The Signal, 1925-5-28, Page 3r Clubbing Rates The Signal can save you money c n almost any newspaper or periodical. Rates on request. 1:• ate-? fa ?Tinitng For JOB PRI at te:•+aonable prices try The Signal You will get prompt and efficient semis* TIM SIGNAL PRINTING 00. II. MITT. rtthllsbass . GODERICI, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1925 SEIENTY-EIGHTH 114R M. 22 Unlimited quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SAIL at $3 per single cord. delivered. THE GODEAIOH MANU)FACTURiNG CO. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St. Phone e1. ) HOUSES HOU868 All kinds for sale. 1f you intend buy- ing a home it will pay you to see the houses 1 have for sale. I have than at all prices. from $700.00 up Some real good bargains on easy terms. Drop in and see me. P..1. RYAN, Real Estate & Insurance Phone 30 R. GEORGE Real Estate and Insurance HOUSES FOR SALE 1 have a good list of hooses, large and small, good bargains with small cash payments and reason- able terms, so tl you intend buying a home see me before doing so. If you wish to sell your hones elnictly give me the particulars. Leval Agency for Life. Fir., Automobile and Accident Iassraace Office: Nerds Street (Opposite Signal Office) 'Pbone 434 Rea 424 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada' You awe it to yoiiwell, to your . dependents and to your loved one* to buy Life tnentrance and to buy k now. Consult u.'. • I'].R. LONG. Dislaiok Aria Goderich Pbone 115 CRAIGIE'S INSURANCE aaeiREAL ESTATE r(► ttF ere ' 2 -story, red brick. fully mod- ern S-r.rom.•d bonne. garage. situated on the corner of Elgin Ave. and Stanley street. 1 -story. frame. 7 roomed cot- tage, furnace, cieetrt.' light and•lath. garage. Furnished 6 -roomed dwelling. all conveniences. within one block of Square. immediate po*sesslen. • A rtmrut.- A rooinii. electrlc tepee and 1rtb. located on 8,111111e. lmrueruai.• poseesslose\ J.W. CRAIGIE Confederation Life Association A Policy for Everybody We (tart tit your needs 0. J. CAVANAGH General Alp nt North &feet., Goderieh Phone 438 Box 426 Hotel Tuller DETROIT soo Rooms - soo Baths #250 per Dar and op ARABIAN RESTAURANT' GOTHIC GRILL CAFETERIA TEA ROOM GC. SCHAHTZ, Gw. Mgr. Short Lessons in Lawn Tennis By CAPTAIN It. INNES-TAY1.0It_ (r Yttd6MT.) telurui letltush.0 takes It Just a littleM•low' � . 1/a to lh1. the height of the net. It la 01 'piulon 111/41 111/• 11.4,1 height to take 1 it N on 11 11114 w•1111 the net. Always meet the ball: a.. not in It move you. 11/ other words attack It. ,10 not merely stop tt. Let the rac- quet follow through 1u the' (Brett op y1111wcsh the lutll hi"Ffl'..It is ins- - portant to be 'able to run hick and forward quickly and to get Into posi- 14• Ilse Lai 1 hand drives by kilosking the Inde thin. If possible, before the hall res Ir 8houbi yopf. opponent rust up to the I against a 111auk wall, as Wilding .1011 eh.•. y.lt. Fu that 700 can walt for it met evil "herpes, there iretwo thing to his early days; this Is not only tiee! utd then cook. ao eel twat way to perfect your stroke. hut . In Anlgiuc rune stthsttMeQw!t !s retugoodro. - will Or.. your eye proper training and a 1.rn,11,,, r1/ /As,. 1,y VMrwrif against., you can do. Either lob the hall over Ms head or. If you ale export enough, eudtwvor to drive so fast and aecur- ately that you pass hill down the side line without your Ist11 going out of the court. The mistake most play- ers make In lobbing is that they d0 not bit the ball high enough in the air. A pool lob should la• well mit drop ;mar the corner of the base line The Armstrong Real Estate Insurance Agency Isis (Stn Life), Accident and ._. Auto Insurance and Lots in Goderich and 1fielnity, and Farm. for Sale Special f.,r 'Ale this week,very Mt a 'M- anee, wt h or,.• acne of land, g„,d ' soil, u which there are about 50assorteda>rted ttt tit treys*, also grape. and 1 -mull (mite and” a good ganien • clot. Located tooth Sunset I(o- 0.1, fine yak( view. ` Price for gtt{ck sale, $S50. teach you quite a bit about the honu.l er atilt, always treiug to hit the ball of the ball and Its flight through the i1/ the c(11tr,' 41f 1h, rno•giuet. {i11et1 air. The latter are two points t.. roei'irina do nut suit ((11 the Lall- atudy. You have to judge the di-- starts dropping• 'Ink.• :1 at the top enure 4111 every stroke. for if you let „f the hound. and if a man 1s bestial the hell get 100 clow• to yon. v..0 will you e -11h a loss's' twit s,•rrlosc step not Iw able to "drake freely. into It and take it on the rltlh, ai 21. Pace inkling and Parke did with lie' of reach of your opponent and should A great tuauy players eonaider that Langltlin's service. when the) heat far pace it is aeceaaary to use the film. ,u your opponent's court. from which vernal, and although both the, wrist 23. Running Round the Rail Au -- point tt is much more difficult to and forearm play an important part J. D. Anders.,n. th.• famous Au make an effective return titan from i1/ adding pace. in that they help to iratlan player. has this f1a say about the centre court. Rise the proper top 141 the ball at the a luau running round a ball to play The Kinsey brothers of ('alitonds Iso moment be hrinalna the racquet It on his str.mg *isle -'If 1 have have been ranked, In the last few above the ball. It Is. however. the time h net the ball on my forehand. rears quite high in the United States proper use of the body awing and fol and know 1ha1 than I can make a dr nn•I their success L much due to of law thruttab with the ra('ourt that I tr k why h0nid 1 not do l'.lye stroke. teethe lobbing at the right moment.! really ielves"lspsed to a return. viii When one thinks of Anderson** They lob high and put a bit of run -1 S. H. Smltlrprobably had the finest f..rrhand. with the terrific dere-be ning under -top on, which makes the forehand drive that has ever been .gets on 1t. one is alm.et inclined to hall jump forward when it hits the seen In lawn tennis and his wrist answer this qu.'rt with. Tei, 5117 ground. Colonel Foulkes, who has i was quite firm at the time the stroke not Y' won more c•hamplonahlpw than any ; was made. Smith. 11y tbet way. never But I don't agree with the general other Canadian, relies much 0n the' took any notice of the man on the Principle of running around, a lob. at which he is an expert, and other aide of the net when playing stroke. There are. of course, times which has enabled hlm to defeat a shot. partie'ularly If he was run- when you get an easy ball on your many fundamentally more brilliant Wag up to flu -Met. He would 'Jam -when nd that you feel you could till players. lr send his return down to a curtain with your forehand. Then perhaps 24. Farley Strokes I •1s•t as fast and as truly as he could the taking of It on this side Is Jnatl- 1 cahoot lmpresa too strongly on: and whilst he was playillg on the fiel. But that is only one In a 'thou - my readers the fallacy of attempting English, Davis ('cop team defeated sand shut.. As a rule you wtll'aigt- fancy strokes. The simpler and or- ; quite easily the Is -.l volleyer. that4 Rb . get yourself n much Ont of pre thtsloz strokes are much easier to, the United Stain% hail._ 'Mimi that vette leave your court wide leant and much more effective Int Perfect timing w Rh holy awing j cion for ii -fain driving return. - - practice. and the player who make.. a i and follow through. have more to do phlnt of attempting slashing strokes, with page than anything. • 11. L. Do- i all the Buie and hitting the ball BA 1 Leel)* got more paec on the ball with __ 'bard as he can. 1s sure to mak( a � less effort than ally player I have failure of the game. ever seen. just fromtwrfat•t steordin- it will take ° you thousands of pr1le 311011 of theme principles. the strokes to learn to tpetster one l oaf est ke elfectirili And It 122 Where to Take the Rall the (0rrp(t -distance from the fp,' ort Ten's -4200 down, , , I:; bed- 1 ann• on easy is Immediateant ,e.r,len given. I r :i'1 particu- lars see .c write J. W. ARMSTRONG Air we Pomona' F air \ 1'. (S.ltmt-- 89 _Tot4rrkll Oat. � Millinery Sale • Friday and Saturday and following wefk Small Hats at half price, ranging from $1.95t4$3.50 j. Large Hats in the bright summer shades, at $5.00 - These are exceptionally good values and we have a large stock to choose from. We advise you to take advantage of this sale. UNIVERSAL MILLINERY -- Cor. East St. and Square, Goderich tSmoltfe-po tfi employ m tDo not delay a sow size. saran regular gawks roman amount tial sum. a'v One dollar opens a aasatat--t at a the Union Bann. Wits small a aubst an - Bach of UNION BI OF CANADA (:0dsrith Branch -F. Wooleombe.• MS • ..1111...•+•..-- ..�.-....r..�.�. r Not only that: you jtave to run around so reiltlay that as a rule you do not get pair feet into correct po- sition to take the boll it- the line of De, Donald Uasiillivraty. Itap_Free.� to l' t Io .tales, in retSening 1 i 1r., mouths earlier than , originallf roll pistillate. and will ll NIA I'anc..11fwr on )1/i 11th: firs. Mae -I Glhllvray will f4tliew o1/ Septemiler� 4th. Auotber paragrai,h Ia-The 3,.*:( to • states: Just before sailing fro` Eng- land fur Canada, Dr. Donald Yw Nvray preached :u Bos.'y Tru, v, Dartmoor. In the church where Mb Maca:illirray, NN a girl, played tits organ. At Britol, be was the guest of Mra. Timothy Richard, whose hus- band he suceeetied in the work of the Cbristion Literature i 4'I.'fy ,.f china. India Pekoe Teas SOUND BANKING Direct importations from the Darigan gardens Darigan Brand PROTECTS THE C ►MMUN1TY `".. A trial order solicited �•.. 'C�'H'w.' ..rp..,. ; .7 1 -- �I' Ask Your Grocer jS k r. ,4147 itis . , Nj. • James Lloyd & Sons Exclusive Distributors its eight. For - it must he remembered -- that i1/ taking position or stance for a abet volt have to piles yourself 14 t ox ro will take year e1'en- Jtot as- mesh ()fur Thera 1s -nn. ,globe that the _beat slteie tett hart ,v nib) piayed. v117_1141 to acquire proficiency In any fancy 1 itoaltlon to take Nte hill tet tts bound the spare between your feet seen -riling .lrukes. As the latter can at hest be is above the kn:r• a: 'west. H. L. 1k- t41 the amntyynntkof power yo !mead to used only occasionally in the mune t berry. one of the world',( greatestput on the ba1L The wider you have of a came. iron would need to iiave players. always took the hall Just , your frs•t apart the niore power you nnttmited_lim1! 5t }tnur...d1T.Ek.In- :doer' his waist. considering 11 host -have in -your stroke. ak it mate.* a 1e•e1, to warrant your devoting 101111 1.. strike ft at the very ' top • Its firmer f1Wfi i n :.tt,uti'on to them. 1 T bound. Tilden takes the ball .Jut n 1'raetise your forehand and lack- 11ttte above the height of the net and -(Ti' let motioned) $50,000 Goderich Salt Company Limited Head Office: Goderich, 0,. t. 20 -Year 7% First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds Dated 15th May. 11)25. D11' Lith may, 1945. Principal and half -yearly coupons (151h May and \otcniber), payable in current gold coin of Canada or 1I. equivalent In b►wfnl money of ( :,nada at the holder'. option at 11w• Main Office of the Standard Itanit of ('shads, Toronto and (.odcrirh. Bonds Mil) he registered as to principal. Denominations : $500 and $1000 - Provision is made for a yearly sinking fund. commencing May I:dh, 1926, sufficient to retire the issue In full al Maturity. Callable in whole or in part at the ('ompany's option on Sitty Days prior notice at 105 and seemed interest. Trustee: The Toronto General 'frusta Corporation. Legal Opinion: A. 1.. Malone of Malone & Malone. Toronto. CAPITALIZATION Authorized tanned 8100,000.00 ;60,000.00 Common Stock 8100,000.00 First Mortgage Bonds (this Iamas) r • • • • • • •.• . .... $60,000.00 L- Busines: Goclerlch Salt"CiIIDpifiY Ltmtr-w ti' ttpeerateT dYd1[r euulpped-01erii BiiT Plant. comprising 3 acres of property. on w•hlgh Is situated two, Arena_ and plant. consisting of Vacuum fans, arisen Pan, Dairy 31111. Boiler House. C.oper-10op,11'ater Cooling I'ond, and Stor- age Buildings. as well as considerable Hailway Trackage. The (*swam, pots up an grades of Salt and their product is sold throughout the w hole of Canada-EBT-bouschofd pnrpos('(t and to Packing houses, Tile and Hewer filo \Mauufaeturer.. Steel Factories. Laundrk•s, Soap Makers, Tanners. Cloth Manufacturers and also to Farmers for land and Bottle. Orer (100 cars of atilt are being shipped each year by this plant at present. 2. Assets: as at Deeemher 3111t, 1924: Fixed Assets, including Real Estate, Plant, Mach Inery _ & Equipment as per appraisal of Canadian Appraisal Company, Ltd., (re- plarement value of Plant $1R4.45.3.24.) N.t. Curr Assets (after delucting all ilabilitlea)� Curt 1140.4111.:; A Total \ ,sets $ 40,675.00 $180.0771k. (Oyer $3,7tlf1.o*) for each bond outstanding). 3. Earnings: The average net earnings of thls Company over the past sus years have been more than three times the annual bond Sinking Fund and interest requirements. 4. Security: The Bonds of this lasue will be secured by a Specific First Mortgage on all the fluted asset- of the Company and are a Floating Charge on all the Current Assets. 5. Insurance: The Trust Deed provides that the Companyi shall Maintain Insurance payable to the Trustee. on its !Wed plants 1114(1 egtft,►mrnt at feat our yr: ('n.-fnmtram•e. nernrttinq meths ttg ares of the Canadian Appraisal Company. Fire Insurance now carried amounts to $130,000.00. We hare purchased and offer the above lame, when. nit and if issued and received by no. sub Jett to the approval of all legal detnlls by A. L. 74ta lone of Malone & Malone, Toronto, and subject to approval of Toronto General Trusts corporation for Titled Trust Deeds, ete. Price: Par and Accrued Interest Huron Investments Limited Masonic Temple Building GODERiCH :: ONTARIO BANKING FIFTY YEAF.S Against -That THE fabled years of ancient Egypt's 'fulness and famine the striking lessons found' in other historic facts and natural life processes establish saving among the fundamental laws upon which Nature makes her ,sure indict- ments. Follow your natural per- sonal instinct to "lay by in store" by -adding regular installments to .a savings account in the. Standard Bank. H TE STANDARD .BAN K .---w OF CANADA GODWRICH BRANCH C. L. Jackson, ilfanagvr aresnh.. ale,e .t 9.yfwld and Duninnnen I'he statements contained herein are based upon Informatfi.n whieh we b MI(re to be reliable, although we cannot guarantee their accuracy. • 1' , e k 1/t 2 ri e,t4leta&mal' - .r SOUND BANKING PROTECTS THE C ►MMUN1TY `".. (. 44 v p f �•.. 'C�'H'w.' ..rp..,. ; .7 1 -- �I' jS k r. ,4147 itis . , Nj. • ,. 'rv' t $1 ' _bra i• "( 4'1'•• R' v . I.. + .50,1'1, it + 111 y .fit �r • .rsn�>dt�lr,, , • +` 7t a,,tor rsf .; �. . "1T pie .*, ,.V Jr HIS bank works constructively and conservatively for the protection of its depositors and the community as a whole. Because the Bank of .lou,trral for more than a , ertury has endeavored to do this, it has come to he regard: 1 .hrough• out the length and breadth of the Dominion as a sound. safe and friendly institution. _. - There are six hundred branches of the Bank (f Montreal. Each branch has the srrengrh. stability, experience and services of the entire organization. Make the nearest branch your banking headquarters. Talk with the manager on matters of banking or buseness. Write to him_ or call in person. You can bank with us by mail. - ' lliaiil'ifk re Small Acconnrs 4t, Wetettttar-t-'r`- BANK OF MONTREAL Established over 100 years 'Vital Assets in excess of 17oo.000.000 e k 1/t 2 ri e,t4leta&mal' - .r