The Signal, 1926-3-4, Page 1•
Clubbing - Rates
The SIGNAL can save you money
on almost any newspaper
odicaL Rates on request.
Your Advertisement
in The SIGNAL is an invitation to
more than a thou. -and families in (.Oderich
and the immediate vicinity to do businesses
with you. Don't neglect Your advertising,
Mr. Merchant.
*Following Is a list of gifts pneleuted
to Alexandra hospital on the oceaalou
of the hospital's birthday anniter-
+ary, February lath:
Women's Institute, (iotk•rkh-21
jars fruit.
4:,wdereh Township Hospital Auxil-
iary --Coleman lamp.
Niro. Sturdy -1 jar fruit.
Miss Andrews --1 bag apples.
Mrs. Gest. Audrewa- 'i baskets ape
Women's Institute, Godertvb-21
jar* marmalade.
' -% Friend-- 1j%t dose- aNea•
Mrs. Baker -0 plates and 6 cul*
and 'saucers.
Miss Melw•an-cup, Mnlwr
pia te.e.
Mrs. Sandy -apses.
Mrs. Jas. Blmoa•t- basket. of eggs 13
Mrs. Davidson. Dungabnon-12 Jar*
Mrs. W. 1.. Horton -ti doz. tea-
spoons. ',4 doz. knives.
Mrs. Jock Campbell -1 sugar shell.
Mrs. W. J. Felker -1 pair towels.
Miss Dorothy Fellow -1 bath towel.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. tianitm-1 wash
Mr. and Mrs. G. 1.. Parsons -1 table
fur nurses room.
Mr. W. H. Robertson -table for
doctors' sitting room.
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Wheeler -table
for nurses' room.
Woman's Hospital Auxiliary -3
Mr. and Mrs. Charles look -tulips
and hyacinths.
t'atholk Women's League --bedside
Mrs. Thos. Taylor -2 jars hone cad-
dish. 1 bag beets, 11.
Mrs. Albert Taylor -2 Jars fruit, $1.
11r. and Mrs. Jas. Buchanan- -con-
tribution box.
Maitland Iudge.• A.F. & A.M.-4P4
side Inmp.
Mrs. A. Snazel-1 jar jelly.
)Mrs. W. H. Ittrolt-plllow cotton
'and sheeting.
Mrs. T. Gauley-2 jars fruit.
Mrs. 11. Fesgan-1 jar fruit.
Mrs. J. Bedford -4 Jars fruit. ('urwen-1 basket apples.
Mr. Isaac ('urwen-1 basket apples.
Nlrw. Aliwrt Goldtborp-y2.
Mies Claire (Hive Ilat.•s-1 mirror.
Mrs. E. Ideielwr-2 jars pickles.
Mr. George C. 11111-115.
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Juek-1 table.
Mrs- John Webb -1 jar fruit.
Mrs. Jas. Webb. Midland --1 jar
Miss Etta Saaltx,-1 Ment fork.
Mr.. A. U. Maet.ean-2 jars fruit.
Mr.. Wm. ('ox --1 jar fruit.
Mrs M. J. Swaneon-1 Jar fruit.
Nlrtr ('urfrae ihmlop-1 doz. cakes.
toilet camp and 2 wash cloths.
and ':
(iodrrirh Hranrh Was Organized in
February. 19111
The twraty4Ifth anniversary of the
organization of the (;uderlch branch
of lbs Women'e Iublttute watt vele-
hratrtt by taw members of the branch
and their families at an at-home held
In the 1 %,ifellows' Hall on Thursday
evening last. The main feature of the
program was a abort playlet. entitled,
"The 14d1.•% of Cranford." put on by
tee members. (ntber numbers on the
prograw were a recitation by Mrs.
Lodge, a t(wal x010 by Miss ) ilts•o
Stowe, and a piano solo t.y Mr. Mc;
1'.. melt. After lunch the remainder
of the evening acs passel to dancing.
The. first Women's Institute of On-
tario was formed at Stoney Creek.
Wentworth county. in February, 18117,
by the late Mrs. .Ndelaldr ilootHt•ta of
Hamilton. While household patters
--food, clothing. housing -were prac-
11,11ly the lode subjects of dlocusston
at the inalitute in its earlier daps, the
puhlie-*ydrltetne*s of the wumeu was
moan shown by their active interest in
The News of the Town
"Squads" (laotina s to Make Inter -
CHURCH NOM toting Uiseoverier
PERSONAL MENTION GODERICH TO HAVE Ou Friday evening, February 'lith.
CANNING FACTORY the Marine,iiis1 Club eve their
Mr. Ite•n pati IauRrtdge vltlted Che nw•mtwla of Thr missies Hatt- ' fourth modal of the season. 'and at
Of North great rotted church are x.;Yr p.m. twenty-five tables were In
friends at Kincardine this week. Otipuiatitisa of l'omp,aul) to Operate iu x concert . to he liven on 1' y
Mrs. F. W. Carrie has returned Pan Practical') ('ompleted
preparing , fall opwral{trn at Itnogreaalsr bwtEre.
m a visit with frlenlx at Londeu• I Monday • March '•••-• fu • to:wk p.1:4„.:,'",,I.:3,11:.!. ir 1441- .rawtl ata.
.e 'the fool r these colon of last The sacrament of Hoe lead's Pointer Ito, pNzra to atter :IT! F. Brkkow, of Grand Nailer, .w..•L the foriser Huron ('anMug k
is visiting her parents. Mr. and Yee. Fh•aprating Clio plant on lirtwe street
Jas. Farr. Is b•lug takeu over by a new company.
Alex. John Lannon nod daughter to is known as tow Hums (`aanntnt a
a{wtt the weekend anti friends In
Evaporating Co Limited. The Com-
Wingham. pasty la Incorporated under 1'rostn• Rev. Alfred Marterlulw, 15,11., of
Mr. Will Doable, of Guelph. spent Llai statulra with an authorizedcepa• leu pines in all tverr played. Lauth
1 Clinton. will presch. sus then served and 150 gaardw Sal
Ito` peek -end with haw alstd•r, bra. _. -.*mow_the liruaut oyl ry ser,k 04µ{t, Iw•W kt
Th„ Shlride. farn.erx of Ile dldtelet. Tho 'snippety North Mrrr 1'nite1 ti,un41 neet.l Xua- ddiii a hilt roTrW, twL'e and rand=
Mr. Jos. Finn. of Detn,ft, spent the hits been urchaitrl from the Llan-
Khios-. The Club** xtewant'and M!
Week -end with his penes+. Mr. and P dlay'. at 11 a.m. and 7 iter This will wallet* served the lunch In their
ndiw Renk of Cumturrw at 'a price of h• the to* -sty -deal. uunhe•nwry of the ttsnal efficient mariner. The Moor was
Mrs. 1'. *'Inn. it-LISS,. •- opt dug of the pre'ent edifice Gtr pate *lie, cleared for dancing and trout
Mr. and Mrs. It. .1. 1'helen returned Tin• p,rganiaall.n n1t•Pting 14
the lit w0n+hi t. Ire, lt. U. Ilamiltott. of
to town lent week after spending a Mharehulderoowap held February 17th 1 thea dw, till a;wt a. m. all kinds of reels
month in Stratford. In the' hoard rte Track' room's. Mr. Ay'lnwr, will b• the Area ,ver at lath and attathsneva wen• indulged
te in.
morning and a cwahng a«rrvkre • and Mr. and Mrs. Graf furnialled the mu -
C. Galbraith. 'of Hayfield. war epeeist envie will Iw rendered by the ale for the dance Mrs. Graf was at
elected ehairtaan and Mr. Gro. laltla el[oir• anther the leadenobip`of Mr. H. her eery lase. uu ibis uvear{oa, and
wane. of Gak•tleh, secretary. The 1'. IiamiKlah urgaulat 4.t Inc chur•b' mad., a pretty picture as she sat at the
f(IBOxrin,' erre 4•or. ..atsIIday ter tabod in_m pin., plane between twb of 1te mor( famous
don 1.. laumh. 1). C. Galbraith, J. It. 1 players In this part of the country,
( ►rr, lilake tamer, Jas. A. McMillen. MINk 1!. M.C.C. 4 'taw .out• Mr. Armstrong. who took se -
Alex. Stirling and George lulthwalte. 11111 Welurlday night the 'link tick- entail prize at a resat content held la
Afterwards the directors met and an easy chanty from the Menmetunt• le,l,ion for the benefit of the radio
appointed 31r. Cru. ImltLwnite pr..ol- ('anow Club In the town hockey league' faux. soot sho.Is eighty-two year' of
dent. Mr. U. C. Galbraith vice -forest- ae, with ihr wore cot 124. Thr ape. and the otter Mr. J. Macintosh
M.rC.I'.l'a•'s ern.
thes•tvk•ett of of town. whit is known to Move played
some of their players, hioug. Nairn 125 dance tanto, at ono pitting Iii Ma
was the beet Lean on. the tee. BUl younger beep, and b eighty -Dour years
Wt•Ir showed up well for the lowers. of age.
The teams: 1 While there was a lull In the dance
1(Ink---Goal, 31. Xaudcrww ; defence. 1 strolled Clown the hall among the
Spafford. A. Sturdy: whom ('r Stowe, crowd and meeting a gentleman who
IS McDougall; tenets.. 1►n Nairn; sn•Imd to know everybody present 1
suite_ 1'.- Amber. C. Iltubtmaso: 'ttttllted him who that dignified -Woking
M.('•1'. -':nal, It. Stoddart; do.-•ne•n man was that sat at to table talking to
1'. Sahel. 11. Watson; wings, Flahtlt. a lady. He replied. "Why, that is
C. Nairn: (•('tatre. W. Weir; sub.. C. Danny Wiggins." and being somewhat
Siwardown, surprised to see him then' I &eked.
frail and an expertin t• Kefenw-.\. IAown11e•
. "Is that 1Vlgglns the .politician'!"
canning and evaporating for twenty Nu. indeed." he replied; "he Is the
years in the neighborhood of Toronto. Pub11e Mimi Based loan - haat make the politk•laur "
All the mrmb•ra of the pubRr school
trustee board were present-- at the -
regular monthly meeting. held at Vie-
torte school on Montle) evening.
The princiIat of Central s•h.ol re-
ported 7r2 boys and 14.11 girls -On the
roil in February. and un act'rege nt-
tendnuce of 161. i.r %1) per cent Pen-
n) (tank deposits ter the month were
Vittoria :witted -reported for Feleri-
ar) 17s oto' and 1x2 girls on the roll
and- an average tttteu(hluee of 3111. or
wl per cent. Penny Bunk deposits for
the month wen. 1F72.11:•.
A letter was received front the (:o d-
Prkh Horticultural Satiety offering to
preside free packages of Mower seeks
for the-sebool rhiltreso - It - was ik-
.'idea 10 pea)- for too membership* to
the Society and. to ask the principrtls
to Inform the Satiety as to the Mon -
will Iw dlsis i mot{ its Knox ehun h vett .urn: Mr %moo Strivers wtuning the
t(xhbnth next at 11 asap. 7 11 .111.- The g, a[lemast's first prize. Mr. Muni,.
minister will preach. stabbed' Mewl Mac Ku,r Thr eon sdatitnn prize. Mrs.
and Bible classes& al 3 p.m. Prepare- Vnnnurmau the bdtt•k tiros and Mrs.
tory „Frit...
alt Friday ata pm.. when
('11R M.Muo.s floe eousulatlon.
Mr. Ib.b•rt McKay left this week for
Port Burwell, where he will be eu-
gagod for some time.
Mrs. K. Johnston returned home 0n
Monday after flatting with relatives
community problems: health, schools, in Turonio and Guelph.
libraries. hospitals, mmmunity *halls, Mrs.Frank Baker. of Stratford.
Wr. While the Institutes have spent a few days last week with her
greatly enlarged their vision and field .Mughter, Mrs. S. Smith.
of activity. It Is recognized that pose Mr. henry H. Humber, of Red Dt'er.
eddy the greatest benefit las btu the
dertlopment of a desire to learn and a
spirit for Service among the. members.
The motto adopted by the organiza-
ttuu is "Fur Horne and Country."
In February of 1901 the first Wu -
men's Institute of West Huron was OF
go.ntretl boy MISS Laura Rose• (now
Mrs. Stephens. Quetwe 1. The meet-
ing ens held in the Temp•rancP Hall,
(;u,k•rieh, and the following (Aeons
were ele•tet: ter sldeut. Mn. HIford,
IlolutesvIlle; vier-pretiitenr. bias Mc-
Phail. Porter's 11111; s•rretary, Mrs.
Colin Campbell. Gorier it•h: measurer.
)Ira. 1. Salkeld, Gowlerkh.
pa Hospltnd Anxtiiary-19
jars fruit. 1 Lag apples. 5 -Th. pail
Mrs. Perry itoddnson-1 jar fruit.
Niro. Charles McPhee -3 jars fruit.
Mars- Jas. 1:0N ler-1 jar jelly.
Rec. .1. E. Ford --$1.
Mrs, J. A. Itnb rtsam-2 dish toaelw.
Mr. and Mrs. IL 11. M. Tichborne-
1 hrs.,. jarrlinier.
Mrs. K. J. Meana -1
Ib. tela.
M iso
Mrs. Harry Edward« -1 Jar pickles
nod 1 Jar fruit.
Sore. W. Powell -1 Jnr pickles. 1
jar fruit.
-A Friend -1 jar fruit.
Mrs. Wesley Walker -1 jar fruit. --
Mr. and Mrw. Jas. Bute -5 doz. eggs.
A Friend -1 Jar, marmalade. .
Miss A. MacDonald-" doz. tea
platen. s doz. bread and butter plates..
Mrs. W. R. Pinder-int.
Mrx. J. S. Platt -$1. .
Miss 11'. Ball- pie Knife.
MIs. Elan Mnelnnts-'2 rattle% for
Mrs. A. M. Maclnnrw-112.
Mrs. George WIIIIam%---rnkt• piste
and old linen.
Ntr. and Mrs. (leo. Stewart --4ltfo
Mrs. •1a•. Clarke -tulle'.
Miss Ferguson --1 jar fruit.
Mrs. Thomtis Anderw.1I-1 Jur front.
Mrs. William 1Vet.wttt-2 bath tow-
Mn.. William Mttch,'11 - 1 basket
jar pickles, 1
A,i Ileott--•otos and jar fruit.
T. howler -2 jars fruit.
Walter Nafte1---4 jars fruit.
1.. L. Knox -1 jar fruit.
11)r.) Field -2 jar' fruit.
flays -1 jar fruit.
Jas. Johnston -cup. salver and
James -Van Norman
The marriage took plats. at North
street Unite( church parsonage on
Tu(•aday evening this week of Miss
Frances Van Norman. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Norman of
11'r!dtwd•od, tint.. to Mr. Godfrey I'd -
war, Jci:re. only son of Mr. and
Mrs. George James of (footprint. Tawe
C. F. Clarke performed the eeremony.
The ytaing couple wUl reside In God-
-erielt.---The- -groom to a well-known
muikian of town and many friends
extend congratulations' to him and his
bride. - -
Alberta, ix in town visiting his bro- ,Trot and lir. Blake Cheer (Toronto)
titer, Mr. Chas. H. Humber. managing director.
Mr. and Mn,. H. C. Thune' and Thls practically completed the work
family have left for Vancouver. B.C.. ,.f organization. A few more shares.
where they will reside In future. , at SIl1) each. are to be sold. and It Ia
Miss Maud Pinder has returned baso they will he pwtrrlaaid 'by far-
mers from 1'almeJean where *he meers who will beelntert•atesl in grow -
was visiting Miss Jean Chapman. Ing prod -tient for the factory. The
Mr. and Mrs. M. J- Bowler base re-
msngter is tt presets is+ T eooto
turned to [belt home here after holt- mnkidg arrangement! for the removal
(laying In Detroit and Flint, Mich.
of him family to (:oderkh. but will r
blas Mary Young has returned from turn to town In a Lew .kscs. Mr.
Toronto, where she was Joined by ties Cheer has heti engaged as it dealer to
slater. lira. A. W. Reiter, of Iletrole 11 1 dealer of
ails Hamilton. a Ito had been en-
gaged for some time in the local Hy-
dro office. left this week to take apo
xitfon at betroit. Mist Emma GIMP:
bell takes her place on the Hydro of-
ole• i.tnR.
Mrs. John it. ('retgl-. Goderlch. an-
nounces the engagement of her dough•
ter, Evelyn Cratgie Johnston. to Mr.
Donald D. Fraser, Stratford, Ont.
The marriage will take play.• quietly
the middle of March, at the home of
her brother. K. W. ('raigte, 131 King
street east, Brockville, Ont.
itred Blair Remembered in Goderieh
as nsike t and Citizen
Regina. March 1. -George F. Muir,
K.C.. sixty-five yearn of age. city so-
licitor for the past twelve years, drop-
ped dead in hie otffs• at the city hall
this morning shortly after 10 o'clock.
(torn In 1.411 at Ferguson Falls, (Int..
31r. Blair received his public school
elucatlon there, afterward becoming
a teacher in the neighborhood of
Parry 10,un.1. Later he studied
law. irl 11101 he lto"tel ,,t ilru'sels,
glut.. where he first prnctisel as a
memlwr of the legal prof,-winn, Tater
tooting to G,tlrrich. (Int. Ile ram..
West In 1010.
n ppb(•%•
MIs. Father llnme-42-
Nurses' .%Joanne Axa'n! roses.
Marjory end 1►on,thy Henderson --
2 drinking glaxe•t-
Third Book i'npils. Central Sefton'
- $2.25.
Mr.. Wm. Donk-1 jar fruit.
Mr. J. J. NtacEwen-1 platter.
Mr. W. Webster -1 jar iemNfoes.
Mr. 1V. HeItmnn-roast pork.
Mrs. G. 1V. ttltek-:o jars fruit.
Mr'. F. V. bemilP--cheque for Ret.
g'onsidprable gnanittt'i of Alberta
(ail have I..•n distril 'uted about town
chi• work. It appeal to glue Meer.
exeetMnt st!.faetkdn.
!Irak Orwren' Bouquet
In connection with the fruit -grow-
er's convention to be held lu God-
erk•h on Friday. March 12th, a ban-
quet will to' held In the ,evening, at
-11.30 o'elre-k. at Hotel Bedford, under
the joint auspices of the Ilurou Coun-
ty Fruit Growers Council and the
Lions)(`pub of Goderich. T{ekets for
the biligttet (1$ eacbl may Ioe pro-
.•ured from i)r. callow or other mem-
bers of the Lb's). Club. It is hoped
there ail! be a representative at-
tendanee o ftlu• citizens of Guderlch.
Some of the Provincial fruit experts
Minch .Interest Is being ashen in the
in attention.... at the mdiplon will nnnoanerment of she up{a•oralt( of
be present and will nn., doubt take lint (len. H. King. of %1'iudw,r, at the
part in the program of the erenln{t'
entertainment to be 'Iwo in North
street United ehurt•l. next 'T'uosiit1 '
ev.'sing. Mr.. Ring w-" few --
years at resident of Gnderieh and a
very popular va'alist and after an ab-
.ere.• of some years she will be heard
again with delight. Miss •Jean
Walker. of London, will site nad-
itigt. and local talent will :issist in the
program. An exesticnt is en ings fat-
ten.' In ment
•utertalnment Im assorts,
The Good Road,. Convention
1'h.• I'roclorixl good road- ,•oncele
tloo tit Toronto last week aux at-
tended by nx•mIN•ra of the comity
r II, Including Warden McKibben.
Reeves Mun►Angw, Beattie, M,KNen
anti iAIAIFr, -snit ('aunty thar,t .e r_i t•_
tertton. Among the reaellithbis ppm*
wells elle asking for 1'rotitwiai l.•gIs-
lathott to compel the eerry•tng of lights
on all vehicles travelling on the high-
way. at night, nod our calling It.r tu-
tressed license fees for trucks.
From to rail at the Department' of
Highways it was learned by seine of
the delegates tont the 31InisU'r had in
eontt'mplati.n n change in the type of
construction of the Provincial high-
way from Gnderiflt rink. Perhaps on
account of the attitn(k• of the county'
council the Minister was Inclines to
change from the Intended concrete -
mergers' rend to a maec(Mmiael road.
Il1 mousiest
The Company Marta business under
the most favorable. conditions- Taw
work of promotion. which usually
esla from twenty per cent. upwards,
has in this case been done gratis.
Farmers owning practically the en-
tire capital rlo1-k, they' ail' have an
additional interest in the growing of
fruit and other pru.hucts for tanning
in their own factory-. The farmer' of
the -district generally will profit from
having a ready marker which lax Med
of Inti• years been available. For in-
stan(p, the manager asks for one
hundred acre,. of tomatoes this rea'i[on.
and as the operations of the Company
are developed the market air fruits
and T(•p(etabi('! which It will afore
will corresponding!, expands. JL can-
ning k tory Is just it bat the farmers
of this .'strk•t have been wanting,
and now that It is being pr.i-lded it Is
hoped that the fanners will do -operate
with it to touch gtotl palrpoose than It
'j1 poo.. boon in ihr community-.
Water and Light Cbmmltroioa
.► number of applications for e1,.'-
trle lighting services were wood by
the water and light commistdon hast
TItuntday night. The following a0-
plientions for electric range 'terrier
also ocre passed: E. J. Pridhnm.
Trafalgar +trent ; Thos. Ausebrook.
The above press dcspoteh appearing
in 4'uesdty'.. papers Came a! a shock
to the people of Guderlch. among
whom air. Moir was a familiar figure
for a numla•r of years. 1t ie believed
that to. had been in poor lealth the
last year. He it remembered In (:od-
erich axone of the most public-spirited
('hunch street; R. H. Reid, Palmerston
street: C. Mexin, Horton street. The
Port Colborne iron Works. which Is
doing repair work to the *.oat' at the
harbor, applied for :wl horsepower.
which was granted. An allowance of
PR.1$1. a% discount on the Inst half of
11)23 water rates. was made to the
e,t ettiuns.. taking a warm liter"ut in (• P u Nor..L..1;..Kelly, su_p riutend-
everything that tended TO Tice Obit of 1 clot. -iiia gnate4 as tncrelie of $230
the community. He was a member of in salary, dating from January 1st
the town couoctl for several years snot last. Ills eater) 5111 now ,toe 61,000 a
math• his influence frit is municipal
yea r. -
affairs. I'rof,'M•.Ionall „he waw a mem-
her of the iw¢al firm of I'rondfnot. Beard of Health
flays & Blair. the other memtwrt of The monthly meeting of the local
the arm being the dab• W. Prowdfeat jam` -=o erflab oe hem on Monday
anti Mr- K. C. flays. Hit wife, for- afternoon, with all the members
tnerly Miss Walker. of Gek•rleh, sun present. A report from the lostitute
Oven. with four spas. of I'ublic Health on a wimple of
!Pram an Old Schoolmate town dater tihmlttrd stater it to Ire
The following note lion been re- of excellent sanitary quality.
Cleet? by The Signal from Mr. John A report from the institute of Pub-
l•:'Ilott. i1.A.. of i.tod,.n : :k Ileilth dated February 25th on
"Thr press doiptt•h announcing the milk and cream sample% from local
.1.1.1.•n death of (:. F. Blair. K.('-, city dairies was as folks:
solicitor of Regina. Soak.. will come
as a NMI meettlge 10 these who were litcterla 1'errontaro
classmates of his in the days when h,• count tat
w•ud a popular xtath•nt in (iodk•rlch 210,000 3,11
High School- diel Blair lad mans 20,000 3.0
warm friends. The *dares.. presented 10,000 3.t;
to Dr. Strang tit 110• G.C.I. reunion MOno :co
1t107 W/1 f, MIgne1 on behalf of the ex- 70,000 :1.4
'huieut' by frau old bay.. the name of • • w
G. F. Blair teeing fine. 24.00
• 1. n 'nuvenir of 'indent days i ' 2►O,Olg► 0 24.00
lino, the none'.2O0,0 which was posited in 200,00000 22,00)
e old ft d,'t'i h High Schad on ' Fisher2200
%t trek' Mill. 1/RZ itlilIR the p, ogrm a Ben •:,r.•.... -2b•
00(1 for the next meetlnd of the ritrrary i ltisa(•tt 4n,000 21.(01
tkw4Ms, at which.I had the honor to (►k4. 40,000 2$.00
he president. Carrie Wliiism, wax A milk and cream test a* Made Feb-
s''retary. fine number wax a recite- entry 1$th by the a'M$taot sanitary
Hon by (i. F. Emir..inclnlyd were' Iusp.•for wits as follow
Milk Cream
3 21 26.00
:1.40 ',4.00
4 21 25.00'
3.m) 34.01
2sal 17.00
71.411 22.00
The LeataeraDt and Its cream par
itew In ted )tedfnrd Llork, which have
dae1 c eane't i for porn.. )wars by
]ir. a" Mrs- Aker. Colborne, changed
hand% 110a molt and are now In
Our,* ea•it
tl .Mr t. H• (lumber.
.ala tiP-
tit . * dtnmber.
Mt Manu.
Bell ..
Bisset t
Ben the
an easel lay George Weir. a song from
11 Horton and from Toon Henderson. i Beattie
o recitation by Jas. Weir. election of ! Fisher _
otikrr'.. and the ever pgmlir question ltIus.•tt
,trsw-er e.unduutel hr Mr Strang. Oke
Antons the students At that time were M,M,tnn.
F. a. Hogarth. David PPrrle. Rd. Dun 114.11
ta•r of seed paekltges required..
The matter of purchasing anti for
4'.wlral aelawe1 for the remainder pt
The Forst Aid Test
Istat Thursday afternoon the G.C.A.
first-aid team Was Inalw'cted by Colonel
Murphy of London. The drat aid
work la carried on In touneetlon with
the cadet movement. and la somewhat
similar to the work carried on by the
SI. John's Ambulance !kueioty. The
neat wax held *1 the st•1[ool WW1 co.•
,.lutist of Qurstlonx WW the human body
and the leroolaglnot of lin Injured mem-
bers. The team Is composed of three
titre and a waptalst. F'Iw (:.C.1, 'team_
passed the test with honors and are
qualified to compete In the contest to
follow In a few week*. The Iwve'
eery-suaUi iL1ut.tturtlun was give!, -by
11r. hallow. Those composing the
team wore Harry West. Walter Johns.
I'har11'x -:rove,. and Jack Meik'rmid,
the last mimed being captain.
Ingwetar MAAS Address
lturing the ,last thirty -fin -nitwit..
iwriod of Wedw'sday atternnou, Mr.
It. 11'. Anglin. in'sIxrtur of secondary
,r•hoel., gars a very interesting talk
to the stlulenta of the school In the as-
s wl•ly hail Mr nal ICA_ attic_ WIi
very appropriate. lab address was
eentred around the three expreaaTuna.
"Khow Thyself." •'Self-t'untrol." "15e
Thys•It." Ile enlarged rpm these 111
Ms own inimitable manner. also eV.
ing an interesting illustration of the
meaning of the wotdw "egoist" and
"egotist." Ile said that the three or
four years of high *spool were spent in
training to take toe "t" out of egotist.
an egotist bang w very self-centred
pi -man. Mr. Anglin wee not above
Mating a few buuu,rous anecdote,. to
the *indents. while imparting baa
anuud advice. - - - 'la
- Lttor-E' t Hocks"------
The inter terra Ms key games ate be-
coming more and more interetting.
Ott Monday night the champion IV. -
form team was beaten by Commercial
by the score of 2-1. Lower School
mewls Middle School on Wednesday'
"Just what do you mean by flat:" y t re
asked my tnformant. ''Well. it's -just-tbr.w•cornatett tie fur first plate.
like Ih1st" he replied. "Any man that iodise Rifle Cauteat
The Second round of the D.('.R.A•
feels that he has a political Ise in his
tonna and wants n political office of
some kind till he hits to du is to tell
Ihutny where he naafi, to go and
Ibinny g. -ti. him elected. But 1.1* Inst
mull that !Lanni sent to Ottawa was
lou slippery for them , down there;
they simply couldn't lad.' hits and he
1x now hack on 'rho. "arm again. But
Dann- was not 1n blame for that, and
I will toll yon abet It white you are
Tete, You mom•, sir. it x11 happ•ntsi
over a game of curls tont N'ax played
up north *tome place. Three men de•
cities! to pear ti amine of vitt throat
' night it la Iikel he will be a
indoor rifle tompeIitlon was West off
In the G.1, 1• gymnasium on Thnriniay
last. (tr•dltalrle scorns were macs by
all 'rummer,. Ila the team. lir. 1t. 1►:
None) watt Hing,• ot&'er.
G.C.L "Lk."
The second of the 'Literary X,a•le-
ty's entertainments of the spring
terra WM/ held in the Collegiate poseur
tit r Mitt-orr 1'rirtar (wwtiwg task lk►ly___`'!1
a small- audience tusk advantage of
the program prepared by the first net -
president. belle iia Cntt, who ailed
ae chtairman. Th.• opening address
towhee- and the winner was to re,•ire I_ was 117 situ• lalrunn, a
a free mkIMM to (►taloa anti roma end 1 plume sale, w•a. rendered by Miall Eve -
board for ttto .years, and s,, after att. tyn loran. 'rids number washeartily
ting (1058 111 a table- they derided to en'or'.. The sehool't humoronx pit -
per. familiarly kilovolt a.. "Thr 'Jonr-
nal," wan rt•ad 1.y Chrystal Atelier.
who matte his debut as an editor in
fine style. The (wive lnttowed ttwat4-
'I A
'I.A and 1:11 versus 111..\. on the xnb•
ft which a
take In a fourth party and Full ihr
game progr•Mslte euchre; so they
calt.•Il iu u deputy returning officer
the wows,' tear left with the prup•rly and it wap the .kquty'e ik,ttl, and be-
lieve rue, Mlmter. In. ens sli'k with
The public shoed inspector's reports the cards. 11'.•Il, sir. he dealt hlmtelf 1 jeer. "It.+i.lved, that women'% place b
fool Contra' and Vieterlat vbo1+"here-n winning bond nil right. but tie for. in the home." The affirmative view
re•rlced and read and a number of pot that there was a Joker in the pock. was upheld by Charles and Msrg"erite
h e matters reviver the attention
and when he played his Iasi trump Kohiq,}tm of 1.A. while the ne.,atlre
t , mL I
e elite wee champ 4 by Mhdss Dorm_
thy 1ir.twn-;ans1, Uat•gnret Redoing of
111..1. The leader of* the negative
aide, Mise Brown, proved herself a
ofth.• toard, cord. agister. they planked th joker
right down -rut tosessf-41. awl, he was
C1dIit..'s Aid Berkey euelarel. Well. (•Ir. they prott•ttell the
The monthly ones ting of ihr finron game uu the ground+ that the deputy
('ownty ('hlldrett" \id nhd ltntmtnC ipunald have
been told that there -was • .strung .mffrag'•tte and dealt at length
M.w•lely woe held on Tuesday utter a joker iu the deck. and .they brought 1 upon the milkiest. pressing home her
'swot.. with the pn•.ident h1 the 'hair the matter up before every Judge be- I ;stilts in a t•' manner. The
mal a fair attendance of taetuh•rs, iw,1•n tio(1(•rk•h and Ottawa that Judger decision w•alx girrn by Prlmi-
who all took part in dis•us*lag case% knew anything inborn Hoyle. but the 1 poi Huta'• who la announcing that the
mention,f by Ib• wup•rinteuient• Ilam .Ie•Ixluu was that . the joker was! negative had won remarket that of -
Eighteen different Allows were- dip the winning' rand• t,,,. sir, 4t utas ; ter three straight victories the first -
emoted and advice given. Accounts the grratevl game of canto that was formers had . at rout lowered their
amounting to !11112'.x•. were presented ever played In Huron county', or In • c lorti 10 their older opponents. Th
and ordered paid. Two children were ally other comity in the Province." I next number wax the muthdoutel Ulf -
Pd.dcel oat during the wealth and ,i thanked my- informant and rr i sIery nnuiwr of the rtening. The ma-
111erP are still thirteen In the Shelter. marked that Mr. Wiggins must have u I glvltun arrived after a long trip from
The following " +ntrtlatInna err• wv,nl'rfut Infi,dmee in the community. n royal interview with the Klug of
---t_.. .u.. J1w,ptb of 1P -111----2-V401, ludeal.' hit_ ...replied. "and it 1 Siam. an.t pr.we•ekei to entertain Nw
tflh ry -- mit mover r tt
rr mrd nrti gra/eftiNy +N7trta"(' hntFHw rime 1 wotT(i tell you t/L some- audit -nee wtrh p fnN rrt+rrte(!w -
so some go..1 rand others ted edged : al r. and alta. Kull Scott, $1; t.f I►anny's trwdrirm with the'arli(r in trick !
('rediton ETnn'g.lienl M. M.. *IS: J. A. the targe•%mirk-an titles. when he wire glow, Ills. Pauline McEwen next
Johnston, $1; Cr. ,Uwrtt*tt. $10: Mrs. iii sailor. - You know, -when iiantry fnvansi--ate' ussakesoce_with Iwo eider. _-
11'. Henit,re.m, $1: Wesley -Willis cent nahor• In one of Gime American' "1 know- n lonely garden." and as an
1-nHw{', Clinton. *!L31; Thos. It. ports he wasn't veer particular abut encore "You nasty. torrid boy," The
Taylor. t1': O. A. %%'earring. $1: Wm• itis uniform, set he would Just pull hie grand linnle of the evening was the
Mandereen. $1: E. 11. M$11,1e spa. 1t3: suit hat duan a 11111*- utrr hie left -.3'i ..stty "Jk'tty'a,ltuller.' featuring Eve -
township of Asbfirld, 71111: (tank of and saunter along up street, and tyn t•tlrrie as Ttett, and Alh'r'd uta y
4'omtlteree toil,. dos. Bingham. $3.43: whenever he met tt policeman they it. the butler. The ,nut : Betty Ilar-
tow•nwhtp of Mlorri•. n25: township of would size toothily up Mud stop him .ton Evelyn - t'urrle : Mrs. Barton --
Mullett. $15; Toronto ('.A.M..tntee- rind risk him his tram,• and where he Navin!'M1•Ihrmlt; airs..
67',:x11; ins. W. Gibson, $1: M. 11'• ens genie. One cloy h'• net tat. pe friend- Alice Uratic; Jordan the Mit-
Howell. n pair of hair clippers. Cloth- Iie•mrtt and ra. they, come e'er up to ler- alfrel Sturdy-.
into: F. Hlblw1rt. Mrs... 11. McKay• itnm.y he heard tow soy to the other: HM baa CiotlrTi(!t 111'M18a
Mrs. O. 1.. i'nraoms. Froth: luntwcls 'Say, {till. If tl(tt bird •alai a safe- Y
Mnrh a change would not w rPttln e W,C.T.i'., 10 quart. of fruit and lO ernckrr 1 nrr,•r tw one, rat's fn11oN . The Toronto tinily Star of Saturday
favorably in (kuk'rltit, nor, It is Is- tbs. of hoary ; Mr. 1mi nt,, n bag of tip. 1,111, and set• it 11111 the Illy Is. '• Well. 1 Inst had on. extended reference to
liese6 at other loin!* along Hie blotto- pie.: MI.N .l. Andrews, n beg of ape 1 must Iw ,lulu¢ coo " hM. r remarked. MIs'. M. Mreferencea'reatiyl of Toronto. alio
' k.. rad snndwl..hea: Ma rift'. "11 1111 If yon meet Me Isere at the next ns it final y,ror sttwleut of the Mesmer•
Y11;F r'r
way. and It In hoped that the Mitai•-
ler will not depart frnm the nrlgieei
intention to make It a (•oro'retessear-
tale rood. - -
t11ea. 1 e
iktt'trfi b Hp•t
Chao. Vieterels ehus, modal 1 will tell you or ihtnn)•'t ex- mens of household e.ettomka al 1 til -
Trent fur rhtblrt;t: Mrs, A. While.141e• petiole.. pith ihr .'tt'rlr•an police versify renege ons voted by her fel.
W. lit•itnuri..3, F. 14111813. when he en. n mise. and It's a gild I'ITW" tnttent$ tow most protl.ient all-
•rinh•utient hurodn,•..t the lath -. A• he rase to me I asked him rotted stndrnt in *het academy. This
r1,e atgN
The Nana! high tea .sill It• seri.•.I program of the Phil' animal meeting his name and he replied. "1 am known makes her eligible for the John .
by the ladle.' Aid of Knox church on and find eonventkm of the Ontario, So- front oar end of the fakes to the other Mono memorial mo'holarehlp of =1d0),
Thursday, March 11. Tea will be etety toe the Prevention of Cruelty to as Itnrhw 1(111, and during my calling She Intt•nde after gradnatien to ester
served from 0 to t4 o'el.t•k. after which Animals, to be held in the King Eti- days I was known se t beck • tittle. .Xt. Luke,' hospital in New York City
n good progrnos will he rendered. Ad- ward hotel. Toronto. March 10th and stat as a pilot and navigator i had no to train Re a dietitian, Mdse Me-
wlsstun. :ear children nadir 12. 23e. 111h, the first meeting at 11 s.m.. 11 epm11." ' dt., 1 nnktd the Marine Rill (..ready is also greatly. Interested In
intend. The 1Irtim mine
tuu +t l IN• hew -Ise thought he_comllared wish _the.__ &thit•tk*, Nina aa `tpc15 at. h1tsP►rall,
Th.. Colerkh Steam 14111013- will t seller of today. idke n Mash he haskethall. sw•tmmIng other de
1 .e rresldt11t, 111. Lnrtbhlp the rasped leek. "There l' no rnmparta(m plrtment' of apron. 31 y noderk•h
open for iikrs •ss n1, Arthur
street hy'. the 1
In N fo!N ds^s. Mr. .lrthur Snnzrl h Iii*hop ..f Termite tit all w-hnfeti•P. WILY. 1 haves forgot.- people ITP irttetrsfe(1 is bee from the
th manager. and Mr,. ('ununlnt for
ten more abet soiling a litcaiMaat fact that last sewpmn sot ea the die-
thanure•ra1 y,Mlrs with the Parisian Will- Rebekah iewlRP, No, rip, in- the sailors of todny- will 4.ter Brion at the Blue S, Golf and
dry of Toronto. 01ll Iw• In (bora, of tenht Molting n- PIN•t.*e And_dMm'r In knew." and to he walked away 1 could (onntry ruin and made many friends•
operations. the U,kHellow hall on St. Patrick's .,e` Ihnt he still r•tnlned. the elastic here.
SOW, by the Me Orli of a born commander. -
1.rrntld Redmond (',wok oMhe.1ro. Mlyl'IH11M.
- --- _ - Dar
31 lob
The menhir meeting of the Junior
W.A. will be held In St. George. hall
on Friday. tit 4.15 p.m. Mats Violet
Taylor, prebeentdent, who ham been slat
can. John Taylor. Arei
t*t it tixlrp, W.
R. )drinto'h And a Mosta of others. who Ita•s••rvP Wednesday. Mon•A 11. for Ing Mr. and Mrs. Charlet' McNeil In
to learn of the pose- 1
the card party and donee to be given Toronto during the pest three w,'•kt•
will be very sorry
Ina of G. F'. Blair.
., by the Wonrert's Ilrwpital• Auxiliary.
5111 preside as usual.
The Goths -kb Radio .1w.oiation
Mill hold Its regular meeting In Mar
1.trote Itel.r. oft.* North street. on
Fritts)• evening ..f this seek. All
,reedio fans are incited to this tweeting.
The W.I•.T.1'. will m('M at Mrs. .1.
Colborne'. home on Monday.
Montt M. ata 1.m., for special prarer.
A pawl nft,ndanee I. hoped for. -
Presw Supt.
The .lhmeek Chapter. 1.1).1).i'., Ix
holding an at -homy In the Mata.nk-
Temple. on Mareh Shh, from 3.30 to R
o'clock. to celebrate the twenty anti
anniter•.sry of the. ('hapier. An In-
vitation 1,. eltPndwl 00 all past and.,
prd•w•ut memiw•rt t0 1w present.