The Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-11-11, Page 5'Genuine C.C:M. Matched Sets No. 103 C.C.M. Tackaberry Matched Sets $47 4/1 PRICED AT 111 • 11.1 V C.C.M. Prolite Skate with heat-treated tubes and supports, flint-hard blades, velvet nickel finish. Correctly attached to C.C.M. Tackaberry shoe, made of finest quality Kangaroo Tendon Protector. Other Values at Stainton's WOODEN WHEELBARROWS $15.98 PRICED AT ALUMINUM WHEELBARROWS WITH RUBBER TIRES $37,35 USED STOVES COLEMAN HEATER 51,000 B.T.U USED 3 MONTHS ONLY $75.00 McClary - Monarch Oil Burning Space Heater 50,000 B.T.U. - Reg. $119.00 Sale Price $99.00 $7.25 & $9.95 a. MISCELLANEOUS COCOA DOOR MATS 18x28... $2.25 12x20. 95c Black Rubber Door Mats, 14 x 21 $2.00 Coloured Rubber Door. Mats 14 x 20 $2.75 16 x 18 $1.59 - SPECIAL - Leather Mits with knitted cuffs Lined - Per Pair $1.00 Hot Shot Anti-Freeze 50c Per Quart Per Gallon $2.00 COW TIES Fine quality, light polished, hard drawn steel wire chains. For use around stall stanchions. No. 2/0 No. 3/0 No. 6/0 No. 8/0 $1.00 $1.15 $1.40 $1.75 Come in and see our 1953 Toy Display ELECTRIC HEATERS PRICED AT GORRIE Has 93rd Birthday Gorrie's oldest resident, Bert Sage, marked his 93rd birthday on October 22nd. For many years Mr. Sage lived on the corner of the B line and what is now Highway 87 but for some years now he has made his home with Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison in Gorrie. He is the last surviving member of a family, of nine. Mr. Sage was never married. His father lived to be 101 years of age. His eyesight is almost gone but his, memory of by-gone days is quite keen. Mrs. Robert J. Caley Mrs. Robert J. Caley 81, passed away at her home near Rodney on Sunday, November 8th. She came to the Rod- ney district 25 years ago from the Isle -of Man. She was a member of St. James' Anglican Church, Rodney. Mrs. Caley was the mother of Arch- deacon James Caley, a former rector of the parish of Gorrie, Fordwich and Wroxeter and to him sincere sym- pathy is extended, Her husband, four sons and a daughter survive, Turkey Supper Members of the Royal Black Pre- CROWN THEATRE. HARRISTON, ONTARIO rwo SHOWS NIGHTLY 7.15 & 9.15 SATURDAY MATINEE 0.30 WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY November 11 - 12 "HOUDINI" Technicolor Tony Curtis Janet Leigh FRIDAY - SATURDAY November 13 "OFF LIMITS" Bob Hope Mickey Rooney MONDAY - 'TUESDAY November 16 - 17 "STALAG 17" William Holden Don Taylor Regular Admission SENSATIONAL ATTRACTION EACH EVENING THIS WEEK Amazing Hypnotist EDWIN HEATH . Don't fail to see this Show of a Lifetime / A 2-hour attraction. Adults 60c Students 45c Children 30c MATINEE SATURDAY Adults 45s Students 30c Children 15c ONE SHOW NIGHTLY - STARTING AT 7.30 During the week of November 9th to 14th there will be only one showing of the moving picture each night, commencing at 7.30, fol- lowed by the two-hour hypnotism feature. FOR TABLE OR COOKING "ENRICHED" FIVE ROSES FLOUR rumill.69‘ RASPBERRY4lCHOICE JAM with PECTIN Ilan 370 YORK TTOMATOES 24141 35 0 REGULAR OR CHUBBY SIZE KLEENEX., -BAKING SUPPLIES GOLD DELI, BLEACHED SULTANA • RAISINS AUSTRALIAN RAISINS BROKEN WALNUTS GLACE CHER !ES PKG. 240 15 OZ. POUNDS 390 PKG. 230 4 OZ. I OZ. 290 PKG. EXCLUSIVE AT DOMINION! WONDER 131‘015.5 OF Nino LEDGE VOLUME NO..a. NOW ON SALE PER VOLUME 39c NEw BLUE SURF Saves Bluing---Seaking-131eaching Too LARGE 390 GIANT 770 CLARKS TOMATO JUICE GLENWOOD ARTIFICIAL VANILLA BULK SPAGHETTI OR MACARONI DOMINION HOMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER DOMNOL GRADE 10-20-30 MOTOR OIL FRESHLY GROUND RICHMELLO COME= QUICK COOKING OATS 290 150 290 350 1.33 980 250 POUND POUNDS 45 OZ. TIN S OZ. JUG 2 POUNDS 16 OZ. JAR 5 QUART TIN DARES BISCUITS QUEEN O'CLURS NOVEMBER ISSUE BETTER LIVING MAGAZINE CELLO 10 OZ, 270 PER0COPY R ESH"•FRU '''VEGETA BL ES NO. I ONTARIO POTATOES 75 LB. 1 39 BAG FLORIDA. MARSH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT SIZE sa's ron 270 NO. 1 ONTARIO (50 Lb. nag $1.19) SWEET JUICY ONIONS 3/4.1 30 ORANGES SUNKIST Size 288's 290 Doz. All merchandise mold at your oDondritou StOre Is guaranteed fo 0106 10096 Itailifacttois. VAIATZS tETZCTIVE IN I WI NGHAM DOIAM0101K UNIT 0 The Business. Girls' & Men's Luncheon is inexpensive and served at noon and evening. SERVING TIME 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thank You! Hotel Brunswick COFFEE SHOP 0=10 10=0 g i .13auer Hockey and Skating Outfits SKATES SHARPENED 25c I USED SKATES FIGURE SKATES Ladies' "Pathfinder" Matched Sets C.C.M. skate. White elk shoe, moisture-resistent counters Sizes 8 to 10 No. 95 Bobby Bauer Special Hockey Outfit $1650 Shoe chrome tanned, leather-lined • No. 685 Misses' White Figure Skating Outfit $8 Sizes 11 to 3, half sizes included Little .Tots' Skating Outfit Black or Iyhite, sizes 6 to 13, full sizes - ONLY No. 585 Ladies' White Figure Skating Outfit en at Sizes to 10, halt sizes included $9 95 Misses' "Pathfinder Junior" Matched Sets 95 Same as above, sizes 10 to 2 $11 • No. 116 TP Matched Set for Men Top grain black kip shoes with brown toes and trim Leather lined throughout with tendon guard - Sizes 6 to 12. No. 113TP Matched Set, Men's C.C.M. skate. Good quality shoe, box toe, tendon protector $14.95 Full sizes only 6 to 12. No. 113B Matched Set, Boys' Same as above less tendon guard, for boys Full sizes.only 3 to 5 AND FARMERS SUPPLY HOUSE- PHONE ;0 $14.95 $11.50 $17.50 .75 $5.50 1111•11111111111111111W' W/NGHAM rersOnale Mr. and Mrs., Gorden Miller and Larry, of London, and Mr. Murray Taylor, of Walkerton, Were weekend wrests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tay- lor. Mrs. T, J, Todd will be hostess for ,the monthly meeting of the W,1VI,S, and the W. A. Of the United Church, 'on Friday afternoon at 2.30. ceptory, no, 336, Fordwich, held their annual "Ladies Night" on Thursday evening when with their wives they enjoyed a turkey supper in the Gorrie Community Hall, served by the mem- hers of the Gorrie 40.13,A, Short aneeehes by the members followed the supper and the evening was spent Playing L.0.L cards, . Officers Eleeted At the annual meeting of the Gor, rip L.O.L. No, 767 the following offi- cers were elected for 1954: Past Master, Justin Will; Worthy Master, Raymond Neill; deputy Mas- ter, Stanley Hayes; recording secre- tary, Gordon Underwood; financial secretary, John Dinsmore; Treasurer, Allan Watson; chaplain, T. L. Mc- Innes; marshal], R. W, N. Wade; let lecturer, Justin Will; 2nd lecturer, R. Dixon; committee, H. V. Holmes, T, L. McInnes, R, W. N. Wade, Justin Will, J. Dinsmore; auditors, H. V. Holmes, R. W. N. Wade. Women's Auxiliary Mrs, Harry King opened her home on Thursday afternoon for the Nov- ember meeting of the W.A.- of St. Stephen's Church when 16 members and five visitors were present, A new member, Mrs. Ernie Harris, was wel- comed. After sewing, the meeting was open- ed by the president, Mrs. Norman Wade, with the hymn, " 0 God of Love O King of Peace". The roll brought a good response on the word peace The Scripture from Philippians 4:4-13, was read by Mrs. E. H. Strong. The fund for the Coronation church is still open. Twenty dollars has .been sent in from the Gorrie branch. The Rev. D. H, T. Fuller told of the pray- er partner, Rev. Robert Adams, recent- ]y moved from Waswanippi, Quebec. Mrs. James Armstrong spoke on the life of Caroline McDonald, the "white angel" of Japan, a native of Wing- ham and well-known by Mrs. Arm- strong. Mrs, T. Vittie read letters from missionaries in India and the Arctic diocese. Mrs. F. C. Taylor brought a splendid message from Phil. 4:19, "But my God shall supply all our needs according to His riches in glory ' by Christ Jesus." The second and third chapters of the study book "Africa Steps Out" were reviewed with Mrs. Gordon Un. derwood reading portions and a quiz was conducted. The native African desires • an education and many more Christian teachers are needed. The rector closed with prayer's and bene- Ddiicnthsiome nore, served refreshments. .hostess T hostess, assisted by Mrs. John Township Treasurer Appointed Ewart Whitfield has been appointed treasurer of the Township of Howick to succeed thoeorlaritee Y.P.U. A1c1;vri d Wearring, of Wroxeter. The Y.P.U. of the United Church is having a social evening in the church hall on Friday, November 20 at 8.30 p.m. All young people of the district are invited. Presentation at S.S. Meeting The teachers and officers of the Sunday School held their regular monthly meeting at the parsonage on Sunday evening. A surprise feature of the evening was the presentation to the Rev. W. J. V. and Mrs. Duch- anan of 15 red Sweetheart roses in a crystal vase in honor of their 15th wedding anniversary on November 2. Tom Edgar gave the address. W.M.S. The November meeting of the Wo- man's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. T, L. McInnes on Wed- nesday evening. The theme of the meeting was tCh'ristian citizenship and Mrs. E. Whitfield presided. Mrs. K. Hueston and Mrs. W. Strong gave splendid papers on' the subject. Reports of the sectional, meeting at St. Helens were given by Mrs A, Taylor and Mrs H. Ferguson. The roll call was answered with a verse on "Remembrance". Mrs. Irv- ing Toner took charge of the business period. It was decided to pack a bale shortly under the direction of the supply committee, Mrs. A. Toner and Mrs. C. Grainger. Lunch was served and a social time spent. Three of our local hunters, Wesley Gallaway, Addle Harrison and Cecil Grainger were successful in getting a deer each last week. The residence of the late Mrs. John Robinson has been purchased by Mr. Sandy Hastie, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl King, Carrol and Dodglas, visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Ira MacLean, of Wroxeter. Captain John Neilson, who is sta- tioned at Camp Borden for three weeks, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. L. Neilson and his bro- ther, David. Mrs. 'Neilson, who has been a patient at Wingham General I Hospital, is gaining in health. Mr. Archie McDonald, principal of the Gorrie Public School, and Mrs, Ruth McDonald, junior room, were in Hanover on Thursday for the teachers' convention. Jack Lynn, Howick and Wallace boundary, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Robertson and Mr, and Mrs. John Elliott, of Strath- claim, Manitoba, were recent guests at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. William Edwards, of London, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon, of Whiteehurch, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. Mrs, David Cathers, of Wingharii, spent several days last week visiting friends in the village. Mrs. Frances Earngey and Miss Muriel Lambert spent several days last week at the home of Dr. W. J. -Schmidt and Mrs. Schmidt, of Kitch- ener. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose O'Connor and Gwen, of Sumach, Northern On- tario, visited last week with Mrs. O'Connor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Finlay. Mr. and Mrs. Blyth, of Owen Sound, and daughter Betty, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blyth, Wingham, were guests on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hastie. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Michel and Dana, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel, Mr, and Mrs. Frank King spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Schaefer, of Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs, James Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Les, Davidson and William Edwards, of London, attended the funeral ill Drayton United Church on Mr, Barton was well known in this brother-in'-law, Mr. James Barton. In- terment community, having lived here at one tTimhuer.sday afternoon of the former's was in Wroxeter cemetery. Mr. Roy Strang was re-elected a director of Huron Co-Operative Medi- cal Services at. the sixth annual meet- ing in Clinton last week. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Miles, Of To- ronto, spent several clays with the lat- ter's brother, Mr. Norman Wade and Mrs. Wade, last, Week. Many friends Will be glad to learn that Mrs, H, V.. Holmes was able to to her home on Tuesday Of last week. She was a patient, in the Listowel Memorial Hospital for the past ten Weeks, The 'Wimrhaio. Advance-Times, Wednesday, Nov. 0, 1953 Page .Five 0=10 =0) 40=01 0=0) E The Wingham Recreation Council wishes to thank all the citizens of Wingham who gave money in the recent canvass for funds. The' council would also like to thank members of the Lions and Kins- men Clubs and other volunteers who participated in the canvass, and station CKNX and the Advance- Times, who helped to publicize the fund-raising effort. The council will do its best to spend the money raised to the best interests of the children of Wingham. BILL CONRON, President. O Mrs. Durnin Phillips of .Dungannon, the president of the West Huron Dis- trict Women's Institute, was the guest speaker at the November Meeting of the Women's Institute held in the Community Hall, on Wednesday after- noon, Mrs. Phillips told of the Area Con- vention held recently in London and of the rally of the three districts of Huron, held in Gorrie on Tuesday. She concluded her interesting and infor- mative talk with some high lights of a motor trip she and Mr, Phillips had enjoyed through the Southern States. Mrs. Jas. Curran presided and the roll call was responded to by "Fond Memories." It was agreed to donate §1.0 to the girls' club, which are hav- ing as their new project "Being well dressed and well groomed" with Mrs. G. MacPherson and Mrs. Jas, Curran as leaders. Any new girls who wish to join this class will be very welcome. It was decided to have a collection at the next meeting for the Wingham General Hospital. The committee com- posed of Mrs. Fred, McQuillin, Mrs. G. MacPherson, Mrs. A. Gaunt and Mrs. Frank McQuillin, with power to add to their number, was appointed again to arrange for social evenings. The motto "Life is. like a ladder, every step you take is either "up" or "down" prepared by Miss Jean Aitchison, was read by Mrs. Ross Gamrhie. Mrs. E, W. Rice sang a solo "Loves Old Sweet Song." During the social hour when lunch was served by Mrs. Chas. McDonald and Miss Annie Durnin, Mrs. E. Bar- bour, the president, and Mrs, Fred McQuillin, the secretary, were ap- pointed to get estimates on the cost of wiring the 'hall for hydro, NEWS OF „ST. HELENS Women's Institute Hears Talk By W.I. West Huron President