The Signal, 1925-5-28, Page 7•....,.,.,....--r-
ui der
purity Flour, full of the
strength of Western
hard wheat, builds lusty,
vigorous boys and girls.
Mothers find Purity
Flour makes more loaves
and better loaves at lower
Ta. Porti, Ftwr Cook plonk will be
smiled postaie paid to you for thirty
tette- it'. worths Wrote. Write for one
to -da.) to
West en caw& Floor Will. Co.. 1 +•t
To,a,•.,. km.
Ja►n. ... m., wm�uv. ,.
CO ore-
(. bread
bread -
A restful night on Lake Erie
Make, a pieasant break in your }mime,. ' A good bed ina dMar
cowl staseroom, a long sound sleep and an appetizing beasiilft
V duo morning. _
ga.amere "MiLef au" -^cmc OF m4' --carr OF RUrVA& '
Daly May let to h'u atrsiar 15d . -
Iww lib- fa P. M. Jr Earn= i Leen Q.wt'rf-•�� �Q
Chrode sed'7.00 A. M.1 SSeeeaderdd Tem 1 Aron anib �7r j IL
A� aarews7•so, {
tbadOeoweN�bee ~r�.M '—
tom— �,ih. Omen --r.
ills Chrsesewd �- -. Tuna Cs. st sCliese're.�`�
$5.50 els Onto j1 r \ -
- ilaw Ran 'Mee is
Good oe the Sums
County and District
Thurnuay, May '0". I:023
of her life thed May lOth at the Iwo.
of her sou, T. A. Mc -Keith, et Has...
woe.•. Sark., wilerr bad hear h.
1ug fur e.a•t•rral )'cehe*T pa t. lira.
-1 Yelieit•b Will readied the ripe aid so
Mr*. 1:16.441, Yklow of the late 11ragia an, two 0.11.1 rel. has a4' -4f elghly-w•te•n rim"' The ba
Jutta Gibson. passed away at her rivet, from 1ddsl.nry. .\Ilx•rt.t, and aj were brought to her old bow•• in owe -
hone in Stanley township uu may sumel hl„, wens as pastor of Ills I held, where her son, H. L. St. -Keith,
111th. in her eighty-fourth year. Evangelical elnirelt. I now resides, whence the lours, hook
An old resident of Be•lgravr, In the The local Horticultural '71tos•tety la l Pia'''' May 14k11 to Greeahlll eetae-
per.wr of ors. /:t•orge Italy, diel on Improving the apls•aruute of the ell- I trey. 114.V. J. N. Bantle c,o dw ted the
h ut the age of seventy-four ,age by hoeing • nuwlw•r ut fiuwrr• Touren, xervA.r. Lr, aid Aire. '1'. A.
May 17t
t,ct, put oto alt v'rfrluus I.oluta ou thea SloKelth oecompaufed the body froth
The kfe4hawli-t mud I'r•shyteriau I rillage streets. 1 Ilarruworr, Xaa.. and \L. and ')Ii N.
congregations of Varna are coming to -1 •-- - I Johu M,Krl[h, ut Oakville. out. 4Mr.
goiter and will worship In the Fres- A GRATF.EUL LETTER h rrrll for the fun Is twine rra!rhrr WI. I, were
Ilyterian church after June 14)11. 1 ninon,, we -en's beatitute.—At the
Thuwa. X. Marshall, a well-known oatlal wtetlult of U.e Knoell branch
rrxldrut of 1114' 911, c)aesx14111 Of Mor- From a Lady Made Well by Dr. ihe \% Uru'a luxtitute. We fullow-
rls. riles! au Sunday, .May lith, of i„^
paralysis. at the a o/ xlxlS fesar Williams' Pink Pills- "dicers were 51rtod: 1'reeldrut,
1 S age Mrs. K,d yt ieniit; 1st yke-preal-
yexrs. lb.•eased Is 'survived by his "1 w•hlt f4'ou1 aq• )*14414 1 e.uld pal` I durst iter. Allw•rt iii•.•krtt ; led rlee-
wife, our esni and two damgbtera suede every. person who le 'run down j
At 4111 home of kir. and Mr-. '1'hcss. In health ,tp 61'5 Dr.. \Vllliatpr' Plan yrrlsidrul; Yrs. (leo. 4'ullinwu; see-
Mrs. R. J. Hullru
IGdi, Ellmville. moots Saturday. May l Ills a' trTnl." Thu*„ written, 11ra, 1 xss,•Iatit.
Ukb, their eldest daughter,
viola, 14)1115 NIi.•hep. 1►xk •1'utuf. Man.. whoa Tgfss 'Pena Burkinghaw;
was united h' ulurrin r to etNlnn'1 further says: - -About a year ago 1! audilurtl gra, \.•,I Mri)unuld aa.l
R 1 Nr.. R. Illsse•t; dlhtri. t dMrvetur, kir•.
SIIIIrr, of I -.i I,,v Il. Thr a.•rrrony w'ax a weak woman., x41RIIu)s from a C. G. \l,Kt•uzl••: repre.eutatfves to
nut d4Y'l14 •y'stem nud IlnpaNerlxMed I '
was perform..I by Itev, H- E. I.Iritng- , dlatrk•t animal' ora. -lbs, licirnzl,•,
true. .\I r. tend ]Int. k 1. will r Idrw>tl. Any little rarrtlou wuuW Nr-. \. 1:. McKenzie. Mrs. Albert
,aa.e my legs to treu.ble nod my
'side of their farm Ileac Itaxh wenn,. 11., k vet. 11 r.. Huss Bisset.
rhe avails of Will Hoover, 1,11414 heart to throb einlenly.••1 .wnid-nen
RIM 4t 11r, and ilex. It. J. Hnorrr, h sweep a nom' or walk fifty fret * 11
41na•,•'sfon uf.4irel township. oecurr•'d nut iw'lIg e‘..111„1", (Pd. 'rbe" 1 Lrguti lgHITECHI R( H
on Tuesday. ..May 111th. of typhoid tisk t' lir. William.' 14uk 1411. ,nod '
fever. ihs.•awd was Isorn iu Ea -t aft,•r itklag only sh 14.'.•a 1 ani rte •\\'111T1:r • 111'Itl'H. Slug "i- .t4'.
Wawa11osh iu part. x114 afar year., well and 'roan; u. 5,,•4'. 1 cyto wail.
awl Nr!. }'4'•I Xtaule). of Lu. know
Inter moved with the family to Ree} and run Witlwut steaming esery few' .tsYlt 181. I-4' w'itti Mr. ; 11, ,run
1,.wn+hip. Hr wins a 'lever stndwl. sec, ids gasping for bused' as pre%i- eco' Keuoety.
and after treehh, • ...hoot for a few oust). Its. VI ilifanes Pink fills will kilns lila •Humphr•;v, of--St:-Ht$r•n.,
spout Ihr week-et.•l with ails., An,.1
Condi VACUUM /Vq-'v,sw 1
1w• ray stand-by In for fulun• If ever
years and taking a 5411215 at the O. A. my bl.wsLtwesls building up awns, dmf, _
., Guelph.Guelph.t,. attended 4fn,rn's 1111- FJx. 1
cerslty. 'Kingston, his course there 1 shall always dud pl•axure In meow- Mr. and Mrs. I'd. Itruwnlug• of ins
being hderru rel 1. • h1* Sinew. Ito- tenth% nR' them to anyone needing a ,•ardhir. spent solidity _with Mr. tins
sides his Iwirentx. he Is survived by There are many frnublca dor to Mrs. (ire'' 1)44,1.
tan brNterx--Harve-. of Mount For- weak. watery blood tihleli ,an .ashy kir, aid ors. 11.•nry 1', h.-4'. o!
.ext. nud Nurwan, at hunt•-4ud two b. overcome be a fair use of 1)r. Rill- ybttkk. are vlxl[iuK 4'146 h.4' .Ir
Inters- kers. U. Me1'allunl. Hultelt ter. Mrs. Al..'. E i... n.
tos.oshi ,, ■ted 1 He•th. et h.itsr. Or
tis' )p.'Pin4 Pills. The soli. s) purl
yr mina vLj ,, T, i,. •a al
1 �t e4' tide mealleTnr Ix to enri.•h and Iain- hlldr• f tient
u. .. urrh 114.1, yr and
fy the Meal 14141 when that b dopa yrs. Will sumo /Ian *lad .•blldren. of
4E.41l'ORT111 all the t,trhsl ,.s' l ants of au:t••inla .• \ubern, vent Sunday 4401 Mr. and
.I1.41No•ar. /111,1 g.rrl health rut time- lies. atm, Knblus..n.
Douglas Beattie deft last week full' \"u ''an get the..• pills through are)• Mt.a EItzaM•tl, Inglis left last week
Belleville Co an.•In a Iowatfun as ,lar
.,ruler in tu..11eine ..r b)--h,utl at !IH to train iu \1'liitl,4 !ruining ...hoot for
Jnspe•tor for .'.-iwrr ,tntario. cent. n box by writing The hr: Wil- 441.1•.
It. T. Melnt.a-1 is inaurt(r ting n lintels' Sledlelue 1'. i.: Itrwkvll1., 4tut. Sli.x q'[eruife.•.I Farrier spent Niue
muter true ...Tyke between S,wforth day with Mr, and .-MN..ltobert Phil-
et ♦iaalerieh.
Mr. awl yi21. "When y.Kluh•y are
Mr. and Slrs. Jas. l obin.on stud
leaving this reek for Winnipeg gild grand -stand 111 the Agricultural Frames. of Whl1ham, and Sir. and
will upend, two mouth* to the West. 1.
grounds. which had las badly de' Mrs, J. O. i eeeroft and children spent
415.4 liar Men to....
G "� 'ROC
Advantages -
Firs protcctie
Lo. cost
Cannot born
Saws like 11. metier
Non- warping
Can be painted
Of pentaikd
Can be
Can be Papered
Vermin Pre.,
awns beat ma
Laity Handled
Eliwlwates Rep•.re
win am crack
Lee re out aloisturr
Letts oat dust
sad dirt
Leila. ,Ialca4y
Protects ret mote.
GYPROC--the fireproof wallboard,
durable as rock and workable as
lumber --adds inestimably to the
value, comfort, utility and economy
of your house and garage.
• Gyproe your house and garage this year
Gyproe does away with the fire hazard.
It pays for itself by the fuel ;t saves. It
keeps out dust and dirt, fosters health
and comfort and increases the "liveability"
of your house a hundredfold.
For additional Gyproc facts see
Goderich Planing Mills, Limited
Fireproof Wallboard
MAr Mild to ►.rnf
C�.✓ tllwgay mitwith p.,af lean ohsa..seed-Ii..45 e, lip
"Eczema All Over Arms -
Suffered for 12 Team"
— a4'
Honk, WisitOe, olat., wrier;;
"I had mama for twelve years, Every -once In a while 11 would
brink out aper spread all over my arms. 1 tried all kin of treat -
'mob to relieve it, but without success. One Spring It broke out and
nothing IRA" iGe`,elief.
even the aalre 1 pot from
the doctor did no good At
loft 1 tried Dr, Chao.%
Ointment and a halted the
eczema in 1 shell titre
That is over a Test atm.
and 1 have had to genre
of the troubk."
Dr. Chase's Ointment
Masa a lisllr, a4' ,flww Is 1lsWawsa. naaar & M.. I ad Worwaa
n o o..u• $u"day with 31:ri. and Sirs. .lnrlrew
(m 11s• eve of 111.1,- .a : .r' of Mr. Kirk. of Xrwf.,h.
IIIIIV ELS and Mrs. K. A. 'Fang flout Myth. a
large nnwlw•r of their fri, awls met 111 AI 1,,.$ AKaws tore,, xn.t ele Par.
Mr.,. Iletuguld Melton:dil f.•1i do% ti ihe. 31wh,sllst • ehur4l and presented 1( IsaMingof s•nrlind. Mr. Wesley Lott.
the ,wllar stair. nl her Moue. and r,- the'm with a puree of money Hod a1i l'I... . and (i; wee ale lwiat
eeise.l several eat., and' brei•.•.. 1w- ■dare.. of atrpn.lation. - kir, nu.l tI, r twines. spent (hi; wtr•k.e•t�,l at
sid,•s di•I.e-aring our of her fingers. kirs. King w111 be greatly_ runnel 111 their hand Mir,.
\Vorl wax r..I'O'd lass week of�illytbl - • - Sl r. and lir,. Nathaniel *Gilt and
the 1..444 .tt Toronto of Sll.s Marcia - Zorn. of Marnoch.. -Pent Sunday with
Jaw. i1. M,wsly has 1,1.11 •Ipl•nlnted Mr, and Yr. herd
Agnes Smith. daughter of the Into(rlxnre•r u(_lbe Memorial .hall•_•w•-}-in t
Marsden snitth. of 14', ;y town.hlp. Fnitfew, In .1„.,.,..,„1„, 1„ tin• hate t err ap,I v4', AII, �-�,�-*,4
olio lic..t for mune years in Brno, elrarIs-n iii�reTlnnd. fnwfly *pent Saturday. with •lir. ands.•Is ,.ill.• her mother was alive. The The work of seeding for the .flax )Ira, win. l'urdop.
. :.:v was brought here for burial. iI�udlt Is making good prlgl-. Mr. anal MwLove. Fred Te and 1111,
s. Is and the n. of Tnekemmith Mrs. John Annotroste; Ist ‘tee-preel.
1%'ith but five.orominute•• mor• to play Th.. MythWun.•n"x 11,•111111,• ham chttel .tt. of li.wlerirh, *gent Monday
II. the football, uratek Isiseen !fru.- eleetel ofneer. as follows; I're•xi,h•nt. with 31r. send hIrs. Amon Cornelius.
at Chloral I'ark on the 1:1th hist.. dent. kers. It: Kh•6n I: _ml viee-
1'Aul Ih.ig. ,4 the ,,arra+, broke I...Ih eare•sId,•nt. Sirs. Herrington: see-relary-I
lioness 111 his left leg above the ankle. .terasar,•r. Sirs, John Col•InngI,. ap
Tl„• :uncia' fao.•Ilug of- \Vh,gl•in wb•t1nt, Mrs. 1;. If. Ilia:ober.: pinutst.
district SIHh,slI,t. sins /-hl In Ur."' -Mi.. E. Mille' dlnh-let dire..tor. %fri:,
The Tobacco of Quality
Specials at
%lmI.,nald'• T..1
C"con-lOc per Ib
Extract 1,ein,n, And Vanilla. a •"d ynalir) loc. • bottle
Try our I..•ert• Tea. (frost .ltraltty and cheaper than 11.
Fresh lot ..1 Pare Maple Pyrrrlr no Mott. Vre-h 1.. .
Fthntu, (`,
A rasa sliiprl>nletitof dates,etc. t`Ips: }'nrt_,1:.
Seedless. mins, bleat y • •tv .,,2 pkg. for 25‹
Shredded. 'heat.......-..,.. . 2 packages 25.
Sunlight. Su title.•rt.. '. I4;- P; ,k1:, ''',11".
Your choice r asserts ....4 -for ?Sc.
20 Bits prwrl miry Soap, for $1 00
A full line of GOODS for'i'K1Nli ( \ \ I \• i.
)Roth SiN(it.F: ant telt' . C,rW1 hI \r
Fear ttit (' and Table 41i Cl11Fi, iu dith•r6Ni . o ,s All. 1 ,
As,n.rtutcnt of Limn Towrllin for 20a. is tart p.
Medium weight 1'rslerwenr for e'rine.
?len'. and 11.,ys' Cap.. at clow {{.`mice.. _. •
we can -:,ce plat money y 11t Dry D. 1+,---- -
Tan Previous
lies-"ltlr, what .low. tl'Is mean''
f 1Te.uieone jugs rebel up and said
you were sick and mold nor ,some to
xel. on Tue•.Iuy and I1'e.In•.dny of X, A. I'.} leaour: A1r.,•tor Sirs, N. H. work today.'
1“..,t week. I:Idl. y. Mrs. K_ a .. \i4'•4• au. Sl r.. (Heti-••Ila. ha! The joke is o"
W. 1. loam.. Sirs. 1'. I:ardine•r, 311-s hint. He wnan't supposed to call up
WINGHAN Anse Htth•,ptr, s,t unlll tomorrow."--Xhowm,.
The H,irtientrurtl P..•iety, In hG•h l
.\ bruuz.• 1» 1/10 has 1..,. plater° -in wens f.rmel here a few weeks ago. Guilty
the 1Vhlgh:un M.ctleolia1 elo.relt ns a A1.a.nd)•.has 11n,1 a Is'netMiii1 .Reef in Judgd. your honor,- cried the
weworixl .,f--4he-.wdetl,•rx from.--ttifm� 1Mraih ). in'lxolu',- '51 1)10 -bsr. vc t`--gln-To
,.,ngregntiun who fell in the Great „slug up and heantffyitrc leis property i is• rr1e.) by n Udy jttty?"
War. The name. on the tablet. whirth more that. I nilly. with th.• r.•.nit ..lis still," whispered his attorney.
-was prieent•s1 t.. the (Mun•Ii by the...!hat 1,1 a .bort time l i. .Ill . • "r-�� r be-tet}til
lntf r eao't
1.ulIs's Aid Soviets, nre: Iw.,nai I 11 any. nn.igbrl)' .lits. Frei .nm, 'Ten fool my own wife. Irt mlone.
Brock. Edward 11.•11, . Harvey WIIIIi 1 of the t'. -alit prols•r,t 'hat has L•. in 115,145 strange 45,0:1.•11.^ 1't g•eiltyl'•
'wizard Hewson, John T. SFih-tllrti:1.11.• f. r erne.. is +•, in^ mad,• n, '
and Wil'.nr Johnson. had (herr Ix talk .d fixing np wh:at i.
Little Verne 3Vniker, daughter of! known tes the old cemetery ,.n ilia
Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. Walker, who oils l' y 'tree._ Which- b1•Ally s,loaer-
rre1117 severely injured by hying! ..11 :1111 Which would make a nie.• 44-
kun,•kt'il ,h.wn by All nutomu6fh•. is 01• pack. .
able to los opt ain'111. •-
11121*, Nellie };tai+»:-. i1 R'fnghatn. .;cHF71 f,1F
and William Elston. of Morris, were. l
called to Wilmslow by the death of 11 Iy-,111 nt.1 resident of'Axh-
their sister. Jennie. 3Irs: John .11e. weld trrwliAhin I/nssed aw11). ,•11 May
Katme. The •iesem.el had isaa in 1 Te.-- fie JIM person or 31m. Jnme,
poor health for some mnnW,. The Johnstem, wh., for n 1nl:nia•r of years
hl -band. who also wn. formerly n had Ilt•el wltli her -•,u-in-lav .111.1
ee•,elde•nt of this «s.thm• xumtyes. with 4nnglrter. Mr. and -Mrs. William
six children. Tinnier. ..f the 12111 enuct•sr.inn. Mrs.
Juhn•ton rens seventy-eight ydarx of
CLINTON nine nod h:,-' 1•. , 1, blind for more than
Iwo1,-ii-. .Ii.• was. born In ileal..
rrh-It :..'i r •'t l4. her maiden name is' -
Ing 31.:. .4.11n Marshall. .liter their
marriage in 1!012. she and her Mo. -
lin Mi. tine loft. ,lames .lahusiou, lived
for ucluy years on the 111th ,e"n,•.•.-
sluu of A.irfi,ld. 11r. Johnston diel
sir yrigago. Three sons and four
daaght4R•,t survive: Mrs. tine- Irwin
and Mrs. John Irwin. of Kiulosx:
William and James Jolmaton. of
Luckuow :.1da*a, on the fancily hem. -
stead : Mr,.r -,Arthur 4'nlbs'rt. of DMA -
;Minion. and Mr.. Wm. limner. of
Abbe Il _ V r. M.•t:ents widow
of the Into Robert ki•Keith. n resi-
dent of .tshleld for the greater part
On Wehp•sday evening. May 20t1t,
et the IIntarlo .trewt Methodist par-
sonage.. Iter, C..1. Monrlmuse united in
marriage };Ian Elfr.a1..:It. only daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nott. of
the London road, Ti.•kersmith, and
Norman Maniting. of the mime tgwn-
whiµ -
The marriage of Mary Margaret
31,•1,)1, youngest daughter of the late
Samuel M*Trtol ani, 31m. Yel'oul, of
town. to Robert Harold C. Frost. of
Miami, Fia., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ib•ehea Frnit, cif_:&'atorth.. was
-olemniaeaf Too.dny morning. May
11411,, at the Ontario ,.tre••t Melhot l.t
Aunt). The ,.'rento"y ren- performed
by Res'. C. .1. Sfoorh.mxs. Tmh.wdl-
ately after the eeretn,uy Mr, and Mrs.
Frost left I.v motor for London. from
there gain" to Miami. Flnrlda.
Johnanl & 1o. bare wild their gro-
cery hada+. here fu D. 1'. Watson
and his sou. Frank Watson. of
Mooresville. who are already In po.-
sesslm. Mir. Jshnnw•n. win i.n. not
leen In good healon, will rake a boll
day for n win..
William 1'ttley, w'ho for many v.•:sr•
has been an employee of the Zuri,h
floor mills, met with a N14 ar•c1dent
on Wednesday of past week While
ho• w-np engaged in oiling the' ina-
• 1fner•-v the sleeves of his ..Int ,'angst
in n running belt and his arm was
I.1A. n around the pulley and wax frac-
tured near the wriest. both homes ieing
hrnken. fie w111 likely two off work
all summer.
Mr. and Mra: Jahn Laporte. nt the
Matilde line. have returned from a
week', holiday trip in Nen Tnrk
Mtge Freida ilalw•r,•r and Jacob HR-
h•rir left last week for a geat;l'a to relative's in tine /nate nt Ytn-
nest.t n.
Herbert \Inn•.dan 1. gathering ma-
terial for the erection of a largo gar -
are nn the Int he lmrebesed recently
from the Bank of Montreal.
11.•v. V.' It Denies, with Mrs.
from all other laxatives and reliefs
Defective Elimination
The action of Nature's Remedy (iO
Tablet.) i. more natural and
etrgh. The effects will be a
lion -you will feel .o
n ' Make the test. You win
appreciate this difference.
(,eel Poe Ore
Mims Pea..
Chips off +ha Old Block
NI AMOR. ...sums we
Tve a.m• itA-In , ,.-144,.1 dew,
ready reefed. tee , ttadr.., •nd .dolt.
MA 11N MR ilwlWST
Brophey Bros.
',Here carefully attended to
at all hours. night or day
' GODERI('11
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calls promptly attend-,
ed to slay or night
Stere 335 ' Residence 355w
Hamilton Street, Godericb
Phone lei
J. J. Mc WEN
South Side Sq' re
G.A. delft ere,' 1. all parts . 1 ''.e town.
Goderich to Detroit and Return
TUESDAY, JUNE 9th, at 9.30 a.m.
Arriving Port Huron 1.30 p.m., Detroit 5.:4U p.m.
Returning leaves Urtroit 1 p.m.,'fhurs,ht),.lulw 11th. '19.1 on y ..
trip from 4ioderleh to I)e•trnit thls season. Children het %%5,•u , :1.11
12 hall' fare. 1'islt your Nlelifgnr friends and toiubrfa U.
fruit. \ delightful trip liver the •at-lni•tuati•-l: hlghwu)
hike, and- riven.. ._ - , ..-. - --
Al0.iLt3 .*CNE lith. AT *.44( pm.
1 i"tei''. 1 en•1..01ra for ,hanelhg_ In steamer's ries. b.4'':: room. '1'L
Ti nary
111 i,.•nutifuT1,ak, on roe •.Ike. 1 lnnu.•n
Last irll. (hath :1 -11 t1 Detroit. 1'riday. .Int. - 12"„h. at 11.315 .I m.
Dresses and Skirts
Dresses in silk, satin canton, cottony and silk
broadcloths, voiles and ratines, - --
in all the shades of the season. -
Priced frorn-,$2.50 up.
Skirts, in 'several ehades, pleated, wrap and tailored style -4 Priced $1.95 and op
Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear C