The Signal, 1925-6-4, Page 5s.
7$11 SIGNAL,
A sample, self -working pinu that saves you money on every
cash purchase.
On Saturday. JUNE 6TH, we are Introducing a new system
For each and every 2:e• you spend In this store you will rea'elve
Yon then use three BONDS in this store NO the same as money.
We will redeem them. at their full face value --at any time -In any
number -on any purchase.
There ay. no strings -no conditions. -Just make sure you get
your BONDS- then rash them here whe:ever you are making pur-
Phone 90 - The Square
- Summer -
Presenting sentin the new mode
in models of pietureaque
mohair. _ � is fabric, tulle, le`rn
and air. -
Introducingthe new
shades in lovely flower tints,
and smartest of all the new
white hats. "
Carefully selected models
in favored styles specially
priced for b'r'liday and Bit-
ay at 1175.
Your .inspeetion cordially
nod« St. Coderie`,
"The Farmer and
His Best Friends"
The Farmcr's.test friends urc
this feet.
No else of men in their pro-
fcaelnu do more walking than
our farmer-, and It is up to the
thoughtful farmer to keep his
footwear 1n good
reD+ltr. and
oear shoes that will give him
he best assistance and Comfort
in Ills daily toil.
My eighteen yea rs of ex-
perience with shoe -leather, deal-
ing mainly with farmers, en
Moles me to give them the best
of service.
It must be admitted that the
- best Ire none tow good now a -
days, but my aim Is to give the
bent there Is at moderate prices.
For good dupes and repairs
give us your 'patronage.
The Foot Comfort
Repair Shop
East Street. Goderfrh.
Opposite Knox church.
You're sure of Good Bread here
Bread is an important item of your diet. Be sure
that you eat the best, which means Cleveland's Bread.
Baked fresh dear aiid ``delivered -to your home
if you wish.
E. U. Cleveland
Phone 11 •f BAKER West Street
Use The Signal's Clubbing List and Save Money
His 11armony Boys
Six Pieces
Every urday Night
(Continued from page 1)
also spoke of the advantages; wblei
towaa and cities derive from technics!
night schools. With greater cu -oper-
ation. conditions to rural Ontarlr
would lend themselves easily so the
estahllshment of such schools In
country districts. The difficulties
which Ile in the path of greater effi-
ciency *'Ith regard to rural education
are that the individual school Is
Ilwlurd in its resources, and tbere
seems to be a disinclination to eo-
Meeting Net da Favor
Mush interesting diw•uaslon fol-
lowed, in which It became qulte evi-
dent that the sympathh t of the ma-
jority present did not favor the pro-
posal of township sehool bards.
Mr. (l. 1.. Brackenbury, aelenee
nester 10 Wingham High School,
was next called upon to speak on the
question of "Two Years I'niverSIty
Work tieing Takeo In High Sehoola."
Ile went Into the ,matter quite min-
utely, ..lo wing that where perhaps
tau (01101ies would eo-nla•rate It might
be aceoutpllshed In, say. one centre!
It widild require additional accom-
modation and also than services of
about four extra teachers, whose re-
muneration would be in the neigh-
borhood. of $10.000 annually. . While
(*.Hain adrantagrs might accrue
from the e,stalrli hment of %pooh
a•tuw's. in the ally ..f lower fees, and
cheaper living, in these smaller cen-
tres nearer io the students' home. yet
Perhaps these advautages would be
e moi than, cclunterbwlan(wd by 1)1e1
tllsyss to lartter libraries and the
greater ef5eieney of the 'lecturers and�
professors 14 the Universities.1-- •
'!'w Problem of Teseblog
Mr. 'A.H.Poet1IR. principal of the
It ech 1 Y d rees-
�tuham be oo netad
R public
sed the gatherlug, his subject being
"The Problem of Teaching." In his
pleasing and forceful manner this
speaker endeavored to show thar the
teacher must love his or her profes-
sion, In order to be successful. He
had very little sympathy with the
r cher who taught five days in the
t o h ug t fi y
week and then returned to her home
some distance away for the Week-
end. He believed that much good
was accomplished through the teach-
er's becoming acquainted with, and
interested In. the parents of her pa-
-pits. lite result being aibetter under-
standing between teacher and pupil.
also a .wore sympathetic interest be-
ing developed.
Rev. W. 11. Snell. of Winghnm, who
1s first vire-president of the Associa-
tion. Introduced the subject of "Re-
ligions }Aiwa tIon in the Public
St•hool." He showed that by the CO-
oprratiou .of the teacher with re•ei-
de-nf Mitt Weil It might be arranged
to hate• the minister sIwnd a short
period. during 'old days of each week,
dolga' work along 11ta•Iia. IIiit . 11 was
a matter of vital hui)irtt,uuntw that
-his siivald_. form a baa i.T ter
ribs:1 tine of the pathlle ,w'hiwot posits'
DO NOT put off
can put on to -d
ly want a new mut
tailored to your meas
DresSweli and
$32.00 to
Just to remind you that a NE
weave, will set off
Use our remodelling, relining
tito-morrow what you
You will undoubted-
t'pto-the-minute and
W, in the new
kw suit.
pair service.
McLean's Block, East Bide of
By Marie Belmont
as Toronto, Ou usetr return trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell and
Mrs. Wm. Campbell were renewing 1
old aequalntances in Goderich on
Mr. Marvin McDowell was a Strat
ford visitor ou da urdal.
gr. ami 'Ars. William McDowell,
Miss Ella Sow•crby. Mr. Albert Walsh,'
and Mr. Orissa attended the school'
trustees; convention held at •Tinton
ou Saturday.
Miss May Lyon, of T.oudesboro, was ,
the guest of her friend, Mrs. Alva
McDowell, last week.
Mrs. .1. N. Campbell is visiting beer
daughter, Mrs. 'toy Stonehouse, of
Miss Bertha Ellis. of 011 Springs,
was home for over Sunday. She was
accompanied by her mister, Miss Mary,
who has been spending a few weeks
with her at 1)11 Springs.
Messrs. J. I.. and Marshal Stone
bons.. were Boderich visitors on Sat-
urday. •
Misses (irate Redmond and Mary
Dell, of the tioderich Collegiate. were
home uvea the week -end.
The ditching machine' owned by Mr.
a urge• Snell, sr., has been at work
en the premises of Mr. Fred Cook the
hest week.
1r..aud Mrs. Emrie Snyder and two
children have arrived from Moose Jaw,
mask., on u visit to Mr. Snyder'e par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snyder, Mait-
land concession. Mr. Fl Snyder, who
is 'a ('.1'.R. engineer In the West, is at
present attending the convention of the
Railway Eugiueerr and Firemen's As-
sae•iatIou at Detroit.
Mrs. John Snyder has returned to
Clinton after a visit with her sell, Mr.
Levi Snyder.
This youthful tunic tr," is a most The Late Party Walters. --A dark'
cloud bud Ila
�-_meet-mat -
_aRs rotmmtint
rolafdl addition to til« summer ward- Is•cause of the -'l'ea'nt and sud-
rub•. It is idea: for evening, for !t ,14.11 passing away of ane of our heat -
Js the adaptalde tyle« of dress that known i-Itlzrns, Percy .%lbe•rt Wal -
may be worn to formal' or Informal
ter-. Although the deceased had not
!parties. e•&J"ye•d his usual health during the
tatst )winter. ids couditlmi was not
considered serious. even by his own
family.until Tu«slu oflust week,
when a Iain 1u 11111 chest Brame most
severe. The rrnubhe was pronounced
by the doe tar to be pleurisy. There
seemed to be n turn for the better on
Friday, but about 1.30 p.m. on that
bright green, a pate blue and a black la) he was tokcu by heart failure.
ported bi a -thud-_the friends rush -
satin would woke' ititert'atlsg art/ cii from the -adjot-nrns-rotrip to and
tions, that he had' fallen from the couch
and was lying collapsed on the floor.
A few moments . later life was ex-
tinct. The deceased was born In
Itenmlller May ,.31st, IRK Hr was
married to Mari Jane (folly) Moore.
I► 21st, 11402. Ile' was a life-
long resident of this commtmity, and
for' the las twvnts-Hae years was
employe! lu the Itenmille•r . woollen
factory. Besides his wife he leaver,
to mourn bis hates one mon. Floyd, at
Les -
oil la a larger ahold had a better bo'one daughter, };dna (Mrs. Lrr-
rhnaee-Than-one --where- ttteree were -II" J«cels--set-Jlulrartviile;r--ibe««1
but two or tire• pupt]e. The sehnot brothers, Edwin awl t Claren -e of '
building need not br allowed to fall Benmiller. knd Lrstrr. of Detroit, and
n) 1'bin: s(r•tious changed and In 221.2•three sbdin:. Mrs. -'a-ilke et.Ren-
.'rat schools riming under his obaea fainter, Mrs. iW war, Naul! y(t. Mprie.
eatiOn,,the number of pupils of sebooll and Mr. livid. (Wenn'. Sask. All
age end grown from hes" cr three fol but the' last mentioned were present
quite a lam.,s hunt He• , green wit1t at the faunal, which was conducted
I.ipeetors'-_Vleflt. -
' I►r. I- ...1 and Mr. .1. Elgin 'ram,
toddle '.school inspectors for Huron
comity. each spoke briefly. I)r. Field
said In his ' inspectorate the attend -
II INV Of )1arpila .war very good. IrI-
deed. that the nitenc1 nice officer had
very little Mr elo. Ile also. thought.
the county on the whole provided very
liberal!" for secondary seheol work,
rontlinuation eetoolt bring available
to pearly all those wen wished 10 use
them. Hot he said 'the nen-at was tit
make 111 12ep14.114'11 1. Hr s1sake of the
course in agriculture recently con-
ewhole(' In 11rwesels and thought this
'tort of tiring might-be-etthrrgswt-npor.f
Os he considered this training very
beneficial to the young people of the
community. Ile thought something
athglt(--be-ik,ne in the way-nf_nTnter
coursers or night schools. ile' said
tlgtt_.Wkere.Akerr__were_ two 1s ir•I:.n„'
In a rural aehool .'nth class work might
easily ke taken np. 11e did not. how-
ever, favor the neglecting of the
younger children and one gathered
that (f it were a eilae of e'nrrytng nn
.5th -class work to the neglect of the
The original was designed for
country club din,•ing. Filet :ace
wakes the entire blouse portion, and
the lower {tart of the tnnicrla of finely
tucked georgette. There are geor-
gette covered buttons t at the side and
the slip beneath is of pale blue silk.
if the wearer wishes, she may have
several slips , of different colour- A
Balled the feet that Le plan had
been tried out some yeytrs ago, Turk-
ersmllh Icing one of the townships
which had given Itself to the test. At
present there were no township
boards. There ._were• in the comity
•ereral sehowls where there were
very few pupils. In .etch canes he
thought they. should he sent to an-
other section. He considered the ptl-
1)r. Id that In some renames much
might .• done in the wady of provid-
ing technical training daring the win-
ter months or evenings. He called
-attentle tt its lite farf that ttm- three
rase-nt winners - of tarter •.•lunar• wens lae•IA. Thr F"rcta•n arra• pr•►-
shitss in }menu had taken their Skit mein al Is,dy. atld (s,rforu et The• dost
year In rural sehaols.
At the chopw of the meeting. the fo1• riles of the grate in Colborne ea•me-
lowing resrttution was 11 11/1/1 imooxly ter)•. 'rhe kwaltlsar•rs were threw
brothers. Kiln ii.. Charcnec• assn T.eie
MtllLFii .r =mop, it ]ir' Beast i r,r nod -11i-ver hrnilii �s-nii Jam J. W.
Mr. Fisher of hose lies "'Pilaf it Is 'lhrthit1. /Iwen \lamp- and litchar(1
the desire of those present float. 211 PI Moore.. Tire tunny friends. jm.uding
hwosiation of Trustees and itnNpny the F"r.strfs unl_L(,ur._�f }atgland,
urs coutlta r aajhot (-_apntl_tt►tt3-tt Ser t with? ..r4, r+ T1ii ati sirli♦! tielun
of It.LIM) per �ryhttol he t'ontrifintetl to 1 R-
hear the expense of same. this to be '''I. hate• !limen to express to f4.• ba
Cara anted nT 111 e•a cheat r , iiiT n e a-a♦wd* 4/4•41``. -41"" -••""..."'Yin -Nae
to the se•retare-treasurer. Mrs. tiobt. 1"s4 "f a .Irlg father. an affe'etlnn-
TTutrldeon, 1t:Inr:tnnon. - afe brother, it kind neighbor, and
f Pnrtirulurly ts, i
her the• rompsrurrowinonin Itt'.•g _'elfe p tar lose "f inl
George Giles and
little chikin% Rte f"undation of W110110edra•atiou was Just being laid, he
would do away with She 111R•aneed
work. Where there were well-equip-
ped schools. doing good work. Dir.Field thought the proposed s•hnntrc
would not be •af any particular ad-
Insper•tor Tom said he had his own
opinion of township boards. ile did
not a•xprerw this opinion plainly, but
he left one with. the impression that
he -,ltd- not-- facnr-t'fe -- time-il-
b)' Hew. w'. 11. Mus- awl Rev. Q -_S
ltnnes hu Itenmlll'r church Monda)
afts•rnoou. �tPlu• many beautiful flor-
al offerings and the large number of
friends. lu ittvuJn Oet. "Yria�akr-laa.e
high regard In n1atch the deceased
LEEIII RN. .lune 2 -Mr. Whitfield
exchanged pulpits alt? Rev. H. Ilia -
tin. of Dungannon. last Sabbath...
Mi.. Marlon Watson has retjlTned
•nfady frau her motor trip to Hamil-
ton. She enjoyed It Immensely.
Thar -Mission Band - w111 hold tb.•ir
tannthty meeting on Satpralay after
noon. Leader. Miss Erma ,Frremmt.
eve('hairning. practice ail! be on Friday
!lips }'tap-fe Fotheringham is-*a'nd-
s- ng, -aunts• tiro- with her sinter, Mt's.
A. Clinton.
We are glad to report that Masters
Molt. and Jnek ('ook, who have been
Mid up with In grippe, are getting
better. Mr. Harry Freeman, who was
laid up with i_ ess, also _111 -able to
be abort again Miss Edith Horton
hos been laid up with bsonchltls Ant
is somewhat better.
for use in that new car of..
yours? 1 have a tittle dan-
dy with ten records to se)]
at $47.5!1. Wherever yob
are, you have real lnusie to
entertain the_ bunch. The
money is W(1) spent.
ST. AUlxt'STINE. Jura« 2. -Mr.
James. and Jean Wilson spent the
week -end with London friends.
Mr. ('has. Robinson. of ihetroit. Is
vhittng friend. In this vietnity.
.Ir. and Mrs. John Shanahan mid
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shanahan. of
Clinton. visited a1 Joseph Boyle's Inst
Sat mrday.
Mrs. A. E. Johnat.•n visited Exeter
friends lust
Miss Ed nn Parks , *went last Week
visiting her aunt. Mrs, Matron Ma'A1-
Mr. and \Irs. I.aaawny. "f (l"d-
crick. idled on friends In tilts vk•tle
Icy la -f Thursday.
i)uring the suer« thmtdeta tnrm
which .passed over this clelnttg row
Monday. Patrick Walsh had the lyree
fnrtone t" have 111s horn firedv
lightning. 115 raced hi. I've stat
lint the barn, with a quantity of
glhutu and hay. was a total lose.
w-ErTFIi:Li►. .fame 1. -- \1rs,
Tlnlme- And her 'pan Veen, of tilde.
have been visiting at the home of
Mrs. Robert McDowell and other
friends the past week. Mis, flledys
McDoweIt aevompanlet them as far
NILE. Jane 2.----A heavy coat of
gravel is being put .ota t'Le.eppnty road
between herr and Dungannon.
Eleven 1/18111 112•11P were present al
the 4Orange 1 a alge- meeting 441 Monday
night. .A gowd dead of bu-tress was
pot through Riad an Invitation to at -
k Books
Get Your Straw Let any compel -
F wclustve line cd 1iii1 Qll':! straw pat* ,
Hatchway Uncle'
W C Snazel, "
you need a new sup-
el}phone 35, The Signal
lye IAN,- u toll range "f Hutrl �"
aberd,el+Yia 01, lli>�TlD, !(lIlUims
be very pentons. '1� ti. Shepperd has!
always 'heft a goo4 neighbor and a *Willi ) l.atr 'lis Life CusNllshly
splendid 411 Men of me community, to Sate Others
taking tis place and doing his fu= `
share and more In all munity lain .'Mr. Juhu P. Mc('oy. V.S.. who was
church life. The last weeks h_�1 lore Inst week ou the sad errand of
presence was greatly missed: 1
and his family have " sympat; tta,
and our beat wishes a we ti aA)
that he may Ire restored t tva'th
strength, and may aeon able
take his place among us a
Cesrteu.r Services. -Tit ue•i
bbrs and friends of N3.- , it
far and near ars iutttel :u
to join with the congregation
circuit next Sunday, June 7.
anal centenary services, afternoo
ideuttrying and taking home foil
urial the body ot'his auu. which was
found ut the lake shore near Amber -
ley on Tuesalatt• of last week. has sine
retuning home writtru to 1)r. Ilunt-
1.. er and Mr. Brophe), undertaker,
thaukiugggthew warmly for the kind-
ness sloN11 to him while h. was here.
1k' also scut clippings from a fort
*2100 paper which gave some fur -
tiller particulars in reference to the
sod strainThe first of these was
evening, 2.34 and 7.00 p.m. Rev. *bllsbrd oa reerluat of ter -message
Jewitt. of Landon, a former chap
II tit
ori t0
from U-oderleh anu"aatn ing the finding
of (io(Irrlrh dlstrk t. and an ex -pr .f 'tan hotly•
dent of i.ondon Conference. will --
the preacher for the day. 5pet•IalLTutgtg McCoy was the soh of I)r.
music will be given by the local choir ' Mrs. Jules McCo, of ?(linden
assisted by surae of the choir mem fur-
l. 'Dr. Mcl'oy is a veterinary aur -
bent of former chip( and alta by tal- WIth ills father uud the rest
eat from OodrNch auil btingunnon. l t tawny he had beau speuding the
The people of MTe will be rind 101° 21115 shore of Lake Huron, three
bare the privilege of entertaining a'+• eolith of Harbor Itrach. Jame.
sleltors jMtweten bervices. ttrcbawvl a rowboat with the
_ G heearned as c ricer
_ ._ _ (Artier for '1'bk"
der, at
torte Park.
Itlmbo(r, the illndoo boy won F
the vaudeville sideshow, Vic-�
1Ie elate are. gla-s and
srahl (*rtug the winter. sed
ng the boat its drat trip.
boat a'.quarter-mile from
wind began to get the up -
e i Dr. IfcCoy replasti his
+ran oul\ to have them
ti pall. \ He found the
his hr le
-. •d, ere children
y '+be wind and 12/1V1.4.
Men p overboard and
1tEUL'G'jo'iD I rip en James
be allowed to
t I
SATURDAY A4 1t' is e.a d.
f» \
DAY. a. rs. and
Cipro Its+ter
Men's hlue,, ur blueA
(►weralla; good tceight�m�•rca•r
w orae•
$1.45 'n the
urn's bl:u'k and b14x
overalls, Union Made
Men's Carhartt Overalls,
1r1ne "r '1ripeal
1• „I.i
from 52.50 up
For 1"riday,
• sense .:._ - .. 50r.
Daiwt bird and lustre Salt
Polychreine Condlertirk.'. _ SOc.
Pottery Flower Bowls and
Jo inerea
Ault :Trays and Papier
Weights 50c.
All pretty colors in nd- e
dipper' anal min are t:an ran
per pair \25c.
-Otbc't_tMn.a tun,-j�
mention. -
He•fon• giving your text party.
see our l'RTZj1$-and-=IFitVHlta.
Ileadctnarterr for picture fram-
Smith's Art and Gift Store
equally popular
Small ready -to -wear -and sport Hatsi also large
models simply trimmed.
All reduced for remainder of season.
-- You are invitfd to call --
C. A. McKinnon
Milliner Hamilton Street.
tend the celebration at Brussels on
July lire was nre'ptt" MGEO. W. STOKES
We are glad t" ere• r. Thomas
I(hepgterct lasa(c from the Wa- t tura„
limnlib we regret very deeply the Ill- ELECTRICIAN
nese of her husband. which kerma tb
_ }laving hail rotr,iJeruirl. . xpe•riencc 111 duet r. • ,r, :end
Plsrtric fitting of alt kiltii4; i have a i iinene husuo., for rny-
s1i•If. ,i1,.1 .101 prepared to take contracts f"r any work- in my lice.