The Signal, 1925-5-28, Page 4•d. -•Tau rattuy. llM).
P` 'OSS, •
The Store with the Stock I '
is essential to eeteselgaa
in business lite as in social lite.
Apgearataoe ►s the thing that attcuct,
Nothing enhance.; your appearafar a-
Inuch as a inn -tailored twit 00rre,•t1+-
cut from a quality fabric -a 870,1,.1.1:.1:::
�UL31, in other wot
BRAND eve,a t
1i8Ve liter t?lam+"'
fabrics fi>ir all Oentsiona and ::
ste'b Wined.
0 trate
From $30.00 to
$40.00 pZ50 to $35.00
Mens an 1 Bois'
Nett •f Montreal
InnytynIber- will be ;.',•u by the Society.
Wrosares • Institute OiMss•-T e •
\t'nwra a 10-'.1 tele W/H at .
( Thuta'a on '1'hr
,.•elay. when the fol -
tag ottt•',', • Were sleeted: Play
deet, M.. It. Militias; vie'e-plMt-
devtt. Yrs Geo. IVet>b; secretary -
treasurer. lira. It. K. Miller; dlatrkt
se,.,,. 1rrN. \tutor. Mrs. W. 1.
Alterl; auditor*. rs. W. r1.
Ors. McFarlane, Mrs. Cum�'
it 4'. Rutherford. Miss Gaunt. Miss
\I eKenate, Mrs. Lyons. MIs. John llc-
Qu1111u, Yrs. M.'(:.w; delegates to
district' Meeting. Mr.. Thom, Yrs. W.
''pier, Mrs. Naylor. A demonstration
'was given by Mr<. Mc
on -basketry work. nod inetrumcntal
,r!,etions'1srMiss Muriel Miller and
I The ladles
hiss istrothy llequillin. T
present ' uumber•el thirty -flee. I.uneh
was served by the hostess.
My 21L --'MER
is Asash'V rl ps visiting at he's
Wale S' E.Iwaed 4040 and
Mr, KW) t, and Mr. S .'mon,
Gossett. r iemda
gide 1 n
Mr_ Frank
sista". W Des
'noon. Mita
tairabelb A'•
-p hoose for vas
it„ I ai+ersity.
Peen is risiting his
mesad. 10 leave me oitb Miss M.
I:. Stllkrld. Bavnc d road. or Mrs.
•Wet. Edward. lila road, sat later
than Saturday next.
aT. HELENS, May .S. Miss Anna
Toronto, *peat asteat._AaJ*
vlsdtiog with her mother rad retort-
ed on Maness.
Miss Margaret Itintouh of Toronto,
was home with her parent..., Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. Rintuul.
eek -
Means. Gennep and Merles Me-
elulllln motored to riebringvllle on
eutttrlav and their brother. Mr.
Robert M,-4. uilllu...r the bank there.
returned with Stela nod spent the
(1QpF'i01•11 '1'(►tt'\SHII', May :'d. 'minty') with hi- parent«bare.
s,,_,•t to
resort the death on-? Mr. and Mr-. C. Firth. Mrs. Firth.
:,� of the- infant ...on. bf Mr. sr-. of London, and Mr. Lorne Firth;
7C.J• Jobost•,tl. interment --tit Turmw•. were visitors) with Mrs.
t„err the tollowinc day in ?Unit- 117K.` J„ter ( during ern fir 'and son,
sr. W. 11. Elliott had the inisfor• Ronald. relt'
(urued from ingham hos-
tpar to leas. nue of his horses recently. pita' nn Friday
gr. 1•.41. inwerhy motored t.. Zurich JIIP Woman s Missionary Society of
• on Ttrr•slay. Ile w'e• In.vomptnled by the Presbyterian ehur'n
ve an
- his motives, Mrs. .1. Sowerhy, dho evening on - Friday
visited at her cad h,,ine in Stanley Re . H. Martin. of Dungannon. will
1i1 ps•rsons wishint; to tonate fruit give ah-41lusetrst-i address on Van
for the Gnde 14-h h.oie(ts' are re- dykes "The Other Wise Mao." Other
won the hearty applause of the audi-
ence. Her numbers varied. Comdr and
Inspdrlug• with mauy hilts that mlppbt
well he reasenibrrtd, and sate car -
fainly will be highly recommended
to any community which may Inquire
eoueernlug her ability and talent.
Mils Garniss, soprano soloist. _for
smo►thur.o of tone, destines of
•hue ul selections,
'Aa1IF'IM1.Ie. May 25•-Yiss Anna
Hhe1krgld. teacher In B.S. No. 3
tALlttll►1, went to her hone at Bruce -
held to spina the week -end and the
Miss Lottie Maesensie, teacher at
tort Albert.. was borne for the- week-
Mr. Henry Mae•Kcusie and Miss
Mary II. MacKeusie spent the week-
end et Ripley.
Mr. Albert Tlwin was home for the
we'e'k -end to sire his mother, Mrs- W.
N. Johnston.
Mrs.' Fleteher. from Blyth, is visit-
ing at the home of ber brother. Mr.
John MacKay, Lake Shore.
lir.. W. N. Johnston left on Satur-
day fur Godertch. where - tube will re-
malasfor a thne_nts4 be under the
doctor's care.
Sentiment ottbe Lard's Supper will
be observed in Ashdeld Presbyterian
chun•h nest Sabbath.
(111111. -
raspy stands at the foretrout of +enter-
tainers. The duet work by Miss
(:aro{ss and Mr. Buchanan was per-
hap- the mast delightful of all the
uuutben. All of the artists were
ehewred to the echo and brought back
again find again by fie cries of "en-
core" from all parts of the building.
Rev. W. R. .1 p. of- Aabarn, was
insets nod gave ti brief, pithy and
much appreciated aeklree.a. The pro-
ceeds) of the evening amounted to
NiLE. May ST-- The Methodist
church here bcId a most successful
tea -meeting and entertainment un
Monday evening. Tables were net In
the basement and an excellent supper,
was served 10 the people. who after-
w-ar(ts crowded the seating capacity
of the -Auditorium. The program
E ven ,bi-.the Wingham Concert Com-
pany was of a very high order and
was moot thoroughly enjoyed and the
artIats Win the hearts of everyone
present. .Jr. Gordon Buchanan, !rams
and (voile soloist. with his humorous
1 knit Scotch numbers, was pronouue ed
the hest "Harry Lauder" •yet heard
Isere. Mrs. Van Wy'eks gold medal -
i.[ reader. eied expee'tattm>s and
m here are stn spent the week -end us gtn-st, of Mrs.
the l.ib•ral urns ting at HeusaU file • Wm. Thompson. Asa
1 %Velne•sela*I afternoon. . lir. and Yrs. Runt. YeKeuzle spent
Auburn des welt repre•sete d at the _nth at Mrs.
ntl am on air,' and Yrs. - M. Y.'Keuzie and
of the Literal Aswrfts" nn. s,.u. ataitolm, wotgnrl 10 Tnrout . nt
This slsow5 that all the "faits" in yatur4:y sad retarnel Mondry.
UM' aronrrd Antmrn atre-na-dr+d It's we one Yr. and Mrs. Elliott.
of Luuelun,- as -sew residents of our
village. Mr. ZRiott represents the
Fuller Brush Co. In this totality.
They are at present occupying Mr.
dam. Manough'. house.
The ,\, 3. 1'. A. ggri--l"e trial is
11(1ed ••f'ai'ry Farm" to S1pky lift
Tttes.lay evening.
The e•ours'ils of ,t.hfleld and West
u'aw•anosb met in. Dungannon on Fri
cosy evening last to discuss the ad-
visnldllty of building a-idew•alk from
the village to the. svb..ul. .\ number
of ratepa era were prrseut and took
part in the discussion, but no action
was tatter I$ the smatter es ,rewse v,
At a mtkeliug of the Presbyterian
cougire'gati'.b nu Tucaday ,•v4min_
Jfiisars. Rubs, Davi l' ni•sod Itoh
McAllisoe•r. Mrs. R. Davidson alp
Mr-. t). M. McKenzie wire d, -legs'••
IT'S only fair that the pubic should.
to attend a Presbytery meeting of the know that the coal -or delivering
eroutlnuing church on Thursday after .
uant of this week in %Vibgbam. 'coal could he cut. But .he only
We are sorry to report Mrs. ('ha• way to do it is for evertbody to
rinott is still In poor health. ;
A patriotic garden party under rhe•lorder early. It is simply this : If
AUBI'1tN. May 20. -Mr. R. J. A.
quith le spending the holiday with lois
daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) MN lues, of
Miss Agues Smith. of Toronto, spent
WV regret to report the death of
116s. W. T. Riddell. the Infant sem of -Mr. and Mrs. Innis
Mrs W. Anderson spent a few souk nn Tqursday We extend�ettr
days in Gexk•rieh visiting her brother,
Mr. T. R. Patterson.
Mrs. Jas. Johnston, who has beet'
ailing for some time. 1s confined to
her bed. We hope fur a speedy rt-•
Histo Ruby l'arter, of Saltford, stood
the week -end with ber parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Carter.
Mrs. Kenneth Mclean. sr., of Kin -
tall. and Mrs. H. McLean and tawny.
of Amberley. are spending a few days
at the home of the latter s sister.
Mrs. R. J. Scott.
Miss Fromilda Pfeffer, of Kitchen-
er, spent the holiday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Andrew,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carter. Miss S. sou. of lenulont, 'Volt Vletorir IMJ
('atter and Mr. and Mrs. N. r. and wit1. Mrs. Andrew's mother, Mrs. S.
son spent the holiday withMYr. and
Mr.. Joe Carter at Port Elgin. Treleaven.
Mr. J. Taylor•-. -ale on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bellamy, of Tor -
May 2Oth, was largely attended. "ills. u -t uiianud by Mrs, Palmer and
Flrerv'hing sold realised a ce o'I fit- alis* 1.. Bellamy. of Stratford. motor•
ore. Mr. Taylor 1. intending at el up from the city of Saturday and
present to take a trip to the \\'rot to rater visiting friends here returned
visit his ... lls, while Mrs. 1lsykrr''.t. Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kitson and family. of
end Glndc- will ri•St in i 11. '1'h•.ntas, and Mi'. nod lies. l'hns.
$some 41W.Thompson and Franklin: of Loudon.
Mr. and Yrs. Thornton Mustard and
tawny, of Toronto, were at their cot-
tage for the week-eud.
Mr. Lloyd Hoelglus and Mrs. Hod -
Kies. Toronto. spent Saturday stud
Su day. at their Cottage.
. and Mrs. A. F. King soil arias Usually 11's the Bret straw bat
Mit Proctor. of Toronto, spent the that shows which way the wind
wie•k all with the forwe•r's parents, blows.- -Buffalo Express.
ID. a Mrs. C. Klug.
MINT Margaret Pock. Wslkervllle, Sign of Stenos
sps•ut the holiday at ber home. "At Just what paint do you begin
Miss Alma McKay returned to Lon- to calla busluew man an executive?"
dist un Monday, having apent a week "When he takes up golf." -Life.
at her home.
Mr. Jas. ('amer.11 of Toronto, spent
the holiday with his mother. Mrs T.
1's. wr ren.
Mr: and Mrs. It. S. Bailey. of Tor
onto- spent the holiday week -end
wit's the former's mother..
Miss Jest) Wombs Straf,ford. was
at her home for the holiday week -
Mr. !tarry .Itraurhm; London, spent
Suu.hiy with hi. mother, Mrs. C.
Mee. A. Mae•farlahe• .ondurt.'d ser-
vice at Paris on Sunday last. Rev.
Colin Fletcher. D -1l„ conducted ser-
vice to -111:-.tIIIrew'r church
Mr. J. Jay Johnston attended the
Methodist (unferenev at London last
There will he no service In tit.
Andrew's church on Sunday. on se-
t -mint of auuisersary s'ruk•c- •at Var-
airs. 4:. W. %Vessls an.l Miss Anon
Mr. and Mn. ''has. Parker. spaat the holiday weoksad u gt1t9510
Messrs. Lawrence and Yred Vowlkt, of lice• H• G• IIC. sad Mn. Crosby at
JIMMY; Ferguson, Clifford Clark. Mr. the rectory, Cuurtrlgat.
and Mrs. H. Lord and Miss Intbei Mira Beaton. of l'Iloton, spent tbo
Jowett. Louth's', rpeut the holiday holiday with Mar (glades Dav1s011-
week-end at their bowels. I Mrs. Victor Burt and babe, Mrs -
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Kander, Betty H. Brown, 'Messrs. R. Brown, Fred
and hobby Mousier Mas y. Miller, , Baker and C. Berry, of Loado% Went
Miss Jean Rudrll, lirstrcs. Wilbur the week -end here, On Monday Idles
and Frank Irwin and Norman Me- Holstead and Messrs. Victor Burt.
gen, of Kitchener, spent the week -end Harry
ar ylmaker and udon and were Burt
the tgu moused
at the forwer's cottage.
Mr. Orval Weston, Detroit, spent Mrs r. W. Baker.
Jiaturday and Sunday wltb his par- At the meeting of the Presbytery
,'nts, lir. and Mrs. 11.14diltrd Wrstou. , In St: ,Audrew'N church on Tuesday
Misses Elva and Anna Dewar. of afternoon. Rev. .t. Macfarlane's re-
iToronto, spent the bollday at their', signrtloo was accepted. Mr. Mac-
farlane will preach his farewell ser-
mon in St. Andrew's church os. June
Mrs. A. Sparks and son, of itlea-
fortlt. are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John D. Wool.
WEST FVFa•I►, May MS. -Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Campbell and family
visited Yrs. (Lmpbell's Mister, Mrs.
Richard Gardner, of Luckuow, on Suss
lir. ab4 Mr,. Wm. McDowell and
family wire the guests of Mr. and
' Mrs Wesley Staekhouee ou Sunday.
Mr. James Stonehouse, i.f Dungan-
wa. the -guest of his brother,
Mr. J. l.. Stonehouse, last week.
The Westfield papulation Is gradu-
ally growing. We congratulate Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Mason on the birth
1, of twin boys. born on Monday, MNy
11l'll. and Mr. and Mix. Matter look
i mu the birth of a hahy girl. barn uu
Saturday. May 23rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wlghtwan and
family Melted at Mrs. WIglrtmans
old home near Luckt>ow on Sunday.
Mr ,cud Sir. William Y,lk.well
lbs holiday al the home of Mr. Mud
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles tt'lghlwas
attended the funeral of the late Mr.
(',slyer, oldest .,m got Mr. and
111:-. Road. Hoover, of Brussels, on
'I' May :'tat.
Mr. . and Mrs. Marvin McDowell
and family visited Mrs. •lleI)owell's
parents, lir. and Mrs. ('lark, uf St.
Helens. on Sunday.
- Mr. and Dire, Will Crosier and
family. of Crewe, were the guests of
their sou+Ins, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.
Campbell. on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Mel>uwrll
meture'R Rev, Mr. Gross to his charge
in McKillop on Sunday.
irl St:ANSON, May 30. Norman
Treleaven. of Toronto, visited Militia
here over the week -end. His mother
accompanied him on his return to the
city OD Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrews and little
A number fro
Wi h Tuesday M the annual%g
House -Furnishing
.1t this store and for the, oeca.ii•u w`e 1►ave pnrchatted a (urge stew stuck of
Liuoleutn, ruga, -Wool rugs, Linoleum, Oilcloths. Mats, Wallpapers and'in.fact
decorating the home
Our aim this week is not only to Rive pog-a large >ielitletion but --to give you
figures:- Vnu-get better value, we get a larger ttirnover of business. ,
hi •k on these vanes.
�ellniS 11.1. week at ('o,>g ilennl Week price.. W,'
have all the new patterns and these are the lowest price.
6x9 $8.25 s !10 $1
711.x9 $9.95 $131.95 95
9x12 $15.95
very rrug-i,wgguarunteeel.
A new shipment has just arrived and although the
wholesale price has advanced conaf(Terel1 we will quote
the old price for this week.
Linoleum in 2, 3 and 4 yard widths. • Every piece is
first quality and guaranteed.
Oilcloth in 1, 11/2 and 2 yard °widths.
in altnost any size, there are floral or block designs and
are the balance ref Dur spring stock: The prices on these
this week will SEE COoced to NGOLEUUM4ame :lc PRICE the LISTngolenm.
Scrim Curtains frilled with tie -hacks, Or pair $ 5c
Marquisette Curtains with lace edge, per pair $3.25
'lace Curtains. per pair
Mao 041d pairs of curtains at elearing prices
Muslin Curtaining 25c yd
Scrim Curtaining
Nett CtIYttlitting at ....39c, 460, 55c, �; and81.25
725 1.
Marquisette Curtaining at . • ' , 75c e' yd.
Madras Curtaining at . 46c an69c c1
Raw Silk Curtaining at
Sunfaat Terri' ('loth for drapery (f peeial) $1.49
merchandise such ass, Congoleum rugs,
almost anything youVvill need Tor Te-
the flnebt.n►erchandise the closest
(•ongoleum Mats 18x36 , • - 45c
Rag Mats 36x54 950
Velvet Mats :36x54 $2.95
Ilerris Imported Mats $4,95
R-oodsitock Axminster 'brats i $5.50 -
WEEK -_-
Wilton Rugs ' Axminster Rugs
Brussels. Rugs 'Tapestry Rugs
and the new Herris Imported Rugs have just arrived and
will be on display for one week.
---_--Tile patterns and shades are the finest and as these. are
only on approval' we will quote ioxe prices to obtain -items
diate sale.
Isms we li MPS OF cow; � w
ee TRUE fMM-
KEEP THC COST 004011 roar
111ERY800!1• HES RIGHT !(
tin -plops of the Women's Institute will
M• held on the Methodist church lawn
on, June 3rd.
The MIsaion Cir'le had a very sots
t'eesful Afternoon Mt on Saturday
afternesln at rhe home of Mr- Savage.
Over sixty attended. and a leery pine-;zepaid.
ant time was spent.
Mr. and Mrs. WIt1 M eCrare. Emily
^and 111IIy and Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Me -I
Clore motored to Owen Somal and
Tan on Sunday and returns' on Mon-.
day. For G,nd Clean Coal
coal was ordered cytnly the year
'round, coal men could epi their ds-
litery equipment to hast. W. print
ebb for the publi, good, lL k blips,
in that direction we will fiir
HAYFIELD. May 211. -Among the•
Victoria Lay rloitors at the 'Pottage.
from iwondon ware: 1)r. and Mrs. Tt!I-
mann and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
Will, Agnes and Bob Will; Dr. and
Mrs. N. Alexander and son. George;
Mr. and Mrs. D. Glass and danghtegil,
51('It and Eileen: Mr- amt Mrs. - W. -
blueon and family; Dr. E. T. and
MrN. White and family; Mr. and
Mr*, C. B. Chapman nod family; Mr.
and 'Mrs. W. Hunt and son. Ed.; Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Manue•sa and sons;
Mrs. 'tart and family; Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Stevenson and family.
Mrs. W. J. McLeod and little
Laois,. and EI,Ie and Mrs. L. H. Mc-
Leod and fatally went to Port Dover
on Saturday to, visit their slater, Mrs -
•T. Rrotk,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Woods and Mrs.
A. Sparks aid spent Sunday and;
Monday Stith Mr. • Woods' brother,
Mr. John Blair, of Goderirb town-
Mr. Graham Elliott, of Stratford,
slant the honday at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. King and Miss R.
Kennedy. Stratford, were in the vil-
lage last week.
Holiday visitors from Stratford
were; Mr. 4)141 Mrs. R. T. 414' ane}
family; Mr. and Mrs. Peters and
Gamily; Mr. and Mrs. Serimogeour;
Ms. Anil airs. H. !Assets Florence
and Harry; Mr. and Mrs. Il-e•onkey.
Mr. Nelson Me'('onhey and \silo TI'
ley; Mr. and Mrs. Owen-.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mat -Laren andi
tlat>ghters, from l'ory Elgin. and Minot
Aland Stirling, of Mowat Ilanitarlam.
Port -mouth. were holiday guests with
till. Indio' mor her. Mrs. 1411r1Ing.
,Mr and Mn. Frey' Ritchie and
daughter, Muriel, and Mrs. lilltehie
and Miss 11strk:e Ritchie motored
from Blmeale and spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King.
Misses Gladys Davison and Rnth
Hlggln• of the (lintels Rehnol of
('omm,ree. And David Dewar, of She
l'olleginte. spent the holiday week -Pod
At their homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Les. Smith. of Lon
don. spent the holiday at the home of
('hoose your nig now and we will lay it aside . not$
yo,, need it.
This season of .the year finds our wallpaper stock, in
some patterns, greetfy reduced. in fact many of the pat
terns are reduced to 9ne, two or three-room lots and these
lutist he cleared out.
Therefore we offer this week the fdllowtng values:
Clearing line of semi -trimmed wallpaper 9c roll
Odd stock selling from 15c to 20c roll for 121/2c roll
Odd stock selling from 20e to 30e roll for... 171/90 roll
These are all 22 -inch papers and the finest of Stann-,
ton's Semi -trimmed Wall -paper -
Measure your room and make your pttrehaae today
from these value•
Phone se The S. A. GRAY CO
Phone 56
NOM N - tlooEitics
Price's - Specials
nor onia, 3 pkgs. 23c
for a14
"Rittoo, 3 pkgs. for 23c
Rodpath's G,anulated -
Sugar. per cwt. $7.55
Cornflakes, per pkg. 12c
Dates, per lb.
Goode delivered free
lour orders solicited
W. Price
Grocer, Clain Ave,
Phone 354 Goderleh
MAKER. the largest !moored man In •1,.• world, acid:
first reason for insuring when I did was that then I was
lister • ! and I couldImmunitybe cef[alWb1 Immunity from accident or
ill -hes and It might he that at some future time I would not be
insur That was the first step to the building of mf_ sixty-
two es,"
It a ,two policies were good runnel WaaanaksR taluk of a
little "to protect your dear Bala At host►.,
The Empire Life Insurance Co.
TOR4)NT( )
t)lstri t Mannger
(', 1), BF.N1C(IGEige
WiS tltlr.I fr,
FROM rywhere come reports that the de -
m Sailor Ties, Oxfords. and Strap
SlipperN it season hold the lead in quality and
beauty dn►io
We „the tidiest nattiest, most wearable line of
shoes .round. The selection is No cl.tencive that
were rr11' can please you if you'll only let us try.
Kase. Pee and perfection of fit are strong points in
our f r All the new loathers and the latest styles are
now e':ek. For the boys and girls we are showing a
ve ;,T,,; ortment of footwear at the lowest possible
Orlisidi of Square : : • Goderieh