The Signal, 1925-5-28, Page 6-Thor day, \lay 19'3' fH$ SIGNAL, r a ,The Doctor Knows Y, . wo: '. i' c •. .r• ur'.4•111 tat..gp Lt.t1• -pr..uc e{Ii 1 ... •t gutta. Dr. Jus. Au?. tt anti. of 1':.. 1_:. d..re. elite., writ •s: "1 have frenueet I;. used 'Kinard.. ..mend and a:i. preser:I it roe 1..liente always w,th the mo:: y ..'e lying results. and 1 e,•I,..jer t is best' •11 -round C. A. ging. M.D. also r•rumnf,adi MinaedY in the fol los ins words: -- ' '1 have aced Minanl'e Lira/soot myself as well as prescribed it ea my practise when it liniment w retwred and have sever f ' Umhl get . desired efrset". Sunday Afternoon MINt s "KFC OF. SLINIMENI Filen, Developed Any sine and 6 prima 1 • fog 30 /stints. R. R. Sallows C©st-s you less than 2% a year! Though it accomplished in a - few minutes what would otherwise take you hours, the (est of the telephone is one of the smallest items in the family's yearly outlay. A study of expendit ores -- by hundreds of families shows that food costs 43%, miscellaneous 24-1 •, rent 17%, clothes 13% and then telephone less than 2%. , I ity Ir01t.L11AMILTON, duderich, Ont. We palsy Rhee. 0 God. for •.'n VfTil \ ince Fer Jesus who died and 1 ;I• ,. ;;out' above. %1e praise Thee, 0 (jo.:. t Thy spirit - of light, •avlour, and 11'ht hath .leant It. car scattered our ❑nrht. Ail glory and })ran... the God of all grace. 11'h° line b.• _,r us and ought us. tiled :''.1 "tor ways. 11-. P. 1p:o l►ay. YK.11 Eli .,r beseech Theo. .1lmlghl> 'rb) precious word. which VP boar with our outward PITY, thr.14:11 TLF'.Smee Is• so grafted in- dly ht ,Mfr heart,. that 1t may • ug forth in us the fruit of good u\ iug. to Inn• honor and.'pralse of Thy utak•; tbrai::d Je,us.Chrtat our Lord. .leen.. --Selected- S. S. LEs�(1\ FOR .lune 7th. 1923 Lessee Title -Pecos itroad.u.11 Vistas. Lesson Pasasge-Rets 11:3-18. Gelder, Text --,Acta 11:34. After Peter rained I),rca, from the deed he stayed some tier with the church people in Juppa making his home with one Simon a tuner. Tan k,r1"v-11 $ tlaM, wore deeptae.t and I1 evmpstratively otnra,t among the Jews. Tannlpg was couute•el au un- clean trade &c':ul.e Of the ne.eeesary cuutaet with dead bodies which It in- volved; and Jet It was to a tanner's that the ehtel'• apostle Iliad, his way, and there he lodged rather than re- main In the borne of Dorcas, where no doubt he would !save been an hon- nred gas-st. Hr a et+ being tralued to rise alcove narrow Jit tab prejudices Iso that he eveeutunity regarded no trade at+ 1'Ilmm4(1 or wick:in. It scall while he w.aa 1n this hoot-,. that the „ypartlialle Adige for him to open the ' dear to the Gentiles. Paul was tbe apostle designatsd and -,ant t:o the Gentile- people Litt the first coutert -was brought in by Peter. The new4 of sueh a. nstoni-hiug thing was not long Lu reaching Jeerusalem'. bo that, before Peter returneed there tho aptess- tletp and brethren that were In Jnd:tea heard that the Gentiles lt_�fl also reP- eelved the word of 90•1.._ Eved.thuugh they had i' e i • .1 the a omwt-ston to preach tete gospel to every creature jpey contended with Peter char, by awtoclattug with anal eating with the nnclrcum_•1<ed.' he Jtnd forfeit.d -.his Electric Wiring We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. Let na give -yea an estimate for tt tring'-yOu!_;i house or garage }I Private Telephones, Motors, Dynamos, Electric Light and Burglar Alarm Syatleel All W'or,, n;!, raateed 000k, Iron and Toast by Electricity We have an assortment of the hest Electric Irons and Toasters made in Canada. /sett sew eekowiler odds D M - valwe qf YOI'N atepAo:u ROBT. TAIT apostle-4ot, They iml.e.•.latld hint nut for iotettafug to thew tad fur re- garding them as his .,Ulala. Then It eh, t.•irtualyg with It.c tirst circthn sl:ue,•s, be told the story found lu ?to. preceding t•haptcr and rt.iaeted .te.iay'a liners !llO-Peter's Defeste. I 'anon Farrar srites of Peter', cls• ion. whish was stir defence. in the toPowlug words Ir waa high noon.' tool whiff• bl• prayed and meditated. the At•o.rL.'. who ail his life bad been familiar with the r.•anly fare of rol'1'19). 1,0/./1 Me ve-ry hungy. ilu: the !tool -day meal was nut ready. and. whtlr he attired, his hunger, his un- tert:eiutles, 111, prayers for guidance, were all moulded by the iworldence of Goth to ;Le fulfilment of Hls. uwa htgt: ends. .urs of 11Yuu,• caw,• over him. Tile hued a sernk,t t„ open. lnaleead of the burning radiative of sky and sea there shone before him eomethiug like a great litter. sheet. w 111.•h \\ as being let duw•u to lelpa from heaven to eurth by rope, w-hleb held it at the four isomer- la its tact catweity lir saw alt t h.• four -footed beasts. and re stiles .,t the earth, and fowl-- of the air. while a yobs. said to him. '.Rine. Peter. slay and e•at." But .yen in hi- hunger. kindled yet more keen- ly by the Eight of food. Peter did not forget the habits of his training. Metter tile of huuger than eat stud things. the eery thought of which caused a Jew to shudder, ' With characteristic boldness Peter corrected the voice. hayloft, "Not so. Lord: for nothing eommu% or un- clean hath at any time entered Into my mouth." The voice apake a se- eond time saying. "What God hath cleansed. that call not thou comion." Tbis was doue thrice and then he vision vanished. The sheet was detily drawn up tato heaven. trance was over. Peter .was with his own thoughts. Verses; 11 -14 -Peter's Visitors. The first words Peter heard after coming out of the 'ranee were In the voices of Gentile,. Down in the courtyard were three inquiring for him. He went down and asked their tnialnesa. They told him how "Cor- nelius the centurion, a just man. and one that feareth God. and of good re- port among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee into hi-. house. and to hear w-urd+s' of thee•." I'eter nhowe•ei how fully s!tv,t its Wee to the consequsrttcts whhil might ensue from such a journey that he in- vited no fewer than alx of the bre- thren at Juppa to accompany him and to be witnesses of alt that should place. (Mt reaching Caesarea Peter evlte•r-, ed into ('orneltaa' house and inquired "for w hat intent ye have seat for e±" comeliest. then .related the (ache, s w o I'll had led him to send for Peter. Th.•: Peter began. •'tit preach Christ. Tle4a he told kiwi • as h•• p.reeebi:d the' Holy Ghost fell on them. ae na .flat ft vfee bnglw n_ning, WAS Aid fills Willlclent proof of the spiritus: , itrtality of the Gentile with the Jew? Then 'be turtt r-- -fiwk.d those who,; war(• listening to bis defenee whether any ion.• could forbid water tor -their' baptism when heaven's aplor•ove1 was .r . Ulu iroct :' Ifo•- 1 -rough; Lis hold defence to n climax by what was L .that I could witll,into' God? In fee- of 'thee silent testimony of tis.•)ux...witueaae•a.p(:iprlfatl-Very pro -I .lent!} brought with him front Joppa. •nut tq• apparent 1•I.pecaval sit heaven. "They held their p. ,c o. and glorified' d. ee;tng, theft 1..•h (cod also to ale atEer grant • pentane. mato: Tlins had fully .,.m,• t• c time •In ltlth_-those othet._sketi. . f which 1.•sns had epos:en-the oil., r sheep' ich were not of tbl..fold---nen-t igen '-ought to hear Ills Voice. . PAINS ACROSS THE BACK Relieved by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetabi. Compound Yitabell, Ontario. - "I have taken your medicine for • number of years. i do not take it steady all the time, but 1 am never without it. I always keep it in the house. 1 took it tint for pains in the abdomen and bearing -down pains, headaches and pans across the back. 1 have my home to look after end many a day I could not get up at all. 1 saw the advertisement In the paper about Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and Mrs. John Willer told me about it, too. Every time 1 take it, it makes ms feel better and 1 always rec- ommend it to my Mandl. 1 am willing to answer letters from women asking about thla medicine and you may use this letter as a testimonial. - Mrs. F.J. WA9sulN14 Mitchell, Ontario. The merit of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is told by women to each other. Many women know by experience what this medicine will do and they are anxious for other, to know. Such testimony should cause any wawa- entering from the troubles so comma le her see to give this well - knows madkaw a fair trial. Do paw bow that in a recen t canvass among w,afss Mors of the Vegetable aaseetm/ ewer replies were re - eared. '11s the (piss 'liaise you re- Ileaieed bssallt L bI tadktag this medicine!" per nosh terme"ssump est tib outs of every 100 woman ere ha hatter health became the have glees t!•is medicine a fah Flrrtrill ln Wes! St. Phone 251,11 WORLD MIS$IONs Masse Lanterns, T iiie are aiTiiin3s of lar:•erns varying colors. shapes and eizell. 1, just one clear white light which don, . through and makes beautifully light- ed liters,. and *paces where derknewt turn been. livery ('hints.' boy and girl wine' heart Christ, the dight bf 111.• World, Ilan lighted, may shrfw fortta his Tight. Surae of the lanterns have not'Iseen lighted yet, and are dull and useless. but the hays and girls of other lands 4 who Iivr In the Light which .Ve1ue• tw their forefather. and has been tagged down to them must. lis- turn. 1 sQ 11 on !anti! every boy and girt in l Hina becomes n br:;;ht light. A g1 . ooilere In India 10011 t la motto, - l.i:;hted to Lighten.- Stip- 1111,e we teL it, Isoyr a11d girls. as unr4 •chi,. .r r. it will help us try ke.1. our ow light 1r!ght and shin- iu_. 1hlr miselon lees are. fie great I.ICht I:carers o the World. J,•sux said. "1 am the _ot_she World."_ and ar:alrt, ' Te to tire-T.ialtt of the World." and th ee• her. In Chins and India au'rtlre 1,1r shit!! a1 -o be Lights ink you alp! 1 do not fail. -molts. Hour; \t'. of the men he world 41 t. dnr►n body. Perry TOWNSHIP OOIINOIL ('ttt,BtfitNE 1Y111'N$If7!' The utnuiclpal ctfucll of Collorue west in the township hall un April 14th, with all members Invent ex- cept Mr. Fewpu. Minute* of last meeting adopted as read. ou motion of Mr. 11111 told Mr. Fisher. Moved by Mr. 11111. stc,ttde•d by Mr. },`laher. that we approve of the Reere's action in calling a meeting to ethirtive the Act providing for town- ship school boards mid that the dele- gates appxdnttd at than meeting to attend the (1.1:..1. tuuention in Tor- onto he paid their expnaes. Curried. The following accounts were paid: Jas. Memnon. grading. $19.60; W. P. Reid, Colborne boundary aecount „ a t .\ harld .'Ct • w $94. low. 1M work on road, 73e; A. Good. road supterlu- teuding. 1s: J. 1). Parrish. work for Ituartl of Health. *4.0I. and mad work, $1.30; Goderich hospital, $31M); Jnu. Graham. grading. 17.511: A. Mug- ford. gravelling. $1230: E. ltuitgbau- s•w road work. $37.25; Wes. Fisher, resurfacing. $3: E. Jaekuutn. resur- facing. g7.3f: J. Jenkins, gravelling. $13: 'V. Lomb, gravelling. 110: I -on: Ms -kelt. resurfacing. $15: Wilfrid Gretuaw. resurfacing. 117.511; Wm. Jewell. resurfacing. $1:$.30;1tub1. Mc- e'ats•. r.-urfaciug and grading. $'311: 1Ctu. l.ipp•t. sltoretlIrtg. 111.75: D. C. poste. repairs to cHlrert. $1.11). The evuntil hold n special meeting nt Young', creel bridge to try to sd- Ju,t the claim for damages against the t.ocn*hip preferred by Pere Cun- ningham. also it request for an ex- t,•u,lun of the Young creek drain R Ilich was "tuning the danuge. The drainage referee. Wa we oosh council. .s..ltcitor. for each mknk•11allty and two engineers were prteee•nt. After tie•n Mg the situation the referee dos e tin el to award e,amage•s but Instruct- ed West wawantrslt to procure a re- port front their engineer on the ex- teeo.tuu of the drain ser as to give tbe cotnplaiunnt relief. l'er.t of exten- sion to he paid by Wawaaonh, and char/psi to tbe drainage scheme. thus bearing out the contention of Ool- boa a township that Wawanoah being the Initiating municipality the action .holden properly Ile agnln.t that muni - •Ip el Ity. Meeting adjourned to May 20th ad court of revision, June 9th. 10 A • . told board of health. June 9th. at 'gom.-!1ftl1. HF.THBit 1:441TOx, Tow ship Clerk. i - . $du anon pays. unless you aeetle u ts• an educator. -Martine ea. Cross Worcs Puzzle Special Value in NORMANDY VOILE BY THE YARD in black and white, blue and white, peach, brown, etc. - Regular 75 cents.... Silk check Crepe in shades of black and white, peach and white, powder blue and white, gold figured, etc. This is being offered at a very attraCt.1YLR lCe• it s DiMiTY MEN'S STRAW HATS �trhklr asatlose wrwaWw a d ewy away mss, team, ar▪ eas. gab we as Dagen Elkay's Straw Hat Dye :flake: old hot, look like new 16 different color - 25c. a bottle Water Glass Egg Preserver 1 lb. cans 20c. Kodak. Film Developing and Printing H. C. DUNLOP - Read Drug Stare GODERICH, ONT. In another year, how diff. est that boy or girl of yolars will look -but photographs of the t hiI- dren never grow up. Let w help seas V • pectora record el tbdr childhood. J. T. FELL J T.Ispbene 187 Hydro Electric The People's Pier Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity No. i* Hari/Antal 1 Smofth n:•.f 3 African Nunn.. 10 1Nepr.ws on In tuainew, a. 12 Not crueler. 14 A girl's noun.. 1.: .1 layer•. 17 Thirsty. 15 Automobile Asmoeia ' in On __tarts (ab4___ --- 11) Tr, . end. or direct. Sl ltiver in dm -Aland. 22 old Saxon (ab.) z; .1 ship's record. 24 To catch (slang). 26 }•ronin for "in." 'i Domestic animal. trot-. Rage. .41 L.ast but one. 33 Ilroadewiting station in Maxi. 34 T' get out pier' by piece as living. 311 ludlcatinr origin. 3s 1•:stnllished (ah.) 40 Mingle unit. 41 Aerompliah. 42 intention. 44 Called or notated. 412 Neckpiece. 47 End of en inflate!. 41) lifts valves In gas 30 A pouch (Md./ :11 ('heat Ise. Enfle.e. . 3l A ening. 551 I )rnggsd engine. for underwearin colors of peach, pink, white and mauve. Regular 35 cents per yard, for 29 cents. We have a wonderful range of MEN'S STRAW HATS in fancy and plain weaves. Prices range from $1.50 up. SHOP WHICRC YOU ARV. INVITCD TO SHOP A. CORNFIELD LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS SQUARE, GOi)ERICH • HYDRO STORE North side of Square Geste rlah UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Students receive personal attention is all Faculties and Departments. Men and women interested in under- graduate or post -graduate, resident or non-resident courses should write to the Registrar. What career? More than half of the university graduates of this continent go into herasw. The University peen • special course i• Commerce for the purpose of preparing promis- ing you; mew for bugle,. careers. The University helps to place these who are worthy. ✓ ot seasonal t•- farmahee write - g. P. It. 4IVTLLI, • Repstr.t. Landon. Canelo 14 ROBERT WILSON for Mnesey-Harris Mncttencry frost Fencing Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubb-retired Buggies Farm Lighting Plants Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont.. to use MARTIN -SENOUR WOOD -LAC STAIN for Fur ne-F� for ?coo ]dt,trork Write Head Met riontrwa HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY F. HUNT 1 ertieal 1 slor.•nlc part, of a r11,4. 1111141. 4 ti And (French 1. 7 \on -venomous stake. 1 European ash. 9 Harmonize. 10 Vtuisel. 11 Mythological being. 13 Carnivorous mammal. 1'. Ta('lpedhtnree.lg. wood Ile'e of wxt. 141 Monetary unit (Cbineear•). 19 Pleasantly mischievous. 2t) t'1 A training ground for a horse. 2:1 1'st1 h. clop a ear a 27 An embi.'m of morning. 25 OTO. 30 Mummer 1 Pr 32 ('overa. :1., Trrnehe♦. 37 Authoritative senetiotat. R1) Twfhhtg. 40 A Geterman electrician. 41 Given a measured quantity. 43 Thick mud. 45 (;hatter. 40 A eow house (*cot. ) 4* Extend over. BS A prize. !r2 I/1•nrdered type. 53 interjection. Alstralinn bird. i'rince of Rales' signature (ab.) The Management of --Pasteurizing Plant i w 0 stmoosa Wtheir 1'W'*Crnerp and the genera/ public that th ' ice flew !dirtying (resit' flatlyatnd Creamery Potter and lbtttertnilit 0'4 their regularmilk rleliv, n- rig!: at all times. ,.r ill{ and l nitternlilk en!, I • I!rld nt the plant on Rant -efrelt :it any tittle 6 teem 9 n. In. Rile' A p n: al !O R 1 C U L T U R [J BASTE Qo T UR• El©O on LwEA A©NOO Ai iN©T T TSK RN OI• /°■iii ZE© EQ 151 NC) NTYNon A a m • al 110:11111T 111 u R kJ Y /6 R11 51 20 WE111 23 Va 25hil ■ iiiSIMINIMINE.. 28 29 i 50 1 '' ■iii�iiilli■ 52 js i■ ■ii ss ..74 37 -58 i 39 10 ill■ W iiiii ¢j itif AS ■ ' ■ tr ii48 �' ■■ il ■i S, 52 ■ 53 ■111 `^ 5-1g■11■ ss 1111 Hari/Antal 1 Smofth n:•.f 3 African Nunn.. 10 1Nepr.ws on In tuainew, a. 12 Not crueler. 14 A girl's noun.. 1.: .1 layer•. 17 Thirsty. 15 Automobile Asmoeia ' in On __tarts (ab4___ --- 11) Tr, . end. or direct. Sl ltiver in dm -Aland. 22 old Saxon (ab.) z; .1 ship's record. 24 To catch (slang). 26 }•ronin for "in." 'i Domestic animal. trot-. Rage. .41 L.ast but one. 33 Ilroadewiting station in Maxi. 34 T' get out pier' by piece as living. 311 ludlcatinr origin. 3s 1•:stnllished (ah.) 40 Mingle unit. 41 Aerompliah. 42 intention. 44 Called or notated. 412 Neckpiece. 47 End of en inflate!. 41) lifts valves In gas 30 A pouch (Md./ :11 ('heat Ise. Enfle.e. . 3l A ening. 551 I )rnggsd engine. for underwearin colors of peach, pink, white and mauve. Regular 35 cents per yard, for 29 cents. We have a wonderful range of MEN'S STRAW HATS in fancy and plain weaves. Prices range from $1.50 up. SHOP WHICRC YOU ARV. INVITCD TO SHOP A. CORNFIELD LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS SQUARE, GOi)ERICH • HYDRO STORE North side of Square Geste rlah UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Students receive personal attention is all Faculties and Departments. Men and women interested in under- graduate or post -graduate, resident or non-resident courses should write to the Registrar. What career? More than half of the university graduates of this continent go into herasw. The University peen • special course i• Commerce for the purpose of preparing promis- ing you; mew for bugle,. careers. The University helps to place these who are worthy. ✓ ot seasonal t•- farmahee write - g. P. It. 4IVTLLI, • Repstr.t. Landon. Canelo 14 ROBERT WILSON for Mnesey-Harris Mncttencry frost Fencing Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubb-retired Buggies Farm Lighting Plants Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont.. to use MARTIN -SENOUR WOOD -LAC STAIN for Fur ne-F� for ?coo ]dt,trork Write Head Met riontrwa HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY F. HUNT 1 ertieal 1 slor.•nlc part, of a r11,4. 1111141. 4 ti And (French 1. 7 \on -venomous stake. 1 European ash. 9 Harmonize. 10 Vtuisel. 11 Mythological being. 13 Carnivorous mammal. 1'. Ta('lpedhtnree.lg. wood Ile'e of wxt. 141 Monetary unit (Cbineear•). 19 Pleasantly mischievous. 2t) t'1 A training ground for a horse. 2:1 1'st1 h. clop a ear a 27 An embi.'m of morning. 25 OTO. 30 Mummer 1 Pr 32 ('overa. :1., Trrnehe♦. 37 Authoritative senetiotat. R1) Twfhhtg. 40 A Geterman electrician. 41 Given a measured quantity. 43 Thick mud. 45 (;hatter. 40 A eow house (*cot. ) 4* Extend over. BS A prize. !r2 I/1•nrdered type. 53 interjection. Alstralinn bird. i'rince of Rales' signature (ab.) The Management of --Pasteurizing Plant i w 0 stmoosa Wtheir 1'W'*Crnerp and the genera/ public that th ' ice flew !dirtying (resit' flatlyatnd Creamery Potter and lbtttertnilit 0'4 their regularmilk rleliv, n- rig!: at all times. ,.r ill{ and l nitternlilk en!, I • I!rld nt the plant on Rant -efrelt :it any tittle 6 teem 9 n. In. Rile' A p n: al !O R 1 C U L T U R [J BASTE Qo T UR• El©O on LwEA A©NOO Ai iN©T T TSK RN OI• AR(' AOR[ TIE N micio ZE© EQ 151 NC) NTYNon A a m • 110:11111T u R ©III Y Sointion of 1.s•t Week's 'nevi. Suet Values is Children's Dresses from 3 to 6 years. A 1 small deposit w i 11 hold any dress. MMLL'S HARDWARE, Auburn. pump p Pvieu 'f' a rift 31 meth, 33 ring 12. • •