The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-16, Page 3V. M. .Indians:TtonsportedtPeOver, POCk toiNotthet11:00400 . ..- o. 104.0.14 fie y` inttek itit#P,# ;they,, roe ..4146 1 4•40,4 r- rats around i14417:•4104aliaa Oa. POLialift f' They, .seA W .S111.4 ' ..ilPtVhsattivr for rats ' .ttiat '414,1 .4 PAP ,f011 ,like I It, so they 'igloo tham. ',/i ' •A • ....rindentologists (pectin„ w41o, hll,4u. il study of rats and tivw,...th" Awe) think ' there 41 yell fvY•••tate that Jive 91ellla Whalley 4iIniiirtlielte;Ia, al- ready', .a 09c1. many rats,' eitreod, before Oitiel :Start Seeing' 'them. They use. the ,following • rule . of thtitob to ,estilnef 0 the rat .OPir- iation in ..a.,'har.nl'. ' ' •• ' r ' . . , • . I - ' . . .. . .. t, I you see damage, t no ,_,..,41.0.11‘11.110111 11 .CANCER IS. ' .. :-'.:.CURABL.E Many cases of cancer can be cured if .caught in time. If cancer is suspected see your dos for immediately. For free literature writs 11110,4. JAMES CURItlpi Wiagharii, Ont. Secretary of VVingliata mid dis- trict briuroli of Canadian Cancer Society 4, Mn WO*. tbsts .pre iStrk. Shtuttsfy.) traka afiFfaletail: * Re.Pia gee OW two/ 1,149.4,4t Mg* '()out 1PaliP Vie, daytiimq are 50 rats 'Pros*, 'ROW 'ale wet t0I rat* '!Pltai *at by the .time you 440 bflea ittg ahatil in the cla.ithne, Thicent lasts eaganch out by the ealraeac, rifa and mice are far• comm on e Oateerio June n.' farms tits;}, rape, people i1 to believe. They checked, 5a fapna in. Water loo.Grey COLI10444 and found rats or iniee on every one of them, total ti paph a er4 on these farms • was eethaltated to he 4,300 rats and 1500 rilleer The total lame amounted, to about $1,000.00 , per farm. The ehandea are yipir farm is just as badly infested as those 07 "average"h farms tailed by OAO, If so, your' aloss is as high as saixel,Q0 a y?ar, ($20.00 for 'eVery rat): , Yoliacan elhairiate the loss quickly 'and a'afely by bait, ing your farm with warfarin rat,. kill. Farm auppiy dealera are feat turing warfarin rat-kill as a part of the Huron County Junior Far- t:I-ler Wage •War on gals Cam- paign. Next; time yedre into your dealers, ask lam about using it. it Will cost about $3.09 to save aver $100.00. More than 90 per *Cent' Of British. Columbia's vast . soft fruit growing , • industry is concentrated in' the •Okanagan Valley, • ► .( motioA, ct.ivo.k wottaii WeA4 00II titalne/Of 'MOW wegdiPIC .00104014rdaYa Peeeartatlir *f.fth, at 3 0)4o0fe .when E4itgr:419rgaret Martin' and W0h464,16440rar4- .. Jenhina Were Pfliteit lit Marringec Rev, M.'Whomart of with Mrs. Brown/ at the organ and Pots MUPOPIO as 604114 Pill .0140 Is the daughter of ' Mr and Mrs, Olarenee Martin, of Welton and the greont is the son of Mr, tun,. den jenl4no orWingintm and the late Mrs, Jenkifts; . • . The bride; given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a *Alta-length,•*owa of white nylon Wee and net '• 'ace Jacket featnring a t.eter Pan collar and lilyapoiat„ Sleeves, The bowing skirt toatarOct tulle Taffies with matching lace over nylon net and aatin. ,Her fingertip veil: of French was 4, ranged from a "headdress- of tiny pearla and SP- 41•110a and she ; carried a 'white Bible with red relies and streamers The matron, of honor, 'Miss Mar- ion. Chamberlain, of Seafortb, and the bridesmaid, Miss Isabel Mc- Call, of Wingham, wore ielentically . styled ' waltz-length dresses of royal -blue velvet with white head- dresses • and they carried white chrysanthemums and _ red carna- tions. The flower girl, Brenda Pryce, niece of the bride, was dressed in red velvet and carried a nosegay of white chrysanthe- mums and red carnations.. ' The groom was attended by Raymond Merkley, of • Wingham and the ushers were Fred Martin, brother of the bride; and Earl jenkins, brother of the • groom. . Receiving, the guests at the re- ception, which was, held in the church parlour, ,the bride's mother wore a street-length dress of royal I purple with white aeeessoriea' and the groom's step-mother wore a street-length dress: of black• satin 1#1,VIC ;"*IginfjP.A. "e lfaaq deeided SieSe rllghts at 6.;30 for the ; ti Afannar.i; rpt$Vil..a. ark 11 a trial ha/01a and w4t e ,o,j, for shopping. if#1,v," evenings until 9 reel() Mg, this weelt, Tlw 'following whijall s egi to fellow this -platy, X.404 1 dgeer Clark and VOA Onvot and 'Son; „1. Vonlitiron, and -gen.' PrYstlelo's tfardWarq, Lorne ,Orty, Beaton's Bakery, Al Saha.), IrWlitI a LaklieS' Wear, IF/Olf I e and floating, Brown's WA, George Ilesa, John, tbenderson.-gxeter Times-Advoeate. r ; A, E. Me Kim, who juts given, I tavaritY years of valuable school board service to this community terminated his dutiis on Monday evening with hisl official .' retire- ment from the High School Board. • ' reccignitional of his long ser- vice, his assoclates on' lase year's board, made the persenalpresenta.: tion of Winston Chuachill's- book; "The History of the ' English Speakfing Pepple". The donors autographed the hook at - Mr. . McKim's ricquest,- Lticknow Sentinel.: • laee with black accessories, each wearing white corsages. • For 4 wedding trip, to 'Niagara Falls, the bride:wore a 'Coral Velvet dress ,and turquoise cost With white accessories. On their return the young couple will reside in Brussels. Guests were present at the wedding from Guelph, Kitchen- er, Brantford, Seaforth and Wing- ham. In this- northern outpost of Moo- sohee, Ontario's, only, seaport, they have their own way of noting the. approach of winter. The wild, geese are flying south, along with myriad flecks' of ducks. The Cree Indian trappers are preparing to head north knowing full •well that, al- most within days, the ra;ers, the Henrietta Maria 'on the western tip of James. Bay and the point where Hudson Bay begins, south to Hannah Bay, a few minutes flight from Moosonee and n! its twin tow of Moose Factory, the birds stream language of the wild fowl as well aS the Crees, old timers• say. In the most seductive tones, they can turn a far-flying band of wild geese back and bring theta to rest on the tidal flats within reach of the, hunters. -Fundamentally, however; James. Bay is still the trapping territory it was over 300 years ago when the Gentlemen Adventurers of • atuet- son's Bay sailed in small ships from England to help in the settlement. of the strange land of .Canada. Then, as now; the general cur- rency in. Use was the beaver pelt. ago, white trappers moved in in increasing numbers for there was big money, in beaver pelts and trade goods. The -beaver gradually de- clined until, in present memory, they were almostaextinet on the alat muskeg north of Moos-mice and MOose Factory. Less than 20 years ago the pic- ture changed, ,The late Jas. Watt, factor at Rupert's. House; Who had dealt with the Indians all his life, pressed' the Federal ,'and Ontario Go4rnnaents for action. The Federal and' Ontario Govern- ments' Department of Lands and ForestS got, together. Under. Hugh -Conn, federal fur supervisor, a party of skilled Cree trappers Caine south to Ontarlei's Algonquin Park. There, Ontario officials and rangers met them and showed them Places Where beaver were ahriost There were times when the In- dian was lucky to find one live house on his trapping territory, but they kept the - agreeinent and Watched with delight one of the most amazing restorations of game in the history of the province. In consequence, some Indians today take „as many as 1100, beaver from a trapline. Tit some areas around James Bay,' the beaver have increased to the point where they soon may 'eat themselves out of house and home-L.4' source of considerable concern to government, company But one thing is certain: As the trappers line un before' the stores in Moosonee and Moose Factory and 'a score of other northern points to load iapplies for the trail and trapline, they chat amiably with Ontario conservation officers and inspectors. ' They appreciate that had it not been for the restoration of Cana-- da.'s, national ahinial :and the as- signment to them of their own "fur farms", ,trapping would. not be so good today. • ' Despite flintuation in pelt prices the Indians know they're • assured of their- winter meat supply in the vast muskeg stretches to the north, for the beaver, as booked by the Indians, is a definite delicacy., Too fat, perhaps, for the White man from the city, but warming and filling for the man .who is running behind his dogteam, front daylight COATS voottoti to .440.0 itectorA>4 100% $17,99' $49.99 Pantie Sp ecial vows to inao v41.y. to ..$4,95 Acifials, 39.1; 49c Oe L.90 up 20% Reduction 0,1,044( of liaritire Winter stack Oloves, Hats, Purses Skirts, Suits and ratrey Slippers valia$ te RIP-ONS Wool Blouses 1.99 FRY'S coc CHILDREN LOVE BREAKFASTSTYLE '1-r AFTER SCI-I BETTY cRocKER-i-,DEWL's FOOD CAICE ! ,CAKE_ N, Trues IN-DIRTS our TIDE DETER DOMINION FlavourfUl iranni CHRISTIE'S-PLAIN OR SALTED BUTTER' IAA fs-oz . 31 Ready Cu! or' Long CATELLI'S PREMIUM . a50 I-LB. SODAS PKG. GOBLIN-WITH GRAVY • MACARONI 2 l'IcGS• MEAT EALLS Utz'. 390 LONG CATELLI BRAVO SPAGHETTI • ECONOMICAL-MAKES4QUARTS OF NOURISHING SKIM MILK • ' ' • Nu MIL POWDER . A MEAL IN ITSELF! JUST HEAT AND SERVE! 'CLARK'S-IN CHILI SAUCE' BEANS WITH PORK JUICE 2 21-1°,1 290 HORSERADISH `JAR 210 ALLEN'S APPLE WOODMAN'S FOR ALL YOUR COOKING INSTANT QUAKER OATS air 390 MAZOLA OIL EAU 410 ONTARIO-COLOURED MILD AYLMER TOMATO ' • CATSUP BOTTLE 240 CHEESE LB.. With coupon With Couptin • SAVING AT TIME OF PURCHASE MAKE A DELICIOUS LEMON PIE TODAY I LEMON plE riLLING ROYAL INSTANT 2 RAE, rALLm EnVALUEOR 4T. wit LIAM (WITH PECTIN) PLiJiVM JAM BONUS ITEMS ALLIWPATOYN C S 'SH-AIVIILKI EN NOODLETAKESONEY MINUTES TO' . 'PREPARE I .2 gpvkat: 250' SOUP MIX KWEAETPCHA BTOHXATHACNODLDy- 2 390 FACE-ELLE TISSUES i`GotiLs° DELICIOUS SPREAD I REGULAR Values to 9.50 f 'in Need• of a. Sign Painted , for advertising purposes,' etc. contact,. SAM BONDI• omplete experience in art. Substantial Savings! - MEN'S OVERCOATS AND 'TOPCOATS Br;o1cen size fanges Vcslues to $69 50 $19.95 $29.9 $39.95 in...ogn:GREAT -innuany.sgi.g. .AIEN'.&-.RouRpAN COATS MEN'S 'STROL ER COATS: _ a. ,Values to $14.95 _Values- to $17..95 Values to $24:95 DRESS :MIST CLEARANCES. Values to $5.95 Styled b3 Forsyth ..;: Broken ranges ENOS TWO IfFildtfOPS OP Sc/19011, nityrov SPECIAL "* 10% Discount HANNA'S BARGAIN BASEMENT • ALL BOYS' WEAR ALL WORK' CLOTHES $17.99" transfer to new homes resulted. In large Wire traps !resembling suitcases, carefully tended and shipped by air to Moose Factory and Moosonee, beaver Were trans- ported and released in good Out denuded' trapping grounds in the far north. Meanwhile, there . were numerous conferences With the. In- creeks and muskeg will be frozen I laps. If the white trapper was ban- hard enough for safe travel by Ogled from the area and ,trapline dog team or enowmobile. I allocated to the Indian bands and Just in passing, It might be anen- through them to their members, dolled that James Bay area has 'would they guard the beaver? They perhaps the greatest flight of wild agreed instantly and the necessary fowl found anywhere. From Cape legislation was passed far to the south The original agreement, called for the trapping of one , beaver froin each "live" •beaver house; Ordinara ly there are five beaver, the par- ents and three Young, a •house, in countless numbers: By taking only ope per. house, re-„, „ Many of the Indians act as aa„n would be assured, it guides and few can talk the s was fejt.. officialsand Indians alike. Ontario • James Bay beaver is reputed the finest. It still produces the best (research' officials also are study felt in the world and although the hag diseases which attack them process of transformation of bea- Too, prices for Pelts' vary, some falling • so low that trappers ver pelt into felt hat has changed,, it still follows generally the pro _ feei that it's hardly profitable to cess the Tartars used long ago. trap. Shortly after the settlement 'of Hudson and James Bays 300 years too populous. Live-trapping and to dark. mows' CAR .CQAT Values to /. Satin quilted jihed $1 2.9S up. LAIGE PXG. • SPECIAL !' r i• li MEN'S SWEATER COATS MEN'S . PLAIP`:.UTILITY, SHIRTS . y . MEN'S V7NECIt . SWLITERS MEN'S ASSORTED spoRT .0IRTS MEN'S DRESS" PANTS BOYS' SUBURBAN COATS Values to '$16.50 BOYS' -PLAID SPORT SHIRTS Values o12159 RememPer - Price Remains Just Figiires Until YOu "Compare the Quality"! _Values $3.39 ,Values to $14.95 _Values to $7.50 Reg.:'Value 0035 Values 'to' $9.95 40! Steal st. Waiplarn 43. Xing of lade!, ill11111111111111111M111111111 111111111M11111111111MK Rililillinii111611111111111 111111111111taill1111111111 11111111111111111111R1111111114 ra'4,21i1111111111'S.111111111 1111111111M11111111111IM 1111111M11111111111K4 AnittiOit. $ Soures , 1.,Nethie at t.stoto Labe. kikitnik f T. Not strict s. Petticoat,. s, Sick *„. tory 10. Oiritom P. Bill of (short. Mork on akin an anchor mod) Silvan *LA U. S. *7. Cleate 13 Automobile President's TIX pert \ • niakliaine_ sk NimrOd 14.. Help iei ! It River ntviiniind6 1$ P 17. Behold i; name 34. Varnish 18. Branch • ; 19 WOO Y s substance 19, Health 20 Land Of, 37, tend of resort \, - canain 'the tiger 22. Wild sheep ''21, Girl's name 39 Grew old .23. Detatt ' • ` 30. Moslem title 21. City (14. C.) 26 Fibber* 289 Turbid 2Append 01. POO, poet) 32, Seer-Adana 33. A relative 36, 'Sergeant at Lew, (abbr.) 37, ifiVea (IL) 3$, Litton native 39, Mo'cOWS (Brea.) 14, tiosert (AsIti) A 15 L' 46, Ancient SeWitli title ttogliih BOTtliSt DOW14 I. oomeneee 2, Employed S. Not stood 4. Pinnate tie N, „ elUMffAlS) • Anonitts okrato Soirett, PEPPER NI 250 SHORTENING ri4m3'. 1 . 320 INGERSOLL CHEESZ AYLMER-CHOICE SAR 490 TOMATOES TIN 250 z. 10.0z, F'SPREAD,ATEs,rt C,;ti HOUSEHOLD WASHING IDEAL FOR LUNCHES. COLD ' LAWRASoze's seowileka Ainneanie CANDY fEATuRE l HOWE'S 12-OZ. 33o .SCOTCH MINTS. PX ' °' CUT BREAD COST'S i CARRY it ROME AND SAN-..t SLICED OR uNsLICtia aus BICIINIELLO BREAD reS I ld BISCUIT FEATURE PARTY' TREAT BISCUITS • DUPt.EX CREAM. in RAISIN COOKIES OATMEAL CbOKIES sTRAWSERRY TARTS 1-aULL COCOANUTANUT MACAROONS rots= 0 ' • i!koSiSsOc7uTITEsD ri-oreNIAD i‘willrapt CmHOACLLOOLwATsE I 3110 tweet Vatitig, t'oalltotkitt ?4ttvol, Size Mies -SUNKIST ORANGES , • dozen 39c rump, No. 1 114611 &NUM GRAPEFRUIT 11. P . M.44 Green CE)LERY 'STALKS LL vALtitg ttrtotivE nom 07totis1/4.tio:Itg otA,Imini sal , sac th CLUB HOUSE--PURE,)3LACX FOR BETTER PASTRY. DOMESTIC OUR otnytotttict ,h1.1 •aleratereteille irOlif SU_ DethlwiloUSIOTA' iforei•*en rii tuarenlead „la *VS IC(1%