The Signal, 1926-2-25, Page 6ors
6 Th%waday. reLivery 6, 192I1.
It Costs Nothing t
Look at Our
Come in and see how low
our prices are
Porter's Book Store
"Un the Square for forty years"
Your Family and
Friends want your
Mak. the today.
lits a .
Really, I've known of
coat the uniform excellence
of Purity Flour for a
time -that's why I
sell it. I could handle
ao,y brand in Canada
but I choose Purity
Flour -that's something
to think about -isn't it?
My customers are a1 -
ways telling me what
wonderful bread, flaky
pastry and light, de-
licious (alines they bake
with Purity Flour.
7or all your baking
.The Amexcrtroq Society
BY .7. S. Fletcher
Write L. the 180 page Purity Flow
Cook Bonk. 30e in stamp, brings
it post pest to yen, Worth tote more
Brandies Pont coast to roast 13
(Continued from last week) the room, bands la pockets, head
Chapter XIV. bent, thinking steeply. Soddenly has
Eva Walsdem instinctively shrauk "I don't think yoy arari fats aay-
away. from the protecting hand. She thing," he said. "But, for the mite
gave Jimmie oue marching gfencc, noon. Just reassure yoleurrrlt ten this
and turned from him to Schmidt.
Ent n, 00l shall ga there With. you.
not afraid of Madame Charles--
"Thievex!" rhe exclaimed. "Then as things are."
who Is this gentleman?"
Eva !Naked at hitt with ryes full of
"To tell you the plain truth. .my inquire.
r ha
dear girl," maid Jimmie t
a detective. Anl her here. as 1 am,
fur your protection 1 sae again
..Rut. aherwanDy.. , smild. id. ••. f
you're quite all right --quite all right. "-\s to afterward*" he r4tid-
Ihal't be afraid: be thankful rather. slo ly. -I think you and 1 must herr
thatwe were .. nand." serails talk also afterwards. What
-Hut you." elle said. "You': Are we're dealing with now is the very
you a detective, too: Don'tdecele, imprortant pK•e•awut. 1 think 1 can see
me. pliai•e. Remember I'm oasts- extolls. whatahapylc.. here. os
defenceless." no doubt that Charlet• oteupid the
reties at the top. He has had me
"Not while I'm about:" asaertid watched ever singe 1 left hitt this
Jimmie, stoutly. "I'm Just what 1 sfte•noon: when he saw me visit the
told you -plain James Trickett. I police he took fright. feared a raid ou
teki you about myself. You'll tome his place. canthack. cleared every -
to no harm while I'm herr. But that'[ holly out of It, nod tapered out Itiw-
the shover truth you're just heardholly, self. The polite will keep a quiet
Miss WaINdeu--this is the heatiquar- eye on everything here until they'
tern of a gang of thieves. And the hear from we from Loudon. And
hat -shop ha South Melton street is what you and 1 have got to do is to
*co there. site will not tlud Madame
"!Cot and her --flyers?"
"1 think not, monsieur. The ..,oab-
IMlenitnt of t'airrie et t'le do** it.
shall be shuwu to your roaud now,
and alar' chambermaid wlti *hew you
where my sitting•I'om 1s; come there
whoNever you're ready. Schmidt. you
and I must have a talk whet I've
self Nndticnly herr lu Paris: It will I given there orders. Wait a moment."
d l.a,e itself Just an suddenly In Lw' Jipumle had a way of Issu1t111 eem-
dou. There will bo ho Madame I uukud. grltlnt them obeytnl. and se-
e'harlea discernible in Scapi 11011011 h,g that they were carried out which
tercet tomorrow. And I say again-- { gained him attention wherever he
keep mw'amreIlp away trout that ` went. In ave mluutea he had en -
neighborhood. If ..h. has friends let I gaged rooms. onk•rwt the hest private
her go to them: it she hats no friend". .Inning -room In the hoi.t. command,'
place her lu safety with yuar friend's 1 ,a are to be lighted Instantly. peeked
It ip sound advice. Monsieur Trick- ! Eva off in t•harge of s chambermaid
rat." who was hidden to take ate up to her
"And I'm greatly obliged t' you for { at once. nail had wheeled Schmidt it
giving 1t." reepontkd Jimmie. lie .1% 1 to the stir►fug-now. 'There he et the deteth.- a vigor. lighted f dered a much n.,decl drink for ti"
one himself. and smoked th.,itthtfnlly two of.lh•m, wt duwu at a window a4
for it raw wow'uts. "1 know ho* I a writing -table, daahel off a uute a::1
eau find out shout the pile•• III South • landed It to the detective to reed.
Milton street." he sand presently' ; , ICS a jelly good thing. Sehmdl8
..I'll send r aim to ml' friw,d, Mr. I he said as he drew a girls up W t..r
Pack. --the gentleman 1 told you "t' ars anal warmed his lauds, "au 4l.' P
you kt,w-7141 soon us we helve here' tlmnlll\' fortunate thing that 1 hoe....
Hell get it by hreekCast _ time, alt!
',relative -aunt nu say father's xlie
bell and everything un ill .alms t•• mina within a few mile of Deo''
wireto nos at I).y,•r. .Uel it will ie Stull arm' antiake tcharge of 11h -
worth knowing how things de shunt' l\'ahwlin • a capital dodge. for 1417 11.
eh?" r. yam ami I will burr Qtr bandit Yui' ai-
"It wilt certainly he north Lu•.w` night tied tomorrow. Things are
toc monsieur. and it *111 I, au ad- lig to hum. Schmidt."
vantage to have information as seen Schmidt. heartily- appretfatir,- ••f
as you reach England. • repli,d J1luuaie•'s vigorous action. was rt..,.
te. ig
Se•hmi11t.'•Itmt in any ease. keep the letter •
wa'ammelle away from where any of M'. dear Aunt Priscilla." Ji i :ni,
this gang can obtain a'ses4 to her." hn¢ aritria, "1 can always d, l„•,.•! els
Jimmie picked up a sleet of paper you to do exactly what 1 oak w.atout
from a litter that lay on the floor and Ilel11111/. 'rhl•n•f,,r1•, its v,et a- y"n
began to write. net thin. you will lint into you: tog
o, rY' he w111 need for the cght.
asst morning Asked.
and you will permit the chauffeur
it's list?" ''Mt
fears are vague. Monsieur ; otos hands yon this to bring a •n h'
From downstairs came the round of •ptlrkwt." amaw,'nd the d••to+tin'.: Join w' here. Your utlertfuu:':•• : •'
-taut you may 451 sure that this gang i pies,
is powerful. unsc•rupulu)ls. ele•v-,•r. **James TrI. ' .'
Now dust les agents are •aware that ' "Meaty are a man of affair tn•'u-
pin have dies -mend sown of its se- t-ieug." remarked Schmidt. • 1..0 do
cn•ts it *1111 span. 0.1 pains to bring things." gut to do 'ani '' rr-
you to a reckoning before you cut do . -flues** we'vebaro, to its further opeations. .Ati1 spilled Jimmie. "1 foremee i lot
it w•111 r,rngnire that it only be able' Ante gettlak that wire from I'acke•.1
t' get at you through wa',niv•II.. - lir turned to the waiter who ! just
news is sidek•n unexprtel t I n tris• brought
The girl passed a hand micros* her
forehead with a weary gesture.
"'The -hat -shop -in ---?South -- Mol -
ton ,etreet't' sir repeated slowly.' a-nhY, ; the sinal Barr wax 410011:
"Madame Charles's? 1 -don't under- 1 the rohem came nearer -one. a wo-
Schmidt stepped forward. touching Gad!• exclaimed Jimmie. "4 an it
Jimmlrs elbow. 1 be that Name• of 'tem have come bark?
"Moneleur Trickett." he saki• Where's Schmidt got to?" t
•'Ma'amse•Ile is tired. I suggest that t Itut Just tiro the poartlyi IoM'd door
., , the detective 4 -menet eon, acting n u '' s , the Wbirkc sod sat, -Look
atntrly-}wilt, ntothe'rlc-1 oking w..- , ow- s e.
'1 export I've blurted !t out hpent-_� -na who bow'e'l saritingtrtn-th.' "' '-t-ver-t Per? -.u.44 Jllrtul.-. "1'm: err Iu sold. '•1 want. nt ••:'4 the
wrote way. uoxwrrrd Jimmie, prof eninn"- What. do you think I'm In pN ts'tmat • i rt motor ser thoroughly
got or. ; n able
tently. "But that's a good idea. Will 1 m secs and a 4*1 hly d' ;» uelnbl -
you 411011• downstairs, 'Miss Walsden, l 41"."mts.•Ile." said Scheldt. "thick- damage,' a .4 er. Send him here to we the in -
and Ira's talk? I'll maks things clear in that you would prefer w have the• 1 think you may Is. monsieur. In
taw levy of one of your own sex until stns his ears ready."
In you. And 1 say again, don't be tart. f shottl11 tet Mach 'muter saris N' hfu a ire matures a +nitftttr
afraid. Upon my honor. fes all • [h' hour of your departure. 1 ince ficd if 1 mete pN rwitnnl to ese•ort you , ,•iter. 1. hs.ked round. and •olvan•^d
right -now." I taken the lih•rty t.. telephour to our and ma'ams411e to England:" in nes .nae to Jlmmir'a Hf .i finger.
headquarters for this la.ty. who is dor ) t ••You know lit. Margyr• • . lay:..
Eva locoed and wankel do no to the � -Th rt. h d, you shall:" " lai tlI
parlor. followed by the two noels Ak Anything our not wwi -Madam, 1',•rri u
that mndsm.e. an de -for you :,sk$t mmie.
.1 auntie. "Certainly You ram a
they riurrr.t. Se hwit'l sIt,Pi*Yi her. I ma'nmal•11.•-- " i ran-. that with Your stars .•;tt. , ' native* Its*: sir - vett sir.
-Virtu. te:ephntie. Inaltmsrlle?" l„' I "Will be don.• with the ,r'atrtt Srhmidt n0,444 answered he chauffeur.
said with m omits. -Where Is 3t?" ple,sun•, 1ma'emxcIIe." broke in Mu- , "It is already .1rrt:g,•t'. Monsieur . ••la. you. know where M: -s Trickett
"1► is in the shop." -hr answered I dam,• Perrin... in :, ehr'.ry yule 11,1,4 ; Tr!,' lie reply+I. "1 lulu full 1 lives Y'
n anh.•th all'. "The asst 'tor at the should sag- ! JN•riiiI on h• do an.1 '4 : it Duly' "Mira T eat, sir' Yes sit
foot of the stairs. It h open." InxnnYl confidence. 1 r .i..+• b
" 13t'use nee, then. for oue laome•ut.' Pet. for rxuulld.•. that nta'rtnw•lle•.. n.4+led your consent. Were well.! House called Clove-OOro. y
/fall the detective. He poked at Jim- laving the jo11n,, - to England int- then. we three travel t.,geh..r• ate s'e 1 the roastguar station. sit1.
medlatrly before ler. should at 'ince what hnp)s n.
"That's rig! Take • - 1. 1 to
mi.,. "E'.pb,lu, wnnsl'ur-now, he take refreshment and then coeur'- Solo' . ' Anti in the mennttmc: rend -that I Miss Triekett at once- \\u/t 1''r Miss
/falai signilleltuly, "It Is hest that 1 rest._ If con. tt_nlh•te a wi;11 h•uv.• me sold Jimmie. handing ..A.c -' sheet l Trirkrtt. Bring r to ':h. r ."
nla'ameelle attentd knew everytbiag" with ma',tui*IIe now S" of paper. 'Thurs. what Per eir,letet, Theaituuff4ur we.. .,n4 41411.1,
Jimmie motioned Era to an easy -
\\e xha!I not leave the house,' to Mile. Ite'N a sharps revive -hr ll. mud Jimmie picket Wt xlu.Jr
chair., He himself sat .on the edge of t m1'ama,llr." sof'! 1diu l 1t, o1 . r' In., u11ti'rstaut' it tool ate' on it.' "XOP, Schmidt."' hr -aid, drawing
the untidy dinner -table. :minable a F:v:a'. Midden glance al .liutnh•. ' '•\\'e 'rite t'ee•t1We tie.k t he' 8N•ss,age told; his chair nearer
t• 1, 11t e•t ive.
!'g h, sheer perplexity. I will n•tir•• to the room, at the top of read it over aloud: what did son maks, t'.at lel'gtam:
It's a queer •business-" he said.: the stoles --:a wnr,1 will bring us. "T' Xi III 11 Patio.. (!Sundt ant. e10 -thew .•I.. place. .end
•'ll' all ,V,we •als,nt by ,hone•---Ittek \I 1 1' L 'a Chart.- Street. Haymarket. no [rare of tJa• lutnate"
a•1 at a r vont •Ik+' to eau t ft i tell London. u 1 sheath'
train. Wc---hullo.
ear should go d explain.
to the xaloh' orf the sitting -nam was opened and
there you cat explain You *4* the i
Lusty' you. schmldt?" 1 saute farm. lu other words, they ea,
They may auapect that 1 am -what 1 /fume that It becomes atriimatlaed gad
1 :,m:from the mere fact that I am
;,,gelling with you, Monsieur Trickett.
oi'terwlxt•• 1 d.m't think they would
**sea saw- M7 affairs have always
a of the very. very otecret order."
You don't know them?"
-Na at all! 1 have never seen
;Is r u1 (N•fon•. When 1 say that. 1 do
u'.t mean I have neve "uton them ire•
torr that 1 know of --1 mean Uutt 1
:'m Want' sure that 1 never have man
Im•uu nt any time."
-.lust describe 'em. will your sug-
_'stel Jint►nie. "I'etI,aps 1 Waw
"1140 woman." reviled Schmidt.
is obvkeusl' American. About thirty.
good-looking. tall. a brunette. very
well :tains'. fashionable of appear-
ance. w. re II long travelling cloak.
trimmed with black fur. Thu man la
ter --fort -
• of English
of the type
five. well set up. aristeratIe appear -
3111.1.. short iron -grey moustache. much
•-I ,saw '••w." remarked Jimmie.
smartish sort of peole. to he
as,s1 us irarkors. eh?
ae•hmidt shook his head gravely.
"Motlsieur Trickett!" he Wald in at
lower tone. "You do not know who la
In this business. It la prolrahly a rich
and umw•rupuloil40 elmhtne,--fttti --*1
power and re,.ouree.''
"All the more need for um to use all
our lower gnel to soiree:" commented
Jimmie. "Thank heave, we've got s
gaol reserve of both!" Ile jumped up
and threw away his cig*n•Ile. "Wait
there a moment." he said. "I'm Just
,lane hr lelcphxte 10 fewdan..,
s Rest ass ir,.1 11):14 . a, atue "rru„ -•' dual[ 1f th ter arm iu-
t r e i wi}I gtlrtnl you o o,
111 i hadn't the asst fight. of it flu, i •..ts If ma:H41.044, were the apple mf "G.• this merit to and aid out if I males. when the 44 .r..k. out."
it' -wen. until last might. You see, • my. rye,•• sail Madame 1',rrine, who business is 1'eiig .l.n• as usual at ins-rred Schmidt t. :h ,o' of his
It's like this. I'll tell you the run "f , was already hustling about the titbit.. '4 I*i ,•. No.uth• Multun street. Invent quiet mill*.'it as hrlefias I eon: Listen oil• "Adjourn. 11414* ihl' 1•v uw• to 81, I.mlri.anNs. -You think this ',tea try Intro
. hta lively. r ' r you won't understand putting things to rights.
why 1 engaged tin., sert'kts of ,thea. K,•utl'ui4,; we shell ilq_crry I4nd iWard.IirIIL'tel'.4r,ver.e'this111t 10 tlntiuI w.n-OOptrMisseu. .. "
say. he
Sell nah pethem downstairs. :end. I ' well."
s thoroughly dependable. Hr's ' •nonny, se
gave i:va :I as -only no•,n. \\ itt exploits all when *e meet. "You thtek that I blas In Faris
our of the very first men of that sort ' gimlet' aid' followed Schmidt from the hut this is urgent. TrleketL" pace the alarm to tl remelts /'h ries
in farts --tact 1 Well now, listen." ; t-notu and 11.10 the -fair
"That will ,kr excellently. rano• lu l,ru.tin'.'" A.
1 v�n
"That was a brilliant notion ..f .time." said S•hmi'h. "taut." •he 'nth. puatimha ..
He toll her the whole story of his ; t.,nlrs, 4rhmidt. he said. :1• 4h..y en- N i 1.11. with a ,palet /fault'. "Sour friend Iun•d 1,, pn•dh L" . \
Adventures from the time of his break tared the room on the top floor. "I'm w -t11 not tied this Mnlnme Charlet-'- ".4414 tl.ut Ylu !h' i um.% -'t firs• t'
fasting whUi Nicholas Parke until his d
w11ve•rr of the veto dgea to the ', awfully obliged to you. An official. there any mere than we find her sole Iter own 'dare ata. removal herself
111 eb? What sort of w, 'te.•ial, ih,l.. i- ps.s'•,t hr.itln•r-iu•b4* here. 'ells nest from it. ,•h?"
wickerwork hamper. Ile 81 hadadd his t madame duwtlrtair'1"' bas peso. di-Inr*N•.(. and what .11s- I Schmidt Abrun t ni• s4.'ulders.
,Mdngs during the day that Just S1.hmidt laugh'*), mels-.) it ail' gertlalih' have disturbed "It is an very Oar' t.. erre ng" a con-
gii" in such startling and dramatic .. \la,hui'. nn'trsieur, is v.luai Your- that.- .t'uirnt firs•." he •.,1."The. "T• woman
G4NItIun, And Eva \Walereu saw that 1101/11.N4111111N4111111':111 a searcher." he "W'.• .hall s•'.•. Monsieur Schmidt." 4..111414ss had pal - r, to destroy. It
h" was genuine and sincere; she began answered. "She is a W01111nl of ,S- nisw'renl Jimmie. „1W.• must malt." j oily. of eourae, h:, . I..Y•n a.Y•idrntal,
to cnwprrhe•it', to, that It was a for- ierl•nee mid of an exec*lent good, "flail V4 .. notch 1►over," said pert -nips It sans. 'ten' round Hee01111t
tnunrn thing for l• -‘r that this sudden heart. You gee. Mon.h'ur Trirkrtt, It Schmidt. smiting again. "Then---" for it in this way for instance: eh.•
revelation had But when Jim sans hs, hat" to otos' mn'nms,lh• ( Ile ins 111 .tittles 'plow rico . may have mode instate preparation
nut" conn• to the rod of his tease* she
elsewhere tonight ; we 1. 41111 not . Jimmie tor" 4,1.41 I'aek." s anMI' erIlig ! tar Hii h4 on rem , 4n44 the news from
stn suet na tit n disconcerting thought. leave her here alone. mid it is hest lino -Page hi t41Lord. 1)4111 orf the Lord War-! farts. have eom.:tel many pipers
"Tomorrow!' she sold. "Or, tea she should 'ince n woman With her. .Nn Hotel 11111 afternoon. JlMillie nut and ekwumrnts.t•• the tire. and then
titer, today?" Madame Perrin• will attend to her. his ,•y,•' uo'r the telegram and 1 gone. leaving than 4.41rning. Then n
JImmIP 14okw! an Inquiry' w-atell wlt'l.y she rests, and prepay whistled. I flying spark. Mo' .,,',in Trirkrtt. and--
INetthe thing Is done. Clint! 1 think
that Is not of Iminrtnnrr u0*. Ther.•
are -other Matt. •s "
"Asan' Owns. -wed-1t.No.i., ligit-
irrg n cigarette "I'v' got some. tar.
Ifni yours first.
"Them. first. •' oaf ,1,. ;von )iritp)W' to
do with MIs- \Wnts,l.•i.. monsieur'.'
That is highly m)ortant."
"Title" repllet Jimmie. `'Thr 'Matt.
h, whom 1 ha,•• Just dis'.atchel that
better natal to tyle with the good/ -
lions under which 11 has been grow-
ing. , a.
The lornfulou Experlwrutal Feria are
system. cumpiwed as It la of-numeruttla
whioly eeeparrted branch farina. anti
working in close cooperation with la
cal to-o)eraWrs, in in s pertieularl.y
goad position to study the gttentlol
from all angles.
Without going Into detail, our ob-
servations to date lead us to the con-
durion that it t•haugt of owed should
Is• made Duly in the following cases. •
(a) Wheu sad of better and more
ova now beteg
0 - s tiro th
• f e mist ug
srrchea- 1
-used are available. This tan 1N• de-
termined ,Only by carefully testing
other sorts which teem to promise
letter than those now being cultivated.
In the meantime. the old sort should
le e.sitluuel until absolute proof la
obtained is to the Mance 'standing
of the new introduction. It may hap•'
pee that t•hwug.el (011dltione ant t
farm make a chauge of sort desirables
Ili) When a'sort has betvme mixed
with other worts.
When he returned. mal an Moor
inter. Jitumie dropped into his chair
anent. sighesl. noel lighted another
'I gI rete.
-That's ail richt, $ehwidL" he saki.
"lir. Parke and Lord S•raye will Join
us here t,.nm•rn.w morning by noon.
Them well hal'. it consultation. This
will seer.• air an exeeUent lease, and if
we are laving watched. let them watch
us -well circumvent 'em ! Nuw we'll
Just wait here uutil my respected aunt
arrive nail then well take her up to
Miss \\'nl'.lei. After Mat, 4 and 1
must set our alto( ti, work t t on a
pian whereby she can be smuggled off
t.. Sr. Margaret's Ray.'
"You aro not afraid of eapos►ng
umdam", yunr respected aunt. to dan-
ger by placing um amse'llt with her.
nlunsielr?" wuggeateil Schmidt. The
enemy. 1 repeat, fa dangerous.'
Jimmie gave his companion et look.
•'You don't know my aunt:' he sell.
-Wait until you taw her."
Schmidt. hearing this la.'.isle an-
uouncemeut. expected to are a very
4retudter of n Itritl.le lady. terrible
ev,•ti it poets null he was .+m,al11e•r-
ably surprixoYI wlu•1 the chauffeur
prew•ntly ushcre,l In a little. apple- I
rheekod. grey•haIrrd. merry-eywt wo-
moa .waw -came [n. ltd g[e•t'(( Jimwle
ix crwuditl► 1a,t•tilnatr Manner.
wif1141 Ielrayiu,; any_ eurpeise_ itt the
sudden iennntd on her srrrivet,
(c) When the crop becomes; *'tI.
misty damaged by reason of anfaroh•
able weather or other agendas It..
may happen. however. that seed of fair
quality may be obtained from a crop
which Is partially damaged. but In Bo
ease should such seed br mad until It
has been tested for germination and
growing clergy.
Id) WIwn weed has been damaged
by threshing or by defective storing
(e► When suitable machinery to
not available for cleaning seed pro-
la•rls*. The uee.'s*lty of thoroughly
cleaning all, grain' intruded for x,ed-
Ing )wrpoiwo should be obvious. .U1
swat should he run through it good fan-
ning mill at least throe times. -lf that 1 e'lt'.
cannot be done. It is advisable to pro- I„ eat
cure aced of suitable quality and v v r
purity elsewhere. -1, H. NEWMAN. ',Nei* :e
Dominion /'erealiat.
We1p, my dear." she said. after
Forty experietwYd euka recently
sailed for 1'4tlaala. Looks like bright.*
rte darn ahead for the police there. -
Liverpool Weekly foot.
Treat Colds Externally
Jimmie had dilly n• her greet- I thFor sore
Vicks brea` poRub briskly
or deep
lays. "her. 1 nes. you Nees without b.-, over throat and chest and cover with
lay. Cwiid anybody be anon nIN• warm flannel.
dicot'.'" i Vick* act* in two ways --both direct:
"eon's,. n top -holler.- remarksabsorbed like a liniment and inhaled as
Jimmie. -That's lay friend. Mr.. ' a vapor. A quick relief for the cold
ytehmldt ae•hmidL my aunt. Miss troubles ofall the family.
Trirkrtt. 't'om's oyer to the aindow'•
my 4'Nwl Month,: Schmidt. e411.s• us at
"You forget," she continued. that
"Well?" he awk,d. "Well?" by the tuorning train for London., he ahisp.•rel. "Listen:"
nom$lettsl--- .---- ---- "Th, whole ,•atahUshment 111 South
To MAdAm' 1'harlet+. You T•"Rather!" n•plte0l Jimmie. "The I Mouton sln•wtwas deetroy'il Tiy- Bre lir
-t ice there. 1 have no other home. sone r w14 ore back there the bitter." the- earl;- hour, of this morning. 111111
If this ix all trnt'-if I have been -as
Schmid( who had hinted himself in there ix au trace of its Inman•,•."
t'hnpt'r Na.
Jimmie rumpies' the telegram in his
land and turiwl to his 'onl)rluione.
her for her Journey. You will leave - Ivy gad. you were right, tk•hmidt
today I go brick."
I have. -the means of bringing
ta is ex- repairing the floc. drew up two orm-
w a•
ex -
potions about -for i euppn chairs to It.
Ul 1 exposed now -what sort a
reception shall I have?" while w' keep our vigil." h" said
Jimmie frowned* Ile login to Ise with a 4m114. "And. if mott,it•ur feels
"We may as well repose ourselves
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders
to hand, 3 for 25c. A good teaspoon, King George
design, given away with each 25c worth.
21 .'- , tl.l(. tatetrad11"'"
r ata s Paint Tree Toilet Soap for 2:a'.
3 Ile,, loo... (cocoa for 2:N•. .
It lbs. of Sulphur or Salts. suital.1,• fbr .tock purposes, for Melo,
.lust to panel a 1,•w but4r0•1 10.11,11• of a real good blaek Tee.
We will give 1 Ib. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, 1/2 lb.
Biscuits, 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound
of any package Tett, --
Special psi 4 nit large 4''lhnnelette ltfnnkd•te ail 's•e uu list.* lilaStksi!t.
We are rutting the price 1m lien's all -wool Underwear and
Men's (knee -lined t'Iul'rw•'nr.
(°Ood linen roller Towelling, 2:c pT jat11.
flood 1:trg, loath 'row.•i-. 90e per pair.
Some nit•[' tnbl' and floor Oilcloths, different widths, at right
Now is the tine• to buy a e't of dishes. 10 per eeent. off.
Free de:iv,rc to any port of the town.
the need of I1, here Is my flask. which
I !oink ear' to fill wh'u 1 reached the
hotel Mix morning: It Is, ns monsieur
notleem, of ample',dintenslon4, and the
contents are property mitts! nut' ad-
"Good idea:" said Jimmie Hp-
prvslgly. "You thought then' might
ler net' of It. th'n't-- that WOMight
have adventurer?"
"Monsieur. tine must always Is•
prepared for adventures." answered
the detective gravely. "Thum. for et
ample. la a mild une; I waft anrl't-
pitting moon -thing much more meerions.
\Ve shall not be dieturlaed, Monsieur
South Side of Square
Srhtni'tt had read the m.'a'aire over
,Ilmmie's shoulder: Eva. still allxlolta
Ilnd *on.h•ring. 1'N'k. 1 her Inquiries. .
"Nm' th,-n." +ni,l flgliel1'' i the tot).
of one who Int- uncle opo his mhul as
to n 'oar•'• to pursue. and who He.'
onnllleglc 'xpectIeii3- INY)I'nt entour-
age to ink' or'h•r4 without queatlom,
"1 a ant you two people to da exactly
aha: I tell you to (40 We shall have
to stn, here at any rot' for the night
•I'n, going to onler th.',rots and a
private tatting-r's,la. M111 W11110111.
*Salah an hams or so, you shalt have
th' .t:,1pai,y of it Indy opt whom you
eat, e)••Ie•11ti *it's my own aunt. who
TrI,ke'rt : you w111 have your advem- hai:s is to Int•" tient this place. and
tuna In connection with this affair in for
I est uherrto semi non n -
England -not here."
"Think ,.or said Jimmie, In 10m4'
AM - emrsiiteed' et- lt," - aaawared
Schmidt. "Your real • a,h•'nnlr' In
enineet'tlun. with. ((tie cast' will 1N•gtn
Aa cam Aa you reach London --pos-
sibly !twiner, but on English soil. You
may he atm of thin mon.l'nr--these
pen ' know yen are in thio home
,yaw ; you *111 be seen to leave th4.
home; you will he followed when you
leave It ---to lAinotou. (111. yea: And
epropie of all that. what do you pro-
pos* to 110 when yon remelt London.
monsieur? As to mH'*msell' down-
state', now? l nnderi•t*ni ah4 live,
With this Madame t'har}e* M
Smith Motion street. At the LontMn
hat ahopl"
"anal se." replied Jimmie.' "Wen.,
that's bothering her. In the ordinary
emosse. she would go there.'•
"Mondent. take my stick*: lilt
not let bet go tbere. Rill if she tinea
hos lial� a Cent ur,v
the Standard.
Sat essf ul 'Treiltntent
liter. Masi .r St. Margaret's Ray.
along the cot•' herr .1 quiet. retired
place. She is a good. kh,dly, e•nmmon-
semtr soul w!••• wttt do anything that
1 ask. I prop. -4' to ask her to take
MIsi Waleil'1 lit.. her keeping for a
time: I this: -he will be eats them.
My aunt .1s • a Nnrt .t woman who Is
r'snnre•fnl snot energetic. ' if elle
hikes Ina r'•• A'ill taken \11ss Wale -
den. she wit] never la'i'r nit of her
Plight. And knowing my 1111n1. 4
sl xd like se' anybody take Miss
1Wn(111n and from h'r charge:"
-Very : sal. monsieur." maid
Sthml4►t, ' Itnt It win he neer-wary
that Mira \t:,lwle.'. iltItnmt.Rrallsfer-
enre• to y' nr uuuf4 care should he
carried nn' with the utmost mrcreey."
H' Hook' I nt Jimmie with algnlfl-
rnnce, And' Jimmie reemeithu1 with a
moisten Pt ,t•• of Ingots*.
'Ally T. ,x,Tnrmel. --wo T"'
"Been u" 1 think *0 arc followed,
monsieur r•p1N41 Schmidt. 'There
*err tea'- :copy .,u' man. one wo-
man ---on ' ,t• trnin from Paris to Cal-
ais. Oft E.. boat from Valeta here, ,who
are now I•. this hotel. 1 do not now
them. t.• may he innaent ,mtwgh of
a11- dealt:, Ag*ln.t nes, int there la the
feet. 1' "r ram.' after not Into IMP
hotel. 'They are herr now. The man
hna jna' gimlets! within the door."
"Trot, Ming together?" asked JIm-
ta tr.
";fn. ...lounge. e. They Apparently
have 4••' eo*,neetlon, Tint -and fila
Attmeed my siapdelonsi --um- we r•ame
on 40 !lie brit at ('444444.' 1 maw the man
Plltp sera", of paper tato the w4►
mow, hand"
WImo Jimmie sail to his 11 tu4t in '
the 4rrivncy of the, whitlow Schmidt - V A ro O R u m
never knew: all he knew was tint of Ova ?/Miu(gv✓MsLimp &Amy
ter a time they all pnN4rrk+d to the
private sitting -room whie•11 Jimmie had 4-- - -. ---
order.+i. fouud t:'a Wut4Slen .Jill vcry
Miss Trickett there and then took the
girl meter Iter obit and Informed her
that alt•• sans goieg to stay. the night;
in Dover with her anti next tiny take'
her to her otvn Imam.: m.: hN' knew fur
titer that Eva recognized that the w -as
hi anal 11011 safe hands end Kind of
sympathetic comps ny after the ••t•'nt•,
of the last two ,hays.
led and 1111S1111141.1.•..•. r,.1 that
"My aunt. you see. I1*4 n Pity with
her," remarked Jimmie as he and,
Siltationt'fuel together hi the
room. the Indies hucing 1144.1 ruppliell
Pith dinner In the prl'atf-room.I
Sher e•sp'rlenced in managing INS* '
ple. She managed .me --brought nt
lip. don't you know.
7 5144 flivi ma pmnwtte- in far mate
hands." murmured Schmidt. "It Is
"Safe as houses." ntflrtned ,Ilmmir.' ao I'm not going to think another
thing nista this afeir tonight. To.
night a11'a well and !mating *'111 hap -
pets. 1.'t'a find the billiard -coin, and
play billiards."
Atilt nothing happened that night.
The. man of the cropped moiat*vh•
was on evidence: ear ivam the obrtmisly
American lady: they .11mportel thein-,
Petrel' tie people slaying In 'model
usually- air comport thrmsrlr.Y.. Jim-,
ml' *n** neither ro4,her. nor murdered
during the night : instead he slept like
a top and woke ready for .ay'm11ren•
turn that prer•nt•d Itstelf. 'That ad-
r'ntnrP was to hand. MAW ,Man -
entire to bre*kfiet he picked ap it
copy of the TImcs and taw. In hold
IapInals at the very Heol of the per-
sonal coining. eetin111 wonit wlrle•41
poltel him slarpdy np and made him
stene. There they were. plain as a
plkeetaff mutt lankily emends--111-
trmieel •r him. .41111 111.•* were 1111.W.:
1'NI',\('K1:11 TIIE \\'14'KE11-
(To hes motioned)
Hotel Tuller
800 Rooms -800 Baths
$2.50 per Day and up
(Experimental Farms NigelA gneallon commonly dented Houma
farmer,. la. "dews I1 pay (0 change
wed 'eriodically'r' The fact that
greater yield. fretmently mann from
the Bow of need securer) from w0mp ont-
•Ide wwrY• lima ler to the eery iom-
mo., belief that mast may ten*' Its
ability t0 ry.r'Nltle satisfactory re
turn, atter It hart lawn grown on the
ammo• farm for a few years. Another
close enema' finite as rigorously In 44t
temIWip g to prove that reel actually
Phonic) Improve In Its ahllity to yield
"Oh. indeed! Do you think they the longer 11 Is propitiated on the
Electric Wiring
We specialise in Wiring of
all kinds. Let us give yon an
estimate for wiring your
house or garage,
Private Telephones, Motors,
Dynamos, Electric Light and
Burglar Alarm iti'atems
All Work Guaranteed
Oook, Iron and Tad by
We have an Ilfisortment of
the best Electric Irons and
Toaster made in Canada.
west Rt. nom 1N'1
'0 .M.