The Signal, 1925-5-14, Page 3Clubbing Rates
The Signal can save you money c n
almost any newspaper or periodical.
Rates on request.
Job Printing
For JOB PRINTING at reasonable
prices try The Signal. You will get
prompt and efficient service.
Unlimited Quantity of
at $S per Anglo cord, delivered.
(Foot of Anglesea Bt. Pbooe el.)
All kinds for sale. It you intend buy-
ing a home It will pay you to see
the houses 1 have for rale. I have
tbem at all prices, from 3700.00 up.
Some real good bargains on easy terms.
Drop In and see Inc. -
Real Estate & Insurance Pboae ItO.
Real Estate and Insurance
1 have a good list of hotuwr, large
and 'mall, good bargains with
small cash payments and reason-
able terms, so if yon intend buying
a home see me before doing so.
It you wish to sell your house
quickly give me the particular..
Local Agency for
Life, Fir., Automobile and
Accident Insurance.
Office. North Street
(Opposite Signal Office)
'Phone 436 Box 42
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
You cut y
d t but
one • to- ourself. to your
drFendenta and to your loved onesb
to buy Lite 1
nsnrane a an u -
it now. consult us.
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
,t..r, red brio k. fully mod-
ern e -r onset -•-. hilae•' 'rare,
*hinted ion the corner of Elgin
Ave. - and Stanley street.
1 -story. frame. 7 -roomed cot-
tage. furnace. e•le•tric light
tend hall,, garage.
Feruiwhf•d ft -roomed dwelling.
all• conimiett'el,- sit Liu nue
i l•.1•k of Square. Immediate
.,sse .iaa.
Apartment. 0 T04411/1. electric
!'ttht nod Lhth loentel on
sgttar., iwiucdiate 1wny.esilon.
Mr.. James Mitchell •Retire. Owing to
1U -health
The regular monthly meeting of
the Children's Aid Society. was held
Tuesday, May 5ttt. with a good at-
tendance of members. lu the ah- R - -_
Menet. of President Mitchell, 1ti•t'. J tont hbi interest to .1. J. Hunter. ono
F. Ford ,per.lded. •A letter from the 1e• 'rim. Sewer icontinued 1 - : racquet down. .1t the end of the fol- ,r of The i.'$tto iReporter. .and
president wns rrwl a.aloa that hi. The Iw•.t and easiest service to low- through yetlr racquet head 'Mould it two papers' iwill be merged The
reslgttatlon l.• now accepted owing learn is
the sstralglN tw•igt service. lw J1.. aisles the level of your head. 'lei -kw -Reporter under the manage'-
Is( ■ old the r• equet with the strip ad- H. 1.. Doherty. W. T. Tilden. J. O. mei- - lea limiter. The an merto the fact ger i. Throw Anderartn. S. 11. Sueith told 11' John- f
Short Lessons in Lawn Tennis
ICOisvwsw HT.)
vjhelher Hugh Clark or •lohn Hunter
Shall Ile the Kincardine Editor
KINI'.tltlriNi May 0.-- After bac-
lug been in churgr' of The I:Inttnlln,•
lteiI.•w for the past thirty-five years,
Col. Hugh /'lark. ex-M.P.. haw -.rid
st: INTh•EIGtI ru E NO. ':0
lust's that lee^cease• connection with y1N'ale.i 11 prectota. ■
p [ hi 'Ilse ball ulZlulrly high wt that if you snot areptnialbly the grentewt fore -
I I Ir it w 111 Imes within a ft. h has developed.
lyras feon.Y1 by the Incre•ered knit o
the responsibilities a ' t a O
production of newspapers. 11 Mainz'•w hand extorts the game li n , . 1 been found that there was not cnuug 1
which he Mus Igen unable w resume invites of your left cheek. Strike the 14. The Baekbatd Drive I fluxing*, In a town of Ki1w•ardiue•.:
fur the last [our mouth. - ►ell at the top of the ewing when the, The backhand drive k practically size to support two papers. 'Neither
The resignation was accepted with racquet is doing its maximum work.' the reverse 'trek,• of the forehand proprietor wUhel to give tips but it
regret wad the secretary Instructed and tab -0 strike It at the highest lea- delve. The grip or th
wlble point. Keep your eye un the should, I -ever. Is• doomedhanged some -
to notify Mr. Mitchell. Rev. J. E
Ford was app Intel to act am press- hall until It Is struck -As you throw', what. the hand !wing- tuuvrd ar 1
was recognized that one paper most
go. and the Issue was decided by th•e
nowt- a coin. -
dent until the annual meeting. to be the baH into thn air swing your rte-' the handle about ti quarter u[ a sir -I 1`„t. ('lurk represented North Bruce
held the first Monday in November. quet up and backward' and be sure ole with the thumb either straight
in the 1.•gl%Inturr for several terms
3! m lo8ow through with itup the handle or {sully :NI. The and afterwards sat in the Hotae of
Commons at 1lttnwn for some years.
Mr. Hunter came to Kincardine
from Toronto twenty- Fears ago. and
he has been a big factor In the com-
munity 111e• ever since. Chief among
Ilia efforts nun be ltlaee•1 the develop.
meat of the itruoe telephone system.
and It is doubtful 1f the project could
ever have been carried nut were it
not for the work of J. J. Hunter. lu
politics he Is a 1.1bernl. hitt he• an-
houneea that, the paper over which
ttr•ntinr l 1,, p i.slde-wIFF-net kP
n part• J sheet In any Mr11'e of the
*Ord, simple a gond newspaper. It
will to caller The Kincardine Review -
Polka dots tire shill to be twain the.
The acting president .and (1.
Elliott. Ito -al superintendent, w-eere Henri ;your body to the left and raeptet should be In Iw,sniou at come
appointed delegates to attend the an sllihtly lack. weightmore un the; forward before the hall ranch.* you
nual conference of the Association rat right leg to start with, transferring it ".and the hall ghoul,' le taken at about
('bildren'. Aid So.•Ietiem of the Prov- gradually to the lett during the fol- the level of the netprint the arm
ince of Ontario to be held in the l'ur- low through. At moment of impact straight through. allowing the fingers
'lament 'Buildings, Toronto. on May hold the racquet quite firmly. Mark ttt turn over naturally until at the
13, 14 and 13. The treasurer 'report- the spot you wish to serve Into before! end of the stroke your finger% will be
ed au overdraft in the bank and was you throw up the ball- You mnstl pointing 10 the sky and the head of
instructed to borrow sufficient to lay keep' your eye on the ball until after 'your racquet will be just level of
the atwounta whk•h were passed, it has been hit. your head.
amounting to over $200. The super- The knee .hould be bent. the right Just twfurt this stroke the weight
intendant rcportaxl nine children in ahonlder coming down during the sol- of your hotly will he fairly evenly
the Shelter. one placed out and one low ' through. Rrmem rr-file Tdllow diet,lb.lted between-fPrt-
returned during the month; also that through must be port 01 the stroke 11 anything a little mare. weight on
he. at the request of the ministers, and rarriet right to the end. The; the lett. As you esnue through with
had given a talk, illustrated with head of the racquet will be pant the the stroke you will raise your left
slide... in,tro community lett knee at the finish bt thr stroke.;foot and Hamster the,welnht of your
! body to the 'right.. Ait In the fore-
orrhall on the evening of May 3rd, ton 11. The
MI's genie I hand stroke. your whole bode should
large audirncr•. 1 1Chilec, uttaiatttg evamtort and at. nr-
The toilnwing contributions were ail In the delivery of thr',i.etttc•,•
tw relaxer and your knees slightly 1 rage In men's weer. And h% hen.
rec.drsi; and are gratefully- -i 1.nowl- stroke,_ k•nnn to improve its e'ff,tttffr,•-I bent• and ut the tlgi-Il of the stroke row•, is the obi rnliuble rubber col
I ',lankier will helve . coat. e.
edged:" David Gemmell, weaforth. !t; nils. ,iii.- ftuptitrtln rLisTw"1RrTs is Your left iter --ter tirrtirn't•• Sts "a I'''
A Friend, ;10: Herman ('. Dari, An- added by striking the bull slightly i forward
rel fn Ingand lnlflurttn r. This nk of lrstrokr ('lile.1e f(titr.
tm -- 1 des' C mmtrnlly
on its visits -hard side with a glancing
num stn fru n in '
Hall. >ie 111 A'h0 Id i' s
1 ('I b IT F Mins with of th net entirely fiat ri!len. the prem-
the one used
W. U.. 12 quarts of fruit; Anlntrn w. racquet. catisluc the boll to curl a Amirkan champion, sod 1 believe
sway to the It -ft during its flight. and it is the most effective one. •Jnhn-
1-: hag of t+a,tater-s lug of Mott 80, atou usca a ru.•...t l (•khxn.4 whir% to
ten. gl hour I itnd.*Fwor.' 1C. 3I:'9 " 1m t - . the ft ft when It Minima y: quite e4'e•tice. hut has less spend, '
end Rlrlr S the t runnel
Toting people of lowlay Inn
few ' more tomtite: for en
it1t•ketus_.tletia their Arent- u
T.n.' .,ts loot. fiaF th 1
prinelphst nee +h.• ne
A V, class. 14 quarts of R'Itflr Ihr :average Iwglnher will I (To Iw eoulhut•sl) Platte.
troll. a quiff; Bisset !from.. 2 gals. 110 w-e•I: to i-eate.ntrat,' on the mastery
maple 'syrup: Mrs. Dun Mea)Ironaoh of -uta forum of service. 1t Is an tut- , SHil'SiENTS (IF 1.11E STOCW.,
clothier: Mrs. Geo. .ttiittg 1 boor totd.tot advantage to he aide to .dferl FROM HI'B4►N COUNTY DUR-
lug: Mrs. Straltnn. +4otbing t Arthur oneoe - opponent a variant. and tine INF .\PR11.
Circle x114 Saltation Army.
,real for -
children: MI'. A. Andrews. tune r,s.-ra• aenlr•. olrt>tlnel to striking The following tigotres art• fnrnIshevd
leas -..f appk•.: an.l .aulwk•I.:.,, ••..k.• the Iwtll ut Ii.' left -bend Mile Itotend bvthe ngrit•n{inral representative for Wt:\' program it: brit. reek of
ar Tt mnrf fTii" a 1T f -t •rel.v N■. 17 "1'27". 4C-11 Jam• 1 Ir if 1
11:(') 11,141.-1'rogr:uu by .tlbnny !1:311 p.m. t'rogr.ue by Mr-. \,
Strand Theatre Orchestra. Joanna liar Larsen tth•hnnls•oi and Dille t: 1
horn. conehtelor: ►'h•.,I H. Walters. int pianists.
organist. t t $aturelaj'.,litly 2i. 1. 11) tl.tat t t .sly
0:3:e p.m.-- •I'i'i%. ns it:it by hills ..g. Purr, o4 Harlem 'Itive•r. 1.1hv1.•u
Il. Yeltru. - I verses+ of 4'..!ntulda. 1•runv7rt•upin and
7:13 p.m. • -- fumed>. ••Huuur 1'rito-clew• Also. hr•mulcart by 11'47
Bright." by Morelli/di Nicholson `nnd .::al p.ra. 1):u'•e• 11ri151i l.c het
Kenyon Nlchulsuu, presented by 'CITY 1:'..rni.••. nr-1.' i. from 11 I van
Plovers. directed bt• Tim F:y. k /'tu> 'trier. scl,-n..•tady. N.
V have n
ishig the!
rad grand-'
la area %i,
1 nledn
nod fruit from (:Irl.' /410111. St. is et t 11 th r m tv Th • iii+nn\ f .Attie e t
tl t p■ 1 .r
•-Y I _ a g' " e:,•nergI-FJea•t
klbw'y'!1 •
I:1711 ,1 m••t.•rm I. !} 11•Itr•TT•
titandanl time.
Sunday. Yfn'1 11. 1ly:fal a.m. -Ser-
vice 1 f• First f uif.trin11 Srndet', .111
Snarls 'dottrel,. S4 -ben etNdt•, Rev, El
teat 1':tlderot4. p,ctnr.
2:a:. 1' tn.-tt'(1Y Symphony IIn•hes- i
trtl. Lett K11wen. ,conductor: Marietta
White. soprano. mnh,ist.
--Service of ,011 Sonia Cul
tttrittn rhtu•eh. Selo necttitly. -N.Y.
7:43 p.m.- Llnt.11 Comnhwlrtre Ylr-
cheairnt of New Turk. P.erthnrd i.eti•
tow;. krq'l1U'tJr:' oho, broaden', by
WAX. -
111:00 p.m--1'iolhl re•itnl by Godfrey
'Ludlow: also brnalli act lv -W.JZ.
Mondry.: May Pi. 1 :00 p.A►,-Mtlsl.• :
talk. •'Seel,. lino of FnrnihtrP." hF
Prof. Annette .171Tirner. -New-Tori -
letet.• (•allege• of Home Economies.
Cornell - 1'niverslt-.
t::Sll p.m.-•1llnner prngrnm .hl''' 11n
tel Ten Fvek Trio. Albany, N. T.
0:00 p.m. -Weekly- sport reviews by
Honol•i Anson Bruce. dinetor .of ath-
l etic-. Union ('allege.
ti :;t.i p.m. - T
cation.- by 1..
O:atl p.m. - -P
Ard A: Amer.
Frederick K. Pearson.
Tnesrf%y. May
• : ole -net play.
1' :1' 1'Inyrr..
1 ::qr p.m. -I1
phen E. Rai'cl;
mall p.m. -Dinner
b•rnb•'% Orchestra
It :3.i p.m.-,
etry." by lir
uortmrnf nf- 1
0 ::dl • p.m. --1
an• Clui1. ter
or's Hall.All
9111 Rogers. e
t+•r+, soprano.
te•yrn Sena." ,
10:00 p.m.-
n• {CR(' and
"hlldn•n's •pen
.i:•fa p.m.-.
Floyd 11. Walter..
sic.: talk. "Framing
PIr•tnn•s." be
tmr.- New Tork
F.r•onnmiea. Cornell
phen E. ilolw•
Mr -
mantis Ipe,.•k
ti :30 pm•.
tea ten 1!Teit
trttvire•• • emirell. ! :drsarre Tflflir t. (` .
f.trds sits most ..nitablr ane.
(: 1' 1.: St. ;pot se's chnry h. !tarry To ihcres-e• the natnlwt of twist un
i either the straight or r,•v,•rsr w•r-
vi(•c. simply suing your rar.ptet wise 'fotat rats to
_-V-ia.ri•.. aeallwag--Ffaue/l- tw..f1_tMiF- •7t7Tozr -tabs tasty. ea- it conies (born
Steers. over 1:iMt In
Itte•r•. 101s1.1 't.'1 ' unod 2!3
` 1'lltllniott .7
Sher.' 71'1-11wM1 11' g,M.l :1J2
Heifers ,good ill)
fair "3
- fair
Tattle expett• I •11:u h, 3'Jij
Komi J111p ill 1St, •1 to packing
',tants-.4ititth1 -. .. told; 5443
select 107 30.7 Ike.
Thick stioioh :11.11 37.4 •"
!bogs _1•111.1.•ail to stuck 4artI
1 i.lpri t totnf- I:rNi
1t.. Fest Vauktag - Select
J2•; ;La p.P.
Tele ns.• of Ilia." In - . r*-ing let• •111ck swnoUi ;tat - :epi-tl
probably Inns,.) spar, trouble pet h" tt
nfi rat hags sh! . •d • Mk 1
the park hag plant, at,. for\the month j
of MInrctr:
)j.tltNI.t. May 10. - Th.. Tin,-rv' •.n the •1.:111.
road -w114 be cia..ed' fit A91 traAF, on Keep these-,Iw tlwttf in mind
3nn l.1) monorail and .iii, remain fu serving. They art- easy ones. but
closed tlhtll J1tnr In in tw ra•it the 'Important: •
tcrae111ing•of the rood teal ...stab Mon 1. Don't attempt to tool. tt o the
of the floor In the new 1 ri•I Traf- ••In• r eol►rt. during pr.w.--s of. salt -
fie for Grand nil w i11 !..• i iu i n ii12. This is rand.
o1- u road -and l kbll!- 2. Thong.. of l.nce will 11111 a hart}
Fitter off. 1hrn't eouthu)ous;y serve.
',1,. th.• •.,niers or h1 1nt same place.
Lest ii t•• plaen, .lir scrtlre.\ Htt the
kali nt intrarm tength.
a- .ihtn'I attempt ti, Imo rap o0
.11r .ervfre unless it im _INeed w•i•II
Hotel Taller
800 Rooms - 800 Baths
$2.50 per - Day and up
C, C. SCHANTZ, Gen. Mgr.
GEO. STEWART. Florist.
Deckling Itunciws-Floral Designs
:1 cp.tiagy- - 11 dna.
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
Life (Sun Life), Accident and
Auto Insurance
House. and Lots in Goderich and
Vicinity, and Farm. for Sale
Sp•Cinl for Kale Ila- ..•.•I spry
chimp, a mem-room hollow in ex-
cellent condition, Knot Appear-
ance, with one sere n1 land, gond
soil, upon which there are about 50
• smarted tntit trees, also arnp es and
email trona and a ,'o.l garden
r plot. Located south sunset Ilo-
tel, fine lake view.
Price for ,flick role, f0.
Terms -4200 down cash; bal-
ance on easy terms. immediate
ponresion given. For all pnrtint-
al n see or write
Above Parsons' Fair
P. 0. Bog BD Goderich, Ont.
Small D e`po {Li
Do not daisy • sa deposit trio account of its ma"
rise. Sman reviler pal t11 0ant to a subetan-
tial sum.
One dollar opens a wimpt1 rR at any ,rand) of
the Union Hanle. seg a
Goderieh Branch F. Woolcombe,•Manager
t' k fii tin,• »un
enol' uss.w•iatiuL. silo• Imre cnQeal - A girl itottskier' her college elts-a-
red to frame a eonlprrbtutilt, rule .tion a •owes.. ' i1 -•li. to to quit
Ifig- -.ugh care- in pima tin, -the- imoj
Man ant thing ,Ise. A great major'•
n- •.f P..t faulting 1. dole to hitt ink-
.-e!thld the base line In.fore pert-- TIIIS PALE (iRAV. CREPE DIE
Otir. -A• now,* Foglia', tennis (MINE FRO( k 114.4t4;411,' EINE-
Authority. %Valise:. Myers. punt his IN PLE %TED FRONT
root behind the before serving.
I in as aoon a+ he Hiroo. the ball in-
to the- sir. pitt40.--0 to the, line
4111,1 then shuffles it a the line be-
fore he hit. the hall. .111-4 eareb..s.
11055 . When it 1. 11011114.11 1/111 Min
he atop., but 1 have seen hint play
whole set and foot -faith -TM everrzer-1
carefttlly watching yourself 401191 you
are owning awl rememlwr that both
feet:11101ot be behind the line when the
ball Is hit and one of them contime
There is nothing so disturbing to a
player during Match as to have a
crosses the line before the racquet
nmeh am If you nerve the ball Ont of
the entire
13. The Forehand Drive
The atrokes of lawn tennis can be
clnositied in the following order of
importalle1s: Sereke. forehand drive.
backhand drive. hack and forehand
volleying. overhead volleying. atop
volleying. chop and cut strokes. and
the lob nnd the drop allot. The
ftnimintion of every first -clams game
is good ground ottntimat and the prin-
cipal queation of theta. ho 4.111111110411041
fit the forehand drive.
It 1184 been proved withont ques-
tion that the straight forehand drive
with- top apin is the moat effective
stroke. as It gives the hall more
rapid trajectory and In eonnequence
an increased area to play Into. Your
your knees elightly bent for the fore -
to come fors:a:pi before the hnll
reaehea you. bet your arm swing
forward naturally. When your nrm
is level with the eentre of ;amt. hale
your :a -Hat trill gradually turn over
rind your knockleit wIll be toeing the
ak'y at the end. of the atroke; your
right shouider win hare come for-
wnrd and the trunk of your body '
lw facing the net with ti••• weigh'
then almost entirely on the left foot.
Thia stroke Imparts top spin to the
Will. tints bringing it down hi 'the
latter part ••f the flight.. Don't at-
tempt to bring the ball into the oth-
er court. by bringing the head of the
Gray is fanning In
fashion agniti. after a prolonged
Period when beige 11:1•4 .1111 1101 fav-
ored tone.
•• The new simmer grays are eery
11111I pegtel frocks of WM, are
Hoy of the thinner materials. 1',•ile
1.1 1111441 111411Udell III MIN ltd.
The luny crepe de thine arras
11•11VP. plain 1104TII the front
and adds no Motet belt for adorn-
ment. The model add. long *terve.
little hat is pole gray teit.
Mari ,
reit C. Wilsey. violittlet : Mrs.' -Fil-
11.17.; 8144 fironilert1it.
Albany Strom! Theatre
4 !Oat...College of Home
Dinner program by Ho -
New Hooka." lo. Willinnt F. Jakob.
librnrinn. General Electrie -Co. ..
Thayer. soprano.
10:30 p.m. -Organ rerlfal by fife
piton F lioiaelnIr from Proctor'. liar -
ma mis Rleeeker Hall. Albany. N. l'.
Friday. May 22. 1:99 p.m. -Mitotic;
all. American Medical Association. ,
5:1111 'pm.-Internntional Sunday
*tool Lewton.
Jack is Twenty -One
To -day •
1('K isitwe'tlly-.ate to -clay. But he
ore titan a man's year• to -his
credit. He has nue thou -ants dol.
tars in the hank.
It has grown with a prttrtie•tt1-smother'•
love, from the initial •Elgn=it of -one
dollar on the first-hirtthJay twenty -
years, ago.
Youth and-ogr-alike bear wit IIess-to•IIte--
value of steadily building- a Savings
Bonk Account. Your child as n dr:
positor, will attain a higher standing
in the community, fancily_ , or, /nom,
important, in his own estimation
Open a savings account for the child.
GODERICH BRANCH -C. L. Jeckaon, Manager
Marls alas at hayfield and Dunt
Goderish to Detroit and Return
%rriiiiiz Port Huron 1.:;11 1; in, Detroit 5.30 p.m.
Returning Ira Detroit 1 p init. The only boat
trip from t;oderich iletiol "his .easoM children la-tn.-en ot awl
troll. A delightful, trip- 11TVI 111.. CTI1111 int••ritational. IdgIrwity of
lake, nnil rivers. --
1.,1-, coderi,11 Detr,•it. Fridley. June 12th, 'it to:at atm
AWorld-wide System
Of Financial Service
BY: •
telephone yOu can talk with your neighbour or
with an individual thousands of miles away. By
telegraph you can span the continent; by cable your
message cart girdle the eo.rth.
In like manner you can use the service or the
Bank of Montreal in little or large measure
as the occasion demands.
You can transact business of a purely loc.?! nature
or enter into financial dealings with. people in any
Like the telephone, telegraph or cable, our system
of financial service is as extensive as are the needs
of our customers. '
Eitabliahed crver 100 -years