The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-23, Page 7UNITED CH
U nited ChUreh annual meeting ,wad
'held on Wednesday evening :in the
church nail. Nfeinhers ef' the WO-'
man's Association arranged a tint
luck supper and the business meet-
ing, foliftWed. The minister,
J,,,VA:ntiehanan, cnnducted a short
dnifotional period, Allan Munre was
illitped secretary for the *acting,
During the year there were fon,'
;deaths; 'pee wedding, rieVet'.'han-
. thieen,..43 joined' the church by .pra-
leinionlot. faith;, and: Irtlificate;
eight Members removed:'' • •
In lune sifroimier • "Milted and
former • preabyterlan:' lurch ,will
• celebrate Its .`100tb• anniversary,
tentative date sit ter
loo la .• 1052.
IS hoped before...that occasion
the ebnrela will be; re-.decorated and
new winnewirailli,he in pinee,.With
• . this project in view; .'special col-
leptionn Will be, triken.. at Easter
1057 and; 1058.
Roring the pot. yette`:apPriiid,
merely . $2000.00 has bet ''spent on
renovating and improving - 'the
church building... • . . • • • • • To exprees'the gratitude of MOM.
bers of the nongregatioa the seereT.
tary Was ..requested to nentl•letter*
Of .thankn to the nintily.of the lafe
'Mr. 'and Mrs, .11„.T...#taintier 'their
• gift•Of a communion able, also
' Dr. and Mrs, Ii., H. filetherillifton
stet • their ;gift .of four :::collection
• Encouraging -Oporto were ,re-
son of Wroxeter:-Violet Jean Adams,
wife, of the late Peter Milligan
ceived from the' varifitte Orgeniza., passed away in Wingharn General'
tietta of the cbtlrilh• •Clvings. Keenital on Monday, January 14th,
Mission Band, WOrnan'S Missio6" following a severe stroke,
ary Society and. M, 4 M. fund' Violet Adams Milligan was born
amounted to: $042,00,' :Raised by
other groups for loeelnectia,
$5,670.00, making a total of 36,64
TWo. neon members ,,were elected
to Session for k-yesr terms, James.
DOig and Gdorge Galbraith; 4-year
term, John 'rank Earls;
3-year term, Allen Munro, W;" A.
2«year ter*, .,HarveY
Michael, Stanley Gallaher; 1-year
term, Leslie Douglas, Williatri Bolt.
ComMittee of Stewards; 3-years;
Ken .:Bennett, Bruce Chambers,
Wm. fdiart, William Wright;
2-yeari,, Charles gathers, Gilbert
Hewes,'. Eldred Cathera, John Mae-
Naughton; 2-year, Charles Me-
CittcheOn."Ifervey Timm, William
Taylor,. Stuart Higgins; represen-
tatlye to United Church. Laymeren.
Association: -Harvey McMichael;
W91:013 of appreciation were
spoken to Mrs; David Statia for
her efficient work as church treas-
urer, Mrs. William Wright is the
newly-appointed treasurer, Organ-'•
Weis 'Mrs, Harry Rhame; nnditore,
'Mrs, George Gibson and Les Doug-
•fan behalf ,..Of the congregation
Lei" Dnizgitik moved a• vote of
iflanIta to Rev; :W. J. V.-and Mrs,
13uehanan for their "fine leadership.
In Howick in 1884, the only daugh-
ter of the late Jobri and Susan
Adams, and , was it descendant of
early Scottish pioneers in the dis-
trict, • he'r father ,being the first
white boy born, in Howlek.
She leaves 'to mourn her loss
four daughter!, Jean P,
ditninn) WreSetor, 1,Waul :iMrs, G
,Ciliforrli Add% Wroxeter;'
Isabel (Mrs.''!N• 411b7).'BrOntti";
one stepdaughter'
Tqa,i B.
Wightintini Cliffoiri; 'two sons,
John and Donald, .Artaxeter,; one
brother, . Wroxeter,
and eight giseintehlidreti...‘ " •
The. •late Mrs: Miliigazt,' was a
member of the „t United Church.
Being of a Pleasant 'and .kind• dis-
position She'leaVes a wide circle
of friends. ' • •
A private funeral 'service, was
held from: the Moir funeral home,
Conte, on 'Wednesday afternonn.
J: V: Bnchantin of Wrox-
e,ter ;United Church;and Rev. 'F. 8.
Russell of St:. James'. ' Anglican'
Church were-In charge, Pallbearers
were Cemeron. Adams, Paul Ad- ,
ams, Rtiasell, Adams,• Harvey Ad-
ams, Gordon Adams and Harry'
Adams,' Intel:Mont was made in
Wroxeter Cemetery.
• We may live ,* the atomic age, yet*what is, there tp heat a good old-fashioned sleigh ride2' The answer
to the question is to be found in the faces of these Winghani Youngsters pictured • on. Stitprday as they
passed St. Paul's Churen.,. •
lett Chi et; tionicr
Aids to 004 Health..
.FORDWI(41--The ' January meet-.
inn of the Pordwieh was held
at. the home of )404,. Awn Demerr,
ling, Mrs. Clare fisrelle, president,'
Wow in the char and opmed The
meeting with the institute Ode,'
Mary Stewart Celleet and
prayer, Mrs, Edith Witmer read,:
Mrs. C; $ntbern gave the matte,
"A merry hea doeth ;food like •
medicine", She ilald,-,"Let US first
think of the •Isind of people we
want to meet, The ones moat avel-
come are tholie who bring cheer
and a radiant' personality." She
'quoted a line front Ella 'Wheeler
"Laugh and the, world
laughs with you,"..A. physician once
said that v,!e shduld never eat when
troubled or angry, That is why it
is !;...) important to at in pleasant
places, not necessarily expensive:
In your home he a cheerful cony
panion and let the conversation
at meal time be inspiring and'
pleasant. In closing Mrs. Sothern
said there in a motto that goes
like this, "Dr, Diet, Dr. Quiet and .
Dr. Merry man": Health and well-
ieing are due to diet, quiet, rest;
and a sense of humour.
. •
The, red call was answered with
inany•ideria on how to keep.. your
vigntir• and your figure. Mrs. R.
:NreintelvgeanlitCraepevert7 tiertrgestoirr actirer-:
cent trip. she and her husband took
to the• St.' Lawrence Seaway,
. ,
Mrs. William` Edgar, fteg.N„•we's
guest speaker with her topic . be-
ing Aid". She gave many
ideas on what to do in 'Case of
drowning, lioisoning, compound
and, eirriple fractures. Mrs, Harris
thanked the speaker and preaented
her with a gift. ,
It was decided to have a concert
which"will be held on March 29
in the community hall. A banquet
was also .planned -to commemorate
the .69th • anniversary of Women's
Institutes of Ontario, to be• held
around Febrtiary 19th.
The meeting closed with the na-
tional anthem: Hostesses were Mrs.
Earl. Moore, Mrs. Roy Simmons,
Mrs, Ruby Foster and Mrs. Roy-
den Devitt.
Trans-Canada Pipeline Creeps' Forward in Sub-Zero -Weather
WitO'7 ETBIt -'he,'.taelight
Grow; will. held' Jantiary
meeting on.Teesday evening, Janu-
ary 29th, at lirp,rn. -at the home of
Mrs. CrawfOrd "Gibson, Members'
of the exieutiVolge arranging the
program, craVvfoid •
WV. kinYld.Statia; William
Wright and .Mrs Roth MacDonald.
W rt•RxE '.'January
meeting :ot the;•Womae's Assecia-
tiria.,Of '• the .United Criureh, wan
.held In.tthe.ehiireh *ikon Tuesday.
afternoon With an :attendance 'op
12; The meeting, was arranged by.'.
Mfd.Andrew tAderas and Mrs: Ken
entitieti,•witn'the latter presiding ,
:'Standing at :the Portal" waa.±.the
aliAting:'hyniti, followed by pray&
V tie president, • MrS.Whrq. Hart'
V. SAO:izzazz:II0e: n.
talk Q11 tile" con$titpbipi Ql the,
WrA; and.:aiSO inhl led the :Off cets
fet4.,957, • Mt:S„
Psalm 24; Acri. AvP:
in interesting topic on ;religion
and - life, . "Whetc.• is • Christianity' .
FORDWICkf—T,he annual
leg of the Fordwich United cititgeo
was held in 'the basement of'st
church following , s pot-luck Op"' ,
served •by the ladies, Tile •racet
was presidedover by A*, W,
Hird. After theopelling• devotions,
the minutes: of the last •anneal
meeting were 'read by the eengre,
gatlonal secretary; J. H,
Reports -were given by The
ferent ,organizations, , The
contributed: $4496 •to their Pee/.
bYteriat treasurer, The 'WPMan'n'
Association had a balance. of
$1,026,31 on hand. Thin group; had
the wash-reora Installed this 'year,
and were responsible for, keeping
flowers in the church, •
Mr, Robert Connell reported fon.
the Stiriday School, Tbere Van an
average attendance ofMrs. G.
Wilson, as ntiaalonary irreasteter
for the' Sunday Schobl reported
$151,09 had been sent. to Missions.
The Misilon Band, ,C.G.I.,T• and
Trail Rangers 'ell had a' Wog* .• able year. •
• • The M.&M. 'report for, tile:, charge
showed an immense ' over". WA.
The financial secretary repOrted
contelbutions had been : $4,407.0Q.
The cOmmittee of stewards had• the
windows the' churah reloaded
and atoim glass put on Ito prOiCet
them from further , deterioration..
Elmer Harding Howell Fraser,
Wm. Wilson and Ira Sehaefer
were elected as'.stewards -'to re-
place the retiring inen. rvan
boo, traik Gibson, Glenn Johns-
MeElwain, Anson Ruttan
and Stanley Zurbrigg were named
'rashers. - ' •
The session reported that the
Minister had officiated at sit bap,
Uinta, four marriages, and seven
burials. Nine 'new Members were
received: and e„jght were trans-
[erred •by ,certificato, Wm. McEl-
wain, and Win. F. .CamPbell were
the new eideral: a four-year
• .‘r term.
• A: sueeesisful vacation school had
'teen held last summer with an
average attendance of. over. :70.
Mias Maude Harding, Was ,superia-
Six Tables Pla y
t I. •Eut
3404ii4thtiosoay''ittglit,,', When 'the
19Ca( Institute, spOnsored
zi.;:,Progiesal4O• euchre party. high
Scores for, women 'Were Iheld by
is. Reg. Newton and Mrs. Carl
.14•eitibv.s. view. advised the, ear,., Smith. Bob Brownend Tony Ste:
peting of the elineeil was coiplet-: •Marie 'won `honors for men, 'Lucky
ed. A,eomznittee was :named, to put- tally Prizes were wen by 'Mrs. John
McTavish and •J. IL, Wylie, Shirley chase, new :blinds, for the church;
Mrs; 1.100,Y; McMichael and • Mrs:* *kit and
a, itiir• of inaderia
Ken 'McMichael won the
A. Adams, Plans were Made. to special" bingo,
cater for the.. Federation of: Agri- PlilOW cases,' ; winning the
din* anqttet on Friday f Alga* culture b •Proceeds go ,o- the. commun- .
With the .following teininittee; in 4! hall fund' •
charge: Mrs.• 'Ken 'Bennett,' .1fdri.
Harvey McMichael, : Gebige
Gibson, Mrs; WM. Hatt.. Menklieril
decided to hole a:bazaar this.
fail. The roll call was,*.OU
gestion' for 1957 program.
The meeting closed with' the:
hymn "0 Master, Let Me Walk
with' Thee". The remainder 'of• the:
afternoon was apcht quilting. Pot
luck Supper 'was served by the
committee in eharge.
Survey engineers worked from a drag-line
otteket . In taking final soundings through the
lee for the 'ditch in the bed of the 'Assluibolne
river during the crossing by the Trans-Canada
Pipe Lines' 34-Inch natural gas line from Alberta
to Eastern Canada. Tim temperature was about
10 degrees below zero- In the background is the
dredge used to suck out,. silt froM•the
Rev. J W.: Itird:' ,eXpresSed
appreciation -for suPPOrt; in 'his
work but regretted that:ibis would
be his last' annual meeting with
the 'congregation. A vote of thanks
was extended, to ReV; J. W.4and
'Mrs. Hird. for. Minh. efforts .in the,
Work of the: ..congregation during
the, past year, also% to the,:c;hoir,,
.and flower committee.
The Meeting 'was closed with the
Rules of Bird House ELL SUNDAY' SCHOOL Manufacturers Life
Contest Announced
arty Ton'iglit
Roxgrint--mqiiibets, of the
.Wrincbtei:fatitrie• :Xnung People's
WOO a congregational
zikating•paitY•iniAyeAriesclaY even-
fag of this week,'January 23rd.
Ali arc asked •to Meet at the
Wroxeter rink at $ o'clock. Later
refreshments will be served at the
Church hall. Menlber0 Of the Y.P.U.
look forward to a good attendance
at this annual event.
iss. Beatrice Wade
Mrs: Reg /4euttOn and "Miss Betty
spent Sunday 'in Toronto with Mr•
and Mrs:
Reports Record Year
A new record fon service to
Man.ufictUrats . Life polkOnt.derlit.
and beneficiaries was set' In 1.01511,-;
when the 'company paid out iiicire
than $43 millions In. death .cle,itztri,."
matured endowments, annuity, pay.'
wilts and -other policy benefits in.'
fits paid since -the incorporation of
the -company in 1887 now exceeds.
$630 •millions
The company reports a new bust.
nese total of 4326 millions—a gain
of $25 rennet% in new business
over the previous Year. Business In
force now totals
An invitation to willghttlIt ANNUAL MEETING
'Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies,
to enter the birdhouse competition,
which Is -being sponsored by the
Wingitant SPortsznen's Association,
was extended this Week, and the
following information released.
And .Mrs.; DOug• Wildiang• of ,
with and.: Afro. -Roy Simmons: ,
Miss' Phyllis Keith of Stratford
visited-over the week-end with her
Mrs. W. R. Duncan and Sohn of
Guelph visited over the, week-end
.with Mr. and Mrs. Jack ,Brown.
Misr•Karen Brown returned with
her grandparents for •a week's
;Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDermitt
and 'sons spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Mentgomery. at . • '
.The many friends of Mrs. Bert
Bride will be sorry .to learn .that
she is at. present a pakient in the
Palmerston Hospital' with •a,,Severe
attack of bursitis. in her leg. She
,is somewhat' improved but will be
in hospital for some time' yet.
Mr. Morley Bride of Elora spent
last Week with his father and this
week Mr, Carman Bride of Cale-
donia is staying with him.
Miss Helen Hoffman of Harris-
ton has been -on holidays for the
past couple of weeks at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mr. Bernald, King' of Hanover
spent the week-end` with his pa-
ken*, Mr. and Mrs. Garn. King.
. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Loughran
braught their little daughter home
from hospital last week after being
Confined there for several weeks
with pneumonia.
' WROXETER-,-Mrs, • , • Wylie
• opened her home on Friday after
noon for the -January.:rneeting of
F. the W:M.S. of the -United - Church.
Mrs. Stuart ,Biggins preindod'.anc,'
opened ,the meeting with prnyet
and the NeW Tearai'hyrrii.014944
ing at the, `Portal". Mrs,' Herb Pat
terson tho Seriptark' 10 • •►
taken irem•-.Egliegiana, .0hipte
. - r
veriee 14.722 and,;OV.0, 4'1,0111te1-
.11i.• • in' prayer Mto„'..--:12jggins read
poem by.Edgar Guest entitled i!7ilii
New, jeer'.
Buchanan, gave an', Address •
On the Obligatien:Of.the
• installation • of. effieers.:
Edgar', Mrs. Stuart Higgins. and
Wylie ; were . snitmed4
, . ,
comntitlee to,meete the:•)adies
the,. Anglican Church • to .,:arrange
f•Cr.lthe Werld•Dny of Prayer which
takes March Stia:;• ', •
*re 'nsited. to bring
,either n, pair of'woollett•linoties Or
te.bairof'‘Viol to the next meeting
ild'aifevide gifts for the Baby Aand,
Qf WIOCh Mrs:, Gilbert •HOWeri. Mad'
16rabers.wfre. urged tehring•their.
stamps to the box at 'the church
Southat they may :be. sent' away., at
the :end of January.. • • '
The address for used•;Christmas
cards will be plabed• on the bulletin
board at the church so Mat:anyone
wishing •to''settd,' Cards' tb. 'the mis-
sion field They dO SO,.
Mrs. H. Patterson re;iorted• for
the •Good Cheer•COMMEttee, The
"meeting 'dieted With the.. hymn,
"Rescue the Perjahing!';• :and , the
benediction.' ''Refreshninhtc.Were
• served by the liosteed
'hour enjoyed, •
New VestriF Clerk
FOH.DWICH The annual meet-
ing and.pOt4tick supper of Trinity
Anglican. Church. was held in the
Sunday School, rooms last week.
Rev, Frank Russell opened the
Meeting with prayer, after which
Miss Beatrice Wade- was appoint-
ed vestry clerk and . read the . min-
utes of 'eat year's meeting. A vote
of . thanks was moved • to. Frank
Graham, who had held thisposition
for some time, but is now living
in Marys:
The election of officers resulted
as follows: Rector's Warden, Lloyd.
Jacques; -people's Warden, Bruce
SOthern; sec.-treas., Mrs, R. Fos-
ter; organist,' Miss EiVa Foster;
vesjry clerk, Miss Beatrice Wade;
delegates to synod, • Emmerson
Haegrave and 'Marshall Arm-
strong; substitutes, EmmersOn Fer-
guson and Robert Allen; mission-
ary treasurer, Mrs. Tim Strong;
auditors, Mrs. Crosby Sothern and
Miss Beatrice Wade,
Rector's board of Management,
Jim Foster, Eitimersen Hargrave,
Glenn Allan, John Arinstrong, Ro-
bert Graham and • Robert Allan;
peOple's heard,111rii, Stan Forester,
Miss Elva Foster, Stan Perester,
Roy • SimmOns, Wellington Hargrave
and Hector Browne; videsinen,
ternald. King and Glenn Allan;
ushers. William Srithern Mitt Jack
A Vote of thaititif was moved to
Rev. and 'Mrs. Russell fOr all their
help in the past year,. Reports of
the progress made in 1956 ,were
"given And • all business discussed,
Hey. 'Russell eloaed the meeting
With. prayer,
I Bird houses must be completed
by May 6th. 'nay will be judged
by E.. Meadows, Aeon District in-
spector, 'Department of Lands and
PereSts, at the Wingham .SpOrts-
Men's. Association meeting at the
Legion Home on that date. The
bird-houses heist be suitable ,for
the bird for which • they are in-
tended. Prides are as' *Wawa: ist,
$15,00; 2nd. 110.00;, 3rd, $5.00;
$3.00; 5th, $2.00, The prizes will be
paid when the bird houses are
erected. • • ' r •
If any other •Ihrorination on the
doMpetition Is needed groups are
haled to. contact W. R. Worm-
worth, conservation. officer, Wing-
ham. There Is a. good book on
bird hottses In the Wtnghant Publie
Library. •
Assets held In trust for payment
of future Polley benefits now total'
$7141 millions--an Increase *of more •
than $63 Milliohs ,:.for the year.
Government and goverettent guar-
anteed • bonds ednstituted "12% of
assets, While corporation and =Mit, ,
eipal-bonds totalled 47%; znortgag-
eri anade up 24% of assets,•preferi-.-
.ed nntl OnliMMA Macke, 0%; cash
and other ale* amounted to '11%.
The net rate '-.13t • Interest earned
wits 4.59%,
Tho friortttlItY rate Was favour-
able Ond the company's elatitilt-
Orley reserve and surplus now'
amount ittYM01•0 than $47'
On Friday night the teachers
and officers of the 'United 'Church
Sunday School were treated to a
lovely supper In. the Sunday School
room, which was a. very enjoyable
event. A sing Song was held around
the table.
Wendell Alton, assistant super-
intendent conduizted• the worship
service ,raid' Rev. D. J. MacRae in-
troduced the 'guest speaker, Rev.
Dr. ,is. Semple of Iiigniondville,
who gave a very inspiring address.
Reports Of last year's work were
given and the netiv elate of officers.
was read and approved, •
The superintendent., Russell .
Zurbrigg,' thanked all for their
support given in the pa* year, and
the meeting closed with prayer by
Itev. MacRae.
Mrs.. 4. Lunn
President of Choir
The annual meeting of the Me.
lied Church choir was held on
Thursday' evening, January 171
whets the :following officers • were
elected for. 1957:
Praident, Ws, A. Lunn; vice,
Mrs. Roy' Bennett: secretary, Miss
notethy Chaitiney; treasurer, Miss,
Muriel. dowdy; gowns, Miss ;Wet
Murray, Mrs: a S. Lewis; gifts,.
Mrs: Z Sherk Mrs. flodgins;
social, Miss Prances Walker; 1111-
ratio's, W„ Cruiltshank, Mr.
`%, 'reantrit1 Print- czenselen
Canada's ininisfer of national health and Welfare, Paul Martin,
Is shoWn, left, chatting -,v1th villagers and :'milking a hookah during
his visit to Gemini, India. islieWs of his arrival in various Indian
villages usually eeused ,great Interezit and he mixed freely with
tatnitta and villagers alike. C. Musa.
During 1956 'the average Cana-
dian family Income went lip eight
per cunt to KO%
Ealilest ifitilardry to flourish lit
the territory. that is now ,8i4.4kett...
iheWari *as the alaughtering bt
buffalo for Meat and h•Idliti.
Who Gets fired?
. Lazy people get tired more niten:
than incompetents,- reports The'
Vinaneler Post. American Manage-
ment' Associated asked a group of.
personnel .Offleerk. 'Why The lent
Person to lib fired got the axe.'
Ninety-One of 129 'didn't like to .
work, 'o-ine of the ethers: Sassed•
tile boss -(8); were tee -drunk to
Come to Work (4); were cirilnk but
Showed, up anyway (8); .stole f4).
Rev, Donald B. Orth Of Japan,
a United Church of Canada mid-,
aionary, will, be speaking in vex-
loup plitees in the Huron Presby-
ter3 lietWeen February 3 and Feb?
•ruarY 415,
St& fifth was born at Hilbrook,
64« He graduated from the Out-,
silo !Agricultural College, Ottelph,
in majoring in husbandry, In
1051 he graduated from Eminantiel
College, Toronto, and was ordain-
ed to the ministry of thti United
Church Of Canada,
: Went to Japan as an evangel.
bide Missionary in 1952, following
a Yettli' of language Study' at Yale.
He *as appOinted to work 'In liok.
kalrlet the northerniost inland Of
Japan, where he was engaged.* sk
combined program of Agrletilturtil
teaching and evangellatld WOE*.
Orth has just completed a
Oar of further StUdy, of Cordell'•
kr return to
Japan in late atilitzliet.
Drayton DetivtiS
Forclwkh Team 7=4
FQRDWICH —• Porcitvich and
Drayton played their first game of
hockey in the PerdWieli arena, on
Wednesday night, the adore being
Drayton 7, ForgWieli..4.
Goal ***tit VA' *Often • were
Ed Anderson 3; Jciftilliatinders, L.
'Goodwin, G. Gtiothein; and Jim
Murray each *PM' ethe, Scoring
for Fordwich W5 $s thenfrt Johnston
.2; Ben Gibson, Iiiiiidsee and Me-
Clement, each one,' '
defense, ,,Bob • and Bill Ralston;
centre, G. ,Goodwin; wings,
Goodwin and Jint 'Murray; alter-
nates, J. Saunders; 1,4, -GeiodWin, Ed
Anderson, Bit MOCIattaintn, -N.
Honsinger Bert johns* and L.
Folar•WiC11-41,44; Rill*:
defence, Hob triblion and Jim-
Duke; . centre, JIM Patterson;
wings, Fraser, MeCiernent and
Harold Glliillpiti ilternates, $'ted
McCann, Glen. 'McClement, JiM
Stewart„ Heft *ilbaon, Rob Rumple
and Glenn 'John atoll.
Referees were, Pcrey Bean and
Scottie McLean both of Harriston.
Next home game JneuarY • 30th
against Clifford,