The Signal, 1925-5-28, Page 8-7"• orteil►1 wv J,'ay. •v I Ute adg4t .-Mr. sod Seacul trip at and masa Y- me tl"Ihm+a ri AIhe.tt. and Mho 3;;,: -as tl'' j�doer. ii ('.. elected, Y W{► -as Ruesdsy• f'yrr Barth! and Mr- Herat CFrd at Atlwrt, et Handltuu. t b M Mee's. They a at fte! T.r ever then � syrel at Panalouu -end M.:on, Titter •i Ilr. WI!: Waren mud sister pf Loo's!, and Mre. T. McPhee u„ t,.r,•d W itamiltoa test week std slwut the geek with trlat►de. Young Mr mud Un. Rud. daucli, ,- )ttobel and Jutta, ,la acne 1 leo i d the year, thea act t', itinit het Moth, 'will on .I teen of luta. li 10 tags report tl,- t.'.-ent at Landon V b. ,; . rlI b7 r, of OO srlci tee hope tl*b. utt.e this thug _ A ctlrdlal is ex I all. hen tock le the qi Monday evening time. flyltem:. 44 is relit.. Mr.' n 014.. A. A u - Nile UM - and Ci • Maitland Golf Fees for Se t'or SbarrhoWalar holders. Full won Tonal ,NMiLLER NURSERIES t.tant inert. with wavy " twisted penile, In white. anal phik. lavender. rose, crime.", �ttrple and mixed. i Also Pansies. Snapdragon. &'abMsa. Verbenas, Stocks. etc. We shall be pkaae l to show you ter stork. or ifyou phone your order it le ill receive our careful attention. Most of the Goderieh Gre•eq *(ores and Feed States oar* oar stock. 3TEWART BROS. 'roar Carlotr R R No. 4, CODEQICH, ONT. (' ttOKNE TO )RUNT • 4'4 111aUR$E 111,11 Natio IP, may ga. -lar. Arfbnr .totutt100, e,[ llodrrkb, Mona the 'L-•tl, with We friend. fir. Ke4M► -(Fa rd tee .y�1la.rden R htrtsina and daughter. v.ra4-.1e. apeaLi.eosple 411 days lu TT*alttra this ate; De. i1. It Han, of (Itsierlch. visited friend, at North Eloo on Sunday. 11r. N'i11 l'layuw, of Putnam, sad bt. hrotber, Mr. 111ar•e•ee Clayton, of II •••rtNllir. mot, -,l up Saturday u„ht and ,.pent Smelt)' at the home et Mr. Jno. Treble. \Ira. Clayton, who hall been clsiting her parents for a wt•rk. arcomtrultl them home Sun- day evening. Homy of our ynutt;t people attende,t Nle play in Blyth last Friday eventual' taut td "Paddy ]tabes ThlnEo and rels,rt n genual crowd and ac,,nd; NOTICE . • lir. and lore. 'Melvin Orr, a danah- Tl► Ler-FUKN ISRED OR OKX •- In Lucknow. on )1.1y 1a to t0 Hetet Margaret. DIEDxl CULLINA.- "lu Gterlch. on Frith). • • Mary June Cintas, beloved to of John t keen*. CAI/Elti 1N,--.tt Whitby, ou Tuesday, ,• May 26. Antliu Stafford, wittow of the late Duncan(htmeron. • naturttlaht.t. with or without beard. Central !twat Ion. Apply. at TUE l.l(:NA1. r RENT. -ANT, -AN t'•Y TO-DATE ROOMED81X' ROOMED house, or will sell sante. B. C. RUNNINGS. Trafalgar att'eet,. Telephone 139. D111ViHt. -In (Fedetich on Sunday.To RENT.-.8PS1'I;N - ,ROOMS _1. liar J ii house on South street; nice 1oxy- IFa) Mary oaepbs►w lite Drives. •- then. all newly decorated, Immediate daughter of the late Mr, and p0saesNon. Apply to R. GEORGIC, Mrs. Joseph Driver, North street. Phone 4:38. PUBLIC NEU= Wrfomn rww. l� A grant fueprpeneent M. been mad, at Me(:an station and surrounding hoildings. They have tweet totaled 1, n coat of tush paint. which ;:really to thele appearance. Thr Indies' Aid of North ou Dareb held their monthly meetl,g in the baselent of the church and had atentlr. ng les which was well at Then. is one thing that ever) WO man wants to know. that i. -more. OUNDBY'S BALE REGISTER Saturday, May • }O. -Clearing auc- tion sale of nearly new household furniture and furnishings. property of Mr. Peter Henderson, at his resi- dence. corner of Faso= and Quehec streets. All ay -vomits owing to the late Dr. Alexander Taylor or to Doctors Tay- lor and Taylor. prior to !larch 2$. 19C:I , are 'required to be [old to Dr. A. H. Taylor, Galerich. executor. on or before the 20th Jane, 1925. JAMES L KiLLORAN. tlolkltor fur E:xet•utor. Mr NG OF ii'RON (`OCNTT COUNCIL The eouneil of the corporation of the County of Heron will meet in the council ehamher, (;oderlch, at 3 o'- clock In the afternoon of Tuesday, the 2nd day of June. 1925. All ac- eounts moot be in the hand. of the clerk not Tater than Monday ptet'ed- ing- the me.•ring of council. G3)O. W. HOLl1AN. County Clerk. Goderieh. May 12th, 1925. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE: TO CREDITORS In the testate of Alexander Taylor. late of the towu of Goderieh, 1n the county of Huron. physleian. deceased., Notice 1, hereby given. pursuant 1 to the Statute In that J►ehalt, that all persona having claims against the estate of the above-named AlelandetJ Taylor. M.D.. who died on the MM March. 19'23. are required of or be fore the 10111 June. 192.''1, to send in the same duly verified to the under- algned solicitor for the executor. and that after geld last mentioned date the executor will distribute the as- sets of aald deceased among the per- sona entitled thereto, and w111 not he Thele for the said carets to 0n7 per- son of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. JAMES L. KIILA)RAN. Solicitor for Executor. Goderich. 19th May, 1925. aper- ONECENTj DOWN go the PRICES d'uring this Gigantic Seven-DaySale. FROM SATURDAY, MAY 30th to SATURDAY, JUNE 6th, INCLUSIVE You buy one- roll at:the regular primo° end we give you one-Toil-- for ne-= for. ONE CENT. And the same with Border, you buy one ' yard and we give you an extra yard for ONE CENT. .is is -a genuine season's enol clear -out of this year's newest designs. --it is your \opportunity to paper your house from top to bottom at about half the cost. Every bit of paper we have in stock (except polychromes and ceilings) will be sold below wholesale cost. Sale starts Saturday Morning next, and the earlier you come the better choice you get. We have 5000 ROLLS TO DISPOSE OF TERMS CASH �FURNITI, VOR sE.-PABLIPX i and bedroom NItee, ►nrelld com- tngdr chair, carpets, k1 chem range. washing ' machene, hanging ensu!. b1C7cle. It. MIX)\AL1). R. B. 8. G(Morick. rit tlAUL-PUREBRED 1ltiO.K1` HORN young bulls and heifers. feers.I Yorkshire sues bred and younger Plata. both @exec baron typo.tart rt ed Rorke and 8. e. White bei 7 winter gs and baby chicks from layers. Alec agency for,pdairieJ at Incubators and atom HN FARRIb)H k SONS. R. R. 7. Luck - not 'Phone Dangenunu 82-13. tBIN vim `tit3. --t 1.:.. STRAIN, B' the beet strain for ego production. (111 ,eta hau lighter forcingreeds. witch Our c ►del t are the ateown all hvery t.t.tsf fr tacour` a ure�luetng from the crit) our Itrfe•s for Jour. to alreolntt•ly ra•k- batp,nm, t'hleka $1e1.00 per 100. t'ALiN CAMPBELL. 'phone ltlyth 10- 4. ma Mend Specie lty Farm. R.R. NoAuburn. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED. -FOR BRICK - work and carpenter work for S.S. No.* (:oderloh township. Con- tract to to .let Jointly or separately. Tenders will he received up to June tkh. 11r25. Plans and opeeillestionm can Iw• seen at home of undersigned. secretary of ,.chane seetion. Lowest or any tenter not necessarily accept- ed. JAS. JUIIN$Tl1N, 11.11. 1, Gal erg's. QEAI.ED TB.\DERE AISDRF.$SKp i1 to the undersigned. and endorsed "Tender for Repairs to Piers. Kincar- dine, Ont..” will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight etvingl, Tue.-- day. uea- day. June 9, 1925, for Maim 10 piers at Klneardtee, Bruce County, Ont. Plana and forms of eontnet can be seen and specification and forma of tender obtained at this Depart -I gent. sr the ones of the 1Jt trlet{ ,,i Engineers, Custom House. London., 001..• Egtltty Building. Toronto. Ont., 'end at the Post Office, Kincardine, Ont. '- 'Menders will not be considered =- tees ,made on printed forme supplied by the/ Department and In aeeordanee with conditions contained therein. Each tender : must he accompanied by an accepted cheque on a charter- ed hank, payable to the miler of tete Minister of NNW Works. equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the to colt r. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada. or bonds of the `tlnadian National Railway Company will also h' ted M' security. `or bunds and ^ n eque 1f required to betake up an odd :. *Monet. V''ote.-BIW print- can be ordained at One Dopertment Iry depositing an yo{ entasi eheque for the sum, of Sam D • ro the orner or me lnister of Public Works, which will s re- turu••d If the intending bidders tis• ml• a regular hid. - By order. S. E. O'BRIBl9.\ Department of trite Worn Ottawa. May 1 •�192.'t. 2t AUCTION r(" ,,ac r. oiM. QBASTIMai 1y At,couataat. MEI Ontario street. vtrattord. Pboaa JAI Rua 13110J. BAO161 rAi1tAR ugh1DJ3EN81R AND *CALM SPECIALIST. W. C. CAMPBELL Treatments for all &tip -roubles. Conon* no at ones. Adv ee tree► Clinical work 1s our motto. ')'hose 28, Wen street. AUCTIONEER/140 THOMAS OUNDRY, OODIRIt.1M. LIVE W1'OCK AND GENERAL A UCTI ()NEER Telephone No. 119. Sake attended to anywhere and ever/ effort made to give eatlafacttea Farmers' sale notes discounted. ROBERT ROBERTSON. Qualified Auctioneer Elden Street, Gederiels. will conduct any sale In the, count, of Huron. For information sooty t• 1'. J. Ryan. Hamilton St., or ordain left with him w111 receive prompt at. tentlos. 1 Int STALKER. AUCTIONEER for Wambold effects farm canna% etc., for the Conaty of Huron. Address all communications is J. STALKER. Auburn P O. OPTOMETRY L. OOLF:, R. 0.. n. OPTOMETRIST, OPTICIAN. West Street, Goderleh. Honor Graduate of the tltnadtstl Ophthalmic Oollege of Toronto. Eyes examined by the latex cantle stile. and the proper fitting of gdaatals at moderate prices. Oaterlo Bomar of Examiners Certificate No. 875 MUSIC OrientalPROF. W. H. JACKSON, Oriental and Director of Musk.. N:ortb street Methodist church. Instruction Plasmgiven la Voice Culture, Organ. Plan Violin, Guitar, Theory, etc Studio an l redho dsnee. 87 North 'street. Pts 304 MEDICAL nit. ALEXANDER FISHER. Phone 997 Stratford. Ont. Special attention given to care d infants And children. t If1. WM F. M/SIft0CCALJ, D Bayd, Oat. Ogee hours --3 to 4 and T tis 4t Other hours by appointment FOR/MRDR. F. J. R. FOR/MR EYE, BAR, NOS). THROAT d Late Rouse Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Heep(tal, assiste at Moorefield lye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon- don. Eng. 58 Waterlo idt. 9., Stratford T. ephone 207. At Hotel Bedford. Gods -tick ail June 29, at 7.30 p m.. to Jane 30, at 1 p.m CLEARING i 1'(_'1'1ON SALE OE NEARLY NEW Het; SDHOLD CHIROPRACTOR FITRNITURF. AND FURNISHINGS. t am fnstrn.•ted by fK. A. N. A'1EINSON 118. I'UTE1R HENDERSON. who is les,,ng Goderich. to sell by While so. - 011 at his resident:a. toruer of Vase: and Quebec streets, n SAT! ftDAY. MAY 30. 19'25 at 2 o't'..ck sharp: One huge oak davenport. as good as new : 1 fumed oak buffet; 1 fumed oak pod -.tall; 1 dining table; 8 fumed oak dim Pg chairs; 1 new Congolesm rug; 1 Art -craft fernery; 3 pairs of curiaii 2 Simone i.4*. new; 1 Iron ••ds of steel springs, nearly mattresses: 2 pieces of lino - walnut chiffoniers with mir- es. including 1 set of I ng- ood (98 Vlecee), new; crockery. Etc.; 2 kitchen kitchen chairs: 1 rockidg Quebec cook store, new thle bed: : new; Ieum rnrs: fish glass% to blew chair : REGISTERED CIfIROPRACPOi♦ Goderich. Chronic organte and nervous die - ea net. . Oon eu i to ttton tree. Ogee hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 pa., and by appointment. Residence and office --Cor. East and Victoria streets. I.E(iAL. DROUDFOOT & RILLORAN • Barristers, Notary Public, etc. Money to Lend. Phone 97. Office—The Square. Goderich Q A. CLUE'', B. A.. BARRy9TS& R•8olb•itor and Notary Public. North St., Goderieh. Phone 411. year; quantity of kitchen utensils, DUDLEY E. AOtar111A tube. :Aare and numefone other articl This furniture is all dr the Barrister, Etc. bent dry and will positively be phoOlin's-Hatutltnn street. Gederleh. eeld Pout any reserve. •27. TE .11 -mss. ALrAA1CR, I'F.TE RENDERSON, T. GIIT1Di:1', r 80. K:%RRi1F'aw 1' prwtor, Auctioneer., IO1101TQR, Notary Pablo and Ccavyaneer. Qmee.-Court Banat IPZW LENDING, LIBRARY The newest fiction to tent at 5c n hook.- , Terms :—The purchase of one book at $2.00 makes you a member. Yon rend your book and may change it any time within a week for 5c, or le for each day over the week, with n maximum etlarne of 15a ANNOUNCING that we have installed a n'•w sys- tem to stave our customers money. (. A NII DiS('OUNT BONDS. Be thrifty Vs.. thele :BOOK STORE "On the Square for forty years" Mab hoatpq date the 28M day of April, it * pawn as the last Street (:*rare t7 and salience at- (adwd t he. Teras.: 1bn per tent. of the put- ,. r to be paid down rat the ;dem the oda balance to M• pall In thirty days a 1115 wilt be mill- i to s teoarrgld bi t. Fnr hxbtgs patticalara and tondl- tla:• stsele $ Wy tel HAl l! k RAYS, Hat*dtit *tlee4 Goderkb, Ont. %hal attloti"ra Ontario, tole 11th a, of May. A.D. AAT$ aA YI, ibnl;tA debet, 4,40.1e6. D.,,..0, MOR cit;E SALE OF VALUABLE C R.1r,E PRIf►I'RRTY ADM RES! F.tl•E iN'TIIF. TOWN 'Or (GOD ht. Und.r end by virtu,. .t the powers of *414-e 0talned in 7 certain mort- gage. i..th will be produced at the time tale. there Wi. be offered for pnbllc auctiur on Saturday, sal* the t ? 4th day t' June. 1925, at the ho ,.f two 'eek In the after - won. a' the .r•ow situate on East r•tre.t, by sus Gnndry, 00<- tloneer, tic fo r property. name- ly. In the T • (lodcrfeh, in the ('senty or ri god Provinee of On- tario. briar of of lot runuing num,. r n altaaod and ' throe (100:1, iu t J( Town of (7nderlch, PIPs a1�,lgR opt twenty two feet In width 6...ars+vf sire thereof ton- t•e,red 14 oar �4eenjamin Augustine by Gederleh. ape & nape BARRIRraaa, ETC. (TAY$-RA.AAYA,JR., R.A. t(amllton $t., Oodericn V49URA1r(W4 LOANA, BYO. litit11.LOP 11!'T1 Ar, FIRI itURANCE Cf1.-Farm end Isolated Men property Insured. Officers- Jae. Oooaouly, Prat., God rich P. 0.; Jan. Evans, V1os.Peag,. Be eobwooti P. 0.; D. 7. Mt0re up. Sac. -Treem,, $eaforth P. O. Directors -A. Broadteet, 1. L No. 3. deafortb t Jobs 0. GHe►o, No 4, Melton: W1T1lam Ilan, R. 1. lA. 2, !. Seaforth; John Beanalwiet, arari bttgen; Geo. McCartney, R. IL /4s, R $sifbrth ; Robert Terris, Marina; *array Olbeso, BrttMHsid: hum *rales, Booelprood ; James Oensala, Ooderlch. Ajsnts-J. W. Teo O. 1 Alen. WW2. 1 R Nei dL (hates; John Carry. Ssatbrfh : )R R1 dahfortb. Pally-beedws tY >w llayslasr sad apt eistfr garb r,aORP• se at 1t J. warriors (ThetM.g miter AIsMn; R $ Usti •far a bit MP Mortgage, .• MOO usual. pabellR, o. J, -•'M .Nc11fRae. Claw 1 /Nt0 t >