second .,vice president; •, Edgar Wightman; secretary -treasurer, Stewart Proeter;' ' auditors, Mrs.. Jack Wicksteee and Mrs. Stanley Directors, INIorriS.NO. 1, Carmen Haines, Mrs. C. Soireh; NO:: 3, Clarence Tull!, mtg.. George Noble; No. 4, James Smith, Mrs. George Smith; NO. 5, W. Printer, Mts. }Befitted Procter; We, 6,Ross Buneam, Mrs. &trues !Mair; No. 7, Stanley Hopper, Mt.$.;,WITI. Elston; No, 8, Atel Craig; Mrs. Bernard Thomas: No. 9, Jaelt Beyer's, Mrs, W..13011; NO. 10, .Alex Shaw; Mrs, Wm, Peatock;,, NO, 1.11., .Tames Shortreed, Mrs. jetties Shortreed; No. 12, Mervin Riehitiond, Mrs. Harold Hadley; East. iNawanosh; No. 3, Alex Nethety and Mrs.: Sam Fear; No, 17,, S4M,'Pletch and Mrs. Clifford 'PurtiOnv NO: 8, J. F. AteCallurn„ Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler; No. 9, 11. Mattison end Mrs. .R. Beavie and Mrs. Gordon Ate - Burney; No. 1, Albert Blemen and MeS. Clarence CharnheY; No. 13, Lewis cook and Alfts: Walter Scott; ,Pletch:, • , * J. H. Kinkeacl,,•public school in- ,* • •• ,spector, waa present and addressed the Meeting., He said he would co- . Operate with the teachers" in pro! moting more interest in school 'work exhibits. ' W. Montgomery, agricultural representative, Was also present and 'arldressed the meeting, offer- ing .full co-operation of his de- partment, at Clinton, ° MRS. E. GROMORTH OPENS HOME TO WNIS WHITECHURCH---The W.M.S. of the United, Chutch met on ed esday at the hOme, Of Mts. E. H. with ten PreSent, and with Mrs. Milian lst. vice-president .eheige, of the WOrship service,, end giving the. tall to worship, , ' Mrs. john Prirdoir and Mrs, D. Beecroft read the .Seriptirte les - Sens, from EbliestonS, and Moore led' in the diactission 'ori the theme, "For He Is Otte Pattie", saying,: that, in Spite of barriers, the world peoples are moving to- ile. 6, Alvin Snell. and Mrs. _,, She th • No, '16, °eve) McGowan u • and Mks, P. Caldwell; No, 11, John Mrs. G. Gillespie Wks in charge Dtiit And Mrs. J. Dacri. NO. 16, of the teninetarice clippings on John•Lockhatt and Mee. O. Ander- "Canada'S Anribal ticitiOr SOti. The teacher% of etteh. school which arriOnlited to $809 'Million Vein also lie directors, With 95% of those cerninitted to jail being there On aceotint of Wfusie FestIVai pr I ddring the seeend We°1t 61 AP6I" 'CiliraOtiS°S 'Agbloit'e;g4' Milgrt3GestuosSkEtor6ttthe With the adjudicater, „Earle Terry charge of the chapter' in the study Of London. The 'follOWIrig are the , book, "East ot Burma'', telling of members of the &Staked earrunitot: theme.prottess of 'Protest/kaiser in .ConVeners, C. • ft: dineltes, • 111 The musk fegtivel.,/,00, be heid liquor, .Mrs, Ezra • Scholtz played a .deorge Mehl°, 'Mrs,. George jehri- C6ilib°ditt ilid0-°11hia, tiThie ton, Mrs. Mts, r°11 °all was 'aaswared by the, OttY- ilatento chtuiloy,Lawrence .........',*hit. N. tt. 'merit of fees, ' Coldtes, MM. J", DrYinall, WS, Les,' The ladles decided to quilt the lie Bolt, Mrs, Elaine: 'IStel:tiowelli quilt for 'Presbytery their next Mrs, O. Moffett, Martin 'Granby "n•wot'ing. and Atitswoe and tleyd Wril(lefl. with a Bible Verso ebiltainitig • the the, anniI sehool fair will he word. "Life".. Mrs, rafeinibt pro - held 1September 11, .notineed the beriedietion. The ,sedeeterY-tfenaliter ,repeited there was a teemed .minaber of At the VV,A. meeting Mrs.. MOV;t1 teles at the fait In 19511; the tetell .ropetted that the 'uthite gifts sent being 1,956. The financial ireport' to I3ella '060)1a, B.C., had taken ShOWed P156,19 ;pia In ;Mikes With. SIX *deka to get there; and the tt balance On hand. of $42894. ladiea decided to donate 06 to - The' " following etirtillilttee Wei Wards the now heel* for igirls, Who, itOpOltited to •arrange for riciMe. type Wel'e Whig fuil time to envirth Of permanent 'building to braise eX,. Work Whitt going to Western Ifni', *bits of SWitie and 'n'alveril Ken- i versity for training: MM. Beecroft both Whoeldr, 0004 Moog/ Ted closed the meeting with prayer, • Farriala, 'Moffatt; and , with Mr. :AIMc celebrat- 'itlZhirt1iay, • Mise:Phyllis Moore left on, Satur- day to visit With friend in Mont real for a few, weeks. Mr, and - Mrs.: Elmer Purclon, VVingliant• and. gr:., Harris Purdah visited.,•oh, Sunday With, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ir,Eilconer. Mr, and Mrs. Wra.'Ptircloh and .'claughter, of $t.' Helene visited !on•Sunday with his aunt,. Mtn. Win, Dawson.' Mi7,,:aiiii`Mrn. George 'Stanley and family: of. LikelcnoW visited oh Sun- day With berpareritS, Mr, and Mrs. Jas,;.Atelnnia ' A. good. Ceowd attendedthe' re- ception held in the Langside Hall on Friday night for the newlyweds, Mr -and Mrs, Ceell MeNTall, After lunch: the happy couple were "Called to thefront. and Coleen Tiffin read an address and, Lloyd Huff- man' tresented them 'withapurSe of :rrioney, Mr. 1.1cN4l1 thanked all for "their gift and IcintineSs. Mi. and Mrs, Jahn Woolcock and family. of Glenannan visited on Sunday . with Mr. and MN. Wtn, :Kennedy, Mr, Main Can't sikeirt the week- end at 'the home or bis siLo Mr Harold Slesser of Glands. 'Mr, Andrew Stein of Whighlun, is visiting this Week With nation relativesin this" tommilnity. .gra, wrn, McPherson land baby. Marjorie Grail, 1,1a,ve been Visiting' for the pad w'eek with her par- cnts, Mr, and'IVrint Cordon: Vhiott. Ur,. and Mrs. Oscar I ocli of Atoneterf and Mr, and AIM. I:Robert Sin/nankin of •Wingham, visited On 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, .11.1rnest 13ederoft, Albert Smyth, sen of Mr., Euid Mrs. Edwin Srnith and 131111e Rea - vie,. son- et Mr, and Atte, Ruttier - ford Iteavic Started lea Thursday to learn • telegraphy at ' the ONR. Statioh, WInghant,' • Mt, „anti MM. Calvin Strauglian and:'EdWard Straughan and Oliver MeOrlen, Of (40deric1i. Vialted StaideY With Mr, jes, Laidlaw,.who map. From left to riiht Are capt, SchmetZer of Itaeherier, Copt:T. B. Card of Stratford, Capt, 3, Klinek Of Hanover, Jackson of Wingharn and Capt. J. W. Bid of tartan).- WIN DISTRICT SPELLING .HON,ORS- Left to right: Tommy Mitchel, lifolesworth, ist by ; Murray MacLean, Wroxeter,• 2nd boy; Jean Short:. reed, ,Walton, lst giri and Patsy Bryans, of Brussel S, 2nd girl who took the top honors in the spelling, match for this inspeetorate, held M the Wingham District High -School last week The first boy and the first girl wilt Mice part in the Zone Finals of the en latest which is to be held in Steetford on Maroh 4111, baby, Kathy, visited on• Friday (he home of her- parents, Mr. and Mrs, Webster Jacklin, of Wroxeter, who' were holding their sale of farm, farm stock and Implements that day', Mr. Jacklin has been in poor kettith or some time. Little :Kathy -Smith, 'baby daugh- ter of Mr. and, Mrs. Ross'. Smith has been ill iLh nieasles. Rani eS011 Pettaploce hag. been Suffering , during the past week with an attack of phlebitis in Ms leg. George Ross of Owen Sound,. who has been here during the past week on account of the serious. ill- ness of his father, Mr. Robert Ross, in the Wingharn Hospital, spent Tharsdai at Owen Sound. Mr. Emd. Mrs. Henry, Fran- ces and 'WhYlle left on Friday to attend the '1Vfitched wedding el Toronto on Saturday. 1Vtr. John Congrarn of Whigham, had charge of services In the fresbyterian Chureh here cin Sunday. WIIITECOURCII " , mr, quo Mrs. jetties Wilson of Atwood visited on Tuesday at; the home Of their uncle, Mr. Alfred MeCreight and also with their uncle, Mr. Thos. loteCreight, who has boon a patient in AVIngbani has • been progresSing favourably HosPital during the past two at Wingharri Hospital, loonthe• 14r. Itod 1,08, coraid Watson OC iwory tablts pit.yed onohro at 0508,t, 8pol woeit.ond the blordyee School on Wednesday night. Mrs. giniald Martin and Mr. Herson Irwin held high Pointe, end Shirley MeNii and TininnY Robin - Son hold low points, Mrs, John Jandeson won the prize for having eleven euchres. IAmeh was ierved. Another party will be held en bleb- ruary 13.. Mrs. George tratilteS leek it heert, selgirre on Wednesday ancl IdIs been et:Alined tO her bed. Thirteen tables played euchre at SI'. No. 0 Last, VitaWaitosli on ber',PareritS, 11.4r, and Mrs, Pattlaent, and. Otlier •relatiVes 111 VV-H,Weriasti: :Her uncle, Mr tl'Jk Deacon,. EiedOniiiiintetl thein heine to. Vialt With Piattat and 'London friends. " • . • Mr, slid Nfrsi Garnet lotttrier tnent Monday la •Teterite and. Vitited 'with; Mt, end Mtg. Carinan Fattier at Long Iltatith, lvt4 and Wt. Atehie Pardon. and Brick United \VMS Holds .Meeting (Intended for last week) WIIITIJOBURCH- The of Erick United Church met on Tuesday last at the home of Mrs. Herson Irwio with 15 ladies pre- sent, lArs, John Jamieson presided and led in the responsive Scripture lesson and the general thanks- giving hymnal)' prayer. Mrs. Jas, Coultes, Mrs, Ronald Couites 'and Vrs. Lawrence Taylor had charge of the chapeer froth the study book, "aka of 13mana", Mrs. Norman •(oultes, prsidnL, pre- sided 'for the business when the REV. 11. A. (Intended .for last:, week). .'• anima meeting of the United Church Loli»•• gregation WAS well attended last Wednesday evening when Rev. . A. Brook presided and opened the meeting with a short worship set. Ape. Thei,;seplou report allowed 41 fainilles attended here and over'. $2700 hail been raised-, wifti. $41fr paid on the M. and 14, fund and r, $164 sent by the W.M.S.Pres.byEety' treasurer, ,dIfferent reports were given, Plans for theWorld ,i,he steward6 web non. wore made tb meet, " aid Martin, Russell -aunt, Ray - Day or Prayer at the home of, Mrs. mond Lvaidlavv and E. IL Oxon. A.117:es R. 1°11(741'1T:0%1. Mrs'. T.n,ylor and korth, the -Sunday ;Mance commit- tee, Albert Coultes, II1dward Me - Mrs' RtYns'id C°11th's werr' C:lenaghan, Rassell Chapman, Ras- ed P. nominating corruniten tor Lh yen, and mrs,, coolies nalsed sell Gaunt and Arthur Laidlawl & M. committee,. Mrs. 3. D. Bee - the meeting vvsith prayer. Mrs. Millen Moore and Mrs. (4106^. korth; °sheen, Ivan Laidlaw,Ray EUCHRE PARTIES mond taidlaw, Jack Couites, Run - sell Purdon and Carl McCiena.4 A motion waif made to reeogulte the reeent joining togei et of the •.„ (Intended:for last week) Wallace Conti arid 3. D, Beecroft held high' points at the buchre Party in the J3IneVele land Whitechurell. ;United memorial baron :Friday evening, churoh ohritge,8 ttod were view, wheli nine, tables wero in play. Mrscd that Rev.R A, Brook, who had' intended to fable, Was pertgUaded to stay for thit yew', Rev, Eiroolt closed 'the 'Meeting With prayer. MaCionaghan and George Corm ireid low Oink and Mrs, Corshoin JohnstOn held The Welty draw card, Tho .folks Of the 9th of Mist Wawanosh Inet last Monday tight for their postponed 'Meeting at the home of Mt, and Mrs. i\iturray ge.• bowell, ib tables plAyed, ontilire 1,111aVra' tYrit6OV°TriaiYhrOt'r Iffghhd and MI'S, ROWrirel Welker and truce Currie bold tow poiriti.Me a, D. Beeetort WOlit the prite Tor the lucky card ,draw. Lunch WM' oervedi and Mrs. LoWis StorichralSe Clarence Hahne, held Iiigh points,. and Mrs, Hanna and CeiViri Rebinot son held loW TheY Met gh1li 11 Pritlit,y eveno itit at the 'home or Mr. end IVA'S, Albert tieintrii when Mrs, 301lb arid. CalVin held high, panto a.ird Mrs. V Gaunt ond MU* Atintstro4. low polittiti