The Signal, 1926-3-18, Page 4• THE SIGNAL. ERICH, OPT. J . A -saes 5t.. ... •-.. ,_ it TAILORING SERVICE A service that you ��•�'�^•sa have looked for - waited for -needed. Custom tailoring backed by Canada's most expert clothiers is now offered to you. Ii10t1i)RA111, ' MADE TO MEASURE All the skill cf Fash- ion -Craft tailors -a limitless range of new and up-to-date mod- els -made to your measure from pat- terns you select your- self. (OUR KNOCK 0111) WORSTEDS 1 i'el't I'0141orue. 111+(•.114 tel 11 111/181111, as was ul.'tlliotl.•.I 111 111`11 week. tapir. Mast. l• Sterling; I•ulford ur lay arrive arrived home front Ihsroit Our sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mos. Wm. Heyde of the Lake Shore road near here, who !suffered the loss of their house I.y -fire on Saturday a f ter11wn. Mrs. Nin. Huston. of Gatrrlrh. visited her sister. Mr.. E. Hunter, on Saturday Hull Sunday. The 511er.lmeut of the Lord's Suppe' will be 1{,M1M'11a0 in l.eehuri church ran Sutaluy, )larela SW h. at a pia. Mr Whitfield will preach his farewell 0l' mon here nett Sunlhty, the 21st. 1V.. hope every person will he present if possible. 1:111►RKII'H T(1�\'NSHII' I;uI,F:RIt'll 1'*I4VNSIII1', alan•l' lit -The funeral of the hate alias 1.. e'alwea. whose death es•.•ur'.l at 1.uu- 11.11 hast Friday. is toeing held this at teruo..,i from the home• of her brother. Mr. 1401.1. Colwell. where their aged mother also resides. to hayfield ceme- tery. Mr .las. Colwell, hayfield road. is another brother. aIrs. 44. F'or.leu. Itraurtord. is risit- i(11 her parents. (l r.. mid airs. .1. furter. Union (church Note.. -air. M. Sel- lars. 4th,, preaches tee:n• Turoulu. ex , h:ulg.vt pulpits w itl, )1r. \\-httti.•Id lust Suul:y aIr. Sellars is kindly remembered by all who hear.; him on his precious visit here on the we:isnot of the golden Jubilee services last ( t.loln•r. and a goodly number availed thomeel'.-s of the opportunity to hear him again on Sunday evening. '1.h.• ins arh,g sermon is to la• found in the first and to .1: ted vers.•s of the 112th retainer of llr Brew. It is expecte.) a Iarge wmgregatiou wIJI he prevent next Sun- day evening. when Mr. Whitfield. 'who has been the popular student -pastor herr for the past couple or years. will preach his farewell sermon. The saeram.•ut of the Lord's Supper will he dlspens.,l Sunday, March '5�.... �. Thr au„nal mretiug of tine Sunday .ch.od will axe held Marl, sl. THESE POPULAR PRICES WE KNOW WILL PLEASE YOU W RSTFIF,LU osairl farm :old w14 be moving .111 at utter. Mr. Potter's se,'u d dirm I the old Harry Morris plasm has lawn .rented for a term of jeer, 111 Mr. John Tahb. Mr. Lorne Itu.l't'" is milt again after several %%lark, of serious trouble with his rye. 11 is hoped the sight of the rye will he preserved. Farmers a'I+o 1.w11 sugar 1.11.111.$ are making preparations for u I.ig run of sap this yeah•. 11 has always been -ail that 111.1tndtl(4..' of snAw means it good ample syrup season. mod wt' ,.rtaiuly lose the snow this year. ter. I'. .\. Robertson hos r,nt.l la I'm oar the : .th rotweseion to air. .login l•u.;ow for the coming; season. It will he (410•.1 as a grass farm. Slur old friend. air. Jame. Young. is out improving; very rapidly. but we trust the tine o'.oth.•r when it comes will restore his old time vigor. Mr. tool Mrs. humid Walter arrived homy early 111.4 a14.1i after their honey 1114100 nip And have taken up their re.idenee 011 the John A. Wal- ter tel• 1111tu.st.•:Id 101 the Illi lace are Ilo,kiug 1,11.1 longing .ear spring. ►4..•v. 1V. It. .\Ip in Su,ilh s 11111 hnrch lug. Imam giving a series of seer - mons 1,u E.st4r. its history and sic- itiottl.,•. '!'h,.e :I•rn.m. have Ix.•u heard by large. 'oIgrrgafi.ms. w lie have tarn delighted with the 111.11• manner i1, whish tau• preacher pre- sents the subject. V. ore sorry 10 hear that air. 11 m. Young of M'ingham is not in good health. Mrs. Yo g. who la the widow of a former Ib''., and well- known resident of Colborne. i. In her ninetieth year. Messrs. Ii. Shields and John this tow. our I,.-aI mill.. Buyers; ace out pi.kia+{t-44.4_.rzaoa rattle for the sum-. neer 111111 ars• paying goes) priers for them. The pr..p..1 of a brisk export trade is stiffening pricer of rattle. Hogs• to... are ,till high, about $1:i.7.i Ratepayers interested in the Youog 'reek met last week in conference with the ,uute ils of Colborne and 11',•.4 awae teasel (h, w hole matter. Must ofi thdiem ex11r.-o .d Iltellla'I'•eaY1'n.u.wh uppo+and'.l t. the 114(4l4 - nano, of the work. but nothing was deeilhd 0111/ nnol her meeting will 1.e call..) later on. People's meeting will tie bid on Fri- dey Hight. An election of 0111esr.. also will he held o. !ridgy night'Uy the executive. "Say It With Flowers" ler ill. Patrick's 11'a), with the tama- rack ter frees (cantatas GEO. 8TEWART Vann. Phew IN. re OM Erne dibblers Orders taken for Fuller Brushes of all kinds. R..i41.sos corner Trafalgar Street and Calabria Road, Gederieb. Huron Central Agricultural Society are Bolling A Fiddlers' Competition Spring Show Night Thursday, April 1st, at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall, CLINTON. Prize. for Com pet ition a- folio'.'. : 1st $10, 2nd $7, 3rd $5. 4th $3. RULES I. Open to (counties of Bruce, Haran and Perth. -. Each contestant to play two selections, one selected by the committer and the other by eon teeta nt. No entry (.e charged and $1.1111 p.6id each contestant not re- ceiving a ptite. Any or all eonteatanta liable for service during dance. 4. Accompanist pro. ids'. Judges' *want is final. el, Committee in .charge reserves the right to make any ad- ditional rules that may appear - rye 7, - 11ki-time music to be btaiiiituf contest. n. Pr,farsionals an. not eligible. Old-time Dana' after the Contest. Combined fee for Con- test and Dance 50c Proceed!' to go to Spring Show H. C. Coo. W. J. Miller, Proudest. Treasurer. E. Resell, S. a, &Mira s, How About That New Wheel This Spring? !hop in and 11111.• the are Cleve- land and Red Bird Bicycles. All pari$, tires and acceasorico carried in stuck. Several good second-hand Bicy- cles (or sale. An exceptionally high- grade Bituminous Coal of extremely hard structure and possessing character- istics which make it par- ticularly suitable for do- mestic use. Economical No Soot No Clinkers Will hold fire nearly as long as anthracite or coke with but littk more atten- tion. Ignites quickly, after which it burns with a light brown smoke. Suitable for Ranges, Quebec Stoves or small Furnaces. Egg size, $12.00 per ton, delivered. The Dean Coal Co. Phone 95 Goderich Join Our Women's Exchange Members wanted for our Women's Exchange, Mem- bership fee $1.01) a year, giving the member the priv- ilege of contributing Fancy \fork and kindred articles to be fold on commission. This is an opportunity for you to earn a little money from home work. Membership restricted to :AJ. First :3) suitable appli- cants accepted. WESTFIELI►. Maros 1.1. air. Bert Taylor has disposed of his farm to Mr. Will (carter. )!r ''atter will get p..ss•a'ton this spring. What might have proved a serious 1 misfortune happened on Sun.My morn- lug when the kitchen .•himney took fire on the house of Mr. Elwin Tny- 11or: The fire was extinguished Met everything was thought to be all right. but 1110.ut noon. when Mr. Taylor WS. 1 emuiug from the Baru to the house. he noticed the roof hurning. It is sup - 1 p ...o•.1 that 1 live cinder had lodged on 1 the south side of the house where the I.now had melted off. It was ween in time to prevent a disastrous tar,. As it was, considerable damage was Mme. Messrs. Marshall Stmn,homg•. Gor- don Snell and Raymond Redmond had the misfortune to lose a horse each during the past week or two with a disease that seems to use prevalent among the horses in this neiathbor- 110141. The W.M.S.and ).adios' Aid of the 11'4 -ttield United ,hur.•h heel.) their an- nual meeting on Wednesday, )[arch gutta. The following officers for tin' .'ii ..o ing year were aplseiut.d fur the W.M.S.: President. Mrs. Martin M1-- i►enve•11: 111 vice-president. ears. .lames Woods: secretary. Mrs Wm. Walden : ,orre•sponlNng-a-•r.tnryy. Mrs. W. F. ('amphell : treasurer. Mrs. It. Vincent: strangers' w'er,tary. Mrs". $tanb•y Cook : ('I:ristian stewardship .ere• tory. Mrs. Janos Wood: organist. Mrs. ' Wm. McDowell. Officers for Ladies' .4.414: President. Mrs. .1. E. Ellis: 1st vicrlrtesident. Mrs. Wm. Wo141en: c1111140in. Mrs. Root. Mel 4. ,o, -ll w.• retlry-. Mrs. Wm. Blair: treasurer. . Mrs. Wm. McDowell. W. C. Pridham & Son Phone 57 Men's and Boys' Wear It's not too to change that old stove. See Harold Blackstone about I late yet i1FINMIi,f.Elt• Marsh 17. -The play 'The Village lawyer" will i1..' given in Itenmill(•r rhureh on Friday, March 2R. rat . p.m. Admission : AlUlts, 35 1 cuts: children. 25 cents. Mr. heroic E. Walters. of Toronto, , --- 4s1,1•nt the week-4end with his parents i'' Rend Alton's store annnuueemeot here. to the Dungan -non emrreslondenre. The young ladies Sunday 'stool lain$s spl111 a vert pleasant e4.1(01ng at i LOYAL the home of Mr. lies Vanstone on Frills)• evening lust. LOYAL. Mares 174 -lee t'otter's sale 0n We,lne'.oay- last was very su,•- I.1EHR 'RlV 1 ¢''• ((504u1. 91tere was a good ntt,n.t,neee __ I and the live .i,M k, nLa.•hinrry. etc.. all I.Elit4I ISN, Manch 10.-ILr. Oliver , sold at good price -s. A well-bred Vont spent the we44b-ens-Frith---bats Shorthorn cow bsoaghtSat- Mr. Pot - brother at Wom(lwtor'k. I ter experts to Imre in a week or IM iirr. Ilugh ('hi,dlolm 1.44 last eras days. with his mother and sinter. Por fit I'ort Colborne to work on a boat- Detroit. Mr. tool Mrs. Geo. Caldwell. M . James Morton went with him to of the lith e.rnee(elion. hare rented the BENMII.LER a NEW STOVE Prices are right. This is your store, use it. Blackstone's Furniture MARCH WEATHER = - _ _-- DANGEROUS TO BABY NNIpIIAlIN MUMIMMIMIIIIIMIMMIIIAImIMUMNIIINmmmNNINNIlIIq MIIIIIipiMIMIMUMIlI MMIIIIIIIIUMMINI un the Broadway of (t.Mlcrich About 25 pair of ladies' silk and wool Hose in fawn and grey check. Regular $1.50 per pair. Friday and $ Saturday 1 3 only ladies' Silk Waists. Regular $10.00 and $12.50 each. $2.95 each Friday and Saturday .. • 32 -inch Art Ticking. Blue and pink, floral stripe, fast color and 59e yard feather proof. Our price.. • 7 only ladies' Silk Waists. These were marked to sell up to $9.00 each, but as we do not stock ready-to-wear we will offer these lines Friday $1.95 each and Saturday at F. E. HIBBERT Quality and Service Changes in Temperature New Spring Merchandise our Canadian March New Merchandise has been arriving during the past two weeks, but owing to situs he next one day bright. but sloppy, the next Ian. � = tions to our store we have not been able to show these attractive new fabrics and W tory and col./ -i, extremely Ian) oar children. 4orulitluno tuake it u..rs- sary for 4l.• mother to keep the little ,ties indoors. Thee are atom .'onttn- 1•.4 to overheated. badly ventilated rooms and catch rol(ls which rack their whole system. To guard 1t:oil eft these 4-0111., and to keep. Mn• baby well till the better, brlg'.U-r day's ,stn.• ,along. a box of liahy's 1)w„ Tablets should Ise kept in the house and an tie- .•t,aional dose given the baby to keep his stomach swell and his bowels working* r'kntlarlr. - ltahv's town Tablets area mIW1 Imt Ill0rm11gh laxative which never fall to 1= r gu:ale the stomach and bowels and 1= thus relieve .odds and simple fryer's I lamt keep baby fit_ Tile Tahletra are C odd by tr.e•iieine 4k -tilers or by mail I ,,t 21; rents ,1 box from The lir. Wil = liams' * '.ficin,• 1`0.. its.. -krill,•. Ont. C 1)L GANNON 1H'NG'tNN1 17.C. March 17. -Mr. Tom Elliott. son of Mr. .(ant Elliott. and sister. Mrs. l'Mtnkett. who have (0,-n herr sine.. the 4144011 of their mother, returned 111 11:1, 1V.441 1111 Monday of this week. )(r.. I.aur•ns1(l. of California. a daughter of Mrs. Jas. Pillion, is at present here with her father. Mrs. A. E. Tr.•I.•ar.•e. ,,f I..Mklmw. a.romletliel by her friend. Miss 13,011 - telt, of Montreal. 11111(l" a short vial. at the hone. 4.1 Mr. and airs. It. J. Crawford last seturday- The Mission Band of the Presby- terian ,hurrh will hold Its Waster ent,rtalum,ylt on 13.00.1 Friday. tort; 2nc1. 111r..iasdds Auderaan. wku had been away two weeks at t 1wmllon sani- tarium, is now krone and i.1 improved eonsieferably in health. Your now elders are being elected Oils 'boonth for the I'reebyteriau eburih. liailoto are to be received next Sunday and the -tot1wri.tt *M. day. Mr. Barry Ryan has sold his house and lot to Mr. Jas. YcWhiuney. of i.eebnrn. Th, Women'a Institute will tneM. at Stu' hun,e of Mrs. Thomas Stother. on Thurahy. Mani, lith. Papers will Ise rend by Mrs. 11. J. Crawford and Miss Mary )Le(lourt. The community was shocked to hear of the sodden death of lioraee Omer, who passel away in Sslttord on Sun- der uo-duly after an Illness of a few days. The dears«d was well known here and much sympathy Is extended to the parrots and family In their sad lura•, veme'art. Miss 4'. Pentland hos returned from the Toronto millinery openings and Is now prepared to offer elastomers the Inteet styles In millinery productional. our efficient bank,er, Mr. G. M. Me Klvrsie. made a boldness trip to West 1Vawa,.Ml1 t(rvrnthtp hall last Mon day. .\ display of ladies' coats, sults. skirts, dresses and girls' coots will be 1 held at Alton's store on the afternoon of *larch 29th and the mor,ing of the 110th. Goods ordered will be here in time for Eha+t,r. t'nlled ('hureh Newa.-The church serviees next Sunday will lie held as 1141161-- Sunday *'Bout at 10 a.m. enol chtreh servhws at 11 S.M. alai 7 p.m. The Excelsior nn, (lolden Rule Rowley *lona ,1** * Mtertalned the Taxis (4l1are on Tuesday nIght...... Junior Learn.. will be held on Wedn ,os day afternona at 4.111. iotm� new Ready -to ear. They are now ready for your choosing and will be on display during the coming weeks. Iretstrgs}q - 1 You are invited to come alooking. --- New Spring Coats and Suits We have a larger assortment than ever before. The Cloths are Poiret Twill, Tricotine, French Needle Point, Ottoman Cords, Tweeds, Velours. We have a size. a price and a style to suit everyone. We sell only one Coat of each style. Spring and Summer Dress Goods -1 . purchased from the Montreal markets and comprising such fabrics as Fancy Crepes, Beaded Voiles, Figured Silks. Beadora Voiles, Broadcloths, Printed Voiles and Crepe Morogain. imskseigno Silk Hose In all the newest shades. -- Chiffon Hose. Full-fashioned Hose. Silk Hose (spring needle knit Prices 45c, 95c, $1.50, $1.95 and $2.75. - era Silk Gloves We are agents for Kayser Silk Glc yes See the attractive new Spring styles. Prices 75c, $1.25, $1.59 and I $1.95 March and April -mean Spring Cleaning s and Remodelling in the Home - - _ L STAUNTON'S s ■ . . Semi -trimmed -- Congoleum Rugs Linoleum gam• Oil Cloth =� Wool Rugs Wall Paper 100 patterns to choose from Curtainings Curtains Cretonnes. Window Shades Our entire New Stock of House Furnishings is now ready for your choosingMAIM -' OUR PRICES ARE THE BST THE S. A. GRAY CO.Iti Buying connection with three Targe Dry Goods Stores, Goderich, Meaford, Listowel. IIIIMIMOMMIMMIIIIIINIMuIN