The Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-10-08, Page 8SPECIAL FEATURE - TANGY, MELLOW OLD WHITE CHEESE RASPBERRY JAM WHITE BEANS SPECIAL FEATURE - BREAKFAST CLUB SPECIAL FEATURE - NO. 1 ONTARIO 2 LBS. 24 JAR OZ, SPECIAL FEATURE --COLGA'FE'S - SPECIAL PA.= SUPER sups -(Banded Together) • LE 490 350 230 690 STOKELY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE *- Tin 20 Oz. 1 50 STOKELY'S FANCY PUMPKIN Tin Inc 28 Oz. OGILVIE'S VITA-13 18 Oz, 10 CEREAL Pkg. I Stokely's Fancy CORN PEAS ThIL 15 Oz. s STOKELY'S FANCY HONEY JVC STOKELY'S .WHOLE KERNEL CORN x.1901:1 CAKE MIX rkgz. 350 OGILVIE'S CHOCOLATE For Best Results -- DOMESTIC SHORTENING p f 270 CREA M 15 Oz. •• la Tin sue SLICED BREAD 1402 HALLOWE'EN JELLY BEANSEI:g037 0 SHELL-OUT 16 HALLOWE'EN KISSES CELLO 390 OZ ;411141111S IN SHELL LB 330 HEINZ KETCHUP Boxy .E 290 TIOMATO SOUP 140 PORK and BEANS 2' la STOKELY'S - IN CHILI SAUCE SPREADS OR SLICES-- KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE pG AYLMER CUT MIXED PEEL *OY BLESS RAISINS PITTED DATES JELLIED OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE i iiiiiETANT corm TREstmv GROUND RICHMELLO can= CLARR'S '"OLD LdNDON TOWN'" MINCEMEAT CHALLENGER FANCY RED COHOE SALMON 'Z'C,9Cea.(5CC.2 GRAPEFRUIT ..„. .. 3 for 23c SWEET EATING OALIVOIINIA RED GRAPES ... , . CAPE C00 NO, 1 CRANBERRIES, cello .... A REAL TREAT* No. 1 SWEET POTATOES „ SWEEZ NO. I WAXED TURNIPS .. CRISPY, CItUNCIDE CELERY . NO, I ONTARIO MeINTOSH APPLES „ . 6 qt. basket 65c RICHNIELLO HOWE'S BE - CREAMY 10 OZ. TIN 330 330 PEG. 190 PIZ 230 LB. 15g 112‘°' 250 JAR 590 BAG 910 °L 300 zi,z 270 • • • • o # • V 11 .1( it W 1# * * * It • v FLORIDA SEEDLESS, San 96's .. 2 lbs. 21c . . lb. 37c .. 2 lbs. 21c Ib, 6c 2 stalks 2k Otl* bUMIAtritt All nitittitatinitie sold ,et '"Ytiitt Rethittldn St-Ote"" 6iterinifeed ftt glue you, 100% iStlittlatiOn. Ati 4,74,0ES trPtCTIVR I I (VINDIcIAM ffafff tioidrio 'Drab, 'gob &go 11 1 DOMINION stonzit tittintEn 9A0.1.41 .166m The Canadian Bank of commerce BUSHELI BASKETS For APPLES Made of Wood 35c each COW CHAINS 2/0 .,.. $1.00 ea. 3/0 . $1.15 ea 6/0 .... $1.45 ea. 8/0 , . $1.75 ea No. 1-4-way Cow Ties • .....$1.40 ea No. 3,-4-way Cow Ties .... $1.60 ea Bamboo Leaf Rakes 59 You're Set! You're Safe! You're Sure: PREST ONE $5.50 Gallon a RUBBER DOOR MATS, \ $2.00 $3.00 and $4.00 - COCO DOOR MATS $1.00, $1.35 Wooden Clothes Drying . Racks $2.15, $3.75 and $4.95 I 3-burner, ustcl 1 Ii a a a a a a a 1 a. U a a a U n U a gali:Will1110114181mBlitolllead11:1111e1111111111111101111111111181111111111118111111111111111bIlibillINIIIi1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•1111111111111111N1r. Keep Warm This Winter GRANULATED INSULATION per bag $1.35 2-in. Batt INSULATION, 60 sq. ft. per box $3.40 Batt INSULATION, 40 sq. ft'. per box $3.00 a a N a U U a U -5.10 . a n U a U a U 11. ELECTRIC STOVE Stable Shovels 32-inch Circular Saws Mason's Lime, Finishing Lime $1.69 , $20.95 per bag 80c per bag 85c $11.00, 6.00 x 16 6.25 or 6.50 x 16 ;32- Ai a Heavy Duty Inner Tubes ) ' ROASTERS , Blue Enamel 'Roaster $1.35 !- Medium Blue Enamel Roaster $1.95 Large_Blue Enamel Roaster :$2.55 a. • volithomiitittiosa PEDLAR STEEL ROOFING, 6 & 8 ft. lengths, per square USED Like New McClary Annex, white enamel .. ONLY $95.00 coal or ,woocl Heater « .. $69.00 Connor :Electric Washer , $39.00 ••••omann*minmt TOOL . BOXES 31" long 81/2" high To Clear 95c Steel Leaf Rakes $1.29, $1.59 General Purpose 'or RDWARE STAINTON H AN D FARMERS SUPPLY HOUSE- WINGHAM, PHONE 30 ':qm. WIN GHAM ,A.DVANa-TIMES. „ . WVIMSPAY; OQTQBE $tlx,, 454" 'AGE MUT ,iismossnessesissossossnisssmissms Howick Fall Fair Results Heimpel, Mrs. Herb Busby; 1 glass apple 'ellY$ Mrs. Wm, H. Wolfe, Mrs, Wes Reimpeffi 1 pt, orange marmalade, Root, Gibson, Mrs. Wm. R. Wolfe; 1 pt. Vegetable Marmalade, Mrs, Wes Heimpel; 1 pt. conserve,-Mrs, Win. H. Wolfe; 1 qt, canned Chicken, Minnie IVIellwaine; 1 pt, Beans, canned, Mrs, Wrn. H. Wolfe, Mrs, Mel Allan; 1 pt, corn, canned, Mrs. Mel Allan, Mrs. Wm, H Wolfe; 1 pt, Tomato Catsup, Mrs, Wm, H, Wolfe, Minnie gen- waine; 1 pt. Tomato. Juice, Mrs. Mel Allan, Mrs. Herb Busby; 1 pt. Salad Dressing, Glenn Johnston, Mrs. Wm. H. Wolfe; 1 pt, Peas, canned, Mrs. Wes Heimpel, Mrs. Mel Allan; 1 pt. Tomatoes, canned, Mrs. Mel Allan; Mrs, Wes Heimpel; 1 pt. Chili Sauce, Minnie MeIlwaine, Mrs, WeS Allan; 1 pt. Relish, Glenn Johnston, Mrs. Wm, H. Wolfe; 1 pt, Pickled Beets, W. F, Campbell, Mrs, Herb Busby; 1 pt. Sweet Pickles, Mrs. Wes Heimpel, Mrs. Mel Allan; 1 pt, Mustard pickles, Mrs. Herb Busby, Mrs, Win, H. Wolfe; Maple Sugar, E. H. Strong & Son; Maple Syrup, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe, Min- nie 1VIcIlwaine; Collection of Jelly, Mrs. Wm. H, Wolfe, Mrs. Wes, Heim- Irel; Collection of Canned Fruit, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe; Collection of Pickles,' 'Mrs. W, H. Wolfe, Glenn Johnston; 'School Lunch, Elmer Giles, Mrs. Jim Hudson; Best Apple Pie, Mrs. Mel Al- lan, E. H, Strong; Rolls, Minnie Mcll- waine, Geo. Baker; Bread, Mrs. A. A. Taylor, John Baylor; Blue Ribbon Tea • a • • a a U a U a a (Continued from page five] • otk. Son, Mrs. aim Hudson; •Ginger .P09/cies, Mrs. Wes Heimpel, Mrs. Mel. Allan.; Drop Calves, 3 VOrietiea, WM, Wilson, Minnie Meliwaine; Scotch Short Bread, Wm. Wilson; Dark Fruit Calve, Mrs. Herb Bushy, Minnie Me,. .Bwalpe; Date Leaf, Glenn Johnston, Mrs. Herb Busby; Butter Tarts, Mrs, Herb Busby, B, H. Strong & Son; pumpkin. Pie, Mrs. Jim Hudson, Mrs, Mel Allan; Raisin Pie, E. H, Strong & son, Wm, Wilson; Lemon Pie, Win, Wilson, V. H. Strong & Son; Apple Pie, Mrs, A, A. Taylor, Mrs. Herb .Busby; -6 Macaroons, W. Wilson, Mrs. Wes Heimpel; Meat Loaf, Wm, Wil- son; Plate of Fancy Cookies, Mrs, Jim, Hudson, Wm, Wilson; Plate of Fancy Sandwiches, Win, Wilson, Mrs. Jim Hudson; Salad Plate, individual, Wm. Wilson, Mrs. Herb Busby. BOTTLED GOODS • 1 pt. cherries, canned, John Baylor, Mra. Wm, Wolfe; 1 pt, plums, canned, Mrs, Wm. Wolfe, John Baylor; 1 pt. raspberries, canned, Mrs.- Mel Allan, Jahn Baylor; 1 pt, strawberries, can- ned, Mrs. Wm. Wolfe, John Baylor; 1. pt. peaches, canned, Mrs. Wm, Wolfe, John Baylor; 1 pt. pears, cann- ' ed, Mrs. Wrn. Wolfe, Glenn Johnston; 1 pt. black currants, Mrs. Wes Heim- pel, Mrs. Herb Busby; 1 pt, .Rasp- berry Jam, Robt. Gibson, Mrs. Wes Heimpel; 1 pt. Strawberry Jam, Min- nie Mrs. Wm, H. Wolfe; 1 pt. Red Currant Jelly, Mrs. ,Wes BiSenit competition Mrs,. W, H, Wolfe, MrS. 5. Oraltam, Wilson; Magic Baking Powder Layer Cake OOMPetitiOn, Mrs, Jim „.,ROSen, Miaa. McilwPrittg.; Domestic:. Pie Compe- tition, Mrs, A, A, Taylor, Mrs Allan, E, R. Strong; Domestic Cake, competition, Root, 'Gibson, Mrs, Jim gtmison, Mrs, S, l , Graham; Dressed: Chicken, Mrs. Wes. Decor-• at.ed. Birthday Cake, Mrs. S. Gra- ham, FRUIT WINTER APPI4ES-Ontario, Nor- man Schmidt; Northern Spy, N, Schmidt; King, N. Schmidt; Russet, N. Schmidt; Delicious, N. Schmidt, Talnian, Sweet, N. Schmidt, Sohn gay- ler. FALI,. APPLES-Ribston Pippin, N, Schmidt, Alexander, N, Schmidt, W. F, Campbell; Snows, N. Schmidt, W. F. Campbell; St. Lawrence, N. Schmidt; Wealthy, N, Schmidt; McIntosh Red, W. F. Campbell, Schmidt. Crab Apples, W. F, Campbell, Nor- man. Schmidt; Plums, Mrs, W. H. Wolfe, .Spence Wears; Pears, Norman Schmidt, John Baylor; Collection of Vegetables, Barbara •Walmsley. GRAIN Red. Winter Wheat, N. Schmidt; White Winter Wheat, W. F. Camp- bell, N. Schmidt; Barley, 'N. Schmidt, B. K. Strong; Peas, Mrs, Herb Busby; Early Oats, N. Schmidt, J, W,, Strong,. B, H. Strong; Late Oats, N. Schmidt, W. F, Campbell; Timothy Seed, N. Schmidt, W. F. Campbell; Sheaf Fall Wheat, N. Schmidt; Sheaf White Oats N. Schmidt, Mrs. Wes, Heimpel; Sheaf Barley, N, Schmidt, Mrs, Wes. Heim- pel; Bushel Barley, N, Schmidt, S. J. Robinson; Bushel Late Oats, Norman Schmidt, S. 3, Robinson; Bushel Early Oats, E. H. Strong; Bushel Fall Wheat The following item, taken from The New York Times, will be of interest to many in this community: "The American Diabetes Associa- tion,11 West Forty Second Street, has elected Dr. Frank Allen, of Boston, president. He succeeds Dr. Arthur R. Colwell, of Chicago. "Dr. Allan is editor of the associa- tion's new scientific publication, "Dia- betes", the journal of the American Diabetes Association, For two years he served as associate vice-president. He has headed the ,education commit- tee and is the former president of the New England Diabetes Association. Since 1948 Dr. Allan has been execu- tive director of the Lahey Clinic in Boston. He is a Fellow of the Ameri- can College of Physicians and the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. "The American Diabetes Association is a non-profit organization, which fights against diabetes in the United States. It sponsors a continuing dia- betes detection' programme." Dr. Allan is a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. George Allan and was born arid grew up in this village and fre- quently returns to visit. Friends and neighbors will be pleased to hear of this latest recognition of his ability in his chosen profession, Women's Missionary Society The October meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of the United Church will be held on October 24th at 3 p.m., in the church schoolroom. Members please note the postponed date. Three Members Received The.service of Holy Communion fol- lowed the morning service on Sunday last, with Rev. Be W. Todd in charge. Three new members were received into church xnembership, Winnifred Munro, Donna MacLean and Betty Newton, Circuit Riders , The congregation of Wroxeter Unit- W. F. ,Campbell, `.ii9OTS and VEOETAAIX$ • • Potatoes,. early, Mrs.. Mel Allan, El mar DOWney; Potatoes, late, Elmer Downey, .Harvey Spading; Swede Tur- nips .(feeding), N. Schmidt, S. J., Bob, inSorq Swede Turnips 4010, Nor, 174441 Schmidt, S, J. Robinson; Man- golds, white, S. J, Robinson, ,john Bay., 1QP; Carrots, garden, Mrs, Mel Norman Harding; Carrots, field, Mrs,, W, H, Wolfe; Fodder Corn, g, H. Strong., B. Downey; potato Onions, Ernie Dinsmore, David Steinacker; Seed Onions, Mrs, W. H, Wolfe, Mrs, Mel Allan; Onion from Dutch Setts, John Baylor, Mrs. Mel Allan; Colloc, tlon of Onions, Mrs. W, H. Wolfe, gr, rite Dinsmore; Parsnips, Mrs. Mel. Allan,.john Baylor; Mrisk Melons, George Baker, ElMer Powney;..PuMP- ltins, Harvey ,Sparling, $.• J. Robinson; Pio Pumpkins, Mrs, Mel Allan, Spence Bream Citrons, Mrs, Win. H. Wolfe, Norman Harding; Blood Beets, Mrs, Wm, H. Wolfe; Turnips, grnie Dins- more, Mrs. Mel Allan; Tomatoes, Mrs, Mel Allan, Spence Brears; Cabbage, white, Robt. Hubbard, Ernie Dins, more; Cabbage, red, N. Schmidt, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe; Red Peppers, Mrs. W. H, Wolfe; Cauliflowers, Mrs. Mel Al- lan, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe; Watermelons, John Baylor, B. Downie; Squash, yel- low, Mrs. Mel Allan, Mrs, W. H. Wolfe Squash, Hubbard, Mrs, Mel Allan, E, Downey; Cucumber, ripe, W, F. •camp- bell, Norman Harding; Cucumber, green, Ernie Dinsmore, Mrs. Mel Al- lan; Table Corn, Mrs. Mel. Allan, Nor- man Schmidt; Field Corn, N, Schmidt, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe; Butter Beans, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe, Mrs. Wes Heimpel; Farmer's Basket ofkVegetables, Ernie Dinsmore, Elmer Downey, Mrs. A. A, Taylor, ed Church, joined with the Fordwich church on Sunday evening when "Cir- cuit Riders", a full-length colored talkie, was shown for the first time in Huroni Presbytery, "The King's Man", is the story of an African boy who was converted and is now a pas- tor in his own land. The story was more interesting due to the fact that Frederic Mussili visited Canada a short time ago. It is expected this pic- ture will be shown in many places throughout Western Ontario, Its pur- pose to acquaint the people of the missionary effort of the church. Rev, John Stinson, of Seaforth, who was for many years a missionary in China, was guest speaker. The evening ser- vice was conducted by a group of the young people of Seaforth. Personals Mr. and .Mrs. Oliver Riley, of Brus- sels, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, "Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc- Cutcheon. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Holt, of Lis- towel, who have been visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. Victoria Bro- thers, left on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Holt are leaving Listowel and will take up residence in Grand Pas, Oregon, Lebannon Chapter A.F, & Wingham, entertained their ladies to a turkey dinner last week. Among those attending from Wroxeter were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. John MacLean, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter, Robert Gib- son Jr., Miss Betty Sanderson, Art Gibson and Miss Eleanor Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burke and ,Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gibson spent Sunday in London. Mrs. John Gibson, who been visiting in London, returned home with them, Mr. 'and Mrs. 3, L. Hetherington, of Toronto, spent the 'week-end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Evans, of Edge- ware Road, St. Thomas, were Sunday visitors With W, B. Vaiwelsor And Miss B944 VanYelSer:, Mr,•enti. Mrs gen. Orr, of .I.,onciou, spent the Week-end with Mr, .George T4teltie and visited With their Mother, who is a Vatient 14 the Wingbam OM, PTO Hospital, Mrs. D, W, Rae accompanied her brother, Mr. Duncan McDonald, • of Port glgin, and Mr, and Mrs. Will lg49D94410* r9r4VItigh, to Clinton on Sunday, where they visited_ their aunt, Mrs. Shaw, who has been a patient in Clinton General Hospital for the past three years, My, and gm, Jim Rae and Mr, Bus- so Rae, of Brantford, visited their mo- ther here on Sunday. Mrs, Thomas McMichael left Mon, day for Niagara Falls, where she will visit her dattght0* Mrs. Jim Mitchin- son; and be present at the birthday celebration of her young grandson, Mrs. Frank Forster, Toronto, was a visitor on Friday with her .sister, Mrs. D. S. McNaughton. Friends are sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. George Lackie, who was taken to hospital last week, and will' hope for a speedy recovery, Many from this district attended their home fair on Saturday, It was well attended and exhibits were the best for some years. Directors of this, one of the smaller fairs, are to be congratulated on their splendid ef- forts, Mrs, D. S, McNaughton and Mr. John McNaughton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connell on Sunday. They attended anniversary services at, the United Church there, when Rev, John Stinson, of Seaforth, was guest speaker. Miss Agned, Wearring, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Weaning, Mr. and Mrs, George Bradley, To- ronto, 'spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Wylie, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wheeler, of Bluevale, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm. Members of the. Womens' Institute are asked to note that the October meeting will be held in the United Church schoblroom on the afternoon of the 15th, at 2.30 o'clock. Members of the Wingham branch will be guests and provide the programme in part. Miss Evelyn Doig, 'of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doig. A number of farmers from this dis-, trict attended a cattle sale at Wier- ton on Thursday. Cattle were purchas- ed by some, They report a record _ at- tendance, i'HE ANNUAL MEETING OF . HURON COUNTY CREAM PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION will be held in the Agricultural Board Room in Clinton at 8,30 P.m. on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14th 19.52. Every farmer that produces cream for Sale IS a 1401 413er of this organization and is invited to attend the annual meetinrimd hear the speakers explain the work being done, by the organigation on yeur behalf, a NEW • • • U. a 1949-Ford 8NN 1949-Ford' 8N 1948-Ford 8N 1942-Ford Ferguson, new ti'res All above thoroughly overhauled. I a U a Huron Motors, Ltd. Tiai Ford & Monarch g Phone 237 A. D. MacWilliam Wingham NEWS OF WROXEPER Former Wroxeter Boy Named President U.S. Diabetes Assoc. TRACTORS FORD 8N 2-plough TRACTOR - FORD MAJOR, New Style, 3-plough TRACTOR USED .. . IMPLEMENTS • PLOUGHS-two & three-furrow ONE WAY DISCS, TANDEM DISCS and MANURE LOADERS