The Signal, 1925-10-8, Page 67W7• 7 AM, FIVIM441mi# "r f+l (t5°.EI1:�*.rr�Lv+MMcr'w•xt; r N".,1 A- Tlttlnl. r. (1CtuloPr i t f^'• + a r i a li, .9JIa•• q -z ttHr, a+v mor c*uaMt`` Irl 1y ':ttGltitr3x�fi ws.v-yws .. .a _Ir "'rrl•f2tt T, -- wrrlr•T xrt a 4Z :: #44AN 4S iI +k . ... .. _ .._,.... ..�,. ?:,.: iF4i+r ' �'te.:l <: !cfC":' -. ;•y Il•2 f ! _,.__� � k .�,t_...�•r ,__t$ �.-,iY1NMifalwekt/t(rtv�tlsil,liHi� "1"itMtj •,•- � •t r+.�•. ",�1°'�l•w � t�`:'..Ze j++•4•l�l•Y�..l xl.w4 ,�.�.{�,. 4: r i' *'1rl�z f n, ,. X -,+ '„ r r �1 1}}M' ,,r, *$y,•" "`'�rPt'Tyyp fffT.F{"�- int tt' Ft, s,arkzs. ��yr • � f � t ., � t��� '.*fk M�RI'F , ti+Ti'.r3�. ^cr. � • .. �" t.ixiita;,tf:'^.Its,=.tlt,tf:.Y•Y..,,•.,. THE SIGNAL, BOOKS Lie Autumn 'Evenings ail - �T All you want to O c5 of ,61are a poputmr- " a price within the reach of all. Make use of our Lending Library === We have discontinued charging a memiwiship fee. It coats you nothing to join. The charge is ten cents rent for any period up to a week. Each additional day 7C low, c,>.fifiwt.^.,ava # 110,l7 l,. ' r ` .' ^ Mi_ w�r'yt w• : •.�k.�,tit •. @ 'tib This eha6les you toc� ila,v Read Any New Book for 10c SLAR0Uxj THE ELUSIVEt' ter: 93y Johnston ,4bbe t i" 'ill 64 r 4 ♦Il.tilthtr R7i►r1'ts!! 6+s. +- kk _ .!.•,pet r..�•„'a'; - '�'� t"*`"si':i:.-.• �t'•.1�I�Varl.d' �6�f��. - _..wl,xisw ie.-xib TiSaY ,xww CHL ONT. '-., _ -_ t' ty'Il TOWNS= COUNQZ ;yt.ur f,r Ito- lourpu.r. Thtt•. :,altivrA 161 tilt; P. 11'. Scutt, du.. i•t 71: W Q were rrce►a, l for the courtruetiutt If [Mutt, du., tib.lo; J. V.I'uwuey, dor 1:.15'1' WIAWA\0811 tilt (,`twk ursiu, ewuw•+atuu A. Tile $S.55; It. 1'lurrl;j A, rho,,. Se rt•uto 1V. `t Mart Wnwanorh.coupril met on 13ep,I trud,•r tit %%after Cook at $jL0 from J t'upluu. it,,., s fit. lMnry. tenloer ..ad, with alt the member take (I 't., :s nus the U•ud,r of-R.'lll't:r; Thos. itrad11wk, .1..., Ku.uo, W. lxesrut, blunter of tart regular and' Itue•Ituntue I" #W3.0 from slltku as to kul1wrgill, do., •167.35 '.nlueil will Hptl•itl weetflags were read and lop-; 11. %I"r.• ,epted. Ileo. ,W, I+n►•Ili 1101,1 their next wet-tinar on Tues'lay. laruced, upf motion ' of 00%*iliors ! %'ax apitulpi d ivalx'clur In charge of (k•toTlrr :,101h. ' V Thompiouu, and w la Captn+ll. Commuat- this cuatrae'. The ft+ktw llug atvOuutr, =.\. 1'+Ilt'1'I:NFI}:t.D, ('lrrt. 401 callow from Dan 3leGalwan Teceiredw't:re pa14; Gurdon ?lurk. shOvelflat% art;mr ask'lu¢ that the Toll draln. be claanedl gruct.h 3t.. I:n.. Wighimafi, do.. Leaking lUckward y atilt oil ti►e d. b. lot 34, lronefYs►un :;•! -:,; J. *oasehouw. ituderbrlashiyg ii,fl we look burkward, iho»r t-1131114,11 Tba- $Desis re oCuuucWar 8taiker : oh coll"pliks 1'i 16 T61 : AL'Itrucr. puttlna, in our life which ictus brightest are were appointed to attend to this mat. uk . culvert. ,'•kncr«#tou T►,' Et 1 J. J. ! fly no mean+ times In whi! k ww havit ter. The rollectur presented his bond.) lirilderiiou. We, #dl.tl:,; l;e.,. Naylor. bran tuoat wu eq.Nd 1. too are t'W rt�� vier cold bi osis[, tilt same bPlalg aotepted low satlrfac•' work ou 1Ir.,•hr, >61: Jul). }:Ilio[4 But final Su w'hl.h we ulcr IH1,!♦ (1'„utiuu,•a Crum I&A week,) gull of a Rite ., It tory. Aptdicalion was made for o'tiug need- #':,all); Itedltrave at•houl'mswt neet.kia W. must de•slred in iC CHAPTER X1. --that ars son plug et»t. rant In aid of the North Huron fair itrnut. '41U: W111gham uu'i Blyth t \aid taw:' 1 sold. "uuw Hutt to C I other lulmn❑ lint.. Ir there 1lnythin� �'' 'tf.uugh til••' 1lttit%AV of the (lover• that., nn«avory .,araoeriatica 1 add It�wtnat watch to be held shortly near tail faire �tnnts. e.lcl: %jll; P. Buo,k'' I:r.-ntrr than being neef1/l1 In this i'•rI Nod +ao•d faeuralde, Ue was tilt. veil dbtia, •a of f".iux as akrlr- Walton. do grant will be given this ;;rac(•I, V. cuts; A, McDougall, do., oc"rid'[-llnchi I:raysun. Lou to utakutg. oU" 1 11(. utigd. suit I drn•r.- and. m ldrticutAr the eery - ! had hat) it.. 0"r-1fruw hla► when, a wnrd+•rrr wku •-•aitilehd tier lute 1 - - -- _ w.•.► )ut.-r. 1 revi•ivt+l u %i -it fruw I', father', work b t•'illu awn) with tilt Ihlhau'. 'l'hl,n ;h %",'. had not Itarted wall %hum he . of de%lndled.--•t Is oh the ik•et of t.•rtu-. I %a+ glad to but natural her iudit,uatiuy K•c hill- ialtd-'g••rrl• ilitn u warm wet. ahuul.l IH• calf ; ••(t against ate•." t s cutac. > The JesUlt sl, lilt$ lu•ad "it hal, , o b , 1 It -41-11-1 from' hila shat . he had the opl«mite t • t." !N• raid. "111 F ( a IR•c❑ Ilown the river .11110119 the Mout- other %orde, t' ,,Ira that slit nian magnail'. alid Uad ,•Ilp•riwlall ruu- whoa) Allow. ,; _illvr wuught 'wa, .td,ruhlr tanil bit, on hi, way bil"N. Sillily of an, - r. elute hels„us IM alteured m,- hr )tail arilred only crime, iw•Ilnr. 11+ the twile•f that The Mai[ and Empire's "T --Word" Pictare Puzzle lame r tlx' ui; 4t !x•forr •rut) laud ha,tea,d to &fav ail it vs., IW yon." t.owe hi TIW .m. wariog •,f ally fucarr. "A curious it 'nit'•... - ^hot out nn: trial. The siccation " ITllt flat., lx pretaa•teruu::" he de- of your ttullt o• t,n1KVUcr in re•wpee•t Aarrd. ''G, thick Haat you. of all to M. dr Is N t ,furs not begin toatre•..0 r .ru^f• Xt...;•.. '� w.v,, ahuul.l butt• !Nl•u 1•R►ed, Upon touch tier so its- I, .Y n+ the queftIOU of fi Hl ab.urd u ,Jllarlle: 1 low satouadedyour previous n,trriage. and she to �:.. ` a 5 �3t'd " � 1 p iiFlar�a,t�� [hal '3I. Ile \ivntlraxM) ,hoyld hire &1>lr 1.. forma .•,wluar and more t$obPr + , taken titch' rttitw:' Judsmf•1►t of til•, :tu•rits' of title CA),Ar" "x water "" 1t -11y prcl»4stvr,11t,, ' t asl'ed. "Il "Yet it must n,,, he jorttotten that us> ft.,( u•l• !, •Iter.• me 'nifty .of wifethe marriage 7yy, oar Of f.nlrrairnrr r ti ie. µyV l x�a ra why ehuuld the ,g•r 'r d,•,ertion said h1Ram,'. only," I persW-1 "Witty *%Ottl(1 it 1G t " f I;overuor refuge co .•utertain 'against lip rt. tmp•hell her v IN•trly'ra � L �r („ -- - - - - -- - - - m.- a ellargr of wurder's:. city inn.". .lid i', ihdour. ' ♦ I� it.' '' t }� (r.' r . o , - and he •111 and "� ptN c "i �P < k 1� 1 o •a.l■rl EL /o R 4 Gibb. Think that rmuire espert salve ntcn to +ell Il.iltlly base iumfdfiing wr..trg with them.-Itert Aluw.. - It %nt a luuttJ 4uesttun. %„u..i41en,1 ii ►a clic w•r. 1 Jo, not 4eairr to ager jou a rt.- bnR in retwnt Cur Your kiudurws 111 young Indy of !+••rte It t 9044 high Bikers) ter w.rllltl lir hard p•t+elic"d, iueh,ll. i«•lore rons.-nthllr to enter In- ton nrorringP .-f :iny kind whatever w8+ - y, nit wl•re• t were ltd-. •heli, 1 11//11111 l',Ilir +1•ttll•tt fmiri settled`•'If ul !ifC Cit lln1`1liT will) train. trials. ILII, Ionil•, I. anti)-, Till. N noI a lefrL isd"Iv: hotiltu[ h hWdla and rut doo'1 ha"r t.., turn tet• pktuer ulwlde•Aown or ' r ' .A$a.ga1M�<!r cj r f►&- rwwca«wrawt ^. + w w,�rrlg y}>ix'scao rraaa t�yss' M:1•'M a.... A x t•. b�'M"11t1i� Jib-,11+'rLLk t. •Qt'tln•±�, .%.rrll j tM4m4's f T, 6 am J. Wheeler al Director and t�thtt)mrr ri)Wp fy attended :u fart. l IN•Iirre If .you th:.uf;til Too. a ,,:lily gltilly of wtinl,-r 3-ou w,1111,1 !"-friend Ise u4.414• the• ..'•^• Aod If \.'11 illi think me' 1;Illlty .,t launder It cuurl II iI Xftt me nu wary than It in Ihat you ut$, cilk• to m•• the h•.wec L N. wildly indiRen•nt. Furthermore." lie eolatinwll yob•+1y." a warrior your rrtwlitir, wMIIII hart In/rP INniwuNVl IL 1,sk, he tN•ea ."hwllc, indifferent Ilk- wnrd. her. And 411►rdly, 1. for my Iinrt. .1r,uld uor have Bunnrnhll to inform the rti r. -m may had 1 thwllRht "!h ttilth, your a It: -111, war tn.ire rMtPd .tat pf!►rnt hit$ .•urhrsily fruw F9fty t•wrh prier issi Ise Ile• larm-t Asid neare,t t•rrrf`•l Il+t of siahM oblaww lMrwr► In the pkturr that i . - ��. , •t _ / �- ��._ �- r •'++ J _%� .fSFI'1 O ft. �c day •: night . - Itrgaler." hr aid. sun lr, •'I - I'TTt1N-1:5 erith4•r ut you ,Y• whin indiRe rent ___ _ -- I - ha%r'hnd Iglt TIIfii• ehnu,r• rt.dl�nsa toward t•he oth 11 Tt1r1 LKi'c - if -f have t fn till fur ttl�-- ��•;� ti towel 1 store 3ti5 +• :hid wrth•r nl". }vU. 1 10o11d,red 1 trttrlts /atee itnmlltul. : ", Goderich >. e lull to u. -utile that yua were a lung nate. j"��♦ + �� S P E C t A L i _u111y'It w:I. 1w+'ause year delliai war ••Zoll harp e�.h«erl int. o,( Ixln¢ Q� / 01 i, only. lona... my mind Iseked cuudur' tacking in e•and'1." i relAh"I. "Were t:. .ay. 1 did nut �, 11111'0 , :'� sea:: SALE(� 1 r.. d1•t •' til•• • rnrtnras o[ Ycwr _jam ✓ ; RAW. V► t.r ltuttt Jnd♦ cent ++►y► C� -- � �J kgs y I dalil.h•t !tat y=on- Tt,rF ttrtttttt tUr .hunld M• KLiit� I,T I p u(�DRESSES BroDhe Bros. .hal.• truth: a,od lollL •,iolk-rik-11 • hu+ il1laDRlfi�S � - _ y ! "Yon lore gni: , of it:' he declared- lr THF t,FIUi\I: 1,•laea. adr Is•w.•ser faillifuL 6owet"'r olirted that, wh:,•it• 1 already know. * p I. c � _ •�1 �w i NOW ON Ft'1WL%I. DMIXTOliti +nl;t•Gil. i, {iltbh h, nit„nv•nt+ of Is,, ymk out think it 1, ]tilt#• time. )f- , � e• .. F3rT'' AND E31IM-MILERS 1 u,•akne•s Mh•r. waillOn are Biro• It.-cmer, to tell ane wu111 J[ the tftlu¢f ,•rat, d. awl 11141} it, •ons• ,lach ue'ult.ot at*.: +rd,•r» qr•'t ,' y att-n•led to 1 d.. nut know t, icier a t1e•aein¢ on 1 b.• eullly air ami -take fault that "„ur I)r-w lit wuuar: 11, and tilt the fur- 1 1 j Miss S. Noble at al! Lou.-. uiglit •or day n.• r. tau (• pity- w itt.trwl-kutth ' I ... of %titP tt • t h*t Llan•%' RN British Exchange Block GOpgRI('H y.G•n► or ackt ,%i 1�r .111' til• that i• fair I;;h.'" I wail. "The i , now Many Objects Beginning With the '.u. of 'a d,.�(erun u f .-attire Inn., time for dtllsy li8+t, unit tit,- fro- t J - t Ior. I fill%.• ho% I hoi.'c lout tit' I" got%A Cur P•.•retiy at., !e#w pressing than 1 Letter lo`T" Can You Find inThis Picture? thw►:th 1 ,'•' 1. law -It 'that I those• fur disrb,ttlr,; 1 Art w'irhhothili:Yell -+«ti -+nuwi l ''t pnnPrd ta'hlt4 ? My V4.. stud (,oil- Ittn'+ a a'1.nlrr 1+rfJlr.wheft tnnteln, a oumlw•r air nbh.t, tr rlrudnat with the letter T J(ul 4 ( 1 inn. that IR -gilt •%ills the letter '117-- -41k.. ;nitllit Ihsi •if. Mr the mtm tri tt Idea INaw I .hontlt hP¢I)1. -•rah a 11•. inc., 1'lI t:111Ji••,1 w'it lr tfll•i llgl1' 1 Ill Illi chair N'ltl) 11IW t, takf• a arrt)ct hill[: al the Ille'f 1ytY•--t+tr•�r• at.'• ail M•e IN's mat ),NI 1.4&11 find. •`re., sett ail 41/'1• 1•alhll%4 1"te"r. I4Iq rt. - y, nit wl•re• t were ltd-. •heli, 1 11//11111 l',Ilir +1•ttll•tt fmiri settled`•'If ul !ifC Cit lln1`1liT will) train. trials. ILII, Ionil•, I. anti)-, Till. N noI a lefrL isd"Iv: hotiltu[ h hWdla and rut doo'1 ha"r t.., turn tet• pktuer ulwlde•Aown or Hi11.th1 lo, ,,..:1110. The street iight- Illa,r -wttni .0 In no nhkholly-piri(." T ' inferew. tint n iw•rrcr.e tat, inter- ,.Idrw'se••. win be Sales h1r tow• :.e► tlrAr lista .K won)+ +nhmhvtl In tanw"ver to Ih1+ 11tsv2e.RPM JII-Mr1 to SIVA) i)Pr 100 -wart' "!h ttilth, your a It: -111, war tn.ire rMtPd .tat pf!►rnt hit$ .•urhrsily fruw F9fty t•wrh prier issi Ise Ile• larm-t Asid neare,t t•rrrf`•l Il+t of siahM oblaww lMrwr► In the pkturr that in X14.011) to efrort in I»•ing mads, L:lrirnblr thiol that ••f 31111•: d•• 1'trr�„t.1•rl uo% bila; :nktiried, form[ that 1rhp nn•wI•r .tart with Ifs• leiter '•'1-' »131 h,• swanlrll lir4 p+111; owl+inti Iw•.t, sel.rtld jtrla': rte. +'� t.. tilliilr;• i tahl.-"Slit. wade her view i t ltAr ,nun -e " Beep"wow.'tlR p stow and Uncertain t • w nmd,••1 ort the +tatir%. and old . m the ltrujrr•t Farmer- are Nein¢ ad- werP Bin wb,, reeRr,lerl thr'44-remony f3 .r ncwrtl• •: •..roc...v...r I»k U t r. 1 "if yon.w.,10.1 imagine yanro ll In Alichitto p,aJ:XvMI Into, the rosins. Tele►IIui1P W MacDONALD $rihtUtlia ih•r )dal+•. sad igid 1,. llillo, 1 .1 6aL t, licit f thought hr wa+ donne. I i f.,.iug�. Yon might 1»•,huh hoot �{h•uk Int[.' Rta.,,n• At his fact nndee•Flrlll 17 i\i' • l.oatj ,f•r %lilt sot h •,'hill[• w: ` w., -_-the Visage of a mall )&k - 'L .hru:txoil m" w,i I er.. ,n with• 1.,ktblc »Ickness. T+prilil¢ - 1 I I -aid. "1 •epI«..'• i Lac.• tl,',II wave IiAwfnl01 fallluse. and w0 laid ^:um hti`he t ft a►teAtann•" I1!nl oil if.. tied. - Ilhtl •• 1�{71tit •Ie iaL err ---__.____ Y .-�'1'fu rt. ns, no gilPsrtna.ln nm clod» t» th• natUrP of hill malady. •Hs ROBERT WILSON � $#" ►tale �.., , - ft TLr e wa htlr at• w5rywigs ii R4?a111txpltlff I'nnvirte•r iter pMitioh. 1 . \'uuhg r:u'ked h. wdp, and he ata allrelady ace�::at�"t1k.1s �tlr�l w .utau.Tr:t�%,f' tell m1eF Tia/l-uu ti iilrir"t'rtf-jlrvwtTa - for -- 441;;-`"rr'a Ii•rr-• ilig di.roverr that the father ,,, I,,+ku• o-widttion. There wool no - Massey -Harris Machinery Frost Fencing oth.ttu she fill.[ loi,•rd and honored Wap,t litaR to I•, ' nt Ilar1• him tflkrn In the ,i .w io )ler. &lilt a kusce. Wiled +lo,• 11.go 1►:, �t :, ,d pinee•d sander the carr Toronto Asphalt Roofing Ru66er-tired Buggies ..•1 algin[ tliI, - task of righting lilt•+Nr uthe w:,tsr, w•ithWit delay. 81141 filer Farm Lighting Plants wr..g %11et• 11'11 hfather had Bluit bla r. htr di+ulrtlnl:•" n,th• of d'11119 this coy-in,.-oris-1ut11 _yuaes!_a.. 1, r loctc• west$ xtw•t1 til :' P. i ufonr anti I h841 no 1i Hamilton Street, Goderich, Of1t• ..1:.aI Li f,itlowrd h.a with pnitrstlatn.u...f Yc- fllriller • ,w of private rnnsrrsn- ,,r,� 111rd 8nd rtrtnl•nt. 8n•1 n gra,hutl di*+1hon !t,, it ilii Indeed. w'nt tet Mat - n .. �_- _. -__. __ • �� 1Uowbo4tnt.ut .•ts-'ut.d. uutll finally slm; fn.ian. if.:u ! wit )eft w-fthmrt Jelin,. �• .-Iltur.i hill Io Is• actllaltJ• party to, attemdent. Anpi»•r. until I Anoltly sem\ s ,ti+Lofi.-,t pkol, aaaiu.t her fres+ihm• alti.-d furl!', and made my wants z That nn- n [.-road sh4H•k to ilei flat.- known : wh• r0np.n a soldier named 1 li/•f In the 114111.•+:1 of mss. She Was, ihnt.v•t %a, detailed to take Mi - 1, ' ; hart iorr,:-fort. Hurt You Auxge+tt•d she I rhrnld's rte -rime n♦r -nasi.-,r<•r,,..,e 1i• �1 1, �`ti,•f_,. ,1� th-limlntY .. pla,'� by _ continued) 141 tinued)ll! mornT.14.4'. fill- Illlt,tlat: _nHrrTngl. PrIntle sl•oin Me moman %rile[ islllR KIRA1wm morms 4" „t t i wrl+ he•n.vlft her rank. 'lhlt 1n rl,r •. �,- _- brad0 the pro+tN,•t ..f chili nL• Ball - 1 • � r � �.• � ` .\ �( ^� c.nth•uapt. .,iwfurfnr; hl•r.,•if-with -1 lie- _ (la. •.r Timrw,ldr,s•atr IH•lirf that you. 8t Ien.r, would no 1 lir. H. It 1)tterr. sol» Nutesdent of lrtuy lrtr' Mdse. lifir wan• wnrri/ll to tilt Iwbli, 'i Mitten erolutuiwniun, her "Suburban Customers you, and within twenty•funr 1xHtr� An, r'.eirrll w„nit Ota 8ubafnnthd rrlhu- I.- lett) ,m fit, +elllN ,i for the - - called b� Long Distance Park +htl:hl „{I wt1,1_ r• Ilnl... t }..Trp-f(att: power dlntrict..\II elaslx•f your wife-. .\fill in . y0fir : twolc•'' orf IIX!•rs u« the diritriet will tx•nrflt ltadrinnt.rltr; thinklT,R m r the storm- tr„tat till• loct ions. The redw ilia .,,--f locked to our sale_ _ Hon that pre•.e.nt,•d. w'at Its ail .fhr w'•:•.�•e charge nmoult(s to 'Ir �il� rwAlo-lra Y•s�u•.n-!+'. Mat, i�rtai'•" :� M 's•t•'e'nl "ams AH,,o"'A.'•i'"It'"'nma moo; 1.9.PalwlRarnM1•P4+�M�? WORM : tom. lnlW�lkrne• .si/.s.nirigts i•.skd ppl��'I " >i"�Flydl ,.. -to Nr i f°4.:�t 7"' --best we ever had" r, ::� � Il',.'n a n,•/-:r'lllrr:f J , i0l"'� Q.ill, hNwrl 11erer7:� t-''• y#� i :i Jlri,' r'(„/elpi,•r. ..'�r+.�f,:''l�':f,a�..,._x.:s aawha'rt: df`riys► ' Specials at Sic;t.ula}I'� Tohtcc,- .1t.. pitlRP, 2 fur 33c ;r• phase, 2 for 211c. McEWEN'S (*,M 3-loctlleflb. Extra, I l elle-n and Vanilia. W01 ,plafity loc. a bottle. 1. p ; t k. t!w � Tea. -- Mfr-sate-kw,nla.TM.-t .w1.1 +tet! •Wlc 1 a }'rl•�lo l..t ..f bur.•.-�laido Srr'np on hand. } n •,t Lettap•, (:e•irry, � �, Ithldvlrh. ('xhhnyn• rte _ -Y1"tio is pfrll+fM.•irk•!i�#Bill.'Y�-1{•'r-l/iHiWwr 111L+1..l :sift. etc. nwm•.r wF i. 1 ,, i, IGu•it,A. Jnrt Ilitality : 2 phirs for 25c '------ _-)4 __)4 rill.,[-a41a1"tc. .-- . 2. goadtates 259. xnnhgill Surlir. (ouifori, Go1J, I'. •t a;. ![naps p` 20 ftsr. it «wf Laau ,fy 14"tp, for =1.00 -A full r. 6N1 _-�'�•�R1 !, ' Mlle- t.,I a t RIAMoilv Plan. Seth SiNo.I,Estar-] IN 1f 10.9 11IRTAINN, Flwr (oil cl•dh end Tn d.• afit V!,1th, m different r»btta Clod p lthiruA- kj� •ry , 1.t •.f Lin, it T"itelliust fait 204. a yard tip. %I,di hat w,iglit I'niteme nr f•rr ;•final[._ 1h•n's all.k IG,ya' (:111^, elciu*• pricer. ,ii"(� f'Itd 1%,- can tkkw yon 'n'•her ,n lin (:,.'t•. J. MC-EWEN a South Sine Square Int~ aM Gfiosd- .:,'tltltra t• an web of M• I.wa ..f ,r,m. The other w.itnnll made nnlin the`enr,•{mptiun charge M from tow•-fital of your Irh•ntits. Sh,- wn, 7 I.nrw lo, 3 ce•nta. Thr rf-m e tw.witirr 1t wn+ y"116he 118ot t»me to cluirw- to farmers is rl,hlrvd from seek. and your ngt• and ill,, date Int Hi11.th1 lo, ,,..:1110. The street iight- w1liell you find route to New France, Ing At Cr •iiton hos )at-(-" redn(- fitted 111 only too w',•tl with her story. JII-Mr1 to SIVA) i)Pr 100 -wart' M.,rrriver, the rerY madtneAs yon hill -fruw lartoP, and at Centralia from $0201111 di,civinyt.11 in offerinx tit f•ntcr into a in X14.011) to efrort in I»•ing mads, mnrrince of elonn•nienc.•, with ill- it t. 1 ri•..•nt ''. ilnk up tlrnud Bend usow. d nh}.trt 41f brrakltar it nPnnder an,t there ,: • ee•srly enongh contrIlCtP 't situs, !Ater Antis. 4'0merl t„ bend st; grit d Ilp i„ warrant Siting ehend with color, to the tromnn'to 1 ixim that you the ltrujrr•t Farmer- are Nein¢ ad- werP Bin wb,, reeRr,lerl thr'44-remony vi" to file.; tinow', As the proloobll- r A' , }'IM /•w 1 till 1 . : l. rIx• r w n I rf cerin .• 111 1 n ¢ 1 icy is [1181 ".'rt. will ►H• w ,dMTtwg Pot (of married iife with hili litrll: relp,l•r i,,,wi,r'in ' , near future. And hem -If i Polh,wh.: 'Ire file new rates to tet fatell wL'h an ugly ri1. 'Tt was P , t$ charger 1111 } 1n'rtr ♦ . i -srraig elle '1hi1lR to IopPn!r Arnw h•'r mer- gioar 3t/Il )ALP. 5(1 holt)[ APP of )')[iiiIn -hl+w'w.vr heart• load -49: _00,1 :dt hOnre V.4: hal- h1P his srntinn. d,•+rr}ri pilot enjovs-1 &net,, :1: ,:t•h di•Ironnt 10 Iter cent. the reottwvt of All who knew him Plat I.Ighting - Tyll•e• - ItPrvivo charge tfr ftrk+tmll< l:r llersetf fbe d111R. and P%IK4 tit, 7: t,11 joer month: 11', UW; 1 - , 2A, f•1.N11: lit, $175. 12M, at. ars risking the fnllnw one spate/al nlMf lrnrm S^r," - ('las,- 3. 03_fLI: In another year, how different that boy or girl . of yours will kook ---but photographs of the ehil• dren never grow up. Let as help you ke.p a Picture rsister ✓ of their childhood. J. T. FELL 1'rhtihelNt lit? (3•tMrl/•h alit. V,110: r4h 711.t1:r1 78. aN,70 : 711,1 1►10.!t i 01 p lallr'f 0-11!IrrRr - A - trwtw I_- ~- and rate. l -Vets; 10 twT 41"t. Posh dlaroUn+. t4tr,•rt 1' tMR �ta'a11t0n. ifM1 watt IAepr. >Rt^all; cromrAlin. inn watt lamps, SIVA. I A pMf0 r:p enr7q lrn"Id Proh- nhly rpif"! *list It to, in pre Met. silt hos►0ry. -Tr •tltrlr rr" Prism. ft tol•Pl 'Lrrr lgpnrrAHonp of 1040• nre to pirnl•n'p t son able to forROt that 1►0 too wnef'lat 11 fall br.-•a.tl r. Try'tnjs Fun Gamemm_ V'yin $1,Q00 wlnnlnc Answer- will n4v4vr the Mty 8+11 pri.rding to the table twtow: x+" arv, rMtwrr carr V_- -I'- a" V_ rn•t Map rn}rylnr Iliitis )Mn in and list- ■ I• ill p-1 tial.. 1w resit-! what roar As. wnha eopv , *Ik r alp• hhwrrw 7 Ail •naw'ri solar, t •,kto.d by •w,Yh r •h. 1925. Isn't _...Isd3wsil• a ttewlawnlwp clout. Y•a-- M.ali end b nr Ldl. It Inn Ito- to •,J.. pats'-. try Inver his -I at til'• nor Ile Pease $20.fall smity.ft'N i $1.01111.00 It Is dlff.r.nt too A., ,w het' te1.A Ira••,.. It a rid!) awl a pwaab .1 elp. ter all 'in, w&Jrrts be,, bran ,wade n•ff-11) yla In. ooraall .. - . w/lh n. of tr w.pt W db,stelw ••r lase ttx.m: Mn• are U., r,r. •Lt .vat -rt. ehrm. I, -f n W-4 red paper h Pri str \ 20.00 150.00 t p kat i««air•, and sr. haw canny "T•N nrAi' Ina r«R find. dstf Ilwr yua sr. "awt. ` lath Prier is.- I slwar my tilt""- wit a' y.sn, old. il'r. fw Is .hRMe M •ted) n- '•M,+r•'" %int blood. rwOrwllaa. .Jnr•ilrllwt nn't r- in r r A00 6e.t0 1110.0• N b Jw•t .nRrr+•wtf Y" all y.aw 10 --+.td rift• ._ tn4t►'arr w`^/7�+•M lye -- . - blRs. hely la'M rata flood the sod / �.0 Il haat, so r rots. .•f law [•aria, t -,•.rd.. ST takle A7446rA a.Awrm:9•1.wtt', f, w.s. w, law.. of -kid, paid 'Its• -r nit• at. ddlsrs In pr•'•,. In ••rMl 1'ws,tl• fixmm wra Awrw• 4.aR'uirn. ►Kat. ().a., wen $10100. MIN 1•t..• F1rMIM. firlt. tons.. waw ,Leis. He* Then, liter. Mlllr»w,•'hars. tarot waw slslown M. Tkowtaa 1'alllwan "thew.lnl.. Ail,wt. anti.., n1t��,t♦r d it •Mw ■wA Imet.Jw t»y M. U.tf&x _. tit.,• . ■Ir wan VA" rte G. V. (•rl../rha.l. 1t •hand, flat., wow fit. •ad Nn. i -own now,.. e10L, okl•w waw Y•M. Yat. R. N, tr.,rphy. walker til.. OL w. and Mr. rlJ"n s" I irk. Aill.tnn. "oar.. MrM war sips, wMb f Nr. W. f flhv lit., %lbw, Owt.. J. r Mr. "iiiNln ••Ik..a. o■t- mw Mn. 4sealao Mwslwt-11s, Maw►IaaJ•. Uwl., .w h sew nisi 1.4. waw. hsn'a fear Ys• ppwrwh r• OBSERVE THESE EASY RULES 1 An, man. * hold I '..:"'t .n .•..Aa ■nd " _awl • rw4d.ot wf1 ,loo. And wnq is not .n Uv ,day of Th. THE PRIZE LI wlnnlnc Answer- will n4v4vr the Mty 8+11 pri.rding to the table twtow: x+" arv, 4 fork•. if M 4i tAhio ' Mw It N411 n' Two rltl/.Ge wnha eopv , *Ik r alp• hhwrrw 7 Ail •naw'ri solar, t •,kto.d by •w,Yh r •h. 1925. Isn't _...Isd3wsil• a ttewlawnlwp clout. Y•a-- M.ali end naw t„w a sea• \n Mt. wt. \ Ar! Mes. Ile Pease $20.fall smity.ft'N i $1.01111.00 2nd friar 25.00 I 2SO.00\1 "0." :t rd i•rior 25.00 250.00 ] N000 h Pri str \ 20.00 150.00 t p Ph ..Ill 111.1Jr 15.00 1(X1.011 •0 lath Prier 110.410 ! T5.00 - 44.00 7th i'rlu" A00 6e.t0 1110.0• atll Prier 4.00 20.0• •0.•O 9111 1443lw LOC 26,00 >`4•� loth [Mfr 2.40 1 20.00 - 40.00 .1 Irl, it, 20th 1'rlx•e inl•l. 9.00 f tees 20.06 21.1 to SeNh 1•ri rt-.. IMA. 1.50 7..50 06.41110 in the event of a ilr for any Mie!• Off d iiia tall amount of meet[ ptifr wW br held -e+�r•f�iMa4lwk+tl'olTaaat- _---- L pY1v 11111/1w.r, to [niece Arturo fossil•. Mtldreted by ----j 171. Mall and Vinel•. w1pokiess 530d.00 of more wr. wet 4-119111ole , look patflrawt► In this hast.. e 7 Ail •naw'ri solar, t •,kto.d by •w,Yh r •h. 1925. Isn't _...Isd3wsil• a ttewlawnlwp clout. Y•a-- M.ali end ■/�- 000 - tAllotsof names sir ut,1 1.- write!" on •,. •td• of fhr l..r J r•,hrrutlroop 1. S. t. !• write your , pap•, only, a.it num full name and .444 air in in. upper -lot haws ?her. It fou ' Th* "7• ward Mettles r„iil..lam! M • rr•wrpwlaa OIsslrw tY welt-, anytlrtea •tit... 'I" A wt.;mraf. she•' w'twtor'w t• Urysarr wen t0 Inees•ea take popularity or The Mannd aReipBa L manly such w„rite as •hpesr In hat ,yph.nalt.•1 •'••miss, ••t •r nbe-l•to It -.C. nolMns to tell. part shit ria de not have to be roust eel. ro,r air. tsar,rl•. whir. tit_ 1,11+w1 a „••d Inc alnot Or..•nyt be count• i send In a filters.suhwcrtpllen to win a MIM If poor ad. and !tat• volt" 'y •. ♦toot lire 'd "T,,wards ft. aw•N.a Aedt MM by the Jed" r. Words of IM said. aM 1.•f's .in he loved nn• '1•••la air n! ois An nh- you wit won 420. tit It y". weUl,l lite I. wet mete taeud'1 o,".,1 to •Ira.fnat, ,1,• Ject or a,tll•I. ran hr natl.- ,: • " 1' n'•' 12M, at. ars risking the fnllnw one spate/al nlMf T. Thr an-w.r having Ila^ ,^ + "ad erary f ,arra'[ low' tat.• that.. lc 111# �han wt,. nb) Y^u can w t , bKlrrr , ►rh brisw try aNdisr r The Nall And wf roams ut ,tal!.le oh}et.ri In ;;eta"! chat rtes, I.fT #it.. V.'t1.*r, r1YM K 11. R .,r Tw+) 7e•rl ru M•'rlpq, s to > �� l.tt.I 'T" will .! ♦ascii..[ ser.. 1. , 111 111 ,n ha RdwrltMr :,Is•• rt•1 1•••utnR al`"n ( 1 R lttnpt ». r.l r .n.n••rinw Ihr OF U Any noombrr of p.op1M a,w•' •^ •'W /e Y olt. hal/!- itt 1•t. r*•rM-•a ha. Ilkaik:'. HOW: If year sr'w.r N tet. "T" World Mas Puisir. but siY ^ate pelt. hold; nor will prises h- I. .r I•q t., n-srr •.•wn -OV wfru► Plrttar' 1•Rxib whet Fist /'r1M wV1, Iiia wT.Iwt at wt.rw tae wr mor" hs. ••wI . n to•rt.,.[ 1••Id•, !'^.' ret` itilt for- 44" 1 ai.e■ M�ianU n� jfA7,(Ie117n J ) r.rri,r I or �I�n HAIII In,IrwJ d far. p. In the #,.*I of a tit. will ate swo rd'd to *aril fGd - yew, pnu 0111 r".h' 21111p.M, fLtip.M; a"!rJ pow f23i.R, wee so, Tor111. ilia •swat of waew pias• A• II aAl' , n • .wIs Y e h n .w anA nn t r , t.0 t fwM t.1 I�,n 1 }. p pIle 1 Iht r (four,, In M rot mat wf fl u p r ron,1 • s e b Ilrot J of ii. et Ire .. or 117 man r It "to p'r Ye.r t* 1 witf_..bo arr'ptrA t.1,, It fever a1ia0 •r win-, FIM rein sled Awe flwrr •a,-•• wag ~sew r! .,rw tke sort[' i•SiPlItltTirr,+/r 'f►ww,•d•''--71Pnt-t M TM���)wfM *III FAP l , N,e,vH,rnl.lon,l 11. ♦11 rn•wen well IHV of 0tt.1"tor tT not w wl••.•rlpt len to Tnoo N..; ,in•1 RmtMro n ww et. r�xNw�k*n±pet rotBae; aerrn,l row* •fAl /,lie p is seat In. .naw In place of )axil. 4w# tklN NItMa rt. s•a In 12. Thi ok ay"In 111nt Tnrnhtn air is•no banns nn ense.rrl"a end rri-Wet " *~*.-4 1. -. 14eath ftM, w.rA .w prlr' list/ .. . with TM Mali tr•IAU -t derlAs tet wlnwrs and t'aftl,•IsiAnts, 7 uAC•w n1`. final . oil til• d.clIslen et tet 1 Mn 1 that • llb•rai thir' ]iii law. We will Ann. 1111. on all prls's In t"! wm' Illwanrr. rw•wora, ass+ In •crept Ir' stn 1'7 M quwll 67 TN's, ebn-wlr4 1"" w.Kr -otic-s"Mioor•- ilia,_. ewJ.-ataaullta. lesson list roar wmrwrr MI ITO setp. ftmrt amt 7nw wet t»wlb.�ty roll w i_ PaCNwr iiia. It_ dewn Ise Pn Isr h -t. If .fit**. YIItN ilea[ d the fo,tw 1►I11"C. Isnd ,Deese[ is In Th. Nall •nA F.mpit r- Ise quo, Illy I •nil on •.n Your own sut•.•�prinn win count. w sakwcrtp Der pwaitwh.J ptlwtala, at aq r►te net I. than earoo w'rR. . M stew N.ttelwe [lotnre .Jilt. lout write aw the or" *04 n Irttt ,tart whwn yua w:.ut tet p■pr atartrd. SUBSCRIPTION RATES--- won, 41"Y" en Incl Barr in i UMI, ROi'TE. pat - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE J%Op waver Argues roW low wen ■s selww•rlben Hirin"W"'R to 446i"'a Mo "W Mali towns. you arc al_y taws sat a Iw fa lls" by atsll p win be restse.�eded and Kool w lav iuhscetptJt)t► 1 soOvirs red Gray �" pw /awe, oalrew•rd M taaerlar Ma,f to at.• . Ilos (Men Its pr'rMpnt 02drarinw. diel. tam pts' paver. Anot&Ot• 101111 Aw•w'ltit 11'0 COPY OF PUZZLE, PICTURE S.m owr. retic MAIL g LARGE ( SENT FM ON REQUEST t10�OtrRo. t., utafow. L Df°te ��� Et�in't• e 47mg pm!ew= larirrl ffwrwp3 r- �1.1a a ::a A•fliaaal t p ItYtrrp+rs