The Signal, 1925-11-5, Page 2'il,n;.day 'totembei 7. 1925.
The Fresh Flavor
l ST\1Sl.i$1iED 1t34/1 ommosomminiemons
cour.Run : CANAI►.t of delicious
Member of .r Association fib' News-
' IP
ear. To
1•ublisbed every Thursday naoratos.
States and •ign COW*"
t_.;s► per year, strictly in advance. ,
Telephoner SS G•derieb. Oat
W. H. Robertson. Editor and to analletr
T1111t'elay. November- 5. 1925
is preserved In the sir -tight SA ,AD
p-cKet. Finer than sal Jap or
Gala owder. Insist upon ALARA.
I plot to baud Canada over to p
t:n :•'I,41er nwr.•i.. of tin. big , tr-
e•t• has fulled -for the present at good 1•trly tat - ,r 11r. Kit .• age, he should decide not to 'contest
kn.:. Millions of money lutist have reecho ,it once at,: .'.I s Mr. Sleights. anotbtir 'mat. His administration of
leen spent oil behalf of the pmts•. to have the re- r. " `t'' ,, artythe 1►it muur of nt IIt.aatllway. I uru th'
boil candidate, In billboards, news- iug on- without , 1, t1.,J•rity. King 1
..t work and ate :11111 *111/11111 hr re ire
piper advertising fold other election No Government ' ' .11I.1.»+ Mr. it aopl'1 }r• ., loss to hi. hearty: to tit'
di•cic.•s. No doubt the men who put in such circum•'•
:be last- four e:ot. riltut••: :11 ,1 10 l'ala,hi.
up this moue)' 111111r1.1 that ihry King .110..•uun 1 ry•!itt# •
#} - •
would get It hack, and'uuuclt more, years. thejwttpl • •r
14w:uu'e for the', .ltrr ofd Abu- Ti.- ,.1' of Th
oma+' 1clllllan
itt 'tariff taro__; and t____ t______lrir „it „,i .T' an- iu tooth ihlro11 wit.' lwlm t.. laical
rlaeti.tle:vvaitiR 't` •r t rrume•n[ In owe), --#
--how _ hull the n - r .'oro rt••rrr** l.if.•.,.M
M 'S. ea l u..y...•I'' large4 itt. Z '"Ka ttntt-i+• ,-tt«vthi lu
game nearly ;.IN e•de,i Ou ). ` •hrr.11►aut oleo Mr . N' , t a; li,r'prrg+ w'frn• 311:-; `
ant time might 1 • Irtor partisan wake h rt• mar► in .1'11rliamrtlt as tIN•
r.14t and
chrU ridings like sei11 i' flu- !w, Ilk anrtstr
'.lurnr oi•ru 'ot lir tarwlug inn•n•sts.
roil au'i lk.nth Huron pr.•te11, •I this umn.x•ucrr and 11+4'1'llfa tuna MI• thin) .'try" and if he
dasns1 r that. would have tabun itpau and •rpedirst war t;s.'141 IUi 11"•
r .,,mit,: to 14.wer of t''.iti r atice 'IYa 1•• ..:'- the ey.-s,'. of had tailed of t4,vt.!tit 'rho dote he
1'4411x.4, with l& •- ...oldie ,iu•.•1rs:
might hare. eirsptuind ..f erre ntutin-:
.ns_ lite -people; hilt 1
a t:ore•1UID191t' p(idg.•f t•.' Wei } hr: ttlr pewee An patlrlle 111e for whirl&
te•ilTi7tt:. . ' 1,11}•' Prevail tot . I IinrT;+:tot . n,}runt-
f •ttlffiti: tit .Mie• ..Isis fri.a1.I 1elit•v•Ihim to he pae•u-
• The 11llceY+.. of blot 1111 N '.
aittatrti+3 mai* tine';' yell Oiled. tiuwev r. -lice -ha••
't. are hot n- i• •`,.. 1.4•41-41nr +ritlm nvl ut lard illi w,
b lits ..f the p,•q,l• Yofiuy tttY'cr t,n ,' ; -iuetulwra aJf -llu•-
a I ..f' •To• • tit.-wt'.tir fn1-
duct.. awl this m turn d.'1"•uwf•. uN 1t it, wi41, h 1'n•mic•• hong
ih,' tur.v-is of the basic 'Mitt -tries of the r, -•till ..t - lesf,te •li \•'rt • n' .. Rouse. , the country-agrh•nin11•r. InlJ••rh:a. A.,'-1 .\ *ink,. - l tin• er•,,t:. urs,_
fishing. rte. .\ high. tariff {„ ,.I ,,is plain. t,.. .I' is „„•BABY'S
• fug. g• DAD j J rr h. 1 AB
N.ri wet, / pipit itr
tow -1t *PI :' v.•a,'.,•r of 1'a i , r i • .
oil} v .i , NT p1L'LCi1{/
a t''laere-. fife w.}Ntlt f nor iuln• ,•'•:.'t1.• time.: ._ AN. pil►Li.a.ata• t p11LYl
•ot 1'
rni1a• 11ULT_•tl 1. Oaf wtiier...w'it7t1 tr. ail. -'i ❑ 'trtunz tar r_,_l
So far as export troll'. .-.1 r'• rued. 'u„t 'n• It mos: .,01•III.11Ie tud1•- 1
- itl¢h -tariffs--hy, lucttntfi'"' the , •'•1s til.1tely. 1h, I':'• ` tt°tti•ti°r -:r• For Any of the Many Minor Ail-
•t iodarich Ont.•
what'.. r sty 4:oll o: l yr;• i•' right; 1•
Iter•• shall wy at:. 1 h.. take4:
'1`1e.ugh r.r(.o%. u•;'d. ,!r dt•uth be
*11111'. t
Yet ow I tot for -,.,•.•I':
Joy father'- ,'are
It round n,,. :here fall.
111. Ihat 1 - 111 ie.:
.\u.1 eat to Ilio 1 L .. u!_S Ito I.gast.
O Almighty lied. ••Ito tllrougit the i
pr.•nt•t,ing of the I,1 +'tl .\pa,stle tit.
Paul host wooed./hr light of Thy got -
p•1 to shine tilh,u::•uttt the aorlti
grant. we besets.* 1✓a". that we tasty
show, forth our for the !
hilly'.J doctrine whirl. ho taught :
:ttruugl. Jesus OW.: ''ur I.ord. \mt•►r• I
•telt. tevl. ;
• .p nsittot5... n_.,►_ .JetiIor our in- -doubt all tar a „h .ion .e .out
dn•trie- It *to ualril4e et e:outp,•tang in` within a remt.'te. 1 h.:'
omit) markets. Malar . f "tor tomato- _ .-
- fiii•tt)rer„'- ressagtttxe this, --final--; ail•►- - EDITORIAL NOTES
wloleheart,•etl! tiipjt,rtel I tlee low' I.
tariff ps.lky of she Kiwi; til.t,n!-I it;!, -'111 1'.•: . l'.
Wnt'-ht the eautpai, t Jie•t viroid.' has` r,..t -e•ut a 1.1 h••
6•r health cushy won. 1
These mea will now ite ahea.l w itl&'! lrttnwe'sinee 1x117. ]heals 111+. of the minor ailments alio had br,vnr believers. lhl•
4 t huilttf.. into& ; ._ . - . a • - - - M6.1. afflhet I,wfiybrud and childhuol would to.a. gratify mg to Paul as his HU\. F. J. A. l :\Rl)IN.
their •lmslireert I'W1
for for r'auufirlir oro rl'-- tr•r fait - _ ar n.eii bt . int dernn.rment ut heNs atsr,lt Ihr enut.•r.! •n o[ for Gr y I trtt0 was the sert.»ltienal orator eft
1 1 i1,,uiret 3icYilt:, pr mut int+► t K t t+ lite + wa- to Ws h, ur r /tut t Ito a
S. p S. LEsSON FOR MIN. 13th. 11125 '
Title -haul's- Arrest At Jer•
1.r..un Passage-avh -21:21411h-
t 23.3kGolden Tett-1 Pet4:16.
"11 P:1111'11 J•'dtilt y :,• n M111.111 I to
.lerustl1rut there our.. .et. -rat delays.
At Tyre they stayed .'al•..klcs while
the •Ifni- cargo was 1,•1118 unloaded
They frtund some 4 l ri•tlau friends
tdirre «ho 44ewme:t ti'rsuailyd that
Paul's lite would be ::I Sauter should
III• p1•,a9.Y1 to Jt'rtlsa'•'11•- -•, t trey tried
to .,turn Ititu from
other lengthened Suis) took place at,"
1Uaa.xrea. iter'. gastro: t4ferts_' worst-
orstput forth to keep 1,i:: from gulag tta
o Jerusalem. peuPhe:. and 11r,1it114(t6'
sees allI. foreteUfnga-cit woti1.1 1111 1.1*
4041 .hnul.f hr r,a1titla1° his journey..
Past watt nittmitit'in less purls.t•e and
reproved them for trying to dissuade
him. .\11 that ant 11 ha. a ill he give
for -lois life. _hat Cant' stott1d gist lift
141111 fur the Hanle of t!... land Je,iUa;
kw - fold them - (ger.- 13 1.
2'.' 1114.) tontliue . their Journey
rend r,•u•ttt'tI-a:rw, Aller•' the
Htrethrtm revs -iced d '' wu atatlly'-
menu of Infants and Young 1 e ,
•1.1ent apostle. Jaw-, +t...
..ChtldrdII 4 t toy foil peid_a visit 14) the re -
NO .- mother eau .•xIwo. tile! her it 1441 all the Suers 1r. -'I 1'4-'414,1.1.'1.W
1 .hil.i wilt ....ape all the ills to %shithl
--'...-•1 9011 ehildheod ore .nhjeet.
., r.erlt)' -slid t1, Wake .holy'+ battler
,' i: .tar v1111 .t o Wueh to Iess,•u their
Abdo that had %r••11,tht among the
t;.•ntile•• by bis mItttitrr. They re.
`joi,r•I with Trim awl gI•rttf. d God, but
at tlir••rauw the 'hey drew ki- at-
Pattfe, to the' tart°'mtntls•r of Jews
Boys' natural wool Combina'tions. Penman's, ''9S" or r 2.50 1' 3.•7V
'Stanfield'ae for ages 6 „t°,16 years. Priced • • • • • • { ' ' "` • Stanfield's Za iJo
Women's natural 95 Vests of Drawers. Sizes 34 to 4
'•Red Label," pure all -wool. Shirts and Drawer, pergarment-
Sweater Coats
women's, men's, a large
purchase from the mills much
regular values. .
Boys' Tweed Knickers
Good Canadian Serges and Tweed.
Lined and well made, ages 3 $j •00
to 8. . Special. Pair 1
Hemstitch and with drop lace edge
Marquisette in ivory or cream shades.
2 1-2 yards x 36 to 38 inches wide.
Choice of four patterns. Regtl
ular $4.75, at per pair
Dress Silk
Black Satin -face Canton, 40 inches
wide, heavy weight, deepest lustre and
real French raven dye. Reg-
eg- @') 98
ular value $3.75, at per yard... •✓v
4 yards wide. New patterns. Cover most floors 3.00
without a seam. Special, per running yard.......' • J
- -r -
a-sista:we to t:,, grower+ lu .pnly-
Ing the InYM and the uppll.•uttou of
-the 1,4.41 meth•ol• of production. Part
ty due to this f•r*t: sty estrauulinary
'p rcenitlg'. of the imp will grille N...
t. N'r f.rl that ilk ts,usumer•` should
take uld.autage .•t -Ile opps•rttlrttty 1t tr?• la•.at1N•tt'-tnr.Auarrirs. ►Ir I.a a
secure 11114 hlgltclas4 pn•hafd pro- ! aide rtia•rienr•e in • ttdverthallg a d
duct. It will Ir• available esery I totter bush,..--- prone WI, tnrtltudi.
where at nNst,•rat' pt-ki-s.
"Ar order to facilitate the - wutttt•
tug of this splen.lid crop" the Mite-
iater. ached: 'til.•- liepartmclet • 14
rrnde•rltta,'L itwe to two
In the first 14n•... it is supervising
the gradiug amt t.andting and gnat,
auhving the pr1 • iu with1
exports of t•ertritt haling standard
tarieties. to Ike ••xjent of ' Atllt{t rwr
t•.tttIltiutrs: white the "I•r.tspa•rrty,•r lu )ttr 11 .'.•n. •• his
ta•Ith`tte ' rr•wd'-altleaa_ tiny _ha,{rpr,nlL 1.l:htnit : netit.m• • hits.
°' lett rued v. Ivti.ou_ will aetnht r+••ra••in lIt. ri_ht pia•
other opgatrttuNty. of cajoling ,.r • • - •
frightenini tkr 1*'ulttr iu0+ guarau• a ,1.•ul.tset a-_ w+ole i}ptrrn Jltp
tug them ilii held 454. ugt1e•tr
r. v,-, d rr - Of =HO- 4ar11- wait trill 1`ajoT1-'111rn1Tt•'1► n 1p, foe -lila
«u't1111 precept foie r..mlwtil'b,u. .flnr $alrolm i. 14 a""ifTlr td••npp•nr•
The people mull fir nn amtr4_ etits kn,.w 1r.
\Inny i.r/14tItfWlete. 111 Ontario' wen. • . • . •
stampetierl by the tuffs ei.r,estintilti,o-• Jdmr• (1nh•r11a . 4
,.r.', '
Alf the prht t'thtni,N a}i,'rti•,•tmt'Mt lir. -11:111 , south. I rn •.• •. .1. 't' h .,_
sod b1lllawr•I• 1i1,. rorhi,; last 11'''k North Nur.•n r.. Tltouu,. 11 •t1i ' u'
against their own Tuten•t•t•. T', t Knuth Iinrou, and N'. 1'. ,.o. l'- ti
pile of Huron comity ,,w I }ism .tial L1'4 -MI 1:1ati6R•nr mak,: a trtr-fn•ht•
their Yxnruld( vrtil t n+ti11it a_ge for I:aI Iltiruu. Ir , •
• .,afeet upon, other eolai no .n'ic• %stick 4.;t ical
the tithe- et trial .•••11,•-
.•ula.-ti ,t -ltd 4.o ch. . eget n '
til., a el) :wet Is.wels :,ud these also ro4141 of the holaw' awl these Jews
the Liberal comp tlgu In (Jurb c. .
teon•¢ec ram ,MiteMr14n11.y's thin Tali-
-They are -* . tuiltt trot - thorough
lasativr which through their action
on the stomach and bowels never fail
tatjlpgliktn and indigtrs-
un* •t4ple---r. era-
wufmi and make ihr deselect-ta•thi44g•
11me easy. -
t'olel.1nhrt Rabe'• Own Tablet•
Mrs. A. K•r•hlw. tialullton. 11th..
%rites:-•'Kin.tly..end we your took-
h•t. •e'nr. of Italy' -hi Ileistsb and :Sleek
tie.... 1 have 'w' little 111p41r,•n foie
111111 rt _haft :1111 titre ,4.iir$ oLl and
I tart --u-.0 -- uothiux s,rtr_Ctr th. tn int
Ihlby'. 1)wn Tatrhtt 1 fhi11k. ilii•
Tablet. arc a wonder t! upulrine' for
itah a 1 own 1'*t.Ito" n re 440441 try- all
*.:til lit _a routs a 1,, x from The Dr.
t\'illidm•' Mtdle41t4 t'1... Itrw•kcillr..
Ont. rl.
1:.ib-rkL 1.,,,p44.. a''h nit tor,}
h -fhw
Tier fundaviental priu,'iple ,.t tear ry Of lit' ;'.-,i- ltai.cwit 0' .
tnrat„4. g.trtrntnritt 1' . 't., ' 1., to t: oat t',r1-
MaIloy roar.. Tito,.w;ey, I L.y
n Sit :inti 11•+1- 1)n't•
airy, 11.01. Or, 1h,wleri.4. •'yW-1+W:r..
tlllatI,.T--vf- r++n1a' 'tt---Pusiiaita'-tt[ '
with III 21111•- that tow++• tnir7k••h-
1,fls•ra1+: 1i,lii.ari atte,•4.` 1ere:n ir1'.. theta for !dial. honor. 'rlte) ori' ,t 1
• real '. t h. r
'chiefo or in
t ill but w. t ilf,doug Tor•.'•. hot viols have f- e •
- trot come in a QItl4lJn ,4 the Honor 1,f L1!aT fri• n,htt tins v t,ti 'r•. -
Jhrn• iter 'oily two lwlrtie-- life 74.14. • '• •
Mel the nays: It a majority of the. .- iloil_ rlra•ry+ }tar
Moo., !•opposed to the Lut, rnintiit j
...It the Govetm,1lt const - u. iR-`tz` i-f1'enfanv rear. • •rd 'ry I.ilrrrn1- I• :111
defeat of Hon. Iieoree P. f:ra tittII hi
e:.icerut44,•nr '.outmnnd0. 11utj rtty. South Ms.,'x. Mr. firt1.:,ni is -a -t'e-
11. position IS 44'••111(. h•Mn .,f 'mut..o1it1'nl L;:nb,+.ntiil it
Itrr•ngttifim• of tills .4d •' i- -.41 1^ wntthl 1F4'
to T- t111p1'I.hlir -12. -at his •---trot elnrhfc disco-siva rl _the- Alio- -... _ s
_ iii .ir fit -411f OVt.. recoiling- tt4,rn-the- -----
raw•tinn• 1.1 Inst Wed:. It. 'Thr .tatm or
1'onsertafive% that l,,- titer they have
floe _largest entity try Should _Terni---=
the Not•,•rImen: 1. • not a valid one.
„they.,wust hose the majority .4 the•
House:, If alien 'l'urllanli'p. a"•Lt4_.
bie.T. tgle:v emu otorote me 'boom'
:tient \ r. 115.1:14 1t ill h:141. to r, Igo
• and ghe_i)a,L to a Ilath•rrntica fifty.
eminent. ' the ttt•'lurthn,• Mr:-1iiit
believes `that the ' 11iaj r;•4 1,•
elected Ment* r, win •upas r 1 1w
ill ; • • •Iia• fk M,•i,:h,n. :11111 111 t1!•
',h.•. •11,1'. 111.1 llii-.1 in. telhin'
-i0t 01 lower.
• . • -i- t i ',ni 1:,r 11141w• of
I4,lrn a it Atd1.,i .111/111.1 helve
.St...::li'i at_ t' !• 4 reser --st'ltafl,•lt -Tl,i
1+H104,„_. -11I•,‘., 1- ,o/... lag • ro,. thiel.
,tltho/G,! Mr h : _ rt.ian. ant, Mt. 1l&•1'
al,, 1. 1,, W. '1;., 1 t,. 1:1 :r , io,
i%1111Mo 1:•.. 1 o•oad 1•, .t p 'ii"I •..
11!14-s1 ,I t' n,ii,•rnitOt wIale Ile
yu•ml, r. , r• 1 ' t,•trt aro'
P. 1.1,111:: ' , ,i .iii n t ,i :III t rn,
411.1111? - ll:- 1,.• t •tr"1 e•1,
the teK t'offl:tineflt et,ni';'I r'• -nit i1
i1h• •feta$ - •f - 1Ile ' 44..*,--1:nte ri uw•i.t: ,•
_1'iwt a.wit1..1wi1li._olt. i11.11ber 4 acrid _
.k .4.1..i.m.....---pUu1h1S- .. _Within 111 r'
months: Inthe mid - of winter. On
the other Rand. should 11r. King re.
lain office the probability Is that 14r '
('n1:1 Pt:through :I P1.111nn of 11111
----fiett+4-ww,i-twli it freta election at
inter seasons/de tiro,' nett atitumrr.
*any Liberal. b,11.,re It tr041141 he
. Nis Coalition of That Kind
.The Fa rnp.rr Sun
The tiltb,- - itt a readlug trtttil•-try
1lnnetay'" it+llf•. ...put. to s1g44$t Nn•
formation of a euslltI'rn li:orveriitli.Tii
iii wiskit._the hog Int. -resits of Mont.
real and Toronto would
IM unTorv
=rho• (Moine wa0. one of the e•hlef i,g,g1-
-. in-94'1lrlu;t-the creation of a Tike
.,rtlin1,n in 191 7---a (volition to -
N hittu w'a. 4111e the etitlrmour «11111e
to infiftl}trr' a ils✓lr,,a 1 ,,terl4nient
mrnantII' j tIrrinr :11141 tart• grossly
errat•ngnr,C trews units' whtrtl- tin•
1iriunl Trunk and 1'.N.It..were. taken
over. Thanks: hitt the country has
hail unite enough of deals ..f that
k incl•
they were to think i#..f kim_bel;Mite'
of his teuithing the Jews «141.44 wire J t- . . itatd-trlett •441--dltsua'l'' him
atuuug the tkent tea to t:o•.ake Moses.
T,tey, therefore, d. fret! haul to sbuw'
by 04.4111e144111)1,117v their charge
ate} puAt iii111ll1ff __ Paul (4,aseut- 10
kept furitt er a
rel t1, du rt e 1
they urgsil
avowed p 1 prisoner we grad ID Icor. though k ,• n Irisoner he was al-
uNI to err his frfrud44. I., that -the
church there had wteeh more of his
mina:1y and help for Iwo years t1:au
i.1 uth••rwls,• possibly „odd have hull.
nnu,,,, 'rhe chief rsrterr «f Nle 1'hristiau. Hud
1111/11 WA' how i- alit end: so •th
11 oar UI e la
soni. of' ll 'other virtues. 14 hitt
'the ease of Pa.d 11111 action in loin- r1•11111111..S 11 '1111 (amt to 4144 the «111
-flet 1111•11.4:1f 14 '' N111.1111.114..itN111.1111.114.. Ass 1111*- of 4;oil. ete•t..Iu opposition to -its own
bt rpre•te,l a1, u riot rs•,'urrtd anti, will ail ,Ie+ir-r. whether lit. is culled
friss- helot iW-tv Jerusalem, . feo•ling
sur' if ha did they would never see
lobo again. but by Ids being -trade a
rlw,nt-r at Jerttl'f1m 0 a Pe s "'°H
;,'pples will be an 144teusly
dlslug effort in abbot] all
cess wls,le•ale *IA retail.
growers are• invited to tor•
Mr. Martin b. one Of;irie. most.
sive advertisers of poultry and
alt deal -
11:1 ail
•t t en' - -
4r111 -
f1:•24r_ T.. the Jews income l a JeW.
:hat I might wain the Jews-
'ehses 27411 -The Oute•Se.
\\'heti we •+-,• theItegillnlllt'-.' a
t we caw,: tt41 how lour it will
hi, aur --r Gel ••.4.41. it Wirt not the to set or to •iiffer tilieg,t'e.
hit, resident 't Jerusalem, but they 111rs11w1 is he Who sltbntit• ty flie
had e•,nl. 'ip to the feted. who will of (.les: hr can ne•trr be unhappy.
Sten may oval with' tittu-as' 4o..
they may expose him to death by fire
..rby''w•ater. may confine him In a
dungeon or relen•e him. Ile is with-
out care: he km.%s that 4411 tiring -
work together fur good to hlta. llom.
tirred up the Arr. rgtng .,..t
Paul was int!. teaching 41:11 doing
:Mutts against t:: e erre•nsnllul law- oY,
I The. 111144..'•-: atnrrouuek411. var-
ious. ' arab• stet phi' very outermost
-alas waned : ,e court.•. 1 the 11.•11•
tiles and into "' :done w:1- 11 law
f,w•--the•nt--4t.-44 t, For a Gentile to,
Ow" t.•tnp•' prnper'Nag 1,, 114114•
it -and no more effective appeal could
.sols t111./p11•
••1 11
be made t
thou :.tindiett•• 'at l'anl had brought' n1,91t God IttNd 10 girt• acct.•• to Or.,
n1 t`ph•-ihie , • the 1'•nt1le. Th.-
iental 44•I1141144 .\ Peeve of rnrbnrhl.
41evelom.d.ulark .-. and at. it wifl:Iiiar-
ttre Got,•rnW,•ut -tamp as to quality it
is .-xps.'tt•d to e-t:ib11s1i the natio rt -
Ontario for spirit... of 11iglt qualits.
.1 large 1a.rtliIl ,•t the crop will. ..f
...Mese, go to the ltrltish. market alai.
the N'e^tern market. !rut there aill
Iw• .plenty left for the psoitle 111 lite '
tartar. It. or.ter n. bring this utast, •
?unity ••he uttrntiun of ;I I1 the Is' -
r.' t • ttrtwent I. .1..i...4.1•11%4 all
i1 l
oder ► cainlarigtt a:'ich will
pla,w the• 1., 1111. .,1 apple• prominently
lrf..rr Ilse n.usnue•r by :al•uua ,f the
-daily alol aryl:1y' pr. 1-oustlmer•
will not tail) gat poet saute for'tkrlr i
mosey but will ala. assist In .14.1.-1
dishing wore Mrwly an rtip..rtant
branch of our ritut• )uanrtrry1,-The4
apples x•111 ire hand ••1 through the• 1
regular ehaum•l, ,if trill. tntd all that
1. 11•r.'ssnry for tile •,III•umar to ti!i
is to ask for Itntari ,,•p4e'*"
1lehltel the. a.Iver' • . _ ,.f Uutarho
• 3111/R1J1 MISSIONS
-/i-; .aid_ that the IoW" }4e of a wise -
w• tot-
• was the simple
r'• trite U
11 •.Nat
benefit as well
as pleasure.
Healthful cwt.: ie for the teeth
and a spur to digestion. A lona.
luting refreshment, soothing to
nerves and stomach.
The World Famous
Sweetmeat, untouched
by hands. full of
vs hole e11y wn• r0U44' d. Patlt • Ails
•eix.41 and 'rie•t were about - to kill.
VertSst 3140 -The Authorities Inter-
iy[Tring the f,':,•t ,Imy. ®Ilitar; {+„ahs -ant1 aur.' with the ...tonal consent of i
;v,•n• ,•tnirl1.1, 1 at 'varhms (,,nuts -the hu.Mlnd, this' Christian *0144.411•
in tin• city and :' einem 1,ratne knnw'tl won welcomed to tin it.141.• of ifs!
flan arbe•tr..--Th -- home• and an she tanottt-hitt-wirrs the -I -
0i.1nI11ander of t1: Komar garrl•'ru. by art of embroidery. she was working
I:ittNe- t'tatti ta4 ! ;7411•.- 414'1_. r„ _.1 it 4 iL f 1h,._._"s,•arlet tlri it1 - t1yed in ...u1e_t
}he I.:t rib 1a'•• the °•►soli
d'lI,-th• i'abrlc of their hearts and
tic(•. -Ker. .Arthur T. I'ieroton.-' 11.11.
,•rya wrought by her deft fining-.
found Its way to the nw•hnl.•,1 lu-
mates of it ermine : if et woman ...•111th
do such work as that. other wom,-a .
"mild Isom under trey inntrly'tiu,i ;
at olive to the trtUpfr. When they
were seen eppr^,ebing Ihnw• beating
ee5*ed. TI-- COmmnnder orderell
I'44III fu la• sen:,,ed and hound -stilt
111111 In, and data W11/1 the prophecy Mr. King's Daly
of .(gahm. ,tt41i • bed when 1,1' Incl I' 4 The Farw,•r's Suitt
whe11' 1l&• 11u•t 111 nuc *Ilse the ditty .4 Mr. King'
Ptttll tot raceaI on 111. way tor -.fpr:"- hi perfectly (tear. 'Pilaf rioter. Is to,
osier:, 'ftlhl, ,. Plaudits a$41m.•1 • bring 015 tin• 11 rest .,Melon of the new
Parliament at :he earliest p s J11'•
s t• ,..t glut(. fi "utlin.• 1111' 1.11/111'411 Io pro •
pri,iu•w to fo'iew. and files •ttlihh'ltai•,-
self to the Judgment of the Ilu;se.I
of ff rnittw,xa. If he 111 supported nn
the ensuiwt rote be eau 11.111 wit11
0.001 Matter.1411. ,l•aNltld lutw.•Ihite
attention. Fnllnw1111 Chet there
_should he :mother and early appeal ,
to the people. Sire an attempt to con
and ow. 3t- \1'i ti,ute. f.r four or five years «ot1.1
people ,+lull not -•as•h hits they (1141 ur••m1 u pr.•lot/g,.1 14.11.11 of tower-
' ,,r him thi' reel Word*sis,keU r.. +ditty and unrest that would involve
.,atu:..-A*a) wi'.t 4tI l' nuud7 fu try HT n time when settp•,t
Pail appeared b' lite- moat cone goveninient 1+ eretetiTfgt-to rlei1.rtrt•
,seri of theta . for he nddr.'..eel from the .1.04«.4r h.,. i -ft h: its
Ilk ,41114 cspfa and nske,l if h"
might tae• remit' amnia 'or 'hlm•.•lf.
•ring lb..tnailt •' . le,lult fntlivl to en-
lighten Itltn ns ' olio he really aa..
T)rr hld 11 44 ti:, Irad l&1' 11111111111 111:1111,111:1111,1111I.11101 Pard n, -t 1s• that EgyptianEgyptiantian
warn had been 11„ ringleader itt n re-
i44'W . tnl,tfrnmr :Tod wise. whew 1414.followers were k.. eel. taken prisoner.
or .i. utt nist...had ,•rtglllle'd. and who on
♦etaulnit to Jrtwolea► had bee
0oanix:.1 nn41 m4'.,r•rl. ole «ns 'herr.
foresurprised -t.. ttAt'e Pant ntl'trraa
Mai nod. niter rnptalulttS who ho Nal-
l! «as. n 1,48lly ,!efferent prr4on from
the criminal elandla• 1.Y.11101paK•
tA him of Whitt.:o• hnhibly naked for
ru,l.sltxl to speak ,to the peep
le torr hr wan 11114411 tato the tootle -
Paul's frieaeis i,atn at Tyro -led
!lull Paul wit 1 criminal and u,(uir
what he had dote.
Ilk .4.1111 get t.• eerie in 111tur1mlltou
from the 'Row 1 for • 121)1' riled etre
thlri4 111141 Allot? r 11111110.111111411111110.1111114*'I•,o •e,
Tu: 0(111 rill, Paw he token tutu tthecletle. - Thr flu-. of ,' mob was s:.
flint the • Iters had nln"h dif-
1n grttit - J11m thert:.Lut•ing
-take n 111) hr theirter:u-
ain. sultry. tett :I
who led the Liberals of South Hoot to rectory
Buy ana eat
Delicious, healthful. This year they
are bet ter than ever. Lay in a supply
of fall and venter varieties now,
both for cooking and eating. Buy
from t grower --or'-duller•
Th.' Ilan. John S. Martin, D.A., Minister
Ontario Department of Agriculture
Adtertiting t am11t►Igti Inancorateti
by Department of :tgrietilturc
-Front 411.• of yunlity.
this year's magi. chop it one of the
11 re- trial 1 -}oar .. 1nm._ i'1 Int ll -Tort
said Hon. Joint S. Martin. Minister
,.f .\grh-illtiiit "II, Air -fit-- T1tt't e
fwd. th,t ' tirtc,•rnutent feria justlpeat
in porth•uMtly rnnrmendl4S it to the
pride of 4 1100144 nod pMewhere, We
have a ameba .Interest In `the Prop
M'r'tl-1l!L_In the ear groats/ month.
we mere ,itiwallerwttie
For Thanksgiving Buyers
We have an extensive range Of
Coats and Frocks
ond spta- now, Ti..- . Thattitsttiving -buyers..--
In styles that faithfully Follow,the decrees of fashion,
and priced within the reach of everyone. -
- This includes Coats for children. juniors, misses
and matrons.
Flats that meet with the approval of the most
discriminating. At very reasonable prices.
Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
East Side of Square Goderich, Ont.