The Signal, 1926-3-4, Page 3• • - v'n sir An; VI, ..Myi�M1Yi.�i `.'W Rxb'Im.�ttTkt�G. FL'av saih'i'eleJ'k Save Your Money Our dubbing rate for The Signal and The Farmers' San $3.40 You save 25 centstand the Dost of Bending a money order. A kimilar raving on other publications. The Signal 1 Your Office Stationery- Now tationery Now is a good time for you to look through your stock of Office Stationery and place your order for new supplies. We can meet any competition in quality and pries. The Signal THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCH 4, 1926 SEVENTY-NINTH NINTIH YEAR NO. 9 HOUSES - HOUSES ALL KINDS FOR SALE If you lnteud buying a bomu let me show you wbere you tan save money. Never was the opportunity better. Get prices on what 1t will cost you to build. Theo come In and see what 1 have to offer you and save money. This I will prove to you. ' P. J. RYAN Heal Estate and Insurance. 'Phone 00. a Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada You carry fire insurance on your home but no Insolence on your lite. Your home can easily be duplicated but your life tnnnot be restored to -your tatpiy. • Be consistent and carry adequate Life Insurance. H. R. LONG, District Agora Goderich Phone 115 4, INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance --__ Company of Ca Essabildmi last. - Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario. D. D. MOONEY, Agent. East Street. Phos. 250 God.rich. Ontario. BLIIE WATER GOLF CLUB HON. 3. G. GARDINER'S he won a reputation as a debater," ORAL SCENES I HOLDS ANNUAL ]METING `av rho told The liter law•klc, 'hu our �/ EARLY DAYS SPENT' competition he saran a wilt sill- VIEWED BY MISS TOM hlematie of the college championship. Further Imptrort'ments to Ito Made to nod titer iw woo a gold medal in tom This Year iN EXETER p�C I,eu•rlon with seven reneges. Ills ON HOMEWARD TRW Club Properlyannual subject had to do with wheat growing. The 'second annual general meeting I am not certain whether it had any -__ of shareholders of the Blue Water 'addles' flavor, but it {ondsably had." Golf and country Club, held In the New Premier of SaakatelfeWaII t•rrmirr I:ardlwr's father .and bro. Elephants Do the Heavy Work in Board of Trade roouna on Monday Wu a Thrifty, Industrious, titers hold a prominent place in the the Lumber Yards and Saw - ...veiling of fila week. was particularly Wideawake Boy affectionate regard it the iworie of well attended Boca brought forth eo ---- the TJ+anter Road district. The)- cat*• a mills of Rangoon much new burflnetts that the directors' into the ,uutrtry the better part oa u- sulaestuent meeting had to be ad- (Turontu liter Weekly) �,wrturr affil and hewed Prow the for- Jouruetl alter the election of omcers. Exeter, (krt., Feb. 37. --Exeter, it.. come of tit• Hurst forms fu flee }'dluwing an• further extru1'ts from The financial statement showed wagon hitched to liaskutchraun'r new . I,at ,a. lir+ of 1'sl..nu• Boca Iliblm•rt. letters n•ecicar by Mr. .1. E. Tom. 1. l'. i l l 1 I that a fair margin of profit had Igen earned on the second year's opera- tions; and In the balance sheet. with a conservative appratsement of land. improver) buildings. and developed .(,arse. the Club bas already bunt up a substantial surplus. The operating revenue. from over 100 membership* and visiting players, wan oiler $2000 in excess of the former year. Stack watt allotted to test new shareholders at this meting and the Indications are that It may be necessary to close the. stock suis eription to the public 1 heron. the end of the present year. A program of increased weird • anal further th•ve.l0pm.nt to the coarse, such as the installation of a water service to all greens. improvements of greens and frltways, ne•essitatel an, "And." adds Mr. Turnbull, "1 will eulantement of the directorate tQ tatty -tor -Am -nor-m that he was a good boy. a twelve members, which. from a larged senslhtr buy. toad be has made every list of nominees. resulted es folbwe: suer ofhis way up the la,kier with Mayor Mack:wan, Dr. A. C. Hunter. bit ism, In his hand." Ur. A. H. Macklin, Chas. A. Reid R. Lilted to Dame. -Jim worked for me twenty-five years ago. when he was just a boy." Thelma Hunkln. a farmer living six miles out from Exeter In the Thames tread district. told The Star Weekly when asked about Jimmy Gardlnt-es t'remler. Hun. James 1.. Gardlnrr' Very few of the early e:e titers were. from hl. elaughtrr. M �•, a .r latest additlwa to Canada's major gat- fu 4141' howl Iwfurr ih1-m nod not 11 f.•w Ti°' ''u rointe 111/Me from Iselin. 'Weal e,uetellatlon*. Is exhilarating followed firm from Glasgow 111 form 4dine: today- In the heavenly spates, ` the Se.'teh community that hits sine. - Ali around the ,ouutryslde folks pruvlal8441 so Made stun lauudiaus. are talking of Jimmy Gardiner, tiff Hie grandparents. lir. and lira. Ike Icon. Jimmy Gardiner, l'rrwler James last Gardner, long Blues deal. weer Garfield Gardiner. swapping remlat- nlsrried in ll,otlalwh but their chile sr•nern of the days whet' Jimmy slant dn•n were all boot urns Farquhar. his boyhood on the old Gardiner holm- '1'14,• new t'ry ester's grandfather was stead twat of Exeter,•near the Thames ' p r inla•ut in all of the activities of road village of Farquhar. Huron county, slot for tunny years a Premier Gardiner, avers 'Mr. All ,.« utcillor and sats our of tins headers Ilam Turnbull, Exeter iuson:wee of Liberalism In the dlatrl,t. In a agent, tepteaklog the volt of the 11111/..business way aha.. he evldetn'141 a vil- la a credit tit i:atx,rne. and aha t'..r ttwtlrral+ip. perhaps to Hibbert township, too, let'- R..I„•rt I:anllner organise.{ and for caner his folks were pioneers elf both )rears sass president of the 1',ronrne these municipalities. amt II:lawn Mutual Fire Insurance 1. Lloyd. A. J. MacKay, J. W. Crag - ale. E. H. Hill. G. L. Parsons. Dr. J. .l. Graham, Harold Young, 11, 1'b - lather. Subeequrutly Dr. Hunter was re- el.e•ted pro*l#nt and Mayor Mac - Ewan was re-elected vrceltronidnitntnuePmenta Tit hitt 14n14 Mge7s.- -- The os secretary -treasurer of secretary-trearer wast "He liked to drove. and he sure, , split. the secretaryship being taken by Avoid dance," said Mr. Iiunkin. I'olltw•Maglatrate 14e1d. and the treats- -There were not inane amateur thea- .{ nrertthip being retained by R. L. triral entertainments:for him to get The AID roBg Real Estate Lloyd, to whose untiring efforts mach into then, hut aropnd the houses of I of the financial anc,•p*w of the venture the neighborhood he liked to dance, and insurance Agency i dor. t`hnirmanship of the essential especially the sailor's hornpipe. Of operating i Both m committees was placese ' as cour, be should have been able to Life (San Life). Aetidetit and Auto- follows: G Is'Motto. . It. i.. Lloyd.do it. It came natural to him. ails Inouranee i A. J. MacKay; house, H. Ch laeker; his mother and father were among Hottwes and lots In Goderich and vt- I water and Tight. G. 1... !'arsons. the best and most graceful danders einity and farms for sale. - i The meeting was adjourned until around herr. Jimmy eo1110 dame any A fine lot of houses just Bow for Monday. 1(th Inst., for completion 01 step If he only saw it unto. sale. untlitlsi e l business i "He was a lard -working. ludustri- FARMlI 1 j ,NIK enertetie 1.,y. Not a Bary (nett in Special for quirk sale. Important t Three daughters of lis' proprietor him. 14e liked work, but he liked to sett at Duce. 1(113 -acre farm: good 1•f Ioudon's largest fiolrartment store Play. too. The thing that 'sands out loam soil: nu hills, s1ou51s. re)ino5 have now married noblemen. Keeping in my mind about 1'inr a -nu that he or waste band. Bxerilent for all kinds n w•induw• 14 no longer a bar t„ society was :1 Jolly- 1.0Y - of roots. torn. alfalfa. wheat or tether if society is hard 11p -Toronto matt "Did 1 ever have to give him •1 cuff grain 111' hay, indicating a good warns productive subsoil. (an be worke•t amongst the first in the spring; east') Rorken. well supplier! with water. mostly weeded down. Ou this farm thin• are about 211 acres of bush. mostly beech and maple: a large al - must new hank barn and silo; targe implement bourse good Iwo -story dwelling house with cellar and wood shed; Nater in house and stable; well flnT-NTndmIITT t�7eht*T11-t4ltuat^d• 1 miles from g.so1 vinare. 2'Fi 'nue", from 14.11. station. t,G mile from school. alsett 13 miles from Goderich. This would make n that -class dairy farm. or suitable for general farming. 1'rice low for quick male. Easy terms for payment if required. .\ number of other good farms for isle. almost any size or location re- quired. Some small places. just outside cor- poration of Goderich with all neces- sary buildings. For all particulars see or write J. W. ARMSTRONG. above Parsons' FG air. Ont. P. 0. ilex 59, and Empire. . d • but all wi intellig11111 . "The Iter 1 n It• 1411, always a scholar Hosiltal at iwonelen tlnor like u.r•ie You really have,; 111. w. are a carefree, pletemre lot ing (i,mialny. which still s'et's' the dis- trict. Ifs also -epended -saw-- ef- the largest el.e•..e fa/tortes In the di:sleet. Father an Invalid Jamar ('. Gardiner. the Premier's father. also had iww) a man of 3nfla• encs In the district, and one whose misfortunes are the oet'aston of regret. Ile Is described 4414 n man with a constitution of *te•1.'('44' he could not have un long survived n condition sail, h �a.r-3ertrE--iitia3:-Dur-tLr;+asi two years in \',(traria hospital. London. Mr. Gardiner many years ago wam kicked by a horse. At the time the Injury aeumel to have been cureeL but the trouble recurred. requiring con- stant hospital attention. 111s wife lives with their (laughter. lin. .Allen. at Kirkton. Besides tht. daughter 844(1 Premier Gardiner they had four either sofas. all born in the Thames road distrh't. During the Great War all four en- listed : Earl from Kirktnn. with the 5Stt1 Battalion. 10 die at Lens: Edwin, at Winnipeg with the 122nd Battalion. t.. share the fate o1 his brother rat 1•:1.,4urnixle; %Pillion at London with the 'lard Battalion in the spring of lar trip from Bangkok 11 Petting took thirty -Mix hours. The country though flat was tateresttng. Their is considerable eultivutluta either side of the railroad. rice. rubber, cocoanut palms. etc. • We sow many nen and unusual birds, egrets (ruin Nhich afg- rettea are taken during the breeding 'eaw.1. when the parent, birds are killed and the young left to starve. 5)nly once did l see mouke)s playing ht the tees. At Penang Ne stayed aft the Ituoti,y neeh•- hotel, which feet+ the (Manuel. Penang is on an island. quite pretty and very hilly like Ilong• Kong. In the afternoon ne took a motor ride to the public gardens and several temples. The first temph• we visited la ra11e1 the. Snake temple. The place la full of them,' bright green snakes toiled all over the altar and the wood curring. They seemed per- fectly harmless hut gave me the "creeps." They are ltd on ens. and 1 . the priests requested that we ,ontri• bate to the cause. The gardens were very beautiful, too many unusual dowering trees and shrub* gut what interested us moat *,'r.- the monkeys. Tlu•y run a146ut wild anti look wvli fed anti prosper• ons. We tta,k fruits with us to feel them. They appewreed from all Tends until over fifty had gathered about our car. The oldest and stn.ngest got the most. putting a- much as they rou1d grab in'their uuurths at an, time. Wheii they found the supply exhaustest they prece(k(1 to east at their leisure. --- -- -- -- The r, are tunny rich Chinese iu the hillsides. We met many rifts oft - Getting Educated Penang, 1.411 the largest foreign 4.01.41- Intion is British. 'isle Malay- is teak floating down the river to the;11 -1111 1\shy do you read wilt lent rasher iu,lol.11t. a roust of the lui'ur saw mills in IGango..u. wlsleh take are. if It bores yon? is d.me b) [hiue.r u1' Hindle.. Ns•n,r' two mouths to get to their destine-] .\s fta Nu 1 (4111 enjoy Inn•• 1 .1411 such a variety of rola. tion. us the current of the river i. nes I . , �..�...�.�.�. w....,...1'_ ...-...1'r...-•,......,..... SOMETHING To FALL BACK. UPON MONEY in the bank -saved from your income and earning compound interest - you will find not only+ a great comfort and protection in an emergency; but' a ready fund to enable you to take advantage of business oppottunitia -- -The Bank of Montreal welcomes small savings accounts, and it offers you service as well as safety in connection with your account. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 Total Assets in access or $ 750.000.000 1 a ' lk:,l/ �.r O r•. ,�., .�'•eY 1!'t.i• to have his hip shntlenri in tlw. I'I''rious• all ihr way from a rich slow. '*\'ills at 1lal1g11n11 tel Signet' t cream 10 n shoe gnlf'h blank. one of the sa1nlills to watch the e1e Aug11st pnrwtir:= the armistir.•' and The sew fruits have been a great 'thaws ns'vblg thew• 11,11') leak logs• , Hnhert with the net h, h, sltsusiu shell � Nhich the}• pink tut turd entry to th.� n the tar? '' •ours, not. :limner ue,1t. 1::81 •.. dultaus. ,t.. Ih, (M ue all 1'i •ht. Ile was quite a base- -leek ,..o s•t•.•re that he Is still under is •u odd. I:u •r fruit N ill •1 s ,fav mflf runways. , They hw.k .., stupid N ( hit. + 4 I -- --.-- - - -- -- hall ',Meyer, then need a 441..1 football treatment at W,•stnlins;er 5111(tnt•) silo, a vtu,•II Mks n bad .gs, •w Unlimited Quantity of (1001) MINED WOOD' FOR SALE at $3 per single cord, delivered. run GOD:'RICH MANI FACTt'RING CO. LIMITED. (root of Anglesea St. Phone 61.) p a)er, .o. 1 acid rand a hrt."-1'rrwi.•r t:arl4n,r-_nevi-its- hi, ofd 1...het.l your tm�• whin 11111 t it..�latipl'• uud the u1i•n w•hlolnNark. Th. After working for ht'eive or ttfttim Iters a< "fief( a+ f again 11' Nus •1'14,• Malays are %try fond of it: N.nlwn are Ihr iu.v.Isunss. Tho lulu dollars a months for William Moody here last •lune• and again at (heist- The eoci.:unrt 141 1111. Make :1 hovel) out 1, b. n• is done be Chinese ..r Ilia nest lir Hunkin h• emaeladtd flat mos. one o[ ihr usrm.ri.+ ho cher- l,ictsnr they ore o gnsrtful j cans. Nature is very kind 1,, these u Ihetnw•Ivrs in the N'rst. With 11111 ams'+ sou( s. c o • Burma as -hill lbws in otic caw1:1•,1:11,1,1.11,o a re's entrain he rvrriyel his first tuiti.at under ll r. s .• eF and . so why tlrmw•Ivs'1 Th.• I • favorable 'l lsonnnitte1 might 1.111.. most is that of hi- ,lays at the, Rubber shays •I.• large a tail iu 'turmoils. '1'14.• weather is never cold. can•+(t i Th 1 I 1 11tH, where j f II 1,..i1,..1:.; grows fa abld Just a kart of his summer es GEO. WILLIAMS Dealer in DOMLNiON, PROVLNCIAL, MUNICIPAL. AND IN- DUSTRIAL BONDS Fire. Lite, Accident. Automo- bile, and General Insurance Agent Office, North Street, P+.one 113 SecuringYour Future The man who takes out a 20 -Pay Life Coupon Sav- ings Policy today will receive an accumulation of bene- fits all through his life -protection for himself and his dependentsr�and increased dividends every year for Lv years. These dividends are provided in the form of guaran- teed coupons attached to the policy. You clip your first coupon in 1927 and from then on their guaran- teed cash value increases each year. If you leave the coupons untouched the policy will be paid up in 15 instead of 20 years -your dependents protected with- out further cost to yourself. Coupon Savings 20 -Pay Life Policy--- Age 30, Annual Deposit $184.00. Benefits -55,000 for natural death. $10,000 for accidental death. $50 a month for total and permanent disability with all future premiums paid by Company and $5,000 paid dependents at your death. $24.75 in dividends at beginning of second year and increased dividends every year thereafter. W. J. POWELL Local Agent, Goderich. The �lorthern life Assurance Company of Canada Loadoa, Ontario. Established 1897. 1r,mr with Rabb. a rcmarkslde •,,yrreigu ..f the 1 It ui 1% est. Fns t,o one . tit r t . b1' rtru••k' ••w1• -t-. make hla t 't r to ! I his 1111(10 in cleerwfltsr. lianitolu. 110 had nutde such a journey as a child of seven years e -hen Premier u 'u rnhla•r hellish give then' an excellent govent- rurnl clans room, who :-till wields the u ' vsnunu•s of -the serval, on this boat l s4•1f-geternnlrut as is 1'am1ida. are now na nnr wary 111 1i11 1'111111, 1111 "The Angora" of the Brit cash India Line. We expert to arrive at ('ninth' 00 .18011nr) :4111, from e hide -err gra M Be eases-w►s.L-thee. lu 'uncle remained. hell .tent(• r. tlarltt''r- _- Ale- .1u Boron ,orae•• opera -large whit, flat t41 Astra. t» 'Tend at least n week In the tier ami his Gamily moved 011 to 101'9, t ,Ind theft t0 i.in,oln. Nell., hilt after Live or six years the family returned to the Exeter district. The old homestead had been sold. • bet ---they hurklel in again. however. and xlwn Iaaid for one of the finest lass -acre farms It the district. Then cane the time when Jimmy gave ear to Greeley and lent West. Ile finished his eollegfate work .iu ('learw,ter and proceeded t0 Manitoba College, 4.Vlnnits'g. where he to,k his degree in law-, and ligan to cultivate 11 vigorous interest In lwslitles. - The I'ramlrr'a Only stater. -.Mitt fk'irrge Allele. who lives near Klekter., east of Exeter', et -infirm, the lu•lief that 4he notion for politic. had been derel0pwd In him .,oilege day* at Win- nipeg. "While he was at Mamk0118 ('ollege 1'41 would 1.• 111111'11 amuse(' at the 111411 t• aa• Kral y u•y chalk and pointer in :t oil° ,lions,• un the M1rn•ey Indian re-er'r -outlines[ s F.1,•phauus 4. \\e hal,• left ih, chi. Gartiia•r's father. from whom he of London.• 11,•5,• behind and fruith mo.e oil 1,'li!Nights taken the name of James. had gone will do the work 011 the bunts and in with his brother William first to REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS Ih• hotel., The waiters wear a 1cos- t 111 t'tearw•ater. There the I routers for week ending Fehr eery �.. 11.1',58 twee that w011111 do erelit to ' soy . thane a (law burn l'ennty tight waist effect with a circular skirl city of the Taj Mahal. 1111 Total hogs .... 111 Extra heavies .. 1 SIep hogs :5 Select intron .. 31 Thick smooth ., heavier 13 Lights and feelers 1 145 1632 reaching halfway between the knees 6 and ankles. to girdle made of eon after :M) 1'011 of yellow anti blue cord and a -- 514 pair of boggy white trousers, 't1) shoes .Is lufrr or stockings. The black of their ' :4 faces and the white of their costume 114 make a striking contrast. We are now on the Ray of )bengal 111111. to loot( Kipling, "I In the rood 111 Mandalay. when. the flying fishes play.- 1 was dlsnplw.11tel In the flying fishes. They are small. but there a re bux'ITeds of them. At R9npson Mrs. St. John. whose h elated is preskieut of. luelsou-ll,l- tege. -met us ata' snggeutel tripes etc. Itn11gco011 Itself is most colorful. The There aro many more women than Burmese costume. both un men and awn. Whk•h may mean that nature *,omen, eottkfsta of a skirt of silk or Is ,*towe1)' (1lminatieg rho weaker sea. e„014l1: hr1111*nt greens. blue and --Washington Post. resie predominate. This Is worn with Lary Flatter. of' iwondon. has (.1411 l4vil,g a month on grape juice. rluund. watery. ---St. Tlpomas Times -Journal. Talk Is not one of the things that mIDP:_tuemtwLof parliament feel like giving 444-444. L*•ut.---Xing3t.un Whig.. HOG SHIPMENTS FROM HURON; 1925 u little silt.. Jacket cut In ,sqyle, Tire mea wear • silk turban of some brilliant shade. The women Idle, their hair h 11 large coil on top of Tb• following synopsis of the grading of the hogs shipped from the various the bead. sill natural flowers (.11 one shipping points in Huron county canting 19'21 has been compiled In the °Rl.e of Hide. the agricultural representative In Clinton: Their plalr9 of worship xrve built GRADLNG Rl- TOTAL MARKETING OF HOGS FOR HURON ('M)'t NTN. 1925 Per cent. 1'er r. 111. Per . • et. Year ,.y.nmel,fr4:r,• Total Hogs Itele•ts Hea'1... Shope.. i.ig'ht, •alt, -.c and teeders n round large pagodas. generally cov- ered with gold lent. 1'1111 11111 imagine the lovely picture they tnnke In that brilliant sunshine. The largest anti most revered of these IM Silted Depot 1923 , . ten tr't''..,.BSR99 ,,,,,k;}r, 2:0.2 l:._ , 12.1 i4444tn, %Ode11 Is built on the edge of 11124 .. -" 1TARi 27.14 4.1 11.4 what are known ns the Royal bakes. 1925 r.142 :40,4 4:i 5,5 Mrs. St..14,11n took 11" there nen' tiny In GRADING, 61• LOCAL SHIPPING POINTS FOR HERON ('OUNTI, 11116 her ear Just at sawed. The re/Minion Per ..,.sal. __1'4r dad. l't'r-_cent 1.111 the 414jjr tend the pagoda sans Shipping Point Total Hogs Selects Heinle. Shops, Light. glorious. 'There is a helluttfully -kept and Feeders park with polo grounds. Istat. ,•lith, 451 9.7 4.3 44.8 3.0 1.8 42.6 2.1 1.4 32.3 5.6 4.5 4.t;, 8.5 lin urs - 5.9 Wroxeter ....415s Clinton 1910 isondeslooro' 4278 111)414 1505 McGaw:. ...t .•4491 la . 82. Helgrat•e ' 2991 320 -- Hensall 72111 81.A • 3.5 Exeter r... , , 774a. -- 21,5 - . 3.6 Ethel 2(011 11„ ' 50,5 2.7 itrinstel. 6771 4' - 80.7 3.1 l'ordwIela 4343 Ili,. 80.4 83 Althorn 2314 `g�n _- '304) - 48.4 Goderich 1015 F7 10.0 3.2 Hingham 5919 gid 29,9 (1A - itWaitron 4482 els 5.8 rueefield 1751 w is 27.R 4.5 Jitnevale 22911 25.6 2.9 (Norrie 4804 ,rte,, 24.3 s 6.4 Wee forth � 'tw 221 A rv'ILA ta a,t Cent rolls - ..,«.. 3,9 3-7 7.1 7.0 3.9 4.1 5,0 8.2 4.2 93 5.5 9,7 7,8 9.0 houses, etc. After our visit In Rang•,of w•1' took the troll. to M.ndnlfly. made famous by Kipling's poem. There see a few .1.1 Wave. and monasteries them. lo,( 7111i' 1S7.9IITSt$nd rim penphe ser tri more Interest. Frotn Mandalay we took a bast up the Irrawaddy River to !thane). 11 Is a very Interesting trip. as we slopped not the tillages to cant riff and take on mall. The Post- tautstt-r-Hewwral W** on board and he to;•t its of the manners and habits of tb.• people of the miM.ry. The river nes,r Memo I. very narrow. with high rocky cliff on either slily covered with jnngle. teak. Dolma. bamboo, a lees ly pk•tnre to the Western eye. hi plates we saw elephants moving the hes%) teak logs down the elude. on R',llldn't it 1.• tine if a wonwli 141)0111 her housework could look like those •111 this soap advertisement.? Sault Star. the cart,wu J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance Limited. Insurance and . Bond Brokers West Street, Goderich, Ontario. Phone 230. Huron Investments Limited We offer unsold balance of New York Evening journal 6-.4 Bonds, Bds, due December 1, 1937. This is an S. W. Strauss Co. issue. We have also a special department to handle Insurance and we are prepared to write all lines of fire. automo- bile and life insurance. Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Building - - - Goderich, Ont. Stock Brokers and s y rrlttl ll'1 ; Bond Dealers Direct private wire connecting with Toronto, Montreal, New York, Chicago and Winnipeg Stock and Grain Exchange. Our board room is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 3.30 p. m. daily. Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Building - - - Goderich, Out. •