The Signal, 1925-12-3, Page 3... ,
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---••••••`•••••••,0' • !';'.,•••••••411••••••••#47/litt-'..,,ii,IPT.tiiit',,1".41"-'"(1.",..1)".(.'"•'":1•.•
Clubbing Rates
Signal can save you money on
any newspaper or periodic/a.
Rates on request.
Job- Printing
For JOB PRINTING at reasonable
prices try The Signal. You will get
prompt and efficient service.
Uulimitell Quantity of
at $3 Ir vord, delivered.
(rout of Angles...I St Phone 81.)
neater In
Etre. Life, Accident, Antonio-
hUe. and General insurance
(18/ce, North Street. Phone 51
Hotel Tuller
800 Rooms - 800 Baths
$2.50 per Day and op
JOffNH.S ART, Gs*. Mgr.
Fish Illisteheriem Diseond et'
anuounceuieut fromtortawa to
the 'effect that the Depurtureut of
Morisse and Fisheries had derided to
diseoutinue the maintenaut•e of Ash
hatcherimo In the l'rovince of 0o -
tarn.. the service to terminate about
the r -ad of next May, tomes as a sur-
prise to the fishermen li, the Georgian
for tho• sotto') to be taken. hut the
Day district. r•'550014 are given
only plausible remain • that the latter
al-, now orerostocked with tho• kind ot
fids that are hatched at the various
hatcheries throughout the Provinee.i
. such as white fish and lake trout, al.;
though large quaititles of black basal
are also hatched and there Is not an
oterabundants.• of there.
It Is well known that for the Paoli
two. years ekceptionally large quanti-
ties of white Soh have hero dumped
tnto Lake thrtario, and that limy are
very 'plentiful there with a good sup(
ply In the other lakes while Lake
. Huron. Georgian Bay. .04 Lake Su-
' yerioir hare hems lade to take are of
the demands fur lake trout without
dittictilty. Whether this decision on
! the part of the Department means
that' these hatcheries are to he .Us-
• cottti I perinauently ur uot is un•
known. It being the opinion of mouse
'Thor -it -Tata b.e-essly--for & year ur two.
This has no reference to the hatch -
.rhe.. within the Province of Ontario
for the hatching of speckled trout.
base. pickerel, rte., for the smaller
lakes and stream& an these are oper-
ate., hy the Province and nsaintained
hy it. hut ham to do entirely' with the
larger hatelteries.--Wiarton Echo.
Northern Ontario
Mines -.1t
Wrt Italie bad a large num-
ber of enquiries lately with rv-
glad to the mining seenritie.,
of Nortlfeen Ontario.
'We Ito not ,,ett-nritring-
stocks. but we are able to give
prompt Aervire, information
and allviee-ort su;41 weettritie-
thmugh our Toronto Corre-
sitondents: We- ran execute
your oilier at three minutes'
We are also avtive brokers
in Wicks on both Toronto and
Net:" York Stork ntehangt•-•
Orders may be. telegraphed
or telephoneel at our expense.
Huron Investments
. _
Royal Bank Bldg..
Goderich. Ont.
E. if. 111 11..
Alexandra Marine and
Genetal Hospital
The' toll..wing is a list of those who have numious' meusb.....1,tp
the Alkandra Manioc and General }Wapitis; Aes?..latiooto for t: .• (.4111.
Porter. lir. Ernest. al
Acheson. Mr. R. J.. $15
Alotsworth. Mr.. *2
ADM. Mr. Pleeord. $5
Priothistp. Ms. Erne.,
Pridhatit. Mr. 115
Portet•. Mr. J. ( liests street .. s:•.
Allen. Mrs. B., 1115 rover. Nir. J. -‚ or.-.
A Frieuil. $5 Platt. Mrs...101111. s:.
$2 Mts. George. $2
Baker. Mr. W. J., WI •1 Porter. Mr. Auolreo.
Mao's. Mr. Vlusries, 42 - par..a.., Mr. (L 1... 5.:
-liztesa£ !'aIs.11-. Mrs. iI.. 52
Bell. Mr. J. •W. roe road). I Pattermai. Mr. thfY•
Mr. 1 I run rimsol 1. •2 Itevroodols. Mr. Jas.. $5
Iturker. Mr./. (Huron road). $2 Itobortsmi. Mr. NT. II.. 15
Insets. Moillorry (Turonitt_at.J.
liatechle Mr. Jos. I Park duvet), 131
Ih.UIN1r. Wm.. $5
Ile ler. 11rs. E.. $2
Bali. Mh's Winulfred. $5
Buchanan, Mrs. NV. J., 12
)iaker. rs. Montague. $5
Itlarkston Mr. Harold, .$5
r. -(Eruin avenuey,--V. -
Brophy. Mr. .e.. $5
Bishop. Mrs. k. $5
Carrie, Mr. JO .
.1411iploN11. Mr. J.. $3
i (*might, ND. J. W.,
Cornfield, Mr. A.. $5
Cum Mrs. James, $2
Crasvford. Mrs. T.. 0
Cronk. Mrs.. V
ttttt lir. T. G., cis.
Carrie. Mrs. E. W. $5
Coats. 31r. Wm.. $4
Clarke. 1L, -v. $2,
rum Nir. $.1
Clark. Mr.. ;111114.1, 12
Carey. Mrs. 0. p.. 112
youlthurst. Mrs. W. A., $.1
,purrow, Mr.. 52
Dunlop. Mrs. Ilugh. 55
Dunlop. Miss Eva. *3
-1-myte. Mr. J. J.. Iry
Immet. Mr. L. E., $5
Ifriter. Miss. 52
.Mrs -11-411.. 12
Elliott. Mr.' G. 11.. $2
elet.s. Mrs. .1,
Ito.A., J. E.. *2
r I 'ley. Mrs., ,f2
Felker. Mrs. W. .1.:-$5
Gibbs. Mr. Macdonald, 12
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
• -
HOUSES H01113118
If you intend buying a home let WI
to-tati-14.- Then euMe 18 ansfsee what
alliohwary•eoutow,mhffirre you
un andeassaavree m
Never was the opportunity better."
Get prices on wilat It will coot you's
This I will prove to yon --- --
P. .4. RYA -NI
Real Estate and lusuraneoo 'Phone MA
Sun Life Assurance
Co of Canada.
Are you insured'? There Is
I14. sorer Investment. There is
no surer prooteetion. Decide
now while lime anol opportunity
H. R. LONG: -
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
-Gnaw. Rio*. Father, $5
Graham. Dr. J. A.. $5
(tallow. Mrs. It'. F.. $2
Guttotry• ---- -
Graham. Mr.' .1. Mayfield road), $2
Gr....slums*. Mr. II. Mayfield rd.),
Gray. Mr. 1'. IL, 85
'Medal% Mrs. A. G., $.1
Hays. Mrs.' 11. t'.. $5
11.. iiitIt..Ii Rev. J144..•112
1111111e. Mr. J. 1'.. $5
II, rt.. Mr. W ,
lioey, Mr.. $2'
Dumber. Mr. V. IL. $2
Ilihbert. Mr.. 42 -
Horton. Mrs: W. L., $5 •
14ay.., +Ur. !lector. $5
- Bill. Mr. E. FL, 55
The Armstrong Real Estate limiter. Dr. A. C.. $.1
_Rundle, mr.,
Mobile... Mr. $1..
Kehl. Mr. A.. tio
Mawr:son. Mr, Clan nee. 12
It,' !odds. Sheriff. CI •
Itte.ton. Mr. t most 1, r
Roberts.n. Mr. A. M.. $3
!Pawnor. Mrs. J. M..15
Itotrtnson. -Iles. 4'. F...._$&___,__
14ntrolerown: Mr. Wm. $11
strong. Mho. Mattel 12
salkeld. Mr& Isaac. $".4
Spry:we. Mr. F. 57,
)(milts. Mrs. W. W
Sit!, Mrs. r.
Smith. ND-. E. G. Fast atree'1. $7.
saorttleld, Miss .1..
Salkeld. Mrs. Jomeh:, $2
:spew,. Mr. o'. J. itioron road.. $7.
obartuan. Mr. Reg...-. • -..
' Sharman. Mrs. Rea.. 12
-11.44,tetTer. Mr., 49-
,s ,t.wdAti
India Pekoe Tea
Finest tea offered to the consumer for
price of ordinary teas.
Quality price $1.00 per lb: Sold for 75c
per lb. by the dealers.
Ask Your Grocer
Trial Order Solicited
.ontlinoot In P.5.1, first settling at
itorhester. A few years later le a
Rubber Co., of Winghatu. had made an - • liere
I came ta Clinton. where other members •
ssignment. There are many stock -1 struir:k a
holdr•ro in different
1 II. he elearoot his throat. The
arta of Use cows- shipped.
the t•golistresisIllala 1, 0 ice
high treble note, flared and
The Ilouse held Its breath
t -tun ily had ...tiled. There Ili; t
Wordy. Nlajor A. F. $2• ... , lived for many years. intim} as Ill-
stootellffe and WarreNer. )1,,,rs_... 1.' I ,44,. eonstahie, Lox rsotleetor. ete. He
smiles. Mr. 11...L. $5 .... ,1,11...ft only whom his son Its.vetl: first to
tilts. Mrs. B. J- /1 I Goolerieh and later to Ilensalt.--nnue-
as tit_ Mr, -T.; -*I - -•'-' - I bait- or Ave tear. ago. 11,1r. Jaeksou
sit inters.' Mr.' A.. $.•
-1-sa.,..E.- httva,lha.1...uta„u rnri.,,.Lnil!.1.1s!,,f,o.r •14•141:841.417.
awe rt. Mrs. Jos.. 5.3 ---
&tinders 1. Mrs. i'Vti., *3 '1' -1 *3 '.l\ s•als: 4411111 and Alfred ..f
Taylor- .NNE114,,,,,11;g1,.. NV tilli:, 1;rtirrio,oll.oion..:21awirt....)1
. Taylor. M Harold. $5
Torn. Mrs. . E.. /11.", , - Er......t ..f Ilen.aft sill. 15 1.1.1 he
Taylor. Mr. 1 in ive. Wes:1. $5 'ulnae ilis Mane. awl room daughters:
Taylor-. Nir. E. Weirs stro et Ti• -$5 klirpo4 ..I-. tors remit. her Ili Ma` ill .
' i • 1 . 0• !We lier childhood: Floor-.
$2 , euee, • Mrs. Gerunds,. of Portmn.r.
4 lrem.i.. Lillian, mr.. lipolop. lse-
y sod l'rovinee.
A Story from Washington.
Itere's story troop ....nos)) the Hee!
.tpay sweeten some of the ,
cal politician* 15-11.1 la
Througlk talking tariff. high or low:
A errtata Itontersos-u-iss from a monis-
Inulley. $3
Templeton. Mhos 5..
Tarter. Mr. F.,. rWir •rhoo street
Teloloutt. Mrs. W.. s2
-Tisytnr.- Mrs. Alttert titramrssit)
Valiatt. r. 31r J,,W.. 15
Warrener. Mrs.. 12
Whitehouse. IIrs. (Keeps t)• 15
Wallace. Jiro. W.. /2 • •
WW1... Mr. E. It.. 55
WfutrItstNie-at& G. 'ie.. 13
Woothson . Mr. V.111„-15
Wing'. Mr. elm.
• wat:,,t,. ',tr. 11. I. iloinwh .
Miss F.thia. 112
Whitely. :11144 L. alott't *tree.. LI
Whitely. Ilr. J. 11. 55
Wheeler. Mr. It.. 1.1 4 In :in I:Ai:1y. .-inir 121111. Mr.
r% w"l• 11;110.1141 ra. $• 1.:. 1.111, .,111"1,1.1.11 "1,11 : :II', "1'104. 111,
3.v. 1 Will. 1113131,. '
• soreet o. 52
Webster. Niro. %NM, (East st-.). 112 TY-tt"
Wiles. Mr. J. !lb.:rut ••••rec; 1.• - H„,
Washington. Mi.- 1 En st sfro ef . *2 vi1.4' 10 hi'. 1"41
snout gil! II•• Was
Walker. Mr. W. SS
37Y:1,11114.181C 1R1..4 horn lit' the State
r. *21)I*N4: .1 NTIN ' • .1;, till to jairetitic
mot mho; :thew years of 411:,
settled • the first eotoo.o.r. .11 oo
district is troubled with a Weak.
sololeakY• littio. Yoke 1511 leb 1•0111141111..14
faun in
(otherwise. toe an eloquent peroration.
Heeently addressing 11,. Ilt1534 .11
a matter compost fit' with the tariff.
ewlaimed. 'Wit). -torimr•-im,- Ilk.
s 1 .
suspense. whit* seemed to last for ,
fully s inititit.s tune painful to
the auditors than to the 'senior. for
r.very tt ttt • orros--wrallit--_wpether he
seal ray *trouset•s. "or 'pants.' stud
I la •....t.
' some Were e% en hop nir
Ihr ,)verflhls
Iwould, li. 11.41...4, -11, t linni.5., fee
'ye Ws' is most unparitamentary. But
all fear. were sithout fouudatkoi.
e:t var.-. awl in a dell t h-lik.• otillnr•ss
II 011111e4 ht. or.11 1•411 where ht. MO
1 tiropLa21 it : 'TO keep uy Ms -1111t11184
.•‘is•pis;7-"fr(7-74•Tirots tentete--femess4.
-II 'stir ••r• .11$14•11.1erS. "44.016.3 1 111f trmt_Inr„,...r-ift__* sale_
ati.I s.onettines loopre, trot l•n, ENID
-114411, and- idose Mrs. 1 et.l. 141' 0. „ -1, , 14., sn
The ro ',la 11n. 1% er•• :..ket, to r
for Into•rateut,'Itte Dotterel taking
front the residence ll10 Illeee. Mr.
1!. :41. Steep of Mattenlottry street. on
Ntootolay art. -roma.. November 231 41
The servires at and glave-1.14
%ten. 1.: -ow- t. t
e.14 nareh. with who•l,
. Jackson Irol 1.114114,1 oior
ing ois 1,4e.
•111-310 .NII4\V4411'IIi
ad Insurance Agency Johnston. Mro. R. (Lighthouse at.),
Life (Sim %rrident and "
nubile bemranee Jones. Nir-.. *3
Itiontes Hod lots ni Goderieh sad et.
einity and farms for sale. A tine lot
houses thalerich for sale._ almost
any Mad or In any Mention an Intend,
iii foyer welsh! desire.
Niany ills fa 1111% for Sale. Ask
about them,
44.41W 148141411121I_IIMbe_r IPS wood for
For all partieolars sPe or write
+-- slave l'arsoons' Fair.
P. 0. Box 89, Goderleb. Out.
One Good Cow is worth
Two Poor Ones- -
Jitek. Mr. Joseph, 5,4
johaston. Mr. Thos. (itritannta rd.).
'Johnston. Mr. John ‘Albert at.), $2
Jocksots. Mr. V. $5
Kirkpritrio•k. Mrs. (Waterloo st.). $2_
Knox. Mr. 1.. 1... $
r lildtL 11r. Terence. 115
Xis,. Mr. Jini:T2
Kelly. Mr. .1. It.. $2
IAN... 11r. Chas.. $5
Lassen. Mrs. --A.. $5 • -
Mr. "311 1., 4:Ai.14`
Lesslie. Mr, v., ttri • rune.. 1*. v..Tt
Liiiidatilr-lir $5
It-wis. Judge 15
NINt11, Mts.. LI
starirmr.- Mrs.. 14". of frteo,n, tottowert-her---to-the =art. •%Illoorl
11 ly. Mr. Bertram. 5.1 coming to Vittrii.1.4 •-*. wait marr •,, Suceoevre to
Nirs. 1E11111 *reline), $2 1111.11.• lier /111/ • V. 1 !Pr do 11114ffifit+AltsiMt•
Values Tell the Values ----
The ••, •01* ,,•sd 1ett- kicks tip ,,,,scomosos,
- tt le 31 pm ••.,n, I
If • -
Mrs. If. ht.. 55
Jones. Mrs. Itot • s .
A Friend. $5
Rubor. Miss E.. ,2
McKenzie. MTh.
Mtother.. Tt, ma& 12
and to the X-ras fn. 4. $17.704
tf,R1.:141 4'11 TtsWNStur .-Ight
Li tickets and too
bin they do not u/-'; the mm', 151-
'halation to, the Women'. 11...pitni
.‘4174 11Inry from 111.- • Bros_ 55o.
- - -
3.1)114. 91114 141 14 ROS.1
41n Thanksgiving Pity Morning Nip-.
Thomas Rossi pass..1 Pdheefully away
at the home of lie, daughter, Mrs.
INsitiel McGowan. . 1.,ast
Mrs...Ross erasiteise.j with a stroke MI
Saturday evening tont w I o •
tumor rains .1. Ph.
181.41,4. Do). When .1 large e011114111i,
erieb f000pshiy. near lia) lot. As 8
3.410115 mat. lie sailed the oak sio for
mortar of years and. afteloaro tool.
up farming in Ilay towns!. IP. ere
1iVI•11 f..r ..v.•r thirty-five ye s.
fie 5,10 a I ir
• r. and Was Welt known through- \
opt. the momumul:)., Alsout , t wenty•
three vears ago lie moved to Exeter.
and for Tars ons -erentsr rirorwea--toi-
the 1•;‘,,,..r creamery. lie ohs tote..
married, ids first Otte bring Margaret -
Jeffrey. %%Der lair death he was
11,, 1„ 1.9 t11,
$25.00 to $37.50:
They're ,tiappy owl we .1,-11'1 •
Do you lisoir-at your HAT? Others do.
.%11 tiiinietFt" !root.
Use our remodeling, relining and repair service
McLean's Block, East Side of Square, Goderich
nul •rl...1 Mr-. Jan., Ilakins. Dr-
tovernment and Municipal
01111.0 111. W111,,i0V he 10 survived by
n••••A•ort.., The
rieeetra4- Was ,,n,- of .1
111.11.11 vtilfdr•-ii. the .',1V ion.% Ire.
Ito. was n Metholli,-1 religion and
ro Liberal in The flitiend
1 -hi To.,..lar :1(11.111041111.
her 241 f1..111 !II resbleflo, of his
.elorrles !far township, to
Exeter. ....Meter). the 't -viii" being
,o11•111,te4t, by nos. 107-'1114froltriss
those who attended the filo-
NIT Taro. Nliss. $5
RELIABLE statistics show that
the average cow produces
only 3,000 lbs. of milk and
100 lbs, of butter in a year.
By the careful selection of better -
grade animals for your herd and better
feeding, the yearly production of
milk and butter can be doubled easily,--,
resulting in increased profit to the
dairy farmer.
Weed out the culls, breed by a good
sire and save your best heifers.
Our Farmer's Account Rook provides for
a rarord of your milk production. -
Ask the Manager for a ropy.
F. Woollcombe, Manager
Mfrs. Ross -nas. rsaf-itt.r. Ntv.-nart Nirs T- A.-North:1_
• -1: Thr-A1(1‘..n ttt LTITED
ur sot,•Nif. 0611.1111".2'.---NN/1815611-441‘Lti.A155c--..mts ..11.4.41;:tnr,:it iota' r.
Murney. Mr. W. T.. 15 - S111.0. 1••••• lois lhout..4.3 lfolineNVItte. Mr. Mel
Mootio-y. Mrs. 1 East street`r. tettsys destu .t(9s. ag„ illtsross...../ Myth.. and Mr. Fred
Info. Mr. 11. 1'.. $5
11.4lusaii. Si otos en,
G. A.
Martin, Ilr..Fratik 85 - •
Masi:Wall. Mrs. George. *2 wire--Erra.14......... - Ler jter .01..•t
- 11.Neyin. 'Mrs. W. J.. 112 charitable life (v.• ti'r kInclur.... 14. •
Ila.•Kay. Mr. John. $2 - MM. a siekoress. :, Wall broiled 118- '
M114•Vlear. Nir. ins.. $5 in t he Church ..i I -land. of, 11 ,.
McNee. Mrs. (Britannia road -)-s $2 six years ago unit- volt!, St. And-
NIcKay. NI'. Nliolo•olm (East wt.), 52 rew.11 ellore11.' InlYti, '0 'worshIP. /1111
meKeosii., Mrs, tedinernn n1.),12 serve there ,wIth h. Topsham). • she
Mao:Ewan. Mr. 11. J. A.. $) 1,113140 a fetidly (4f to three .11141 *11111
MacEwnti, Mrs. Peter. Jr., $2 two ilatialitets : Ile. i .... It. ,Nr--Itiess,
NIA.. minister ..r F.,•• Mns-,1 1'00.1
church. 11811(1t5: .1,- T. Rot.. ....
Depury Minister ..f I.:m.10km for Al
• berta. and James, •1•,; ty clerk of the
Seeress.. (Nairn Edo ,nton. Alhettn;
Mrs. Donk! .340 1045 3 who still re-
•HrIF tiettler14 111 4.810a4111114!
\ --
!holler: F......esl. wino for the last set
r. !la .1 IWO, hi' bene .el It 11 111-
cinturbter, Mrs. Jas. A. Edgar. 1,11.41 .II.
tin. lo..1,,itol 044 *314,3.. . o
vondwr•...1$4. 114' ball pintos! . 'Oh
lamed hi. nito•t4 -tit ..1 t ear. •ha. in -
broil bort. at Gatehouse. t.t...tiand. N.
In the comity a 1'..rtls. Too ilao.:1,
ter. .nrelre. Mrs.I.:40r. a Wipttii.ito TO theli'Iniinifir;its.1) r!kb.,.1171T1'n:rx,..411ti;::440,.,1,:tb.1,1:,,:i..TI.07:::::-,,. , , , , .01,7,::::,:k-
nr:::, ,,,:o 1 4'''
vt•mbri rith, Ist34. II r rii tli*. to raft
, •.4-",7- .
a fin 110 .11 111.) toot livest Mod or Ids tit
and Mr.. VVIllinin Aiti•Ites.m. of sp..
"11"V'hillf‘•.411:11.1..ying tag of the I' V 11 'Id Gentli•meti: _ .
tion Arthur 1418•11....n of WV. II. IV
1'11114. 144.11r1 Ole' (N11111044 •• Information in regard to
thiell. 114 ---and rerrieed-a-sesere eu: _.
an invesItnettt to yielti 6 per et•nt. wish 4afety. I to inve4
under 141. chin. tesrvitaileig seteral
, ..
/of 0 ;7) YclIrs; 0 14,2 Jvart; 0 241 Yesfeit•
At ni.111,4.
Ily left last s eek for 114.0.ti. s Imre
they will spend the sinter.
-74114":4-f•f•••- - gmuzzu"1".'','"-- " .31"4"".''' -....-. .
me. owl Ws 416.41rt FIN lerptid IIIML,,....,_44,001 1
Mr. niiiritrz.-Erneerr i'firrt-hreve-44- .
homed to their home at t'ort t'olhorete
sfter visiting at the Matte of Mrs.'
Nail's parent& Mr. mai Mrs Simnel 1,
r' -
NlacEwati. Mrs. W.. 112
Mn.,F4wan. Ilris. ar.. $5 -
. Macdonald. Mr. 11.. $5 '
MarViesr. Mr. George. 12"
McF.vven. Mr. j. J.. $5
IIcla•an. Mr. .V. 1).. $o
Illt•Leen. 11r. W. T.., $5 . „Mass in wgwonesh. 4itidi 1)r. .
metk,pint(i. Nil -s Annie, g5 4014e, ii,... or the .11111141ITT1iXT1hrirrir• Agri'
meKay. me, A, 4,, *5 . ____!...._ .cioltoral Voktm... .‘11._ these Wen.
Ili Mt II. 1...115.---- ' ' Tirt"1"nt lit ell* incisal
alint 1.11P Plc."'
%thee. ne. 1,.. m.. 13 • . -4 iron- ot innn.y. -..1%. vr• the Os-- 1.11,11
11(•WhIttney. Mrs. Jewel, 1111. unch•r doctor'. fltrP.
_ -
*Mary .
Mr. Rate- 'Fr -
. Nairn. Mr. 4'. A., CS Thfb defilirhA.o‘fr 13141:1:g' liitillellsoo ,ucur•
McManus. Jas.. $5
Natter Mr. W. F. A.. 15 re.I 011 Friday: Nore1tll4t2 20t11. a t tis'
Crl)rlen. Mr. I/. M., $5 home of Id. ism at, itessatt. In
Finder. MI48.. $2 ninetr-nisth year. Mr Jackson oas
l'rloe. Mrs. W. F. (Flgin ave.), $2 a native -of England. eame to ;his
110140440141441 kik5115olt, hviqttoomegfi to ::otiroioro4
..410,10,W '51Tarir1IN,
, ..oreeroromr "
" " 0. •
44 • '
•:•,•-,:,'$''''':''..;;', .:'"'"''i'.,1,i''''4''',q'.../:'ff:.•••••.:,',.)•:'.1"..'4';
Established 1888
The Oldest 13,,,n,1 Ilolse in Canada
300 Bay Street - Toronto
The Aerro Cualkirm Inner Tire and /
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