The Signal, 1925-5-14, Page 4•
4 ---Thursday. May 14, 1023
i 6 The Store with the Stock I
is essential to success
business life as in aea•ial life.
Appearance is the thing that attracts.
Nothing enhances your appearance as
• iiia ti" ifs w'i ll-taifor('tt-emit eorr(rtlp
i r ' cut trout a quality fabric -a SOCIETY
'BRAND SrIT;1il - other wonis: ,We
have models to please every taste,
fabrice for all tx+ca+ions and all inoter-
. n..•+0•-• ately priced.
From $30.00 to $40.00. Others $22.50 to $35.00
Men's u4 Boli Wear Phone 57 Next Bank of Montreal
('441.BORNE, May 13. --Mrs. Thos.
Mitchell 1s In . Goderich for a few
be ex -
daps, She is as ..1.11 as can
Mr. and Mrs. Will Feagan and eon,
Jack. of l:oderich. visited the former's
parent. on Sunday last.
Mr. and )jr.sRoht. McMillan. of
Goderich, visited the latter's parents.
large cougrtgattny Ming prereut. who
listened with interest to au inspiring
address on "Mothers" by the minis-
ter. There was a 14010 by Mrs. G.
Melllwatu, a re'Itutmu by E. 3142111 -
wain. nod an anthem hy the choir...
....The W. M. S. meet tomorrow at
the home of Mrs. R. Davidson, Roy.
held road. -"-
The G.Nleri. It 'rowushlp ltuaplt. t.
-\uxiliory will utert at the home of
Mrs. C. E. (;rote N. Ilona' road, on
'Thursday, May 21. at 2.1411 ,pm. A
1e11-4e111t tea will 14'•
\\'EsTFIEI.J1. May 11. -Mr. and turnta pQ4444 ren soon
I Mrs. Roy St •house and son. 1kna-l- Mr. D. J. t'raaford hos purchased not 14'• ..ctured. The list 1$ubiw•t to
\\'II1TFA•1111tA lh May- 12.-31'14 cid. of (:,Nler1e11. spent Sunday wire a new Overland sedan -from Icon, Correction) stands At follows: Res..
• ls.fwft
NILE. May llj.-A teadaesttng will
he held at Nile Methodist church on
Motalay. May Ili. Supper will be
nerved loom n to 8 p.m., follower by n
program by the Winghnm ('oaten
enalligaseit of Mr. t:, floatati-
on, boss ,.d)I,t : Miss (:grub$....pram)
Mr. Riddell t retrayins est1ossession of the
:;tore until the 1st of' October, and in
tlw meantlwe he and Mrs. Riddell
will divide where they will locate for
the futon,. If Mr. and Mee. Riddell
deckle to !cave our village they will
b' greatly missed, as they hate both,
I taken a prominent part In an the
activities of the commun(ty.
xolnlst : Mrs's Van \\•yek. elucutionlet,
and Miss ii. Brandon, se•(vmpanint' I Dt NGANNION
Adult...len: adults fin4'hildreu 2a'
'" lt'NGANNIIN, May lit. -Mrs.
(Uri. t J. ll. Marlin. of Lung Itrauch.
\1r. Fear at that time was preaching
iu t;oderlch. Shortly after a church
was built at the corner of the 2ndY)
m of abtield, half -way be-
tween X114' and 1ung111114011. 1t Wain
thou eunne•tell as a regular preach -
fug point with Nile. Auburn. Rlyth,
Relgra'e. null utter pe w
have lung stovedisappeared. if
spate would permit, man)' iutcrestlug
items of lira! interest could. 110
doubt. be gathered. pertaining to the
m,I+try of tiny mad all of the u
ter• hereafter noted, hut mention of
those which relate to the progress of
..4114 here for the Week -Nod Ind re- the v11111.111 11111,4 som
11111$4 sti.r. in e
•eases • the Initials of the men email
Jeno Dawson spent a ('4441411, of flay-
I...t ,r.,lr with Mist ALtiitrdle. fr1aj-,
Mr. an(i Mr.. John ]tiMlllary and
bale ,pent Sunday with her parents.
11r and Urs Morrison, of Tunderry.
We are sorry to report the serious
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Feagau. on Aun
Mr. .1 I1. Treble. of McGaw ele-
tntur.-hipps•.I a ear of oats out last
The sympathy of the Community 1n
extended to Mr. and Mrs. Joshua• Al-
len and sons In the death of their
-011 and brother. ('Ilford, who way'
buried on Tuesday last.
1 GtIDERJeH ToolNsillr, ]lac 12^.
- 4`ongratnlatlona to Mr. and Mrs.
Reg. .1 Johnston on the advent of a
Mr. Wm.-W11.on sport*. a Ane new
Messrs. W. G. and Cliff Train. tlull.
England. are working ren the farms
of Mr. Harold Montgomery and Mr.
John $owerhy.
Mr. and Yrs. \1'm. Medd. Goderich.
i were Sunday ,!sitar. with Mr. and
Mrs- Reg. Faller.
Inion (church Notea.-The service
1 hest Sunday scam -a great success. a
Pleasure to Enter
a bedroom furnished by us.
Everything is so dainty, so in-
viting and so eV • ently com-
fortable. We are making a
special offering of • droom
furniture now. Come d see
it. You'll be delighted 'th
both the furniture and
specially lbw le ices we are ask-
- ing for it.
f! Flamini Director
liar iltas Ser... Gedoriei. 'int.
.Barred Rocks. 0. A. C. Strain\
Greatly Reduced Prices
Bred -to -lay chicks and hatch-
ing eggs from hens of high
production, mated to pedi-
greed stales .from 2110 egg
We can supply you any week at
greatly reducer price•.
('hicks 1Sc each; $17.00 per IN.
Eggs $1.50 per 15; $7 per 105.
Kfppltt-weelo-eY Pullets $1.31 ea.
Express extra. 100 per cent. lite
delivery of chicks, S0 per cent. fer-
tility of eggs gnat;,nteed
Phone Blyth 10-24
R. R. No. 2, Auburn
- ! Sylvester, Lawson, ('oyle.
1 Y •KNna14'.
)lest. $tone house's pare)!-. ylr. and 4'14 Thin. Smll4'y, who Spell( the Jnwes Whiting Ilatior of K.v. Re.h-
-)tles •s4. )t-. Campbell.•
n fer-
Mie• Bertha Ellis. of oil sprit . t-wbri w-i�� `Y riga Inopo Ids nilllln re- *Il 1e. 1\, IHS N'hLf from Dr ui Itt`ttf_' (kSon (; e,RIcP.
mPN'll )14.•r the week -end with her par- lis.'
,alio )I r. ,IJuI ylrs,
John E. Ellis.' lie 1s l-tephle?.• much the some in".aW; BNstnl. 1sOn-71. all of whom
Her sister. ally ,Mosey. 1 4111 144 With!
Mwtth, no great improvement notice- resided at Nile. then the recognised
a1Je•, head or the circuit. Am • dua11,IN
1 her..tu 4444 Springs for. a few weeks. it.• E. 114145. Mrs. hays and 114r circuit. the following young mcu
1111,-4 of Mrs; Herbert Ieatdlaw, who A uuutil•r of Ike W-....11. S. holies of �'
Is suffering from muscular rheu-I w,...04.1,1wt.uded the \\'. M. S. mu., limn Carpenter are spending the week se•rc4d for one year each: Revs. Tints.
mat ism. - nil, ion. held at Hu1uu•allle• off ri.1 In Loudon. Mr. flays la attending ('ellen. l •I,uakNs„n, M,•/',Khl,o 1..•-
31re. Alauce•r and Mr. cud Mrs. list Tart. They report '11 pleasant ands t,.• Anglican Synod .there._ gene, l'ubblwllel and YeKlhhun. us
.Arthur Holland. of Kitehener, and profitable time. \I I'. It. J. a ftieel is erwt,1 did Moo the following +,•nine 'Mull-
and Mrs. Ed, Carton, of Brussels.
Miss It01e Coventry. of \\'Ingham. i.--- 111"ln-date !conlit front of hi$ terse: Revs- Caswell, 1'471.74; Kenley,
attended' the funeral of 'Yr. ('h(t*.' Miss
Kneu{ay with her- .sorer, Mrs. tut. Rohl 'McAllister and 1.- Smiley 111111 7: Davey, ISTI-its) Somewhere
Mutual on 'Monday- are the contractors within thiA period the parsonage was
John'FL'F:Illm. .% Joint meeting of the eouncill,r- ('bunked to Dungannon and Rev..11r.
Mr. Joe Conu)rs, of Mel:uw, visited I Nr. eutd Mer, .Uu,4r a'hnlleuccr. .ef of -tshtield and Went Witwunosh wit) . C'uswell was gent for a second term,
with Mr. Jas. Cornelius and nthNr old I G.Nlrrkl,. ci.itwl Mr. 141.1 lir-. .i. 1..
friend$ a' Lew days last wee'. sit. uta• ren Snuday• he iiTld in l2T14. 1uon on Friday Nycu- pkv' 1148 14.' ; billowed by Rev. John 71nnr
Mr. aid Mrs. John Coulter. of Tor- M4f F' Ila Sow•erby spN•ut the w4,1,... tug, May :ltd, to cod r building Nr, 1,4a4n�S; E. J. Crompton. 1110,'0
onto, are visiting with his brother. ,feud with relatives ht Gal4'rlrh and I Many ratepayer'
i`ntltaes wised+ ible11arr •r'I':' he. 8�mcid . divided into Nile lum
Mr. Wm. Conker. tot %etland. e.mtwun'ty quested to ►,e present. ( Dungannon circuits. Then follow -
A union conga tional meeting is I Rev. 11'..0. Donnelly, of Exeter. will
called for Thurwdeuj 01 this Werk in give his Ie -turn ren 'Marriage" In then Mrs. R. Treleaven spent a few dais el Potter. 1,•it1401r.: 11 E(I Rug -
the Methodist church here. \Cestfield churyh on Frhluy evening•I ill Galcrici last week, visiting at the 141x. D.D-. 1K'rl-1k1; Solomon Edw•nrd.,r
Rev. W. D. McIntosh. of %%Ingham May 1.1th; un(k•r the ger rict.s o•f the bonne of 31rs. S. 3. Young. ]roil:!!!: 10111 nein Swann. iK'k0'J7;
I The late Mn. Re1dlThr tnagy 1 Bt•nJnmtia 1lnttnn, 1x07-11!10; T. It.
•n�k•e in theBrotherhood
• arch t it the ,4 Brotherhood. N
Union tit took to th rh0od. Th
w4' t
Reid re
s , Eli beth oh nsun
Presbyterian church here on Sunday frr(.r) . ( Mrs. an Mt•Nair, 1.10(►l)*1 J. ed H i
morning and Rev. C. F. Cragg In the provide- inutile. There .will lee_ char sate erlw d to hear u[ her death. which e
gg nae*. ••de's an,i duets. 1C you Want p 1Mttft7, These all *erred under the nrraaL atR �irakMr t+lJlht. 1(aY 4, tiro MaTtit la" Dnagannem. and the
Mrs. Peter Naisnalth. of Sark.. N.
,)(Toning. 11411114'P n good laugh carob and hi * from neunnunia. which de•c4'InINYI
\Ir. Ihn,nelly on Friday night. I png(mt parsonage was built during
)Ir. mid Mrs. Thomas TayMk and `'cry r:apidlt•- she diel at the hnpu• I the ministry of Rev, Mr. Robinson
I d her sun-lu-law, lir. Gw,rge• Ihlxle•r' CIN ora* followed b Rev. ,4i • A
Mist faatily. of itiyth, visited ChN'former'n! ' 7
- heather, Mr. Elwin Taylor. on ;Stns- i "f 4 o41N.r.• t"'"" P• The lute • °Pi' ,Smith, 19111.00, who laid the found*. I Reid. whose maiden na a 'tions fur the present new church,
whk•h was completed by Rev. 1•. J.
Bartlett. i1)fl12. lie wan. followed
by the late Rev. J. B. hunter, ' 101'2-
15: A. 1. McKelvey, 1913-18 T. E.
for one week
24 only - all - cotton Mat-
tresses, all size . • . • at $6.75
28 only -all -metal Springs 1-
20 only---all-copper Boilers
at $3.95
Remesber w• s•U for lew.
Why psi? more!
Blackstone's Furniture
011 the Broadway of t;oderich
,... L. visiting anti ...•� mother, Mrs
and other n•latives in tit
Aielnity m • was F Itzn
After a long illness Mr. t'harexiday. 1Ngh I'enu. was born near KingstonClinton! passel away on Friday last Mr. nod Mr. Albert Campbell and. eighty-three years acro. In hl;a she
.at the home of hi. sister, lire. 1:.brge fofittly and Mr. and Mr-. '41'nt. t'rrtle; 7
Garton. The funeral took 111,1+1r 00 1N -ii visited at the home of Mr. \1'm.' "Ins tu•arrled to her late husbutd,
anurbell's 'drier, Sirs. henry Cloe,ver. .\lujuh livid. and two or three year.
Tater- they canna to A'.hfiskl and wattled
the -of Meth. nn Slunlay, Stevtdman, l.-lri20, and nee. A. Wel-
on the lake share. Since the death of den, i920-23.- The present parlor Is
The members of the Junior iforti- I her hnshand same eight years oxo' Rev. J. R. }'eters.
rttl t t Ss•ietr nr• reY1tN IwI te., she had made her home nn,.ity With
t.Y t al their vm•-ons garden plots on' her __daughter Io ('o1M,r'e tow•n141,Ip.
III 'r tri • -4.4.0:4.i. four sone and too 'laugh -
Monday. Ret. .104. 44.•ubie
the seri lee at the eleureh and a
BEXMH.LF•R. May 12 -\Mrs:
Long ha, moved to her horde in the
vit{age after-aps•ndi.g the winter
(hNlaerirh. Mn+. Jona 1lin ut 11i11t?g Is
with her at pre. cut.
s. l,,onu• yfe,ore anal llatth. �lau1�11
unlit) afternoon :0 - u e (a•L.
_ R. *. -Will owl George. in 31anitulua
John. in l;riti-h Colombia Manson.
in ih ii inuou : Mrs, George Metter
It'harlotte1. of Colborne: �4 14.
' . May 1::. '4I r. and r4.1 !teed 431:Irtha l ; )Nary and Addle die()
f Detroit. spout the we•k•I sore. yeupy ago. She le act+- ala., on
1,-r havi re(•t•Ittly arrived from t
\1 -est and re visiting with ,frleods
"Dere Come.- the -1
Oven reently In Ii,2i,.eield and Ray-
fiehl to large audiences -It will be
given again Friday ,vestal of .title
week in H.nsall.
Mother's Day and G0-to-Snnday-
S,•hoel Sunday wag fittingly (deterred
In ilea ehureltes of the ilnnmlller cir-
cutt. The atteendance, w'1s Mood.
(here h"Ing eighty-five at Ilenmill,41.
mlxty at Zion awl seventy at i1Ntl,el.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Strnlghan and
family ylnit.d Mr.. Stratigh,ut'. mo•
th4'r in 'Dnnganuon lust Sunday.
Itec. W. H. and Mrn. Moss and baby
spent a few hour. early in the week
at Mr. Mi.s's home :at Thur11da14-.
The 140mmsialfy has beeu-Pndllflttid
her the IIansing away of ('Iifnrd AI {
Our ,ice petit - sympathy (en !
the bereaved family, who hoes' been
.411114•0 upon to pats. ihrongl,-'tnan)•
s.c.r.• trials In recent years.
T. Traylor.
end witlf
Mr. and Mr
[ly. of Clinton.
114`14 mother
11 11 111\
1 puarents here: ' :,_.Y1, sister. Mrs: Andrew Plato. of
Will Match and fare 1:r,N•kvtlle. and there are tw•enty•feur
visited with the Int _rnudelil!dreu and thirty one great-
1u•r' friends .nt.- y,p,'14he-- fuaerel.__1cl+ich__.
was tagger attended. w'av hell from .'
Mrs. J. .1. Goci,•r, oho n -a' ti -!tins the. hemp of her son -he la". Mr.
at Xt. Marc. the post two weeks, re- l•( rg Baxter. to Dungannon Methce
turned hem.• 011
Try s Mast Sd. la The\Siipa
Price's Specials
Ammonia, 3 pkgs.
Ringo, 3 pkgs. for 23c
Redpath s Granulated
Sugar, per cwt. $1.55
Cornflakes, per pkg. 12c
Dates, per Ib. 11c
Goads delivered free
1 cur orders solicited
W. Price
Greece. algin Ave.
Goder1, h
nowt' Mt
11o11dac, '1'1"n" • •..
by her brother. Mr. -Uex., 11crryhpll. . dint church. ..herr nNrci4e wits con
-tturtest by Iter. J IL fitter. anal iter '
Sir. and )frs. 'Char. 84,e
\\'m' •Jackson, Mr. nu.l '11
Fianna and (infighter. I'en.h
l\'tugh:,1n. 'Isylt Sunday with SI
Mrs. .1. t '. Jackson. r
Unite a muulier from heli• attend.
tin• 4 .I''ri••4, di -trier W. M. 44. concetn-
tion at 11..Inmr%ille. „n \''wlhe..hty of
last week. They -nil revert a very -t Y�-
4nJmyahle and instriett-e' - Urn,'. 1,rte,
Mr. Edgar ha*Ys,,n trt,l,44 Inc;; wit' -
snso11'' Ott of logs at 111!•• man tn111will 1_-�
last week. •
%G. 1..•nt•ne IkellI e , elil'ered 11 (eu,i4, err. F4shi-Stevie. of . ,nis•t•I,'. 11'»
fn- of nubile.' 1.:y ,;N„ ..•. o Mr. M.•-1 aNe,Yrs had four grse+,tsoos in
Clore. of G.Nlerleh. on Mondavi ofthM' 4th, ,:feat W
wick, for w-hich he 'received n good;
\Pel. 3lrx:� 1C, H. Moen, of Iti•nmlller. and thence
tai Ilungannon eemet.ry. where the
of r.•nna4nr were laid by. .111 .4114• et`
Ob., of her husluuul. The pua111s:er
11., were four animism.. Will. cork••.
4 Lao-r,nr.' and ('eci1..,1ta'vtern-,
rum a 1114111nm present s•.
den Penn and her daughter :11411 wen
�ley. of Detroit : Mr*. Kim -
of ('hathatn: fir. and Mrs -
!tun. of Detroit': %r. and- Mr --
iter. of Chatham: Mr. a1,4
e Held. of R.•rt'Ie: Mr. 941.1
1' -
Staunton Semi -Trimmed
Wallpaper Saves Time
The selvages are partially severed in the
process of manufacture and all that is
needed to accurately trim the rolls is to
tap the ends on the table.
-These papers can be hung quite easily
and successfully by folks who do their
own papering. and paperhangers find that
with these papers they can do the work
much more quickly and that they always
give complete satisfaction.
You will enjoy choosing Wallpaper from
our New Stock. The patterns are so novel
and effective varied. I
that you will soon find an ideal
paper for each room that needs renovating
that will make your home as charming as
you wish it were now.
The S. A. GRAY CO.
Dry Goods, House -Furnishings
Ready -to -Wear
.t. ilaeKenzte. of kipga•n. mut
1�1HFiELD Dr. .. of Seaford. fnrtnorly-
ASIiFIELI). May 11: Miss Anna•
SlacI)onald, teneht'r in S. B. No,. 8
4 Kintall4- spent the week -end at" 1u -r
home at, Jlrn.•effetd.
Mr. and Mrs. MacLennan of Wind-
sor. visited frhmdr at 1I*4'll tlsh.
Rev. J. Mcie•11nnn preselINI in A.h-
f1e1r1 e:hnr•h nn Similar and him ex-
4ellrmt- sermon war mn4R- enjoyed.
Mr. SieLe11111n leaves for )4entlent]
this week to 1411414 his friendm there.
-nice are glad to relart that !larnld
Hlhls•i is n little better this week.
Nis! Sarah Cameron. 1oehai..h. ire
still confined to lad and 1s not doing
nr well us her ninny friends would
The r,rulnr monthly meeting of the
Klntail institute wan held at the
hone. of Yrs. Rod. Mileicellnie. i.ake
Shore. .\ beautiful nft4'ru(Non brought
out n rorn117 number of the members
and an equally; good 11nn)h4 r of visit-
ors. The meeting opened with ental -
111111111(y singing- The roll esti was
nn.wered by h•Illug about the worst
"hoe' --ymt ever got into. After the
Program the h,»tem.. es,si.ted by her
sister, Mrs. Nell MacDonald. Kintall,
served refreshments. and the social
nfternoon was brought to n .Mee by
all ringing "0. Canada.-
dents mf Auburn. paid a flying visit
to our village on \\'•rd:.y of tits
liter. 44'. It. .tIp attended a 1 a••hy-
t.ry eetinS_flt
1('tfatlm _un_ Ttn�!hla�^
hennr•h of the Women'.
lu•tltute a ill hold 1110r 111ltll1111 meet -
Ing nt the hong. of Mrs. 't:e.)rae Ite•n '
on Tuesday. )tat- 19th. at 2.15 p.m
iertfr,u ref--ntlIcvrs w•t11 take ltttr e-
)fisn Ring. 11rs, A. J. F'ergnsnn noel
Mrs- Geo. Henn will he the home.....
W. T. Riddell Sells Bodeness.-Sfr
W. T. Ititldell, who has conducted a
general store in Anhuni for twenty
ween y,•nrs, hoe raid hi..4are 4" )Ir
11'.tNAMAKER. the iargest insured tYa 111 the woe-GLiild:
• My first reason for Insuring when 1 did wag that then 1 was
insnrabl4 and 1 could not Is. certain of ,mmtsnIty from accident Olt
ill -health. and it might 1,- that at some future time i would not be
fn-urebb•. That wx. the nos: .:pp •he building of my Atty.-
t .4 1m,Iit•iti1.' _
If t•i'ty-two policies acre i.w.'l enough for W+n,amnk"r thttl)e-al-u
little one to protect your deur one. 'at bene.
The Empire Life Insurance Co.
Dlstrlet Manager
The following \brief *keret at
Meths.11.m in iluutganta/n.- written
by Re):_ R. 1'etertt:\ is esp eeially
Inter..tine .t now In,..1.... of the
union Lwin t take which will
("trry dais cin •h i•ulted
Eytweet a-
tlwl• - to mM • *etas
been tecetcel, we to
give n brief +ynops1n o of
the Methodist church our villa
A. err a. can lw glean the tlt'ltth
presetting seri-lee. held In ''the neigh-
h.,rhoe.d were opened up in 15-4 by
- the late Rev. Samuel Fear. the grand•
tether of our ',regent it.v. E. A.'Fear, e
- of Lnn.lnn. The service wits hell\ In
- the 114.0I4 of Mr. Samuel Tertians,
who had preciously 4 arried on a t
.lass -meeting In his own h.nse.• Rev-,
nen t
11 endear
the Moto
FROM everywhere come reports that the de -
Mend for Sailor Ties, Oxfords, and Strap
Slippers this season hold the lead in quality and
-beauty of design.
We have the tidiest nnttie»t, 1140+t wearable line of
4140(11 to be found. The 'election is so c:.tensive that
we're sure we can please you if you'll only let us try.
Ease, elegance and perfection of fit are strong points' in
----our inmr. ,%l1 the new leathers and the latest ray 1151 .are
now in stock. For the boys and girls we are showing a
very large assortment of footwear at the lowest possible
North side of Square Goderieh
LEI:111'i1N. May 12. -Mr. and Mrm.
Jas. M,R'hinne;y and danghter Mar-
gery attended the district convention
of the M"thndimt church at Ifnlm.•m-
41114. ren Friday Wit. Three fad44s
from Vh4'ppnrlton went with them.
Mr. and Mr.. C. Tiehhnerne, from
1\'nikercllle. motored up to Gorlerlch
on Satnrdny and on Mondry, 9,40141•
twitte.l by their parent*, sinter and
'Inter -In-law, they were the gne*444 of
Si4:-and JUL HOW, Iforton. -
.4 new slate blaeklgard_was put in
..-ho,l-hnnste No. 9 on Seturd9y hy
the trtt.te,..
Mr. .1. II. Clinton expect. n lot of
:40 young ehlekenn on ltlty.
Ing MO nlrendy, there In addition
will mike n night worth neelhe.
Th. neighbor. are helping Mr. Wm.
Jewell nut by drawing gravel for his
Mr. ,1a.- f hGhnlm, Jr.. has been
drawing gravel to cement the outside
of hi. kitchen.
We nee glad to report that Mrs.
Jo.. Conk I. able to fro nut driving.
She and Mr. (cook attended the fun-
eral of Mrm. W. Echlin ea
of Ina week. We hope Mra. (Cook
will contra, to improve.
Mr. 11. Whitfield delivered a fine
dlsmnr.e nn Mother'. Day In the
church. Now that his college ev.m.,
tare finished we hope he w111 he able
to he among us more and that we
shall see him frequently. t
D('` T buy your c:,al in haste
and freeze at -leisure. 11 you
a ant 'your furnace to treat von
right nnnriah it with thin clinker -free
coal. Here is coal that burns slow
and sure. It's *low and esuty on
your pockot-hook and mire fire with
the heat. You can get happiness
with your coni if yon
Call the 'osaleutt
For c,00d Clean Coal
We are ready, for the 24th
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now on display and awaiting your
inspection. They portray the season's
smartest styles and favorite materials, to
Developed in -Striped broadcloths,
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Entire balance of Spring Coats
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Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.