The Signal, 1925-5-28, Page 51 -., ..r, ..... - ., iso•+ THE SIGNAL, OW. Air T!ntrriar, May V to;•• `h TWE SELL AND RECOMMEND Dr. Miles Remedies DR. MILES NERVINE soothes and quiets the nerves without danger of forming a drug habit. A splendid preparation for nervous dyspepsia, sleeplessness, headache, neuralgia, etc. $1.25 A BOTTLE Dr. Miles Tonic Dr. Miles Heart Treatment Dr. Miles Blood Purifier Dr. Miles Alterative Dr. Miles Anti -Pain Pills Dr. Miles Liver Pills CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 - The Square Marra . You're sure of Good Bread here Bread is an important item of your diet. Be sure that you eat the beat, which means Cleveland's Bread. Baked fresh daily and delivered to your home if you wish. E. U. Cleveland Phone 114 - BAKER West Street T BELFAST BELFAST, May 26. -Mr. and lire. Charles Bruwuing and family, of 13uutbatuptou. and Mr. and Mrs. Ro- le•rt Mt('ready and family. of Hartle - tom, spent the weekend at the home ur Mr. and Mrs. Tlwutaa ochry. Mr. and Mrs. James Harbour and family, of GoderIth, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. anti- lire. Bawls./ Sherwood. Mr. and Mr. John Etuwersou, of 'Kittlough, visite1 at her former huwe here one day lust week. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Alton and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alton and family visited at the home of Mr. awl Mrs. li;eattle. of flue River. Mr. George Auderawt. of Rt. Helens, Is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Heary. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, of Crewe. visited with friends In the burg nue day last week. Mr. atkl Mrs. Leslie Ritchie, ,,ti-(, "'to. vietted at her former home Cent du Sunday. \Ir. and Mrs. Roy Irwin visited with friends in Wingham one day re 4V!it lite• ---31Dhr4Tit.Y K1O11 for milady's use van ,•usi.y be oh lamed if advantage Is taken of nor special offering of ladles' rockers. sewing toile., .beaks and other arti- er. especially made f,.r women's une. We advise you to `•s• Olio furniture at one.. while th sets tion is estett- atve. The why., we have made rot it make at sure that the offeIIrig wilt speedily .1•. -'.at p'd op by aloe wo- men- J. R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Dir.abs Hamilton Street, Godench, Ont, co- Summer MILLINERY Presenting the new mode in models of picturesque line in fahrie,telet kghorn and mohair. Int roducing -'die new shades in lovely Bower tilts, and smartest of all the new ,'shite llsf_ Carefully selected models in favored styles specially priced for Friday, and Sat- urday at $III.115: • Your inspection eordially� M. L MacV1CAR Kingston St. Goderick ecii• pinisoi l'enlralia Farmer *dyke Centralia. May :xl.-N1116om Thom- as Ilmtable, tifty-tour, a' well- kaewa farther, who lived two Miles west of here. took hitt awn life by hanging ye•stertlay. Ills 11feleea body WAS fonud by his wife in the tarn. The family are at a los; to explain Mr. Hustable's art, Hie eons 'and his wife were away to spend the day with friends. leaving him at home at hie own request. The dbavtvery of the body was made on their return. Mr. limitable ie survived by MIs wife, I ne daughter. Mrs. Hector Mitchell, and two sons, Wilfred and. Fred. "You may yuu come from Detroit," said the doctor to his fellow perigee - ger: --math, where they make auto- mobiles, isn't Itr "Sure." replied the American With 00001' ree1111ment :....._'. "WV _ minke other tbitiga la Detroit too - - -- -Yea. -I knew." scrolled the docth! "1'v. sleeve 'In 'em, -Store that. OBITUAllY MMS. JOHN COLLINS Mrs. Collins. wife of Mr. John lol- line, Horton' street. peeled away in her rletp some time during Thurs- day uigbt last and was fuw i dead in Iter bed the following wonting. Al- though she was out ill, her health far Inoue awe hull not been robust, but her death -vas gutty unexpected an justify them. Harold Fiedler. at-P.P.' for Ottawa, had proposed a `pa"Ci al survey of the Yruv-luee ht order the, taaatlon might be levied in spa lo.i eat feshtou, but the liovt'rnmel a Pl 1 nu attention to the suggtstIUa. The aetlun of the Ferguson Gov- ernment In esrmmeuelug w'urk on the exteudon of the Nlylaalug central Railway lute the Rouyn gull deldn of Qnehic, itu•urriug large evts'ndt- -tures before- it was found that_ tilt was n great *hock to Iter Itusband.l p.ojeet could not be carried out la•- whu found her lying dead when he re t•anse of the uhje•lion of the 1•rot- turned home atter an early muruilag hit's of (juebee, Was Cited as an ei- visit to the .krr,•raft factory: where' ample of the Government's' bangiiug tilt to the Art, ruts factory, where he o ay of doing busiueas. The rtdi.- is u foreman. Mrs I'olliva oafs about tributioa of seats In the cloning hours fifty-nine years of arc. A medhVal ,s .u' the last Session, achllug eleven city auiautiun showed that dent* hut ' rc ' du•mber•, and dotug away with tea. suited from heart failure. lir. aull grail seats. was t Ieuxued us 11111 - Mrs'. 4.u:llua had lived in llutlerichi fair. nti4 not In the est interests of, the Province. Mr. Sinclair called upon the elec- tors tthu are optwstrl to the present Administration to unite their forces To bring about au era of better liov- nt to the Province. about four, ,years, coming herr from Stratford. Mrs. [biline' mallei name was Mary Jane Greer. and her father. Mr. Jame. Greer. lives at lvlarton. A brother, William lire r, lives at lout iac, Mich. lire. A. !T: -ewer. .caucus the only Child of Mr, and Mr. Marelwlt's Address Mr+. oll Do s, tirrivel here Salm 11uu, l�uu,nu Mur -ucuntlnest Lis lay "ACebur[ w•rvhw was Isdldou at rhe wstts•utluu ulmua entirehllly to Feltrai how,' on Salida 3' ev Ming byRev. F. slake an ,-taco a slashing address. t'. Elliott, pastor of the 'Samba Ile said the eunntry • was "more or church, of whish Mrs. Collins utas a his _On_ the eve or a lDominion cies member, and the body was taken iu•xt11ou."'end he advised Itis hearers to lay to Marton, where the funeral b,, nutty fur It in the reasonably near took plat uu T,tu•sday afternoon from future, Hou. 11a-kertale King, he the home of Mr. Greer. father of the tlt.•harwl, load grown greatly ht tike eatlwatiou -of the people of t':made. anti with so able a leader at their head and with a 'attic,' that was b.• Ing thoroughly vindl.-ated by, exp•ri- -eace the liberals would enter the Cowing ,outet with every ptbspe•t of sat Y•,•ws. Mr. .t. 1`. Mau lituney. M.I'. fur South ltruce, anti Mrs, W. H. Fee - Acuson, of Toronto, also spoke briedy. How about a -.New Perfection Oil Stove? We are agents for these. Gets a new -one. \Ve wilt tali*` Tour- - - one in exchange- _Droll in -and - us show you the advantages of these. Everything for th.• hone. Blackstone's Furniture Exchange deceased. MlL$. Dt'NCAN CAMERON Many friends lu Goderit•h teamed with regret of the death of Mr.. Duman Cameron, a former resident of this towu, who lased away lu the hospital at 11'bith3 -on Mondtry last. Mrs. Cameron with her husband and family tired in taelerlch for 'warty twenty years. until ,boat ave years ago, air. Cameron's death a'•urring *414)311y.. a f t«r._iywis... ruatwval. from •town. Mrs. t'ntuer0tt mt. a Halite of 1'01 - borne township. her utaidem name he- ins e I bha�rbtrago News' Ing Amelia Stafford. During her Some people are In trouble on at - t1Sett dtebis sod tItm1 oTh 1's are in debt on account of their trou- resident, to t:o1,•ri.-h site was an active worker in the Baptist shunt, being a member of the local ttapt1.1 tyueregallfe trout the time it was or- gaulzed. Site leaves two -daughters: Mrs. Mingle, of I'orittac. Mich., and Mrs. W. I., Dunkeld. of Walkerville,' Ont, -' brother. Mr. Fredertek tttaf ford, of Sudbury. and -w -sitter, Mrs. Wm. McConnell, of- IIarriston, also survite. The remains- were brought to t•}uderic-h and the baneful took plat, - to. Mainland rrmrt.- , - yesterday af- ternoon, the tier:lees being conducted by • Rev. F. C. Elliott. The pall- bearers erre Messrs, thea. Johnston, J. A. Campbell, A. Servers aul A. H. Clutton. The daughters and the brother and pates. also Nlr. McCon- nell, of Ilarrlston,- weer all here for ..n the itroadw'ay of Goterich -7-ASSY-Ri$Eirt1tY+ MITER The -death occurred an Sunday 'ot Mfrs Mary Josephine Driver, s.rond daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. 'sett Driver.- after as nenit wbk •tmmenced with au attack of "grippe" arty- fn• the - year. Mics Delver was 1,.rn ie the 1, ,m.hiii of .t.hdetd, but the famhr n few years later worts! to the Muriel road, G,alerich tours slitp, whore tilt now de•e4'4•,1 Indy lived- unt11 wIth Pees parents and sis- ter -slit removed 1.1 totm atxtttt tw,•tve t leans ago.. 'Ilia t Milleti fad uur•l brother survive: Mrs. It. (Ia Stunts. - tlrnterich 'township: Mrs, C. S. Anil- a,l-Jtieer, Just Jaw-,ut-+ uie Driver, at ,tionte, who was her .Ister's euustant compatdon and gave' her the meet nnr.mirtleg attention - during her 111ness.' un.l-\V1lliam: of i Goterteh township. firs. Andrews arrived from Blind River on Friday , deceased w:le a menthe'. •. St. George'-. ehnri•b and the fou. a., erreirre. un WFnttits,tay., nfteru••..u.. -were a tndlnc'twt by the' res f ole. S. S, Hardy, the funeral taking pare from the fancily hunt.. Bro., 'thee t, 1n Ma itt, n.l cemetery. The p:ellbenr- era tu:cc.Austlu Jiturdy_and Maitland Driver. nephews of the tb•censed. George .Inherits and .lames Me Mltlan. -lnieng those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Key. and Mr. Clifford Keys. of Tanen. George Giles and His Harmony Boys Six Pieces Al The Pavilion J - CsCIDER1CH - Every Saturday Night f Men's Overalls REI)UI�EI) i''(llt Flo I SATUR AY ANI) tit) DAY. Men's blue, for blue-i;triped •Overlie,[ good weight $1.45 Men 'a black and blue Overalls, Union itia8e ASS Men's earhartt Overalls, black, felue or striped $2.45 Khaki Combinations from $2.50 up For Friday, Saturday, and ,Xojl(laL,___ M. Robins Get Your Straw Ha'.-- -HERE M;tcluoive tinea imported ytraw 11uts flint frotu Engl. t p•rie• •I frena 112.50 to 1a':1.rt1). Hatchway Underwear tic 1441%.4.-4k full reties of Hatchway tul.s»t It w.no •,�, ,,'liar. W C. Snaze1 Haberdasher and Dry -Cleaner f Phone 339 he ohr The •New York World argue- that prohibition is ti failure, been use. aatond other things, duplwrs drink. Maybe the flapper's the failure. - 1 oulsvllle Tluu s. SPE( 'I.11.i.1 DESH:NEI) MASONIC AND ODDFELLOWS FRAMES Just the thing for thee lodge ,wertiaeate of your+. We have a-wurt menti of mould- ings, and make Frames to snit every- aty1P--of-ie•tnre Bring your pl.-tures i1i1, eel; titivates in today, dim') west. them around to get lost ,r damaged. Sidra Art and Sift More East Pt. Phone Ilya STRAWS Ma. 'traws Iit.lt w.R.dr u.d 'nen will wear: PRICED $1.110 t= 14,00. The new style features noted aro higher crowns and wider brims. They're made to at. Fancy and plain weaves, saw edge or smooth, and fitted sith plain black and brown, or fancy two-colored bands. Watch the windows. YOUR CLOTHES The hot weather will hit a home nun when it "goes to bat,' so order your summer clothes Sow, DresSwell or Crown Tailored --special order- - $30 to $45 or select from uttr stock which we tailor on the prrntefe. It cost. notating to inspect. Usi our remodelling, relining and repair 'vice. THE PHONE NUXBI R IS TOMB 11118)! FRANK H. MARTIN TAILOR AND HATTss tl McLean's Block, Mast Rids of Ignsare, 0�1 k Worsts MON How about a Portable Phonograph for use in that new ear' of yours? i have a little dan- dy with ten reeordm to sell nt 1147.50- 1Vherrrnr you are, you have real music to entertain the hunch. The money ia well spent. H. E. JENNER I.IBER%L,4 OF NORTH HC*ON Ilsoammor "The f=armer and- His n&his Best Friends" ICon( inu,l from page 1) treated hied given their fair share of influent,. She urged the womeu to stye Ilett the young people were given the rigid 'ort M elue•ntion and triag- ing. so that they might grow up into st rune melt and women. The Provincial Leader Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair, the Liberal WHOA- Lerglsta tire,- -wrote--riven an enthuslaatfe reception. Ile ex - preened his pleasure in having this opportunity for the firer time of meet- ing the 1.ttwrals of North Huron and in sewing, from the large numbers prevent. that Lib,•rntlem in this pard of the_ Province 1• In a healthy condi tion. Commending M'r.. Reaton'it' st•nsiblo remarka, Mr Sinclair Bald he hoped the Liberal party would have the assistance 01-t14p.-wum.a in solving the proble•nu , is Yrertne•tal pitltle• which are tbefre-wTikch aft most elo-ely the intermits of the home and of women air. Sintlntr then entered npn a review of I'rovineinl affairs. He spoke of the theirs increase 111 1'ro- sin.•inl ,tpenditures, neeecoutnt1ng n budget of flityyt ad/Ilona. as ,ompnred with six millions when the I:Ib'rals left notes twenty yen re ago,. The In- tervet rilnrg.s now were nearly 11011- 'RP 1. -'tit' 'h, atnmmt n1' the entire. bndgett In IWO. The new tax en vowel/et was represented by the Government es ne•es'art- to cover the expenditure MI Iiitetways. Lpt whereas this etj;, t.enditure, tooth for eapltal and maln- trnanc,, amounted to tire- millions n year, the ret,nfe front f6ofetr et - 'r ,ene rad . ytasolltle htR' was A seven mlTtIons, the fiitrernment thus nearing two millions to help rover ata extrnvngant exp•ndtlnrris to ether dept rt nt.•001.. Iktth flu• Rneoltne tat and the beverage tae he charged, were col- le•rteyl Indlreetlr, and worn, there f.tre. nn,onstlttttinnnl, though he did not .erpreee that any one world rate, to ilia lspre totem In the scour,.. Mr. Sleclalr condemned the man- ner In which new taxes were levied without any ante,' or principle to • Farmer's hest ft it od- lire et, rinse of men in their pro- -km "do m..r., walking' firm .nor farmers. :rel Ii- 1: [tip to the• tpunchtful farmer to ker-)._llla' fo,twear to good repair, :rney wear shoes that will afire .him the best test aasistau.'t' and totulurt in liii- .hilly. toil_ - My a xhteen year* .41 ex- perience with shoe -leather, deal- ing moiety with; farmers, en- ables me to •Rive th.•1! the Ftewt of Wert iev'. It must M' 11,11111MA that the hest is none tot good • now a - any'. but my aim is to give the hest, there ie at monerate prices'. - Fur good !hoes and repairs uie.• ns your patronage. The Foot Comfort Repair Shop WILLIAM AUL Prop. East Street. t:ou,•rteh. t)ppseitt Kn..t .-harsh. 1 .7 pays .use T%N-SENOUF RED SCHOOL HOUSE PAIN'�; ?br Barns and Outbuildings it has no equal write to Hoad Mice Mammal Far Free Booklet NOME PAIHTH.1G MAD[ rs8w SOIL BY F. HUNT t:OD1:RICa GEO. W. STOKES ELECTRICIAN Hnv 'lg had ,nnsirterahire rcpers'ttets nt electric wl.nyt • leetric titling of all kinds, 1 have commenced business 141r 111:' selfrand ant prepared totake tv►ntraet$ foray work itr toy lin. Protypt. -.'rviee and eaati.faetory- Kock guluatltm''•d, nt rya-, price s. .`_�a..._ P. 0 Box 601 Residence: [.�'mirt•Yt•e�' . :d�_.. MI LLI NERY The larger Hats.. with their variety of shapt'•s and stades, make it easy to choose one for your summer gown. The smaller ones for dress and sport ase very. smart and popular. ---- > - You are invited to colt C. A. McKinnon Milliner -• : Hamilton Street • RE -V.- H. W. WRIGHT, B.A , of Hamilton Everybody invited .q." -Central Business College Changes Hands"." Mr. R. 1'-. Lumsden, B.A., of 'Moncton. N. B.. the former proprietor. Mr. D. A. McLachlan, re - has purchased the Central Business College from the Fidelity Trusts Co., of London. Ont.. to whom cently assigned under the li,'•ikruptcy Act. fir T,nmaien is an exls.rieneeit busiurtnmlJ,yt' awn r > and QP atm -o it:tut oLitanding. A_lurgre' use policy will 1, but itt force by the new ntanagenicht and praeslmctive at1tall ttaitttuy look_Iorward to reccivins,at_''ttur.,'-Meondi- 1- none WEEK OF JUNE 1 TO R Monday- and Tuesday NORM --1 T:11.MADGE :AND/ EUGENE O In n stu;tling nlnof lin'e's eccrises "THE 0NL1 WOMAN" 1.1A111) Il%MILTON iu "HALF .4 HERO" and Thnradav .1NTONIO MORENO WITH .1(:NES AIRES present a fust moving up-to-date awlo- arnmu in the story without a nit"re. Imperial Comely "PIN HEAD" Om Feear furl h,'r^'ittforation with r, itai he t'our+e•q write It. F` •'I.nm«I$tt"fit A., Printiptil of Central Rusin, - _ja,l;rg, �trutford, tn. ogle - rso, 1i -.-In, int Friday nal 1atnrdny 1t1A.1.0% In the much-di'aissed.<'tYrttii.14.4.rld ' stt,ry- "THE Rf1) IALi"' (fur Gang In "BERRY l)AA'Y" 1i -:Wars FABLE$ alntta,.,+ Tut',be}' awl Thursday at 41S; Matur.lay at :115). COMING--a1R& WAU.ACF REILIEK "BROKEN LIWS" Now - is the time to purchase your Running Shoes. We are special agents in Goderich for the Genuine FLEET -FOOT Brand and are pleased to announce that there is a considerable reduction in price since last year, which places this popular brand of sum- __._ r_. __ nter footwear within the reach of all. 1 Phcne 1511 SHARMAN'S "The Learn.," Show Store" W. REG 'HARMAN (IODERiCH