The Signal, 1926-3-18, Page 3t
Save Y our Money
Our clubbing rate for The Signal and
The Saturday Night $5.30
You save 50 cents and the coat of sending a
money order. A similar saving on other
publieat ions.
The Signal
,?gyp ; t
• It
Your Office Station
Now is a good time for you to look thregb
your stock of Office Stationery and Wee
your order for new supplies. We an meet
any eontpetition in quality and price.
The Signal 4``?
TIIE SIGNAL L'•ltINTl.\O CO.. LIMITED, Publishers.
This Equipment
Is at Your Dispbsal
TH N: Standard Ban k equipped
to make tollectio locally or
through its agents it very town
and city in Canada. This taervier
should be of value to you. The Col-
lection i)epartment of the Standard
Bank offers you the assistance of a
highly developed organization that is
specialized to a tine degree in this moat
important branch of business practice..
i 1.#1.. it fr
GODERICH BRANCH -H. H. Reid. Manager
Ihrea iw slew at Auburn. a.stwa and IAuau.n".n
J. W. Craigie
itcal Estate sad lawraace
Irregular Movements in
Entire Lit of Stocks
I'reple of Regina I'$) the Leal
Tribute of Reaped
,m;xa area „4 r; •.3:>; .•
From Regina Post. J1ar h :ail:
Regina today bowed It: heal fo
Speculators Seem Filled with Indecision-- -Some Covering reteneice while earth r Its
tommin the body' of Aleorge F'. Illair•
by Shorts Checks Decline -Most Stocks Show Ad- ' KA. • city xoucitor eee pN't
the lw,ir•
vances from Recent Low Levels -General Business y,•urw. Nb,. ,tical �nrfor h kt lib officet
\luurLly morning.
Outlook Still Bright. uu' �d!iw j ru in+rar!;'u' 1•tw t111.u/otnd men. women and
cl•fldre•n frow every wall in life as-
lu Knox 1'uited chnn'h at
ItA JOHN ::. {1.\VAHIND uulp lit 3.4,3 lu 1%11 1111 the 111 1'14001* f. 'i J.7p1 r,l,luc this afternoon Ire retort!
The past week' has been one of 13ou, rigldh protected against further Ira'.• .dual .Ioi tti our held o 11 Iligort!
valew•1IIlt• upon all Ike ...pock markets. uncut' or ibtldlity hr case of hlillr•', e,aeeul.
should b• con.i,4'reol nt nil. 'Mere h Pity oft'tcG41s, n• res•nntir0s of the
marked must strongly b) the n`
eureNee( u( man}' of 16.• .r t.•t'-1'141x, to 1""srib4 .4l at wu►tog unan•y out of ltogfnu Idea S.•foty, tlw• YouIw: Jlen x
rube•►s Ends the rerraimus of the week •ee•h m slss•ttlathm, but It n•w•wblrs in 11'hrlstiau .\wo•Inliun, the Cotb•ght0
before. but the lead market and blob its 41.o rw• of uncertainty the lou: shut p.uanl. Knox 1'uitwl clue 4 , l First
the in K••u.•ral mnwh, uuuRoY•url b?
the crash.
ai for race+. For .stirs one • Pre byterian church Nod utim,'ruus
IY111N'. iu there err couutle.l• "ots.o� other o organiznlfous were represented.
The chivalrous rule of the ere, "Wo-
men and eblldreo Brat." doeson't world
cm well ID a barber shop, nuke, one
ha, the whole dal' to spire.
UdImIted Quantity of
GOOD MiXED WOAD roc Bade f 11 4 n len. •• will b this m view t \
at tH per single cord. delivered.
look 1 though you might hold your
ITHE OODrIRICH MANUFACTURING I hely 11111, ,hung front lest week. ?hares with n f.uir.kKr t
IIOLSKS - HOUSES CO" LIMITED. I One ',.n -44111m feature of the goo that you will lie able to gel your
ALL KINDS FOR BALE • 1 (loot of Angleeea81. Phone 6L) enll bnshose• outlook Is Ude deft:Itlou Rooney out and not only that but Willi
Few !Isle. -A large bulldlnit. 641x70' 1 I of Ul • r14.iorl.kl INNn11 •w W11 11.41 the a fair profit IN•ai.k•x. \\•bile Ihr stock I:. d1. Rayne Presbyterian
the service.
cement walls with iron roof. 'Would i 1 ea1Ntal of the. 1'. S. and mtNi1 of ran- soy possibly- stilt go lower It will not Mrs. ItI,,' and Nils Walker re -
Real Estate oda ha• hx•t1iNe1 for many months. stay at those levels. 'phi men. feet walnYJ at the home Miss
the IN re-
make a ver}- lstati le property for IT� Armstrong
I 'file recent failure of ime of the lorgowt that Ilolllnler bucked the enterprise Rung and oil station. One of the I I nompunie• operating in that territory to the extent of three million dollars !ad 11e•tl t11keu t.1 Knox ehun•h. whet (• •
'R the tui i 4 1.11 t.. wa, held.
fort quick
onP In I:eNlerleit. A bargain! Insurance �b�,('. hos let Inst foreel Apon the 1rt111h• i. optimistic. Noranda has the pm.- } She w•nloe '.ca. ops•n.r1, with tlwl
for quick +aIle. mind that there is going to M• Ila eyd •ihiiitie to 11'oU0 nue of Hie higg•••t { xl'n Tilt'
' e 1e,' W ''. In Inca tune the I
P. J. RYAN Life (Sun Life). A uraflc and Auto-
moN% Immune to the ;;.•t -rich -quirk tabs which ha'.1�•tloadlgu plrohnerw if ell go•. nvrs•.u• 1 lines erre .1'M1g he a deeply Unn•bed l
Real Estate and Insurance. 'Phone �• 'Mumps and lots in Goderich and vi-', t '.clod' Northern .pee•nlnlor. for tube, abl}' well. It look. likti x, fairly g•„,1 .YOtgregatioll. W.V.S. Farley, who.'
1 past year, invest moot with Net 111 1. 1 Bayne. t
e ,. tt ran-." Students fnN1 the collegiate'. moln-
9'110 seek m0rkrt is the most Ree
orally ae•ejI,.1 barometer of fall+lues+ 1■•rex of the 1 hinew• .its .rNb wlb11
conditions Nlal it 10 but 14ltintl tint a2• "1 ata 11.11.1lµ; one I.uudr.d be was associated. and ln.yx of the
fearli u( N general business panic were shares of Norma -dm Min.... I,t.4.. N hi.II l �:.j 4'. A. al tend.,! iu A 111111Y.
shown on all slurs. deur no !muter I Iswgllt 41.1101 11 Na. selling around Privete lkn'ke for Family
004 the stock market throw %JytJue,. s17.5110 a .Irate, Do you think it is '1'11. ..4 401. Nas takenfrom
Into a depression or et valet,. As little'. ware lu hold 1t?" -'.V. T. K. 1\'rlKhl'x fuuenl1 home to the !Stair
dation taken place among Ute spurn. 1 Ans.- N11rauQm hex .r•rin4„l> telt I hu at .u7 McIntyre 44..14 Nhen
biters. For instance ill 1911. when the the full (.treeof the north decline of 1 a tyke for relatives Nod Immediate
+tock marker dunned. cullers. kept the stock market. Mull' of it Ming' friends was he•kl at 1.4:1 .;clock. Pres -
•.n th.. even tenor of its •N'ny. 4 one held In New York. I1 111 1811 111 t431. the I ..nt tat t 110 ,n. `m'' the ,'rlate itviee c 4 dlcl-
e NtIr!l.
mny fee fairly (onlid0nit In ell.•ving 111 non ftm.• ..f tin 1..-.4y liqub.Mti^'►' lit• r. s tb••
that Ow recent pante ..n the stock whir•' 11N.k _.lace there. Althotlgh it I tor; iter four war. 1►r. Wilfred Blair.
market will not spread 41, general i., not yet a producing mine• yet it is I Allen. who mate from Montr.wl.
1441-4 's to any great extent. .\ nor- admitted Ivy ell tm INe uta• of the where he was aUendlug \1(•1111 1'ni-
mel reaction Is 10 1.0 expected in richest in the North. It in. expected versify. Kenneth and Jack; JtlmA
Int'ine•+ In any event sifter an un- that the railsay into the mime win Janet Walker. sister to Mtn. eclair;
broken stretch of prosperity such as be completed early In September and C. E. Cullum. W. 11. Gundry, Mrs. it.
car herr jest rzpe riwle/+.1. work uo N .molter is already militia on F'. Itlaokkw1,. Mn. It. W. Drew and
Employment jut stilt remains a stud r0ulel the laNI. arers; Nayur W. t:. Maoon:
.N.. :. Dr. W. A. TM•ms.w. W. W. Champ. G.
prions of'commodities show vompnln- r. f confidence
1t. Ih.tun. F. N. 1)arke au,1 ,into l.yu.
nit members of the Y.M.t',A. direct... i
rate. lire. Samuel Farley. ruluri..ter •
..T First Presbyterian church. Nod Dr.'
The Mutual Life
Assurance Company of
^�1 Established 1868. 1
Mewl 4 l f flee,
• Waterloo. Ontario.
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
East Street. Phone 250
Goderich, Ontario.
N p'in unua of is policy of friendly cooperation
with the farming interests of this country, the
Bank of Montreal is DOW iwiag a new sent
book for farmers, =tided "Hogs for Pork and
Profit." The booklet is a practical guide so dee
breeding and frolics of pigs. sad its velem is
steady lamented by photographs illumining earegy
point drat is made. A copy maybe obtained, with-
out charge, en application at our newest Brandt.
Pewioua beakless dietiumd by the Beek ate-
' sp
"Diwesibed Fanning" tui
"'lie Cow, the Mother' of Prosperity's
"Poultry "
"yam -.....`.l f0[ tfe Farm and 1'ioet
-The Bird[ - - mar -of thotrmeds of
stuns booklets du.ougbotat Canada, and numerous
farmers have egweesed their appreciation so our
loot Mimeses.
Established ilia
Thea Assets meson. of $730,0010,000 i•
E. , . I.EKSLIF. -
Alaonger of the 4:.Nlerich Branch
G. I. oak Ihe� - . -- --
cdkity and farina for sale. Th.• greatest 13nu1011. should still Ica
nervier. spoke to tit*. 1t:t 1, tt�sendr y' - A Harried Markey
A tine lot of boasts! Joel Dow for I "Do yon thick it 1ik. is 1111? the Like I4,o 1.. tI a Boal Ilan
ex0n•iw•41 to not . the stock wurtat. L
fair. FARMS • .rpxs•lully to rhe .11cinliUe. and glory 1 nnaditne Ihoiftc Itail'.wty will be brkea -I1 tet, said of of odd..l It case lit n leciral iu 11 SotitMtnl
ti o•r: 1 for quick sale. Important .pe•nla ice Iistiug'. For the trader over in the Cauadi;ue Ntiionat hail-' •Ice was a 1.1.t1 wan. fun ..f the Italy church. One obdurate 4:4 awl stoutly
{• i1 Nbo is ai}Iiug I,r hull on for a lung w.uysY I.. 11. M. '11. 4 uu.l .14 Duit11,' and 'ueh way nsish,l the elder's exhortations.
to sell at once. la,..„.„.farm: im.„1 pill tberr are pl-xibilttles in some of •Aux. ---It s.•emx scarcely likely that 1.ytiR Le •ai,l of blot to ill) memory ••.t' •eh it el lis cars?. t:tions .\h's
Iuam ..ell; no hula. 'nI foro radars ale. r.r..•4.,i- ..f the blit u•rgrndr. this old•I xt tldixhwi rui4a ay- call{ be ,.e n r,.. 4111 Lt mil here to pay our last .:,m!e _nt n twonlem .\h .k.u't ere
or waste land. Excellent all kinds .•1'k. \\'bile !hr present bear w:1I .soul .,.r by the liocernuo•nt. Three', Infante awl rrsl 4t. -r 'raid Air. Fariry'.. bow .11,'s ¢..Me git 111:1 11 •'Hirt oa .3411 11
of root... corn. alfalfa. wheat or other t
indicating a good warm -ked ler."u•.t cotes• to a rim••.. tb••r.. i. Nvuuld be little to solo by' so debts nowt ..As ❑ p,bllc otli,•Iral face Nnx held iu ooh wings when .\h gets to Glory.-
grade or hay-. int R 4 like!y t.. tn• at. intermediate :Ovals' 111• Canadian 1?, National i- its,•If iu- 11,1,-.1%.'''.;11.1::::1
'f¢II est., u1. 1:y '.'lett•• of his 11,.i- • D:1 ain't en problem.- gets ' r 1'.e.) l I
praluctivr 14111/81/113Van he workers ...1.-11.;.; enough ..f the 13mowry's noon•? tfou.h0 .�::. the '."."14/11 i 'i tnTge' tin• ,? - :I 111•1
[iN.Ulem,ls h+•174,1i..11-.,i
• o. the first In the spring: eater. 'lull" iocinguno 'gnus. after .,11,1,' without tying u1. more 111 (umber poor
amongst'lul 41rcli''-' warkrt will acriu trek. e�t.•nt of the Poohinterest. and 14 _cairn ••1 yo lint ou mesh co '
.vurkesl, well supiplied with water. •I•sure ..0 ulilroo4*. moreover. ..em "1 riuelh.• came :1 sitfi uu111 and IFOI t I°tl
mostly x1•.•.104 duwu. lin this farm f1"11 ... as.of on
Minh in lir over t...ow -„ .�•
\U AL>,RhRT t.. ���st> or unwise tlt1T.a%Ytr-at...-
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
You carry fire insurance on your
honer but nu Insurance on you
life. Your bonne can racily ix'
duplicated but your life cannot I*
reutord to your family.
Be consistent and carry adequate
Life Insurance.
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
1L.•n• are nlNwt _Y: ncr,' of bush. rue. 1111.
mostly beech and maple: a large a1.1 Ti . I.00.l tu:orl.'t Las' 1em:thl l.rtntieu industry :11. it would far ,, ,l (ti41 his rlgtlrto with. tura• Hdckty
foolish to venose this fa -tor %Mitt 41 i rued faithfulness. refusing to text when
most new hank barn and Pilo: large' ."�1 3, normal throughout the recent cal. our rg,•1 140.11 t.. tr' to outstrip the i up flesh fainted ,rod •ttowolt in
implement house; good two-story-, cis. tuations 11u1Neg the stocks. 1 With otbtt' ....11+,gl-dam fol rtoart �-us 44 t r », -4Fuiin
dwelling !mune with cellar and wood, the ex.•eption..of tln• new tholepin -10n sot rater tutu 14,1. form of tom N•tI r.,t tan1,. .11 II'l .k -a111 4.0.0. Ilion
shed; water In thou -e• and stable; well ' Imam there Imre 1..•. -ti hew 4.,,tl ,tion. From rho• lin.uleiol side 4. w,mll.l ,. Len• he west de.i..1 to 1. - found
and windmill; orchard. Mitnated: or nnulicipal issues. which will at 44.• rent ,' e..- liue!r 1.‘14'11,4%1'1.1...111.`i:: Ii' 1.,3 of dote.
3 miler from good 'tillage. 2l Mlles Itis.? noun n flim if not :1 11 act ire 3110, for the 1 133V,l1ll11e11t 1.t• anyone• •••.\- a goo,4 c1147.a he 1111141 a Very
from R. 1t. station. 'Nt mile from • nwfk.4 i9t ilio..• issues: al.. • to ter tr. May ..c.. 14.1 ren+wnh.44' darer jrtncr ix the +if+ of +t++w �1}a uud
.4hmo1, about 1:t toile.. from Goderich. • Distribution of the 11145 1:11411111 .Y1 .1,tnlsrl,y.- iutcrras. i 11.4 his (till .Ism in helplug 34 every
This would mak,' a first-class dafry' I.. 1.415'. will muter way au.l it i, goo! work. licit Mad as its object the
farm, or suitable for g't•neral farming.) the g0n•1•8i opinion 111:1? it I- 1., fns ex I.romotion of its highest null test in
I'rkr low for quick Isle. Eery terms t',•.rlinully well rc-.•lewd. . _1, lull>' J. J. MORRI80N• ADDRESSES
MEETINGS IN HURON "*"' 1' \\•Irl '1"'1"0 w :us1 'l'If
for payment if required. among the smaller and more r•uu•:•n" I interest nm riot. wl141 mL+lline•kel
A nember of other good farms for lice lii4estmr• VIo pill their ua0my 111 -.-_-- pll4311.4 wu•kiug and plrn.un• tlndieo
sale. almost any size or location re- :r th111g ao4 lean'' it three ',moving .11
gnired. • to is. perfectly Nate. 1••M'.tl. SevrNary Phased with He- 1:14.111 h. be 1!e. order of 1111• 111,c. MI\
religion In This l'ounty' • !daft found lois greatest J. in service ..mall places just entatde0nr- General oplplom has it 11441? Nu•n• p
larathon of Goderich with all n4'e,'+- „r,. 11,111') aniidnt' ,,f fnn41- .44y.tlting 'floc veer - '''Lecke sw•n•hrr4, .of .the 11'.lrt't.•rs. Fir was never content to
xary hundings. nppxlrtnnitles 'for httr-nowt. 1'111 a I'.F.10.. said 'I•hc Farmers' Sim last lt.,• for hiildrref. (areal Service For all particulars Pre or write denrtb of Issues among the ntwrlrilsnl week. was h.1rk art WS desk at head• -lop the ou.rr public .re;alln 11, r1.11 -
\I u•1, - ttfh•r a week's
dered great ger%i4..• in rdncntiou. lu'
Ibis enlaaelly hr 4'.-:I. no3 13ont(•nl w11h I
the present. but blued for":1,I to the•
future and interested hfm.•• both
Ute teneher and the drill.
J. W. ARII.STRONG, told Gorernn11•nt 144w41, It 11111441x? look$ gnnrt.•r• oti . .
above Parsons Fair, as though the higher -grade htdu.?rials tour of ile •.n and lhltf.•rirt county
P. 0. Ben W. O.deeleb. Ont. w-otrl.l'rere4y.• ttwlr share of attention. 'points where he addressed 11111e Inw•t
Thr entire m.rrket is very firm. with hugs in six days. \\'rMrhw4 weather
fteNrtinK VII pgd, of Nook. much nus 19rottglootil the trip.
Securing Your Future
The man who takes out a 20 -Pay Life Coupon Sav-
ings Policy today will receive an accumulation of bene-
fits all through his life -protection for himself and his
dependents and increased dividends every year for
20 years.
These dividends are provided in the form of guaran-
teed coupons -attached to the - policy. YOU -clip your
first coupon in 1927 and from then on their guaran-
teed cash value increasles each year. if you leave the
coupons untouched the policy will be paid up in 15
instead of 20 years --your dependents protected with-
out further cost to yourself.
Coupon Savings
20 -Pay Life Policy Age 30, Annual Deposit
5184.00. Benefits -55,000 for natural death.
$10,000 for accidental death.
$50 a month for total and permanent disability with
all future premiums paid by Company and $5,000
paid dependents at your death.
$24.75 in dividends at beginning of second year and
increased dividends every year therlelfter.
Local Agent, Goderich.
The Norther° Life Assurance Company of CanadaLondon, Ontario. Established 1897.
• pe
t nee
smaller than visual. sued few .tillers but Nle.. Jl.rrn,ou kept Io hl.. W to 11 . \s x 11111111114•11 of the 01111 1, he leered.
wincing ion. gent (lustre to pion with awl nnrndatm',. '.ctirr w11rpridlaRly 144 nus .k•eply inl,r,*tel fu her work.
1u 1% 111,11 be g11 131. himself wIth I1,. i
Iirudelug 71411. As to moniker of Ihri
xrPKlmll 11e 0'11'. held 111 the 11101/41 .•x -
teem 131411 111:11 of hi- judgment 111Nl
wide. sywpNIIl.•...
"If he 1111111 speak today. 110 %Mild
xNy. 14314•41 4101 of sue .but of11tto. 1111.
their holdings. The yolnme of trans• good.
mallows has IN,•11 comparatively smnll.I .\i 1:x.te r. where the .l.1ll 111111, he
t:RAIN 1.31111. 11331'11111 11 1. 1111.111 sixty. farmers
wore pre..•nl u1 Ihr wu11lnic nn41. nf-
fnu, w seem % w ex.,. n 44,0m r I. ter follow 113g \Ir. Nurrisom'w whin,.
rrp.rt' whkh '.vltl glee. mil .44404 for with the pu.'t !•urn.^t :Ilttinlion. tis'
a I Aber otter in a more or k•+x IuTor- 4 prsttsscth tt11•ir it41o04t'_ mf r0nrtrnnfz-
Ir. mark. t. Thr ... , fpi1 g ell? i.atte h,g the 4.3.14.. \t Farquhar.' ar.' the Girth- T
seems to feel the eRe.•t of so faint wave I rtin114Iti
1,34.13-•upbinolson on the 1Mr1 of do, b.1111 Plaer of Hill,. J. G. 4:ar,liner, lustre hr reveler eIn•wl w -III: the wlttgiug
f-s.14-14.1.41,15:1ie. srclnl) (urnrrrs pall .... '1, 1:.11 o.f 1kNhel l' \\"bow Iland.';
traders. During the last week there M 111 npp•;ernln•ti • 1111 spite of x1'901)
ht►ri been n good dell 'of prv41f1 t:n king Navy" of rhos.• And the etiotr number woo '•The Monne
weather 4.ondit i"ass' land." \\'bile Ihr congn station wets.,
and most of the months dropls,l no lrrrw•ut rrr1111141 b;niltg offended the +Uuullug, the.h!h uin. cnniet out 33f
new IoN 1. SC111 iltlenl 111 general xerms
first uucl 41rg he•ld •1•Iti'.!•u y. ars bot' t','
floc route,. as theorganist plmyel A
fol-`1fun IS tIII fry:-= `'ilry '11/ - f'nitr-f7IT-YMrelt. 333-3- :
,Tfnt'f t irPt.--Nnectt t Yi
'radeti IS x1111 moa lid lose to the te•I..I:tn1 at 1'11e1iton, but rtNwt 1•ly,m the shunh 1411' "funeral pro -
eighty w144. .co.1dA avoid losses. righty 1)11 , and ...omen were present.
,,,....don -w tient Omni,
Lorne .f !'rel o -
Tho•. )1,Nhituo'T is lrre.idrnl of the I914,.ulti ac4utie• Broad; 'erect. Sry.
• 1'retllton 1'luh :1111 Ch.e,trr \\'. Jln Senrth
!•nth areune sol uor16 ou
•whiutl,.y i, wrrrtnoy'. .\ 41ri.r fur nr q.etit to the eemn•h•ry. 1'e•ope stop"
• • cr.:1+•d 1111 1111i3.1.3•111 13 is'to111, 1 11 11y.
11,1 As the long proe•Kxion of :utomo• I
• Il10. :11',111 nvelty Ili,• +•1..1!'d gel 4o bilen dears. i'. .11. 1•.• :mil there .owe 1
This 11,3w•"Iaper, thrnligh arrnt.Ke• the Zurich meeting. mostly .them bring 114411,1131811,1 131,.1411)1 the spirit of Sym -1
mentos with the Investors Service prevented by one of ?lo• worst .storm- 4111lly 1,1114 bowed Moir, bend, In reyrr
n•. 13o11dIN•tri Weekly. a emlutnn 111- of the w11.1•n. Iauu r Klo 11 1 ,x,•n ole .•are'..\1 Ilio gra %.,...A.1,3 the w•rrlre• aux 111
der the above head. This Is an extra the Own% .\t liens:ill there Is a good .lArge• .' Mr. ..A.1, . ,dud tiro thistle. 1.
gel -glee to our walkers. who may 'Mil' Arnim club mad tine tnee lug Nus n
utll their Investment problem.. unit Boast mer. .\bottf 1.111• holmimd Were )(mine seen warm to Think they ruu't
rerice nh10r 1111141 their own partic11- 111 •sent at the 111)111 scrams. At be Interesting 'n. 1.. It nkbtg vulgar.
lar holdings or projected inventinents• Clinton, there were abode 14 hundred 1
\ddrens all Inquiries to the -Financial sell fitly ha nitt•w1:11'30• includingt:Fnstt.N 11,1-1.111,1-1.1•Aet•t.
Editor.- rare of this paper. many ladies. Mrs. 11!1 tgh. 1'.F'.W.11. M:NPLOIF,FaI H110 riTOI'K
director..p.l.t• 11t this me•liug. no Alpo
Q. --I 11111 thinking of buying 41'few 41141 .\grl.'nhurnI llistrict Itepr.•wcntn- By Any of ette,lragiog thrift and.
units In one of the Iced lake ayndl- the :Mothers, who invited roapern- stimulrti1114 the Interest of .mployeeni
rates. 1hr you think 11 would be ad- 1 1331 with 111• o111,,. ha the Company- they work for. the
rtadrtlle• for -sur- ter - trteln++11felr-ni►-In'---•4e.•-Mmrr4A°at- WAS -1011d . in l h,l _t1P Ra•11, 'h.•trphone C1.mpnay has moot,. It
vestment'!" --I.. It. it. pre-Iutine of rho warmth of his re.- rnsy for ?.leph•Pr.• i' to Tw,Y.tet•
,Anse --The Iced hake syn41kates err 131331.14 1011 at 11 1 1 lnbrt+ and expressed °Muer• of •flare• In the 4'omprny..As
only for the speculatively lnellue/l. it hhnxl If it- 'Midi: f iiiiTu scan hwt--w'ttf '-rho-»seven# 3.4.14"rt four .11 .71-AUsgl.rt
Is possible that Meme) W111 M• mad • the rrwnit of his trip. feeling it will no les" 111011 s l:si .employe•s have
by some of the more fortunate. Mut it lewd to ItAMen•wYl 0otivl1y throttle sulal•rllx•41 for 341." k 10 IIle ,nmuttt of
'!11.•4"1 Moores. This mrmlet that 70Is then,a• n gamble.. Any money pati Ihr df•otrl••1 cecerel' per mot. of eligible •mployees vire 111
foto these 34}•tr111eatrP shook, M only ----.-
etch ('11114 1134 one 134 prepares1 40 twee The obi -time bartender's • greeting. plro•ess of hemming shareholders. In-
Alorelecr. In regard to syhdh•wten the "Wheys your pollen?" isn't the joke pleating. ns the report lays. •'e e1p-
teg111 •trisetnre of the organisation nowadays that It was nncr.+-Guelph mrtelahle temieu v tower434 reline
shoved 11r Investigated most carefully. *1'. nry. sod thrift."
m.r-,.r"o«*,« , r ., 1s.'w+1ra :a:a•yp car vow t. • ire,!' ` 4 `y::•:..,.
X'3t.'" I',,T,9!' 4e., 't'44fr1' NtfNtta•'kms� �,ra!v.a^emusuYty' iGri° a6"tefi ptrMnRll6y(,44,"'.r
rx�bgar.1'ape1'1T1 x'1!(' ,w-'7'41 wkt 'irt9Fsi la dtA�g14F.oNetPtM�+•!4%lflax"riii. R„ite,W.,t116rN�^k 're. a:_ ,yy+"W'hp
34y s we.ar4r4raua,,4rtfF.Nt41at1 x`.m.1•a'•,4 ,43411 Nawx' era sw.yr . ,•a:•*u:lbP'1MWtar •w�t't It.e4'
nae, 1441 4v .4.411,3#4.44.440,41,. 1': x.ter',.'41W47r.4ell I*".1:N.�"1444*4i 0144154146kMN•451.,4'a:,1,'.l'SflR•,'5t*.11fYR!�' 44'1 44'.4 414(.414314
Three Hats
1 Fllrcic:tI Comedy in tllr.'
:Iris to lie presentcI toy the
.\RTII('11 ('lit, LE in
Knox Church lecture room on
Thursday and Friday,
March 25 and 26
at 8.15 p.m.
Admission 35c.
Special music between acts.
Dealer In
13 in,. Life. Accident.. Aniomo
bile. Nod tie:mind lusurlin'r•
_ . Agent
(Mks.. North Stns.). 1'oonc .a
0. F. Carey & Son,
Insurance and
Bond Brokers
West Street, Goderich,
Ontario. Phone 230.
r--,5ir,et1't*R1•.'.5'4 -"
41/1:134...3:3.,11 ,.
rte!•M4u+.N16e11ia+.nmx.r s. e4alwMh• r #4,13 .'Y »1WW 4r`P'3,041.1. "..44.....,u1•'r14" n.ti•'m1+04.rww:.
«,.,.: t1•r ere y�a4t�pw+,vnmam.n^4 .'9m errt40.,VV04. 'N ST Vtr~ififfriki***1.011IPP
MA�'•••44W x5411✓ 1 .Wfw't MM',S.o 4 sp9.Y iA1»'.3 lwIMM''W+wiA11M l.4WA.4MM .+Ys.•'.mwio+ww* •mw ww•r•ren
Huron Investments Limited
We offer unsold balance of New York Evening Journal
614' Bonds, due December 1, 1937.
This is an S. W. Strauss C -o. issue. € 1
We have also a special department to handle Insurance
and we are prepared to write all lines of fire, automo-
bile and life Insurance.
Huron Investments Limited
Royal Bank Building - - - - Goderich, Ont.
Stock Brokers and agivgife�t
. a. Bond Dealers
Direct private wire connecting with Toronto, Montreal,
New York, Chicago and Winnipeg Stock and Grain
Our board- room is open to the public ' from 10 ran•.
to 3.3Q p. m. daily.
Huron Investments Limited
Royal Bank Building - - • Goderich, Ont.
MN4.11 .: •
►' -.�•: •data_
1,3 fat
41' eCr,.k �.r.