The Signal, 1925-5-28, Page 2.;e
l:ITABLIS116:1) 1648
Member •t comedian Weekly News-
papera Agrseiad•s
L'ubllshed eery Thursday morning.
Subacrier,.•u price 32.110 per year. To
United .sects and t„reign Countries,
$2;s, per year, strictly in advance.
Telex S3 : Goderich, Out.
di.•llobertaon, Editor and Manager
104 TYluraday. May ':.a, ]t1
Meru the eoi Inas les for ha rlw•r•
You Cannot Surpass
■ asst
Its luscious freshness & rich strength
mage it finer than any Gunpowder.
Japan or Young Hyson. Sold ever7-
wheru. A.K for SALADA to -day.
Auxiliary Formed MI (',tinction with
Nw1-taluturring ('hunk
On Tu•'sday, May 19th, !lie.
eleventh and last annual meeting,
1 -prior 10 entering the United Church,'
of the Maitland Presbyterial 1V.1M.
Society watt held lu Lucknow I'resby•'
t -rim. church. with a large attend-
uucr. •Mra. IIirknew presided over,
the utes•ting. Reports given by the
set•retarlra of the various depart- I
tarots showed .+tl-fsetury progress.
Mrs. W. Murdir, delegate to the fro-
vincial Society meeting lot Londou,
gave au exre11eut report.
Mrs. 1;. M. Johnson, president of 1,
Toronto 1•tesbyterlal, wit. present and
addr.•s-w1 the meeting. giving her
fmpre'salone ut the convention which
sea.. held ruiner the •auspko•i of the
foreign mis.lun boards of the United
State. and ('anada In Wadtlugtwt.
Jai,uary 311th to February 2nd.
I ulk,wlug the regular meeting a
sod risers •n (Iotas o rause
i u 14,1 scare one was 1 he •t I tl»•sal and on 11M MillitJaod. lettere W Contfnutd
t11!'d, There. a few year. later, be
1P , to lit! and where last Saturday be
tete of lmotne-- 1a -t ,,...•k•rMr tilt. other he a •'oneertatire.
Mel Lep • t 1duir"I'' 6' "'Puri"' I* 1""rti: Anothet oink merger ire announced. ) ,rwlor. who stlryto- 1um, togetherlarge number of the dt4egate. with -
be I'ou•I•rentite• ;eater. in . • • bnrugbt bis bride. Mir. 1L1ry Lleruetr
•with seers drew and assembled In lit. Peter's
oftheir family of alae.
what ate alt the • for? Are this. Thfa flee It i. for Royal Beak Mt+ foie No and riser dont/liter.. two'
now Nortel. ter #K they simply JDen hank w hi, h have $ m. The
r � etre i''. •' ��'-+wYr hariug ppreleto•a+ed hi
ordinary tbeae•barn•1' svrtt•u." roate•l. ..r. to put it more ripllcItly, :ember of the family are: ('harp's
Use ..f thew. vee•s mot for the her- 4un•hame of the Union Rank by W., Howard and Mrs. George Leith-
bor of boder;• . and Mr. Meighem the 3 write and Yrs. John A. Turrautrr of
own that the /:oyern-la'.Royal iia k has heed arranged t t
mu-, have known
tient in this tare was appr,01111 wl shareholderm of the two basks. Tbla F.d. of Mast Fotdwk•b. Harry oiled
woii.•c far walk In a eronstlturn't I ea •battKed Nankai '• rag! yevlrr ago and Frank, t
uya n - 1 . , I:(od(•rl.•1L•LSet•nshlp: lll.,a Isar .erte a
and awaits only the approval of the ;orae• tsilli Wllllam of ltol.wwortit and
rt. 111 1 1 t
that i• not represented by a mit l"•' 1 Canada. Thr
w e$VP nay a «al a member of the d.te•tive force
of tea (;overamr ut. It this ,. • ra- In rt. haring beeomOM ;.ls` Tomato. was shot by a burglar
mut were goverutd b7 tl,• Tork Gino twenty mergers la the kat Owen- l while alp In the performance asst its dutyMrµ Brussel.; 3rd tier -president, Mrs.
av b• • ago. Aruell. ; 3rdter : 4th vhdent, siders.
Anglican church, which was tilled to
caPlcity. After devotional forret....
Mr+. ferric, as convener. complete)
the orgaulaution of a Presbyterial of
Maitland to work in .'onne•tiuel with
the Woman*. 1(ts-lonary Ws•iely of
the continuing l'r.•+doyte•rian church.
the officers being: Pre•aidett, Mrs.
Perrle, Wlugham ; 1st vice-pre$ident,
Mrs. Coombe, Klurardlue';- 2nd vir -
presldenl Yrs. Alex. t(traughau,
�" .. `esti" idea, it would lest• the bar-. ty year'' Rh11. stxb moves m Catherine Harriet lldwndsg of , an- Mrs. M• alt•1C.•nzu, Iwxhalsli, oolr
" Iia jusliaod as tepelfng to "Ilaanela'. ata•, s/orrtun', Mee. litre,
Mor g (lodt'rleb to be regi•"t'vl at. It 1 trouser. Ii('.. la the baa meg.btr-of' . v rt•,s{onding
WM. sprang the ]ietg►11 lin
tromd Ill• t_bil' • ," k b doubt that
1,ublk hMhnwn f mil Warr present mswtthshlID Matplrr,�Klatarelinrg srrntary, lilts.
at♦ there �O l of cors family. treasurer.. Mint
frrllu& le opp os d to 1 tFi• mergers. {I y
and is +x'}" and it will be tattler -ui 1 ever for wttwl tier wad- ==1 kis ittr Nieloolt . (Eauth Kinlaeel Itil•
i p ,rtK ' n •wc •'•�••o'••a' k•* •ettftrrd mWh, hr 8. i.uc•know : ?llwsl,m Band fee rotary,
tam ,ovcrulnest Ip• nu 1 those win agitate for dro+sic -
frog. this riding, or how this comity, E i was never known to 4-omptaln• but bort.
1t halt made large aVVroprlstlons far change, in Ognada'- 1•anklag argent, it all with calm sereuitr, thinking
d the harbor to to .win recru
its f"r their proposals.. more of those about him than of him -
the tmpr vement *Mt. as had been his lifetime habit.
w'hethe'r loch Ireeps,wl. err wive or
provtole the aa+'mulswlatlon repulsed I To know r. W. Williams wee to re-
pot. I .pert and admire hitt for hi- sineer-
for the growirrr trade of Ibe Is'r(• • • • • I Icy and simplicity, 111. kindly, ourt-
A dlratv.sion of the Item In the r•+- cent manner and him integrity and up -
The King Goverueseti to engaged
for cioderldt barter-re•pair5 I
rightneao. lir w -as indeed, a "gentle-
aad ,a,provements, 31744.luwf-.•om• is a laudable effort to break up the; man of the old .ch,ol," and 'modern
Atlantll• -hipping combtae. all. effort youth aright Irani witch from wash
1 with a ethic -t from Mr.
wbieh the (',•n.ervative ,bleeders of man.
Bop, the Contort:.rive whip. for an Mr. Williams was an .Aatgllcan and
1'ue'au''t d• for 50014 re1/.•.n toot
--rF eapwa0181 of lir g,. rt4iih, he alt Isla lite, urhll *1'l.e. weer wtth-
` „aid• rolled for a large .nm of n •y, kO"`��W th.•msrtcea• acct lietermtr.,d drawn. was a ihember of the Holiwte-
1►r.. King. the Al Mister of 1'ubli,. psaalble hr 'thwart. It has berm trifle ckureh. During blit' Illness he
tabllabtd beyond gn••+tItm that ..bre was trlalted by tbP Rrt
Works, gave the following exidatn-
lion: ("nibble has In('ree•ed shlppiag retro
TIN. amorutt .f $1:11.000 is requiredeanrmtm.ty, so that. ua lir. 3darshldl
to c-ontinue the development of God -
pointed out' at the»oral tae,eting
rrIch harbor eonlalea,•ed h1 1!'.2 23. nt Wingh:tm nn Tin -slay. a is ho
The work proposed for 'ii*2 i �•; 1a as longer true -fn so far is. shipping
4 2
aero.+ t1tP at antte is eutxFent 1 -`Fat
t•neral repairs to exist- water transport la ehealwT than oto•r
Ing piers $ 11,.100
1.. B11kt•,
of at. Pant's church. clintou. and alta, lugs were presented by Rev. .1. S.
by Rev. A. V. Walden, pastor of the Hardie. .t hearty standitig cote of
HolIu41r111e Methodist church, whose thanks rte• given to the rot -tor and
fisit. were equally apprt•t•iato!. The warden of St. Peter's ehatreh for per-
former ,o•ndueted the funeral w,ryie.e. neknlon to .nae their ehnn'h and for
whirl' was held at the family home on the kindly ree•ption. given. I)(•co-
as +Jftertioon. The remain. wen-- 41.•nal-xe•reirs coudndr-tl a must en-
reve'reatly born.- to their last resting,; fEutc nktlr meet11*.
are in I linton ,•m
•ulrry by his four+
sella transno rt .by earl. ?I r. ;Ines) ls and two so
eu•-in-law. The fun-
Ronstrutt ni in noir. esti was vers. , ,...•Iv attended. neigh -
Mrs. • l.lukl..tet. Tesowater : Iloule
Helper.' st.•retary. Mrs. Situp -on.
Mole -worth: supply secretory. Mrs.
Ik ugla.. Lucknow ; magazine
se•retery. Mr.. Porterfield. Wingliam;
laws secretary. \Ira. ltd. M ' Vhinney,
1 htrtgannon ; at rangers' secretary,
Mrs. 11. Merit•. Wingham: library
and literature se•retary, Mrs. Elliott.
',Vinghato. tone hundred and wren
delegate- answered the roll call,
reprt'auting fifteen auxiliaries. '
An incitation was extended ,to the
1''trrial by Brussels auxiliary to
hold the annual meeting in MN ha
Brussel.. :i matador of the tueaibeni
of Pr...briery-wen• present and gr.'et-
for( -,d eonerete of ,4(141 " - - all gs4 tnsta0ee softer Instant., tit bor.' and friends from far and near
Moral 00(1 feet of river show that , for re(Wol 41.tanr1•at - the •''•41'.145 to toy their !oat tribute of --
Ireakw•ater 811.(l0U .oil e,( .hi pa 4•$44 a'rna.. the .�'- "'+{s.t to Due whom they Aad hoed WHY program in leri,•f w.rk of
Three new mooring cribs n lif•. May :ti. 192.5. n-4;1; a Se•to•ne•tndy.
across west 41.1 444 -Lamar 18100" was _mm tl greater' Ikon, that ,,f I - N.T i. General Ele•trie 1.11141411v
parlor 33.1100 bringing the eattIe to twainrt by rail. 7111 kilocycle -to 1370_:4 mer.•r+1, Ea -rosea
4i, Towards dredging Inner
.' ota(1iat ninnnfarfnren have sate GIVE CONFIDENCE 'untwisted time.
Ser -
harbor and entrance lay. May 31. lo:u► a.n,�
. ••r -
channel to 23 fe t 4 -4.1. mitred evldene• I5.•fure the 1':tr
Iw1te1 4. snit $1:,.5,:11,•1).. 75,1100 ,wiitnry' v'Inmitt•••. .Ii,c'ratlgattug •
- subject ahmt•lug . Increases In •. c.
Tool utmost required for rnt0's ranging too hiSA e+ 7.1%11 I•, 1 1
.• ilr_S-_It
-Tiii ar.(110'
he improvements that sr.. to be over t11.' rate= :n 'fon,.10 1:.11. 'f....
made will be taken udcantn're• ..f 1,3.I ort• alive !tient 1n
•n,ia t-•• �
the farmers ih that section as u.•1l ,,,•4 a- if 11„,. w -,•r,, 4 ,.,• ,
ley other-. ThI- 1s nor a new work' -o
•the •hlpi,lu .mbini', rath.r_'ha.+
lowing been In existent Lor many
years: we are mert•ly keeping it in bleak after :!u• luN•ft.+t's ..f .1,...
shale. It would not .• the iulrt ..f !.f Cannda. The matter
wi,410m to let it deteriorate. iorate. for the 114,4 t'itiili' t,mi. for th. r, I I
harbor 1s important not only to tiro
la$ peeilile' lent teethe grain trade nil..
1111.11. -A trnuiderabte art h-ity i. 14k-
- _ 1I [,lace !bore.
lu Ieply to further gti'stlonln5 1.3
3Ir. Rork. -etre itinl.T.•f etpiainrnhal
additional mooring faeilltles were re-
quiredfor winter •telrng.• vcsaela.
. The member for North Moroi;. Sir..1. ,'vitt• i -u,.
11'. King. gave the House further 1u -
formation as folluwa:
Mr'. Chairman. 1 imppen to know
about the tout of . the elevator works
1t the town of (1oderch: Loot year
a peltate eTllcr expended 3.155,-
titter on them. 1 want to tell. my west-
ern friends that (lwcrlelt harbor 1s
jn-t as r'esentlal to them as it la to
ft'-. and that fast year. n; the• Minn,-
ter-ateted. we unloade•1 Z;.4NI(1,0(Nl
bushels of grain there. That grain
snpj+lied the farmers of western and
sb utllwesteru (httu rio• and prat -Oval-
ly all of It (same from the We.t. So
that (:alrrl.•lt Is not a 1.s-11. it la :t
natbuuld undertaking. nod woe would
not like to sir anything Interfere •
with the properll•VPlnllment of the
hnrlor. 111e• r.•a•on for this large
vote is tont the woolen br/wkmtter
belw•s•t the Maitland ulcer and the
harbor being In a rery de•ayel 14,1141-
Goon. 11 la nerr•..wry to rebuild 1t In
concrete. and mules.' this work Is done
Immediately it w111 take fifty dollar•
t0 d0 what one dollar will efforttray.'
-Iter t repent to hon. members that the
farmer. of western and southwestern
Ontario are altogether dependent on
this harlot for their feet aro ht : and,
1 armed also Inform theta that Toth
the Canadian National itailway and
the. motion Parity Railway have
lines eonntrting the harbor with the
rest of Ontarlo.
The Item , wet finally eta aael. -
ry'ing t�.\derrh'p J1n ••rls•t•' 4:
an.itlhin_(nlntt.__iL1.h,• •r.p;, ._'
•anpntlI i1rhto he tfIowe•.1 : •
un4ifitdled cult, Tho .or.11,14'•:.•
•imnhl rei-etpp ltteonr(g,•m••41r 'n 1,.1ilittietlit t -k it has, nn•lerta:.. •
. Nein, .nloiee .t
,.tv rt L
slm el'• - •i -ato remedy fur the
onim..n t,:- of ,•hit.!„ should be
1..44 he ,-(T loge where there is it
',ale: - y•.nn4r ehtld. soften It Is
•„ giv.• chi• Ifrle one a,1me-
'•r'•itk up a cold• 811.ey fever.
...i;.. ..lab aomueh nal 1,4 the
that 0.•.4 1144tule: 410• ,'al-
;lyiL.,I teeth. : t_: 1P1•h'm9•d mot tier'
keep i
Itn1 y e iw'4t a WOs iii 1nnl for
,,,{,_._.,.r !t 4: rynovi'l Itn,l yming another. eon
frs-s .• with T 1.•t of the Tablet -
'realty•r•geocle•. 'fie Tablets
,►t�=.t.=.ixiFi-itnt i11,rough 11xa1t!4, that
not ,rlth..11 griping noel they are
ft.,.. f.„mo
opiate+ or other harmful drug.. They
are .old do: all dn•ggl.ta 0r by mai'
r- 1.40(from The Iir. Wil
t _
If the oeather men hatt .1.olded to
quit fooling no will Sunnite!' kindly
proe...1 to nettle .olown and make a
good lona limit?
t14•e of let. (ietr1r'• t%p1.4.gs11 elourrh
t4 -be tools dr, • 11,•.. I;.r,rts• F. 14, nr-
bech. re•t,;r.
2:3.i p.111.-.%I:Y Symphony I lr-
011..t1a. 1.e. Kllw.•n, ,•induct. it.: Helen
Rld,h II...e,rw to. -bis.
44::144 1..01. - Service of St. ,;e,r5e'w
I•:plss''I.54 chart•,.
7:45 p.m- Program by Ifood 1'om-.
m,wlur• 4)r,•h.•.trn. tt,•rnlmrd 1.1•vitow,
r below: also b 7.
ruad.-a-t 1.y 117.
1,1:00p.m. Violin reel t,I by Godfrey
InM1ow : friss, hrs1dcast 1.y WJZ.. •
Monday. shine 1. 1:114) p.m. -Must,:.
talk. "l1-,rnthe I'411 of Flower. In
the Home. -by Prof. .l,I ,otte J. War -
Her. New York State College of Marcy
1: -„onUniversity.
.. Cornell
+.t11 p. m.-I(lun,•r program toy 11u-
• h•1 Ten F.yelt f)r-hr'sttn, Antony.
rot p--W4•ekly .tort ret'ie1' ley
-4 Harold Almon Bruce. atlllefle dire.•tor
•' `•t 0f f=trintr-t911o•gP.
^•nl YL•di,iu,• ,' ..'kdlb•, (Int.
Tel••gr:t 1n. a
' b 11. of
.a-. gnm
y imp
X :••.al engineer ,•paint+ that the W. 1..., ,Irl'arthv: Helen E. lturnla,
+.,,,,,,,•William Dunstan. tenor, Irene
We recommend Linoleum Rugs for hard
wear. Patterns are nen anti very pleasing
Superior quality. British make.
3 1-2 z 4 yards at each $17.95 and 518.95
314 yards at each 514.96
3 x 3 1-2 yards at each 513.96
4 yards wide Lc the running hard 13.80
One only each new sample. Size :lx:1 and
3x3 1-2 yards. Rose ground, neat medal-
lion pattern, very dainty and still not too
Tight. •
3x3 on sale ' 136.00
3x3 1-2 on sale $40.
One only Persian design, t ground,
3x4 yards. Regular $60.00; -ora le $4100
Fancy crepes, printed pongees, etc., in
latest New York weaves of material. Sizes
16 to 42 Ranging $9.75 to 518.00
Suitable for upholstering ear seats, et
A heavy standard cloth, neat grey Ina
stripe, dark pattern, will wear and splendid
30 inches wide at per yard 560
30 only bleached all fine pure Linen Irish
Damask Cloths, choice patterns, iu site 21-2
a :1 1 '- 'yards Regular $5.50; on sale •53.49
Extra heavy double warp Coco matting
for steps or verandah runners.
27 inches wide 89e
34 inches wide 890
:30 -inch pure silk Broadcloth in ivory or
white. bounders beautifully and will give
perfect satisfaction for Dresses, Stipa
Wail;is, etc. Yard 51.00
Soule very late arrivals in stylish ('!lata
for spring and summer wear. Variety of
fashionable materials. Specially priced.
515, 519 and 122
21-4x3 yards
3x31-2 yards
3x4 yards
t „r '.l 1. flat Haveic.• 00 to in.,
The notiwn of Brest Britain did
not in vain pr,te•t agafn•at WlnlRon
e'hltrchlll'. .111)1. on .Ilk gond.. He
has agreed to make drn.tie rcductlnna
in the duties. There wan a good deed
of kick In thou., .ilk stockings.
• • •
The death of J is 1'. Drummond.
Y.P. for Went Middlesex, make* the
third recency la the House I1 Com
ens.. Mr. Drammnod was 5 Pro
unwire. Sad of the two .,thee v.eant
' teltnom New.-lt,rord. May 14)
A ktudly.-rultnret gentle -Man pas. -
id tont Yellen 'Charles White lolling).
of. _1lotlFrirh township _ bre+a:1,4_1ns
tact at hi. home on the ,Ialth11ld cen-
t --ant on - Saturday hist after a
lengthy Illness. .\ caapi;• ..f year.
Ago-air-_-Williaut. wits *Weed leo g
hoilti;• ai f011141 dee-eq.-WY Thome. 114E
old Injnry. trouble which (.11?I nt•d
to /develop in sp!40 of :111 that merlleal
.kid} multi .M to control tt. and fin-
ally .I.-r1II444004 jus {a. -44w14i. _.-.. .-_..
Mr. Williams was the oat of
4'Imrles %Vhttl 1V111iam.. who ease to
Canada from England not a young
mane In the early half of the 19t1. .r•n•
tory nod who bought from the Can -
:1,11 I•outplay the fat 1in 4144(11 44411.')
Ili. sots diel on Saturday. Tit+ corm:
Englishman teas a son of en•i '•f 11:••
010 Fnzll-h faMille, - and_ was_ eery
highly .rlueat,dl. For acme y.Mr.-h.
Ihell the position of teai•her of snug
nage. in the old Grammar t44 t /Fe
finderiela 11111 14 was to that town that
1110 allejeet u1- this sketch was fern.
1 •4110' 144enty-..Tenth In tlitfct 111)4 to
1wwr the old family tame ..f .('harlr.
White. III. elt.•d slat also Moura it
and. In tial. hle little sou treble. tit.
{The Wlllinm. hat'.• leen pool.] „1
their lineage. witch they hate• back
• without a break for iw.•nty-.••r.•tt
I -generation.. and of their family cant
1 of ann.. They have in their posse.
.ion many fnmlly heirloom. which
hare been In the family for many.
many years. t44t4 of -Throe 1. a loeatitl•
fill minintnre painting of the late Mr.
Wllliema grandmother. who w'a. n
.tort dweuty in het -. patted 1.y
Sir imbue Reynobl TM* esrptlatte
piece of work havlifg been loaned for
nn art .Sitlbitlon' user In New Tort.
nttracttd 'the attention of Sir J. P.
Morgan, who offered . eery large
.nm of money for 1t for ht. miler
t10n. 14 was not fel .ale. however.
I and WAR highly prised by the grand -
seen of the original.
Mr. William. re•rive1 kis editor's -
then In the (i.wle•rich Grammar ikhool.
, where. among other.. the late ('Il.
Otter was a schoolmate. and when be
wad eighteen he returned to the farm
ngh ail that again?--Toronto1 4'" it p111111 t : talk by lis If. Naples -
hr. den.
4 Tm•adlty.. ions --2. 1 :00 p.m. -Music: play, "Peart• Stat,1114 ra ' by
THIS WARM .N•EATHKR EN- WI:Y'llatiiwe i'layers,
• SE.1(B11E L% OF LiGHT- 1 :30 p.m. -Organ n'Ie4iotta by Ste-
WEiGHT M1LK plica E. Itolaelatr. • •-
;sliest 1.esson.
6:011 p.m. -Albano Strand Theatre
I►r•htwtro. Julius Roxhorn. ronduetor;
Floyd H. Walters. organist.
0:35 p.m.-S&Jelnwere College Glee
Club culvert from First Presbyterian
church, Seheaeetady.
5:00 pm. -Poston Ilamilton's com-
edy. "The Silver Fog," presented by
WI:Y I'layero, Ten Eyck ('pay, di.
11:30 p.m.-WGY limbo:atra and
Marion Brewer. soprano.
l(aturday. June 8, ls:IS) p.m. --Talk,
"T11r Living Age," William Jaelh.
1,;10' pm.=Darter mush. by Hotel
Van Curler Orchestra. Seheneetady.
N. T. ,
,__t_xhurt time those of us who
jump straight up In the air to dodge
cue of Henry's }firmer. will two in
rlaniter ..f booing bit by one of Henry's •
Tera,_ umaha Bee.
Pa's a Rea! Fan
"Pa." .aid ('lare4s•e, "what beeomt•a
of a ballplayer when his syr -fight be-
gin• to felly
They make make an umpire out of him."
gr l. -,l his dad. -Exchange.
Baby's restless nights
might be avoided
Scalded skin and other .kin
troubles arecommou causes
of restlessness, and often
could be avoided by care--
ful bathing with Baby's
Own Soap. -
Its fragrant lather clean,. and
heals Baby's skin, and prepares ..
for restful sleep.
Red for g•• nasal Bets
Surnmer School
T. equip testate* t• n...t tl'. we. ..-
w{...e..t..f tea Dre+rea.-•t d Edn..-
1■ title wd).•t.
(Two ...lits senoras • a.A. Dee••• will
In ever fee tW..ens..I
Comma altered rtes Iw•.r.
Ci• &wink. i .'
r.a.h� :
,. Ln. Iaiwilsonwelo .
A .L.n814 serial sod
•• p.
th..urh.Yt t4• •n -
tire *is week•.
ao.YtYYI new Uni-
versity BY►leaee•.
Start en • B. A.
nowt St. 84.-
-Y•1'd 1 w..lw at .rade
awl recreation.
JUNE 29th to
1.• rnf.r•n•N•w
word. e4• Dewier. tie.
M. R. fi e.•en, Pe lir
CI. R. K.rdi.. Rater
5:20 p.m.-Adlire'•a tot "Somme Lea:
son. Taught he the 1924 1'enrh crop"
and "Fruit Itumnneoai' by Harold 11.
Tnkey. as -Abe -tate hortteniturtst of N.
Y. State Agricultural F.xpelment
R(atNwi. -- . ---
:4:39 p.m. -Dinner program by Ho
tel Van Coder 41reIl'stra.
6:35 p.m.-M.4IY Orcht•atrfi. -
7:14) p.m.-t'rogram from \Cano-
maker Auditorium, New York; *Tire
brnn,Ivast by WJZ.
5:111 p.m. -Studio program by WOY
()rehe•st rn.
9:111 p.m. -Travel talk. "Over the
lieven Sena ileo broadcast by WJ7
9::50 p.m. --Piano recital by Fllza-,
hest)) Winstrol: also 1rondeaa by
10:00 p.m.---Meyrt Da rim orelien-
tra, Washington. _J).(r..: 1114.1 hrundesat
by WJZ and 11'131'.
Wednesday. June 3. 5:30 p.m.-
i.('hildren'e story.
5:45 p.t.-Program by Albany
Strand Theatre 4ireloara..inlhts Sox
horn. conductor; Floyd 11. 1Va4ters,
0:3.5 oda.---"Book of Knowledge."
'Tfiiitwilh -111110 4. 1:110 p.ln.--
"jNn+ie: talk. °1-91. tof Dyes In the
How," Dora Wetln'rbe•, New York
{ State College of Home Economies;
('ornell- University-.
1:30 p.m. -Organ rental by Ste-
phen E. Hoiarlair.
5:30 p.111.-- itlnner motile by Hotel
Tett Eyrk 4)rche.•trn, Almay.
8:13.5 p.m. --"A -Few Moments wllh
New Hooka," by William F. ascot).
librarian General E1.etrle flompahy.
0:45 p.m.-l)ratnatle t•antata, 'Trial
by Jury." Hilbert .sad Sullivan. dlf-
reefed by William Fay.
7:141 p.m. --Marine 1ituid. Wa.hing-
ton : also hntaoieaat by WJZ and
W 11 4'.
10.30 p.m. --Organ recital by Ste -
',hen E. Polaclair. from Praetor'.
Hannam. Rlerker Hall. Albany.
Friday. .Inns 5. 1 :90 p.m. -"Fists
A1d" talk by Dr C. W. Woodall. of
Amerlean Vallee! Aaan.•iatlon.
5:30 p.m.--int.tnatlonal Monday
Tam and tertian is the enior ,•ntn-
htnetinn of the simple eneemhl,•
.k.trhed above. The n+e of stripes
ghee. a c.w,tnme that i• very smart
in effect, using only It. own material
for trimming.
The drew. of brown and tan crepe
ham a plaited flnumr In which the
.trlpelt run ,mauwt.e
The tan faille mat naps the ten and
brown parlors, .'repe for trimming. and
the turban le of brows satin.
"sifter every Medal
lAnrxtt:- ertcoavry the
children k' care lb, their tenth!
give them Wrigleplt.'
it restores flood particles
from dee teeth. Strengthens
the gums. Combats acid
Refreshing and beneficial!
Our new partial payment plan will table you to
make repairs now or remodel your home, o ce or store
and pay later in convenient monthly instalm its.
The same sound idea that is behind the p rchane of
a piece of property is back of this plan -s d wn y-
ment anti the balance while you are en�oy'ing use of
the property.
Thr same simple arrangements you would to
buy a vietrola, a vacuum cleaner, furniture or a cath are
allowed with certain improvement u well. No indoi•st_
melds to sc•'nre, or other atintiying red tape to go
t h rh.
This•• plan we have Worked taut saves you tke cost
tilat (ifto caused by further delay; makes it possible
for you t.. ithprove the appearance of your property new;
ItTltf flrrtr;.tell convenient way to pay -tor theist Iiininliye-
menta in small monthly instalments.
Let us lay our plan Wore you this week. No obli-
gatioh-is incurred. In this way you can judge for your-
self if it will pay you to Wait longer for those improve-
wetits fou have in mind.
Yours very truly,
P. 0 DRAWER 160 - PHONE 471V
Advertise in The Signal to increase your sales 'I
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Plumbing, Heating
and Tinamithing
to your entire satisfaction
Phone 431 Rayfield Rd.
Tires at Lowest Prices
Motorists- Buy your tires
from t'i,e tire man, who will
Ft,iaply them at the -
lowest prices ever quoted
in Godeh.
30 s 3 -2 Nobby' C:orricd, guaran-
teed lot 7000 miles $8.95
-301:3 1- 2 oversize Royal Cords
guaran,teed a000 miles
Riva; Cords $18.00
33 x 4 Rosa! Cords $18.75
All other .sines at correspond-
ingly low prices.'
Prieto, on Balloons given or
28 x 1 1-2 Bicycle Tires $1.65
H. J. FISHER, Hamilton St., Goderich