The Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-10-29, Page 6only ELGIN hos the
DuraPower Mainsprings'
Stat-thned accuracy/ Smartest
styling/ And the DuraPower
Mainspring eliminates 90% of
all repairs due to keel main.,
spring failures. NewElgins priced
,from $42,50
*went oencline, Ma& "lbenne "Iwo&
Ratepayers of the Town
of Wingham are hereby
reminded that tile final
date for payment of
taxes for the year 1952
is Saturday, November,
W. A. Galbraith,
to we, dignity and beauty ... Priced
1 fer meet the wishes of the families we
IIIIVIN ..... t
Funeral Home
PHONE 106 or 189
The next meeting of the Hurorf
County Council will be held in
the Council Chambers, Court
House, Goderich, commencing
Tuesday, November 11, 1952
at 2.00' p.m.
All accounts, notices of depu-
tations and other business re-
quiring the attention of Council
should be in the hands of the
County Clerk not later than
Saturday, November 8, 1952.
A. H. Erskine, County Clerk,
Goderieh, Ont.
OIL suieNtas
'V I 31 lik
I IL E /1` tor
ODJNIANActi • Olt 110111.8118 wan NiAteni
We Sell the Best and Service the Rest
WEJ)NESPAZ OCTOBi 29th:, 195$=
CRESS BUNION SALVE relieves fast,
Wear stylish shoes soon, Druggists
Sell Cress Corn Salve too,
FOR SALE—C Prudhomme and
Son, Beamsville, for Better Fruit
and Nursery Stock of all types.
Order now for spring delivery.
Local representative, Frank Eidt,
753-J, 1rrb
FOR SALE—Enterprize Oil Space
Heater, like new, very reasonable,
May be seen at Rae's Hardware,
phone 27. 15:22;29*
DRESSMAKING—Ladies' and child-
ren's wear, Mrs, Ada Sanderson,
residence beside power house in
Lower Wingham. 29;5*
selection of new and used pianos
in Western Ontario (refinished like
new), Free delivery. Smitty's Piano.
Sales, Hanover, Ont. 22rrb
APPLES—are still available. We
have a limited supply of Tallman
sweets and spies. For prompt de-
livery contact John W. Pritchard,
R,R. 1, Lucknow, phone 64-r-2.
FOR SALE—Well-matured cob corn
from Chatham-Ridgetown district,
delivered to your barn at $38 a ton.
Contact W. A. Ballagh, phone Tees-
water 54-r-22. 22:29b
IRESS, three-quarter size, in-
ner spring, just as good as new. Un-
marked. Phone 80J. 29b
FOR SALE—New dry lumber, hem-
lock 1 inch and 2x4's, and pine 1
inch, also pine suitable for window
sash or doors. Apply 638 .1 2. 29*
FOR SALE—Girl's bicycle, in good
condition, with accessories, $40.00.
Phone 85-5, Wroxeter. 29*
FOR SALE—Play pen, medium size,
real good condition, used only short
time. Ladies winter coat, wine Al
condition, size 18, phone 445. 29h
WARM MORNING coal heater, used
only two months, $49.50. Apply Mrs.
Marie Parker, Scott St., Phone 571R
after 4 pan. 29*
FOR SALE-Hardwood to burn, maple;
good eating potatoes. Phone 721-W-
12. 29b
FOR SALE—Ono piece , blue snow-
suit, size 3, phone 707-W-1. 29*
FOR SALE—Girl's grey station wagon
coat, size 10, like new. Phone 111.
FOR SALE—Underwood portable
typewriter $45.00. Phone 554M. 29*
POR SALE-1 medium size Quebec
heater in good condition; 2 pair girls'
skates, with white boots, size 2 and
5. Phone 571J, 29*
FOR SALE—Lady's grey winter coat,
size 16, chamois lined, like new,
modern style, reasonbly priced.
Phone 73332. 29*
A complete line of farm implements.
Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand
Farm Feed made in Palmerston,
Belmore Ontario
Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7
1.4)13, SALE
BEATTY WASHER—De IikiNe model,
cost $169,50, nearly new, perfect
condition. $00.00. George Hethering-
ton, Bluevale. 29*
FOR SALE—Fur coat, brown mouton,
size 1G, phone 504-R, 204
1940 FORD Coach. New rubber. Good
condition, Apply Reliance Garage,
Wingham, 29;5*
1938 FORD Sedan. Good shape, J.
A. Cameron, Wingharn, 29b
1936 PONTIAC Car. Excellent condi-
tion. Apply Box 168, Advance-
Times. 29b
7.948 CHEVROLET Sedan delivery.
Apply to Al. Rutherford, Wingham.
ABERDEEN ANGUS Bull, registered,
Bandaleer breeding. Apply Albert
Cook, Belgrave. 29*
OXFORD RAM, one year old, Apply
to Wm. A. Darling, phone 16r22.
PIGS FOR SALE—Weanling pigs and
some chunks, also 1 York hog, half
English. Apply to Lloyd Montgomery,
Phone 74331, Wingham. 29*
FOR SALE-50 choice Ramp pullets,
ready to lay, famous R.O.P. strain,
priced to sell. Phone Clifford 17r7,
Robt. Wood, Lakelet. 22:29*
FOR SALE-300 Red Rock pullets.
Ben Huskinson, Belgrave, phone
618 - J . 2. 29b
WANTED—Child's high chair. Apply
phone 519. • 29b
Dead or disabled animals promptly
removed. Darling & Co., Sea-
forth, E. Andrews, hauler. Phone
collect 851r11. 27rrtb
WANTED—Reliable man as Dealer in
Huron County. Experience not
necessary. A fine opportunity to
step into old profitable business
where Rawleigh Products have
been sold for years. Big profits.
Products furnished on credit. Write
Rawleigh's Dept. ML-J-453-163,
WOMAN—for general housework.
Phone 154. 29b
will be received until Nov. 1st, 1952,
for the position of organist and
choir leader of Bluevale United
IVIENi—i-fere's your opportunity to
earn a better than average income.
You can make big money year
round selling nationally advertised
Watkins Products in nearby rural
locality. Neither capital nor ex-
perience necessary. We train you.
Write Dept. O-W-2, The Watkins
Co., 350 St. Roch St,, Montreal.
BOARD AND CARE in small town for
semi-invalid or elderly people. Ap-
ply to Box 204 Gerrie. 22:29b
FOR RENT—Three room apartment.
No children. Apply Miss Sander-
son. Shuter St. 29*
FOR RENT—Three heated rooms and
bath. Residential. Immediate pos-
session. Apply Box 173, Advance-
Times, 29b
FOR RENT—Apartment, hot and
cold water, 3 piece bath, very cen-
tral, phone 331W or write Box 442,
Wingham. 29b
living quarters above, good base-
ment, and cistern, also 7 roorn„house
and cistern at back of store, hYdro
through building, all to one party,
or rent In apartinents to accommo,
date 3 families. Apply George A.
:Nathan, It, x. 1.5rrb
AYR. SALE--50 acre 'lank 2 .garages,
iinpleritehts, 5 Miles north of
Wirigharn, Sehool 112 'Mile 11 .way.
172, 29*
FOR SALIB-6sta room red brick
house in Gorrie, corner lot, all, new
bath, hot And cold 'water, all heat,'
ing; eight piece dining-room
suite, Harold Edgar, phone 481,
Listowel, 14rrb
business, farm or Wise to tell, con.
tact Stewart A. Scot r. titiotia
RAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv-
iced by trained and experienced
men. All makes accepted for ;re-
pair. Work guaranteed. We pick
up and deliver. Phone 665. a rrb
trThTD OUT how you can save mon-
ey and get complete insurance pro-
tection when you finance your next
car. Phone now and ask Stewart
A, Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb
CONSULT your Wingham Singer rep-
resentative for obligation-free dem-
onstration of latest sewing machine
models.. Free sewing course with
every purchase. Phone 665. rrb
Contract for the sale and service
of J. I. Case Co., farm equipment and
tractors in the Wingham district.
Call or write J. B. Leslie, George-
town, Ont. Phone 218 for further
information re the modern line of
machinery. 22:29*
I would like to take this opportunity
to thank my kind friends for the love-
ly flowers, cards, treats and visits
while in Wingham Hospital. It was
deeply appreciated.
Grace Richardson, 29*
The family of the late Mrs. John
Morrison wishes to thank their many
friends and neighbours for their kind-
ness and sympathy shown them during
their recent sad bereavement. 29*
The family of the late Mrs. D. Hal-
liday wish to extend their heartfelt
thanks and appreciation to all their
many neighbours and friends for all
the beautiful floral tributes, and many
acts of kindness shown them, in their
recent bereavement. Special thanIA
to Dr. W. A. Beecroft, Rev, Mr. Mar-
tin, and to S. J. Walker for the court-
esy shown at the residence and at the
Funeral Home.
James, Arnold and Stanley.
THOMPSON—In loving memory of
our only darling Robert James
Floyd Thompson, who passed away
October 27th., 1939.
Asleep in God's beautiful garden,
Free from all sorrow and pain,
And when our Life's journey is ended,
We know we shall be with him again.
—Ever remembered and sadly missed
by his lonely Father and Mother.
In accordance with the Voters' List
Act, I have posted in my office at
Bluevale, on October 17th., 1952, a
list of all persons entitled to vote in
the municipal elections of the Town-
ship of Turnberry for the year 1952.
This list is open for correction until
Nov. 5th., 1952.
The Court of Revision will be held on
the 4th day of November 1952, at 2
o'clock on the 1052 Assessment Roll,
the ratepayers of the Township of
East Wawanosh are asked to govern
themselves accordingly.
22:29b R. H. Thompson, Clerk.
One and one-half storey brick house
well located in central part of Wing-
ham. A few attractive building lots
go along with this property. For full
particulars apply to Crawford and
Hetherington, Wingham, Ont.
OF Real Property in the Township
of Turnberry In the County of Huron.
Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain mortgage,
which will be produced at the time
of sale, there will be offered for sale
by public auction on Friday, the 31st,
day of October, 1952, at the hour of
two o'clock in the afternoon at the
office of Crawford & Hetherington,
Wingham, Ontario, by L. G. Bryce,
Auctioneer, the following property,
cession of the Township of Turnberry
namely: Lot No. 15 in the .12th con-
in the County of Huron, containing
98 acres more or less,
On the said property IS said to be
a one and One-half story brick veneer
house.; frame barn on Stone foundation
46 ft. by 60 drilled well.
The farm is clay and gravel loam,
is two and one-half miles from school,
Sit Ithiles from Wingham and four
Miles ifrotti Teeswater.
Terms: !ten per cent of the ptirobase
money W be paid doWn at the thrie of
Sale, balance to be paid within thirty
For full particulars and conditions
of sale appi to the undersigned,
fiAlltb at Wingham the fourteenth
day of October, A, b.,1.952.
CRAWFORD trkititatlatON
Wingham, Ontario.
Solititors Rif the Mortgagee
Wingham, Ontario, voi,22:10, AttetiOnet*.
HANNA .In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on 'Tuesday, October 21st,,.
1952, to Mr, end Mrs. Raymond
Hanna, Belgrave, (nee Eileen Tay-
lor), a daughter,
DIE/3OLD—In Wingham
Hospital, on Wednesday,
22nd., 1952, 'to Mr. and Mrs. James
Diebold, Teeswater, a daughter,
WALKER—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Wednesday, October 22nd.,
1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wal-
ker, R, R, 4, Wingham, a son.
DARLING—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Thursday, October 23rd„
1952, to Mr. and Mrs. James Darling,
R. R, 1, Clifford, a son.
BYLSMA—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Friday, October 24th., 1952,
to Mr. and Mrs, Brant Bylsma, Bel-
grave, a son,
WALLAR—In Kitchener-W a t erloo
Hospital, on/Saturday, October 25th,
1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wal-
ler, of Waterloo, a son.
Huron 4=H Clubs
compete at O.A.C.
Results of provincial inter-club
competitions held at Ontario Agricul-
tural College, Guelph, on Friday, Oct-
ober 17th, were released this week. The
various teams competing from the
county received coaching from G. M.
Montgomery and John D. Butler.
Dungannon 4-H Beef Calf Club, at-
tained second place standing in the
beef cattle competition out of a class
of 37 teams, with score of 927. The
team consisted of Frank Alton and
Lorne Hackett,- R. R. 7, Lucknow.
Third place was won by the Exeter
4-H Calf Club, score, 924; seventh Sea-
forth 4-H Baby Beef Calf Club, 894;
eleventh *Lucknow 4-H Baby Beef
Club, 877; twelfth, Blyth-Belgrave
4-H Calf Club, 872, consisting of Bill
Flynn, R R 1, Clinton, and' Eldon
Cook, R. R. 1, Belgrave; sixteenth,
Brussels, 4-H Baby Beef Calf Club,
859.—Clinton News-Record.
IN THE MATTER of the Estate of
Alice Sutherland, late of the Town of
Wingham, in the County of Huron,
Widow, deceased.
suant to the Trustee Act that all cred-
itors and others having claims against
the estate of the late Alice Sutherland,
are required to send particulars of
their claims, duly verified, to J. W.
Bushfield, Q. C., the Solicitor for the
Executors of the said Estate, on or be-
fore the fifteenth day of November,
A. D., 1952, and that after such date,
the Executors will proceed to distrib-
ute the said estate, having regard only
to the claims of which they shall then
have had notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
twenty-seventh day of October, AD.,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
29 :5 :12b
All persons having claims against
the estate of Ida Cynthia Sherk, late
of the Town of Wingham, in the
County of Huron, Widow, who died
on or about the tenth day of October,
A. D., 1952, are notified to send to
the undersigned on or before the first
day of November, A. D. 1952, full par-
ticulars of their claims in writing.
Immediately after the said first day
of November the assets of the said
testator will be distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to claims of which the ex-
ecutor shall then have notice.
DATED this fourteenth day of
October, A. D., 1952.
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitors for the executor
at 2 p.m.
at estate; of the
2 Bedsteads and Strings: Dresser
and 2 Washstands; 10 Kitchen Chairs;
Glass Cupboard, 2ibitrnerHotplate,
Bath°, Couch, Kitchen Table, 1 small
Table, given geating Stove, Sewing
Machine, Dishes, Wash Boiler and Tub
2 Trunks, Carpenter Tools, Sealers
Step Ladder, Quantity of Coal,
There Will also be offered for sale
a six-room bungalow, part of lot 444,
east side ofLeopoid Street, frontage
44 ft., depth 185 ft, Property sub.
ject to reserve bid. terms to be
Made known on day -of Selo,
MILS. 11/41ntAdt0 BDIGROSH,
IA 0, tfttttki,
Entertain Relatives front Alberta
The home of Mr, and Mrs, George
Martin was the scene of a reunion
of 4 the Grasby family on Thursday
evening, October 23rd, , when they
entertained approximately 20 at a
"Court Whist" party. in honor of
their aunt and cousins, Mrs. W, J.
Noble and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noble,
who have been visiting here and are
returning to their home in High
River, Alberta, later this week. High
prizes went to Miss Amy Smith and
Mr. James Coultes. Low prizes went
to -Mrs, W. J. Noble and Mr. Martin
Grasby, A dainty lunch, served by
the hostess, brought the evening to
a close,
Surpise Party
A delightful evening was held at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis
Stonehouse, when a sunrise party was
held in honor of Mrs. Robert Stone-
house, who celebrated a birthday. All
members of the family were there for
the occasion except one son, Dr.
Gordon Stonehouse, of Phdenix, Ari-
zona, who telephoned to "offer 'his
congratulations. Members of the
family included Norm,an Stonehouse,
of London; Mr, and Mrs, Henry Mc-
Guire and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Coultes, of Belgrave, and Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Walker, of Goderich. Mrs.
Stonehouse. received many gifts and
cards. Her many friends wish her
many more happy birthdays,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noble and Mrs.
W, J. Noble left on Sunday for their
home in High River, Alberta, after
spending the past few weeks visiting
with. Mr. Martin Grasby, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Grasby and other rela-
tives in the district,
Mr. Martin Grasby, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Noble and Mrs. W. J. Noble,
of High River, Alberta, spent Satur-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arm-
strong and family, at Thorndale.
*Mr. Martin Grasby, and Mr. and.
Mrs. Josephine Dunbar, were guests
at a dinner on Sunday, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker,
Brussels, in honor of their 50th
wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh, Eleanor
and Marlene, with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Black and family 'at Britton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wightman and
family With Mrs. D. W. Rae, at
Mrs. Floyd Campbell is spending
a week in Lucknow.
Mrs. E. Stapleton has returned
home after spending the past week
with relatives and friends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jamieson
with Mrs, E. Stapleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mason, of
Listowel spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs John Mason Lloyd and Mrs.
Mason are moving to Southampton,
having purchased a pool-room and
snack bar in that t own.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Hanna on the arrival' of a baby
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna and
family and Miss Edith Procter were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Hanna, at Listowel.
Visitors over the week-end with
Mr. and. Mrs. Wm, Brydges were:
Miss Myrtle Johnson, of London;
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, of Robbin,
Manitoba; Mrs. Stanley Halliday,
Miss Gertrude Halliday and Mrs.
Mervin Stephan, of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills, of
Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Moss and children of Bright, visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Naylor and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Leander Good are
spending &Jew days in Detroit, Mich-
igan, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Good.
Mr. Mark Armstrong and Mr, Jack
Taylor were in London on Monday,
All persons having claims against
the estate of Richard Charters, late
of the Town of Wingham in the
County of Huron, Retired Farmer,
who died on or about the tenth day
of September, A.D. 1952, are notified
to send to the undersigned on or
before the fifteenth day of November,
A. D. 1952, full particulars of their
claims in writing, Immediately after
the said fifteenth day of November
the assets of the said testator will
be distributed amongst the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only
to claims of which the executrix shall
then have notice.
DATED this twenty-eighth day of
October., A.D. 1952.
Wingham, Ontaria
Solicitors fon'executrix
All persons having claims against
the estate, of Angus McKinnon, late
Of the Township of Turnberry in the
county of Huron, Farmer, who died
On or ,about the twenty-first day of
September; A.b., 1952, are notified to
send to the undersigned on or about
the fifteenth day of NoVember,
1952, full particulars of their claims
in writing, linntecliattiy after the
said fifteenth day of November the
.assets of the Said testator Will be
distributed turtOtigst the parties en,
titled therete, having regard only to
debts of which the miecutor Shall
then have 'notice,
DATED this twenty.tighth day 'of
October, Ali, lift,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitors for eiteetitOr.
attending the funeral of the late John
Armstrong of that city.
Mrs, J, Casper and Arthur Ball,' Of
Detroit, spent the week-end with
relatives in this district and visited
on Saturday- with Mr, and Mra. Q140
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth .Scott and
Mr, and Mrs. George Saunders spent
the weep-end, at Huntsville, at the
home of Mr. Edgar Ritchie,
W. A.
The W, A, of Trinity Church held a
very successful bazaar and tea in the
church basement on Saturday after-
noon, when a large number of ladies
The W,14LS, of the United Church
will hold their Thankoffering service
on November 2nd, Miss Laura Collar,
a missionary, on her first furlough,
from Nigeria, Africa, will be the guest
Mr. John Winter, 9th concession, is
having a steel barn erected to replace
the one destroyed by fire during
threshing operations.
A bee was held on the farm of John
Craig, when neighbors gathered to do
his fall ploughing. Mr. Craig was bad-
ly injured in the summer in a farm
accident. He is still wearing a walking
cast on his limb.
Mr. and Mrs. Wray Cooper have re-
turned from a motor trip to the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bricker, of
Kitchener, visited over the week-end
with friends in the village.
The Fall Conference of the East
Huron District Women's Institute will
meet in Fordwich on November 4th,
at 1.30 p.m. Miss Jean Steckle, home
economist for Huron County, will be
the guest speaker, An invitation is ex-
tended to all Institute members. Visit-
ing ladies will please bring tarts.
Printed Cards Will
Be Out of Stock
Those who wish to order printed
Christmas cards at The Advance-
Times office are reminded that each
year some of our customers are dis-
appointed, when they delay their or-
ders, The firms from which the cards
are secured will guarantee delivery
in all lines only during the early part
of the season.
If you intend to order cards 'here,
it is suggested that yciu do so at once
in order 'to avoid disappointment.
In Ontario all traps for fur bearing
animals Must be marked. This includes
farmers who trap on their own land
as well as trappers on land which is
leased or otherwise. Farmers who trap
on their own land are not required to
buy a trapper's license, but according
to • regulations passed this year, they
must have their traps marked. They
are also required to forward a return
of their take to the local conservation
officer each year, Forms for this pur-
pose may be obtained from the con-
servation officer.
All trappers must contact their local
conservation officer before marking
their traps. All officers have been pro-
vided with marking sets and will allot
a number to each trapper.
Trappers' councils have been organ-
ized• in all counties of the Huron dis-
trict. These organizations assist in
the marking of traps, It would be to
the farmer-trappers' interest to join
their county trappers' council in or-
der that they will know the regula-
tions, as they are liable to prosecution
if they do not conform to them. Ignor-
ance of the law will not avert a con-'
Skating at
Goderich Opens
Arena manager, Lorne Wakelin says
that, if all goes well with the ice plant,
there will be public skating on Sat.
urday afternoon and evening of Oct-
ober 25th.
The official hockey opening of the
season will be on katurday, November
1, when former Chicago Black Itawks'
Jack Stewart's Chatham Maroons, will
play against Toronto Lyndhursts,
champions of elle Toronto Senior "B"
League. A former local player, Jack
Price, with Galt for the past couple
of seasons, is on the' line-up of the
Maroons, who are entered in Senior
O.H.A. competition this year.
Several local intermediate players
will be inserted into the line-up of the
Toronto team for the hockey opener.—
Goderich Signal-Star.
Turnberry School
Board Meeting
The regular meeting of the Turn--
berry School Board was held in No. 2
school, October 16th, All members pre-
sent, The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and on motion by
Kirton and Mundell were adopted. A
delegation was present from the coun-
cil of Reeve Fisher, Smith, Willits,
Timm and Mundell, re payment of
gravel and grader for pipe under road
at No. 11.
The following communications were
read: Jack Hood, supplies; J. H. Kin-
ked; Ont, Teachers' Federation; De-
partment of Education.
Motion by Powell and Kirton that
the Board purchase eight Fuller
brpoms for the schools carried. Motion
by Kirton and Holmes that the Deyell
children be accepted at No. 11 school
as long as there is room, at $1.50 per
pupil per month, payments to be made
Motion by Powell and Holmes 'that
salaries, caretakers, A. C. Agnew,
thp following bills be paid. Teachers' 'Of
transportation, $75.00; Ralph Pearson,
$30.00; Mrs. G. E. Snell, $60,00; Jas.
Cameron, $88.90; Howiek Mutual,.
$18.90; J. M. Dent, supplies, $8.28;
Supertest Ltd., $10.80; Beaver Lumber,
$50.51; Longman & Green, $31.60;
W. J. Gage, $12.17; G. C. Moffat, $4.00;
Donald Rae & Sons, $85.53.
Motion by Mundell and Holmes that-
meeting adjourn, next meeting to be
at No 6 school, November 20th.
Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas.
Shoot your Personal Arrow here! It never misses it's target. BIRTNS Your Name Will
Sell the Goods
In last week's classified column we
carried an advertisement for a pair of
snow tires,. They were sold before the
Paper had been in the reader's hands
for half an hour,
Want ads do get results—provided,
of course, that the article advertised,
is useful and that the price is within
reason, Whenever possible include
your name, rather than using a box
number, and include your telephone
number, Results are decidedly better ,
when the reader knows the name of
the advertiser.
Church, with duties to commence Geo. Thompson, Clerk.
Jan. 1st, 1953, Herbert M. Garniss, 29b R.R. 4, Winugham. 22:29b