The Signal, 1925-8-27, Page 7ActteA!
Mikes waalsl
when Minard's
is used. F e r
headache rub the forehead
with Minard's in water. Fee
toothache bathe the face with
Minard's and place a piece
of cotton saturated with
Minard's in the cavity.
Quick relict assured. a7
Thur -da. .\ugust 27, 1f)_:1. 7
"110. BRIN$IlL$
Countyand ,District BUTTER READY FOR FAIR'111.4 t...\npatie of IPahla44, IW1 wlre-
siKuist 1►4•r )w.pllluu at !'rluu•rs4m owl IN teklug, out, Nt. *Wax Lookout.
POINTS TO BE REMEMBERED dT t' •illur iti,bcrt Iteewwau Wel
With u painful accident while, working
let rhe chopping will. Ile. 1%u. work
How to Control the Green Cabbage 11118 11' tlw Mawr whets little crowbar
Worn -Dusting h the \lost Satirefell from overhead, striking hie o❑
factory Tr•eatmemt-Precautions L I the had. laying Imre the. ,.,n14 and
brcek fug 11 'e40ple of hairs'..
)'rank Hagan, of Hlllsgreen, thrt,u as ravel by cottager- au41 Al-
va t175 bu,bele of wheat off fifteen' lagers, wlw fortutd a bucket brigade'.
al'r•u A uulyur crhIru1W4 W4held
Hy a vote 1't :fit 10 21. 411,' ratepayer, at the hoarse of'ltratl.•r.a au,l Mrs.11 Fret:.
u( verde:to, have etelwriud the ex. Johns, of I'r4INrr e, wbeelemarles (roes
tend r t of village.
N1 1'u a lighting *Yu-
are home oil furlough. Tht•,
hew for the t'hlagr. event was their fifteenth nth welding Ste the Cee of Paris Ureeu-
The death o,turrel to his bonne 018 telt0rrury' til hs,k the form t ea' LUCK -NOW +
(ContrlDut.d by Ontario Department et
the Huron road, 'ruckcryn th, just ChIne-e. feint, Modeg thaw days: on! Doted
turs, riorDea)
the first any als.ut sixty fires cornetts- Miss -Isabel Johnston has taken r
rust 1't Seul\{rain 018 Au18nxt lC2tb,_of w.,,r, ),rv•s4•ut and h,•nrtlly ruluywl What about the Butter Exhibits at
position at \\'iud,ur.
Hobert ltiuhir, 'til 111 forty-seventh the veleta -Oben, tt11N'Ie ..f sic.• the local Autumn tale! Uld you w'a 1'he Luckuow lerwlillg club i, hold -
I'uruw,aalu wI4 the cause 1't (4111.11 1%1111 cho1r'Uckr, nod all Imd to or lose the last time when competing lug It, 11111111111 1ritrutlu4eut on Thurso
death. INgreurc 1e 'at elt.d th his nes, them. It wile all n+ruutpllehtu%mt with the people of your own tows- day of 11411 we•►.
Wife, iter W411 m111 tui{ daughter,• t„ du -.. Al fl,, wnu•lu-lou .ar14 •hip' To win as a buttrrwaker yola \\'bile visiting at Ilulur,rflh• Mire.
Word waN received 1't ►hu(urth Tart was presented with the chopdicks ns mart produce end exhfbtt a quallt7 1'. In.ek.•r had the misfurtuur to full
week 1't the death of Thar. *a�o s. souvenir's, The ',errata .Lily +I1Nnu of Dotter that will meastue up to 4th* nod break Iter lett ares.
at Detroit we the result of e14 autowo twenty •1,w and aunts of lir. awl following score:
Wont Ines IN•.•u rlrvicrd of the
Idle a.wfrtrtit. llrrrae.t tens a son of Ides. lulu, trurt.H k 11f the trust. and Flavor dd death at Detroit of lir,. Arthur 14,-i
the lure Jules Sullivan, Of Me/0110p, In the third' day Oman tw.•nty :s•"14'1 Texture esti e; dory. who with bps hate husb4td was
which tuw'u,hlp he r,•-idn l uutll his) ,tete
enj.;r.d filraterlvra at the for many year+ a remittent of Luck -I
removal to Detroit 4„we tea Stars I ColorIneOForation of moisture 1• 1 asci
++ sauu• tubi,. Color
18181'. 1 I Balt ld Luckuow lila+ 1'o tanrhN camping
A sad death u•eurri+l fit the Sea- I ground. but the prep/emit 1ru111W-1N'h•g'
forth lee/pito! on \\',.Iln•..lay morning, (•LINTON I Paeklag•
lf/ 11111 11' supply one.
of last week, when Thelon+' Flauuu-
g,um, of Tueker,mlth, dint alter an Jauu•s ISTVNn. u( thin town• wh11l 100
operatiuu'for apIN•udicitir. lie tele 11as IN•r1, Norkiug with the +'.X.11, at A lot of the butter rrhibtted at ZCRICH
In Ills thirty-ninth year. Ile is sur• I \\,NN4 hN•k, N'ar lujunsl oil, morning the rural fairs 1. made from cream
rh',d try hIr alfr, his aged wa11cr,i 11. 1.. Albrecht.IIk11,1• gone U4 Neu
last week when the "jitney" ran over',
Insufficiently coohdd and churned at
two broth..* 1',d three siwer,. I hiw..Ilfllcting severe bead awl Poly too high a tempreatare. This pram- 'Hamburg g I1' take stock of a deport
n1Y111at Y4anrutiuln .1' the Ila- w1' 1,. Hte was taken to the \Coo'( flee gives •weak-hodled pale butter mental, store he he+ parchax.d there.+
fork, district of the Lutheran Synod, st. •k h.N dant, i 11.• mei hiN family will 'hurtle Iakel
1 that may also be streaky. If the
to, , rrsid.•io,• at New Hamburg.
was held at 1►a 411 we.. N1 the past week. ll las Huuuah ►ttultl4. of 1'It,hu'' weather hi warm, get sotn. ice and I
Edward 1:111, of Crated Rena. one .11e1 011 Tuesday of hist week. She It.•r. H. U. wive and fatuity an 1
of HA, talked rrNdrnt4 os that neigh i Boot the cream,made
also the wash water. ".•Brig l,olia4ys at 1 tupiltuu and;
u hail ttv,el mere. nearly all her life-.!
Butter made from well-cn,nted creat.. n„ set -viers air tN•iug 14. 1-'i1' ate tar
I eek. died °u \C,slu.•>.I:.. of lath 'rwo s1. -!ere survive. Mises Xellle and waded with lee -water will ha [hrrau cltun h for a few Sundays.
week. 1 his ninety-thlr.l cep. 'He smith of Clinton and Mrs. March eel' a. ll r. and Mrs. e'. fl. .toy and esu..
watt horn 1't land', End. 1'ortiwull,-Leamington. 1 Era ensued to stand sufficient wor.-
notated. l t raw. h, l'alunl l wYra etc ._1414• (tarry 1'owlw• has 18"fir to Oak- t
tug to give an even dtat ribu t lon of i Kenneth. ince Iris 144 a motor trip to
young wan. ,_ Where sir line chartie of the salt, • good color and firm texture. t1N, New Fnghtul Stahel. Nova Scotia;
- Mia Mary ma. of [seeks. 4111• rwlntminx and basketball at 1{olyr4'•,I' If color Is needed, be Careful not tc i111 X. -s ISnuewick.'
fere) )N1lufltl Is ue and the Bummer_ fauns. latter -he leaves for Atg. ' add • drop too much. Churn the Henry Ita.kmr hes wad 1d* fifty -
house of A. .1. \C 1u•r. of Inndon. at gnlu Park. where she will hu, •' `Exhtblt" two or three days bets.. a.•r.' fares iti Illy h,w'uship to F.•rdhr
the fair. This w1U gave cline to set ('uud 1lflh•r, of 114111 I►,1s'IIwYNN). 1
•Grand Bend ural dth(lnort44I V. the re- charge of the sump subje•t•. and blending nL To and wit. Itrlssylt has Lawnbla 1:10 act•
atilt of ■n esploskrn\af the samdin The name o should be as neat u
Tanta. ]Ir. Walker, t ..weN•r-ot the B)RrlYOh'1'llI hu•tu{ cit. Ju•N•ph to .tlfrw i'i.T-
houm•, who Is n hncld i the 14nulon possible. Always wrap prtnte In a Weer for a term or. five years.
T4,111111111 yi,•h.N,l. had n t, • .lays I.e clear, good quality, butter wnppc r. -
fore )eft. Nlth members of le family. Mr. aid Mrs, Thoma, Grieve awl Bee that the prints are well made, I ^�'n"
fur Tol.t ruu•ry• Ie'e%iiie ...Hit -vl.uhg teenier the cngagewetet of thein Clean-cut at
firm. ]lost lodges watt w j�
women of (.,,wino iota St Tho + in daughter. Jeanette llargaret.'tu Jatpt'4 a butter churned front a cream that
charge of the cottage 111.4,n,.' t:dwiu IhaNtr: sou of Mr. and Mr.,. ,sweet or of low acidity. Good l
was' hurtled 11' attempting to nie'c'e James 11. Baxter. of )!tratfurd, the
l avor in butts. comes Isom cn m
1..r lielougln[' front the names, •,14ti marriage to take plater curly In ri•t1 I obtained from cows that are kept la
1154- others narrowly eve -aped Injury In\t4• 1 feeds 1'd
,. ,I.Iug .tullnr 01.1110a I {tithing.'
money atld furniture were. all IoM In i1•
the blaze. The 11otlu• of A. J. Witt- I iii esu !net week. 11r. Kulp is au
son. f le.udau, esu. 11' ,Id forth INn••w-hn left here uewrly Worm -Arta
t J 1 �o Demers Cabbage „ tkur!pr-also. thirty... 1. MK, 441,14.:_
$*1i k 4U i. :rt4. ('ootrot-
+sn1��IIRR01�. l,m,. t,.uring --14"--1110:"L---iii- the• _
u �. Control experiments Involving the
`, to fids. -ori of Mr. and Jars.' treatment In three series of co
e earl and late cabbages, w
d the tit. tlr.,ree thrum powder andea mi
Brophey Bros.
orders carefully attended to
at al! !wore. night or day
J. R., Wheeler
ti11 c i a promptly attend -
tea l to Oily or night
Stere 33S Resident* 3 -Mw
Hamilton Street, Goaericb
Electric Wiring
We vperialize in Wiring of
all kinds. Let tis give you tlm
estimate for wir}ng your
house or garage.
Private Telephones, Motors,
Dynamos, Electric Light and
Burglar Alarm Systema
All Work Guaranteed
Osok, Iron and Toast by
We have an assortment of
the best Electric Irons and
Toasters made in Canada.
West St. £bees l&lii
m1Nr. clean stables, fedon clean ee ■ • Rich Blood to
lir. ani{ tars. ,tarry Kemp uud' The Deed new,
attended by ., Gu people. -L. '.a- store Their Tone
ghrp of Ik•auwopJ. Texas, _.wt's'' son. O. ♦. O., Guelph. \
Biu uud•u with nerve. out of
Pear INrowe Irritable 1414(1 fretful and
'ire blaw.shidr i11-lem{l•r; whereas
netted t 144 e- 1i n.1 t'nnn,la --Mutt- t4 -vtor theirs- 'Fleas-4Y+ut_
lipid t. l 04' he th is the eau.... The tired, over -
1 \ •til. keltn u. tow,,. fin. •N.•II ill y ba 4th Iryro-
hue) wife .•r: pusher r whom• household
{pointed prIiii ( d lead d calcium rands ave Nora her out: the bread-
, -,.,,Buttal' -e11. 1. of witirh he ea- arsenate dusts and sprays, lead to winner home anxiety fur 1111 family
:resistant teseher str 11'rai'. f the conviction that hunderdlocalenaN Till` worried ed hitu until he. I. thin and
_ ted((u.ysIb
e 7obacco�Qdnlity
SAVES IL 1« t'oat ha- -..•iv,-.I word o dltlons dusting wit ea ars ram down. Tnerve heir nerves, rti who )w-
SAVES ]rah - ' usher. t,tv,rg' and hydrated or air -slaked time la t'! Ii
� �0�all leslil- organs neeT'Sratttt}r
red -
11 was jnet a had ankle that ought 41ne .Years az`•. tett haft ,-nee,.. « t•.r11rw ..f ler 1 .
h appen .scale*. fit II series to s West for inion' rear•' ifi 1�tat'' more •
wtbtactory than the .pram 1n fills it 1'.r+•ssNry for these pill. wake
rtq,n^.nava{rr far' a '•rte.'1., al''''. that they ears be max applied
i„•N. blood +181.1 tour up the
418114. at It4l.•rgr, 1 fin. The dr the proportion of one part to niter.. -loll; worry tell, 1'u their digestion
,.w..a.4:-wrnw--b,_rn_111.-0-41111111.70_ _Aft'•' parts is the most eattstactory form
d Wald rtlr)r 1144C-xr+• iU•f,d. • LI ;1'•'h
:431-.-tIP of treatment. The dusts were town \'illiuwri t'ink
Het bowed and lied
Iwo broken. tarsi Ihalen oe.props nnus
lima brow. uta,. hate the protection 1 Senator f• r ;e firm. • with nho aid of ordinary hand dual .•tetn. Thr turtieut 1..»..he fu11 u(
of antiseptic %Y.rt'liuk. 1 era, In one-fourth the time occupied ,,w r18t' +iud h,applurss 'far thrwsrlt`.•1
Mr A. HMnwn, 1'la.r e -Armee, •HI.ITH In spraying. They spread and adhere :ant a,t'I natural. ''In'.
KnnRsau.,, ant,, write* "I,uru,q house-
{ -.Ja-- well It applied when the leaves are Ila{give. 1'uldwnlrr. /tut.. has putt"r'
bald d ate. my left anile err minted ley I William Marra,-
lnrru' •' ,,;t. who tett fret with dew, whereas sprays to t valor 1't 1►r.�\'hll1,1 . Pink 11111x.
a sharp pr•,,ev tub.. btu ling dye ROI herr . rs-rf M wit it \MIs wlfr and which soap has been added •s • ala tow Dot -lw,xltatr to say m. she
1 the
tato the «amtNl a. d Us pies na i conditiont his sticker have a low carinae tension xay4 ,- .r year. ago 1 suffered nu
alarmal me Mi emytle avant r turn t'.r npr' ethnm. cleft
I'1'' ..1µ111r1 ly uta, and Much of the liquid L lost In the told await toe with wy uervtee. The
with7..14 r, al.ttcl a i' - o. A 1 les er ►Isla at hi. -hoer'. home. Tin soil, w the Department of Horttcul- {wins in my helot +
disp fled alt Thu FuweTfol hearer iAteren-t
d.s{4lfe.l all pain, snpp,eralhrr4 and in. •Ir;.asea esu' item i1'. Flullrrt rfxt tura, t College.
flammatiml, P healed perfectly' Are yearn ago. II.' lir..l for a aria In these experiments calcium •r-
t -.46 ...lull elro t,.a • '---4148"'• +4-- fa...* of aeura its the Stats'. dna *1.'' senate duats gave less satisfactory..
roe. boas newest... cut butte .Cala rte . ;bitty year- ego caws Lark h• 1'i, results than th iSt fl$te Of lead dust.
' ads. purchasing :a ftlrtu n1,.- mil.. .11-: the latter giving
feet control. Cal
- ! of Auburn. where lie lived until r•' clum arsenate ap led in the liquid ' utter t:,khlg tli,•tn fur :1 tiuu pit
anerh,g ie Blyth edittteeu year+__eg,' form gave extreme' Poor results 1110
Itltlrli_y -tt,F - 1 ..uttIt to l tl+.'ir atm
The (only was brought l,ere for iut.•r well as causing some 'titbing to thi1,till, gnat 1: Fri ,untifftpr mr hahy
tuent el a re „r• , foliage. Pyrothrem *r used s...- _1h.•) wt•rc;,t, -11nly to11l,•
John, Cowan. of t:a•t Wee -,, with four timer Its welch of hydrat- th.1t 11.1;4.41 we nar•e iter t1 fimla
heft hist ww•k-tt.r_Lt.•..ta'iat�tiber'• 11' ed lime proveduatlsfarlo but can them a rd4•udfd ld4a,d 4nrieh.r. and
experts to .14.111 Ihr n.•Nt two. month- hardly be used on s ronlmere i pestle
j ,•,nun.t. n+.rtnnu,n.
Itis.' 11.11. n _ fernier priielluit as It costs ten time, are ouch the yon c:, vet the-.• 1.111. fr,,ti! It)'
Myth continuation -.'J••.,I. wile. iss 11''" arsenate of l.'ad dust «nyell •• a gel. p1' he snail :tt :*I.rne1
..0 the (earning 1.1tIR N' Mar}:alai•. Ir.,- Judging by this 1•;Ie0a's ob,crf- 1 :, box -1',•w Th.• 111. \\'illhntl+' 1h'df-
1 1Nra1 y!+Itteg- trifled. i« town. atlon, early market cabbages Bernd•` .Luc r'1'. Itn4krilk •►nit.
Ji r. ltutehard, of Du,.l.iI:. is r. serious Injury and whether treatment `• t.11Rti
tIlrcing :,t .tree "ta4t1g1l 4t311* "' F ordl n•
tet toely necessary
* not must " D,%TES-OL_Sil�
y r not must
i commerce in the sheetwe of Nt•urn�••!Po owing are the daft•, arranged
1'u•-. "1-.' r 'j" "^ two application, should be sufficient
for th 4r•vrral s.1+.•ul f 4irs_in Huron
rt�with her too- In a normal aen,on, the first about
• I ural the Luck of ply
peck were meheare.iele.. 1 wa. d4.1r .•s-
P.1.11 and cranky all the tittle. .\I1; In'
ti•L 1 tiN•k and he'.t of mwlical ert••n-
tion .11d Inv no g'8111 ' •8'114 anWr,erl-
to try. 1Ir. William: fink fills and
GEO. STEWART. florist,
Wedding Hunches -Floral MOWS
a Spl.cialty. Phone 105.
IN this complex age the ambitious youth
deems a university education essential
to his career.
It opens the door to opportunity and
helps a man to make the most of himself.
Leaders are needed everywhere; in
the professions, in commerce and in-
dustry, in agriculture, in
politics, in community and
social life.
The cost of a university
course s small considering
the benefits received.
The soul profitable Invest -
meet peer bettor . your` man 1.
to pethn montytn4e a4./eCatbn.
• cine roe considered thea.
41,4 irf. rn. on write
Lestiee. Garda
r f lir.
4sesiyl; }IJ}_14
11 l 471,'
,� , t,AkUF 4 N
11)1)1 II Soil,
PHONES: Dtsesannoa. fi ring 3t dlytb, 32 ring 12.
Mks Lena 1.1.'14,18
Its •'e•rrral weeks h
th.•r..ivas returned 118 41r.1,t11 t,, rt.- the middle of July and the second
rine her duties of the Deportment four or fire weeks later. When the
\grleulltr•- butterflies are ven".abu•ndant a third
The Joyut trup.ty, tclti 9. bas iss•u_� application may be acr•4sary early 1n
Precautions in the Pee of Parts
If a double quantity of good,
fresh) slaked lime or hydrated lime
be hoed with the farts green and
then the initiate made Into a paste
with water and allowed to stead In
this form some little Utile before
diluting and apraying• the lime will
combine with the greater part of the
free arsenious oxide and remove its
leaf scorching propels, to a great ex -
ten. So says Prof. H. Fulmer, O.A.C.,
ltt•lel.ley the Birth teew•le-r• for mHae
1101.-. wet;• i•atetnreel tq ' 'TTttt"
t'tinton telt week.
Tlir- .rrtji ulturet _ llerlety htli J!
flutter .41..44 , SIeTii,rint ttrrtl u
Wetbrt"dny :11.1 Thnr«tay of hist
week. Flower+ erten dl phlred 115
ehnnd9hre aull the event tel. ret!-1d*net _ITrullt
Hot Point Stoves :: Sunnysuds Washers
Radio Sets and Supplies
T.•lep741'hote W. MacDONALD
Brit a tot 811
Re 18111
sA restful night on Lake Erie
Makcool s • pleasant bion in�rl � A good bed In an appetizing abreakfast
cool este-room, s Ionssleep
in the morning.
Stesars "SEEANDIf1"-"CfTY Of Q1t"= CTrY OF BUFFALO"
Daily May lot to tNesernier 16111
Leese flydido.' 90e P. M. J Ream t twC1
os e�a4
1a-9.00 P. IL
Arris C*sr.had • 1.00 A. M. i Sand.rd Thee J Areae badge -•740D A-
•srwaan'tCt OF BUFFALO" oret.,sa 7:30 A. 14.
�a�ttoas /ee mor P.W. Per-te•Be a vis • a (Jas. Nw Teas1N
pewee wad ether pews
Asst rear s 11 a S soiasM epeev tw. ckrs
Aetee.aba. Way?-a0.lead fee free _ �(
the Owe sYtpABWW" sadp
The bewailedt Bile TrantY Cos 4 e
Farm $5 5pd. �. �.' •' aN� ,
Tess P.11 Takes Is I
Geed ee the flew
a -44111111121"1"---
At the Janie. street 141r-, 11n18' otl
Seturelay. .\nglat With. th. wed.ileg
ens solemnized_of Vera 1..111% youNe-
txt daughter of Mr. and Mr.. Tion
Jours, Exptpr. ata Fre n•i- 11rIi
Isle•, of Brantford. ` Rev. E. Sheppard
,,014Ieted. The colour c..npte wilt re.
-1.1e at Brantford.
W. L. Slimier. of t:o.lerirh. hos
1.041 reliering Mew T. ',he'll -My at
the 1Hlmiilotl store, the latter being
of her holidays.
F. A. Kehler, who for ..ural yenrP
eundneted a bnkery i,1 Exeter. has
gone with 1,14 wife and x1111 t,. Mtwara
Mr.. 1►. F. Ferguson. Nie. .wens
rt.tthig with her pare -el Mr. and.
Mrs. 1'. ltlrp")'. left !gat week for her
iotas at Winnipeg.
Dr. W. E. Weeke. left last ..-..'k fur
Vete-nitro% Be., where hi- marriage
!likes Otter o11 August 29414 i1.' will
helm/ Its bride to the hone h.• re•rnt-
'r p urelie ed In town.
Ileo. tates..11 has arrieeel from ens•
nhem and will .rake his home hem
for the future.
14.•rerel doing have been pei•oned of
'ate In Exeter.
Judge Jas. f/. Pratt, of Alabama,
who left Exeter shout forty -fire year*
:1180. has been v1.lting friends here
:led ht 1'4lorne.
I'. 11. Russell, R.A., barrister of
Wetn.klw-In. AfbertA. Ia (here rleitln1
hr. ra1he1. Wm. Rowell.
The flower show held in the skat-
ing rink on Friday and S*ttirday was
•1 grunt • er•est
Two router men of the rommiinits
have been fined $5 and Dust• for an-
noying the local (Tlnesenjlnr•n?
proprietor. who. 1n 4MMtit r*H
most them with a b*teher knife.
Mineral supplements are of value
when there le a detirlency of such
minerals In the feed The usual de-
ficient. elements are calcium, todin
and phosphorous. It la wasteful to
feed a mineral mixture containing
elements that are abundant In the
feeds used. Try and finder tlt what
the shortage 1s, sod then pay out
your good cash for it alone. Many
mineral mixtures aired contain a
variety of unnecessary and In some
instances expensive Ingredients.
There are entirely :00 many stale
eggs sold. How IOW e'gge reach the
consumer that are actually fresh! The
taint with the She pro-
duces las fresnoth egg. Lot toohen, many pr.y
pie do not seen, to realise that alib
egg Is one thing that does not Im-
prove. with age, otherwise they would
not hold eggs any longer than recce
"Great thoughts h: W any Iaor
Today I earn , heaving , h1418
nude out of and ade a good
hargain if the .) cher
the whlle•how he may live uprlgl,t,y,
,he ditching spade dud turf knife Ina)
be engraved On the coat -of -arm, fit
poaterlty'•" . Thnjetu,
Farm InventorlPS 11111 down en Jan
uary yield a Darr, st of knowledg.
the tollowlfg Devising._
St. H ns
Hrtgra r.'
Anhth ld
roll Dor tie- -
\'arra ,
(itnlerieh Tp.
ovaria iknd
i/♦`itttrein - _ ._.
W inr11rlera
Sept. 9
• 10
" 14
•• 10
Massey -Harris Machinery frost Fencing
Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies
Farm sighting Plants
11 1mi:ton Street, Goderich, .Ont
There w111 150 Mal inn-iriu„- fin the
mn:rserl hood tette.° before the gra tel
stand at till• I',luhlh,u National 1:%
hthiri..), chi. },fir
ilrit taN3 Y. Tofx'• c+4--'[1' 1. o ' 1 , 35c
Spec ra (s cr t _ 1 N , l,(tIr 25r
McEWEN'S t,''.,a-to. perlb.
Extract 1''fir0 n ..6. 1 \'a:nilhl,'Pi d.,.:ility 10c. • bottle.
Try our 'lees, Tr.. (.ni..l (lO:lily and a Palter than 1.'.e ,
Fresh lot of Pule Maple stymie on hind. Fresh tit,, .. ' , {nary,
Ithuh;u b,
Cabbage, etc -
bee .hil,u,cnt of 1'*lr••, Figs: Prune., I)2 ev � it', etc
•,. fir+e lavish,", Iswt quality 25c.
-t•rnldell-Wheal - 2 packages
- ,,.4 ,In', $url.ri•r. ( p141. rl, boll, 1'. 1t 11. asap,+
} •184' choice or assorted _ 4 for 25c.
2fH-h-rs'xe"4l iseatelry Snap, for $1.00
\ lila lu^,menth4I'!ItTAIN (i ),'1, s,INX i.
I: iln +I\•,•rtL1:3uN1 i►uUIILK tfl'\.1
11,•••r.ii!rI oh ltd Tsbk' 1111 ('loth. in different rulers :an!cot. •t. re.+.
Towrllinu ter 20e. n yunl rap.
Ate, loon sewn( rti.i..,N11.:Ir fn spring.
\Ica - aonl lr,ya'_(:apw, e1 eI rs.• 1 sic.••
- i 4 'r"i money in t'►ry-*4".*).,. - -
�!. J. McEWEN
. South Side Square
Phone 16 Gooda : eIIviceed to all parts f the town.
§0 000 Harvesters
5 pabut 144wart $2O H.cen aii= """
Plea K Berg mane e1' pm Ills ,vomer
of Edesr4t ' �mJlsMl s'n In Ontario. Yr.,ish's pall. to ...d h.elwd►W T...wa..w lib Detects arm
Lica Bed w.+M.k-Peterbere Lbw. a..el..lw.
.e Reno•. Junetb^
Pert M•NIa•eIt mot Sorbet.. te Wam... belk.sea•
Aug.aalath ,rye .p� %.teen. Kingston
S8 a+ w l
From •11 *a.itnn8 a n.nees .o Meet Lim
/rear 4J1 ereatrw..w Toroeste •dt•e�y and Wer el Twee** to rad ZiePles Nrwlien.
.t • �M��i� a.Meji,
M fid. Nh.ew Fall• •8J wladeM'.tkwei.n O,y.,e.rYtti TM...6m. Ware. llama.
Fr..w Statile.. ar Ow. eurveull. onel IPI. Theme. arembre .
A. IMM 1 yin. Pert y t .
er.,a,.... T..•e.t :,.(.bona-' Gnb�el• •=•gr....'1 .'"'�'t:c. `=
h•r� .i.teo to O..t ISL Or t Wel
a1,�. t tow
1.41.1. k.Owars• M,O
Cdr. a�-.d lee ie iwele ee ta. d 4iai� obelisks eaaye►
Travel taMae semi Irian 1.1 . lr� w Padua
Aug. 21st
Sept. 4th
TtititOI GH t 01 ONIMT l'.\R'`I LEA ♦ 1 60I)I:111('11 3.,0 �4 M. Mil ST 2IST.
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