The Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-06-17, Page 7TATTQO FOR LUCKNOW—Plans
are being made for a big hand tattoo
in LucknOw At the end of the ninth,
with the I,aicknow Pipe Band as hosts,
Shows Nightly - Rain or Clear
First Show at Dusk
Thurs., Fri., dune 18-19
"The Fighter"
Richard Conte Vanessa Brown
Sat., Mon., June 20-22
Bugles in The Afternoon'
Ray Milland
Tues., Wed., June 23-24
"Secret of Convict Lake"
Glenn Ford Gene Tierney
Thurs., Fri., June 28-26
"Captain Scarlett"
Richard Greene
Saturday, June 27
Mara Maru
Errol Flynn Ruth Roman
Stephens ,$hiell Rites
In Brick Church
Brick United Church was the scene
of a summer wedding when Doris
Edna Shiell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Shiell, RR 3 Wingham,
w s arried to John Urquhart Steph-
ens, son of Mr, and Mrs. G. G,
Stephens, Carnpbellford, Ontario.
The Rev, C. D. Cox performed the
doubld ring ceremony before a setting
of pink and white gladioli, ferns and
white candelabra. The wedding music
was played by Miss Eleanor Wight-
man and Mrs, Ross Hamilton was
Given in, marriage by her father,
the bride wore a gown of white satin
with nylon net overskirt which ex-
tended into a cathedral train. The
Rosepoint lace bodice featured a wide
bertha collar with long sleeves ending
in lily-points over the wrists. The
fingertip veil was held by a Rose-
point lace headdress trimmed with
seed pearls and she carried a white
Bible decorated with pink sweetheart
roses and lily-of-the-valley.
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tals recently purchased enhanced the gram for 1952-43. It was stated ttiet
scene already colourful with the new the district received reports trail*
decoration and the distinctive choir every branch .of the Women's Institute
gowns. Mr. Bailie thanked all who had in East Huron. Ontario has 1500 broo-
helped to make the services successful, ches and 45,07 Members.
and welcomed these from other chur- Mrs. Roy Purvey gave a readily,
ches who had joined in the common The final number on the programme,
Worship, Was a humorous skit representing a
second vice-president, Miss Ruby Duff,
attend the convention of the'Associat-
for transportation.
picnic at Stratford on July 25th, to
attend the Shakesperian festival mati-
home of Mrs. John Wickstead, the
ed Country women of the World in
Maple Leaf Gardens on August 21st,
Mrs, Jas. Johnston and Mrs. Wick-
give the members an opportunity to
presiding, It was decided that.arrange-
ments be made for six members to
stead were named a committee to plan
July meeting will take the form of a
The Women's Institute met at the
Instead of a regular meeting, the
To Send Delegates To Toronto
being; Mrs. Carl Johnston, Mrs. C.
Mrs, W. J. Peacock, Miss R, Duff,,
Church with the president, Marie
Roffman, Mrs. S. Yeo, Mrs, M. BaIlie,
Johnston, in charge.
garet Curtis continued the mission-
scene in a hospital, those taking part.
those over eight naming a Bible char-
ing of a Temperance song, Miss Mar-
ary story.
The roll call was answered by
Betty Ruttan gave a peace time-
The Mission Band met in the United:
Mrs. W, J, Johnston led in the sing-
and those under eight, a tree,
Mission Band Meets
Injured at Saw Mill nee when "All's Well That Ends
Allan Nicholson, spending his vaca- Well," will be presented by famous
tion from High School working in actors.
Cecil Walpole's planning mill, Wing- Mrs. M. L. Aitken gave a paper on
"Books I have Enjoyed," following ham, received bad cuts, from an elect-
the response to the roll call "A quo- ric saw on Thursday. The tops of three
fingers on the left hand were cut. No tation from a Canadian Author,"
Mrs, Eldred Nichol and Mrs. Har- serious complications will result.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bosman and vey Robertson gave reports of the
district annual meeting held at Ethel, family, of West Lorne, were guests at
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. where Bluevale branch received an
Bosnian. award as second prize for best pro-
is always a
853 Years of Service to the Canadian People.
BranCh Manager
pedal Cash Prices
For Saturday, June 20
Smoked Cottage Roll lb. 60c
Sliced Breakfast Bacon lb. 53c
Breakfast Bacon in piece lb. 50c
Fresh Side Pork, sliced lb. 45c
Fresh Side Pork, in piece lb. 42c
Pork Sausage 2 lbs. for 85c
Fresh Ground Beef lb. 45c
Rib Roast, Rolled (no bone) lb.. 70c
Boiling Beef, not rolled lb. 32c
Rolled Boiling Beef lb. 42c
lb. 52c Shoulder Roast of Beef
Lard 2 lbs. for 25c
Soap Flakes lb. 13c
BROILERS — at Market Price.
A. J. Lockridge
Phone 35
aver to a rafter date,
Mrs, R. Appleby, health convener,
then took charge of the meeting. At
this time the photographer arrived
and three pictures were taken of the
ladies for the Tweedsmuir book, A
number of former members were in-
cluded in the pictures.
The motto was taken by Mrs. D.
,Eddie, who closed by giving two short
Poems in line with the motto.
Billie Jeffray, winner of the silver
cup at Goderieh Music Festiva) favor-
ed with his winning song, 'New Shoes,"
Mrs. Appleby then introduced our
gnest speaker, Miss Mary Love, Huron
County health nurse.
Miss Love said she was glad to have
the opportunity of speaking to the
mothers as she meets the children
regularly but so seldom has contact
with the parents. Healthful eating
plays an important part in the well-
being of every member of the family.
Especially important is the kind of
food given to children. Their food
must supply the requirements for
activity and growth.
Try to serve the foods in the way
your child likes them best. Feeding
troubles being when mother forces
the child to eat just ten bites more.
The goal is not to get the food in but
have the child enjoy his food. We our-
selves are not always real hungry, a
'child can be the same,
Mrs, Appleby thanked Miss Love for
her splend talk.
A solo, "Stop, Look and Listen" was
well given by John Kailer.
Mrs. Zinn took charge of the bal-
ance of the meeting. A number of
guests gave a few remarks, recalling
pleasant times with Belmore W. I. and
all expressed good wishes for contin-
ued success.
Mrs. Emma Gowdy, one of the older
past presidents, was able to attend.
Mrs. Playter, Mt. Brydges; Mrs. Kir-
by and Mrs. Brown, Teeswater; Mrs.
Bumstead, Mrs. H. MacLean, Mrs, A.
Halliday, Wingham; Mrs, Mosack,
Formosa; Mrs. Atcheson, Harriston;
Mrs. Win.. Irwin, Mrs. J. Vogan, Mrs.
A. Darling and a number of the older
folks in the community who are not
able to come very often, expressed
pleasure in attending.
Lunch, was served by the hostesses,
Mrs. E. Jeff ray, Mrs. E. Renwick,
Mrs. N. Newans, Mrs. J Farrell, 'Mrs.
I. Haskins, Mrs. H. Gowdy, Mrs. H.
Mulvey arid Mrs. F. Doubledee at the
• Large Crowd at the Shower
A large crowd attended the shower
held in the Hall on Wednesday night
for Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Will. Music
was supplied by the Western Five.
An address was read by Dell Hays
and the presentation of a well filled
purse of money was made by Peter
McKague for_ which both the bride
and groom thanked the donors. Mr.
and Mrs. Will were honored at a sim-
ilar shower held at Leamington, the
groom's former home, the night prev-
details, A special speaker from the., Tha •Wing4.m .44vanee,TIM!", W040007, 442114 1Z 4003 .7e4ge. *Too
Institute Board W44 discussed but left
1951 METEOR Coach $1,450.00
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1951 FORD Pickup $1,000.00
All above cars are thoroughly overhauled and N
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Used Cars ;
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• Ford & Monarch S ▪ Phone 237 A. IL MacWilliam Wingfunn
Large congregations attended the
Anniversary services in Bluevale
Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The
auditorium, with the redecoration be-
gun last year now complete, was a
fitting setting for the special services
of praise and thanksgiving.
.The invited preacher was the Rev.
Donald B. MacKay, B. A., of Knox
Church, Stratford. His two sermons,
the one in the morning on "Christ's
Appointments" and the one in the
evening on "Christ's Credentials" were
very helpful and greatly apprediated.
Mr. MacKay and Mr. Baillie, the min-
ister of the church, were fellow stud-
ents at Princeton Theological Semi-
nary, U. S. A., fifteen years ago.
Miss Lois Chapman, 'of Stratford,
was the special soloist at both ser-
vices and her messages in song were
delivered in a particularly sweet voice.
Mrs. 0. B. Moffatt was at the organ
and prepared with the choir the spec-
ial music which consisted of: the
Twenty-third Psalm, "Brother James'
Afros "Come Let Us to the Lord Our
God," Scottish paraphrase to tune
Kedron, arranged by Hugh S. Robert-
on; "Now Let Every Tongue Adore
Thee," from the cantata "Sleepers
Awake," by Bach, and "The Twenty-
Third Psalm," tune Crimond, arranged
by Roberton.
Baskets of flowers set upon pedes-
Every Saturday Night
at the beautiful
Stratford Casino
from 9 to 12
Admission 75c
Look who's coming
Tuesday, June 23rd
Don Messer and WS
Admission $1.00
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Miss •Cliven MoRurno", Landon, was
maid-of-honor. Mrs. Jack Connor,
CarsPbelifsrd, sister Of the groom
and Miss. Marilyn Shiell, Wingham,
sister of the bride, were bridesmaids.
They were gowned in blue satin With
nylon net overskirt and a bolero of
satin brocade, Their headdresses
were matching half crown bandeaux
with lily-of-the-valley, They carried
baskets of pink roses and sweet peas
with lily-of-the-valley.
The groom was attended by Robert
J, Buckles, Oakville, and ushers were
Jack Connor, Campbellford, and Jack
Shiell, Wingham, brother of the bride.
The reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents with the bride's
Mother receiving in French blue
crepe and lace, lilac and white acces-
sories and a corsage of mauve and
pink sweet peas. The groom's mother
assisted, wearing a powder blue crepe
dress with navy and white accessor-
ies and a corsage of pink roses.
For a wedding trip to Eastern On-
tario and Quebec, the bride travelled
in a robin blue silk shantung suit,
white accessories and an orchid cor-
The couple will reside in Wingham.
St. Paul's Members
Attend Deanery
Several members of the W. A. of
St. Paul's church, Wingham, attended
the Spring Deanery meeting held in
Trivett Memorial church, Exeter, on
Monday, June 8th..
The morning session opened with
the celebration of Holy Communion,
at which the rector, Rev. C. L. Lang-
ford was assisted by Rural Dean H. L.
Parker, of Wingham.
The president, Miss Dorothy Parks,
of Seaforth, welcomed the members
and the wives of the new clergy in the
She asked Mrs. Calder, of Goderich,
president of the Huron Diocesan
Board of the W. A. to address the
meeting and explain the aims of the
board for this year, the first of which
is to have a W. A. branch in every
i Hanna's Men's Wear I i FATHER'S DAY, JUNE 21st •
Mrs, Calder asked that every mem-
her make a Apecial effort this year to
assist in raising $10,000.00 to build a
new coronation church in some nos-
sion, parish, Bishop Luxton's corona-
tion year project is to have five new
churches built in the diocese,
She also requested consideration
to be given to a donation to W. A.
House, newly acquired in London and
Which Mrs, Mirebonse, convener of
deaneries, explained more fullya hoes°.
which belongs to St. John the Evan-
gelist church has been rented by the
W. A. to provide space for the ever
increasing educational work and the
display of literature, also the accom-
modation of Missionary bales and a
house to which members can go when
in London and see at first hand the
work being carried on.
Mrs. Middleton, educational secre-
tary, expressed regreat at the resigna-
tion of Miss Frootn, director of youth
work in Huron diocese. She urged
careful perusal of the study book and
made the suggestion that each year
the special appeals, as distinct from
from the specific pledges, should
be explained to the members.
At the afternoon meeting Archdea-
con Mills introduced the guest speak-
er, Canon L. A. Dixon, secretary of the
missionary society of the Canadian
church who traced the growth of
missionary work from the time
in 1783 when there was no Anglican
Bishop outside the British Isles,
until the present when there
are in Canada 28 dioceses and 28
Bishops. Much of this missionary ef-
fort has been accomplished with the
aid of the Society for the Propagation
of the Gospel and the church Mis-
sionary Society with funds and clergy
sent from Great Britain.
Now has come the time for the Can-
adian church to take over the work
and through our own efforts support
our churches and clergy in the• great
expansion of the work throughout the
Western provinces.
Reports of various organizations
were received and that of the nomi-
nating committee being accepted,
Rural Dean H. I.J. Parker installed the
following officers: President, Miss
Dorothy Parks, Seaforth; 1st. vice-
pres., Mrs. R. Middleton, Hensall;
and.vice pres., Mrs.' F. Hunt, Goder-
ich; sec-treas., Mrs. J. B Higgins, Hay-
field; Dorcas convener, Mrs. W. M.
Connell, Wingharn; girls' aux. sec.,
Mrs. J. Hartley, Clinton; educational
sec., Mrs. Stewart Middleton, Mid-
dleton; little helpers' sec., Mrs, W. E.
Middleton, Exeter; ,jun. aux. sec., Mrs.
R. M. Buiteel, Clinton.
The annual delsassy 1V. A. picnic is
being 'held at the. church camp, Bay-
field, this`Wednesday, June 17th. Don-
ations or articles suitable for camp
use, dishes and kitchen equipment
wall be very gratefully received by the
camp committee.
in •
I a
Welcome to Canada's Prime Minister
Rt. Hon. Louis St. Lauren
(0 N
'11111111111•111111111111111111,11111 ininoillillliglilisInlillilla1111111311111•1111111111111111111111111111311111111miumparininisisminiallsontm%
Residents of Wingham and District will have an opportunity
to see and meet' the Prime Minister on
Wednesday Evening, JuneI24th
8.30 p.m.
(Wingham Arena in case of rain).
All citizens are Invited to attend.
Weilingtori - Huron Liberal
The June meeting of the Belmore
W. I. was held in the Community Club
Room, on Wednesday, June 10th, with
fifty ladies and six children present.
The _meeting opened in the usual man-
The minutes were read and adopted.
Mrs. Zinn told of receiving a letter
of thanks from the family in Greece
to which clothing had been sent last
year. She 'also reported the meeting of
the rink committee on June 8th. She
was to ask the ladies whether they
preferred to have a garden party or a
fowl supper to raise funds to complete
some work around the community
centre, The majority voted for a gar-
den party.
A buS trip was discussed. A com-
mittee of Mrs. Win, Merkley and Mrs.
Cliff Boyd was appointed to look after
$2.50 & $3.50
and Wind
Bellmore Ont.
Phone Belmore 6 r 31