The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-16, Page 7s00110$
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I Ohl 14,41s. hftU.'p,r ft
10Vited te att'end this iyetIng. Ip
View Of be 14.l44•04)11 144;
Cross Work is :Skis ne4cd.1
QORRIE--the January Meeting
the Guild of "St, Martha ,of St,
Chulreh wa held at tite
49010 of IVirn. *tarry -fpriti on Wed.:,
ncedaY oYh'hing with a good *Oen,
,441Ce. FkOqicaft was answered
ti,,New Year's resolution,
Plans were made for future
meetings , and one was to inye
t Fordwieh', ladies"' to the
meting which which is to, be held
he home of 'Mr & Lponard, Ran.:
deraon. A dainty lunch was served
by Mrs. L. 'Sandortioh, MiSS
Short and the hostess, '
GO/tRIE—The annual congre-
gational meeting of •Gorrie ,United
Church was held in the church hail
on WednoSday last , week: The
ladiOS,of the congregation 'served a
Phtlitok AUPPer at -1".p,*. •
At 8.40 the business part of the
meeting • began with Rev. V. J. V.
:Buchanan as chairman., T. V. Ed-
gar Was appointed totake the
Minutes. After the, opening , de.-
votions,,by thechairman, the Min-
utes of the '. lastannual 'Meeting
were read by the recording stew-
ard, Harold Hyndman.'
Two, new eiders were ;elected •"for,
a five-year tett*, Leonard Rattan
and Harvey, Sparling.^ ,Fbnr -gtew-
. ards were elected' for a three-year
term, L. Johnston; L. Vog,an,. Earl
'Toner and H. 'Tthaine., Harold ' Roli.
hison was appointed to the trust'et
-board: •
Splendedreports were presenter
, , , ,
by the ',Session,- Mission: -Band
Baby- Band, c.,G.i.T., 1),(,rc) Boys.
Young '',People'S ii niOn entlaY
School, choir, W,M,S,. •W '
*VA.- 44:4Fr
the cliairchtreigurer,Witlita'eredit
, „
balance in.:each case. ;„ •
The Session" report " tinted • that
the minister:had.offieiated at thir-
teen 'funeral's, sixteen baptisms and
five, ^Wedditigs,„ during the. Year:
,Twenty-one new members were
received Into church ' -membership,
and, twelve' members had, moved
' away from the community. .,On
Easter. Sunday a new eciramunion",
table ,and • • two flower Pedestals'
were ;dedicated in memory of the.
late 'Miss -*ArY Maguire'. These
gifts, in addition to thenew carpeting provided by the Woman's'
Association, have, added :Mach to
the beauty Of the 'church furnish-
Highlights of. the, various reports;
were as follows:, $414.00, was, re-.
•mitted by the WorriaWS • Mission-
ary Society :with: its 25 mpinbeirs;•
the Baby 'Band had an enrollment
of .59 members for .1946;, the,-Wo-
raan'a Association had a balance
of , $971.00 on hand. Thia group
provides each family in :the con-
gregation with 'a year-round, free
Subscription to the United Church
Observer, •
A new vacuum cleaner Was also
purchased this, year for Use In the
parsonage and the' church, ' The
Sunday' School purchased new
-coloured-film stripsand a record
player as , well cis substantially
boosting the total missionary and
ittenalice•giVings to it new level
. The C.G(T,T,reeeiVed
special mention for the lovely
Christmas '.vesper service, ^ The
church treasurer repotted total' en -
'elope ,receiptt of $*18,00 and a
balance on hand of $324.00, Sandy
Edgar was 'elected As the ;1957
representatiVe on the Huron Unit-
ed Chilton Men's. Council and also
A delegate' -to the Elgin House
Summer conference. .
Appreciation was expreissed by
Hitrold'Hyndirian to the • various
leaders and •committees, especially
the flower tommittee,, tql, their
Untiring efforts. He also Conveyed,
the good wishes and Warm thanks
of the congregation to R. and
Mrs. W, S. V. Buchanan for their
helpfulness and, fine leadership,
The 'meeting closed With the
benediction. ~
;Oh 4045
he 444.8000100
.4.1rAellilo Milted Church
ti,f4p Ottle of mro, 44^
January 17
Northern Helpers will
h,r4 ‘911.0r/le of the* program. The
Nth commi.tteo Will be Mr& H.
hfra, Allan BYnidnilan,
Gordonp..Edgar and MP. Glad
9 - 0
,The SaeraMent of tile Lord'n
Slimier Will be observed next Sun
day JanuarY 29 at 1135 tl•M•
0 0
The Y,P,U. will 'meet, next Sun-
day evening',. January 20th in Ger-
rie United Church at 8. Nancy.
ewton and Jamie Sanderson Will
be In charge of the program,
We extend sincere sympathy to
Mr. 'R, T. and Mr. Cheater Ben-
nett in the sadden death of their
mother, Mrs. Bessie Bennett of
FordWieh, also to ?Ars, Robert Fer-
guson, who is a sister.
Mrs. J. H. King ancl IVIrs. Hilt
Ashton- are under the care of Dr.
.T, Ford of Fordwich, We hope
there may soon be an improvement
in their condition. ' •
Xi.. and Mrs. Ernest King have
returned from Toronto.
Mr.' and Mrs Clarence Sparlink
were in Stratford last Wednesday
and called on Mrs W. H.'Marshall,
whose condition remains about the
same -
lir. and Mrs. R. Done
Married 52 Years
GORRIE-.Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Daae marked their 52nd wedding
anniversary on Friday, ;January 11,
Mr. and Mrs. Dane have been
reaidents of the Gorrie district all
their married lives. They both en-
joy fair's; good health.
Their many friends will join with
us in Wishing 4hera congratulations
04 best 1:vishcs.
GORRIE—Plans were made to
-celebrate the 60th anniversary of
the founding of the WI on Tues-
day evening,' February -19th in the
dorrie • Community Hall, The de-
cislon was imade at the Jantiary
meeting of the local brahch of the
held at the neme of Mrs.
Andy ; Edgar on Tuesday evening
of 'last' week. This will be two
weeks later than the date Of the
regular meeting\ It will also be
'family 6"iglit'; and there will be
a pot hick supper. Each 'member is
to invite another family and supply
food, for 'tame,
It was •decided to sponsor a
garden club this year. Any 'girls
wishing to .join, arc asked to pleate
isontadi„ Mrs. Glenn Johnston or
Mist Donna Toner, who are lead-
Many notes of thanks ;.vere re-
ceiVed for Christmas cheer, and
these Were read.
The meeting was in charge of the
citizenship and education conveh-
ers. The roll call was "Iii:nv to
Educate One's, Selr. Miss Mar-
garet Dane brought thoughts on the
motto; ''Doors of, wisdem are 'never
Closed". There was a panel dis-
cussion on ''Which is the moat re-
sponsible ,for bringing ups* child,
the Imine, the school or church?"
with Mrs. Gerald Galbraith, Mrs.
K ,Phame, Mrs. John Baylor and
Miss Margaret Dane taking part
Mrs. Morley. Johnston was the
prize winner in the Dutch atiction.
Mrs, K. Ferguson and Mrs, Mel,.
Taylor assisted the hostess In cierV-
ing refreshindnts,
Sixteen members iirid three Vial -
tors attended the Meeting.
'Annual Meitini.
tGORRIE-4t; Stepheiet Angite,sss
bhdrelis Will held VetitrY
Meeting' on WednetraitY..01teril4 at
AM in the
Mrs. P. Milligan
Died 011,Monday
WROXETER—Mrti, Peter. Mi.
yeti or 'WroXitter died early Mort',
day in yVinghttrii ,deiterai Hospital.
killenVing Week's •Illhess. Mrs, SU.
ligan had ,Aylgited the „Molt ruieraI
home on Thcsitay Algiff in, tribute
to her 'freighter *ad friend, the
IntoMrs Theinati-BrOVen. She took
ill on the WaY heMe'and tin/feted a
Strhko, rade:tit .arrirrigernents- are
itianinplete at 'flint nf Writing;
PEOPLE OF THE D4'E1t is the
captivating story of Farley Mow-
atnt expedition, to the ice -covered
Cup of the world, and his discons
Gry there of an unknown, primitive
race of men.
AS a child Mr. Mowat travelled
in the northland with his uncle.
Several years 'later he gave him-
self up to the demands of that
strange malady known as "Arctic
fever",' determined to explore the
land where only „one' other ,white
Man had ever been. This was the
vast, treeless land known as 'The
Barrens' home of the .caribou and
"peeple of thc ,
The information Mr. Mowat read
about, his ptedecesser's tAperiehee's
with this primitiven race of "people
of the, deer", made 'them seem as
fascinating ag 'dwellers in another
world. Farley ,„Mowat" .determined
that he, too, would thid, them—if
they existed—and ,130; of
1947, he began his hazardous ex-
pedition, . •
The author's\ account of his
journey to an unexplored land,
Mrs. Thomas `• Brown
Passes 'Suddenly
WROXETER-L-Suddenly at her
home at Wroxeter on 1VIOnday;
January 7th, there catered into
rest a weli-leriown •and highly es-
teemed .citizen of• this community
in the person of .Mrs, 'Fhes. Brown,
in her 14th year. ,
,Agnes Fleming Brown was born
at Novar,- Parry Sound •District, ta
daughter of the late John and Isa-
bella Fleming. The family moved
to Toronto and in: 1912', she was
.united' lnlniArriage, with Tnomas,
litOnin; Who:,*.irViVes,/also.. a sori‘k
thy) McGee of-Wroxiter; 2. grahd-
an6' a'• aughrll'',Mrt;:410Yrt nnildreri,- mcdee.
Four tisteta,and,:twa ;brothers also
survive: Mrs. Melville (Margaret'
Toronto; MraS, p.3. (Mary)
Scott, Chicago: Mrs. Mrs.
(Nellie) carr- Victoria, B.C.; Mrs:
James (Minnie) Chisamere, Port
Arthur; Mrs. Edward, (Ada) Jack -
loan, grii6by ; Joseph and John,
Toronto.. ,
The late Mrs.,Bte.wh'was a meth -
her of the Uniteddhitreh and the
Women's,Iattitute, She •"as a kind
friend and ileignher and will be
missed' by a 'aride..OirclO of friends.
Funeral services were held from,
The Moir funeral 'home. on
Wednesday afternoon, Rev. W. J.
V. Buchanan; sW.reiSeter,. MIRO
Church Was in Alai*: Pellbearera
were Gordon
Allen Munro, Arthur Gibson, Gil-
bert Howes and R. R, Hynter.'
termi'nt was. made in Wroxeter
Cenietery. • •
'Pbc tift. iiq
phiovh.. wiUki,�kj theIr..41110441
' 8,4 l'llehtfeht on Wdnesday,
'44.04123, at 830 p.m.
gr9y499 09X of Fopb44.
.and gra, **Om Ross &i,nd �n
non; '•pt Gott le<114
ay.' with MSc. Miwp
`orgrAlff. Mrs. Ch/t,^
herc on 'ot'her .,idUtJ
41illett for tAilr''
.'glirneti ^
ighII Mrs T. Hi Atelirn hiso been Undo
necoMpalkied,only by rrans, a bays
'breed Eskimo guide, would alone
tir4liacl:ost, 70771111:g of the
tit!' j4eeradven-
ture stories, But hie, fantastic
covi'ry bore; of AA ',incredible' rang
of Mch, surpasses in excite/IMO
and auSpensethe description of
that remarkable journey itself. ,
For the 'people be read about
did exist—although few of a once
mighty ;rape remained --and Mr.
MoWAt beearne the first outlander
to Ceme upon their actual camp in
all the •eptitaties that their tints
had steed, beide ; the Little Lakes,
Those people welcomed the 'auther,
into, their midstwith elaborate
hospitality—a hospitality which,
had the anther been •sp,'I uichined
Would' have included the Eskimo
tradition of Wife -Sharing!
You will never' forget the
"people of the deer", with their
primitive customs and strange way
of lite, Brave 'Ootek,. ingenious
liekewasir superstiti Ohoto,
Ka;kuinee the Evil One, Kismee and
Anoteelek—orphans Who had sur-.
vived, incredible hardships -these
and many, more will engrave
,themselves ,deeply in your memory.
'Nor Will you forget the author's
viN/4:1 descriPtion a :caribou
stampede, as he tent how the land
'became alive with an Unbroken
flow . of beasts—an. immense, fran-
tic herd which Pounded past him
for three days! Here was life on
a scale beyond all coMprehension!
;tile doctor's .efolie; ;Wring the as
-week. Mr; rjjflg' Of
4ent. SeVerAl 'Asp with oc,ir par,
efits here. ' • '
;Mr• and MPS, fibei.donJaeklln
and family, of Brusaels, Mr, and
Mra, Ray "White and family, Btus
,Sels, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Cook
and children, of Wingham, visited
on SUMlaY, with their parent; Mr,
and Mr; Harry Col*. ;Little Rod.
.ney White atayed to Visit Pis
, Mr, ISO Mr.a. Waiter James and
sons Pf Wdedatoelt visited on Sun
day with relatives here. ,
Mrs, W. J. Coulter of. Wiagnam,
has been visiting at the home. of
her brother, Mr. Robert *ds, who
has been under the doctors Care
during the past few Weeks ;
Quite a crowd gathered in
side hall hall on Friday evening for the
reception held in honour Of the
newlyweds Mr, and mrs, Marlowe
Crowsion, After lunch Allan Miller
red an address and Harvey Milieu
,presented them with a purse of
Money, Tiffin Brothers provided
music for dancing.
• Mrs. Victor Emerson spent the
week -end at the home of ber bro.
ther, Mr. Chas. Tiffin, of Langside
Mrs D Willis was in Strathroy
on Saturday, Where she attended
the Manning-Sp:11er' nuptials
Miss Marjorie Coultes Of Guelph
613Olit Saturday, with, her ,parents,
Mr, and Min. Albert Coultes.
, • •
No one who reads this wonderful
book can fail to sense within his
own ' heart the stirring t of "Artie
fever", so compelling is the beauty
of that land of ice and snow, a
land where it Was thought no one
"People of the Deer is an
exceptionally interesting „nonfic
tion book, 'a true adventure that
knows no parellei in fiction.
by Gail Shins XIIA
0 - 0 - 0 ,
On Friday evening, Deeember, 21,
1956, the Wingham. District High
School', Auditorium was, the, 'scene
Of.,:a,,kala, vent; It was. the night'
Of ,the•annual.High School Christ,
mas dance I
An archway decorated with ever-
green boughs and lights provided
the entrance to the, dance ' floor.
Gaily coloured lights and, tinsel,
glittering on the Christinas trees,
added a festfi',M touch to the scene
When intermission came we
didn't eat doughnuts and drink
pop,' Certainly not! This type of
repast is now quite out -melded. In-
stead, we drank t`punch", and en.
joyed a •very delicious lunch.
Donnie Downs enthralled every-
one by his wonderful numbers,
varying from slow tempo roman-
tic melodies to gay Latin American
numbers One o'clock rolled
around too soon 'and the dance
came to an end. Everyone enjoyed
the dance, Hope to see you at the
next formal! • .
by Joyce Moffat 'CHB
United Church'News
WR,ONETER—The'lannual meet-
ing of Wroxeter I.Tnited
will be held on Wednesday'Jam-
uary 16th; in the church hell' A
supper Will be served at 7 o'clock.
Business meeting to follow.
On Sunday next, , January 20th,
communion service will be held
In the United direren at 10 ana.
• The January Meeting 61 • the,
WOman's Missionary Society, fin
Hod Churl, Will be held on Friday
afternocin, January 180, at „Ago
e'Cionk at the Ilethe of ,Mts. Ji H.
Wylie, Mr; James Sanderson and
Mrs, Stewart 'Higgins will • have
charge of the prograninee.
The Young PeOble'S Union of
'Wroxeter and Gortie will meet on
Sunday next, at 8 o'elock at Gortle,
'United Church hall, NaneY, Newton
and Sallie Sanderson will have
charge of the meeting and arrange,
reent$ will be completed for the
skating party to ne held at WrOX,
der rink .on the evening of Janu-
ary tgrd.
witoxETEH—At morning ser-
vice in the United Church two gifts
were dedicated' by- W. J. V. Buch-
anan, A communion table was pre-
sented in memory of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Filehard J. Rann by -their
family, Alkiti Hann and Mrs. W. A,
Spence, both of Hr11515., who Were
present at the service, The late
Mr. and Mrs. Ranh are well re-
membered for their long years of
faithful service to the entsreh.
Rahn, at trustee and Member of
Session, Mrs, Hann in the Work of
the Woman's Missionary' Seeley.
Four collection plates Were a
gift from Dr. 11,' H. and 1Vits. Heth-
erington of Brampton, Dr. Hether-
ington is a brother of Mr, Stanley
-got. Ur, Buchanan chose for his
tort, "And :Blithe, said; I pray thee
let it 'dobble;POit.16h,:'ef,„ thy spirit
be upon me'. Kings /1, chapter'.,'
verse 9, The choir inutie Was
under the„ direction of Organ -Cat
Mts. Harry Rhafrie, Flowers Were
placed in the church in memory
of the late Mrs. Thomas BrOwn,
MrS. •••;i, Concord,
spent the,.*001t,enti ;ist, her home
I Mi. And, 'Mrs Atthttr ThoiripSon
tapent it day last Ok in Lohdoh,
I, • Pei and, Mrs Peerage ,Htown,
selhy, Spent,1aet week With
I Mr-, ThOltittS BOW*.
Ms Grite- Galbraith, Wroxeter,
traAtited her,'right wrist when a
, *Inds)* slantrierl elOwri on it last
TueSclay. A east Was applied at
the Winghtun General Hospital
arid MrGalbraith was permitted
trl,go Narita
miles deep in Ades.
Mrs. G.'Underwood
Presides at Meeting.
splendid reports from all phase:.
of the. work for 1956 were present -
^:d. at the january meeting of tin'
Woman's Missionary Society of
Wingham United church. rhc
meeting was in charge of Mrs. G
N. ,UnderwoOd, who gave an in-
ipiring talk on how to meet th.
New Year with spiritual courage
The year 1956 had proved to be
ohe- of the most successful, in th(
history, of the auxiliary. The fin-
Ah,cial object' was.largely over Sub -
/scribed, and more than 400 calls
to strangers, shut-ins and the
hospital were reported by the
visiting committee. The 'supply
committee was active in both over
and home mission W4rIc
Bales, of clothing, quilts and blan-
kets valued at 8550.00 were, sent
to Overseas Relief, as well as par-
cels to Hazelton, B.C., and to
Swan River Man., Valued at 200 00
The student minister and our
missionaries yere also remember-
Mrs. F. R. Howson told of ,the
joy With 'which the bales were re-
ceb7ed at Hazelton Hospital, par-
ticularly the Christmas cake and
gifts for children, which were dis-
tributed at Christmas. She also
Outlined future needs which swill
mean activity' for the incoming
Rev. D. J. 'MacRae installed the
officers and -congratulated the soc-
icty on its successful year, saying
limit the spiritual life ef the
church is reflected in the sacrifie-
ial effortsof the missionary
groups, The Meeting v./ea closed
With prayer by MrsN T Mc-
Costly Attempts' Led
To Atlantic Cable
Many costly and Unsuccessful ef-
forts that were, started 160 years
ago to lay a trans-Atlantic cable,
are described ;in* the Book of
Knowledge. They began hi 1857
with an'attempt to lay 2500 miles
of cable from Valentia, Ireland. It
snapped after about 300 mileSt For
the second attempt the following
year' two ships, each 'earryieg luta
the cable, met in. mid Atlantic ;Af-
ter the two halves had been joinedi
the ohils$ steered in opposite direc4
tient: The cable broke three times.
Within a month, anether effort
proved sttedeSiifill as to the cable
laying, but after a fent Weeks it
ceased to WOrk. 'Success finally
cattle in 1866, When the Great
Eastern, the largest ship built up
to that time, emmetted Ireland
and Newfoundland perrnatently
by cable, •
Tedity there are „many such
cables. Some a them are mote
thAn 3,060 Milbt long such AS the
seetibri of the Canada Australia
table stretching front Iratleouvdi
to ,Fartning Totaled. Sonic have to
eitisa at great: depths, like, the one
between San Prakielseo' and Reno,.
lthi Veh8re the sea it ono' Ink
The annual 'Ineetng of the Mait-
land Presbyterial Society of th
WALS, was held in St, Andrew'
Presbyterian Chiirch on 'Tuesday
January 8th, 'with morning an
afternoon sessions.
Mrs. Morgan Henderson, pi
Lueknow, president, was in charge
of 'the program for the day. Mrs
W. R. Adatnsen,Toronto, presi
dent of Council, Was present an
assisted in discussions with helpfu
At a short executive mcetini.
prior to the Morning seSSion, thre
names were suprnitted; for , the
Synodical Bdard, Mrs. •Pernar.
Thhomaws,'inEglitheav4a4'Mrs.le;nMrS.- TedyvE.I
The morning devotional perio
was in charge'Pf Teeswater
and 'the remainder of the mornin
was taken ip With 'reports'of th
secretaries. Lunch was served un
the e).ilirch baseinent by.the Wing
hails society.
Afternoon devotions were I
charge of the Ethel' IVIrs
Perry Hodgins, Kinlough, secre-
tary for children's work, introduc-
ed a new member to the societies
of the Church, the C.O.C. (Children
Of the ;Church) a' 6-8 year group
Mrs. Leslie Fortune, ' Wingham,
headed a discussion on "Steward-
ship" and the, gathering was div-
ided into groups to discuss it.
-Rev, Maurice •McNabb, Bluevale
brought ' greetngs from .Huron
Maitland ktesbytery and later con
ducted the installation Service for
the new officers. The treaSurer,
Mxi. D. R. McKenzie, Kincardine
disclosed an increase of $510 ove
last years' giving& total receipt
being $7,337,$4. Eighteen email
arias were represented,
Officers for 1957
„Officers of Maitland Presbyter
ial of the W.M.S, 1951 .,re; Pres.
Mrs, Morgan. Henderson, Luck
now; 1st vice -press, Mrs. Lesli •
Fortune, Wingham; 2nd vice
Pres., Mrs, Parrish: Moffatt, TeeS
water; 3rd vice -pre$,,• Mr. Jac
Fisher; Luclenow; 4th vice -pros,
Mrs, George Sutherland, Ripley;
5tiv,vice7pres., 'Mt& W L speir
)3pussels; ;tkasitrer, Mrs Ii j
MeV/forret Bluentile.
. Secretaries; ,Reeprdirig,..Mrs, Al
Vin Mundell; 8elinore; col -respell&
him Mrs.' Allan McAuley, Ripley;
Senior Auxiliaries, Mts, Allah
McAtiley, 'Ytipley,; Evening Auxil
lanes, Mrs, ,Ted. hnglisli, Wing
lian'i,; 2'ouig Wonienand cirls
Mrs Bernard Thomas, Bluevale;
'Children, Mrs. T'arey Hodgins, Hin
lough; Herne Ifelpes, Mrs Samuel
Robinson, Gerrie; Welcome and
Welfare lVfrs. C. tcl, Teetw,ater;
literature atid„ library, Mrs,' 12).
Graham, South Xinloss; Glad Tid-
ings; Miss ;M. E. Metintsd, Luck -
now, press, IVITS. P. a MatheSea,
EtrUSSeld; supply, Mrs, Claire Ag.
new, Lucknow;, hifO membership,
Mrs, A, Wilson, Ashtield;
Mrs. R., C„ MeXtentie, Xitleardidel.
non, A. M7
LuelttieWi MISW, TO*. ptl;rt,
Members without portfolio
Mrs, atithrie teed, 'TeeaWaterl:
Mrs, Jelin • Xiticattline;
15, A, Meltermie, Ashfleitil Mrs., M,
Engel, Craiihrock; Miss • MO,:
lout 'Vflii'an'ott, '7%tioghttin; Mrs.
Bert Taylor, kiticataine,
Above are two fine examples of the furniture manufactured ire wing -
ham by ,Fry & Slaciehall Ltd. , The two pieceS, along 'with many others
made by the local' firm are being shown this week at the annual furni-
ture show in C.N.E, building's, Toronto.
The annUal^.meeting and election
of officers of the -Woman's As-
sociation Of the Wingham 'United
Church WaS held in the ladles'
lour. with MrS: H. P. Carmiehael
presiding. The devotions Were,e0n\-
ed:$1130YMOJa , pr
Y' Teyeherteu;
with many aetivitie& 'The social
committee was busy catering to.
wt!ddings And suppers as Well as
sponsoring- the titling and fan teat.
Tbese previded funds to add new
furnishings to the ehurcis'atid -par-
sonage, aa Well as sending easels
and Christmas baskets to the sick.
Mrs. Frank Hopper valenteered
Lo secure helper's to !Oak alter the
tuele'shop in the hospital for March,
Plans were made ler the supper
to be hind in connection with the
aknual church meeting on WedneS^
clay, January 23,
Tht following officers for 1.05I
were inttalled by ,Rev; ii 3, Mao-;
ttel Pres., Airs. W. a UdWards;
1st vice -press Mrs. Roy Bennett;
gna vice pros Mrs. Andy Lunn;
treat's, Mrt. George HOwseris rest
tee Mrs Alan Bennett; enr.
Mrs, W, A. -14ettglians pianist, Mr&
Gordon Davidson; devotional sees
Mrs 1V., Dial[ely; parSOnitge COMM,
Mr% CarMiChael, Mrs, W. Van
WyOlt; Mrs. W. B, IvIcCooi, Mrs.
W. .3, Greer; social comm., -Mrs.
Roy Bennett; Mr & A. Ltinn; visits
ing comm, MrS, Chas, Lloyd.
Groap leaders: Mr& Wm. Cons
non, Mrs, J. W. Btishfield, Mrs.
W., B. IVIcdool, Mrs. .1. It critwv:
ford, Mkt, ChaS. Lloyd;f1,frs Rt
Rethetingten, Mrs, G. 1sT. Melvin
Weed, Istra, tlithely. Mrs. r).
Miller, Mrs Win, Galbraith, Mrs.
Gordon Buchanan, Mrs. '.Cordon.
Value of factory shipments in
Canada's boat building industry
reached a high retard of $9,201,4291
hi Mt,
C.W.L. to Ilold
Menibers of the Catholic .° Wo-
men's League of Sacred Heart
Church met' at the home of ,Alf^A.
L, Slosser on Tuesday evening of
It‘t week, The Meeting was open-
ed by the president, Mrs, C, New- -
nuin, With the League prayer.
The- minutes of the last meeting
were adopted as read ,and -routine
business matters were dealt witn.
The rrierribett 'then discussed meth-
ods of Tatting money and it was
decided to hard a series of euchre ,
parties in 'the near future.
Mrs. NOWrilan moved that the
hleetuineg and brought the
proceedings to a close With the
Miss Margaret Miller of Strat-
ford Getieral Hospital and ,IVIiss
Isabelle Maenterson of St. Jos-- ,
eph's Hospital, Londoti, were home
for the witch end
Planto attend the Ileommunity
night''„ in the hall O riday even-
ing under the auspices Of the IVO,.
Men's Jnstltutfl-
nigh hoilgi;s. 'at the card party
sponsored by the Happy Handl.
crafts girls' (dub, under the leader-
ship, Of Mrs. O. IvracPherson and'
iMi jeah Aitchison were Won by
Mrs, Bob 14011$ for the latlieS and
Rews$ MaePherson, Consolation 0 •
Prizes went to Mr', , Wraith, and
Roddy Wraith., Music for the
clarion Seat :btlpiPlied by the Wraith
orchestrik with Mr, .Hefferlialir anti ,
bonald MUrray ad ealIOVS4Off.