The Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-01-28, Page 3T
-4( Last chance to cash in on these "COLOSSAL
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1951 Sales— Over 500 New and Used Cars and Trucks—There must be a
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The annual meeting of Bluevale
Presbyterian Church was held on
Friday evening, January 23rd, About
eighty members sat down to a Pot
luck supper, which was thoroughly
enjoyed by all, A social hour was held
after which the annual business meet-
ing held. The devotional exercises
were conducted by Rev, Matthew
Bailie, Mr. J. Gordon Mundell was ap-
pointed chairman for the evening. The
Session report was given by Eldred
Nichol and showed an increase in
membership, J. G. Mundell reported
for the board of managers. R. J. Mc-
Murray gave the secretary-treasurer's
report. The finances of the church
were very encouraging and showed
balance of $1032.95, in the General
Fund and the allocation to the Mis-
,slon • Fund oversoribed, Mrs, Harvey
obertson reported the W.M.S. had
been very active during the year. They
had Presented one life membership
certificate and had exceeded the Mis-
sionary allocation,
Mrs, Harry Elliott reported for the
Sunday school and the Ladies'. Aid
Mrs. A. D. Smith gave the choir re-
port and Mrs. Bailie reported for the
Mission Band.
Considerable discussion centred
around the question of painting the
exterior of the church and the refin-
ishing of the church floors. This was
left with the board of managers to
have this work done. The new mana-
gers for a three year term were ap-
pointed: Bernard Thomas, Jack Mc-
Tavish and Harry Elliott. The ushers
are, Harold Moffatt, Bill Robertson
and Hugh Campbell. R, J. McMurray
was elected secretary-treasurer. Aud-
itors, Mrs. Harvey Robertson and Mrs.
Eldred Nichol. The congregation voted
unanimously to have a supper at the
next annual meeting. Rev. M. Bailie
pronounced the benediction,
United Church Annual Meeting
The United Church of the village
held its annual meeting on January
23rd. The meeting was preceded by a
supper arranged by the Women's As-
sociation of the church at 7 p.m.
About 125 members, including their
families sat down to a bountiful re-
past, Rev, R. A. Brook presided and
Mr. George Thomson was appointed
as secretary of the meeting.
Reports of the year's work from
the various church organizations were
given and plans discussed for im-
provements and undertaking for the
year to come.
There was community singing and
a duet by Rev, R. A. Brook and Mr.
Gordon Holt, also a trio by Joyce
Hoffman, Verna Wheeler and Kay
Johnston. The pastor gave a short ad-
dress on "Loyalties" and thanked
NEWS OF BLuv.4.1„E
Local Churches Rear Reports
At Congregational Meetings
every one who had contributed in any
way to the work of the church. The
reports of the different organizations
showed the interest that was being
taken in all church projects and the
Satisfactory condition of finances.
Mr. Brook presented diplomas for
attendance at church and Sunday
school to Joyce Hoffman, Shirley
Johnston, Ross Peacock, Bobbie and
Grace Mathers and second year seals
to Marie Johnston, Bobbie Hethering-
ton, Kay and Keith Johnston, A pleas-
ing event at the meeting was the pre-
sentation of gifts to Mrs. W. J. John-
ston, retiring organist and choir lead-
er of the past 20 years. Ross Smith
read the address and the presenta-
tionS of an electric kettle and a re-
vised edition of the Bible was made by
Mrs. Geo. Hetherington, Mrs. John-
ston in her reply referred to her long
years as organist since she was a
young woman in different churches,
also in the West where she lived for
a number of years. Approximately 60
years was devoted to this form of
church work, which we think is es-
tablishing a record. She thanked the
congregation and choir for the ap-
preciation shown her,
Ross Smith in his remarks to Mrs•
Johntson stressed the interest she had
always taken and tier faithful attend-
ance at the organ, and said he hoped
she would have more leisure but still
be able to work for her church which
is her greatest interest.
Reception for Newlyweds
On January 21st., Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Elliott entertained in honour
of Mrs. Elliott's aunt, the former Mrs.
Annie Gallaway, recently married to
Mr. Gordon Ritchie, of Peeswater, the
guests included, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Henning, Mr, Clarence Henning, Mr.
Ritchie Sr., Mr. and Mrs, Ray-
mond Henning, Mr. and Mrs. J. Walk-
er, Miss Emma Walker, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Adair.
The newly married couple received
many beautiful gifts and a very
happy time was spent. Mrs. Wm.
Adair of this village, is a sister
of the bride and by a co-incid-
ence it was the date of the 50th wed-
ding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs.
Adairs marriage.
50th Anniversary
Mrs. Adair, formerly Mary Jane
Casemore, daughter of Wm. Casemore
and Mary McPherson Casemore, of
Howirk Township, was married to Mr.
Wm. Adair of Listowel, in 1903, by the
Rev. J. A, McKelvey of Wroxeter. The
bridesmaid was Caroline Casemore
and Mr. Geo. Adair of West Moncton,
was best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Adair resided in Kin-
cardine for many years until they de-
cided to settle in Bluevale. They have
three sons, John of Bluevale; Joseph,
manager of the Royal Bank, Cooks-
town and Bruce, chief accountant of
the Royal Bank, Hanover, Ont.
Pres. Ladies' Aid Meet
sops, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr*,.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling,
George and Jim Darling attended Um
funeral of Mrs. Darling's sister-in,lavr,
Mrs. Lorne Newman of Windsor ntl
January 24th.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bosnian and
small son of London, visited. Mr. srxrc
Mrs. Chas. Bosnian
The congregation of the Westfield'
United Church held its annual Meet-
ing with a pot luck supper on Thurs.
day, with a good attendance, Supper
was served by the ladies, after which
the meeting opened by singing "Faith
of our Fathers," followed by prayer
, by the pastor, Rev. C. C. Washington,
with the Lord's Prayer in unison. The
Scripture lesson was read from Psalro-
103. A film "Let Me Ring It," with,
'the story recorded was of much. inter-
est to all. A memorial service was con-
ducted in memory of the members
',who had passed on, After the minister
had given his report to the congrega-
he resumed the' chair while the var-
ious other reports were presented. All
departments showed encouraging pro-gress during the year. Each report
"Showed a substantial balance, The
relief work bales sent to Toronto dur-
ing the year were valued at $756.67.
Marvin McDowell was re-elected to
the session for a five year term, Roy
Noble and Lloyd Walden were re-elec-
ted to the board of stewards for a
three year term. Jack Buchanan was
re-appointed church treasurer. Mare
yin McDowell as church setretary,
i Wm. McDowell as M. and M. Treas-
urer, organist, Winnifred Campbell,
assistant, Graeme McDowell; Church
' officer, Edgar Howatt; representative
on Official Board from the Board of
'Trustees, Alva McDowell. The meeting;.,
closed with prayer.
Mr. Harold Bosnian of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosnian,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith of Moles-
worth, visited on Tuesday with Mr.
• and Mrs. Chas. Smith.
Mr. Ken Boyd of Brantford, spent
• the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Kea
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell and
family visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Annie Wolper at the home of Mr. and
rMs. John Doer of Auburn.
not a dye or rinse
"It's simpler
than setting your hair!"
pedal ash rites
For Saturday, January 31
the whole town's buzzin' about our
The Triple Group meeting of the
Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church
was held at the home of Mrs. Burns
Moffat, on January 21st, The meeting
was opened by the reading of the 23rd.
psalm, by Mrs. Harry Elliott and was
followed by prayer offered by Mrs.
Peter McEwen, The usual business
meeting followed and the roll call was
answered by the payment of fees.
Ways and means were discussed of
raising money in 1953. The next meet-
ing will take place at Mrs. Don Rob-
ertson's. There a quilting will take
'place, The meeting closed with the
$.- singing of the hymn, "Spirit Divine"
and the Lord's Prayer. A social half
hour followed.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bosnian and
Edgar, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Bosnian in London, during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mooney of Tor-
onto, were week-end visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. A. D. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Corrigan spent
a few days in Toronto last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sellers, Mr, and
Mrs. Jack Thompson, Mrs. Burns
Moffat, Mrs, Mary McKinney, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Bosnian, Rev. Matthew
Bailie and Mrs. Bailie and others
went to Listowel during the week to
,„.1 see the' motion picture, "The First
air Man." 1 The following men of Bluevale vie-
Unity motored to Toronto on Satur-
day to take in the hockey match in
Maple Leaf Gardens: Jim and Carl
Johnston, Bill Peacock, Alex Robert-
i son, Campbell Robertson, W. Cr, Mun-
dell, Hugh Mundell, Harry Elliott, K
Elmer Sellers and Raymond Schmidt. err 's Drug
The Wingham Advance-Times? Wednesday, ,Ian, 28, 1958 Rage TAM.
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