The Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-01-16, Page 4SAVE MONEY
rfvtoW ' a" *m.
f .40
irk 'I' itgoltslrfiti Misses'
• i aygp/952
The new 1952 Dodge Coronet (shown at right) is the biggest,
most luxurious car in the Dodge line. It's designed for those
of you who want to drive a big car but didn't know you could
afford it. You'll find the Dodge Coronet a luxury car in every
way — in size (wheelbase, for example, is 1231/21,
appointments, engineering and performance with its
105 horsepower engine — yet it is the lowest-priced car
equipped with Fluid Drive.
For the ultimate in driving and riding comfort, the Dodge Coronet
is available with Gyro•Matic transmission at extra cost.
With it you can drive all day without shifting gears.
Brilliant new two-tone colour treatment cilia maw, richer,
interior appointments, make the 1952 Dodge:Mayfair (shown
at left) one of the most eye-appealing cam aft the road today.
This smart, colourful model gives you the 'distinctive styling
of a convertible combined with the con fence, safety and
durability of a permanent steel top.i. The Dodge Mayfair,
Crusader and Regent model,ctre.. all; powered by the
dependable Dodge 97 hp..engjne,, famous for economy and
long life. The wheelbase fizr, ma is 1181/20.
. ' • V#0,1faftla '
Whitewall tiro! optional, at extra COO.
Turnberry Twp.
Inaugural Meeting The first meeting of council for
/Re was held in F3luevale Hall at 11
on. Monday, January 7th, with
ail members present. After the de-
clarations of office were taken, the
Reeve addressed the council and ex-
pressed the hope for unity and co-
operation throughout the year.
Rev, R. A, Brook was present and
addressed the council and offer-
ed prayer for which the Reeve ex-
pressed appreciation.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on a motion
by W. Jack Willits and Robt. A.
Powell. Moved by Robert A, Powell
and Harvey Timm that we pass by-
law No. 1 appointing Geo. Thomson
clerk, at a salary of $40 per month,
Moved by Robt. A, Powell and A.
D .Smith that we pass by-law No. 2
appointing W. B. Cruikshank, treas-
urer at a salary of $275 per year.
Moved by Robt ,A. Powell and Har-
vey Timm that we advertise for a
112,ad Superintendent, tenders to be
irPthe hands of the clerk by Feb. 2,
and that we employ Wm. Mundell at
the present salary until a superinten-
dent is appointed.
Moved by W. Jack Willits and A.
D. Smith that we pass by-law No. 6
appointing John K. MacTavish, As-
sessor at a salary of $350 per year.
Moved by Harvey Timm and W. Jack
Willits, that the liability insurance
be placed with the Gore District
Mutual on their comprehensive form,
including Warble fly spraying, at a
cost of $226.70 per year, effective
January 18 0.952.
Moved by A. D. Smith and W. Jack
Willits, that the following general
and road accounts be paid.
General Accounts—County clerk,
hospitalization $46.50; Advance-Times
$2.70; E. Webster ,fox bounty, $8.00;
Geo, Thomson, part salary, $40.00;
Ross Willits, compensation $47.25;
Frank Cowan Agency ,insurance,
$226.70; Ont. Good Roads Associa-
tion, $5.00,
Roads Accounts—Wm. Walker,
$95.62; Geo. Galloway, $158.92; W, A.
Hogg, $131.28; Wm. Ross, $15.75;
Wm. Mundell, $119.18; James Farm
Supplies, $127.92; J. D. Adams, $24.58;
Geo. W. Crothers, $129.10; County of
Huron, $46.64; Hy. Wheeler, $1.00;
Everett Cathers, $25.00; Br. American
Oil $72.66; Campbell's Garage, $1.04;
Crawford Motors, $3.00; E, W. Sellers
$14.00; A. C. Lillow, $86.87; W. B.
Cruikshank, postage, $8.00.
Moved by Robt. A. Powell and
Harvey Timm, that John V. Fischer
and A. D. Smith be representatives
to the Bluevale Hall Board. Moved
by W. Jack Willits and A. D. Smith,
that that John V. Fischer be repre-
sentative to the Wingham Hospital
Board, Moved by W. Jack Willits
and Harvey Timm that Thos. H .Ab-
raham be representative to the Bel-
more Arena Board.
Moved by A. D ,Smith and W. Jack
Willits that Harry Elliott be appoint-
ed caretaker of the Bluevale Street
lights at the same salary. Moved by
Robt. A. Powell and Harvey Timm
that we pass by-law No. 3 to borrow
up to $25,000 from the Canadian
Bank of Commerce for general and
school purposes.
Mrs. E. W. Rice was hostess for
the January meetings of the WM.&
and the W.A. on Wednesday after-
Mrs, W, I, Miller presided
annual reports of the secretary-
treasurer and the different conven-
ers showed a successful year. Mrs,
Frank McQuillin was appointed
treasurer to succeed Mrs. Gordon.
Mrs, J. Cameron conducted the wor-
ship service and the topic on French
Canadian Evangelism. She was as-
sisted by Mrs. W. A. Miller and Mrs.
W. I. Miller and Miss W .D. Ruther-
ford read a detailed repdrt from
the Point am? Trembles School
near the city of Montreal, Mrs. Cam-
eron, treasurer of the Life Membership
Fund reported $10 in the treasury.
Mrs. CUrran, the president, con-
ducted the meeting of tne W. A.
which was opened by the use of the
theme song and creed, The theme of
the worship service was "The King-
dom of God," and the Scripture les-
son was read by Mrs. Frank McQuil-
lin and the comments by Mrs. R. Er-
rington. The report of the treasurer
showed a successful year with a bal-
ance on hand of $284.57. Mrs. W. I.
Miller, Mrs. G. Stuart, Mrs. G. Mac-
Pherson and Mrs. W. A. Miller were
appointed a committee to purchase a
carpet for the platform in the
church. The matter of papering and
painting was discussed and left over
until a later meeting. Places of meet-
ing and hostesses for the year were
arranged. The next meeting of the
W.A. will be held on the regular date
with the W.M.S. postponed until
February 29th., the Day of Prayer.
Lunch was served with Mrs. S. E.
Hayward and Mrs. McQuillin as host-
W. I. Meeting
The third social evening under the
auspices of the Women's Institute
was held in the Community Hall on
Friday evening with a capacity
crowd. Mrs, Barbour presided for the
splendid program which included
community singing, piano solos by
Mrs. C. Taylor, Eddy Gaunt, Norma
Murray, Carol Gardner and Lois
Webb. Songs by Phyllis Barbour,
Beverley Gaunt and Betty McDon-
ald; by a group of boys, Ivan, Barry
and Archie McQuillin, Murray Gaunt
and Lorne Forster, Donald Gaunt
and Bob Aitcheson, a solo by Terry
Wilson; reading by "Miss W. D. Ruth-
erford, mouth organ selections by
Mr, Fred McQuillin accompanied by
Mrs, McQuillin, the Journal by Mar-
garet Miller, a musical number by
The penultimate day of the month
is the next to the last day.
for -
Improvement Cuttings and Your
Winter Firewood
Unfortunately, most of the fire-
wood, cut in Canada is taken out in
a clear cutting operation. Clear cut-
ting operations have only one ad-
vantage, all the material on an area
is removed at one time, this keeps
hauling distances to a minimum.
The disadvantages of clear cutting
are serious and far reaching...A pro-
ductive stand is changed to an un-
productive ,area second only to
severely burned land. Forest weeds
and wild raspberries grow so densely
in the cut over area that new growth
has difficulty getting started. Most
of it will be of the coppice type which
is crowded, crooked and very sus-
ceptible to rot. Advanced growth
(small saplings growing in the shade
of the larger trrees), is suddenly
plunged into full sunlight and is de-
stroyed by sun scalding, Even if re-
generation is satisfactory the stand
is kept in the young age class where
wood production is low.
The woodlot owner, who requires
firewood for his own use, is in an
enviable position. He can take his
fuelwood out in an improvement cut,
charging all costa to that product,
and have the advantages of this ben-
eficial treatment as an indirect pro-
Improvement cuttings have none
of the disadvantages of clear cut-
tings. The growth on the remaining
trees, which will be the better form-
ed individuals of the more desirable
species, will be accelerated .Regen--
eration Will be of seedling origin and
advanced growth will develop rapid-
ly under the nurse crop of the re-
maining trees, Repeated improve-
ment cuts will produce more fire-
wood than clear cutting and eventu-
ally you will receive a cash return
from the sale of logs. Although—a
larger area is worked over to cut a
given amount of material, it is not
inconvenient since the same road
system is used indefinitely.
Consider the advantages and dis-
advantages of these methods of cut-
ting firewood, and if you plan on
taking some out, contact your local
zone forester and ask him about im-
provement cuttings.
In former office of
Dr. R. C. Redmond
Patrick St., Wingham
Professional Eye
Phone 770
Evenings by appointment.
W.M.S. and W.A. Announce
Successful Year in 1951
0 0 TAXI
Phone 65
All Passengers Insured
were noon ,when 17 ladiespresent. Mr, and Mrs .George Stuart and Don
8,124 the Cameron; a piano and kazao number
by Barbara and Murray Wilson and
a short play "The Party Line" by
pupils of Fordyce School, Zihyllis
Barbour, Betty McDonald, Beverley
Gaunt, Ronald Jamieson, Crawford
McNeill and Donald Taylor. This
group also sang a chorus. After lunch
dancing was enjoyed to music tby
Mr, and Mrs, Chester Taylor, Mr.
and Mrs. George Stuart and Don
Cameron; Mrs, Fred McQuillin and
Mr. Eldon Miller with Mr. Culbert
as caller-off, It was announced that
the next social will take the form of
a card party.
Mrs. Lorne Durnin has been a pat-
ient in Victoria Hospital. London.
Town of Wingham
1,952 Taxes
Taxpayers may make payments On account of
1952 taxes up to 90 per cent of 1951 taxes.
Interest at the rate of Pour per cent, per
annum will be allowed on such prepayments.
Prepayments of taxes must be made at the
Town Treasurer's' Office,' Town Hall.
W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer,
Town of Wingham
0 =
Wingham Motors
telerlfione 139
- Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars
Chevrolet Trucks
Complete Lubrication
Our thorough lube jobs prolong your
car's life. 'We follow factory specifi-
cations, give you 'Careful, expert service.
At the first 1,000 mark and
at every additional thousand
miles, let us change your oil
to guard against friction and
Reg. $14.95 at $9.95
other lines, $7.45
0=0P (0&
Clearance of Shearling Lined
PAGE zrov4. WfiONVADAY, $00„
Moved by Harvey Timm and A. D.
Smith that we pass bylaw No. 4 to
borrow up to $10,000 from the Can-
adian Bank of Commerce for drain-
age work.
Moved by W. Jack Willits and
Harvey Timm, that we give a grant
of $15.00 to the Huron County Crop
Improvement Association. Moved by
Robt, A. Powell and A. D, Smith
that we join the Good Roads Assoc-
fation at a fee of $5.00. Moved by W.
Jack Willits and Harvey Timm that
we pass by-law No, 5 to apply fox
road subsidy in the amount of
$40,000. Moved by A. D. Smith and
Harvey Timm that we adjourn to
meet again on , Monday, February 4,
at 1 o'clock,
s0.11•.(1.1111•0 01411.(1011/•111.11111k.
We realize our obligation when
We fill your order for a Mem-
orial—and we provide only ma-
terials of unending serviceabil-
ity. Design and workmanship
are of the finest, and our prides
are most moderate,
Promptly krone
'Phone 258 It.• A. Spot-ton,
See the new Dodge cars! They're on display today at your
Dodge-DeSoto dealer's,
Drive the model of your choice -- on the highway . . , then
over the roughest stretch of rood you can find. You'll quickly
realize that for 1952 Dodge sets a new standard of smoothness
and safety. This unbelievably smoother ride is made possible
by the new Oriflow shock absorbers -- scientifically designed
to automatically give complete ride control on any kind of road,
Test this amazing new kind of ride to-day. You have to
experience it to believe it,
With a new 1952 Dodge you'll enjoy greater all-round visibi-
lity, extra roominess, outstanding performance and the pride
and satisfaction of having spent your money wisely and well.
No matter which made! you select, you are assured of famous
"Dodge Dependability". No other car gives so much in qualify
yet demands so little in upkeep, Ask any Dodge Owner.
Crawford Motors
Telephone 710