The Signal, 1925-5-14, Page 8TIM SIGNAL. GODERICH, ONT. 1 GODERICH DISTRICT W.M.S. Demote*. House In Tomato. TOWNSHIP COU>eiCIL MEETS AT HOLMESNILLs Alfa (Dr.) Brow* of Cllatui. f . 1 unit the delegate* with a vooa (,ODEIWCH TOWNAR111' f Auburn. 18 m very 11rt Haar* u District 'Report. %nether Suhstantlal mvluxlag manure told "pow" and Ttar township council met on ](oa ve btrrea.r in l.i\iugs • "why" we st hl study the "Blue day.. May 4. A letter tram F. L. 'Icier thirty -Mtn' 1 e•oII' ell lte».k �' f I 'Ferguson. Of the drainage depart - or tl.,_ t;oderlib District Women's A memorial seryter for the twenty meta of the O.A.C.. was rind. to the Mis•i.�•.ary Pis-Ii•ly of the Methodist members who beef passed on *tarp effect that if the council world pass Cher, :1 was hell iu 1I, nissvllle on hast tonteullnu was led by Mini Mar a byl■M to burrow $2(►p1.011 from the 1Y.l;iy.ML•ty. =. -rt.. nmber-of dele garet Retsetstoa. A few words of nit- (poverament at 13 per eevt. for dratn- ptea was the Ltrgest ,ter. tile ebarCh PrrGatfuu of cert, member had been age putjwsea for every $100 ,pent by brnnaey Lvl 10 .epw.lty. The program Prepared and +atilt hr and as their owners of land for drainage Me Gov - ass ul.11ftime and !umpiring. and the were read the tit egatlou role to their ernment would lead seventy -Ave per b•ep'taltty of the 11olmesville aasil- feet. Sped*i mention was made ever. at 5 pet cru%., tat do twenty lary Wa• all that could be desired. 1 of . Miss Holme. of Hulmearille, who annual instnllmPeta of 38.06 fur every The :tftrrneor ',Peskin opened at 1.30 in many years nerer missed a meet• 1 $1011. When there are suMeleut ve- o t Io. k. Nps. W. J. Andrew presiding, Ing. and whry�ed always twin nn ur ; quests the eounMl w111 set. )teases. and itt•t . .1. W. Medley eud Rev. W. iplration and n help. unit only to 'he. MacEwen. ('relgle and Salkeld inter- W.M. S., but 10 1110 whole (rommttalty-' R. (h esu ac trading In prayer. Tice clewed the constr.(' re gravelling the MI' •es of the 1924 meeting at Nen-1 The quiet half-hour Gdlowe Iwl road to Blue Water Bearch. This was - ' tor•' were read and approved. 1 by Mrs. O,'borne, spak-iug from l left aver for future discus+Inn. The Theta came the roll cafe of relit• lLrlsirn'..3vprlla. "T++k.•nnthonifbhfollowing account,: were ordered paid: larks& circles. mud hands Thla year Be not ever aux ..i.staarim' 1nt•renss in the amounts mut•h appreeistrd. aur .. m g its *tor i*% Golrrieh Star. printing, S2lEti.' ; r,„. thedi-trim has egoist n•hieved a things of this Rte. This Q1illlrrss Iwas I minion Road Machinery- Co.. for two i.mall graders. one road plow, and re - raised Ito the giving!. retit•wl(ret. pairing the 11 K R iter memtoer t g Goshen auxiliary again trade. Bea -I Miss Marian Irwin who has epee[ 11 th K 1 k •ka (!ran• wether, Mri. R. Beau. over the week - putt. Mrs. Trrlhen toy and t•hihlreu. et Guelph, spent a day or tn. with her parents. Col. and Mr* tamer. hast weeks- Min. eek:Mtn. W. lutluws Is home from the Gttderich hospital and is dello; as well as cut be expected. - Mrs. McBride. sr., is not Improving as fast as her litany friends would like to see. Mr. ('urwlu mud sit -ter, of Guderleh township. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fisher on :Sunday. Mr. Thumps 1Vilsun shipped Battle and Toned()hugs to Toned() Youday. r -air. and Mrs. ,lacers Girvin, of Nile. and Mr. and Mrs. M. !teed, of Lia•know, visited at Mr. J.rvi» Mc- Itride'» on Sunday. -Tompkins Hired Man." a drams in three nets. will be given in Smith's 11111 church OR Friday. May Li. cons - mending at R o'clock. Special MIMIC will be rendered between mets and a real trent Is In store for these who R grinder, SLtOd..ei7. The attend. mune en adjourned to meet on forth is tearto'. while Waley church, two years in the 'v u re Kay 26 at 10 a.m. as a eoutrt of r•- ST. HELENS intact 1 r •F to third ,tart mission at Neely Lake. .Ula•rta. ' vielon and for general business.. R. G. THO]MPSON. Clerk. CARLOW CARLOW. May 12. --'Mrs. W. Book and children, of Goderi b. visited r the Provincial meting ..f the I'res- a l s ■ e y t ie 1 made • .strong gate* for the study by The work of the circles and bands' the people of plea f y of conditions eras alto wets told. imd well repro-, the the foreign element }m our ('an - Rented 1 y theyouthful members sent to the ernoct•ntlnn, *dine West. She told svtnrthlug of The sum tote' row,' by anxlliales.I the murk of the mission wheal, how NnLs told lams was t4.ltir.,, it endravers to male Canadians of Every auxiliary also strut bales of Mad strangers within our gates. She elolhiug fir quilts to needy missions 'al'''. -tMtsed the vahte or the Natu•a or }»rs of home -canned fruit to •t I a1 Trniutng School at Toronto. as a religions and all-round school for girls. and els.. told of its reline to he W. M. N. as a training ,chew% for ✓ ones for missions. ring the election of offcera, Mrs. Hk•k.. of (loderleh, p.reetdel. She re - 1 the advance the dietrlet had Iqd heartily -endorsed the re - Mrs. Andrew (Auburn) auperint.•ndent. Mrs. A. Fb-au r MTil--iia • . , e on, alsd were re-elects �1oeeSive offices as ass- ent and se•retary- 1Ve• I'm. a FIN}: Benmii er sr(bu1: of best Nurseries ''"'t G.aI as in wrist.. .avis*..*, and pinks. Also a toll line of ANNUALS and We *ball bis pleased to *how you our stack, or if you phone your nrtler it will receive our careful attention. STEWART BROS. 'Phone Caries, 235 R. R No 4, Coderich E e - Maitland Golf Club, Ltd. Fees for Season 1925 Par Shareholders or Non -Share- holders, Resi.leni or Non - Resident. }roll mentis Lip for Gulf. Tennis- and r4.cin1....t ►.et Additional members of am1i 1 r G�f-'1runls- and Social. (ach .... 10.00 'remits end So,ial, each.. 1O.(sl Soda' not -playing mem ber, Bads Visitors, two weeks Vi.itere. per day 1.00 C. C. LEE, D. D. MOONEY, i•re•-Ment. Secrete ry-Treasurer. I'boue 280. 111 01) en 11 d/ particulars :nejakic:y i ick/ r/tC CONFEDERATION III.1I E ASSOCIATION General Agent 0 J. CAVANAGH Local Agent R. GEORGE P. O. Boo 426 Phone 136 NORTH ST., GODERICH Pima mod we. without siliptloe on nig •��et, a�raalrs of poor Double. Prataetbo joked'r made. eka tion at district -B. I`aYs. "Al Fowler. of Clllf) Pd to their is sistatrt supertnt tretsnrer. Thr., short paper' on prayer. giv- en by Mrs. Err■tt:- r'. Tiffin. and Mr... Pentland. were ery helpful. 'Ph.•n four !title .ippon, maidens from Holmearille 11,1 the com- pany wit It thiir rv•rv•i.c. Miss Lois Russe ll. ..n fort•.* China. wt.+ a most ttltytslo;r six Also sn ,arnesr and thunglitful Her work for the 1'a -t tic. years h Iswn teaeitu.g -girl. of high .shoo grade in the W. MLS. oris -ion. se•hool. They tench the 1111.1e throughout al: ;;rade* and tench home•bold .deuce. endeavoring tet. ing to train thew• girls- to inc nut. 1'h r!+fian Lnm.•s.. During the slipper hour Mr.. Wal - 41.•11 v.ke.I the welcome of the Heim.•!•- \illi auxiliary. Mrs. Drennan.. --at Crewe. rnnd�• a fitting reply. At -the -reerri tg-essesi ,.. 3?le..-Haiptt !Stevenson led the devotional exer- cis.w.. Miss Rn/0,'4.1l resumed her mes- sage from Chinn., and the young Jo - dies from Nile put on a -beautiful pageant entitled -The Outten., of leT. HELENS. \Icy 11. --Mims l.•rw ('lark I. hoot. . We are plowed to report that ter-. Clark Is improving uoheety. Mrs. Cumming and \ors. Gordon Were in Launder last week attending byteriau Women's MI, Zonary Society. Mr. Jur Dunitu bus tame.' At new Ford e•nr. Mr. Chao. Durgin alao � has a car. jr. and Mrs. Thibideau and fatally. of Wingham. inovel tato the village en Saturday. Mr. Thlbldean is en- gaged With Mr. Joynt. lfr. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mlt- e•heil and Mise Pearl Welwter motor - .s1 from Toronto on Friday and *petit the week -end v Rh Mr. and Mrs. John Webster. Mrs. Marvin McL)owell. of West- field. returned home uu Thursday af- ter spending a couple of weeks with her parents. 'Mr. and Mra. Clark. Miss Buckingham. who was balled home nu Thursday by the 111nese of her mother. returned to take up her untie% en Monday. The anneal meeting of the fit. Helens Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Ed. Thos on Thursday, the 21st. at 2.30 o'clock. Roll tall paying of fees. A full meeting is requested. A general in- vitation is extended to all the ladies. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Forehan on the birth of twins, boy and girl. Mother and table,' are doing well. Mrs.- W. G. M(Crostle b. to Wing - ham hospital wttti her little boy Ronald. Who underwent an operation on Friday evening. We are glad to report that he Is improving Ind doing well. frum ker. e the ens.." - X. -4e)% BEL FART nELFA; T. Maly 12. --,lir?. Daniel Alton and stat. Leslie, ('lvited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blake, of Make- king. akeking, on Sunday. Mr. end Mfrs. Jos. Hackett visited with their daughter. Mrs. Ewart Tay- lor. in Wingham,,on Tuesslay last. .Mr.tarot Mn-. Will Lane. of Ripley, visite) In the bung on Sunday last. Mr. Lorne Durbin. of Wawanosh. was the guest nt Mfr. Tlyrmi Campbell over Sunday. ST. AUGUSTiiNE - ST. t -t; :441'Mr.- May .12. -Mr. and Mrs. N. T.anaway and family. of G,slerieh, visited- frlende in this tkinity one der last week. - --- Mrs. W. Rlehardson. of Toronto, war a -violtnr here last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. HHamilton. -_pf Ethel. visited Prosperity friends this week Mir end Mrs. I). 3lcDonaid azul Woo Dnnelda. of Jamestown, called on friends this week. Mr. Chris. Robinson 6 on the sick 11-t at present. RAI FIELD Mer 12. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Robinson and family, of London. spent the week -end at their eM to gb• Mr and Mr.+. Will, Mhos Agar. an,I Bob. of London, spent Sunday at their evottage. The merrier. at fee: Andresen- last Sunday were condtretef by Rev. Ater. MoMilJan, D,D„ nf.Tornnto. At rho morning aersico Dr. McMillan ore an _.lnterestinp address, Oft the rthJm^ cf church praise. in the. even- ing he spoke* briefly yen the same sub- ject, following which be etondwe4ed a Song nervier. In whleh he introduced to the congregation several new hymns, which, under him Inspiring leadership, they soon learned to sing heartily. The play, "Here comet the nride- oom,' ghee Mnndny evening in the to hall liy members of the flenmll• ler JrcnIt ('}ub, wsm mnelt enjoyed hv' a fair-eireal audience. it was in- tere'tl and "miming and tine varintrm actors t 'k their parts well. Mrs. C. ..Chapman and Pion. Erie, of London, were here a few days this week a their enttage, ns erre also Mr. Orr a d ramify, of Stretford. A -flirt consider tion a Sumdsm if he has to quit ,dine; to get married\ -Chicago News, her (ellipse eMuea- TOWN OF GODERICH \ WARNING , \ 'tiers (aharbourers of dogs without a license will 0be osec u ted. g�8 at large without a proper license tag will be destroyed. ' Dog tags may be purchased from H. 1'. Edwards. Tax Collector, Town Hall. R. C. POSTEL.ETHWAITE. Chief of Police. d\f• t^ '/////////// EN -AR -CO MOTOR OIL 1 It's a short road that ,Ila- no detour. = U -e WhiteRiise Gasoline':and e t� En-ar Oil -co :Motor Gives new life to the old car and longer lifeto 1 6►E,="..{tthe newcone.tm•• rd:i.t.l4 Ths Garag. of PreptiServica'&nd.Courtesv *a sir „s. a� -HURON [MOTOR -SALES' South Street Goderick WHIT% ROSE GASOLINE •••- em�1 t o • COPYRIGHT 1917 CAN TOPON IAN OIL COMPANIES, LTD, 0, ONT. KL*iGSBRIDOE KINGSBRIDOE, May 12. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Young, Goderteh, visited at Maurice Dalton's. Mrs. M. 3, O'Connor attended the graduation of her daughter, Miss Agatha O'Connor, at St. Joseph's hos- 11151. Chatham. Mrs. -J. Keane, Mr. Jim Keane and .lr. .1. C. Keane visited Mrs. Con. Forhan, St. Augustine. We are aorry to report that Mr. Thos. Joy suffered a paralytic stroke hart Monday. Mrs. Joy. Miss Hoe - ;caret and Messrs. Cal., Tom and Leon motored up from Detroit on Tuesday. R'a hope for his speedy recovery. Mt. Jas. C. Dalton, Detroit, spent Suna.y with relatives here. Melte*. John Sullivan and Erie 'Bptaks,_ Albion. spent the week'nd at F M. ;Sullivan's. Some men get 10.000 miles and more out of a set of tires -and some men tell the truth. BORN ELLIOTT-On8anday, May 10, at Whitechurch, to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don ovdon Elliott, a son. PATTISON.-On Sunday. Mev 1n, in Float Wawina..n, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pattison. a dInghter. - ' 314RRiED, It(1CnP -• JST1!'ERIES. At-1iIIo! church manse, Goderfeb, by Rev. R. C. McDermld, on Saturday. May 91b. Klee luanita Jefferlea. daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Jeferles, of Detroit, Mich., to Mr. George M. Roma, fourth ton of Mr. and Kra. C. N Rome, Elgin avenue. (inderich. DIEL) SHARMAeN.-In G...doriclt. nn Friday. May R, Jahn 1:. /Mormon. GOUL ►. - 1n (;oderich, on Wednes- day. May 13, Bertha Mary Andrews. .'belayed wife of George Gould. R'III IAM$. -In tinder !eh township, on S*terday. May 9, ('. W. Wil- liams. aged Sl yeerm and 5 months. ALLiN.-iIi Colborne tnwnattttp. on timidity. May 10, Clifford K. Allln, yotingwtt eon of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Alibi, In his 19th year l Huron County Case at Osgoedf Hall TORONTO. May 9. --Thr executrix of the estates- of the late George Brownlee and Mary Jane Brownlee. Seaforth. Ont., appealed to Justice Middleton at Osgoode Hall on Mon- day from an award of 3220 allowed by the Surrogate- Judge of 'Huron to Mrs. Violet Brownlee, a daughter-in- law of the deceased. The daughter- tn-law put in a claim of 3312 for nurm- }reg and for other work done for her pprents-In-law prior to their decease.' George Brownlee. s-rJ. died in Janu- aa� 1923, and left- cis -estate to Wife, and his wife died To December, 1924. leaving her estate to her sis- ters and bequeathing nothing to her children. A book wasptnduePtt whirl' pur- ported to contain from day to day the work done by cialmanr. Counsel/ for the executrix characterized thig as a very auspicious document and Justice Middleton admitted that they had Leen vera nnifortn in their writ- ing. Justice Middleton reserved de- cision. rotating that he might write to the Surrogate Judge and ask for his reasons for allowing $220 of the claim. The Surrogate Judge had given no reason for hit award. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. --is the estate of Jileuy.--Gr.eIh Gate of the township of Colborne, retired farmer, dreamed. NOTICE I. hereby given. pursuant to the Statute In that behalf, that all persons having claims ngninst the Pi - tate of the abore named Henry Green, who died on the Ugh fit Marek, 1925, are required on or he - fore the 27th May. 1925. to Fend In the same duly verified to the tinder._ signed solieltor for Wililam Mt Hardy Green, administrator, and tint after male} date the adminlatratnr well dlgtrihnte the aaseta of saki de - reamed among the persons entitled thereto. and will nM he liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim softer' mhall not then hiap been received. JAMES L Kif,LORAX. Solicitor for Admineitratnr. Gnderich, .4th May. 114211. MIMIC 110'I71Ii -- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT CRANK P. GIBBS, CHARTERED Accountant. 102 Ontario street, Stratford. l'huue 1580. Res. 1330.1. CARD OF THANKS CARD (11' THANKS. -11.r. eud Mrs. JO.$Ht'A ALLEN and family wish to thank all the friends and acquaint - for their kind help -awl eymW- Ihy and fur the floral tributes rent in their re•eut Will bereavement. FOR SALE COR SALE. -MAPS OF HURON is county at 25 cents each.' THD SIGNAL Folk SAI.E.-GOOD JIIUtit ('OW. fresh. Apply to T. Ito%t'LEIt. 3lontenlnl street. - 1 T" same.. st rept. ENT. -AN UP-TO-DATE SIX - MED house. or will sell . C. MINNiNGS. Trafalgar ephone 139. WANTED. - BOY, SIXTEEN • years of age o titer: mulct bea willing worker. Ap to GEORGE P WART. ANTED. -A 7 00[5\:41bCOND- hanel. tllrew4turtler al oil stove. Write. stating make, condi- tion and prier, to ROX 26. 81 NAL OFFICE. Everything will he dim posoed of, am r. Taylor has meld his farm. IRIIIHAH TAYLOR. T. OVNDRY. \Proprietor. Anetioneer. TWO GOOD COMFORTABLE l houses with all conveniences for sale on reasonable terms. T. GUN - DRY. - BABY CHICKS FOR SALE; FRAM us best bed -to -lay strains of white S. C. Lt'gborns. Price $13.00 per 100. W. HUME GLUTTON, R. R. 5. God - elicit. Phone 1413 Carlow. ',oft SALE.-BILONZE TURKEY eggs fur hatching; from healthy, hell -tined birds. Price. 50 cents each. MISS MARY McKENZII4.. 'R.11. 1. Dungantton. Telephone 14r3. Dun- gannon. Ft-RNITUME FOR SALE: --PARLOR and bedroom suites. invalid com- mode chair. earpets, kitchen range. washing machine. banging lamp. bicycle. R. McDONALD, R. R. 3. Goderlch.2 _ rift SALE. -PUREBRED SHt)RT- I HORN young bulls and heifers. Yurkahire sows bred and younger pigs. both sexes, bacon type. Barred Rocks and S. C. White I,eghorik eggs baby chicks from heavy winter la, era. Also agency for Prairie State inedbstnrs and stove t♦re oder. JOMN FARRISH & SONS. R. R. 7. Luck- now."'phone. Dungannon 82-13. AUCTiON SAiE -ss AL'CtTI S�U-5lR_3`t'B:[ STOCK. IMPLa:M ,. AND HOI'86- IiOLD Fi'RN 1 E. MR. JERE IAff TAYLOR will sell by punblic nut•tlon at lot 23. eoneession 1. Wiest 'tt'awanosh. (one mile west of Anhu 1.\on WEDNESDAY. M 311. 1921;. eommencing at 1 o'et rp: Hers4a-1 aged t mares, 10110 1t... 1 gelding Percharop 2 yrs. rea\\� Id : 1 four-year-old gelding. Cattle --i eow. 10 yrs. old: t Tow. 6 yrs. old: 3 heifers, 3 yrs. old. Milk- ing: 7 veer-. 2 yrs. old: 2 he•Ift•rA., 2 yrs. old; 2 heifers. 1 yr. old: 5 caryeo 1 hlaek Poll hull. 1 yr. Old.----- • Itaplenaents-t ft-fr. M. H. binder, its -Rood Ftpeir : -4 6 -ft. McCormick- I mower; 1-M. iI. 'teed drill; 1 Shape sulky rake: 1 Mann cultivator: 1 rol- ler: 1 'e•uRirr: 1 potato moulder: 1 i Fleury plow; 1 Patterson plow ; 1 twin plow 1 turr(Ip drill: 1 top hug -1 gy : 1 cutter: 1 leg sleigh: Adams 1 wagon. nearly pew : 1 truck wagon; 1 -hap -rack ; 1 pin reek: 1 gravel hox;. 1 hog reek : 1 wagon box: 1 teras (1 i Steelyards. 40ts" : 1 'Tnrtiann trac- tor and ("direr same. 1n perfect work Ing eondltlnn: 1 eiretilar saw frame• 2 circular saws; 1 belt: 1 crosscut saw; 1 tinting box and a -ft. carrlari; 1 sesa t light team harns; 1 met team harness: 1 -et single harness; 1 set plow harne-es : 1 Capital Cream peparator: 1 anrrey; 1 nut -throw disc thee 1 in -threw ee barrow: 4 - Fortino drag t,nrrow-s: 1 fanning mill: 1 grinding .tune; 5 quantity of lus- her; large quantity maple wood: 1 40 -gal. oil drum: t wheelbarrow; 2 meythe•F: chains. shovels, forks: 1 Px- tenainn ladder. 28 ft.: 1 abdrt ladder; 2 harrelm: 2 'ttntebnats; 1 sugar ket- tle and numerous other artielps. Household ERrrts-I (Morn: 1 base burner: with even: 1 box stave for wood: 1 extension table: half dozen halrelnth-bottom chairs: 2 bedsteads; 1 mattrea; 2 renehes: 1 sidebnard: 1ghoultable; 2 wash stand.: 1 gcup- board: quentlty -enter,' nhd dimhes. Al the /tame time Mr. Taylor will enter for /Olio int 24. eon. 4. Wept Wan -encash. eon toining 101 neres. Terms and conditions will be an- notineed at time of male. TERMS( -Ali sumo of 110.00- and nnder, mesh: over that amount fix months' credit will he given on for- ntshing approved Joint notes. A 41.- eount at rate of 6 per cent, per annum Allowed for cash on credit amount., HAIRDRESSING PARLOR HAIRDRESSER AND SCALP SPECIALIST. W. C. CAMPI1I'T.L Treatments fur all Scalp .roubles Consult us at once. Adele* fret C1ssak'al work U onr motto. 'Phone 26, West street. AUCTIONIERING THOMAS GUNDRY, GODERIOM. LIVE STOCK AND GISNDRAL• A t'CTIONEER Telephone No. 1111. Salah attended to anywhere and overt effort made to give satiated/0S, Farmers' sale notes discounted. ROBERT ROBERTSON. Qualified Auctioneer. Eldon Street, Goderidt, will (conduct any sake In the. County of Huron. For information apply t•P. J. Ryan, Hamilton St., or orders left with hlw will receive prompt as• tentlon. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR' COAL SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the Purcbasing Agent, Depart ment of Ptthlie Warks, Ottawm. will he received by him until 12 n'elork noon (elayitgh! saving). Tuesday. May 26. 1921. for the supply of Port! for the itominion Buildinge through• me the Province of Ontario, Ineinding the City of Ottawa. - - Form< of tender t'-Ith specifications and ennditinns at.taehed can he ob- talnel from G. W. Dawson, Purchas- ins Agent. Department of Public Works, Ottawa; W. Corrigan and R. Winter. General Poet OAke, Toronto: Power Son & Drover. Kingltton, and from the (•aretakera of the 'ration@ Dominion Rnlldings in Ontario, out- side of Ottawn, Toronto and Kings - ten. Tenders will not be considered nnleas merle on these forme. The right to demand frnm the sw- eet/mini tenderer a dnpt.lt. not ex- eeedeng 10 per cent. of the value of the .•ontr*M. to seeure the proper fnitilment of the enn!raet. Ie reserved. By order, S. E. O'RRIDN. Secretary Department of Public Work'. Ottawa. May 6. 1925. A ,q r Admiaistratria Sale OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Situated on West 3t., Goderic). 1 ha 1 been instructed by the ad- mtniatratrtx oY the estate of the (ate' CHRISTiE ANN Ma1VOR -40 sell by - PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE PREMISES WEST ST., GODERICH, on Saturday, May 23rd AT 2 O'CLOCK the property occupied by the late 'Mrs. %Ivor, being lot No. 2, Office Reserve of the Town of Goderieh, cn whieth there is a comfortable dwellit*,' in «00(f renal?: TERM -Ten per cent. of purchase prim to be paid at time of Rale, balance in SO day'''. or half the purchase price may remain on mortgage with in- tereat at R 1-2 per cent. AONR$ SMITH. T. GUNDRY, Adrlaistratria kneel...sr M. STALKER, AUCTIONIRR for household effects fans Moeda etc., for the County of Huron. Address .11 communications to STALKER, Auburn P. 0. 44d OPTOMETRY A L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST, OPTICIAN. West Street, Godcricb. Honor Graduate of the Canadian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Dye* examined by the isteat meth - oda. and the proper tittle( of (Lame at moderate prices. Ontario Boar* of Examiners Certificate No. ST3. DR. LORNE WILKEY Over ilero's Shoe Store. Telephone 420. Evenings by appotntneast. MUSIC WT.w. H. JACKSON, Organlat ■■ and Director of 'uak•. North street Methodist church. Instruction g iven In Voice Culture. Organ, Piano Fiona. Guitar. Theory, etc. Studio an 1 NMldttoce. 37 North street. Phone $Sl RDICAL DR. ALEXANDER FISHER, Pbone 997 Stratford, Ont.a Special atteoon given to care oil' Intents end children. old: 1 filly Percheron, Y WM F. MDTCALr. Bayfield, Ont. Oellfce hour. -4 to 4 and 7 to S._ Other hours by appointment. Olt 1' J R FORSTER vEYE, EAR. NO1*, THROAT L=it BurgeonNew York Opp %halmlcafdl AuralgHo'pltal, aadataad at II e1d Eye Hospital and Golden Iktrare Throat Hospital. Loa - don. Eng... 53 Wateelho.IL 8-. Stratford. Tel - hone 2117. '��\\��_""" ��_ At Hotel B Ooderiei, on May 18. at 7. p.m.. to May 19, at fpm. CHIROPR'TOR A. N. ATKINSON Er REGISTERED CHIRO,P Goderich, Chronic organic and ner4he eases. Consulte5Fon free. hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p. by appointment. Residence and ofnee--Cor. and Victoria atreeta. i LEGAL DROI1DFOOT & `KILLORAN ▪ Barristers, Notary Paw Oils,, 1" Money to Lend. Phone 17. Office -The Square. Oodesieh R A- CLUTF, B. A.. BARRISTIL ▪ Boltdtor and Notary Public. North St.. Ooderlch. Phone 411. DUDLEY E. HOLMES Barrister, EM. Omer• -Hamilton street, Goderieb. Phone 27. d SEA(;ER, K.C.. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office--Ooart Hoo" G(dericb. Nape & Nape BARRImra1R, lt)t'c. R.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYS, ra.. B.A. llamilton St , (iodericn INSURANCE, LAAS& WYC. We•Kii.LOP MUTUAL Tiun IN- DD�' AURANCE CO. -Farm and isolated town property insured. Omcers--Jct. Connolly. Pres., Rod ' rich P. O.: Jar. Evans, Vice -Pres. Reeohwood P. O.; D. T. McOreglor. Sec.-Treas., Seeforth P. O. Directors -A. Rroadfoot, R. D. No. 3, Seaforth • John G. Grieve, Na 4, Wilton; 771111am Rhin, R. R. Ns. 2, 2. Beaforth ; Jobe Rewnelwias, Brod- harm; Opo. McCartney, R. R. 1W, 11. Sea forth; Robert Ferris, Harloek; Hurray Gibson, Brueefleld ; Jansen Evans, Beachwood ; Jams Oowsotly. Ooderich. Ageets--J. W. Teo, Oedsrld; Ales. Leitch. R. R No. 1, Mates; John'Mnrray. Shaforth; 1. Hinckley, $eatorth. Polley -holders can pay an payments and get their cards raesIpt- ed at 1t. J. Morrish'' Clothing Mss•* Clinton; R. A. Oatt's Grocery, ilhtr SMm street. (7ederieb, fir J. R. land's Gomer 1 Steri. Mayfield.