The Signal, 1925-5-14, Page 5TFE SIGNAL, -- GODENCIII, ONT. Tlittredity. Mae 14, 1.931 How about your needs for motoring ? Out for a day's pleasure in the car tank full of gas, etc. But wait, something is missing to enjoy the trip better. A Vacuum Bottle To keep liquids hot or 'coil........... $1.25 up. Candy Certainly no trip could be "complete without a box of Fanny Parker i Candies, 6s0c.. or a pound Rosebuds,. 39c. Kodak or Brownie Camera Remember the day by bringing back scme pictures. Toilet Articles A mirror, comb, a cake of soap, ttileum etc., and a whisk will find a ready use. CHAMOIS and SPONGES FOCAR CLEANING Chamois$1.25 to $2.00. Sponges. • • 25c. up CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 - The Square PROVI { 1'n-di)trriau albeiunary Worker. is MEETING NOMO S. LONDON HERNERYES NO AT RIDDING HENS OF LICE WIThe ! est f ondtrvmcn Now Favor 1 Over rtytltavrvd ,• �L ;• .a'e from the twenty -Never 1'n. n nal.p� 1 being Sodium 1"!U 'ride. In unfurl. to LIR 011110111 Itt.•tlot( ,�r Received Much Benefit by 'lite Prix In.'Ist Women•+ Mi. nionar7 Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's It Ja Teri Effective - 'rue Dusting held c lir the #'ry 3.7. Thlau repera �) Dipping elethode -- t)thet u....... .........end BETTER NO .annual Catren$ksi Vegetable Compound held of l.oudt>tt. May 1.7. The n it.rtw . - ReedyAttalla %ere all summed up in that ,of Mr.. gladiola, Ontario. -'1 started to get itatuation of the 1101110 and foreign smietiee UM steal excellent work , hetet The greatest advanee was nuide in the yountre.t depart- . of 1.501. Total 1,ontributInnp, for the , :me hicittde 191.3.496.11% :fee ereselei _Were called ro the platform ble Compound and took four bottles of crystale. The powder form, if guar and Intnatiteed by the prosident, Mrs. it birth to a baby boy the 4111 ened 90 to 98 per cent. pure, is my of tptember 1922. I am still doing ; Japan eiVei giIen by Mits Curtain.. my own work andwaalaing. Of ceurse. file most desirable form to apply as Msterbonald. daughter of the late Dr. I don't feel well every day because I ,,. dust. Sodium fluoride retain. ita I "f wP"I don't rt m! rest as the bib/ ie so cross. .Mcieuey, and may be kept if need be WOrn• Un MA do my own house- In the control uf poultry lice one work and woe so bad teaaedy has collie very tuuch to the with my nerves that I was afraid to stay trout during the ppst seven years. It alone at any time. 1 Is sodium fluoride, a chemical that for mil a whole year is easy to obtain' easy to apply, ef- kad • girl working fore I was able to. fective and safe in its aPPlientioll• mywashingagain' Sodium Fluoride Vory Effective., rough • friend 1' Sodium fluoride -Mt -1U obtained in fine white powder form or as fine . - Isg.r"t' I "I fine' 1 I closed tight bottles or cans and 1 to Japan a.. OPerptary for the Y.W. But w en ret t'. A. work. hnt far the poet ten year% ant still taking Vegetable Com- 11 her eork hag largely been among used when wanted. One application. pound and am going to keep on with it if thorough, will destroy all lice os the prigonte and for the wive* and until cured. Ily nerves are • lot better ehildren of primmer,. Her adttre.s since taking it. 1 can otay alone day or the birds and remain effective Ore • h d enough to get many of Use paraa tea th t hatch later. There are three methods of aPplIcation in common use; all are effective, but the "pinch method" is the most commonly arse - Street, Chatham, Ontario. 1,,ticed in email *ticks. It consists 0 Mrs Carson is willing to writ* to any . the application of the sodium flute girl or woman suffering from 711mida I ride Powder directly to the elou and, troubles. feathers of the bird, the operatot taking up what he can hold between the thumb and forennger and aP917- tag on breast, each thigh, each 1111141 of hack. on the, meet, head, _under - de of each wing. below the •ent. It i was' full of pathom brightened by night sod not \flashes of humor. 1fer refereneea to You can use this letter sa a testimonial _ _ _ --- the earthquake gave an Imilde viee and 1 will answer letters from women C ALM CaltbON 27 Forsythe Swinge for the children lia%i; been this week by the Lione ( 1 June 1?..tia is the date selected fur the Huron county farincrs cc. urn to the Agricuttural College at Guelph. Men's allswool V neck Sweater Coats at $2.45 Made of fine all -wool in, an assoitment of colors, Brown Heather Grey Heather, Lova Blue and Green Hea at $2.45 M. Robins of the seamen, yesterday afternoon. Jepson.... peopio. Aftor noleil•arssi- -Mrs. ItA ed out rather wet. The milt watt 1110 e..11-eerned furlough She Win Id reture to her work. whieh mew es • prey..rred it other time. largely guimorted by the Jajetielet. again- better huh next eeek„ Nli-.4 MAO). meld holds the unique posItton of elder ht tit.. perhapes PEMBER'S HAIR GOODS For Ladies and Gents. J. B. Knight, Hotel Bedford. Goderich, on Thursday, May 28th Sole makers of Dorenwend's Patent Toupees and New styles includ- ing the new flesh color sight -proof parting. Mr. Knight will demon -trate and give free advice on all mealy diseases. Ifloarells MA Candy" is Hard Work compared with buying a- Cabinet Phonograph at the price at which I can furnish it. The tone is fine and power- ful, and the cabinet a well -finished mahogany One only, a special from the factory, at H. E. JENNER Telephone Hotel • for tippnintiin•iit The W. T. Pember StOres • WAITED 129 Tenet Street, Toronto %---titasAbe-c_ndlialonaToal:r..,".12 BRIE BEST 'Before yew order your Spring I•JUITS Suit don't forget to see our , range of SUITINGS. HATS AND CAPS We hake a splendid assortment of Hats and Caps at a price that will please you. W. C. Snazel, Haberdasher and Dry -Cleaner Phone 339 • The Milne Anlint of St. Joseph.% eonvent ell, give a recital 011 -nee day. May 2Vith. will meet in the Board of Trade room 1111V111X. thirty two years ago. a man trunk.. club -bag& suite:i.e.., etc.. 117 takes ten pinches of the cheniim i said tt. Win: "Tou tuay spend your 1 SHARMAN'S first. and you won't cover the bird by this method and i etude_ re there and not rusk.. more 1 need 111 go farther. and skilled operators cau banditti 'hall a dlial'a 11•41"f"'" Ile "1'1 1 A Hve Intedreil and dance for boe- i sixty birds an hour. how one hulidreil and forty-one attl- OW benefit, uuder the amplest, of The De„fieg seetbod, atirlitirm +ditty -five nurses have take* The dusting method of applyins dente hare passed through his the Alimeek Chapter, V1'111 he held in n retiree and been graduated. -the Magonle Temple on Friday, May 15th. et II o'clock- Ticket. 30 cente. sodium fluoride is by mixing with a &Ulm material, as flour, talc, or plea- I and _are full-fledged doetore, and In The Wooateee Hogietal Auxiliary ter, to make four times the bulk of SALE OF Home-made Baking SANK OF HASH! Ti 1...K41141161.1y Hoene -made Bread and Runs, Pies and Caked!. Afternoon Tea served frorn 4 to Y•zupper served from 5 to 7. ruder auspices of W. C. T. and he added: •I'm et ill young antl nble more work out there. - Mr.. John Mact41111vray. presittmt of the g.neral of the W.11.9.. I rile/tali have 'ham. of the tbe insecticide, and then apply by shaker or blower duster to the ruffle Gnl-linunil again this year. The lo feather. of the bird. Greater speed nese:flight excursion on the -.teenier and took part in the disennetone: ne.i."....11 68" has been e_ngatt_ed for th.: The Dipping rum. in treating the birds is secured at s various th.nes and also gave the Dray- a .. Monday mune tg the *eater expenditure of chemical it.ns throughout the segigt , (Mum looride eau be practiced. due . .4 the now Milkers. as taking ii. denite 4110.01.11 111' 4.4 beer. A resolution ,.tand „II trii 1.1.micriiii .1., nut to $0 an) far. \log the summer and early autumn ! aad eunlight to dry wet birds. The 1 a when there is ample warmth 1 nicmiter- will preferably patronine 1 tle"'• See ad' fin Pit_ge ''' 1_____,bit‘ w"*. sad consists of one ouuce of moaner - .1.', not sett the heeerage. I when the ?wets will appear ie Warm water. . Sufficieni -goon orl.;tri'',•itnliolg..frzi.rethe.reznitx:11;.ennitilii,.. 4, Eourt House Park. The count -II should be mixed to handle the w etre.. meeting in Tornio., A return 111131111•tht a 1")"eill,e..-r„tet Pa rk for t hr pliteing sumo' Aallt.1 at band. rt.* gallons of tbe soltitioa I will do for 100 birds. The,h1rds to. I reebytery, Mr. Symington. mitt sa T it " 1 moral the head is :v1.•l 111...11, and the moderator of the fluffily be appreelated. wa. lases! tu the eff.ed that _the the 1'14'11°41" fiwir 11"mtf Pr"Per- Oath ls prepared in a wooden tub' before re - sed and the se- I I . 3110 and Ilanee given on ri bird ta eu ou lowed to drain. dreeseit tee meeting. The inner saki; day night ht 'the Mnsonre Temple br The dip should he body heat for , - - the W...11- 14-_hati sea an example mitt tie. se. fleorgr". %yard branell of 'he ! fowl, about 103', and the work done Int....1.„.brietly referred 1.. the 11111101 1110011-1k93 1.4011 cleared-- The prz..- warm enoegh to dry the birds - alel the work of the elliireh. Dr. A11,- of the most sueeessfiii, of thege ecents. , .111.-al..11 if 11.1 ...Slit new re...MIN...ft t111VP winner. at earde were Mr, Felker, i had helm au Inspiration to the men Wotnen's 111.4pital Ativiliary. 5511. en. en a quiet, bright day, when It is MODEL THEATRE issot eipped that were 11.11 available is fore the .intatimi arose. grid he WEEK OF 'MAT IS TO 23 i hoped that nothing wituill tome -up in the .s40-intis lo make it impos.itile .1. for est-operntion and reeonstrnetion after June 10th. KENliON , onto Presbyterial, made almost the it• h:turf, lia....1 on th.• famouli 1 vision in the rank" when at tlie Orel,. book. -lir Nye."' I of Mr.. itoste report she said: "We hrove.come to the fork in the road. - hfif over both para. floats -the W. --)L- . and when at late Wo COMP 10 the final S. banner. *The World far. Chides,' -IVO-VT _PDiCIE' 1 reel, the Masker- -wile be- there -Ave 1 ...one all the wayfarera anti they will GLORIA SW.t.NSON AND BEN I work they have done, whit:her/4. in a thrilling LIA‘1,71,Nm etory of the Foreign Those pregent frail' tioderieb were : , I road they may here chooen." "WAGES 0F VIRTUE* Mkt Esther Hume.* Miss Belle Fox Comedy and Mr. .--Lanaway. Ton of thel wiz, were 11 teit hy Mrs. (Canon; 11111. awl the other. by Mrs. le Mae -Mmala and Mr. W. Walker. Midland Prince en 1I.o. Ma% 12.-Fln6 in th. ' mixing three parts gaeoline, one part fort:lipid of the lake freigl * of the Cana Steamship taIrriag In enough easter of parts to Linte. was brefight er control thie take up all moisture It la applied ' morning ity 1111M110 fo. h41111. after olic4 as a duntint, powder with a shake! lerriver-lw .r with smoke- peur- -A-medicated dust wallow beneath. ' lug from I; forepeak. Lake ship. the shade In th. poultry yaid or with- iving--eata rite_damage_to„the Mid- In the shelter of the building le a ' land 1' nee might reach ff.50.000. greafidd in keejjlng the louse popu- j Flee who tented the blaze ex- lation down. A partly filled with pgree fri 11.,111T.I.f-Atiloisonnt 1.! worda ina he line road dust to which tobacco dust has beta added at the rate of one' "NIP 0' SCOTCH" Ewan and. Mimi »Ina here are 'a' number of other ethods that hart pro•ed to be high- ; ly efficient, among which „the carbons acid, gasoline and plaster of parts 1 mixture is coming into general use.. . Thus dusting powder le prepared by Now vour SPRING HOUSE- CLEANING is completed .: two for your living room., We have a wonderful collection. to select from.. - Beautiful colored landreapes and marines. Also qilendi prints, copies Of the o ters, all artistically fro at very reasonable p *Ceti. . COUP" iu and set" ni. liesdquarters for 500 and DANCE Hospital Benefit mtraiNic FRIDAY, MAY ISth at Spin. Tickets, 511 reels, New ocles which got- _expression to the view pictui es( ue sha s, in Leghorn, mo- , fabric, ribbon and New Sport Hats in new materials and showing the latest de- signs, new Hower arid wood tints that lend charm to every hat. Your inspection is MISS M. L__LatICAR Amy pays se MARTIN -SENOUR WOOD -LAC STA N writs to Head Offlos. Montmi for free Fioollef HOME PA1PiTING MADE EASY SOLD BY F. HUNT dil ILK 11 11 Altai Ina carbolic acid (90 r cent. pure) and , sleeve- - - Mre. Hamtitrrn was elected one of the vier -presidents. " /. Friday and Saturday MONTE BLUE AND VIOLA DANA In the pivture you have waited for and vaeetion. will he glad you've Seen in -THREE FOOLISH WEEKS" ...thsors FABLES" latiliees 'Tuesday and thursday at 4.15; Saturday at 3.00 4++++ 4 `*+ Dance at the Pavilion GODERICH SATURDAY El_re.fAigi MILLINERY --- The large graceful drooping -in every hue with their simplicity of trim make the Summer Hat something different. Still the srnall chic Hat is always new. - You are invited to call - C. A. McKinnon The Cattgillaii Italiwny win operate A Toronto -Sudbury sleeper on the Trane-Cnnada Limited, whielt re,oitues ....nice for the 1025 season commencing May 17th. leaving Tor - ear until S.30 a.m. Returning to Toronto. the sleeper will leave Sud- bury daily at 10.10 11.m.. arriving Toronto 7.55 a.m. Illmee given above are Easter.' gtandard time. 2t to six, is very useful and relieve. the I. old hen of many an itch. Steven BL4(44 rAiLLE COAT LS FACED son, Dept. of Extension, 0. A. C., WITH FUR. Hardy Alfalfa In Ontario. Magbdrate Held lield court yester- day at Itlyth to hear charge% against eomtnitting wilful damage to pro- perty and 'of obstructing an °Meer In the rperftutimwee Of hie duty. in - specter Pelloff waa at Blyth one night last week and while his ear was park- ed in front of the hotel all flve Wee were rut. Neebitt wait arrested lifer and charged with the deed. and yea- terday he watt conimitted for trial at the June sesalon4, Appeal from Magistrate's Convietion Judge Lewis 14 to hear argument te morrow evening in the appeal of Herold Warrener of Hotel Redford from the conviction hy IfsgIstroite Reld on the charge of haring liquor %.200 end 1.0.0. wee impoeed upon Warrener In this. ease. which was the low to the hotel, where he discovered bottle whieh we. said to contain whlekey end mono. Outgo* In which the liquor had evidently been 'kernel. a border of "mit brown far at the broken and rusty throughout iriaise. Crown Attorney Ileaser 1. acting filr hem. The brown note Is repeated In pig that doesn't mak, a MS 111 the Crown and Mr. R. A. (^tuff he the brown leave. whleb trim the himself isn't ProStable. counsel for Warrener. a. black NOM hat. • large number of'testa have been conducted in past years on the.ele , Perimentai plots at the Ontario Agri- cultural College with different varie- ties and strains ot alfalfa. It was discovered Wore than a decade ago that the Common alfalfa from the Central Western Stares would not I live lung in Ontario. Tare gated al- --' ratite, such as the Orison and Um ' Ontario Variegated, however, proved hardy in ibis -PruVinee. Th. se two varieties are now increasing .substan- . Daily sat the firtners appreseate thole _ superiority over the COIELUOLF, violet , dowered variety. In pm, experiment at the College' alfalfa has been cut for hay three oleos a year for eleven successive yeare without re -seeding The Wet , cuttiAg this year, therefore, is the: thirty-tourth crop obtained from the one seeding.. Tile average yield of hey Per acre per annum from the 01PVell years of tine test was slightly 1n &potter experiment of thin!' tent finite' seCtied In the spring af‘ ilree,-the highest yield of hey frame Wu nisi cutting of this year was or, 1n. 5 ariegated type. The Commou &Italia has variegat- ed flowers of differeui densities mid the Variegated alfalfa has violet, gleen, wire and yellow uf various bieuus which can be seen when the "Ammonia are fully opened. 'several earluads of iwed of high "iv quelity of Variegated alfalfa havu le -en produced and 'mid for reed por- n, Mamie flehrocat. poses in each of the past two or three Practleally ail of the cost.. for the years in Peel County alone. Also in later setmon are of eatiu or faille. a t, niftier ot other counttee seed of Tide matte! combine'. the modish- *the variegated type ot attain' Is tie - nem uf both hy choosing for Its am- ing produced.-- Dept. uf Extension, Mum faille. faced with !intim The 1 0, ii, e.., Guelph. - 1.01111 In black, pei the coat may be I worn over any coetunte. I. It is not lark of time. but Indifflit- *ace which IPILVP11 farm machine(' GEO. W. STOAKES ELECTRICIAN electrie tilting of 1111 kiwi-, I have coutitediecti liti.itiess\ for tile - Pelf, anti aho prepared to take eontracts {Or al* iny i 1.. • Residence: Gibbons Street (vo.:7.7r.1,0.1) Let Us Serve You Daily with pure, wholesome Bread and seasonable Pastry. All orders will receive our careful and prompt Leave a standing order. We deliver daily. E. U. Cleveland West Street is the time to purchase i We are special agents in Goderich for the Genuine FLEET -FOOT Brand and are pleased to announce that there is a considerable reduction in price since last year, which places this popular brand of sum - flier fooiwear within the reach of all. c= SHARMAN'S "The Leading Shoe Steve"