The Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-11-25, Page 6011 farm product. It Is the job of the Federal and Pro- vino InOlseCters to ensure that, honey of uniform grade and quality is of, terect for sale throughout -Oa Province of Ontario and throughout' Canada. The .scheol was organ#Ocl. .1).Y 11, Armstrong, geneY Specialist, Pepart, merit. of Agriculture, Ottawa; P. fg, Chief Xnspeorator of VarM rrefl4Ptti for Ontario and Prof, Towpnpend, provincial Agrienithrtat,., Installation in time for Christmas. HAVE HAPPY HOLIDAY ALL YEAR For year-round pleasure, give the family the hest gift of all . handsome television net Priced at $269.00 up (aerial extra) CONVENIENT TERMS hours of, fun via television I WARREN HOUSE Open Friday and Saturday Evenings. Any evening by appointment. ,.Visit Toyland this week at Welwood's : — Bigger and better than ever - something for girls and boys of all ages - conveniently dis- played for your, easy selection and reasonably priced for your budget. XMAS LAY AWAY PLAN An easy method of selecting your gift item now and paying for it gradually thiough November and December. Shopping Around For .Christrnas? See the — At the Wallpaper Shop! Crystal Stemware, Plates, Comports, Cream and Sugars in the Dream Flower pattern OPEN STOCK TOO. English China Cups and Saucers The Best in Quality Planters and Ornaments for every room Table and Bedroom Lamps - new and smart A lovely array of Artificial Flowers and Fern, just for you. Let us help you with Your Christmas Shopping at The WALLPAPER SHOP on a FRIGIDAIR Great New I 2-Oven FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE • 0.•••••••141•1010•10 Thomisson Appliances Pitorie 29 Wingh*an Model RS 28 Master • Lifetime Porcelain finished Cabinet and Oven • Cook-Master Oven Clock Control . Full-width Storage Drawer • Counterbalanced Oven Doors • Sirnpli-Matic Oven Control . Radiantube S.-Speed Cooking Units • High-Speed Broilers, waist-high • 2 Broiler Roaster Pans, 2 grids • Acid-resisting Porcelain Cooking Top • Convenient Appliance Outlet • Two Oven Signal-Lights One-piece Construction REGULAR $429 PRICE Sale Price $339. • people, History proves that the Amer- icans have doge a lot for Saint lWciri They have given hint a new name, a new face and figitre, and a oew '.Page, Six The WInglann A4).7.a. n#2.41Inel‘r Wt34044.47r, 'Nov..104 . . . ETA WIRAW.V41114P4 NEAUS It* little Wonder that Saint Nick is ,generous to the American 4maxwei4 -toy,qvg Inettn4 of transPortatiOn. The original European version of Saint Nick pictured, him as a tall angular fellow who rode on a bony mare. Eoth the horse and Saint Niels lopped as it they hadn't had a good meal in some time. Theearly English settlers in this country Started giving Saint Nicholas his "New I.,00k", The English children adopted the legendary Christmas fig- tire front the Dutch, but the English children had trouble pronouncing "Saint Nieltoloue. Somehow thp name obanged to "Santa Ealouf" and finally it was corrupted to "Santa Claus". However', this was only the beginn- ing. In 1$09, Washington Irving in his "ISnickerboeker's Histery of New York", wrote of the Saint as the guardian of New York City. Irving described Saint Nick as a jolly fellow with a broad-trimmed hat and huge breeches. He taught Saint Nick to smoke a long pipe, and, in the story, replaced his shuffling hay-borner with, a trim wagon, A short time later, Saint Nicholas' transportation was aided by Clement Moore in his famous poem, "The Visit of Saint Nicholas," written in 1$82. Moore, a professor of divinity in a New York theological seminary, gave Saint Nick a sleigh, nose like a cherry, and a little round belly. Today's Santa Claus is by no means streamlined, but he is a. far cry from the lean, ascetic, somberly dressed fellow, who, for centuries on Christ- mas Eve guided his mare through the streets of Europe. GAMES FOR ALL MARE CHRISTMAS FAMILY PARTY Christmas is the tini‘e for family get-togethers. One of the best ways to make these gatherings memorable for all concerned is to engage in games which the whole family can play. A nice one to start off with would be a Sugar Plum Hunt. Have one member of the family hide Christmas candies ahead of time in various nooks and cranies around the house. At a given signal everyone starts the httnt and gathers the pieces. The one who gathers the greatest number of candies would be given a prize. The Christmas Puzzle is another good one to get things going. Look through some magazines, which are filled with pictures of Santa Claus at this time of the year, and cut out enough of these to go around, paste them on stiff cardboard and cut them into pieces. Then put each group' of pieces in a separate paper bag. At the signal, everyone opens a bag and be- gins putting the puzzle together, The Christmas Scramble Contest is good for a group with older children in it. This is simply a contest to see who can unscramble a group of words the fastest. Just for fun, see if you can unscramble the following, astna, erireden, ehsgil, dynca, gosiknet, erte, trepesn, hupne, alsore and niborb. IF SAN WA MLSSES REINDEER SUPPLY WILL BE AT FAULT If Santa Claus misses some young- sters this year, it could be offered plausibly that he was not able to round up enough reindeer for his yearly trip around the globe. The reindeer shortage has become, in recent years, much too acute. It has been estimated that wolves have destroyed 500,000 of Santa's helpers in the last decade or so, leaving approxi- mately 60,000. The difficulty of keeping the ani- mals alive in a temperate climate makes it unlikely that any of the few remaining will be transported from their native regions to other lands for the holiday season, as has been done in the past. American boys and girls will have to be satisfied with stand-ins. The few department stores featuring Santa with ,complete outfit this year, will be using native deer as substitute for Dasher, Prander and company. CEDARS Or LEBANON ARE WELL PROTECTED BY ntuGloN, LAW On a shelf-like plateau, 600 feet above the Mediterranean, the world's oldest Christmas trees stand where they have stood for centuries. The eedars of Lebanon, 400 of them, are protected by 'religion and law from heirm at the hands of either the Mos- lems or the Maronite Christians. The magnificent trees "that sing of he nativity" were Venerated as Mon- archs among trees long before Judah had her first king. Some of thesis have a girth of 40 feet and a branch cir- Cumference of 500, In the days of the tontitterore thou- Sands of conscripted Hebrew workers Were sent into the LebanOns to take to JerUsalem "cedar trees Without number"; the result of one Of the first building contracts, between Hir- ai* of Phonecia and king Solomon. Todayi hotveVer, the trees are pro- teeted by law and the -department of agritiatire of the goVertitnent tpoh. bora the Planting' of seedlings, ski that Iha glad, atilars Wilt Vow id,Orfer, AN cauxwil BELLS. STILL SI.111114,011 VILLAGE .4 pair of ancient .church bells that were brought to Frankenmuth, Mich, from. Bavaria shortly after Vranken, Muth was founded as an Indian inis, sion, has beep calling the congrega,- tion of St, Lorenz to Christmas Eve services for more than a hundred years. Nintey-five per cent of the residents of the small community 'are members of the church, earning the village the title of "the most 'Christian eommun- ity in the United States." Frankenmuth has never had a crime of violence, and, as far as residents can remember, no one has been jailed over a period of 25 years. The only visitors to the lock-up were transients given a night'a lodging. HONEY FROM STORES CHECKED AT GlUELPII Over 15Q samples of honey picked off retail grocers shelves in various parts of the province were subjected to inspection and criticism when 38 Federal and Provincial Fruit,' yege• table and Honey Inspectors attended a grading school at the Ontario Agri- cultural College recently. The samples were examined to de- termine whether or not they were graded and marked in accordance with Federal and Provincial Honey Regulations. Samples which showed defects were closely checked and examined in order that all Inspectors would have a uni- form understanding of the require- ments. Other highlights of the school were lectures on "Pasteurization and Pro- cessing", "Conditions of Honey Pack- ing in Ontario", and a tour of the 0.A.C, extracting room and processing plant. It is sometimes felt that honey is given a back seat to jams, jellies mid similar products by the consumer. This should not be, as honey is a very useful and extremely nutritive natural DOLLS from $1.59 to $10.95 DOLL PRAMS and BUGGIES Steel, chrome trim, rubber area from $4:98 to $10.95 DOLL FURNITURE TABLE & CHAIR SETS, BATHS, CRADLES and BEDS. isir SPECIAL 25" beautifully moulded rubber doll Dresed i$7.95 ea. Visit Weiwood's this week, you'll find many hundreds of other Xmas gifts in other departments, including a complete range of Xmas cards both boxed and bulk. • Trucks, Trains, Tractors, Mech- , anical Toys of all kinds WELWOOD S Variety Store GAMES and BOOKS for ALL AGES MUSICAL TOYS, SLEIGHS, SKIS, HOCKEY STICKS and TOOL 'SETS