The Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-11-11, Page 6saw a GOOD choice of Men's dress and work shoes ,••••1 eieiesseitailtinet Notice TAXES FOR-THE TOWN OF WINGHAM FOR THE YEAR 1953 ARE DUE ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1953 W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer. • Slip Covers and Re-Upholstering Surprise the family this Xmas—have your chester- field made like new with Slip Covers made-to-order NOW by MRS. HAROLD ELLIOTT, ILUEVALT Just Phone 709-w-4 ALL SEWING DONE PROMPTLY AND REASONABLY lllllll lllllllllllllllllllllll r lllllll 01,1,mm/tummy' llllll onn, lllllll .................... tu, g 1Jainsitniosinsimmumilitimismilimiumitintiminalimllsiatamainiatiottimmo is a i G i ETA B LE S ,.i-----11-. Jr-- . . if rp,., ,., ,,,,,,, ..,.:,.,,„. . a 1 Wingham Fruit Market FREE DELIVERY . PHONE 534 : finionationewsitaisimustionsmiiiisiimmitoutuanitimmunisme .11 a a a a a a - THE VERY BEST IN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES PHONE YOUR ORDER For Prompt' Efficient Service cold a a a a a a a I S a. ERR SERVICE get better service . .. drive in soon for a Pre-Winter Check-Up repairs a I a a a a a I a a a Let us put your car in Tip-Top Shape before the weather strikes ! You'll save on the w*nalimitaliainamisityliimitutittuatitaiiiintialionialommulsinumenolitylk as a it) ai a ' PRE!ARE NOW FOR WINTER! • • • • • WINGHAM MOTORS. N,EW,S OF WROXETER Howick Legion Padre Speaks At Women's Inst. Meeting FOR SALE CRESS CORN SAlatE for sure re- lief. Your,druggist sells Cress Cal- lous Salve too, relieves quickly. SPIT 'T, AVAILABLE—Quantity of Choice spy apples. Apply a W. Prit- chard, Lueltnow, phone 64r2, Luck- 00'W. rrb CORN FOR SALE—at farm or deliv- ered, Phone Stanley Fisher, 149W14, Strathroy, Ont. 28;4:11b FOR SALE—No. 3. cob corn or shelled corn from Kent County. For the best in feed value eitiality and the lowest in prices contact Clarence Gibson, phone 45r11, Fordwich, rrb We have specialized this year in "Special title cards." To "My Neigh- hoer," "Brother," "Sister," "Dad," "Mother" a card for any and every occasion. You can see them today at McKibbons. 11.b FOR SALE—No 1 cob corn from Kent County. Delivered in 4 to 8 ton lots. Buy direct and save. Apply Calvin Kimmery, Morpeth, Ont, Phone 2765, Ridgetown. erb30* FOR SALE—Sureshot 22 Cal. Rifle; price $9.00. Apply to Leslie Showers, Wingham, Ontario, 11* FOR SALE—Child's brown rubber fleece-lined snow boots; size 5; nearly new. Phone 338W. 11* BOILER FOR SALE—A vertical, tubeless boiler; 5 h.p. in perfect con- dition. Cheap.' Armitaees' Dry Cleaners. 11.b BE SURE TO SEE the SAMPLE BOOK of personal greeting cards by "COUTTS" now on display at Kerr's Drug Store, lib FOR SALE—Man's Kenwood overcoat I also grey tweed topcoat; phone 4. 11* FOR SALE—Three horse electric Eversaul hammer-mill. Mounted on plywood chop-box. Complete with 30' heavy wire, nearly new, Apply Eldred Cathers, R.R. 1, Wingham or phone irl Wroxeter, 11* FOR SALE.-1951 Custom Meteor Coach. One owner car only gone 9,000 miles. Apply to Wm. Broome or call 578W. Getting a cold? Try Hista Rex Compound from McKibbons, $1.00, they really work: lib FORSALE—Girl's white skates, size 13, good condition, $3.00. Two win- ter coats as good as new, size 14 and 18, $12.00 each. Apply Hammer- ton's Studio, phone 199. 11b FOR SALE—Dining room suite, 1 single bed with Slumber King springs, 1 double bed with cable spring. May be seen by phoning 113 after 7 p.m. llb FOR SALE—Dressed Capons,. about 6 lbs. and over. Price 45c and 40c; free delivery. Apply John Brewer, R.R. 4 Wingham, phone Brussels 71r17, 11* APPLES FOR SALE—Good hand- picked Spy apples. $3.75 per bus, Phone Harold Elliott, 709W4. lib FOR SALE--I. SALE—I. E. L. Pioneer chain saw in excellent condition with 2 chains; good as new. Apply Jack Thompson, Bluevale, lib FOR SALE-35 acres of good corn. Will husk and put in truck. Will sell part or all. Phone London 2-7922, or write Elmer Wonnacott, R, R. 1, Arva, Ont. 11* FOR SALE—Ford 1935 'I% ton truck. All winterized, with new battery. Good rack, size 6et10'. Phone 251. 1lb FOR SALE—Boy's hockey skates, size Ph, Phone 251. 111' Rust Craft Christmas cards in great variety await your selection at Mc- Kibbons, Boxes from 59e; Counter cards Sc to $1.00. lib FOR SALE—Upright plena, concert pitch, $75,00, Phone 123r21 Tees- Water, 11* LIVESTOOX FOR SALE FOR SALE-20 pigs, eight weeks old Apply Walter Elliott, It.R. 1 Luck- now, phone 628W12. 11b FOR, SALE-10 pigs, eight weeks old; apply to George Fisher, 'Whitey church, phone Wingham 747W11. FOR SALE-9 weanling pigs, 8 weeks Old. Howard Wilkinson, R. 5, Bruss sels. Phone 18r16, 11* LOST LOST—Plalit gold band Wedding ring. Finder please contact Advance-Tim: ea Reward, lib LOST—Hereford heifer, due to fresh en the middle of November, front lot 11, Concession li Kinloss, ter Tag No. 85860 W 6, 11., 0, MeClete. agleam, Fe IL 5, Lucirhows Phbete 612 W 4, Wingham. , lib SA.LESMEN WANTED OPPOItttINIT't to eatabilsh your, self in permanent buslnees Oiling nationally advertised prOdneti: lot 44 . W. I. MEEDTINO At the regular meeting of the We- men's institute on Thursday, Novem- ber 3.9th, Grandmothers will be enter- tained, Conveners, Mrs. W, J. gender- son, Mrs. L. Smith, Xre, Q. Gamete Mrs. W. Ford. hostesses, Mrs. H. Campbell, Miss Anna ehortreed, Mrs, W. Hammond, Mrs. N. Keating, Mrs, .1, Halliday, Mrs. C, Hopper, Glib AUCTION S.A.LE—To close estate of late John Morrison, at Lots 16 & 17, Con. 7, Turnberry, Farm imple- mente' and household effects, also 1939 Plymouth car, Friday, Nev. 20th, L. G. Bryce, auctioneer, Anne Morrison, executrix, 11:18b CARD OF moms The family of the late William John Coulter wish to express their heart- felt thanks to their many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym- pathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement, and for the beauti- ful floral tributes and cards of sym- pathy. Special thanks to the Rev, R. D. A. Currie and Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McInnis and all who assisted in any way, Mrs. William John Coulter, and family. lib CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank Mrs. Morrey and staff, Drs. Crawford, Johnston and McMurehy, Rev. Alex Nimmo, Rev, R. D, A. Currie and those who sent flowers and cards and expressions of kindness while I was in the hospital. Mrs. Frank Coulter 11* CARD OF' THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the kind- ness shown to me, else the gifts and cards, while I was in the Wingham General Hospital. Special thanks to Mrs. Morrey and her staff, Dr, Mc- Ribbon, Dr. Corrin and Dr. Connell, Ivan Wightman 11* THANK YOU My hearty thanks' to the residents of the Wingham rural area, who ac- corded me such a universally friendly reception when I called as sales rep- resentative for The Advance-Times, Your co-operation is sincerely apprec- iated, John Boyd 11* AUCTION SALE of the effects of The Late William Jolut Coulter There will be offered for sale by pub- lic auction, live stock, implements, hay, grain and some household effects on Lots Nos. 21 and 22, Concession "B" Township of Turnberry, three miles west of Wingham, on Thurs- day, November 12th., 1953, at 1 p.m. Terms of the above, cash. The farm property known at Lots Nos. 21 and 22, Concession "B", Town- ship of Turnberry, will also be offer- ed for sale, subject to a reserved bid, Terms—on sale of farm, 10 per cent. deposit on date of sale and balance, without interest, 30 days thereafter, MARY R. COULTER, Executrix. K. MacLennan, Auctioneer, 1113 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Caroline Haugh, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the seventh day of September, A. D., 1953, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the four- teenth day of November, A. (D., 1953, full particulars of their olahris iri Writ- ing. Immediately after the said four- teenth day of November the oesets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executrices shall then have not- ice. Dated this twenty-second day of October A. D., 1953. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Winghant, Ontario, Solicitors for the executrices. 28:4:13.b WESTFIELD Mission Band The Mission Band held their meet- ing on Sunday afternoon in the church schoolroom. The Scripture was read by several of the band members. Pray- er was given by Mrs. Norman McDow- ell. Readings were given by Ronald, Snell and John Campbell. A story was told by Mrs. Hugh Blair and Mrs. Norman McDowell', The Meeting was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. Flair, Personals Mr and Mrs. Gordon Sriell, Jasper and Jeanette., visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Jasper IVfeBriee, of Goderich. Miss Mildred Thornton, of Wing- hens, visited on Wednesday With Mrs. Harvey McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Canipbell, James and Eric, visited oh Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Everett Whitehead, Of Teesweter, Mr, and elm. Gordon Smith and family visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gear and Miss Edna Smith, of Kitchener. Misses Violet and Ruth Cook and Arnold Cook visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook, of Kite been, Lloyd MeDowell had his calf of the Calf Club et Walkerton, on Thursday, and received 2nd, prize. Me, Thos. Cook, Wingham, visited on Tuesday with Ma and Mrs, Walter Cecik end ether filende, Mrs. Jack Buchanan and Mrs, Fred Cook visited Wedneeday with Mrs, The November meeting of the Wee men's institute met in the Masonic Club rooms on Wednesday afternoon. Guest speaker was Rev, Mr. Tristram, Fordwich, Padre of Howick Legion, As an example of the power and in- fluence of women in shaping world affairs he named Abagail, a Bible character who humbled herself and saved her country from war. The speaker drew attention to the saerifice which had been made to keep our country free from war, and said we should remember that sacri- fice when we see these men and wo- men who have served trying to again establish themselves in civilian life. He closed with choice verse„and was thanked by Mrs, Wm. MacLean, Mrs. Allan Munro reviewed current events with interesting international as well as local items. Mrs. Harry Adams and Mrs, Wm. MacLean won prizes in the tea biscuit contest. Members accepted an invitation to attend a special meeting at Belgrave in the interests of B.uron County Children's Aid. Mrs. MacLean was asked to purchase a Christmas gift for our adopted sailor, Robert Riley, of Sunnybrook Hospital. Mrs. E. V. Thompson, Guelph, was a guest and brought greetings from the area. She also favoured with a solo accompanied by Mrs, D. S. Mac- Naughton, Ann Douglas played , two piano solos. Plans were made for the short course which will be held in the club rooms on Thursday afternoon, when Miss Edith Collins will be in charge, Members are asked to provide for a pot luck supper, President, Mrs. John Lane conduct- ed the meeting. Mrs, Harvey Timm read the minutes and correspondence. The roll call was answered by an item on the Red Cross. Tea was serv- ed by Mrs. Hunter, Mrs, Hart and Miss K. Hazelwood.' Mission Band Thirty were in attendance at the November meeting of The Buds of Promise Mission Band held on Mon- day in the church schoolroom. The meeting was brought to .order with quiet music, Catharine MacDonald at the piano, Elaine Statia who has been appointed president for the remainder of the year presided and the opening hymn was "Jesus Bids Us Shine, Marjorie Moffat led in prayer, Barry Grainger read the Scripture lesson, choosing Matthew 18, verses 1-6. All joined in singing "Jesus, Tender Shep- herd," The roll call was answered by tell- ing what costume was worn on Hal- lowe'en. Gwendoline Gibson received the offering. Billy Higgins played a piano solo. Mrs. Leslie Douglas was the story teller choosing "Bricks and a Dream" from the study book, "Many Hands in Many Lands," David Sanderson and Nancy New, ton arranged the meeting and con- ducted a period of games and riddles, Mrs. Grainger and Mrs. J. Sanderson were leaders, The meeting closed with the singing of a missionary hymn anu the, benediction. Women's Missionary Society The November meeting of the Mis- sionary Society, United Church, will be held in, the church parlours on Friday afternoon at , 3 p.m. Mrs. Grainger and Mrs. James Sanderson are in charge of the meeting. Rev. E. W. Todd will introduce the new study book, All the ladies are cordially in- vited to attend the monthly meeting of the W.M.S. W. I. Short Course On Thursday of this week Wroxeter W. I. are sponsoring a short course "Cultural Activities" with Miss Edith Collins of the department in charge. The lectures are given to promote a more abundant life and a deeper ap- preciation of the things near at hand, Meeting will start at 10 a.m. and the members are asked to provide for a pot luck luncheon, Autumn Thankoffering Meeting The Women's Missionary Society, of the United Church, will hold their autumn Thankoffering meeting, on Sunday morning, November 15. Was, C. D. Cox, of Belgrave, will hea guest speaker, Personals Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Moffat and Karen, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffat. Mrs. W. T. MacLean, Mrs, John MacLean and Mrs. Harvey Timm at- tended a meeting in Belgrave on Fri- day night in the interests of Huron County Children's Aid Society. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol return- ed from a month's holiday in Cali- fornia on Friday evening. They tra- velled by bus taking a different route home. Mrs. Nichol visited with a sis- ter she hadn't seen for twenty years. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Hill from Detroit. drove Mr. and Mrs. Nichol home and spent the week-end here. Mrs, E. V. Tokirnpson, Guelph, spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of Mrs. ID, S. MaeNaughton and at- tended the W. I. Rally at Gerrie. on Tuesday. Mrs. Thompson is conven- tion secretary for Guelph Area. Miss Evelyn Doig was , home for the week-end from Kitchener. Her mother, Mrs. Jim Doig, is spending this week in Kitchener. Mrs. 3. H. Wylie returned from Torontoo on Friday where she spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bradley. Baptismal service will be observed in the United Church at the morning service, November 22nd. Mervyn Grainger returned on Sat- urday front a hunting trip. The party Of twelve who camped at .Appley, Pet- erboro district, brought out 5 deer. Week-end guests Of Mr. and Mts. George Harris were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bender and fareily, Mount Forest, also Art Green, of St. Cathar- ines. Friends and relatives were shocked to learn of the sudden death of Selby Foster of Fordwich on Monday niern, ing. Mr, Foster who is engineer at the Carnatioe Milk Plant had gone to work. Not feeling well he decided to go into the village to see the doctor. On the way he suffered a heart attack and was found' in his car on the side of the road„ He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, the former Ruby Arm- strong, and three children, Jack, Mar- jorie and Jean, to whom the sympathy of the whole community is extended in their sad loss. Mr. and Mee. Andy Fiddle and son, Ralph, also Mies Ruth Brown, all of Toronto, spent the week-end with the latter's parents. Merwyn Elliott, Tor- onto is spending this week at the Brown home. Miss Hazel Sperling, of Wroxeter South, epent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Elliott in Listowel. Mrs, Alonzo. Sperling returned home with her for a few days' visit. Mrs. Alonzo Sparling, Miss Hazel Sparling and Mr, John Hupfer spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Robertson and Mrs, Ethel Carinichael in Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Max- well accompanied them to Saitford to spend the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Westlake, BIRTHS GILKINSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, November 4th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gilkineon, Wingham, a son. STURDY—In Wingbani General Hos- pital, on Thursday, November 5th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. William Stur- dy, Owen Sound, a daughter. HANNA—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, November 9th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna, Pleasant Valley, a daughter. St. Andrew's W.M.S. Thankoffering Held The fall Thankoffering meeting of St. Andrew's Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday afternoon of last week, The president, Mrs. Horace Aitchison, presided. After the opening exercises, the re- ports of the secretary and treasurer were read and approved and the roll was called. Nominations were receiv- ed for several offices vacant in the Preabyterial. It was decided to send for church calendars for members who wished to have them. Mrs. John Pollock read the Scrip- ture lesson from St. Luke 17 and gave a most inspiring meditation with the theme, "Let us all return to Christ in grateful appreciation and receive His best blessing". Mrs. Aitchison led in the Glad Tidings prayer and a much- appreciated solo "If We Could See, If We Could Know", was sung by Mrs. Douglas Fry, accompanied by Mrs. W. W. Gurney, The offertory prayer was given by Miss Agnes Mit- chell, The guest speaker for the meeting was Mrs. D. G. Campbell, of Seaforth who was introduced by Mrs. A, Nimmo, Mrs. Campbell's address, on "0 Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years, make it known," was an inspiration . to all who heard it and a challenge to mis- sionary society members. Mrs. D. Rae gave the closing prayer and fol- lowing the meeting lunch was served. MON% SCOUREX WILL "SAVE" YOUR CALVES! SODUREX WORKS FAST Retrieves infection from the in- testinal tract ovetnjght. The "combined sulfas" in Scoured work fast. Promotes appetite fox' rapid re- Ovary, Save Every Calf This Season Get Nixon's Scontelf at: Keres Drug Stor E 41111111511111111111110.111111111111110.11.111111111nt 0111001110•00111 UMMNI Skates Exchanged We take h'. Old Skates On Me". ,Trtide Iltied Skates" Buy or BA l'in* or tem. thing yotur old likittAi and. *et make- A 'dont, LOGALS AND PERSONALS —Mrs, David Gathers Spent last week in qorrie, visiting with friends. —Miss 0. Martin, of Toronto, visited for a few days at her home here. —Mrs. John Moir visited her sister Mrs. Platt, in Toronto, also a brother, ie. Ottawa. They travelled to Montreal and the States. —Mrs. Keith Tomlinson and child- ren, Robert and Sheila, of Oakville, are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, R. Hamilton this week, —Mr, and Mrs. H, M, Dobbin, Can- andaigua, N, Y., were called here owing to the death of Mr. W. J. Coul- ter, He was a cousin of Mrs. Dobbin. —Mrs, M. Straw, of Flint, Mich., and Mrs. Russell Finch, of Detroit, Michigan, visited at the home of Mrs. Frank Sturdy, Victoria St,, last week. —Miss Marguerite Biswarick and Miss Norma Moore, of Thorndale, and Mr. Artie Crozier, of Dorchester, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. E. Wadell, of Bluevale, —Master Terry Wadel, seven, year., old son of Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Waclel, Bluevale, had the A:Wort:me to fad down the stairs at his home on Mon- day evening and cracked the hone in the elbow of his left arm. Ciassifie4 Are Diversified, inexpensive and Fast !Acting The Whighern Advance-Times, Wednesdays Nov. 11, 1953 t."1••••• COMING EVENTS WANTED DEADSTOCK Met:iced teem your farm. promptly for sanitary disposal; Telephene. egileet: Painteeston 1e3W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378, GOR- DON YODN0 LIMITED, Irrt, LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead, dis- abled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient Service phone collect, Wingham 561J or William Stone Sons Limited, Ingersoll. 28rrb LOGS WANTED 80M feet No. 1 !lard 1faple Logs 14" and over length 8, 10, 12, and 14 feet Price $100.00 per M F.O.B. Truck or $110.00 M delivered Listowel Yard. Logs to be clear of knots or tap marks. The Andrew Malcolm Furniture Co. Ltd, (4stowel, Ontario Phone 48 or Roy Gadke, Fordwich, Ontario Phone Uri 11:18:25b BOARDERS WANTED WANTED—One or two men boarders. Apply R. Girling, millyard. 11* ' MISCELLANEOUS FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart Scott, Wingham, 29& rrb SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs, and poultry to your Wingham Co-operative. Ask for your Cash div- idend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the 13-ited Co- operatives in Wingbane &erre DISABLED WAR VETERAN solicits , orders for NEW and RENEWAL Subscriptions for All Magazines and Periodicals. Many special Xmas rates. Wonderful repeater gifts and easy shopping. Gift cards sent to announce all gifts. Eight years of dependable service guarantee satis- faction, Phone 160, Wingham, or write Leon C. Cantelon, Box 297, Wingham, Ont., for rates. REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, phone 293, Winghain, representing Dudley E. Holmes, Real Estate Broker, Lis- towel. FOR SALE-7 room frame house with siding, consists of 3 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, living room, den and kitchen as the owner is moving , out of town this house must be sold. 4rrb FOR SALE-109 acre farm on high- I way, brick house, bank barn, hydro, Priced at $5,800. 100 acre farm, brick house, sun- porch, hydro, steel driveshed, large bank barn, close to village and high- way, priced at $9,000, 4 112 acre Chicken farm, in village, red brick house, 3 deck henhouse, 3 colony houses, priceed at $5,000.00. 100 acre farm, stone house, bank barn, 25 acres bush, 75 acres cleared priced at $6,000.00. 64 acre farm, barn and house, priced at $1,500.00. 150 acre farm, house, bank barn, hydro, good bush, priced at $7,000.00. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. Phone 84. 11* VOTERS' LISTS: 1953 MUNICIPALITY OF WINGIIAM County of Huron , Notice is hereby given that I emu- plied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Wingham, Ontario, on the 4th day of. November, 1953, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for Appeal being the 18th day of November, 1953. Dated this 4th day of November, 1953. W. A. Galbraith, Clerk, Town of Wingham, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AU persons having claims against the estate of Mary W. Robertson, late Of the Village of telgrave, in the County of Huron, Widow, Who died et Or about the sixth day of October, A. D., 1953, are notified to send to the, undersigned on or before the fotirteen- th day of November A. ID., 1953, full particulare of their deities In writing. Immediately after the said fourteenth day of November the assets of the Said testatrix Will be distributed, arrieeget the puttee eetitied thereto, having re geed only to claieee of Which the Poiccotrbt shelf then Wye Attlee. Dated this teVeiitYslihttit tidy dt Oct. IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, ' take RUMACAPS and help yourself to relief from pains and aches. Ask your Druggist, J13rr re"r'ee""ree Personal Pension Policies • Assure Comfortable Retirement. CONSULT— FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM PHONE 462 ttt01,010111181011011110 lllllll iii t ttt 011140t0011010101 WINGHAM 'TAXI Under New Management DAY OR NIGHT FOR QUICK SERVICE PHONE 65 10111111110 ll tttttttttttt 0 tttttt 10 . .. 011110 lllllll 0 lllllllllll pie 11,